Latihan Soal PTS Kelas 9

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A: Hi Syifa, I won the speech contest yesterday. I won the first prize, I’m so happy. I will join the
national speech contest. I’m so nervous

B: ….. Kaz for winning the speech contest

A: Thanks

A. Congratulations

B. Hope

C. Wish

D. So that


A: Nina, wish me luck. I will join the competition of dancing

B: Of course, good luck. I …. you will win the competition

A: Thank you so much

A. Disagree

B. Agree

C. Congratulations

D. Wish


A: Congratulation for winning the math competition

B: ….

A. I agree with you

B. Thank you very much

C. I disagree with you

D. I wish I won it


A: Congratulations for passing your exam

B: ….

A. Thanks. I wish I could there

B. Thanks. I hope you will be fine

C. Thanks. I hope I can get good score

D. Thanks. I wish you were here


A: I won the story telling competition last week

B: ….

A. Congratulations for winning the competition

B. I hope you will get well soon

C. I wish you would be here

D. Congratulations for getting married


A: I wish you were here with me when I had bad situation

B: ….

A. I am happy for you

B. Congratulations for your bad situation

C. I am so sorry, I couldn’t do that

D. I hope you will win


Dear My Aunt

Congratulations on giving baby birth. I hope you both will be okay. Stay happy and healthy. I’m going
to visit you and the baby tomorrow with my mom.

Love you

Your Niece

What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To wish her niece on giving baby birth

B. To hope her baby on birthday party

C. To congratulate the baby on getting better

D. To congratulate her aunt on giving the baby birth


A: Why should we study harder?

B: ….

A. To be healthy

B. To get healthy lung

C. To pass the exam

D. To get fresh air


A: What for do we take some rest when we get sick?

B: ….

A. In order to get well soon

B. In order to get good score

C. In order to pass the exam

D. In order to get money


A: Why should we eat fruits and vegetables?

B: …..

A. So that we will get much money

B. So that we will have good job

C. So that we will get good score

D. So that we will be healthy


A: We should not be noisy in the hospital. Because there are many patients

B: ….

A. I don’t think so, we have right to do what we want to

B. I don’t agree with you, we can do anything in the hospital

C. I agree, but sometimes I want to do what I want to

D. I agree with you, we should keep quiet in order to not disturb them


A: They should not come late for the meeting. The others will wait them for so long because they
have come since yesterday

B: …

A. I disagree with you

B. That’s not a good idea

C. Absolutely, agree

D. I don’t think so

A: We should get vaccinated, so that we can get avoided of COVID-19

B: ….

A. I’m not sure about that

B. I think so

C. I don’t think so

D. I disagree with you

Jawaban: B

This picture for the questions number 14 to 20


What is the name of the product?

A. Cough mixture of formula 440

B. 75 ml

C. Pinux

D. Children’s cough syrup


What is the name of the brand?

A. Pinux

B. 75 ml

C. Not available

D. Children’s cough syrup


Howmuch is the amount of the product?

A. Keep it away from children

B. Keep it in moderate temperature

C. Formula 440

D. 75 ml


What is the best storage for this product?

A. Keep it in warm temperature

B. Keep it in moderate temperature

C. Keep it in freezer

D. Keep it in hot temperature


“Use medicine according to physician’s instruction”

What is the meaning of the text above?

A. It means that we can use the medicine whenever

B. It means that we can use the medicine only once

C. It means that we can not use the medicine

D. It means that we can use the medicine according to the instruction


When is the expiry date?

A. January 2023

B. December 2022

C. November 2021

D. Not available

What is the closest meaning of the word physician?

A. Pharmacist

B. Nurse

C. Doctor

D. Patient

The text is for number 21-25

Text for number 21 – 25

15. What does the word “them” in step 2 refer to?

A. Onion, bamboo skewers and salad

B. Cubes of lamb and onions

C. Cubes of Lamb, onion, and square of green pepper

D. Squares of green pepper and onion

16. What does the writer write the text for?

A. To tell how to make Tikka Kebab

B. To inform how to serve a salad.

C. To explain how to make salad

D. To discuss how to make cubes of lamb

17. How many ingredients are needed to make Tikka Kebab?





18. What is the step after marinating the lambs and onion squares?

A. Cutting onion into quarter

B. Grilling the lambs and onion squares

C. Serving the lambs and onion squares

D. Putting the lambs and onion squares

19. What is the last step?

A. Cut inions into quarters

B. Put cubes of lambs on bamboo skeweres

C. Grill them

D. Serve them with a salad

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