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Qognify VisionHub

Administrator Application
User Guide
April 2021

Version 6.0
Rev. 00
Copyright 2021 Qognify. All rights reserved.

All information contained herein is confidential, proprietary and the exclusive property of Qognify
Ltd and its affiliates (“Qognify”). This document and any parts thereof must not be reproduced,
copied, disclosed or distributed without Qognify's written approval and any content or information
hereof shall not be used for any unauthorized purpose. The software described herein and any
other feature or tools are provided "AS IS" and without any warranty or guarantee of any kind.

CHAPTER 1 About This Guide 9

1.1 Who Should Read This Guide 9
1.2 Administrator Overview 9

CHAPTER 2 Getting Started 10

2.1 Logging into/out of Administrator Application 10
2.2 Changing a Password 12
2.3 Viewing the Server Connection Status 13
2.4 Managing Connected Users 13

CHAPTER 3 User Interface 14

3.1 The Default Application Screen 14
3.2 Application Header Menus and Tools 15

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 17

4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles 18
4.1.1 Navigating the Roles White Board 22
4.1.2 Understanding Default Roles 23
4.1.3 Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles 26
4.1.4 Searching Roles 29
4.1.5 Editing Roles 29
4.1.6 Copying Roles 30
4.1.7 Managing Role Authorization Permissions 31
4.1.8 Managing Role Options 57
4.1.9 Changing a User's Role 62
4.2 Defining User Login and Password Authentication 62
4.3 Defining the User Identity Provider 66
4.3.1 Prerequisites for Using Azure AD 66
4.3.2 Defining the Identity Provider 69
4.4 Applying a Privacy Statement 70

CONTENTS │VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 5 Defining External Login Authentication (SSO) 73
5.1 Overview 73
5.2 Adding Domain Groups 74
5.3 Discovering Domain Groups 76
5.4 Importing/Exporting Domain Groups 77
5.5 Associating a Role with Domain Groups 78

CHAPTER 6 Defining VisionHub Users 80

6.1 Adding Users 80
6.2 Editing User Properties 83
6.3 Assigning Users to Job Titles 83
6.4 Managing Connected Users 84

CHAPTER 7 Defining ACS External Users 87

7.1 Discovering External Users 87
7.2 Importing External ACS Users into Administrator 90
7.3 Linking External ACS Users to VisionHub Users 91

CHAPTER 8 Managing Scheduled Tasks 94

8.1 Adding Scheduled Tasks 95
8.2 Deleting Scheduled Tasks 97
8.3 Viewing and Editing Scheduled Tasks Properties 98
8.4 Enabling/Disabling Scheduled Tasks 99
8.5 Running Scheduled Tasks on Demand 100
8.6 Adding New Scheduled Task Groups 100
8.7 Moving a Scheduled Task to a Different Group 100
8.8 Viewing Scheduled Task Occurrences 101

CHAPTER 9 Auditing VisionHub Events 102

9.1 Auditing Procedures 102
9.2 Defining Audit Event Retrieval 104

CHAPTER 10 Defining Sounds 105

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 107
11.1 Adding and Managing Rules 107
11.2 Managing Rule Conditions 108
11.2.1 Defining Conditions 109

CONTENTS │VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

11.2.2 Sentence Condition Tables 112
11.3 Managing Automatic Actions 119
11.3.1 Overview 119
11.3.2 Adding/Deleting Automatic Actions 119
11.3.3 "Open New Incident" Rule Automatic Action Behavior 121
11.3.4 Activating an Action in the Incident Owner’s Terminal 123
11.3.5 Collaboration Data Settings in Actions 124
11.3.6 Action Options 126

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 146

12.1 Overview 147
12.2 The Sensors View Interface 147
12.3 Understanding Sensor Modes, States and Door Commands 150
12.4 Building and Managing the Entity Group Tree 152
12.4.1 Overview 153
12.4.2 Adding Entity Groups 154
12.4.3 Editing Entity Groups 156
12.4.4 Reordering Entities in a Group 157
12.4.5 Showing/Hiding a Group 158
12.4.6 Changing the Mode of Group Entities Globally 158
12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors 159
12.5.1 Overview 160
12.5.2 Adding Sensors with the Discovery Feature 161
12.5.3 Running Sensors Discovery 161
12.5.4 Editing Sensors 167
12.5.5 Managing Sensor Gateways 170
12.5.6 Setting Sensor Event Time Intervals 173
12.6 Adding External Monitors and Video Walls 174
12.6.1 Defining Video Wall Display Layout 175
12.6.2 Adding Video Walls 177
12.7 Defining Tours 180
12.8 Viewing Live Video 183
12.9 Managing Pages 184
12.9.1 Overview 184
12.9.2 Editing Page Properties 185
12.9.3 Managing Page Permissions 186
12.9.4 Viewing Page Content 187

CONTENTS │VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

12.10 Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace 187
12.10.1 Overview 188
12.10.2 Filtering the Display of Entities in the Workspace 188
12.10.3 Searching for Entities 190
12.10.4 Relating (Associating) Entities 190
12.10.5 Moving Entities between Groups 192
12.10.6 Deleting Entities 194
12.10.7 Changing a Sensor's State/Mode 195

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 196

13.1 Overview 196
13.2 The Maps View Interface 196
13.3 Defining Maps in the Map Views Pane 197
13.4 Editing Map View Properties 200
13.5 Adding an Image to a Defined Map 200
13.6 Adding and Managing Layers 201
13.7 Placing Entity Icons on a Map 204
13.7.1 Overview 204
13.7.2 Placing Camera/Sensor/Group Icons on a Map 205
13.7.3 Placing Marker Icons on Maps 207
13.8 Defining a Camera’s Field of Vision (FOV) 210

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 213

14.1 Using the Map Views Pane 213
14.2 Adding and Managing Map Favorites 216
14.3 Adding Labels to a Map 218
14.4 Drawing Lines on a Map 220
14.5 Resizing Maps (Zoom) 222
14.6 Panning Maps 223
14.7 Taking a Snapshot of a Map 223
14.8 Measuring the Distance and Area between Objects on a 2D Map 223
14.9 Viewing Map Entity Properties on a Map 225
14.10 Showing/Hiding the Field of View (FOV) of all Cameras on a Map 226

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 228

15.1 Controlling Entities from the Map Toolbox 229
15.2 Acknowledging Sensor/Camera Alarms from a Map 229
15.3 Showing/Hiding a Camera's Field of Vision (FOV) 230

CONTENTS │VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

15.4 Changing a Camera's FOV Data 231
15.5 Arming, Disarming, and Bypassing Sensors/Cameras from a Map 232
15.6 Emulating Alarm, Failure, Tamper from a Map 233
15.7 Resetting Sensors/Cameras from a Map 234
15.8 Operating Doors from a Map 235
15.9 Moving Camera/Sensor Icons on a Map 236
15.10 Changing an Entity’s Location on a Map 237
15.11 Adding Scheduled Tasks from a Map 238
15.12 Removing an Entity from a Map 239
15.13 Rotating a PTZ Camera's Icon on a Map 240
15.14 Controlling Markers on a Map 240

CHAPTER 16 Defining Multi-Sites 243

16.1 Overview 243
16.2 Adding/Deleting Remote Sites 245
16.3 Editing Remote Sites 247
16.4 Cloning Remote Sites 248
16.5 Disabling/Enabling Remote Sites 249
16.6 Searching Remote Sites 250

CHAPTER 17 Managing Monitored Services 251

CHAPTER 18 Defining Administrator Application Options 253
CHAPTER 19 Editing Site Configuration 255
CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 258
20.1 Alarming Intrusion and Fire Sensor Use Cases 259
20.2 Forced Door Use Case 263
20.3 Injury and Crime Use Cases 265
20.4 Field Work Monitoring and External Visitor Incident Types and Procedures 268
20.5 Pandemic Alert Use Case 271

APPENDIX A Terms and Abbreviations 274

CONTENTS │VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 1 About This Guide 1.1 Who Should Read This Guide

CHAPTER 1 About This Guide

1.1 Who Should Read This Guide
The information and procedures described in this document are for use by Qognify personnel or system administrators
qualified to install and use Qognify Administrator Application.

Take a few minutes to review the material in this guide and familiarize yourself with the Qognify Administrator
Application Setup program before you attempt to install it.

1.2 Administrator Overview

The VisionHub Administrator Application provides management tools for administrators with appropriate permissions
to configure and manage an organization's logical entities and processes, such as: resources cameras/sensors, sensor
groups, tours, pages attributes and order, etc.), maps and visualization (map views, layers, map entities, etc.), user
security administration (users, authorization roles, authentication policies, etc.), adaptive response through rule-based
plans and procedures, automatic task scheduling, video wall external monitor layouts and remote sites.

By default, the VisionHub installation includes some predefined content already built-in to simplify its configuration. This
predefined content also serves as sample use cases to enhance system deployment by making proven content available.
You can either customize the included content definitions to your needs, or use them as examples in creating your own
custom content.

The built-in default content includes:

Roles – Administrator, Supervisor, Operator with relevant authorization permissions. Refer to Understanding
Default Roles on page 23.
Incident generation content – Fully functional incident content that includes predefined Incident Types, rules for
triggering an incident, automatic actions, procedures and Quick Launch buttons. For more information, refer to
Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling on page 258.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 9

CHAPTER 2 Getting Started 2.1 Logging into/out of Administrator Application

CHAPTER 2 Getting Started

2.1 Logging into/out of Administrator Application 10

2.2 Changing a Password 12

2.3 Viewing the Server Connection Status 13

2.4 Managing Connected Users 13

2.1 Logging into/out of Administrator Application

Administrator Application provides default credentials for your initial log in session. It is recommended that you create
an administrator policy with different login credentials than the defaults provided. Refer to Defining User Login and
Password Authentication on page 62 for more information.

To log into the application:

1. Double-click the Qognify VisionHub Management Applications icon on your deskt
2. Double-click the Administrator Application shortcut.
3. Do one of the following:

If AzureAD authentication is implemented for your system, a Microsoft Sign In window

opens. See also Defining the User Identity Provider on page 66. Click your account and
enter password. If you need to change the account, click the arrow next to the user name
and change or add an account.

10 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 2 Getting Started 2.1 Logging into/out of Administrator Application

If no external login provider is implemented, The Administrator Application log in window opens.

Type the default user name and password:

Username: admin
Password: admin

NOTE: You can authenticate users through an external login provider such as Azure Active
Directory or Active Directory SSO. In VisionHub, To implement use, define the Active
Directory within User Roles. Refer to Defining and Managing User Security Roles on
page 18

NOTE: After logging in to the application for the first time, you can change your password
from the default password (admin). It is recommended to change the password periodically
to prevent unauthorized entries.

4. A Privacy Statement window opens upon login. Do the following:

a. Read through the statement and select the I have read and accept the privacy statement check box.
b. Click Save. The statement acknowledgment is saved in the system and will not appear next time you log
into the system, unless the statement changes.
If you click Close, the privacy statement acknowledgment is not saved and will appear every time you log
into the application.
To review and acknowledge the statement after closing it - from the Help menu select Privacy

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 11

CHAPTER 2 Getting Started 2.2 Changing a Password

The Administrator Application main window opens.

To log out of the application:

1. On the far right side of the Administrator Application header toolbar, click the user name and select Log Out. A
confirmation message appears.
2. To exit, click Yes.

2.2 Changing a Password

As an Administrator Application user, you can change your password or role at any time.

12 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 2 Getting Started 2.3 Viewing the Server Connection Status

NOTE: A successful login credential is made up of a valid user name and password and must satisfy
several additional password policy restrictions, such as: password length, special characters, number of
failures to log in before access is denied, etc. Refer to Defining User Login and Password Authentication
on page 62 for more information.

To change your password:

1. From the Tools menu, click Change Password. The Change Password dialog box opens.
2. Perform the following:

a. In the Old Password field, type the current password.

b. In the New Password, type the new password.
c. In the Confirm New Password field, retype the new password.
3. Click OK.

2.3 Viewing the Server Connection Status

The server connection icon provides Administrator Application users with a visual indication of the server connection
status: The Connection button appears at the top-right the right of the header toolbar, next to the user name:

Button Description

Connected You are connected to the web server.

To see server status information, click this connection button.

Disconnected You are disconnected from the web server. Contact your IT person.

You can click the icon to display a status message.

2.4 Managing Connected Users

Authorized users can view and manage all users currently connected to the Control application. Refer to Managing
Connected Users on page 84.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 13

CHAPTER 3 User Interface 3.1 The Default Application Screen

CHAPTER 3 User Interface

3.1 The Default Application Screen 14

3.2 Application Header Menus and Tools 15

This section provides a reference for the Administrator Application windows and toolbars.

3.1 The Default Application Screen

A description of the Administrator Application screen and navigation icons is provided in the figure and table below.

Item Description

Application navigation From here you can access the:

Maps view: Maps are used to provide a physical representation of the security
operation scene. Refer to The Maps View Interface on page 196.
Sensors view: A unified management module for all of your organization's logical
entities. Refer to The Sensors View Interface on page 147.
Administration view: The Administration view is the default view when you open
the application.

14 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 3 User Interface 3.2 Application Header Menus and Tools

Item Description

Administration view A navigation tree that enables accessing the various administration modules in order to
Modules pane configure and manage:

Users and external users

Security roles and authentication
Automatic scheduled tasks
Audited events
Sensors discovery and gateways
External video walls and monitors
Remote sites
Monitored services

Administration view The workspace provides configuration and management tools for each administration
modules workspace module.

3.2 Application Header Menus and Tools

A description of the Administrator application header menus and toolbar is provided below.

Item Description

View menu Menu from which you can refresh the application or navigate to one of the views.

Tools menu Menu from which you can:

Change your password. Refer to Changing a Password on page 12.

Change your role. Refer to Changing a User's Role on page 62.
Change application settings. Refer to Defining Administrator Application Options
on page 253.
Change Site Configuration, such as whether the username appears in the OSD.
Refer to Editing Site Configuration on page 255.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 15

CHAPTER 3 User Interface 3.2 Application Header Menus and Tools

Item Description

Help menu Menu from which you can:

Access the online Help

View the application version number and copyright statement
View and acknowledge the Privacy Statement

Connected Users Enables authorized users to view and manage all users currently connected to the
button Control application. Refer to Defining VisionHub Users on page 80.

Status button Icon toggles from connected to disconnected if connection to server is lost.

Logged In User Displays the currently connected user name with option to log out. Refer to Logging
into/out of Administrator Application on page 10.

16 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security

4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles 18

4.1.1 Navigating the Roles White Board 22

4.1.2 Understanding Default Roles 23

4.1.3 Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles 26

4.1.4 Searching Roles 29

4.1.5 Editing Roles 29

4.1.6 Copying Roles 30

4.1.7 Managing Role Authorization Permissions 31

4.1.8 Managing Role Options 57

4.1.9 Changing a User's Role 62

4.2 Defining User Login and Password Authentication 62

4.3 Defining the User Identity Provider 66

4.3.1 Prerequisites for Using Azure AD 66

4.3.2 Defining the Identity Provider 69

4.4 Applying a Privacy Statement 70

VisionHub is a multi-user environment, offering strong and flexible support for user authentication and permissions.
Highly customizable, VisionHub enables organizations to configure security settings to the organization’s specific needs.

NOTE: Only users with "manage" privileges can manage user authorizations and authentication.

Security components include:

User security role for defining a user's access to various VisionHub functionalities and resources
User authentication for managing policies for user login sessions through password restrictions, the number of
login failure attempts permissible, and terminal login restrictions

As an administrative user, you configure security roles and authentication policies for all users in the organization. Once
these are defined, you can apply them to users.

The workflow for defining user security includes:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 17

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

1. Defining and Managing User Security Roles below

2. Defining User Login and Password Authentication on page 62
3. Defining VisionHub Users on page 80
4. Assigning Users to Roles on page 57

Users and user passwords can also be stored in an authentication provider outside of the VisionHub Server (such as
Microsoft Active Directory). This enables users to automatically authenticate via Single Sign-On (SSO) to VisionHub
using their Windows login credentials without having to manually enter their credentials.

For information about Defining the User Identity Provider on page 66‫ו‬

For information about enabling SSO for VisionHub, refer to Defining External Login Authentication (SSO) on page 73.

4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

4.1.1 Navigating the Roles White Board 22

4.1.2 Understanding Default Roles 23

4.1.3 Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles 26

4.1.4 Searching Roles 29

4.1.5 Editing Roles 29

4.1.6 Copying Roles 30

4.1.7 Managing Role Authorization Permissions 31

4.1.8 Managing Role Options 57

4.1.9 Changing a User's Role 62

VisionHub provides hierarchical, role-based authorization policies. Each VisionHub user is assigned a security role, or
"role", which determines that user’s access to various VisionHub functions, and an authentication policy, which
determines that user's login permissions. Examples of roles include: operators, building managers and patrol officers.

NOTE: You can add up to 200 parent roles in a large site and up to 30 roles in a small site. For more
information, refer to Site(s) Capacity in the VisionHub System Requirements Guide.

VisionHub's highly flexible inherited permissions mechanism enables administrators to define authorization permissions
on a highly granular level. An administrative user with "manage role" privileges can create a role with defined
authorization permissions and then assign it to multiple users, thus saving the need to repeatedly define the same
authorization settings for each user. The user can then create a child role, which inherits the permissions of the parent

18 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

role, and modify the permissions rather than start from scratch. Likewise, the user can link a parent role to another
parent role so the child linked to both parents inherits both parents' permissions. For more information about
authorization permissions and inheritance, refer to Managing Role Authorization Permissions on page 31.

Organizations can build their role hierarchy trees using a number of different logical approaches for maximum efficiency.
Before creating your tree, think about the most effective structure for your organization. The design of your tree should
support its purpose.

For example, when building the tree for a site, the administrator might take a "top-down" approach by first creating a
grandparent ("super administrator") role with all permissions and then adding parents and children. Using this approach,
the administrator reduces the scope of permissions, generation by generation. By denying permissions to the parents,
the permissions are also denied to the children. The administrator can then further limit the permissions of the children
without affecting the parents and grandparent.

"Top-Down" Permission Inheritance Hierarchy:

Alternatively, the administrator might take a "bottom-up" approach by first creating the children with a reduced set of
permissions, then creating the parents, who inherit the permissions in the children plus more permissions, and finally,
creating the grandparent - who inherits the permissions in both the parents and children - and allowing all permissions.

"Bottom-Up" Permission Inheritance Hierarchy:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 19

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

If an authorization permission is denied in a child role, it is not automatically denied in the parent role. However, if it is
denied in the parent role, it is automatically denied in the child role and cannot be allowed as long as the roles are linked.
A parent role linked to child roles cannot be deleted until the children are deleted.

A parent role can be associated to another parent role and then both parent roles linked to child roles. The children of
these linked parents inherit the permissions from both parents, as shown in the images above.

Roles can also be copied. The duplicated role inherits the permissions of the original role. However, duplicate roles are
not linked, thus they are not both affected when one is denied or allowed authorization permissions.

The hierarchical, role-based authorization policy environment enables administration delegation, allowing an
organization to manage multi-tenancy needs. For example, a cloud VMS solution might require the super administrator
to allocate a subset of the permissions\cameras to the administrator of each of the cloud tenants. Thus, each cloud
tenant administrator can create a role and users which contain a subset of the permissions\cameras allocated to the

Or, for example, a security manager might want to delegate the security management of a particular department to the
department manager. By creating a "department" role and assigning that role to the department manager, the
department manager can define department-specific authorizations for both users and managing or operating sensors in
that department.

Roles enable the easy modification of the authorization and authentication policies of a user by simply moving the user
to a role associated with different policies. It is also possible to define policies that are inactive at a specific moment, but
that can become active upon the changing security needs within the organization.

The Roles workspace provides a white board that enables users to get an immediate and visual understanding of the
organization's role hierarchy. The roles are clearly color coded and show icons according to their status. In addition,

20 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

arrows show the relationship between linked roles, such as a parent and its children or two associated parents and their

Role status indicated by color and icon:

Icon Color Status

Dark The role either has no children or is the first generation in a grandparent-parent-
blue child hierarchy

Light The role is the middle generation between two generations in a grandparent-
blue parent-child hierarchy

Brown Child role

Role hierarchy trees can be viewed in a number of layouts, including tree up, tree down, tree right, tree left, as a radial
tree, or as a tip-over tree.

Using the zoom - and zoom + buttons or by dragging the zoom slider left or right, you can easily zoom in/zoom out on
roles on the white board. Selecting a role immediately zooms in on the role and grays out surrounding roles, bringing the
selected role into focus on the white board.

The Roles options pane enables authorized users to manage role authorization permissions, add users to roles, associate
parents, and manage domain groups. The Roles options pane can be easily expanded and collapsed as needed.

By default, the system has three built-in roles which contain preset general authorization permissions. For more
information, refer to Understanding Default Roles on page 23.

Administrator - has full authorization to manage all user and role privileges. If you defined Azure AD as the
identity provider, the Administrator becomes a Super Role user. You must re-associate it to the domain group.
Supervisor - has limited permissions to manage operators and system entities (such as incidents, maps, pages,
and video).
Operator - has limited permissions to operate video and incidents.
For more information about role authorization permissions, refer to Managing Role Authorization Permissions on
page 31.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 21

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

4.1.1 Navigating the Roles White Board

The Roles workspace provides a white board that enables users to get an immediate and visual understanding of the
organization's role hierarchy. The roles are clearly color coded, indicating which roles are parents, children and siblings.
In addition, arrows show the relationship between linked roles, such as a parent and its children. The Roles workspace
can be viewed in a number of layout options and you can easily zoom in/zoom out.

To select a layout:
In the lower right corner of the white board, in the Layout drop-down list, select a layout option as desired to view the
role tree structure:

In descending order, click Tree Down.

In ascending order, click Tree Up.
From left to right, click Tree Right.
From right to left, click Tree Left.
As a radial tree where the children roles display in an outer orbit from its parent, click Radial Tree.
As an orthogonal tree where the children roles display in either a single row or a single column, click Tip Over

To zoom in/zoom out:

Do one of the following:

Using the mouse:

a. Click on the white board.

b. To zoom in, roll the mouse scroll wheel up. To zoom out, roll the mouse scroll wheel down.

Using the Zoom In/Zoom Out buttons, at the bottom of the white board:

To zoom in, click the + button.

To zoom out, click the - button.

Using the Zoom slider, at the bottom of the white board:

To zoom in, click and drag the slider handle right.

To zoom out, click and drag the slider handle left.

To bring a role into focus:

In the Roles workspace, select a role. The application zooms in on the selected role and grays out surrounding
roles, bringing the selected role into focus on the white board.
To cancel the focus, click the X in the Roles workspace toolbar.

22 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

To pan the white board:

1. Click on the white board and hold down the left mouse button until the cursor changes to a hand.
2. Holding the left mouse button, move the mouse up or down to pan to the desired location.
3. Release the mouse button.

4.1.2 Understanding Default Roles

By default, the system has three built-in roles which contain preset general authorization permissions:

Administrator - has full authorization to manage all user and role privileges. If you defined Azure AD as the
identity provider, the Administrator becomes a Super Role user. You must re-associate it to the domain group.
Supervisor - has limited permissions to manage operators and system entities (such as incidents, maps, pages,
and video).
Operator - has limited permissions to operate video and incidents.

The permissions automatically included in each default role are provided in the following table. For more information
about authorization permissions, refer to Managing Role Authorization Permissions (see page 38).

Y = Yes

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 23

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

Default Role Permissions:

Permission Administrator Supervisor Operator

Login to Control Y Y Y

Login to Planner Y

Login to Mobile Viewer Y Y Y

Login to Video Configurator Y

Login from External System Y

Login to Administrator Y Y

Manage Services Y

Manage External Users Y

Add User Y

Manage Assignments Y Y

View Connected Users Y Y

Add Role Y

Administrative Operation and Security Management Y

Configure Mobile Viewers Y

Manage Automatic Actions Y

Manage Gateway Y

Allow Investigation Experience Settings Y

Allow Keyboard Settings Y

Allow Notifications Settings Y

Allow General Settings Y

Allow Viewing Experience Settings Y

Add Sensors Y

24 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

Permission Administrator Supervisor Operator

Manage Remote Site Y

Add Tour Y

Add Sensor Group Y

Configure Client Streaming Setup Y

Configure LOS Y

Manage Servers, Devices and Channels Y

Allow Unmasking and Area Y Y

Password Protect Export Y Y

Manage Decoders Y

Manage Video Wall Y

SVR - Reset, Shutdown, Set DLS Y

Access Redundancy Management Y

Manage Triggers Y

Find All Closed Incidents Y Y

Open New Incidents Y Y Y

Add Map Views Y

Operate Markers Y Y Y

Set Default Map View Y

Publish Pages Y Y

Add Public Page Y Y

Add Private Page Y Y Y

View Scheduled Tasks Results Y Y

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 25

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

Permission Administrator Supervisor Operator

Manage Scheduled Tasks Y

Enable\Disable Scheduled Tasks Y

Generate Audit Report Y Y

View Security Role Y

Sensors Y

Configure export and snapshot path Y Y Y

4.1.3 Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles

You can create and delete the roles for which you have "manage role" privileges. Once you create a role and define its
authorization permissions, you can assign it to multiple users, thus eliminating the need to repeatedly define the same
authorization settings for each user. You can then create a child role, which inherits the permissions of the parent role,
and modify the permissions rather than starting from scratch.

For more information about role authorization permissions and assigning users to a role, refer to Managing Role
Authorization Permissions on page 31.

NOTE: When deleting roles, you cannot delete a parent role without first deleting its children or removing
its associated parent roles.

When you create a role, it is automatically given a name by the system. You must edit it to change the name. Refer to
Editing Roles on page 29.

To add security roles:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.

2. In the Modules pane, click Roles. The Roles workspace opens.

26 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

3. In the Roles workspace toolbar, click the Add New Role button. The Add New Role dialog box opens.

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CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

4. In the Role Configuration tab, define the role name and description.
5. Click Save.

To add children roles to a parent:

1. In the Roles workspace, right-click the role you want to add a child to and then click Add Child Role. A brown
role (indicating the role is a child) is created and an arrow linking the parent to the new child is drawn.
2. To edit the new child role's properties, refer to Editing Roles on the facing page.

To delete a role:
1. In the Roles workspace, right-click the role you want to delete and then click Delete Role. A confirmation
message appears.
2. To delete, click Yes. To cancel the deletion, click No.

28 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

4.1.4 Searching Roles

When working with your organization's role hierarchy in the Roles workspace, you can use the search feature to easily
find a role.

To find a role:
1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles. The Roles workspace opens.
3. In the Roles workspace toolbar, in the Search for roles search bar, start typing the desired role. Roles matching
your keystrokes are highlighted in the list.
4. Click the relevant role in the list. The application zooms in on the selected role and grays out surrounding roles,
bringing the selected role into focus.

To cancel the search:

In the Roles workspace toolbar, in the Search for roles search bar, click X.

4.1.5 Editing Roles

Editing roles consists of changing role names and descriptions, as well as managing domain group associations. You can
edit roles and associated roles for which you have "manage role" privileges.

NOTE: When you create a role, it is automatically given a name by the system. You must edit it to change
the name.

To edit a role:
1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.The Roles workspace opens.

3. Right-click a role and click Edit Role. The Edit Role dialog box opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 29

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

4. In the Role configuration tab, edit name and description.

5. To manage domain group associations, refer toDefining External Login Authentication (SSO) on page 73.
6. Click Save.

4.1.6 Copying Roles

Copying roles enables you to duplicate a role, along with its authorization permission and user assignments, like a
template. However, unlike a child role, which is also a duplication of the parent role, the copied role is not linked to the
original role. You can copy roles you have "manage role" privileges for.

To copy a role:
1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.The Roles workspace opens.
3. Right-click a role and click Copy Role.The role is now copied and the word "Copy" is added to its name to
indicate that it is a copy.

30 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

4.1.7 Managing Role Authorization Permissions

VisionHub provides a highly flexible and customizable hierarchy, role-based authorization policy environment, which
enables you to define parent and children roles as well as associate parent roles. Parent and children roles are linked,
which means the children roles inherit the authorization settings of the parent role. Children linked to a parent
associated with a second parent inherit authorization settings from both parents.

The rules of inheritance are as follows:

Changes made to authorization permissions in the parent role are automatically changed in its children.
However, changes made to the children are not automatically changed in the parent.

A denied authorization setting always takes precedence over an allowed authorization setting:

If an authorization permission is denied in a parent role, you cannot allow it for the child.
When two parents are associated and both are linked to the same child, if an authorization setting is
allowed to one parent but denied to the second parent, it will be denied to the child as well. However, if the
authorization setting is allowed to both parents, it will also be allowed to the child.
A parent role linked to child roles cannot be deleted until the children are deleted.

To initiate Role Permission management:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.The Roles workspace opens.

3. Right-click a role and click Manage Role. The Edit Role dialog box opens (General tab).

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 31

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

When enabling/disabling authorizations, you will be selecting or clearing Allow and Deny check boxes in the Manage Role
pane authorization tabs.

NOTE: Only a user with 'Manage Roles ' permission allowed in his role can access the Manage Role pane.

NOTE: The Role management pane can be undocked and moved as needed.

When an authorization setting is inherited, it is grayed out in the Manage Role authorization tabs, as described in the
table below.

Table Legend:

X - Check box not selected: no authorization is set

Y - Check box selected: an allow or deny authorization is set
G - Check box selected but grayed out: an allow or deny authorization is inherited from a parent role

NOTE: An authorization setting in bold text indicates that a change was made to the setting.

32 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

NOTE: "Managing" privileges depend on "Viewing". Therefore, when you select a "Managing" check box,
the "View" check box is automatically checked with a grayed-out check.

In some cases, all permissions are dependent upon "Managing" privileges. Selecting a "Managing" check
box automatically selects all dependent permissions with a grayed-out check.

Authorization Settings Check Box Description:

Description Allow Check box Deny Check box

No authorization is set. X X

Allow is inherited from a parent role and cannot be changed. G

You can still deny the authorization.

Deny is inherited from a parent role and cannot be changed. G

Allow is inherited from a parent role. G Y

You denied the authorization.

You allowed the authorization. Y X

You denied the authorization. X Y

Authorizations setting are provided on a highly granular level, giving you to the ability to fully customize authorization
policies for individual entities and groups of entities.

The permissions are divided into the following tabs:

Quick Launch

The following sections describe how to set permissions in each of these tabs.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 33

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

Defining General Permissions

The General tab provides authorization permissions for pages, maps, video, administration, application login, sensors,
scheduler, incidents, and audit reports. The sections of the tab can be expanded/collapsed by clicking the arrow next to
the section header.

When Allowed This

Users Can Do This In These Applications


Login to Control Log in to the VisionHub Control Web application. Control

Login to Planner Log in to the VisionHub Planner application. Planner

Login to Mobile Viewer Log in to the VisionHub Mobile Viewer application. Mobile Viewer

Login to Video Log in to the VisionHub Video Configurator application. Video Configurator

Login to Administrator Log in to the VisionHub Administrator application. Administrator

Login from External



Manage Services View Monitored Services module. Administrator

Add/delete/update services in the monitored services list.

Manage External Users View Users Discovery module in the Administration view. Administrator
Send badge status change to the gateway and update the

Add User Discover users from the gateway and add/delete/update users. Administrator

34 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

When Allowed This

Users Can Do This In These Applications

Manage Assignments Manage assignments, including: Administrator

View assignments
Set, update, activate, insert and/or delete new and/or
recurring shift plans and/or shift plan assignments.
Activate/delete shift plan by ID.
Assign button in the Assignments module.

View Connected Users View and manage all users currently connected to the Control Administrator
web application.

Add Role Add a new role in the Roles workspace. Administrator

Administrative Associate each user to a job title without taking into Administrator, Planner
Operations and consideration the “Manage Users” permission.
Security Management

Configure Mobile Configure server parameters and data within the Mobile Viewer Mobile Viewer
Viewer application.

Manage Automatic Add/delete/update automatic actions wherever they appear in Administrator, Planner
Actions the system.

Web User Settings

Allow Investigation Enable/disable User Settings permissions. Control

Experience Settings

Allow Keyboard Enable/disable User Settings permissions. Control


Allow Notifications Enable/disable User Settings permissions. Control


Allow General Settings Enable/disable User Settings permissions. Control

Allow Viewing Enable/disable User Settings permissions. Control

Experience Settings

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 35

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

When Allowed This

Users Can Do This In These Applications


Manage Gateway View and manage the Gateways tab in Administration pane. Administrator

Add Sensors Add one or multiple sensors. Administrator

View discovered sensors and import them into VisionHub.
Add sensor delegates.

Manage Remote Site Add/manage remote sites. Administrator

NOTE: User must also have Manage Gateway


Add Tour Add/manage tours. Administrator

Add Sensors Logical Add/manage sensor groups. Administrator



Manage Video Define Video Restrictions. User must also have permissions Control, Administrator,
Restriction Manage User and Manage Security Role. Refer to Control User Video Configurator
Guide, Managing Video Restrictions.

Configure Client Define the bandwidth of video stream between the client and the Control
Streaming Setup recorder in order to ensure the stream will not pass the defined

Configure Level of Configure LOS, which defines the TCP/UDP/Multicast protocol Control
Service (LOS) of video stream between the client and the recorder.

Manage Servers, Manage servers, devices and channels. Video Configurator

Devices and Channels

36 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

When Allowed This

Users Can Do This In These Applications

Allow Unmasking an Allow unmasking an area. Control


NOTE: VMS Advanced Features

Password Protected Add password in the Export wizard while exporting video. Control

Manage Decoders Manage decoders. Video Configurator

Manage Video Walls Add, delete and/or update display video wall layouts. Administrator

SVR - shutdown, Shutdown, perform manual fail over and reset Smart Video Video Configurator
manual fail over, reset Recorders and Daylight Savings Recorders.

Manage Digital Preset Create and edit presets for digital cameras (non-PTZ) Control and

Access Redundancy Access and configure redundancy management. Video Configurator


Manage Triggers Manage triggers. Video Configurator

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 37

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

When Allowed This

Users Can Do This In These Applications

Configure export and Without this permission the Export path is restricted to the Control
snapshot path value set in the Administrator. The permission enables user to
change the Export path in Settings > Investigation experience
and in the Export window. This path is used for snapshots as well
as exported videos. The permission is affected by the User
Settings permission, as follows:

With User Settings permission:

In either the Investigation experience tab or in the Export

window, user may set a new path in the Path field.
In the Investigation experience tab: Both the Reset and
Restore to Default buttons set the Export path to the
setting in the Administrator Tools > Site
In the Export window, the Reset button sets the path
that is in Settings > Investigation experience.

Without User Settings permission:

The Investigation experience tab is not accessible, so user

is not able to change or reset the path there.
In the Export window, only the Reset button is active, and
retrieves the path from Administrator Tools > Site


Find All Closed Access and use the Closed Incidents filter. Control

Export multiple Export incidents report in Excel format according to incident Control
incidents report filter.

Open New Incidents Add a new Incidents. Control


Add Map Views Add/delete/edit map views and layers. Administrator

38 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

When Allowed This

Users Can Do This In These Applications

Operate Markers Add and operate markers. Control, Administrator

Set Default Map View Set a map view as the default view. Administrator


Share/Publish Page to Publish pages. Control

Publish Pages group

Add Public Page Add public pages. Control

Add Private Page Add private pages. Control


View Scheduled Tasks Run Scheduled Tasks by status, task ID, or entity type. Administrator

Manage Scheduled Add/delete/update scheduled tasks. Administrator


Enable or Disable Start/stop scheduled tasks. Administrator

Scheduled Tasks


Generate Audit Report View the Audit Events module, filter events and export events. Administrator

To define General permissions:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.
3. Do one of the following:

To create a new role, refer to Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles on page 26.
To edit a role, refer to Editing Roles on page 29.
4. Do one of the following:

Double-click the role you created or want to edit.

Right-click the role and then click Manage Role.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 39

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

The Manage Roles workspace opens (the General tab opens by default).

5. Click the General tab if not already displayed.

6. For each of the permissions listed, select Allow or Deny, as necessary. For information about role authorization
inheritance, refer to Managing Role Authorization Permissions on page 31.

NOTE: After setting permissions, a red mark displays next to the tab name, indicating that
changes have been made and have not been saved.

7. Do one of the following:

To apply settings, click Apply.

To cancel settings, click Cancel.
To save settings and close the workspace, click OK.

Defining Quick Launch Permissions

A Quick Launch procedure enables Control operators to trigger an incident with predefined actions in a single-click when
responding to emergency situations.

The Quick Launch tab provides authorization permissions for viewing, adding and managing Quick Launch procedures.

40 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

NOTE: "Managing" privileges depend on "Viewing". Therefore, when you select a "Managing" check box,
the "View" check box is automatically checked with a grayed-out check.

In some cases, all permissions are dependent upon "Managing" privileges. Selecting a "Managing" check
box automatically selects all dependent permissions with a grayed-out check.

Quick Launch Tab Permissions:

When Allowed This Permission Users Can Do This In These Applications

View Quick Launch View Quick Launch procedures. Control

Manage Quick Launch Add/manage Quick Launch procedures. Planner

To define Quick Launch permissions:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.
3. Do one of the following:

To create a new role, refer to Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles on page 26.
To edit a role, refer to Editing Roles on page 29.
4. Do one of the following:

Double-click the role you created or want to edit.

Right-click the role and then click Manage Role.

The Manage Roles workspace opens (the General tab opens by default).

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 41

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

5. Click the Quick Launch tab.

6. In the Quick Launch pane, click the Quick Launch procedure you want to set permissions for. You can use the
search bar to locate a particular item in the Quick Launch pane.

NOTE: Only Quick Launch procedures created in Planner are listed in this section. Refer to the
VisionHubPlanner User Guide for more information.

7. For each of the permissions listed, select Allow or Deny, as necessary. For information about role authorization
inheritance, refer to Managing Role Authorization Permissions on page 31.

NOTE: After setting permissions, a red mark displays next to the tab name, indicating that
changes have been made and have not been saved.

8. Do one of the following:

To apply settings, click Apply.

To cancel settings, click Cancel.
To save settings and close the workspace, click OK.

Defining External Monitors Permissions

A video wall is a wall with monitors that display video. The Monitors tab provides authorization permissions for viewing,
adding and managing monitors.

42 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

NOTE: "Managing" privileges depend on "Viewing". Therefore, when you select a "Managing" check box,
the "View" check box is automatically checked with a grayed-out check.

In some cases, all permissions are dependent upon "Managing" privileges. Selecting a "Managing" check
box automatically selects all dependent permissions with a grayed-out check.

Monitors Tab Permissions:

When Allowed This Permission Users Can Do This In These Applications

View Monitor View monitors Control

Manage Monitor Add/manage monitors Administrator

To define Monitors tab permissions:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.
3. Do one of the following:

To create a new role, refer to Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles on page 26.
To edit a role, refer to Editing Roles on page 29.
4. Do one of the following:

Double-click the role you created or want to edit.

Right-click the role and then click Manage Role.

The Manage Roles workspace opens (the General tab opens by default).

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 43

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

5. Click the Monitors tab.

6. In the Monitors pane, click the Monitor you want to set permissions for. You can use the search bar to locate a
particular item in the Monitors pane.

NOTE: Only discovered Monitors are listed in this section.

7. For each of the permissions listed, select Allow or Deny, as necessary. For information about role authorization
inheritance, refer to Managing Role Authorization Permissions on page 31.

NOTE: After setting permissions, a red mark displays next to the tab name, indicating that
changes have been made and have not been saved.

8. Do one of the following:

To apply settings, click Apply.

To cancel settings, click Cancel.
To save settings and close the workspace, click OK.

Defining Maps Permissions

The Maps tab provides authorization permissions for viewing, adding and managing map views, map layers and
favorites. Permissions can be set for each map view created in Map Views pane. Refer to Managing Maps and Map
Entities on page 213 for more information.

44 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

NOTE: "Managing" privileges depend on "Viewing". Therefore, when you select a "Managing" check box,
the "View" check box is automatically checked with a grayed-out check.

In some cases, all permissions are dependent upon "Managing" privileges. Selecting a "Managing" check
box automatically selects all dependent permissions with a grayed-out check.

Maps Tab Permissions:

When Allowed This In These

Users Can Do This
Permission Applications



View Map View View Map View. Control and


Manage Map View Add/delete/edit Map View. Administrator

View Layer View map layer Control and


Manage Layer Add/delete/edit map layer. Administrator


Manage Layer Entities § Place/move/rotate/delete any entity on map. Administrator

§ Edit link on marker, change marker icon, delete or rename


Add GIS Favorites Add Favorites to layers. Administrator



View Favorite View Favorites. Control and


Manage Favorite Add/delete/edit Favorites. Administrator

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 45

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

To define Maps tab permissions:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.
3. Do one of the following:

To create a new role, refer to Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles on page 26.
To edit a role, refer to Editing Roles on page 29.
4. Do one of the following:

Double-click the role you created or want to edit.

Right-click the role and then click Manage Role.

The Manage Roles workspace opens (the General tab opens by default).

5. Click the Maps tab.

The sections of the tab can be expanded/collapsed by clicking the arrow next to the section header.

6. In the Map Views pane, click the map view you want to set permissions for.

NOTE: Only Map Views added in the Maps view > Map Views pane are listed.

7. In the Items pane, select the map layer or map Favorite you want to set permissions for. The permissions in the
Permissions pane change according to the selected item.

46 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

You can filter to show the items you want to set permissions for as follows: Show Layers, Show Favorites,
Show All.You can also use the search bar to locate a particular item in the Items pane.

8. For each of the permissions listed, select Allow or Deny, as necessary. For information about role authorization
inheritance, refer to Managing Role Authorization Permissions on page 31.

NOTE: After setting permissions, a red mark displays next to the tab name, indicating that
changes have been made and have not been saved.

9. Do one of the following:

To apply settings, click Apply.

To cancel settings, click Cancel.
To save settings and close the workspace, click OK.

Defining Users Permissions

The Users tab provides authorization permissions for viewing, adding and managing users.

NOTE: "Managing" privileges depend on "Viewing". Therefore, when you select a "Managing" check box,
the "View" check box is automatically checked with a grayed-out check.

In some cases, all permissions are dependent upon "Managing" privileges. Selecting a "Managing" check
box automatically selects all dependent permissions with a grayed-out check.

Users Tab Permissions:

When Allowed This Permission Users Can Do This In These Applications

Manage User Add/delete/edit users. Administrator

To define Users tab permissions:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.
3. Do one of the following:

To create a new role, refer to Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles on page 26.
To edit a role, refer to Editing Roles on page 29.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 47

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

4. Do one of the following:

Double-click the role you created or want to edit.

Right-click the role and then click Manage Role.

The Manage Roles workspace opens (the General tab opens by default).

5. Click the Users tab.

6. In the Users pane, click the user you want to set permissions for. You can use the search bar to locate a particular
item in the Users pane.

NOTE: Users added in the Users Administration pane are listed in this pane. Refer to Defining
VisionHub Users on page 80 for more information.

7. For each of the permissions listed, select Allow or Deny, as necessary. For information about role authorization
inheritance, refer to Managing Role Authorization Permissions on page 31.

NOTE: After setting permissions, a red mark displays next to the tab name, indicating that
changes have been made and have not been saved.

8. Do one of the following:

To apply settings, click Apply.

To cancel settings, click Cancel.
To save settings and close the workspace, click OK.

48 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

Defining Roles Permissions

The Roles tab provides authorization permissions for viewing, adding and managing roles.

NOTE: "Managing" privileges depend on "Viewing". Therefore, when you select a "Managing" check box,
the "View" check box is automatically checked with a grayed-out check.

In some cases, all permissions are dependent upon "Managing" privileges. Selecting a "Managing" check
box automatically selects all dependent permissions with a grayed-out check.

Roles Tab Permissions:

When Allowed This

Users Can Do This In These Applications

View Security Role View roles. Control and


Manage Security Role Add/delete/edit roles and add authorization permissions Administrator
to role.

To define Roles tab permissions:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.
3. Do one of the following:

To create a new role, refer to Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles on page 26.
To edit a role, refer to Editing Roles on page 29.
4. Do one of the following:

Double-click the role you created or want to edit.

Right-click the role and then click Manage Role.

The Manage Roles workspace opens (the General tab opens by default).

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 49

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

5. Click the Roles tab.

6. In the Roles pane, click the role you want to set permissions for. You can use the search bar to locate a particular
item in the Roles pane.

7. For each of the permissions listed, select Allow or Deny, as necessary. For information about role authorization
inheritance, refer to Managing Role Authorization Permissions on page 31.

NOTE: After setting permissions, a red mark displays next to the tab name, indicating that
changes have been made and have not been saved.

8. Do one of the following:

To apply settings, click Apply.

To cancel settings, click Cancel.
To save settings and close the workspace, click OK.

Defining Sensors Permissions

The Sensors tab provides authorization permissions for viewing, adding and managing sensors/cameras, pages and
virtual tours. Permissions can be set for each logical group created in the Sensors view as well as for each entity in the
group. Refer to Defining and Managing Entities on page 146 for more information. The sections of the tab can be
expanded/collapsed by clicking the arrow next to the section header.

If a permission is set for all entities in a group and then a different permission is set for one of the entities in the group,
the entity level permission takes precedence.

50 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

NOTE: "Managing" privileges depend on "Viewing". Therefore, when you select a "Managing" check box,
the "View" check box is automatically checked with a grayed-out check.

In some cases, all permissions are dependent upon "Managing" privileges. Selecting a "Managing" check
box automatically selects all dependent permissions with a grayed-out check.

SensorsTab Permissions:

When Allowed This In These

Users Can Do This
Permission Applications


View Group View sensor groups. Control and


Manage Group Add/delete/edit sensor groups. Administrator

See NOTE above the tables.


VA operations Perform Video Analytic operations for all supported sensors in the group. Control

PTZ Operations Perform PTZ operations for all PTZ cameras in the group. Control

Export Media to Export video to proprietary file format (NVF). Control

Proprietary Container

Take Snapshot Take a video snapshot. Control

Export to Standard Export video to standard AVI file format. Control


Start/Stop Recording Update camera recording retention policy. Control

Stop/start camera recording.

Manage Digital Preset § Create and edit presets for digital cameras (non-PTZ) Control and

Playback Play pre-incident playback, Playback, and Playback for add camera to Control

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 51

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

When Allowed This In These

Users Can Do This
Permission Applications


Emulate Sensor Emulate alarm and/or reset failures or tampers for testing purposes on Control and
any sensor in the group. Administrator

Operate Sensor Operate all sensors in the group. Control and

Set On/Off on dry contact sensor. Administrator

Operate sensor admin Perform administrative operations, such as move, show location Control and
history, etc., for all sensors in the group. Administrator
Arm/Disarm, Bypass or Reset sensors.

Access Control

Open Door Open an Access Control door in the group. Control and

Lock/Unlock/Normal Perform Access Control operations for any Access Control sensor in the Control and
door group. Administrator

Grace ACS Badge Configure the grace period (time past the badge expiration time) that the Control and
Access Control badge is still active before it is disabled for all Access Administrator
Control sensors in the group.

Publish Pages Group Permissions:

When Allowed This Permission Users Can Do This In These Applications


View Group View pages. Control and Administrator (public pages)

Manage Group Add/delete/edit pages. Control and Administrator (public pages)

See NOTE above the tables

Ungrouped Sensors:

52 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

When Allowed This In These

Users Can Do This
Permission Applications


View Group View specified sensor Control and


Manage Group Add/delete/edit specified sensor Administrator

See NOTE above the tables.


VA Operations Perform Video Analytic operations for selected camera. Control

PTZ Operations Perform PTZ operations for selected PTZ camera. Control

Export Media to Export video to proprietary file format (NVF). Control

Proprietary Container

Take Snapshot Take a video snapshot. Control

Export to Standard Export video to standard AVI file format. Control


Start/Stop Recording § Update camera recording retention policy. Control

§ Stop/start camera recording.

Playback Play video feedback for a specified camera. Control


Emulate Sensor Emulate alarms, failures, or tampers for testing purposes on a Control and
specified sensor. Administrator

Operate Sensor Operate the specified sensor. Control and


Operate Sensor Admin Perform administrative operations, such as move, show location Control and
history, etc., for a specified sensor. Administrator

Virtual Tours Permissions:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 53

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

When Allowed This Permission Users Can Do This In These Applications


View Virtual Tour View virtual tours. Control and Administrator

Manage Virtual Tour Add/delete/edit virtual tours. Administrator

See NOTE above the tables.

To define Sensors tab permissions:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.
3. Do one of the following:

To create a new role, refer to Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles on page 26.
To edit a role, refer to Editing Roles on page 29.
4. Do one of the following:

Double-click the role you created or want to edit.

Right-click the role and then click Manage Role.

The Manage Roles workspace opens (the General tab opens by default).

5. Click the Sensors tab.

6. In the Groups pane, click the logical group you want to set permissions for.

54 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

Only groups created in the Sensors view > Groups pane are listed.

7. In the Items pane, select the item you want to set permissions for. The permissions in the Permissions section
change according to the item selected.

You can filter to show the items you want to set permissions for as follows: Show Sensors, Show Pages,
Show Virtual Tours, Show All.
You can also use the search bar to locate a particular item in the Items pane

8. For each of the permissions listed, select Allow or Deny, as necessary. For information about role authorization
inheritance, refer to Managing Role Authorization Permissions on page 31.

NOTE: After setting permissions, a red mark displays next to the tab name, indicating that
changes have been made and have not been saved.

9. Do one of the following:

To apply settings, click Apply.

To cancel settings, click Cancel.
To save settings and close the workspace, click OK.

Defining Groups Permissions

The Groups tab enables Administrators to deny visibility of a sensors group to users of a specified user role. The Deny
group visibility overrides the role's view permission on a sensor in that group. If an administrator denies viewing the
group, then for users having the specified user role, the group will be hidden in:

The sensors group tree

The Channels list
The Site tab
In Administrator for logins of the specified role

However, if a sensor is associated with another group that is not denied visibility, then that group will not be hidden and
the sensor will display in that group.

NOTE: Hiding the visibility of a group applies to all siblings in the group.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 55

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

To define Groups tab permissions:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.
3. Do one of the following:

To create a new role, refer to Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles on page 26.
To edit a role, refer to Editing Roles on page 29.
4. Do one of the following:

Double-click the role you created or want to edit.

Right-click the role and then click Manage Role.

The Manage Roles workspace opens (the General tab opens by default).

5. Click the Groups tab.

6. In the Groups pane, click the Logical Group you want to set permissions for.

NOTE: Only logical groups created in the Sensors view > Groups pane are listed.

7. In the Permissions pane, next to the View Group Name permission, select or clear the Deny check box as
necessary. To understand role authorization inheritance, refer to Managing Role Authorization Permissions on
page 31.

56 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

IMPORTANT: To select Deny for a group and also to its sub-groups, start from the bottom of the
hierarchy - first sselect the sub\child groups and then the parent group.

After setting permissions, a red mark displays next to the tab name, indicating that changes have been made and
have not been saved.

8. Do one of the following:

To apply settings, click Apply.

To cancel settings, click Cancel.
To save settings and close the workspace, click OK.

4.1.8 Managing Role Options

In the Roles option pane, you can add users to a role, associate parents and view domain group associations. The
pane also provides easy access of the Roles authorization permissions. You can access this pane and use its
management options if you have "manage role" privileges.

Assigning Users to Roles

Once a role and users have been created, users can be assigned to the role. You can assign users to roles you have
"manage role" privileges for.

Users can be added to a role from the Roles option pane or from a user's Properties dialog box. To add a role to a
user, refer to Defining VisionHub Users on page 80.

To assign users to roles:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles. The Roles workspace opens.
3. If the Roles options pane is collapsed, expand the pane from the right side.

4. In the Roles workspace, click a role and then, in the Roles options pane, click the Users tab.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 57

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

5. In the Users tab, click the + button. The Find Users dialog box opens.

58 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

6. Locate a user by name or job title.

7. To add users in the By Name tab, do one of the following:

In the search bar, start typing the desired user or job title. Names or job titles matching your keystrokes
are highlighted in the list. Double-click the relevant name in the list. It populates the Selected Users field.
In the Selected Users field, start typing the desired user. A drop-down list opens with names matching
your keystrokes. Double-click the relevant name in the list. It populates the Selected Users field.

8. To add users in the By Job Title tab, do one of the following:

Using Job Titles list:

a. In the Job Titles and Groups drop-down list, select a group of job titles or select All Job Titles.
The Job Titles list populates according to your selection.
b. In the Job Titles list, double-click the relevant job titles group. The users matching that job title
populate the users list. Click the relevant user and then click the Select button or double-click the
relevant user. The selected user populates the Selected Users field.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 59

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

Using the Selected Users field: In the Selected Users field, start typing the desired user. A drop-down
list opens with names matching your keystrokes. Double-click the relevant name in the list. It populates
the Selected Users field.
9. Repeat step 7 or step 8 until all the relevant users are added.
10. To remove a user, do one of the following:

Click the X next to the user's name.

To remove all the users, click Remove All.
11. After making all your selections, click OK.

Associating Roles
Once roles have been created, you can associate a role to another role. When adding children to an associated role, the
children inherit the settings of both parents. You can associate roles you have "manage role" privileges for.

To associate roles:
1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.The Roles workspace opens.
3. If the Roles options pane is collapsed, expand the pane.

4. In the Roles workspace, click a role and then in the Roles options pane, click the Parents tab.

5. In the Parents tab, click the + button. The Associate Parents dialog box opens.

60 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.1 Defining and Managing User Security Roles

6. In the Role Parents field, start typing the desired role. Roles matching your keystrokes are highlighted in the
list. Double-click the relevant role in the list. It populates the Selected Users field.
7. Repeat step 6 until all the relevant roles are added.
8. To remove a role, click the X next to the role's name.
9. After making all your selections, click OK.

To remove an associated role:

1. In the Roles workspace, click a role and then in the Roles options pane, click the Parents tab. The associated roles
are listed in the tab.
2. Select the role check boxes of the roles you want to dissociate and then click the - (Minus) button.

Viewing Domain Group Associations

Windows authentication enables users to bypass the login screen and automatically log in to any of the VisionHub
applications that are in the domain of the organization. Domain groups can be discovered from the Active Directory
Server or imported in the form of a csv file. Refer to Defining External Login Authentication (SSO) (see page 67) for
more information.

When managing roles, you can view domain group associations for roles you have "manage role" privileges for.

To view domain group associations:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles.The Roles workspace opens.
3. If the Roles options pane is collapsed, expand the pane.

4. In the Roles workspace, click a role and then in the Roles options pane, click the Domain Group Associations

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 61

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.2 Defining User Login and Password Authentication

The tab populates with all domain groups the role is associated with.

To edit the associations, refer to Associating a Role with Domain Groups on page 78.

4.1.9 Changing a User's Role

If authorized, you can change user roles.

To change user roles:

1. From the Tools menu, select Change Role. The Change Role dialog box opens.
2. In the Role drop-down list, select the relevant role.
3. To make this the default role, select the Set as default role check box.
4. Click OK.

4.2 Defining User Login and Password Authentication

Through the use of login passwords, VisionHub validates a user before granting access; it is impossible to perform any
operation without a valid session. Knowledge of the password is assumed in order to guarantee that the user is

A successful login credential is made up of a valid username and password and must satisfy several additional password
policy restrictions, such as: password length, special characters, number of failed attempts to log in before access is
denied, etc.

62 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.2 Defining User Login and Password Authentication

Users with "manage user" privileges can block next login, halt all active sessions for specific users, and enforce new
password entry on user's next login. They can also define a suspension time which would disconnect the user from the
current session when the time is reached. Refer to Getting Started on page 10 for more information.

To enforce the security of the system, you can manage:

Logins and user sessions

Lock / unlock a specific user
Determine the number of failed login attempts before the user is locked automatically
Allow users to login from specific terminals and/or from specific IP addresses
Reset the user’s password
Enforce password change upon the next user login
Define automatic expiration time for password validity
Define criteria for password format validity, based on length and content

VisionHub provides two predefined authentication policies:

Policy Type Parameters

Administrator Policy No limitations

User Policy Password length is limited to 6 characters

Password must be made up of at least 1 upper case letter and 1 lower case letter

To add a new authentication policy:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration
2. In the Modules pane, click Authentication. The Authentication workspace opens.

3. In the Authentication workspace toolbar, click Add Policy.The Add New Security Policy dialog box opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 63

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.2 Defining User Login and Password Authentication

4. In the Name and Description fields, type the name and description of your policy.
5. (Optional) Do one of the following:

To start from an existing policy, select the Use Template check box, and then from the drop-down list,
click an existing policy.
To add an existing policy with a different name, select the Use Template check box, and then from the
drop-down list, click an existing policy. In the Description field, type a description, and then click OK.
To add predefined parameters to an existing policy, select the Use Template check box, and then from
the drop-down list, click an existing policy.

NOTE: If you selected the predefined User Policy, the two predefined parameters automatically
appear in the Parameters dialog box.

6. Click Next. The Add parameters dialog box opens.

64 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.2 Defining User Login and Password Authentication

7. Click Add. The Assign Parameter dialog box opens.

8. In the Category and Name fields, from the drop-down lists, select the parameters, and then click OK.

Following is a description of available security parameters:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 65

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.3 Defining the User Identity Provider

Parameter Description Value


Password The number of days before the password expires. Number

Before the password expires, the user receives a Password Expiration notification
and is prompted to change the password.

Once the password expires, the user will not be able to log into the system.

Max Login Number of permitted login attempts. Number

The user is blocked from logging into VisionHub after exceeding the permitted
number of login attempts and needs to be unlocked by an administrator in the
Security tab of the User Properties dialog box.

Password Policy

Enforce This parameter enforces a defined number of digits in a password. Number


9. Repeat the steps above to add more parameters.

10. (Optional) Do the following:

To delete a parameter – Select a parameter and click Delete.

To edit a parameter – Select a parameter and click Edit.
11. Click Finish.

4.3 Defining the User Identity Provider

Administrators can define authentication via Azure AD or internally (default/SSO). If you plan to define Azure
AD authentication, some prerequisite steps are required.

4.3.1 Prerequisites for Using Azure AD

Depending on the status of your site - a newly built site (no authentication method defined ) or a site that is already
defined with an internal SSO authentication - set up your system for using Azure AD authentication. This procedure may
be performed by your IT team.

66 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.3 Defining the User Identity Provider

To prepare for Azure AD configuration in a new site:

1. Identify the following from the Azure AD portal (, Overview section:
Application (client) ID
Directory (tenant) ID

2. Set the website to https:

a. Make sure that your website has its own dedicated IP address, and that you have a valid certificate.
b. Activate the certificate.
c. Install the your SSL certificate on your website's hosting account.
d. Update your site to use HTTPS. Make sure that any website links are changed from http to https so they
are not broken.
3. Add Redirect URLs:

a. In Azure AD go to Authentication.
b. Click Add URL .
c. Add the site address using lowercase letters. For example: https://<hostname/ip>/visionhub/

4. From Azure AD add permissions to the Microsoft Graph add-in:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 67

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.3 Defining the User Identity Provider

a. Click API Permissions > Add a permission.

b. Click Microsoft Graph.
c. Click Delegate Permissions.
d. Select the openid check box.

To prepare for Azure AD configuration in a site defined with SSO login:

1. On the AMS (Middle-Tier) machine, from Program Files (x86)/Qognify/Operational/bin/ConfigurationChanger/
right-click ConfigurationChanger.exe and select Run as administrator. The VisionHub Configuration Tool
window opens.

2. Click the Set Server IP tab.

68 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.3 Defining the User Identity Provider

3. In Login Authentication Method click the None radio button. A prompt to restart all Middle Tier services and IIS

4. Confirm the message and then restart all AMS services from the tray, ans IIS services.

5. Click Save. Now your system has canceled the authentication method, and is handled as a new site with no
authentication defined.

6. Perform all the steps as in To prepare for Azure AD configuration in a new site: on page 67.

4.3.2 Defining the Identity Provider

In this section you define the authentication method - internal (default login \ SSO) or Azure AD.

To define the Identity Provider:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.

2. In the Modules pane, under Security select Identity Provider. The Identity Provider workspace opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 69

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.4 Applying a Privacy Statement

3. Select either Internal (default) or Azure AD.

4. If you selected Azure AD, do the following:

a. Make sure you have set the prerequisites for working with Azure AD as described in To prepare for Azure
AD configuration in a new site: on page 67and To prepare for Azure AD configuration in a site defined with
SSO login: on page 68, depending on your site status.
b. Copy the following from the Azure AD portal ( and paste into the Identity Provider
window (see below):
Application (client) ID, from App Registration
Directory (tenant) ID, from Directory Information

Click Save. The system connects to Azure and verifies that the information is valid.

5. If required, re-enter your account and provide credentials.

6. When the message “Settings have been saved successfully”, click OK.
7. Make sure to associate the roles with the correct domain group (Azure AD or SSO) as described in Associating a
Role with Domain Groups on page 78.

4.4 Applying a Privacy Statement

The privacy statement that appears at first login to Administrator and Control is an html file provided by your
organization legal authorities. Administrators can add, remove or replace a privacy statement file, and enable or disable
the statement for the users. If the privacy statement file has been changed, it will reappear for acknowledgment for
each user's next login. Refer to Logging into/out of Administrator Application on page 10.

70 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.4 Applying a Privacy Statement

To add a new privacy statement:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.

2. In the Modules pane, under Security, click Privacy Statement. The Privacy Statement empty workspace

3. Click Add, browse to select the new html file and click Open. The file is added to the workspace.
4. To enable/disable the statement for the Control or Administrator users, select/clear the Enable Privacy
Statement check box.
5. Click Save.

To manage the privacy statement:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.

2. In the Modules pane, under Security, click Privacy Statement. The Privacy Statement workspace opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 71

CHAPTER 4 Defining User Security 4.4 Applying a Privacy Statement

3. To replace the privacy statement file with a new one, click Replace, browse to select the new html file and click
To remove the current file click Delete.
4. To enable/disable the statement for the Control users, select/clear the Enable Privacy Statement check box.
5. Click Save.

72 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 5 Defining External Login Authentication (SSO) 5.1 Overview

CHAPTER 5 Defining External Login

Authentication (SSO)

5.1 Overview 73

5.2 Adding Domain Groups 74

5.3 Discovering Domain Groups 76

5.4 Importing/Exporting Domain Groups 77

5.5 Associating a Role with Domain Groups 78

5.1 Overview
User credentials can be stored in an authentication provider outside of the VisionHub Server (such as Microsoft Active
Directory). External login authentication, or Single Sign-On (SSO), enables privileged users to access all VisionHub
applications without the need to reenter their credentials, as these are taken from the Windows login.

NOTE: All VisionHub applications need to be in the domain of the organization. Domain groups can be
discovered from the Active Directory Server or imported as Excel file (*csv format).

Windows authentication is automatically enabled for the Administrator, Planner and Video Configurator applications. It is
enabled for the VisionHub Control application during the installation of the Web Server by marking the Windows
Authentication check box. Refer to the VisionHub Installation Guide for more information.

SSO is supported for all VisionHub users who are part of a supported domain group, provided that the domain group is
associated with a role. If a non-VisionHub user is part of a supported domain group and that domain group is associated
with a role, the user will be automatically added as a VisionHub user in Administrator upon first login. Once SSO is
enabled for a particular user, authentication for that user is automatically verified against the SSO provider and the user
no longer sees a login screen when logging in to VisionHub. If a user is inactive for a year, the user is automatically
deleted from the system.

The workflow for enabling external login authentication is as follows:

1. Add role (see Adding/Deleting Roles and Children Roles on page 26)
2. Add domain groups using one of the following methods:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 73

CHAPTER 5 Defining External Login Authentication (SSO) 5.2 Adding Domain Groups

Discover domain groups from Active Directory (see Discovering Domain Groups on page 76) (if not
automatically discovered)
Add domain groups manually (see Adding Domain Groups below)
Import relevant domain groups (see Importing/Exporting Domain Groups on page 77)
3. Associate the necessary domain groups with the role (see Associating a Role with Domain Groups on page 78).

Any user defined in the VisionHub database can log in and/or log off in the default way (without SSO login). Once you
are logged in and try to log out, you are redirected to the login page, where you need to enter user name and password,
as any user in the VisionHub system without SSO enabled.

To log in without SSO:

1. On the far-right side of the Administrator header toolbar, click the name of the logged in user and then click Log
Out. The application asks if you are sure you want to exit.
2. To exit, click Yes. The login window opens.
3. Enter the relevant user name and password and then click Login.

5.2 Adding Domain Groups

Once roles have been created, you can add, discover, and import domain groups to associate with roles for which you
have "manage role" privileges.

NOTE: It is preferable to discover domain groups from the Active Directory server rather than manually
adding or importing domain groups. Refer to Discovering Domain Groups on page 76.

To add domain groups:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles. The Roles workspace opens.

3. Right-click a role and click Edit Role.The Edit Role dialog box opens.

74 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 5 Defining External Login Authentication (SSO) 5.2 Adding Domain Groups

4. In the Domain Group Associations tab, click Search. The Find Domain Group dialog opens.

5. Select where to search:

Local Domain
Other domain – This option requires entering the domain address, user name and password.
6. Type a group name, or part of it to search.
7. If AzureAD authentication is implemented on your system, provide your credentials to enable the search. For
more information, refer to Defining the User Identity Provider on page 66.

8. Click OK. A list of applicable domain groups appears. You can click the View link next to each entry to check the
group details.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 75

CHAPTER 5 Defining External Login Authentication (SSO) 5.3 Discovering Domain Groups

9. Select the group(s) you want to add for association with the role and click Save. The added domain groups
populate the Role Configuration tab. To associate domain groups with the role, refer to Associating a Role
with Domain Groups on page 78.

10. Click Save.

5.3 Discovering Domain Groups

Once roles have been created, you can add, discover, and import domain groups to associate roles for which you have
"manage role" privileges.

NOTE: It is preferable to discover domain groups from the Active Directory server rather than manually
adding or importing domain groups.

76 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 5 Defining External Login Authentication (SSO) 5.4 Importing/Exporting Domain Groups

To discover domain groups:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles. The Roles workspace opens.
3. Right-click a role and click Edit Role. The Edit Role dialog box opens.
4. In the Domain Group Associations tab, click Discover.
5. Depending on the identity provider, do one of the following:

If Azure AD is defined as the identity provider, the Azure credentials window opens. Provide your
credentials and confirm. The discovered domain groups populate the Role Configuration tab.
For SSO - In the Domain credentials dialog box change the domain address, username and password as
necessary. Click OK. The discovered domain groups populate the Role Configuration tab.

6. To associate domain groups with the role, refer to Associating a Role with Domain Groups on the next page.
7. Click Save.

5.4 Importing/Exporting Domain Groups

Once roles have been created, you can add, discover, and import domain groups to associate roles for which you have
"manage role" privileges.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 77

CHAPTER 5 Defining External Login Authentication (SSO) 5.5 Associating a Role with Domain Groups

NOTE: It is preferable to discover domain groups from the Active Directory server rather than manually
adding or importing domain groups. Refer to Discovering Domain Groups on page 76. However, if you
cannot access the Active Directory server, you can import the domain groups in an Excel file (*csv

To import domain groups:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles. The Roles workspace opens.
3. Right-click a role and click Edit Role. The Edit Role dialog box opens.
4. In the Domain Group Associations tab, click Import.

5. In the Open dialog box, locate the relevant csv file and then click Open.The imported domain groups populate
the Role Configuration tab.

To associate domain groups with the role, refer to Associating a Role with Domain Groups below.

6. Click Save.

To export domain groups:

1. In the Domain group associations tab, click Export. A prompt appears asking if you want to export all groups.

To export all groups, click Yes

To export only the groups whose check boxes are marked, click No.
2. Browse for the folder you want the file to export to or create a new folder.
3. Click OK to start the export.
4. Click Save.

5.5 Associating a Role with Domain Groups

Once a role has been created and domain groups discovered, added, or imported, you can associate domain groups to
roles for which you have "manage role" privileges.

IMPORTANT: If you defined Azure AD as the identity provider, the Administrator becomes a Super
Role user. You must re-associate it to the domain group.

78 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 5 Defining External Login Authentication (SSO) 5.5 Associating a Role with Domain Groups

NOTE: It is preferable to discover domain groups from the Active Directory server. Refer to Discovering
Domain Groups on page 76.

To associate roles with domain groups:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Roles. The Roles workspace opens.
3. Right-click a role and click Edit Role. The Edit Role dialog box opens.

4. In the Domain group associations tab, select the check box(es) of the domain group(s) you would like to
associate with the role. There may be groups that contain Azure AD and groups of SSO users. Make sure to
associate the role to the correct group.

NOTE: You can use the Search bar to locate a particular domain group. To view the credentials of
a selected domain group, click the View link.

5. After making your associations, click Save. The associated groups are added to the role information pane on the

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 79

CHAPTER 6 Defining VisionHub Users 6.1 Adding Users

CHAPTER 6 Defining VisionHub Users

6.1 Adding Users 80

6.2 Editing User Properties 83

6.3 Assigning Users to Job Titles 83

6.4 Managing Connected Users 84

VisionHub Users are individuals who belong to the security operation and take part in it by receiving tasks or
notifications. Users can be operators in a control room, administrators of the Administrator application, security
personnel, or patrol officers who needs to view live video from a particular camera on a mobile device.

6.1 Adding Users

To define users:
1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Users Administration. The Users workspace opens.

3. In the Users workspace toolbar, click Add. The New User dialog box opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 80

CHAPTER 6 Defining VisionHub Users 6.1 Adding Users

4. In the Username field, type the username, and in the Name field, type the name of the person.
5. From the Role drop-down list, select the role(s) to be assigned to the user.
6. (Optional) To specify the user's default role, in the Default role drop-down list, select a role. If you do not select
a default role, the first role in the Roles field will be assigned as the default role.
7. In the Job Titles field, type a job title. As you type, Administrator Application presents job titles that were
predefined in the Planner application.

81 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 6 Defining VisionHub Users 6.1 Adding Users

8. In the New Password field, type the password.

NOTE: The password must meet the defined Minimum Password Length security parameter.

9. In the Confirm New Password field, retype the password.

10. In the Authentication Policy drop-down list field, select an authentication policy.

11. Make any optional changes required, as outlined in the table below, and then click OK.

Additional Operations:

To Do This

Change the icon representing the user Click Change and click the desired icon.

The icons represent the various job titles, such as security

NOTE: Icons presented in the officer, driver, medic, or police officer. The icon appears next
Select Icon window are icons to the user name in the User’s main screen.
configured in the Icon
Management window of the
Planner and can be reconfigured
in the Icon Management

Add a picture Click Change and select:

File to browse for a picture file

Access Control to import a badge picture from the
integrated Access Control system.

Add additional user information Click Add & Edit:

In the Contact Info tab, you can add the user’s email
address, work phone number, home phone number, cell
phone numbers, fax number, and pager number
In the Security tab, you can assign a user Security
credentials such as security role(s), default role and
authentication policy. You can also make the user
inactive, unlock the user, or release the user from
being in a suspended state.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 82

CHAPTER 6 Defining VisionHub Users 6.2 Editing User Properties

6.2 Editing User Properties

Once users have been added the first time, users with "Manage Users" permissions can change user properties such as:
user names, names, icons, and pictures.

To edit user properties:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Users. The Users workspace opens.
3. Double-click the user whose properties you want to edit. The User Properties dialog box opens.
4. Change the properties as relevant:

In the General tab, you can change the user name, display name, job title, icon and picture.
In the Contact Info tab, you can change contact information such as email address, cell phone number,
In the Security tab, you can change the user's role, assign the user a default role, change the user's
authentication policy and view when the user's password was last changed.

NOTE: You can also make the authentication policy inactive, unlock the user, reset a suspended
policy and enforce the user's password expiration on next login attempt.

6.3 Assigning Users to Job Titles

You can assign and unassign users to job titles.

To add assignments:
1. In the navigation bar, click Administration. The Administration view opens.

2. In the Modules pane, click Assignments. The Assignments workspace opens.

NOTE: The list of assignments is generated automatically from Planner and cannot be changed
from Administrator.

3. In the Assignments workspace, select the job title to which you want to assign a user.

4. In the Assignments workspace toolbar, click the Manage button. The Manage dialog box opens.

83 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 6 Defining VisionHub Users 6.4 Managing Connected Users

5. Do one of the following:

Type the first letter(s) of the user name to display a list of users and then select the required users.
Type the name of relevant user.

6. Click OK. The new user names appear in the list next to the job title.

NOTE: If a user has no job title assigned and you assign a user to a job title, it becomes their job
title and will display in the Job Titles field of the User Properties dialog box for the user.

To remove a job title from a user:

1. Follow steps 1 and 2 above.
2. In the Assignments workspace, double-click the job title that you want to remove from a user (or select the job
title and click Manage). The Manage dialog opens.
3. Click the X next to the user for whom you want to remove the job title and then click OK.

6.4 Managing Connected Users

Authorized users can view and manage all users currently connected to the Control application. The Connected Users
dialog box lists all users currently logged in by assigned icon, name, role and a timestamp of when the user's current
session began.

NOTE: Users can only change roles for users they are authorized to manage.

You can filter the entities that appear in the Connected Users dialog box by one or more of the column headers . You can
also filter by column header for the following columns: Name, Role and Connected At.

Administrative users can also suspend users by configuring a time when the user's current session will end. When that
time is reached, the user's current session ends in all VisionHub applications the user is logged into.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 84

CHAPTER 6 Defining VisionHub Users 6.4 Managing Connected Users

To manage connected users:

1. On the far right side of the Administrator Application header toolbar, click Connected Users. The Current
Connected Users dialog box opens, showing the following information:

Icon: Icon assigned to the user

Name: Name of the user currently logged in
Role: Role of the user currently logged in
Connected At: Time and date of the user's connection
Suspend: The time interval at which the user's connection will end.

2. To reorder the list, click a column header. The system reorders the entities ascending/descending according to
that heading (not the same as filtering).
3. To filter the display of connected users, see To filter the display of the Connected Users dialog box: on the facing

To configure a suspension time for a connected user:

1. In the Connected Users dialog box, click a user.
2. Do one of the following:

In the Suspend drop-down list, select a predefined time interval

Click the calendar icon to open the calendar, select the relevant date/time and then click Close.

To clear a suspension time:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration. The Administration view opens.
2. In the Modules pane, click Users Administration.
3. In the Users Administration workspace, double-click the user whose suspension time you want to clear.

85 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 6 Defining VisionHub Users 6.4 Managing Connected Users

4. In the User Properties dialog box, click Security.

5. Click the Reset Suspend link. A notification informing you that the user has been unsuspended opens.
6. Click OK.

To filter the display of the Connected Users dialog box:

1. Click the Filter button in the column header by which you want to filter. For example, click next to Name to filter
the display according to user name. The Filter dialog box opens.
2. Do one of the following:

To select all filtering options, select the Select All check box.
To define specific filter criteria, select the relevant check box and under Show rows with value that, select
the options that will give you the filter query you want.
3. Click Filter.

To clear a filter:
1. Click the Filter button for the filter you want to clear.
2. In the Filter dialog box, click Clear Filter.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 86

CHAPTER 7 Defining ACS External Users 7.1 Discovering External Users

CHAPTER 7 Defining ACS External Users

7.1 Discovering External Users 87

7.2 Importing External ACS Users into Administrator 90

7.3 Linking External ACS Users to VisionHub Users 91

When supported by the third-party’s vendor’s API, administrators can use the Discovery feature to view Access Control
System (ACS) badge holders and their associated photos (if available) from an external ACS in Administrator
Application, import the relevant users, and link external ACS users to Administrator Application users.

7.1 Discovering External Users

To run external users discovery:
1. In the navigation bar, click Administration. The Administration view opens.

2. In the Modules pane, click Discovery.The External Users Discovery module opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 87

CHAPTER 7 Defining ACS External Users 7.1 Discovering External Users

3. In the Discovery type drop-down field, select if to discover users with or without photo.

4. In the Gateways drop-down field, select one of the following:

None to deselect all the listed gateways and then select the gateways on which you want to run
All to check all the listed gateways
5. Click OK.

6. Click Run Discovery. The grid populates with all external users discovered by Administrator.

To view a discovered external user’s details:

1. In the populated grid, in the Name column, click to highlight a user and then click the Ellipsis [...] button. The
badge status and badge expiration dates of external users can be updated straight from Administrator

88 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 7 Defining ACS External Users 7.1 Discovering External Users

2. To view more data in the grid, click the Collapse button in the upper right corner of the screen, to hide the
Configuration section.
3. Click the Expand button to show the Configuration section.

To update a badge status:

1. In the Name column, select a user and then click the Ellipsis [...] button. The user details opens.

2. In the Badges section, click the Ellipsis button. The Update Badge Status dialog box opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 89

CHAPTER 7 Defining ACS External Users 7.2 Importing External ACS Users into Administrator

3. In the Status and Expiration Date drop-down fields, enter the updated status and a badge expiration date,
and then click OK.

TIP: Use the search bar to find a user in the grid.

7.2 Importing External ACS Users into Administrator

External ACS users can be imported into Administrator Application enabling all the functionalities of an Administrator
user such as receiving tasks or notifications.

To import external users into Administrator:

1. In the Modules pane, click Discovery.

2. In the External Users workspace, right-click a user and select Import User.The New User dialog box opens.

90 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 7 Defining ACS External Users 7.3 Linking External ACS Users to VisionHub Users

3. In the Username field, type the username, and in the Name field, type the name of the person.
4. From the Role drop-down list, select the role(s) to be assigned to the user.
5. (Optional) To specify the user's default role, in the Default role drop-down list, select a role. If you do not select
a default role, the first role in the Roles field will be assigned as the default role.
6. In the Job Titles field, type a job title. As you type, Administrator Application presents job titles that were
predefined in the Planner application.

7.3 Linking External ACS Users to VisionHub Users

External ACS users can be linked to VisionHub users. The badge ID assigned to the user by the external ACS system is
now assigned to an imported or existing VisionHub user. After linking the users, the badge number is automatically
added to the Ext. System tab in the User Properties box of the VisionHub user.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 91

CHAPTER 7 Defining ACS External Users 7.3 Linking External ACS Users to VisionHub Users

To link external users to VisionHub users:

1. In the Modules pane, click Discovery.

2. In the External Users workspace, right-click a user and select Link to User.The Select User dialog box opens.

3. Select the VisionHub user you want to link to the external user and then click OK.The external user’s badge ID
opens with the Security tab of the linked VisionHub user.

92 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 7 Defining ACS External Users 7.3 Linking External ACS Users to VisionHub Users

4. Click OK to close.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 93

CHAPTER 8 Managing Scheduled Tasks

CHAPTER 8 Managing Scheduled Tasks

8.1 Adding Scheduled Tasks 95

8.2 Deleting Scheduled Tasks 97

8.3 Viewing and Editing Scheduled Tasks Properties 98

8.4 Enabling/Disabling Scheduled Tasks 99

8.5 Running Scheduled Tasks on Demand 100

8.6 Adding New Scheduled Task Groups 100

8.7 Moving a Scheduled Task to a Different Group 100

8.8 Viewing Scheduled Task Occurrences 101

Scheduled tasks are time-triggered sets of actions generally used for automating routine, maintenance, and training-
related tasks. For example, you can schedule night and day modes for access control, sensor activation, and
deactivation in selected locations. The system has a built-in scheduler that enables authorized users to set different
schedules for activating the many available actions.

To access the Scheduled Tasks workspace:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.

2. In the Modules pane, click Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Tasks workspace opens.

The tasks are organized by group for easy viewing. The ungrouped tasks are displayed at the top of the window.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 94

CHAPTER 8 Managing Scheduled Tasks 8.1 Adding Scheduled Tasks

3. To view scheduled tasks within a group, click the side triangle icon next to the group name. To collapse, click the
down triangle icon.

4. (Optional) Organize the data in the Scheduled Tasks workspace in alphanumeric ascending or descending order
by clicking the column headers: Task, Description, Schedule

8.1 Adding Scheduled Tasks

Authorized Administrator Application users can add scheduled tasks to run automatically according to the time scope
set for the task.

When scheduling the tasks, it is recommended that you configure all scheduled tasks for all regions in one location, for
example, in a specific country. You must then take into consideration the gap (in hours) between your time zone and the
relevant client time zone where you want to trigger the action.

For example, create two scheduled tasks in Administrator Application in the Middle-East as follows:

A scheduled task in the Middle-East (UTC+02:00), that creates an incident every day at 15:00 Israel time. This
is saved in the database as 13:00.
A scheduled task for Bangkok (UTC+07:00), that creates an incident every day at 17:00 Bangkok time.
Configure this as 12:00PM. This is saved in DB the database as 10:00.

All Administrator Application clients can see all scheduled tasks, but the time displayed in the Next Run Time field is
calculated according to the UTC time that the scheduled task was saved in plus/minus the offset of your client clock.

For example, if at 9:30 local time you configure a task in Israel that runs every day at 15:00 (the scheduled task
saved in DB at 13:00). This is saved in the database as 13:00. The Next Run Time field appears as 15:00.
If an administrator in Bangkok (UTC+7:00), logs on at the same time, it will be 14:30 (an offset of 5 hours from
Israel), the Next Run Time field appears as 20:00.

95 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 8 Managing Scheduled Tasks 8.1 Adding Scheduled Tasks

To add a scheduled task group:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules plane, click Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Tasks workspace opens.

3. In the Scheduled Tasks toolbar, click Add Task . The Scheduled Task Wizard dialog box opens.

4. In the Name and Description fields, type a name and description.

5. In the Group drop-down list, select a scheduled task group, and then click Next.
6. Click the Add Action drop-down list button and select an action to be associated with the scheduled task. For a
complete list of automatic actions, refer to Managing Automatic Actions on page 119.
7. Fill in the relevant action parameters:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 96

CHAPTER 8 Managing Scheduled Tasks 8.2 Deleting Scheduled Tasks

To add a parameter, click Add Parameter and select a parameter from the drop-down list.

To delete an action, click Delete Action .

To delete a parameter, click the Delete Parameter icon .

8. Click Next.
9. Select the time frequency of the scheduled task. To enable the missed task to run upon the restarting of the
external service instead of its missed schedule time, select the Run Task upon Restart of Services check
10. Click Next.
11. Enter start time, date, and frequency for the scheduled task
12. Upun completion of defining the task, click Finish.

8.2 Deleting Scheduled Tasks

Authorized Administrator users can delete existing scheduled tasks when they are no longer relevant.

97 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 8 Managing Scheduled Tasks 8.3 Viewing and Editing Scheduled Tasks Properties

To delete a scheduled task group:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Tasks workspace opens.
3. Select the task you want to delete.
4. Do one of the following:

Right-click the task and select Delete <"TaskName">

From the Scheduled Task toolbar, click Delete.

8.3 Viewing and Editing Scheduled Tasks Properties

Scheduled tasks run automatically according to a particular time scope. You can view the properties of scheduled tasks,
such as task name and description, the group the task belongs to, the actions assigned to the task, how often the task is
scheduled to run, and the date and time the task is scheduled to start. Administrators can edit existing scheduled tasks.

To edit a scheduled task group:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Tasks workspace opens.
3. Do one of the following:

Right-click the task you want to edit, and select Edit.

Double-click on the task

The Task Properties dialog box opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 98

CHAPTER 8 Managing Scheduled Tasks 8.4 Enabling/Disabling Scheduled Tasks

4. Make your changes and then click Update.

8.4 Enabling/Disabling Scheduled Tasks

Administrator users can enable or disable tasks scheduled to run automatically according to a preset time scope.
Enabling the task allows it to run as scheduled and disabling the task prevents the task from running as scheduled.

In the Scheduled Tasks workspace, the tasks are categorized by the following:

The icons next to each task indicates the following:

- enabled task

- disabled task

- task failure

To enable/disable a scheduled task group:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Tasks workspace opens.
3. Expand the group of the task you want to disable by clicking the side triangle icon before the group name.

99 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 8 Managing Scheduled Tasks 8.5 Running Scheduled Tasks on Demand

4. Right-click the task you want to enable/disable, and select Enable/Disable.

8.5 Running Scheduled Tasks on Demand

Scheduled tasks are set to run automatically according to a time scope. However, Administrator users can choose to run
the task manually, overriding the time the task was scheduled to run.

To run scheduled tasks on demand:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Tasks workspace opens.
3. Right-click the task you want to run manually, and select Run Now.

8.6 Adding New Scheduled Task Groups

In the Scheduled Task workspace of the Administration view, you can organize scheduled tasks into groups for easy

To add a scheduled task group:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Tasks workspace opens.
3. In the Scheduled Tasks toolbar, click New Group. The New Group dialog box opens.
4. In the Name field, type a group name.
5. Click OK.

8.7 Moving a Scheduled Task to a Different Group

In the Scheduled Task workspace of the Administration view, you can organize scheduled tasks into groups for easy
management and can easily move tasks to different groups.

To move a scheduled task to a different group:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Tasks workspace opens.
3. Select a scheduled task.

4. In the Scheduled Tasks toolbar, click Move to Group, and then select the group to which you want to move the
scheduled task from the drop-down list.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 100

CHAPTER 8 Managing Scheduled Tasks 8.8 Viewing Scheduled Task Occurrences

8.8 Viewing Scheduled Task Occurrences

You can view the number of times a scheduled task occurred over a given number of days.

To view the occurrences of a task for a particular time scope:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Tasks workspace opens.

3. Right-click the task you want to view, and select View Occurrences. The Occurrences dialog box opens.

4. Select the number of days for which you want to view occurrences that took place, and click OK. The results of
the requested occurrence time scope appear in the workspace.

101 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 9 Auditing VisionHub Events 9.1 Auditing Procedures

CHAPTER 9 Auditing VisionHub Events

You can create audits of VisionHub application events such as a page played, an incident removed, a camera recording
initiated, etc.

These audited events, derived straight from the database, can be exported to a spreadsheet or viewed directly in the
Audit Events module. The auditor can filter audits by time scope, operator, type of event, incident severity, and computer

9.1 Auditing Procedures

To audit VisionHub events:
1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.

2. In the Modules pane, select Audit Events.The Audit Events workspace opens.

3. In the From and To fields, define the time scope of the desired audit. Clicking in the field opens a calendar, in
which you can select the appropriate date. Clicking the adjacent Hour button enables selecting the appropriate
hour from a drop-down list.
4. Filter the audit according to the following options, as needed:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 102

CHAPTER 9 Auditing VisionHub Events 9.1 Auditing Procedures

To filter by Do this

Event severity level Click the Level drop-down list and select the desired level

User Click the User drop-down list and select the desired user

Event type Click the Type drop-down list and select the desired event type. For a complete list
of event types refer to Defining Audit Event Retrieval on the facing page.

Computer IP Click the Computer IP drop-down button and select the desired computer IP.

To refresh any of the Filter drop-down lists, click the Refresh button next to that field

5. Click Retrieve Events. The events display in the Audit Events log.
6. To see more events on the screen at a time, hide the filter options by clicking the Filter button. Unhide the filter
options by clicking Filter again.
7. (Optional) Organize the data in the log in alphanumeric ascending or descending order by clicking the column
8. Click on an event in the Audit Events log to display details (Keywords, Parameters, Results) of that event in the
Details section.

To export an audit:
1. Click Export to save the events in the Audit Events log for external use. The audit report is saved as CSV file. A
notification popup displays when the audit has been completed.
2. Click Open Export Folder to view the file.

103 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 9 Auditing VisionHub Events 9.2 Defining Audit Event Retrieval

9.2 Defining Audit Event Retrieval

You can configure audit event retrieval, including the types of events audited, the number of results per page, etc.

By default, the following event types are included in an audit:

Change Password Failed PTZ Changed

Channel Changed Security Role Created or Changed
Create SuspectSearch Query Task Security Permissions Changed
Create SuspectSearch Search Task Security Violation
Delete SuspectSearch Search Task Successful Login
Export Multiple Incident Report SuspectSearch Album Created
Export Single Incident Report SuspectSearch Album Deleted
Get SuspectEntity SuspectSearch Album Updated
Incident Add User Inserted
Incident Update User logged in
Login Failed User properties updated
Logout User Updated

Map view created Video Live

Page Play Video Playback

Role Deleted
Role Updated

TIP: The list of events included in an audit can be changed with the Audit Event types Editor. To add or
remove events included in audits, contact your technical service representative.

By means of the app.config section in the Administrator configuration file, an administrator can customize some elements
of the graphic user interface of the Audit Event screen, such as changing the paging amount. To update the configuration
file, contact your Qognify customer support.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 104

CHAPTER 10 Defining Sounds

CHAPTER 10 Defining Sounds

VisionHub has a predefined set of sounds where each sound is applied to a specific event. For each event, you can
change sound files or select no sound to accompany the event.

To define sounds:
1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.

2. In the Modules pane, click Sounds. The Sounds workspace opens.

Events appear with the following sound type icons:

Sound Type Description

A sound file has been defined for the event

No sound file has been defined for

3. Click the Ellipsis [ ] button next to the event you want to configure a sound for or double-click the event. The
Sound Source dialog box opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 105

CHAPTER 10 Defining Sounds

4. In the Sound source section, click one of the following radio buttons:

None (for no sound)

Voice file, and then in the drop-down list, click a sound file.

You can click the Play button at any time to play your sound.

5. After making your selection, click OK.

106 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.1 Adding and Managing Rules

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules

11.1 Adding and Managing Rules 107

11.2 Managing Rule Conditions 108

11.2.1 Defining Conditions 109

11.2.2 Sentence Condition Tables 112

11.3 Managing Automatic Actions 119

11.3.1 Overview 119

11.3.2 Adding/Deleting Automatic Actions 119

11.3.3 "Open New Incident" Rule Automatic Action Behavior 121

11.3.4 Activating an Action in the Incident Owner’s Terminal 123

11.3.5 Collaboration Data Settings in Actions 124

11.3.6 Action Options 126

VisionHub Rules is a built-in powerful rule engine for defining activation rules that need to be executed when events take
place. The rule engine includes a flexible and easy-to-use rule editor. If conditions defined in the rules are met, alarms
are triggered, activating adaptive response plans automatically or recommendations sent to operators to activate plans
on-demand. Examples of actions that are activated automatically upon alarm trigger include opening new incidents and
relevant cameras, commanding sensors, and playing a specific page.

11.1 Adding and Managing Rules

Defining rules consists of creating rules, adding conditions and then adding automatic actions. You can create rules and
add automatic actions to them if you have "manage automatic actions" privileges. When working with rules, you can
also rename a rule, clone a rule, and deactivate a rule.

To add rules:
1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration

2. in the Modules pane, click Rules. The Rules workspace opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 107

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.2 Managing Rule Conditions

3. In the Rules toolbar, click Add. The Add Rule dialog box opens.
4. In the Name field, type a name and then click Add. The rule is added to the Rules pane.
5. Add conditions to your rule. Refer to Managing Rule Conditions below.
6. Add actions to the conditions. Refer to Managing Automatic Actions on page 119.
7. (Optional) Perform any of the additional rule operations:

To Do This

Delete a rule Right-click a rule, and select Delete.

Rename a rule Right-click a rule, and select Rename.

In the Rename dialog box, type a new name and click Save.

Clone a rule Right-click a rule, and select Clone.

Activate / Deactivate a rule Right-click a rule, and select Activate Rules/Deactivate Rules.

11.2 Managing Rule Conditions

In the Rule engine, conditions (using the "If Then" conditional statement logic) are defined in the Condition Editor and are
used to implement task logic. If the conditions are met, automatic actions are triggered, activating response plans.
VisionHub provides a wide range of condition sentences that can be selected and customized while building the

When managing conditions, you can also add related entity conditions and group/ungroup conditions.

108 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.2 Managing Rule Conditions

11.2.1 Defining Conditions

To add Conditions to a rule:
1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Rules. The Rules workspace opens.

3. In the Rules pane, select a rule and then in the Conditions pane, click Edit Condition. The Condition Editor dialog
box opens.

4. Under Step 1: Add condition(s), expand the section containing the conditions you want to add and then
double-click the condition to select it. The condition opens under Step 2: Edit the condition description.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 109

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.2 Managing Rule Conditions

NOTE: Refer to the Sentence Condition Tables on page 112 for information about conditions.

5. Click the blue underlined sections of text to open the Edit Parameter dialog box and select the desired

NOTE: The Date/Time related sentences must be combined with event-related sentences, as
opposed to state-related sentences. For example, the first sentence in the Date/Time related
sentence can be combined with "Sensor status was changed," indicating that a change in state
(event) took place, but cannot be combined with "At least one sensor under any sensor group(s) of
any type(s) is in a specified mode," where no state change is detected.

6. Repeat the steps above to add more conditions.

7. After adding all the necessary conditions, click OK.

To add related entity conditions:

1. In the relevant condition sentence, click the Related Conditions button (this button displays when relevant).
The Related Entity Conditions dialog box opens.

110 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.2 Managing Rule Conditions

2. Click Add Condition.

3. In the Apply this rule when drop-down lists, select a condition parameters, complete the condition as appropriate
and click OK.

To group conditions:
1. In the Condition Editor dialog box, under Step 2: Edit the condition description, select the conditions you want to
group (use the Shift or Ctrl keys to multi-select). You can drag sentences to relocate them on the list.

2. Click Group. The grouped conditions appear in a shaded box.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 111

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.2 Managing Rule Conditions

To ungroup conditions:
In the Condition Editor dialog box, under Step 2: Edit the condition description, click inside the group shaded box and click
Ungroup .

To delete a condition
In the Condition Editor dialog box, under Step 2: Edit the condition description, click the condition you want to delete and
then click Remove.

11.2.2 Sentence Condition Tables

The table below lists the basic condition sentences that VisionHub provides. For each sentence, the following is

Sentence: The sentence as it appears in the module.

Type: Whether it is a State, Event, or a combined State and Event type sentence. State type sentences must be
used in conjunction with an Event sentence that defines the trigger.
Use to: Description of the sentence function
When you double-click the sentence and it appears in the Step 2 section, the colored text items are links to variables
that can be modified.

Incidents related sentences:

NOTE: This relates only to open incidents.

Incidents related sentences

1 Sentence: At least the specified number of incidents unassigned or assigned to the same assignee of
any type(s) and of any level(s) of severity.

Type: State

112 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.2 Managing Rule Conditions

Incidents related sentences

Use to: Evaluate if a minimum specified number of incidents occurred of a specified type and severity
level and that they were assigned to the same owner.

NOTE: This sentence should only be used by workflows as a complementary

condition and with a "User" uniqueness constraint.

For example, an administrator might define a workflow containing the following:

Condition: "At least 3 incidents assigned…"
Condition: Uniqueness constraint "User" (represents the workflow incident’s owner)

Condition: "At most 2 incidents assigned…" (The selected values of type and severity
parameters should be identical to those of the first condition)

2 Sentence: Number of incidents of any type(s) and of any level(s) of severity is higher, equal or less
than the specified value.

Type: State

Use to: Evaluate if the number of incidents of a specified type and severity level that occurred is higher
than, equal to, or less than a specified number.

3 Sentence: Number of incidents of any type(s) and of any level(s) of severity of any sensor group(s) is
higher, equal or less than the specified value.

Type: State

Use to: Evaluate if the number of incidents of a specified type and severity level (related to a specified
sensor group- within a parent group or any of its children) that occurred is higher than, equal to,
or less than a specified number.

4 Sentence: Any incident was acknowledged.

Type: Event

Use to: Evaluate if an event has been acknowledged.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 113

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.2 Managing Rule Conditions

Sensor related sentences:

Sensor related sentences

1 Sentence: At least one sensor under any sensor group(s) of any type(s) is in a specified mode.

Type: State

Use to: Evaluate whether one or more sensors in the specified sensor groups ( within a parent group or
any of its children) and of the specified types are in the specified mode.

2 Sentence: At least one sensor under any sensor group(s) of any type(s) is in a specified state.

Type: State

Use to: Evaluate whether one or more sensors in the specified groups ( within the parent group or any
of its children) and of specified types is/are in the specified state.

3 Sentence: More than/Less than/Exactly a specified number of sensors in specified group are in
specified state.

Type: State

Use to: Evaluate if more than, less than, or an exact number of sensors within a parent group or any of
its children are in a certain state.

4 Sentence: More than/Less than/Exactly a specified number of sensors in specified group (not
including sub-groups) are in specified state.

Type: State

Use to: Evaluate if more than, less than, or an exact number of sensors within a group are in a certain
state. This applies only to the sensors in the parent group but not to the ones in the sub-groups.

5 Sentence: Sensor status was changed.

Type: Event

Use to: Evaluate if there are changes to the sensor state, mode, or parameter within a parent group or
any of its children.

6 Sentence: Sensor state changed to alarm.

Type: Event

114 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.2 Managing Rule Conditions

Sensor related sentences

Use to: Evaluate if sensor state has changed to alarm.

7 Sentence: Sensor state changed to failure.

Type: Event

Use to: Evaluate if sensor state has changed to failure.

8 Sentence: Custom action from slot window received.

Type: Event

Use to: Evaluate if user selected a custom action from the Video menu.

9 Sentence: Sensor status under specified group was changed.

Type: Event

Use to: Evaluate if sensor within a parent group or any of its children has changed status.

10 Sentence: Specified mode sensor status under specified group was changed.

Type: Event

Use to: Evaluate if there are changes to the sensor state or mode within a parent group or any of its
children, only for sensors in the specified mode.

Sensor Parameter related sentences

Sensor Parameter related sentences

1 Sentence: Specified parameter sensor parameter (under the specified group) value has changed. The
new value is related to the specified value.

Type: State

Use to: Evaluate if a sensor parameter (number value) of a sensor belonging to a specified parent or
children group has changed and if the value falls between a specific minimum and maximum
number range.

2 Sentence: Specified sensor parameter (under the specified group) value has changed.

Type: Event

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 115

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.2 Managing Rule Conditions

Sensor Parameter related sentences

Use to: Evaluate if a sensor parameter (either name or value) of a sensor belonging to a specified parent
or children group has changed.

NOTE: Sensors report their parameters (name and value) continuously.

Access Control related sentences:

Access Control related sentence

1 Sentence: Door was held open/forced/opened/locked/unlocked/normalized/inhibited.

Type: Event

Use to: Evaluate if a door matches a specified ACS event.

2 Sentence: User access was granted/denied.

Type: Event

Use to: Evaluate if an ACS user was granted or denied access.

Date/Time related sentences

All date/time sentences must be combined with event-related sentences, as opposed to state-related sentences. For
example, the first sentence in the group below can be combined with "Sensor status was changed," indicating that a
change in state (event) took place but cannot be combined with "At least one sensor under any sensor group(s) of any
type(s) is in a specified mode," where no state change is detected.

The event time is only relevant for sensors. Refer to Setting Sensor Event Time Intervals on page 173 for more

You can choose between the Server Time (the AMS date and time) and the Sensor Event Time (this is the actual sensor
time and not the event time).

Date/Time related sentences

1 Sentence: The specified time is between start time and end time.

Type: State

116 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.2 Managing Rule Conditions

Date/Time related sentences

Use to: Evaluate if an event occurred between two defined time intervals (a starting time and an ending
time) in a specified time zone (server time zone or sensor time zone where the event took place).

NOTE: Event time zone can only be different from the server time zone when
combined with sentences that state a sensor as one of their related entities.

For example, this sentence can be combined with "Sensor status was changed." When the
condition is met, defined automatic actions are triggered such as "Open new incident," "Send
messages to all control room operators," etc.

2 Sentence: The time is in the specified mode of the related group.

Type: State

Use to: Evaluate if an event occurred during a specified time mode (day or night) and is combined with
sentences that state a sensor as one of their related entities.

3 Sentence: The specified time occurred on select week days.

Type: State

Use to: Evaluate if an event occurred on any of the selected weekdays in a specified time zone (server
time zone or time zone where the event took place)

NOTE: Event time zone can only be different from the server time zone when
combined with sentences that state a sensor as one of their related entities.

Gateways related sentences:

NOTE: A gateway status can be "connected" or "disconnected."

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 117

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.2 Managing Rule Conditions

Gateways related sentences

1 Sentence: The specified gateway status was changed to the specified status.

Type: Event

Use to: Evaluate if the status (connected or disconnected) of a specified gateway changed to the
specified status.

118 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

11.3.1 Overview 119

11.3.2 Adding/Deleting Automatic Actions 119

11.3.3 "Open New Incident" Rule Automatic Action Behavior 121

11.3.4 Activating an Action in the Incident Owner’s Terminal 123

11.3.5 Collaboration Data Settings in Actions 124

11.3.6 Action Options 126

11.3.1 Overview
VisionHub enables the automation of various actions, such as: cameras display and PTZ control, sensors control,
incidents launch, procedures deployment, and more. Automatic actions can be activated from procedure tasks,
activation rules, predefined schedules, Quick Launch buttons or predefined triggers.

Variables in actions are used to represent data. When the action is executed, the variables are replaced with real data.
For example, by selecting the variable "%IncidentLocation%" you can define that when an incident with an Incident type
of "Suspicious Person" is opened, the Incident location is automatically added to the description of the Incident.

Automatic actions, their parameters, additional parameters and variables are provided in this section.

11.3.2 Adding/Deleting Automatic Actions

Once you have added conditions to your rule, if you have "Manage Automatic Actions" privileges, you can add automatic
actions to the conditions.

To add automatic actions to conditions:

1. After adding a rule with conditions, in the Actions pane, in the lower half of the screen, click Edit Actions. The
Edit Actions dialog box opens.
2. Click the Add Action drop-down list and select an action. Refer to the Action Options on page 126.
3. Fill in the parameter fields for the action. If needed, add:

Additional parameters by clicking Add Parameter and selecting from the drop-down list. The Additional
Parameters available change with each action selected. For example, for the action "Open new incident,"
you can add additional parameters such as "Incident group." In this example, when a rule with this action is
triggered, it opens a new incident for the assigned incident group and assigns the incident to a designated

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 119

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Variables to the parameters by clicking the Insert Variable button and selecting variables. Variables are
used to represent data. When the action is executed, the variables are replaced with real data. For
example, by selecting the variable "%IncidentLocation%" you can define that when an incident with an
incident type of "Suspicious Person" is opened, the incident location is automatically added to the
description of the incident.

You can delete parameter fields by selecting a field and clicking the Delete icon .

NOTE: You can define certain actions to only activate certain actions within an incident owner’s
terminal. Refer to Activating an Action in the Incident Owner’s Terminal on page 123.

NOTE: Adding the parameter "Execute in a loop over a collection of type" only has meaning when
adding actions to a rule. It does not have meaning in all other places in VisionHub that automatic
actions can be added, such as Planner or scheduled tasks.

120 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

4. After making all your action additions, click Save.

11.3.3 "Open New Incident" Rule Automatic Action Behavior

When defining an "Open New Incident" rule that contains the automatic actions Play Live, Playback and Open Map, the
actions are created in the incident default page.

These actions are opened according to the order defined in the rule (see examples below).

For instructions on merge and sharing options available in Open New Incident action, refer to Collaboration Data
Settings in Actions on page 124.

The start-time defined for the Playback automatic action refers to the start-time of the incident creation. If you use
setPlayback condition as part of an event started with incident Acknowledgment, the start time refers to the Ack time,
not the incident creation time.

In case of related sensors – first, the 4 slots of the main (original) sensor (Live, PB, Map, Sensor properties) are
displayed, and then, all the actions of the related sensor. The layout will change from the default 2x2 to a layout that can
display all the necessary slots.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 121

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

If the actions are configured before the "Open Incident", then the action are opened outside the Incident default page.


Configuration BPM Rule Actions Slot usage

Create an incident Open New Incident 1. Live

including one sensor Display Live Video (cam5) 2. Playback
(camera 5)
Display Video Playback 3. Map (if allowed, exists)
4. Sensor Events list
Open Map 1
5. Live (cam5)
6. Playback (cam5)
7. Map 1 opened

Create an incident Open New Incident (related 1. Live

including two sensors camera 7)
2. Playback
(camera 7 and related Display Video Playback
3. Map (if allowed, exists)
camera 5) (cam5)
4. Sensor Events list
5. Live (cam7)
6. Playback (cam7)
7. Playback (cam5)

Create an incident Condition: 1. Sensor A live

including two sensors 2. Sensor A playback
Sensor A state was changed
(A and B)
3. Sensor A playback (-2
Open new incident
4. Sensor A map
Playback sensor B
5. Sensor A events
Playback sensor A (-2 hours)
6. Playback sensor B

122 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Configuration BPM Rule Actions Slot usage

Perform automatic Display Video Playback 1. Live

action before creating (cam7)
2. Playback
an incident Open New Incident
3. Map (if allowed, exists)
Display Live Video (cam5)
4. Playback (cam7)
Display Video Playback
5. Sensor Events list
6. Live (cam5)
Open Map 1
7. Playback (cam5)
8. Map 1 opened

All automatic actions can be displayed in child windows, defined by the Control application users.

11.3.4 Activating an Action in the Incident Owner’s Terminal

The following actions can be configured to only activate in the terminal of the incident owner by adding the additional
parameter "Target User" and the variable "IncidentOwner":

Display Live Video

Close Live Video
Display Video Playback
Show Pre-Incident Video Playback
Start/Stop Tour
Set GIS View
Set GIS favorite: favorite will display in the context menu option Show Related Maps.
Attach GIS Favorite

The following is an example of adding a parameter to activate the action in a specific terminal:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 123

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

11.3.5 Collaboration Data Settings in Actions

Some automatic actions include the option to set Collaboration Data and associated merge option settings. These
actions include:

Create Incident: Collaboration Data specified in this action is merged with locally specified Collaboration Data
according to the specified merge option.
Update Incident: Collaboration Data original incident is merged with that specified in Update Incident
according to the selected merge option.
Share Incident: Change the local Collaboration Data with no merge changes.
This section describes the behavior and function of the collaboration and merge settings that are available in these

To set the Sharing options for an action:

1. Open the Edit Action dialog box, then click Add Action, and select the action. For example, Open New Incident.

NOTE: If you want to specify share data, you must specify an incident type.

124 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

2. In the Edit Action dialog box, click the Share ellipsis button. The Sharing Settings dialog box opens. Initially, no
assignee or stakeholder is specified.

3. (Optional) Enter the Sharing Settings . For an explanation of assignees and stakeholders, refer to the VisionHub
Control User Guide, Assigning and Sharing Incidents and Tasks.

4. Click the Merge Option field and select a merge option (the default is none).

The options are:

Group: Applicable when the action is conditional on a sensor being triggered. The collaboration data will
be taken from the local settings AND the related sensor group in which the triggered sensor is assigned.
When defining a sensor group, collaboration data is included, so when any sensor in the group is triggered,
that collaboration data is applied if this merge option is selected.
Incident Type: The collaboration data is taken from the incident type, specified in the Edit Action dialog
box (above), for the Open New Incident action.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 125

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Merge: Merge all collaboration data – from incident type, sensor group, and local.
None: Only local collaboration data is used – only that data manually entered in the Sharing With dialog
box. Replace: Specified collaboration data replaces the existing data.

11.3.6 Action Options

The following tables list the actions available to be assigned to new incidents, with the parameters and variables
available for each action.

126 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Parameters and
Actions Variables
Additional Parameters

Open New Incident Name Available for Name, Procedure,

Location and Description Parameters:
NOTE: For instructions on Severity: AccessEventType
merge and sharing options AccessResult
available in this action, refer to Low
Collaboration Data Settings in Normal AccessUsername
Actions on page 124. BadgeExternalSystemID
High BadgeID

Urgent BadgeStatus

Procedure CurrentDate

Location CurrentTime

Description ExternalUserID

Merge Option: ExternalUserName

Sensor Group ExternalUserSystemID

Incident SensorAdditionalInfo
Type SensorDescription
Merge SensorHardwareID
None SensorID
Share: SensorLocation
Assignee SensorLocationAccuracy
Stakeholders SensorMode

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 127

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Parameters and

Actions Variables
Additional Parameters

Update Incident Severity: Available for Name, Location and

Description Parameters :
Merge Option:
Sensor Group
Incident Type
Additional Parameters:

Close Incident Closure Comment CurrentDate


128 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Parameters and

Actions Variables
Additional Parameters

Conditional Incident Closure Related Sensor ClosestAssetToIncident

Closure Comment

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 129

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Parameters and

Actions Variables
Additional Parameters


Share Incident Share: -

NOTE: For instructions on Stakeholders
merge and sharing options
available in this action, refer to
Collaboration Data Settings in
Actions on page 124.

Procedure Insertion Procedure Name Incident Description


130 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Parameters and

Actions Variables
Additional Parameters

Deploy Procedure Procedure IncidentDescription


Send Command to Incident Sensors Command: Complete List

NOTE: This action is used for Arm
incident aggregation. It resets
sensors related to an incident Force
upon incident closure. Arm
to Default

Add Comment

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 131

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Parameters and
Actions Variables
Additional Parameters

Send Command to Sensor Sensor (select sensor from drop- Sensor:

down list)
Return to Default
Complete List
Additional Parameters
Duration (minutes)

Execute in a Loop Over a Collection

of Type:



Sensors Logical Group
Quick Launch

Close Sensor Related Incidents Sensor (select sensor from drop- Complete List
down list)

Additional Parameters
Reset Related Sensors

132 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Parameters and

Actions Variables
Additional Parameters

Grace Badge Sensor (select sensor from drop- Sensor:

down list)
Badge Identifier
Badge Identifier:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 133

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Parameters and

Actions Variables
Additional Parameters

Send Command to Sensor Sensor (select sensor from drop-

Group down list)
Return to Default
Reset failure
Reset Tamper
Switch On/Off
Open Gate
Open Door
Lock/Unlock Door
Normalize Door
Inhibit Door
Open/Lock Door for
Activate Door Entrance/Exit
Inhibit Door for Entrance/Exit
Archive SVR

Additional Parameters

134 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Parameters and

Actions Variables
Additional Parameters

Duration (minutes)

Sensor Type

Actions Action Parameters Variables

Play Page Selected Page Selected Group (toggles Selected Group:

(toggles with with "Selected Page")
"Selected Group")
Target User:
Target User

Associate Page Selected Page Selected Group (toggles Selected Group:

to Incident (toggles with with "Selected Page")
"Selected Group")

Play Page on Selected Page on Selected Group (toggles Selected Group:

VMX VMX (toggles with with "Selected Page on
"Selected VMX)
Group") Monitor:

Monitor SensorAdditionalInfo

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 135

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Para- Additional
Actions Variables
meters Parameters

Display Live Video Camera Execute in a Loop Camera:

Over a Collection of
Target SensorAdditionalInfo
Position Incident
Logical Group SensorRelatedVideo

Quick Launch Target User:


136 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Para- Additional

Actions Variables
meters Parameters

Display Live Video on Video Monitor Video Wall Monitor:

Camera Corresponding SensorAdditionalInfo
to Play Layout
Play on Slot

Complete List

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 137

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Para- Additional

Actions Variables
meters Parameters

Move Camera to Preset Camera Camera:

Preset Position SensorAdditionalInfo

Preset Position:

Display Video Playback Camera Name Camera:

Seconds Back SensorAdditionalInfo
Target User SensorDescription
Preset Position SensorGroupLocation
Target User:

138 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Para- Additional

Actions Variables
meters Parameters

Display Video Playback on Monitor Video Wall Monitor:

Video Wall
Camera Layout SensorAdditionalInfo
Seconds Play on Slot SensorDescription
Title SensorGroupLocation

Title, Video Wall:
Complete List

Display Pre-Incident Video Target User Target User:


VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 139

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Para- Additional

Actions Variables
meters Parameters

Display Pre-Incident Video Monitor Camera Monitor:

Playback on Video Wall
Seconds Back SensorAdditionalInfo
Video Wall SensorDescription
Layout SensorGroupLocation
Play on Slot SensorGroupName
Title SensorLocation


Title, Video Wall:

Complete List

140 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Para- Additional

Actions Variables
meters Parameters

Close Live Video Camera Camera:

Target User SensorAdditionalInfo
Target User:

Change Layout on Video Monitor Monitor:

Wall Monitor
Possible Layouts SensorAdditionalInfo

Change Barco Video Wall Video Region Region – many variables

Layout Wall
Deactivate Previous
Layout Layout

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 141

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Para- Additional

Actions Variables
meters Parameters

Start/ Stop Virtual Tour Virtual Target User Virtual Tour:

Target User:

Video Recording Camera Camera:

Video Command: SensorAdditionalInfo
Start SensorDescription
Recording SensorLocation

Resume Recording SensorRelatedVideo


Clear Monitor Monitor Monitor:


142 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Para- Additional

Actions Variables
meters Parameters

Start Tour on Video Wall Monitor Monitor:

Slot Position: SensorAdditionalInfo
Top SensorDescription
Left SensorRelatedVideo

Virtual Tour

Toggle Video Analytics Camera ID Camera:

Enable: SensorAdditionalInfo
No SensorDescription
Yes SensorGroupLocation
Video Application SensorGroupName

Restrict Video Channels Can select groups as well as

Previous seconds
Post event time

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 143

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Para- Additional

Actions Variables
meters Parameters

Set Recording Mode Camera ID Camera:

Channel Recording Mode: SensorAdditionalInfo
Event SensorDescription
Total Recording

Actions Action Parameters Variables

Play Predefined Sound Event Sound Event -

Third Party

Send HTTP Request URL URL, DATA:

Method: Complete List

Execute External Application Application Path Application Path, Application

Application Arguments
Complete List

144 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 11 Defining and Managing Rules 11.3 Managing Automatic Actions

Action Parameters and
Actions Variables
Additional Parameters

Set GIS View GIS view GIS view:

Additional Parameters: IncidentLocation

Target User
Target User:

Set GIS favorite Favorite Favorite:

Additional Parameters: RelatedVideoFavorite

Target User Target User:


VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 145

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities

12.1 Overview 147

12.2 The Sensors View Interface 147

12.3 Understanding Sensor Modes, States and Door Commands 150

12.4 Building and Managing the Entity Group Tree 152

12.4.1 Overview 153

12.4.2 Adding Entity Groups 154

12.4.3 Editing Entity Groups 156

12.4.4 Reordering Entities in a Group 157

12.4.5 Showing/Hiding a Group 158

12.4.6 Changing the Mode of Group Entities Globally 158

12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors 159

12.5.1 Overview 160

12.5.2 Adding Sensors with the Discovery Feature 161

12.5.3 Running Sensors Discovery 161

12.5.4 Editing Sensors 167

12.5.5 Managing Sensor Gateways 170

12.5.6 Setting Sensor Event Time Intervals 173

12.6 Adding External Monitors and Video Walls 174

12.6.1 Defining Video Wall Display Layout 175

12.6.2 Adding Video Walls 177

12.7 Defining Tours 180

12.8 Viewing Live Video 183

12.9 Managing Pages 184

12.9.1 Overview 184

12.9.2 Editing Page Properties 185

12.9.3 Managing Page Permissions 186

12.9.4 Viewing Page Content 187

12.10 Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace 187

146 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.1 Overview

12.10.1 Overview 188

12.10.2 Filtering the Display of Entities in the Workspace 188

12.10.3 Searching for Entities 190

12.10.4 Relating (Associating) Entities 190

12.10.5 Moving Entities between Groups 192

12.10.6 Deleting Entities 194

12.10.7 Changing a Sensor's State/Mode 195

12.1 Overview
The Sensors view is a unified management module for all the organization's logical entities, including:

Integrated third-party systems and devices - such as Access Control Systems, CCTV, video analytics
("Smart Cameras"), VMD, DVR panic buttons, API triggers, audio sensors and video walls.

NOTE: Physical entities are defined and configured in Video Configurator and logical entities are
defined and configured in Administrator.

Tours - A tour is an automatic sequence of camera inputs that is displayed in a single slot according to their dwell
time and presets. Dwell time is the amount of time video is displayed before it is replaced by another video
segment. The default dwell time is 10 seconds, but it is configurable in the system settings.
Pages - A page is defined in VisionHub Control application and can be managed in Administrator. It contains a
layout made up of several slots and can hold various types of content, such as maps, channels, tours and sensors.
This enables monitoring all necessary entities together, both in live and playback modes. For example, all entities
of a certain floor in a certain building.

12.2 The Sensors View Interface

The Sensors view workspace enables you to view an entity's group and group membership association, entity type,
name, mode, state, hardware ID, site association, description, location, order in the group and capabilities.

You can view a variety of read-only properties, such as: the entities contained in a page, the physical name of a sensor in
the third-party system, a sensor's hardware ID and type, the group the entity is part of, etc.

You can view an entity's permission as well as modify an entity's properties. For example, you can change an entity's
name, description, shortcut key, change a sensor's security credentials, modify relationships, add a tour segment to a
tour, view an open camera's live video, etc.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 147

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.2 The Sensors View Interface

The Sensors view workspace toolbar provides tools for moving the entities to groups, associating entities, deleting
entities, changing sensor states and modes.

NOTE: Only changes made in Administrator can be deleted in Administrator. Changes made in the third-
party system must be deleted in the third-party system.

For easy management and filtering, entities in the Sensors view are categorized into:

Views - Sensors, pages, tours. Under Sensors, sensors/cameras are categorized by their type, mode (armed or
disarmed), state (alarm or failure), site association (only relevant for video/audio sensors) and capabilities. In
addition, entities can be viewed by their relationship.
Groups - Entities can be organized into customizable groups. Entire sensors/cameras groups can be easily
armed, disarmed, bypassed, acknowledged, reset, reordered via the context menu in the Groups pane. You can
also edit group properties, reorder entities within the group, and hide/show all entities in the group via the
context menu.

Views and Groups enable you to filter the workspace display to entities of interest. For example, by selecting the view
"All sensor states>Normal" and a particular Sensors group, the workspace populates with all sensors in the selected
group with a state of Normal.

NOTE: A system group called "Ungrouped Entities" is created upon installation and cannot be deleted.
Any entities that are not grouped will display in the "Ungrouped Entities" group.

The Views, Groups and Properties panes can be undocked, moved, and resized.

148 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.2 The Sensors View Interface

To use the Sensors view:

1. In the Administrator Application navigation toolbar, click Sensors. The Sensors workspace opens.

2. Follow the table below for various sensor mannagement options:

Item Description

Views pane Choose what entities to display in the workspace - sensors, cameras, pages, and
Specify according to sensor type, state or mode (click the expand arrow for a
category to view the options).

Groups pane Displays the various groups in which the entities are organized. Specify what groups you
want to include in the workspace display.

Workspace Provides operations on one or more sensors selected in the sensor display:
Move selected entities to another group
Associate the selected entities to another group
Change selected sensor(s) state
Change selected sensor(s) mode

Refer to Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace on page 187.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 149

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.3 Understanding Sensor Modes, States and Door Commands

Item Description

Search bar Search for entities by name

or part of a name in all or selected groups. Refer to Searching for Entities on
page 190.
Use the All/Selected Groups button to toggle the search between selected groups
(those selected in the Groups pane) or all groups.

Information Display the properties, history, and roles of the selected entity. Some of the panes provide
panes editing options via the Edit tab.

Video pane Select/clear the Display Video check box to enable/disable video display from the camera
selected in the workspace.

Sensors view View an entity's group and group membership

workspace association, entity type, name, mode, state, shortcut key, hardware ID,
description, location, order in the group and capabilities.
Click the filter icon on a column header to display filter criteria.
Click the table headers in the workspace to organize the information in ascending or
descending order.
Click and drag to resize the columns.
Click and drag the headers to move the whole column and reorganize the table.

12.3 Understanding Sensor Modes, States and Door Commands

VisionHub receives sensor state and modes from integrated third-party systems which are indicated by graphical icons
in VisionHub. When a sensor state changes in the third-party system, a corresponding command is automatically sent
to VisionHub and the change is indicated by a change in the graphical icon or by a blinking icon.

For sensor groups, if one member of the group has changed state, this state will show as the group icon for the whole
group in the group tree. For example, if one sensor in the group is in Failure state, the group icon will show the Failure
icon. As a general rule, the State icon displays the most severe state out of all the group member states.

Using the provided state actions, operators can acknowledge or reset the sensors that are in Alarm, Failure or Tamper
state from Control.

When an ACS1 is integrated, operators can send commands to doors directly from Control.

A description of sensor states, state actions, door commands and modes are provided in the table below.

1Access Control System

150 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.3 Understanding Sensor Modes, States and Door Commands



Normal Indicates that the sensor is working as expected.

Alarm Indicates that the sensor state has changed, triggered by a sensor, a rule, or

Failure Indicates that the sensor is not working.

Tamper Indicates that the sensor has been tampered with or compromised.

Gateway Indicates that the gateway is disconnected.


Disconnected Indicates that the recorder is disconnected.

Unknown State is unknown.

On/Off Indicates that a dry contact output sensor is on/off. ,

State Actions

Acknowledge Provides a time-stamp for when a user acknowledges the change in sensor state , ,
(from Normal to Alarm, Failure, or Tamper). Acknowledging the state change stops
the sensors/cameras from blinking on a map.

Reset Resets a camera/sensor or a group of cameras/sensors back to Normal state. , ,

Door Commands

Open Door Opens the door remotely from Control.


NOTE: Door has to be physically unlocked (in case it cannot be opened

by card swipe).

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 151

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.4 Building and Managing the Entity Group Tree


Lock/Unlock Locks/unlocks the door remotely in Control and physically and card swipes are ,
Door (ACS) recorded to the ACS history log.

Inhibit Door Locks the door remotely from Control and cannot be opened via ACS card swipes.

NOTE: Door remains physically unlocked but cannot be opened via

card swipe. Card swipes are not recorded to the ACS history log.

Normalize Resets the door back to Normal state.

Door (ACS)

Show ACS Opens the door access history.



Arm Processes alarms and failure alarms for selected sensors/cameras or all
sensors/cameras in a group.

Disarm Disables any rules or automatic actions for selected sensors/cameras or all
sensors/cameras in the group but still processes alarms and failure alarms.

Bypass Ignores all activity (sensor/camera is still armed but does not go into alarm or trigger
actions upon activity).

Unknown Mode is unknown.

12.4 Building and Managing the Entity Group Tree

12.4.1 Overview 153

12.4.2 Adding Entity Groups 154

12.4.3 Editing Entity Groups 156

12.4.4 Reordering Entities in a Group 157

12.4.5 Showing/Hiding a Group 158

12.4.6 Changing the Mode of Group Entities Globally 158

152 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.4 Building and Managing the Entity Group Tree

12.4.1 Overview
Having entities in customizable groups enables the Channels and Sensors tabs in the Control application to be easily
organized and managed.

In Administrator Application, entities can be organized by customizable groups in the Groups tree hierarchy. For
example, sensors/tours may be grouped according to their physical location or any other logical association (an "ACS
sensors" group for example).

You can place entities in a group, and relate them to other groups as well. The sensors are members of the group they
are added to and related to groups they are associated with.
For example, you might have a group of all sensors located on Floor 3 of a building, and another group of all sensors
located in that same building. The sensors in group "Floor 3" are members of group "Floor 3". However, they can also be
related or associated to group "Building 1". When you associate the sensors in group "Floor 3" to group "Building 1", the
sensors on Floor 3 will also display in the group "Building 1". However, you will only be able to edit the properties of
those sensors from group "Floor 3".

NOTE: Sensors added by discovery are automatically added to the "Ungrouped Sensors" group. While
you can organize sensors and tours into customizable groups, pages can only be created and grouped in
Control. Once created, all published public pages and private pages created by the logged-in
administrator display in Administrator in the same group hierarchy tree as in Control. Refer to the
VisionHub Control User Guide for more information on creating pages.

The video sensor groups you create will be automatically added to the Control Channels and Sensors tabs and should
therefore be labeled wisely. For example, when creating a sensor tree for a facility named Generation Plant-134, you
can create a group for VMD cameras and two "children" groups for external and internal cameras, respectively. For such
an example, your tree in the Channels tab will look like the image below.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 153

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.4 Building and Managing the Entity Group Tree

All sensors in a group must belong to the same time zone.

The groups you create should mirror your map tree hierarchy.

Various relevant actions can be triggered for all entities within a group. You can expand the part of the entity group tree
by right-clicking a parent group in the tree and then clicking Expand All.

Only authorized users can group and manage entities. In case one or more sensors have viewing permission only, and
the user tries to perform any action that has no privilage, the following notification appears selecting the action to
execute: "The operation will be performed only on sensors that have the permission".

12.4.2 Adding Entity Groups

When building your entity group tree, you will be adding customizable groups. The groups you create should mirror your
map tree hierarchy. The groups you create will be automatically added to the Control application Channels and Sensors
tabs and should therefore be labeled wisely.

All cameras and sensors in a group must be in the same time zone.

154 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.4 Building and Managing the Entity Group Tree

To add sensor or tour groups:

1. In the navigation bar, click Sensors. The Sensors view opens.

2. In the Groups pane, right-click the relevant entity group, and then click Add Group.

If there is at least one sensor in alarm or in failure, the "parent group" will indicate so. A group is created and by
default given the name "New Group".

3. To edit the group name and other attributes, refer to Editing Entity Groups on the next page.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 155

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.4 Building and Managing the Entity Group Tree

4. To add children groups, repeat steps 2-3.

To delete a group:
1. In the Groups pane, right-click the relevant entity group, and then click Delete. The system asks if you want to
delete the group and all subgroups and sensors contained in the group(s).
2. Click Yes.

12.4.3 Editing Entity Groups

Entity groups can be edited after creation.

To edit a sensor group:

1. In the Groups pane, right-click the relevant group, and then click Edit Group.The Update Sensors Group dialog
box opens.

2. In the Group Name, Description, and Location fields, change as relevant.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.4 Building and Managing the Entity Group Tree

3. Select the Time Settings check box.

If you want to specify Night Mode for the group, enter beginning and ending times.
Select the time zone from the list. All the sensors in the group must be in the same time zone.
4. (Optional) Associate a page with this group: In the Associated page drop-down list, select a page.

5. (Optional) In the Sharing section, specify job titles for stakeholders. Do one of the following:

Type the first letter(s) of a job title and select from the displayed options.
Click Stakeholders to open the Find Job Titles dialog box, in which you can search by job title and add
selected job titles. Do not use the By Name tab. This tab is not functional here.

NOTE: For an explanation of stakeholder functions, refer to the VisionHub Control User Guide,
Assigning and Sharing Incidents and Tasks.

Collaboration data specified for a sensor group will be merged with locally specified collaboration data according
to the merge option settings for the triggered action. Refer to Collaboration Data Settings in Actions on
page 124.

6. Click OK.

12.4.4 Reordering Entities in a Group

The order of entities in a group determines their display order in Control. Once added to a group, you can reorder the
entities in a group. The reorder function enables changing the display order of entities in the group, for example to put
more important first, and less important below.

To reorder entities in a group:

1. In the Groups pane, right-click the relevant group, and select Reorder Group Entities. The Order Entities
Group dialog box opens.
2. (Optional) Filter what displays in the dialog box by clicking a column header and selecting from the various drop-
down lists. For example, selecting the filter criteria "show rows with a value greater than 2 and less than 9" for
the Order column displays only those entities with an order between 2 and 9. To clear the filter, click Clear
3. (Optional) Sort the data in a column by ascending or descending order by clicking the column name.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.4 Building and Managing the Entity Group Tree

4. Do one of the following:

Click and drag the entities in the dialog box to create the new order.
Use the Move Down and Move Up buttons.
5. After reordering the entities in the group. click Close.

12.4.5 Showing/Hiding a Group

When viewing entities in groups, you can easily show/hide the display in the Sensors workspace of all entities in a group
and subgroups.

To show/hide the display of entities in a group and its subgroups:

In the Groups pane, right-click the relevant group, and then click:

View All to display all the entities in the group and all of its subgroups.
Hide All to hide the display of all the entities in the group and all of its subgroups.

12.4.6 Changing the Mode of Group Entities Globally

On a group level, you can change the mode of all entities in the group. For more information about modes, refer to
Understanding Sensor Modes, States and Door Commands on page 150.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

To change the mode of all entities in a group:

1. In the Groups pane, right-click the relevant group, select Mode and then click the relevant mode.

2. In the Comments dialog box, type the reason for changing the mode, or select a predefined comment from the
drop-down list, and click OK.

The mode and graphical icon change for all entities in the group, as indicated by the Mode column in the Sensors
workspace, and the graphical icon displays next to the group name in the Groups pane.

12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

12.5.1 Overview 160

12.5.2 Adding Sensors with the Discovery Feature 161

12.5.3 Running Sensors Discovery 161

12.5.4 Editing Sensors 167

12.5.5 Managing Sensor Gateways 170

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 159

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

12.5.6 Setting Sensor Event Time Intervals 173

12.5.1 Overview
Third-party cameras and sensors can be discovered automatically or manually by an authorized user and imported into
the Sensors view. Each sensor is identified by its type, gateway, and additional applicable attributes. These attributes
determine the generic logic that applies to that sensor. Discovered cameras and sensors are automatically imported
into the "Ungrouped Sensors" group and can be moved to existing or new groups. Refer to Building and Managing the
Entity Group Tree on page 152.

In the Views pane, under All sensors and cameras, sensors/cameras are categorized into the following views:

Sensor View Sub-views
Workspace with

All third-party All sensors/cameras None


All Sensor Types Sensor/camera types Access Control, API Trigger, Audio-Sensor, Drycontact-Sensor, Smoke
Detector Sensor

All Sensor States Sensor/camera states Normal, Alarm, Failure, Tamper, Gateway Disconnected,
Disconnected, Unknown

All Sensor Modes Sensor/camera modes Armed, Disarmed, Bypassed, Unknown

All Sensor Sensor/camera PTZ, Video Analytics, Audio In

Capabilities capabilities

Defined sensors can be managed and controlled by the provided operations via the map icons representing the sensors.

Using the Rule engine, you can define activation rules that need to be executed when entity-related events take place.
The rule engine includes a flexible and easy-to-use rule editor. If conditions defined in the rules are met, alarms are
triggered, activating response plans automatically, or recommendations are sent to operators and collaborators to
activate plans on-demand. For example, a rule "Door Forced" can be easily created in the Rule engine to dictate that
when the state of access control system sensors in Building 1 change, actions such as "move camera," "play defined
sound," "send messages," and "send a command to other sensors" are automatically triggered. For more information
about defining rules, refer to Defining and Managing Rules on page 107.

NOTE: It is important to enter all relevant sensor information appropriately because it can be used as
variables when defining rules and actions.

160 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

Only authorized users can define and manage sensors.

12.5.2 Adding Sensors with the Discovery Feature

Sensors discovery provides the ability to probe the actual hardware devices connected to the gateways and import
them as ready-made VisionHub sensors, along with their capabilities and attributes, without having to define them
manually. Discovery is supported for devices such as dry contact points, access control system readers, badges, etc. The
Discovery feature speeds up the process and accuracy of adding sensor gateways to VisionHub and updating them. In
addition, this feature provides real updates of the sensors within the network.

Two options are available for discovery:

Auto-discovery - (set by default for all gateways) is queried every 20 seconds, or by a user-configurable time
interval, and changes are automatically updated in Administrator Application.
Manual discovery - manually running a discovery initiates the process of collecting sensors information from your
network. You can view the collected information by first filtering the results by area to define your query and
then update the list to show the results in the grid.

NOTE: Discovered sensors and updated sensors are added to the Ungrouped Sensors group.

To disable auto-discovery:
1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration and then in the Modules pane under Sensors, click Gateways.
The Gateways Management window opens.
2. In the Gateways list, click to highlight the gateway you want to edit and then select the Parameters tab.
3. In the Name column, select autoDiscovery and then in the Gateways Management toolbar, click Edit. The Edit
Parameter dialog box opens.
4. In the Value drop-down field, select False and click OK.
5. Restart the gateway.

NOTE: Any changes made in the third-party system need to be synchronized in Administrator
manually if auto discovery is disabled. Refer to Running Sensors Discovery below.

12.5.3 Running Sensors Discovery

If you do not want to have discovery run automatically, you can manually run discovery in the Sensors Discovery module.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

To run sensor discovery:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration,

2. In the Modules pane under Sensors, click Discovery. The Sensors Discovery module opens.

You can hide or show the filtering fields by clicking the Configuration button in the top right corner of the
Sensors Discovery main screen.

3. In the Filter By section, fill in the relevant fields to define your search as described below.

In all the drop-down lists, you can click Select All to select all sensors meeting the filter. query criteria or Select
None to deselect all.

All the free text fields support the following wild card search options:

*: Any character string composed of zero or more characters

?: Any single character
[ ] Any single character matching the specified set or range
[ ^ ]: Any single character not matching the specified set or range
For example, if you want to search for all gateways that begin with the character A, typing A* and pressing
ENTER results in the desired search.

162 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

If you are searching for an item that actually has a "?" or a "*" in it, you need to use a special character – "\" before
the "?" or "*". This is called an escape character.

For example, if you are looking for a sensor located on floor*1, in Location field type "floor\*1".

Gateway: From the drop-down list, select the sensor gateways and click OK.
Name: Type the gateway name.
Group: Type the gateway group, if applicable.
Type: From the drop-down list, select a sensor type and click OK. Supported sensor types include: alarm
panel, decoder, smoke detector, access control, perimeter, drycontact-output, drycontact, API trigger,
audio, video and fence.
Hardware ID: Type the Hardware ID. Hardware IDs begin with the gateway name. If you do not know
the Hardware ID, you can search for it by typing the gateway name followed by a wild card. See above
info for wild card search.
Description: Type a description.
Status: From the drop-down list, select an available status: None (default), New or Modified. Click OK.
Visibility: From the drop-down list, select a visibility preference as follows:
Visible Only: Only selects the sensors marked Unhide in the sensors grid
Hidden Only: Only selects the sensors marked Hide in the sensors grid
All: Selects all sensors in the sensor’s grid, regardless of visibility status

NOTE: In the Sensor grid, you can use the Hide/Unhide buttons to determine a sensor’s
visibility in the grid after clicking Update Results.

Location: In a multi-site installation, type a site.

Updated Between: Enter a query date interval in the Updated Between and And date fields.
4. In the Sort By section, from the primary and secondary sort drop-down lists, select a column preference to sort
the query by: Hardware ID, Name, Description, Type, Group, or Location.

5. Click Run Discovery and then click Update Results to view the query results in the sensor’s table grid.

NOTE: After initially clicking Run Discovery once, you do not need to click it before each time
that you click Update Results. You can click it again from time to time to make sure that the
information is the most updated.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

In the Results pane, the icons in the Status column define the sensor status as follows:

Plus sign: new sensor

Pencil: modified sensor
Garbage: deleted sensor
6. The Related Entities/Properties column reflects a sensor’s related properties (such as internal/external
video matrix monitor, camera presets, camera tours, video favorites) that are defined in third-party servers and
discovered by the gateway. Click the Ellipsis [ ] for the discovered entity to open the Related Entities window.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

The window shows the related entities for the discovered sensor, grouped by type. For example, a camera sensor
related entity will show the properties of the camera, such as it being a PTZ camera or an External Monitor type
for a Video Matrix. In case the entities themselves have related entities, selecting an entity in the list shows the
related entity in another list. An example of a second level related entity would be Slots for External Monitors.

Click OK to close the window.

7. (Optional) Use the following options available on the Sensors Discovery toolbar:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 165

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

Toolbar Button Description

Selects gateways to install in Control Room:

Gateways to Install Select Page: Selects all the sensors on the page.
Unselect Page: Unselects all the sensors on the page.
Select All: Selects all the sensors in the table grid.
Unselect All: Unselects all the sensors in the table grid.

Hide/ Unhide Designates which gateway sensors to hide from showing in the sensor’s grid or
unhide upon clicking Update Results.

Clears all results in the sensor’s grid

Group by Box Group the grid results by selected columns.

NOTE: You can click a column header and drag it to the Group section
to group by that column when clicking Update Results.

8. After you have selected the gateways you want to import into VisionHub, click Import from the toolbar.

The Sensor Groups dialog box opens.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

9. Select a group you want the added sensors to be a part of, and click OK.
10. (Optional) To organize the columns of the Discovery table grid, right-click a column header and use the table
below for guidelines:

Table Grid Options Description

Sort by Ascending/sort by Descending Sorts the data in the selected column by ascending or descending

Group by this Column Groups the Group by Box section results by this column

Column Chooser Drag-and-drops selected columns to show/not show on the grid

Best Fit Sets columns width to optimally fit to contents

Clear Filter Clears the filter

(The filter can be set by clicking on the triangles under each column.)

Best Fit (all columns) Clears all results in the sensor’s grid

12.5.4 Editing Sensors

Sensors can be easily edited after discovered and added to the Sensors view. From the Properties pane you can view
which sensors the sensor is related to, its history (by selectable time frame), and roles that have permission to view and
manage the sensor. In addition, you can navigate to the role by clicking the View links.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 167

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

To edit sensors:
1. In the navigation toolbar, click Sensors.
2. In the Groups pane, click the sensor group which contains the sensor you want to edit.

NOTE: To view entities in a particular group, make sure the appropriate view is also selected in
the Views pane.

3. In the Sensors workspace, click to highlight a sensor. The sensor's properties display in the Information pane on
the right.

4. Click Edit and edit the sensor's properties as required. The properties you can edit are as follows:

Sensor name, Description, Location, Shortcut Key, feature template association, authentication
credentials (name and password).

NOTE: The Sensor name is the sensor's logical name and is the name that will display in
the Sensors List in VisionHub Control. The Physical Name is the name of the sensor in the
third-party system and can only be edited in the third-party system.

Relating a sensor to a camera. See To relate a sensor to a camera: on the facing page.

5. After making your edits, click OK.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

NOTE: SD card failure alarms can be triggered on the sensor and not on the camera. However, the
camera and sensor must be related for this feature to work.

To relate a sensor to a camera:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Sensors.
2. In the Groups pane, click the sensor group which contains the sensor you want to relate to a camera.

NOTE: To view entities in a particular group, make sure the appropriate view is also selected in
the Views pane.

3. In the Sensors workspace, click to highlight a sensor. The sensor's properties display in the Infoemation pane.
4. Click Edit.
5. Scroll down, and under Video, click the Plus (+) sign in the Related Camera field. The Select Entities dialog box
6. Under Groups, select the check box of the group that contains the camera you want to relate to your sensor. You
can use the Search bar to find a particular camera. The cameras in the group populates the Entities section of
the dialog box.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 169

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

7. Select the relevant camera and click OK.

12.5.5 Managing Sensor Gateways

Administrator Application provides an easy single-view tool for gateway database editing, monitoring, and management
of all non-video gateways that have been installed through the Gateway Installer. You can make modifications directly
in Administrator Application and no longer need to exit Administrator Application, stop VisionHub services, make
required changes in the database, start VisionHub services, and restart Administrator Application. All changes made in
Administrator are recorded in the database.

The Gateways Management workspace has two tabs:

Summary - provides all pertinent gateway information, such as name, current status, and whether the gateway
is enabled (loaded) or not. From the Summary tab, you can also perform management operations such as
starting, stopping, restarting, and cloning gateways.
Parameters - enables viewing, adding, editing and deleting parameters from the SensorGatewayParams
database table. By default, all gateways are set to auto-discovery. To disable this feature and add
sensors/cameras manually, you need to set the autoDiscovery parameter to "false".

To manage gateways:
1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration

2. In the Modules pane under Sensors, click Gateways. The Gateways Management module opens.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

3. In the Gateways tree, select a gateway and perform one of the following operations:

To Do This

Start (load and run) the Do one of the following:

In the Gateways Management toolbar, click the Start Gateway
button .

In the Summary tab, click the Start Gateway blue hyperlink.

Stop the Gateway Do one of the following:

In the Gateways Management toolbar, click the Stop Gateway

button .

In the Summary tab, click the Stop Gateway blue hyperlink.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

To Do This

Restart a running Gateway Do one of the following:

In the Gateways Management toolbar, click the Restart Gateway

button .

In the Summary tab, click the Restart Gateway blue hyperlink.

Refresh Gateways
In the Gateways Management toolbar, click the Refresh button .

Delete a Gateway from the In the Gateways Management toolbar, click the Delete Gateway button
database .

Enable/Disable Gateway In the Summary tab, click the Enable Gateway/Disable Gateway blue
hyperlink. This automatically changes the value in the Active column to TRUE
and starts the gateway in the SensorGateway table.

Clone Gateway In the Summary tab, click the Clone Gateway blue hyperlink. This
instantly creates a new gateway entry in the database with the same
parameters and settings as an existing gateway.

To manage gateway database parameters:

1. In the Gateways tree, click to highlight a gateway and then click the Parameters tab.
2. Perform one of the following operations:

To Do This

Add a a database parameter to a. In the Parameters tab toolbar, click the Add Parameter button. The
the SensorGateway table Add Parameter dialog box opens.
a. In the Name and Value fields, enter a name and value.
b. In the Type drop-down list, select a type: String, Integer, Double,
Boolean, XML.
c. If you want the value to be encrypted, select the Encrypt this value
check box.
d. Click OK.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.5 Defining and Managing Sensors

To Do This

Edit the gateway parameters in a. In the Parameters tab, select a parameter and then, in the
the SensorGateway table Parameters tab toolbar, click Edit. The Edit Parameter dialog box
b. Change the parameters as needed and click OK.

Alternatively, click the Start Gateway blue hyperlink in the Summary

tab and edit parameters in the window.

Delete a gateway parameter in a. In the Parameters tab, select a parameter and then, in the
the SensorGateway table. Parameters tab toolbar, click Delete. A confirmation message
b. Click Yes.

Save In the Parameters tab toolbar, click Save.

NOTE: After making any changes to the SensorGateway

database table, you must restart the gateway for changes to
take effect.

Discard Changes In the Parameters tab toolbar, click Discard Changes.

3. After making any changes to the SensorGateway database table, restart the gateway for changes to take effect.
Do one of the following:

In the Gateways Management toolbar, click the Restart Gateway button .

In the Summary tab, click the Restart Gateway blue hyperlink.

12.5.6 Setting Sensor Event Time Intervals

The event time is only applicable for sensors and is evaluated according to the time zone specified by the user when
defining sensor groups. If time zone is not specified, the server time zone is applied automatically (rather than the time
zone in which the event occurred).

To add time mode and zone settings to your sensno or:

1. In the navigation bar, click Sensors. The Sensors view opens.
2. In the Groups pane, right-click a Sensors group, and select Edit. The Update Group dialog box opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 173

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.6 Adding External Monitors and Video Walls

3. Select the Time Settings check box.

4. From the drop-down list fields, select a time to begin and end night mode, as well as the time zone in which the
sensors are located.

12.6 Adding External Monitors and Video Walls

The Video Wall layout enables viewing video on external monitors. An actual Control Room consists of many wall
monitors, physically connected to decoders that decode video. The decoded video is then displayed on wall monitors.
The decoders are connected to the network over LAN. Decoders are VGA-based devices which contain up to four VGA
cards and enable the display of the decoded video on four monitors, either analog or digital. An installation may include
many video walls, at various locations. Monitors can physically be located at any place, such as control rooms, a
manager’s house, different buildings, and so on. The operator may direct the video from any video channel to be
displayed on an external video monitor.

When all is configured, authorized operators can select the content to display on each video wall and manage the video
wall layout.

174 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.6 Adding External Monitors and Video Walls

Decoders and external monitors must be added to the site and configured using the Video Configurator application.
Video walls, display layouts, and associated user authorizations must be configured using the Administrator application.

The workflow for creating video walls includes:

1. In Video Configurator, add decoders (video switches -NVD) to the site: Refer to the Video Configurator User Guide,
Managing Decoders chapter. Each decoder supports up to four monitors.
2. In Administrator, define user authorizations: Define the related user-role authorizations and assign to users.
Refer to Defining and Managing User Security Roles on page 18.
3. In Administrator, run Sensors Discovery and define video wall layouts: Refer to Defining Video Wall Display
Layout below.
4. In Administrator, add video wall layouts: Refer to Adding Video Walls on page 177.
5. In Control, switch to the VMX mode and view video on video wall while operating it from your local workstation,
where Control is running.

12.6.1 Defining Video Wall Display Layout

VisionHub supports enhanced video wall display capabilities. With the support of a recognized gateway, you can import
relevant video switch (decoder) sensors and their properties into Administrator Application and then create Video
Walls. This capability provides a rich user experience by enabling the use of actual snapshots of a selected video wall
and by enabling customization of video wall backgrounds. Using Control, you can "drag & drop" a camera into slots and
view live and playback video on external video walls.

NOTE: To manage and view external monitors, you must have authorization and the appropriate
permission for the video switch (decoder) sensors. Refer to Defining and Managing User Security Roles on
page 18.

NOTE: If you create a video wall and no display (monitor) is added to a video wall, the video wall will not
be listed in Control.

To define a video wall display layout:

1. Make sure the relevant video switch sensors are imported into Administrator via auto discovery:

In the navigation toolbar, click Sensors.

In the Views pane, expand the All sensor types view and select Video Switch.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 175

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.6 Adding External Monitors and Video Walls

In the Groups pane, select the Sensors group and the relevant sub-group. The Sensors workspace
populates with all imported video switch sensors.

NOTE: If the relevant video switch sensors are not imported into Administrator Application, make
sure the relevant gateway has the autoDiscovery parameter set to True. Refer to Adding
Sensors with the Discovery Feature on page 161.

2. In the Administration view, under Video Walls Management, select Monitors. The Monitors workspace opens,
with the external monitors that were defined and enabled during sensors discovery.

Unlike external monitors that can be enabled/disabled in Administrator, video switches (decoders) can only be
enabled or disabled in the Video Configurator application. If a video switch (decoder) is disabled in Video
Configurator, it will not be discovered in Administrator and the monitors connected to this video switch (decoder)
will not be shown in Control in the VMX view.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.6 Adding External Monitors and Video Walls

NOTE: External Monitors can be edited manually by clicking the Edit button and filling out the
fields in the Monitor Details window. However, they will not be reflected in the sensor discovery

12.6.2 Adding Video Walls

After defining external monitors, you can create video wall layouts

To add a video wall:

1. In the Administration view, under Video Walls Management, click Video Walls. The Video Walls workspace
opens. Existing Video Walls appear in the Video Wall Name list.

2. In the Video Walls toolbar, click Add . The Video Wall Definition dialog box opens.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.6 Adding External Monitors and Video Walls

3. Enter a name and a description of the Video Wall.

4. Click OK.

To set monitor placement:

1. In the Video Wall Name list, click the new video wall you have just created and then in the Video Wall toolbar,
click the Edit button. The Video Wall Definition dialog box opens.

2. Click Settings to set the monitor placement and/or customize the background of the video wall image. The
Monitor Placement window opens.

178 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.6 Adding External Monitors and Video Walls

3. Select a monitor from the Monitors pane and then drag and drop it onto the background.
4. Select an image by clicking Browse or a color from the Color drop-down list to customize the background of the
video wall.
5. Do one of the folllowing:

Use the Zoom slider at the bottom-left of the window to zoom in or out.
Click on the monitor and drag its corners to adjust the size of the monitor slots.

Adjust the placement of the monitor slots by clicking on the monitor and dragging it with the mouse.

To delete the selected monitor, right-click on the monitor and select Delete.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 179

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.7 Defining Tours

6. Click OK in the Monitor Placement dialog box and OK in the Video Wall Definition dialog box.
7. (Optional) To preview a video wall, click a video wall in the Video Wall Name list. A preview opens in the Preview

12.7 Defining Tours

A tour is an automatic sequence of camera inputs that is displayed on a single slot, according to their dwell time and
presets. Dwell time is the duration that video is displayed before it is replaced by another video segment. The default
dwell time is 10 seconds, but it is configurable in the system settings.

Only authorized users can view and operate tours in Control. Only those tours an authorized user is allowed to view and
operate are displayed in the Tour tree. When a user plays a tour, the channels that this user is not authorized to see are

View info includes: Tour Name, shortcut, description, list of channels with their duration in the tour.

On-screen Display (OSD) shows the date and time of the currently played segment. The camera displayed as part of the
tour has an OSD indicator identifying that a tour is currently activated. While playing a tour, its name and shortcut
appear as part of an OSD view. Each of the monitors displaying tour entities displays a description of the entity loaded
on the monitor.

Tours are displayed in Control in the order they were assigned in Administrator.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.7 Defining Tours

To create a tour:
1. In the navigation toolbar, click Sensors.

2. In the Groups pane, right-click the sensor group you want the tour to be added to and select Add > Add Tour.
The tour is created and the Properties pane opens in edit mode.

NOTE: To view entities in a particular group, make sure the appropriate view is also selected in
the Views pane.

3. In the Name and Description fields, add a name and description.

4. In the Shortcut Key field, type a shortcut key.
5. Click OK to save your new tour.
6. In the Video Segments section, click Edit and Add Segments. The Select Entities dialog box opens.
7. Click the group that contains the relevant cameras/channels. You can use the search bar to locate a particular
group, or a particular camera/channel. The Entities section of the dialog box populates with cameras/channels
from the selected group.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.7 Defining Tours

8. Select the camera/channel you want to add to the tour and click OK.
9. If the selected camera is a digital camera with a preset, select the preset from the list.
10. To add other camera(s)/channel(s) to the tour, do the following:

To add a second camera/channel from another group, click Add Segments and then repeat steps 7-8.
Repeat until all the relevant entities have been added.
To multi-select consecutive entities in the same group, click the first entity you want to add, press the
Shift key and then click the last entity you want to add.
To multi-select non-consecutive entities in the same group, click an entity you want to add, press the Ctrl
key and then click the other entities you want to add.
11. To change the order of the segment, click a segment and then use the Up/Down arrows.
12. After making your selections, click OK.

182 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.8 Viewing Live Video

To edit a tour segment:

1. Click a segment and then do the following, as necessary

In the Name field, edit the name.

NOTE: The camera name is the physical name of the camera in the third-party system and
cannot be edited in Administrator Application.

In the Play Time field, edit the time you want the segment to play for before the segment is replaced
with the next segment. The dwell times is configured in seconds.
2. Click OK.

To delete a tour segment:

1. Click the segment you want to delete, and click the Delete button .

2. Click OK.

12.8 Viewing Live Video

In Administrator Application, you can view live video of a camera open in Control.

To view live video:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Sensors to open the Sensors view.
2. In the Groups pane, click the sensors group containing the camera whose video you want to display.

NOTE: To view entities in a particular group, make sure the appropriate view is also selected in
the Views pane.

3. In the Sensors workspace, click the camera whose video you want to view. In the Information pane, the camera's
live video starts playing (including the sensor date and time).

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 183

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.9 Managing Pages

To disable the Display Video option:

By default, the Display Video option is enabled. To disable this option, in the Properties pane, clear the Display Video
check box.

12.9 Managing Pages

12.9.1 Overview 184

12.9.2 Editing Page Properties 185

12.9.3 Managing Page Permissions 186

12.9.4 Viewing Page Content 187

12.9.1 Overview
A Control Web application page is a window comprised of content specified by Control users and/or automatically.

NOTE: Pages can only be created, by authorized users, in the Control application. Once published, they
can be managed in Administrator. For more information about creating and working with pages, refer to
the VisionHub Control User Guide.

A page might contain content for monitoring a specific location. For example, videos for areas of interest and a map with
camera icons that open additional video on demand. The video content can be live or playback.

184 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.9 Managing Pages

The page may be incident-related, meaning it has content relevant to an incident. For example, a map showing a
building location and having a marker that enables you to “drill-down” to the floor in the building where a smoke
detector has been alarmed, as well as access videos from cameras in the relevant areas.

Control users can create as many different pages as needed, each with the unique content and/or layout that the user

Page Content: A page can have a combination of different types of content in the slots, such as:

Video with audio
Mixed video and audio clips
PTZ cameras
Access Control Systems (ACS)

Page Layout: Each page can be of any type of layout. You can choose out of available layouts or customize and
build your own. You can build as many pages as you want.

Only authorized users manage pages.

12.9.2 Editing Page Properties

Published page properties can be viewed and partially edited in Administrator. You can view page ID, name, description,
the user it was created by, when it was last modified and by whom, its assigned shortcut keyboard key.

The properties that can be edited are: page name, description and shortcut key.

NOTE: Refresh Control to see page edits and reordering.

To edit page properties:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Sensors.

2. In the Groups pane, click the Published Pages group to view all published pages.

NOTE: To view entities in a particular group, make sure the appropriate view is also selected in
the Views pane.

3. In the Sensors workspace, click to highlight a page. The page's properties display in the Properties pane.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.9 Managing Pages

4. Click Edit and edit the page's properties as required. The properties you can edit are: Page name, description
and keyboard shortcut key.
5. After making your edits, click OK.

12.9.3 Managing Page Permissions

From the Page Properties pane, you can view and manage roles that have permission to manage the page. In addition,
you can navigate to the role by clicking the View links.

To manage page permissions:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Sensors.

2. In the Groups pane, click the Published Pages group to view all published pages.

NOTE: To view entities in a particular group, make sure the appropriate view is also selected in
the Views pane.

3. In the Sensors workspace, click to highlight a page. The page's properties display in the Properties pane.
4. Expand the Roles tab. The list of assigned roles opens.
5. To edit the roles, click Edit, select/clear the check boxes of the roles you want to assign/unassign to this page,
and click OK.
6. To view the authorizations set for the roles, click the View link next to the role. The Roles workspace for that
role opens. To modify role authorizations, refer toDefining and Managing User Security Roles on page 18.

186 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.10 Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace

12.9.4 Viewing Page Content

A page can have a combination of different types of content in the slots, such as:

Video with audio
Mixed video and audio clips
PTZ cameras
Access Control Systems (ACS)

In the Page Properties pane, you can view the content of each page slot as well as slot position in the page.

To view page content:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Sensors.

2. In the Groups pane, click the Published Pages group to view all published pages.

NOTE: To view entities in a particular group, make sure the appropriate view is also selected in
the Views pane.

3. In the Sensors workspace, click to highlight a page. The page's properties display in the Properties pane.
4. Expand the Page Entities tab. You can now view the published page content as it is seen in Control, including
the content name and type and the slot it populates.

12.10 Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace

12.10.1 Overview 188

12.10.2 Filtering the Display of Entities in the Workspace 188

12.10.3 Searching for Entities 190

12.10.4 Relating (Associating) Entities 190

12.10.5 Moving Entities between Groups 192

12.10.6 Deleting Entities 194

12.10.7 Changing a Sensor's State/Mode 195

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 187

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.10 Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace

12.10.1 Overview
The Sensors view workspace enables you to view and manage an entity's group and group membership association,
entity type, name, mode state, hardware ID, description, location, order in the group and capabilities. You can
select/deselect all entities displayed in the workspace and resize columns.

The Sensors view workspace toolbar provides tools for moving the entities to groups, associating entities, deleting
entities, changing sensor states, and modes.

12.10.2 Filtering the Display of Entities in the Workspace

Views and Groups enable you to filter the workspace display to entities of interest. For example by selecting the view
"All sensor states > Normal" and a particular Sensors group, the workspace populates with all sensors in the selected
group with a state of Normal.

In addition, you can create a multilevel hierarchy display.

NOTE: A system group called "Ungrouped Sensors" is created upon installation and cannot be deleted.
Any entities that are not grouped display in the "Ungrouped Sensors" group.

To filter the workspace display by views and groups:

1. In the Views pane, select the check box of the type of entities you want to view. If you select the parent view, all
children views are also selected. To select only a child view, you must expand the Views tree and select the
relevant child.
2. In the Groups pane, select the groups whose entities you want to display in the workspace. Checking the parent
group does not automatically check the children groups. To check both the parent and children groups, right-click
the parent group and click View All.

The workspace populates with the selected view criteria and the selected groups.

3. (Optional) Further filter the entities that display in the workspace by one or more of the column headers by
clicking the filter icon in the header and selecting filter criteria. If you click the header itself, the system
simply arranges the entities in ascending/descending order, according to that heading (not the same as filtering).
You can filter by column header for the following columns: Name, Description and Order.

To filter the display of the Sensors workspace:

1. Click the filter icon in the column header by which you want to filter. For example, next to Name to filter the
display according to entity name. The Filter dialog opens.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.10 Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace

2. Do one of the following:

To select all filtering options, select the Select All check box.
To define specific filter criteria, select the relevant check box and under Show rows with value that, select
the options for filtering.
3. Click Filter.

To clear a filter:

1. Click the filter icon for the filter you want to clear.
2. In the Filter dialog box, click Clear Filter.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.10 Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace

To organize the workspace display by column group:

Click and drag a column header and drop it in the row above the column headers.

The entities in the workspace are now displayed in a multilevel hierarchy. Each group can be expanded and collapsed for
easy viewing and management. For example, by dragging columns "Group" and "Membership" to the Grouped by row,
only entities that have been assigned a membership for the selected group display in the workspace.

You can reorder the display of the groups in the hierarchy by clicking the ascending/descending arrow in the column
header box.

To clear the multilevel hierarchy display:

In the Grouped by row, click the X in the column header box.

12.10.3 Searching for Entities

In the search bar, you can search for entities by name or by a part of a name. You can search all groups or refine your
search to selected groups.

To search for a specific entity:

1. In the Sensors workspace search bar, click the drop-down list and select one of the following:

Selected Groups to only search entities in the groups that are selected in the Groups pane
All Groups to search entities in all groups.
2. In the search bar, type the name of the name of the entity you want to search for. As you type, the instances
matching your search entry appear in the workspace.

To clear the search:

Click the X next to the search bar.

12.10.4 Relating (Associating) Entities

The relationship (association) feature enables placing entities in a group and relate them to other groups as well. That is,
sensors can be allocated to one primary group (in which they are members) and associated to other groups. Sensors
cannot be associated to a group they are members of.

The sensors are members of the group they are added to and related to groups they are associated with. For example,
you might have a group of all sensors located on Floor 3 of a building and another group of all sensors located in that
same building. The sensors in group "Floor 3" are members of group "Floor 3". However, they can also be related (or

190 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.10 Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace

associated) with the group "Building 1". When you associate the sensors in group "Floor 3" to group "Building 1", the
sensors on Floor 3 will also display in group "Building 1". However, you will only be able to edit the properties of those
sensors from group "Floor 3".

This feature also enables you to create automatic actions for entities associated even when they are not part of the
same group.

NOTE: You can filter the Sensors workspace to view only those entities that are members of a group or
associated with other groups. Refer to Filtering the Display of Entities in the Workspace on page 188.

To relate entities:
1. Filter to display the relevant entities in the Sensors workspace. Refer to Filtering the Display of Entities in the
Workspace on page 188.

2. In the Sensors workspace, click the entity/entities you want to relate to a group. To multi-select, press the Ctrl
key and click the relevant entities.

3. In the Sensors workspace toolbar, click Associate to. The Select group to associate to dialog box opens.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.10 Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace

4. Click the group you want the entity/entities to be related to and click OK. When you open the group, the
associated entitiy icon has a small arrow in its icon ( ).

12.10.5 Moving Entities between Groups

Having entities in customizable groups enables the Channels and Sensors tabs in the Control application to be
conveniently organized and managed.

Entities can be organized by customizable groups in the Groups tree hierarchy. For example, sensors/tours may be
grouped according to their physical location or any other logical association (an "ACS sensors" group for example).

NOTE: Sensors added by discovery are automatically added to the Ungrouped Sensors group. While you
can organize sensors and tours into customizable groups, pages can only be created and grouped in

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.10 Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace

Control. Once created, all published public pages and private pages created by the logged-in
administrator appear in Administrator in the same group hierarchy tree as in Control.

Entities can be moved between groups. You can move multiple sensors together from one group to another. While
moving, the sensors’ group membership or association moves or stays depending on the relationship, as follows:

Selected entity(ies) for moving Membership result Association(s) result

Associated to target group Move of target group Removed

Associated to other groups (not target Move to target group Remain in origin

Associated sensors only Remain Move to target group

One of the selected entities is already Move to the target group, the Ignored
a member of the target group existing member remains

Members and associated sensors (of Move to target group Remain or move (depending on origin)
different groups and sensors)

Members and associated sensors (of Move to the target group Remain in origin
same sensors)

All selected entities are member(s) of N/A – the target group is Remain
the target group grayed-out and does not allow

Member and association(s) of same N/A – the target group is N/A

sensors that already exist in the target grayed-out and does not allow
group movement

Member and its associated sensors (of Move to the target group N/A – the target group is grayed-out and
same sensor) + member of the same does not allow movement (system
group limitation)

To move entities:
1. Filter to display the relevant entities in the Sensors workspace. Refer to Filtering the Display of Entities in the
Workspace on page 188.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.10 Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace

2. In the Sensors workspace, click the entity/entities you want to move to a group. To multi-select, press the Ctrl
key and click the relevant entities.

3. In the Sensors workspace toolbar, click Move to. The Select group to move to dialog box opens.

4. Click the group you want the entity/entities to move to and click OK.

12.10.6 Deleting Entities

You can delete entities in the Sensors view.

Only changes made in Administrator Application can be deleted in Administrator Application. Changes made in the
third-party system must be deleted in the third-party system.

When deleting a sensor that is associated with a page or with an entity icon marking its location on a map, the page is
updated and the icon is removed from the map.

NOTE: Deleted items also deleted from the database.

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CHAPTER 12 Defining and Managing Entities 12.10 Managing Entities in the Sensors Workspace

To delete entities:
1. Filter to display the relevant entities in the Sensors workspace. Refer to Filtering the Display of Entities in the
Workspace on page 188.
2. In the Sensors workspace, click the entity/entities you want to delete. To multi-select, press the Ctrl key and
click the relevant entities.
3. In the Sensors workspace toolbar, click Delete. confirmation message appears.
4. 4. Click Yes.

12.10.7 Changing a Sensor's State/Mode

VisionHub receives sensor state and modes from integrated third-party systems which are indicated by graphical icons
in Administrator Application. When a sensor state changes in the third-party system, a corresponding command is
automatically sent to VisionHub and the change is indicated by a change in graphical icon or by a blinking icon.

Using the provided state actions, operators can acknowledge or reset the sensors that are in Alarm, Failure or Tamper
state from the Control application.

When an ACS is integrated, operators can send commands to doors directly from Control.

A description of sensor states, state actions, door commands and modes are provided in Understanding Sensor Modes,
States and Door Commands on page 150.

To change a sensor's state/mode:

1. Filter to display the relevant sensors in the Sensors workspace. Refer to Filtering the Display of Entities in the
Workspace on page 188.
2. In the Sensors workspace, select a sensor.
3. In the Sensors workspace toolbar, do the following:

To change a sensor state, click the Change Sensor State drop-down list button and then select the
relevant state: Alarm, Failure, or Tamper.
To change a sensor mode, click the Change Sensor Mode drop-down list button and then select the
relevant mode: Arm, Disarm, Bypass.
4. In the Comments dialog box, type the reason for changing the state/mode, or select a predefined comment from
the drop-down list and click OK.

The state/mode and its graphical icon changes, as indicated in the State and Mode columns in the Sensors

For sensor groups, if one member of the group has changed state and the user has permission to manage that
sensor, the new state will show as the group icon for the whole group in the group tree. For example, if one sensor
in the group is in Failure state, the group icon will show the Failure icon.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 195

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.1 Overview

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities

13.1 Overview 196

13.2 The Maps View Interface 196

13.3 Defining Maps in the Map Views Pane 197

13.4 Editing Map View Properties 200

13.5 Adding an Image to a Defined Map 200

13.6 Adding and Managing Layers 201

13.7 Placing Entity Icons on a Map 204

13.7.1 Overview 204

13.7.2 Placing Camera/Sensor/Group Icons on a Map 205

13.7.3 Placing Marker Icons on Maps 207

13.8 Defining a Camera’s Field of Vision (FOV) 210

13.1 Overview
Maps are used to provide a physical representation of the security operation scene. By monitoring maps, operators get
a geographic representation of the security situation, including sensors and systems status, incident location, and so on.
Directly from maps, operators can also control sensors and cameras as well as manage other map entities. In addition,
maps provide operators with the decision support mechanisms via the display of meaningful tool tips, x and y coordinate
location information, and more.

TIP: Plan your map hierarchy prior to entering the actual views in Administrator Application.

13.2 The Maps View Interface

To access the Maps view, in the Administrator Application navigation bar, click Maps. The Maps view workspace opens.

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CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.3 Defining Maps in the Map Views Pane

The Maps view has four toolbars:

Item Description

Selected map (main) toolbar View map details, resize and zoom maps, search maps, edit maps, and more.

Map Views pane toolbar Add, edit, and delete map views, add favorite views, arrange the views list.

Navigation toolbar Navigate to back/forward and default pages; Refresh view

Layers toolbar Show, hide and edit map layers

The following sections describe the usage of Maps functionality.

13.3 Defining Maps in the Map Views Pane

The Map Views pane is a hierarchical tree structure containing all your maps. From the Map Views pane, you can
navigate from map to map, drill down on maps, and view all the maps used within an organization. When defining maps,
you first define a map in the Map Views pane. Then, you add a map image to your defined map.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 197

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.3 Defining Maps in the Map Views Pane

By default, in a new project, Administrator Application provides a place holding image in place of a map and labels the
image General.

To define maps in the Map Views pane:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps. The Maps view opens.

2. In the Map Views pane, click to select an existing view.

3. From the Views toolbar, click either Add map view as a sibling icon or Add map view as a child
icon. The Map View Properties dialog box opens.

198 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.3 Defining Maps in the Map Views Pane

By default, in a new project, Administrator Application provides a place holding image in place of a
map and labels the image General. See To replace the default image: below.

4. In the Name and Description fields, enter an appropriate name and description. The description will be used for
a tool tip.
5. If your map is georeferenced, select the Map View is Georeferenced check box.
6. Click OK.

To replace the default image:

By default, in a new project, Administrator Application provides a place holding image in place of a map and labels the
image General.

1. In the Map Views pane, click the label General.

2. From the toolbar, click the Edit icon. The General Properties dialog box opens.

3. In the Name and Description fields, enter an appropriate name and description.
4. If your map is georeferenced, select the Map View is Georeferenced check box.
5. Click OK.
6. In the Layers pane, click to select the Image layer.

7. Click the Edit the Selected Layer icon. The Layer Properties dialog box opens.

8. In the LayerType drop-down list, select Image. The word "Image" populates the Name field.
9. In the Description field, type a description.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 199

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.4 Editing Map View Properties

10. In the File Name field, click the Ellipsis [...] button and browse to the location of the image, click the file, and
then click Open.

NOTE: The default maximum size for image files you add as maps is 5 megabytes.

11. Click OK.

13.4 Editing Map View Properties

After a map view has been defined, you can edit its properties, if necessary.

To edit map view properties:

1. Do one of the following:

Select the map view to be edited, and, in the Map Views pane toolbar, click the Edit icon.

Right-click the map and select Edit.

The Map Views property dialog box opens.

2. In the Name and Description fields, make the required edits. The description will be used for a tool tip.
3. If your map is georeferenced, select the Map View is Georeferenced check box.
4. Click OK.The description appears when you hover over the map name in the tree.

13.5 Adding an Image to a Defined Map

After a map has been defined, you can add an "Image" or "Map" layer.

200 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.6 Adding and Managing Layers

All maps in your map tree must have an "Image" or "Map" layer containing an image or CAD file added before you can
add additional layers. The supported image types include JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP files. The images can be non-
georeferenced or georeferenced. The default maximum size for image files you add as maps is 5 megabytes.

When you add a map image, an Image layer is automatically created in the Layers pane. Layers enable you to show and
hide entities.

For example, if you want to hide the map in order to view other map entities more clearly, you can temporarily hide the
map image by clearing the Image layer check box.

For more information about layers, refer to Adding and Managing Layers below.

To add a map image:

1. In the Layers pane toolbar, click Add Layer as Sibling icon. The Layer Properties dialog box opens.

2. From the Layer Type list, click Image. The word "Image" populates the Name field.
3. In the Description field, enter a description.
4. In the File Name field, click the Ellipsis button, browse to the location of the image or CAD file, click the file,
and then click Open.
5. Customize your layer type’s settings as required, and then click OK. The layer appears in the Layers pane and the
image displays in the central view.

13.6 Adding and Managing Layers

Layers enable you to view only the most relevant map objects, thereby minimizing clutter. For example, icons
representing the location of a facility’s cameras can be defined in a layer. You can then show or hide the layer. For
example, you might hide a layer of lines that are not relevant to a given incident.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 201

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.6 Adding and Managing Layers

This section describes how to add and manage layers.

You can create a Group layer with sub-layers that you can easily manage together. However, you must create the
group layer first. For example, you might want create a Cameras group with sub-layers containing cameras on different
floors of a building. Therefore, if you want to hide all cameras on a map, you would simply click the Group layer to hide all
sub layers. However, if you wanted to show cameras only on a particular floor, you would only show the sub-layer
containing that floor’s cameras.

To add entity map layers:

1. In the Layers pane toolbar, click the Add layer as Sibling icon. The Layer Properties dialog box opens

202 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.6 Adding and Managing Layers

2. In the Name and Description fields, enter the name of your layer and a description.

3. In the Layer Type field, select one of the following options:

Entity type. Then proceed with the next step.

Line and then click OK. The new layer appears in the Layers pane.
Label and then click OK. The new layer appears in the Layers pane.
4. If you selected the Entity layer type, in the Entity Type field, select one of the following options:

Sensor Group
5. (Optional) Click Select Entities to place predefined icons of the selected entity type. For example, when adding
a new Sensors layer, a list of all VisionHub sensors is available.

To add sub-layers (children) to map layers:

1. In the Layers pane, select the layer to which you want to add a child.

2. In the Layers pane toolbar, click the Add layer as Child icon. The Layer Properties dialog box opens.

3. Follow steps 2-3 in the section To add sub-layers (children) to map layers: above.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 203

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.7 Placing Entity Icons on a Map

To perform additional Map Layer operations:

Additional map layer toolbar operations are described in the following table.

To Do This

Show/hide layers Select/clear the check boxes of the layers you want to show/hide.

NOTE: If you use the map search to find an entity on the map, the system
will automatically select the check box making that type of entity visible,
even if you had previously cleared the check box.

Edit a layer 1. In the Layers pane, select the layer you want to edit.

2. In the Layers pane toolbar, click Edit a Layer icon.

3. Make your changes in the Layers property box, and then click OK.

Delete a layer 1. In the Layers pane, select the layer you want to delete.

2. In the Layers pane toolbar, click the Delete a Layer icon.

Move a layer up/down in 1. In the Layers pane, select the layer you want to move up.
the Layers pane tree
hierarchy 2. In the Layer pane toolbar, click the Move Up/Move Down icons.

3. Repeat step 1 until the layer is where you want it in the tree hierarchy.

13.7 Placing Entity Icons on a Map

13.7.1 Overview
Once you have created maps and map layers, you can now add entities such as cameras, sensors ,, a group of entities,
labels and markers to indicate their location.

Control room operators can manipulate sensors through the sensor icons and navigate to linked locations through the
marker icons.

You can use markers to:

204 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.7 Placing Entity Icons on a Map

Visually mark areas on a map.

Link to other map views – for example, in a birds-eye-view map of an entire facility, a marker can be used to
easily drill down to an underlying map.
Trigger any of the VisionHub supported actions.

Entities that are placed on maps can be managed and manipulated directly from the map in the Control web application.
The dynamic map toolbox provides users with the most frequently used map operations for video and access to control
sensors in a single click. Toolbox buttons change according to the map icon clicked, giving users only the operations
needed for that entity type. For example, open/close camera icons will be available for cameras and lock/unlock door
will be available for ACS icons. The toolbox can be undocked and moved for easy management and access to all the
tools. In addition, all toolbox buttons are configurable and buttons can be added or removed.

Icon operations not contained in the toolbox are accessible through drop-down menus. Upon right-clicking a map object
icon, the options appear according to the entity type.

You can only place entities on a map that has a map layer for that object. For example, you can only place a sensor icon
on a map that has a sensor map layer defined.

If you place an entity on a map that has more than one relevant map layer, you will choose the layer to which you want
the entity to belong.

13.7.2 Placing Camera/Sensor/Group Icons on a Map

Camera/sensor icons are visual representations of sensor locations on maps.

In addition, cameras/sensors can be manipulated through the sensor icons. For example, doors can be opened or
unlocked and cameras can be opened or rotated.

To place camera/sensor icons on a map:

1. In the Map Views pane, click the map on which you want to place your sensor/camera icon.

2. From the Maps view toolbar, click the Place Entity button. The Select Entity dialog box opens.

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CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.7 Placing Entity Icons on a Map

3. (Optional) Click the table headers to organize the information they contain in ascending or descending order.
Click and drag the columns to resize them.
4. (Optional) Use the Search field to find specific entities.
5. Do one of the following:

Add a single sensor, a sensor group, or a marker on a map:

a. Click the Single Entity tab

b. From the Entity type drop-down list, select one of the following:

Sensors for a single sensor

Sensor Group for a group of sensors
Marker refer to Placing Marker Icons on Maps on the facing page
c. In the grid, select a camera/sensor and click OK.

Add multiple sensors (up to 20) on a map:

a. Click the Multiple Sensors tab.

b. Select the check boxes for the multiple sensors you want to place .To select the first displayed
camera/sensors in the table, click Top 20 . To deselect all the camera/sensors in the table, click
Select none.
c. Click OK.

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CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.7 Placing Entity Icons on a Map

The cursor changes to a crosshair (+) icon.

6. Click on the map location where you want to place the icon representing your camera/sensor.

If there is no layer defined for the object (in this case a Sensor layer), a Sensor’s layer is automatically
If there is more than one of the same layer types (in this case more than one Sensor layers), you are
prompted with a list of Sensor layers to choose from. Click the layer to which you want the object to

The object is now placed on the map.

IMPORTANT: After placing a camera on the map, you can define its FOV, as described in Defining a
Camera’s Field of Vision (FOV) on page 210. If you do not define the FOV, the Default FOV is used, and
some features are not available and, if it is a PTZ camera, automatic tracking will be degraded for that

13.7.3 Placing Marker Icons on Maps

Markers can be placed on maps to:

Visually mark areas on a map.

Link to other map views – for example, in a birds-eye-view map of an entire facility, a marker can be used to
easily drill down to an underlying map.
Quick launch any of the VisionHub supported actions. For example, you can place a marker icon on the map that
can be used to initiate playing a page.

To place marker icons on a map:

1. In the Map Views pane, click the map on which you want to place your marker icon.

2. In the Map view toolbar, click the Place marker button. The Select Marker dialog box opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 207

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.7 Placing Entity Icons on a Map

3. Click a marker icon. The cursor changes to a crosshair (+) icon.

4. Move the cursor to the desired location on the map and then click to place the marker.

If there is no layer defined for the object (in this case a Marker layer), a marker layer is automatically
created and the marker icon displays on the map.
If there is more than one of the same layer types (in this case more than one Marker layers), you are
prompted with a list of marker layers to choose from. Select a layer and click OK. The icon is then placed
on the map.

To link markers to maps:

1. Right-click a marker icon, select Administration Operations, and then click Edit Link. The Edit Link dialog
box opens.

208 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.7 Placing Entity Icons on a Map

2. Select the Activate Link check box. The maps are now available for selection.
3. Select the map view you want your marker to be linked to.
4. Click OK.
5. (Optional) add automatic actions to markers that can be triggered straight from the map icon. For example, you
can add a marker that sends a predefined message when clicked on the map. See To add automatic actions to
markers: on the next page.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 209

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.8 Defining a Camera’s Field of Vision (FOV)

To add automatic actions to markers:

1. Right-click a marker icon, and select Edit Actions. The Quick Launch Actions dialog box opens.

2. Select the actions . For a list of available automatic actions, refer to Action Options on page 126.
3. Click OK.

To perform additional actions for the markers:

Refer to Controlling Markers on a Map on page 240.

13.8 Defining a Camera’s Field of Vision (FOV)

For cameras with Pan, Tilt, Zoom (PTZ) capabilities, you can draw a Field of View (FOV) on a map representing the
range of visual ability of a camera. The drawn image shows the width of a visible range, the distance the camera can
"see," and the circumference of the field of view for all possible camera angles when rotated. You can define a camera’s
optimal range of view. You can also select to show or hide the FOV on a map for a particular camera (via the toolbox) or
for all cameras on a map (via the map toolbar).

210 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.8 Defining a Camera’s Field of Vision (FOV)

To define a camera’s FOV:

1. In the Map Views pane, select the map containing the camera icon for which you want to define FOV.

2. Right-click the camera icon, select FOV Operations, and then select Draw Field Of View.

The cursor changes to a crosshair icon (+), and a colored range and a box showing the degrees and distance of the
FOV appear.

3. Move the cursor to the desired range and distance using the numbers in the box to guide you.
4. Click to save your definition. The FOV range is now filled with solid color.
5. To change the range, repeat the above steps.

6. (Optional) Use additional operations available from the FOV Operations menu:

Rotate the camera icon (for PTZ cameras). Refer to Rotating a PTZ Camera's Icon on a Map on page 240
Show/hide the FOV presentation on the map. Refer to Showing/Hiding a Camera's Field of Vision (FOV)
on page 230.
Delete the FOV (see below)

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 211

CHAPTER 13 Defining Maps and Map Entities 13.8 Defining a Camera’s Field of Vision (FOV)

To delete an existing FOV:

1. In the Map Views pane, select the map containing the camera icon for which you want to define FOV.

2. Right-click the camera icon, select FOV Operations, and then select Delete FOV. The FOV is removed.

Geo-maps - FOV is deleted from all Geo maps in which this sensor is located
Non-Geo maps - FOV is deleted from the specific map in which this sensor is located.

212 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.1 Using the Map Views Pane

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities

14.1 Using the Map Views Pane 213

14.2 Adding and Managing Map Favorites 216

14.3 Adding Labels to a Map 218

14.4 Drawing Lines on a Map 220

14.5 Resizing Maps (Zoom) 222

14.6 Panning Maps 223

14.7 Taking a Snapshot of a Map 223

14.8 Measuring the Distance and Area between Objects on a 2D Map 223

14.9 Viewing Map Entity Properties on a Map 225

14.10 Showing/Hiding the Field of View (FOV) of all Cameras on a Map 226

14.1 Using the Map Views Pane

The Map Views pane, located to the left of the map presentation, uses an expandable and collapsible hierarchy to
organize maps into manageable groups and a user-friendly toolbar to manage map views and favorites as well as to
navigate the pane.

You can drill down on maps that are configured with drill-down markers. For example, a map that includes an airport
might have a child map of a control tower building which also has a child map showing the building layout.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 213

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.1 Using the Map Views Pane

To use the Map Views pane:

1. In the Administrator navigation toolbar, click Maps. The Map Views pane opens on the left

2. In the Map Views pane, you can perform the following operations:

To Do This

Show or hide the Maps Views toolbar Click or

Hide Toolbar Show Toolbar

Show the Search Bar and close the toolbar Click

Show Search Bar

Drill down on maps In the map view of interest, click the desired marker. The child
map linked to the marker opens.

Expand/collapse the Map Views pane

Click the Expand or Collapse icons.

Move a map view or a Favorite view up or Click the Up / Down arrows .

down in the hierarchy.

214 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.1 Using the Map Views Pane

To Do This

Add a map view as a sibling to the selected Do one of the following:

Right-click a map view and select Delete.


Refer to Managing Maps and Map Entities on page 213.

Add a map view as a child to the selected map Do one of the following:

Right-click a map view and select Add Child.


Refer to Managing Maps and Map Entities on page 213.

Add a map view favorite Do one of the following:

Right-click a map view and select Add


Select a favorite and click the icon.

Refer to Adding and Managing Map Favorites on the next


Edit the selected map view Do one of the following:

Right-click a map view and select Edit,

Select a favorite and click the icon.

Refer to Editing Map View Properties on page 200.

Delete the selected map view Do one of the following:

Right-click a map view and select Edit,

Select a favorite and click the icon.

Switch between previously viewed maps

Click the Back and Forward buttons.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 215

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.2 Adding and Managing Map Favorites

To Do This

Return to the first map in your Map Views

Click the Return to Home button.
pane hierarchy

Reload the original map view after you have

Click the Refresh button
panned, and zoomed in/out

Locate a map in the Map Views pane Use the Search bar. You can search for maps and favorites.

14.2 Adding and Managing Map Favorites

You can save predefined map views as favorites for fast navigation:

Favorites display in the Map Views pane marked with stars and you can instantly open them. Favorites save the zoom,
map extent, and the layers settings. A favorite may be set as the default view for when the map is opened. It can be
accessed when you go to the Default Position.

To add a favorite view to the Map Views pane:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps. The Maps view pane opens.
2. In the Map Views pane, open the map view that you want to designate as a favorite. Adjust the zoom and mark
the layers you want.
3. Do one of the following:

In the Map Views toolbar, click the Add Favorite icon.

Right-click the view, and select Add Favorite.

The Add Favorite dialog opens

216 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.2 Adding and Managing Map Favorites

4. Enter the new name of your view, which will appear in the tree.
5. Click OK. The new favorite is added to the tree under the map view name with a yellow star icon, for instant

To manage a favorite map view:

1. Click the favorite item in the Map Views pane. The toolbar icons at the top of the pane now contains favorite
management icons.

2. Use the following table for additional favorite operations:

To Do this

Edit a map Do one of the following:

view favorite
Select a favorite and click the Edit Favorite icon.

Right-click a favorite and select Edit.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 217

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.3 Adding Labels to a Map

To Do this

Set a favorite Right-click the favorite that you want as the default view, and select Set as default
as the default favorite for map view. This view will open when you click the Go to map view's default
map view
position button in the main toolbar.

Delete a map Doone of the following:

view favorite
Select a favorite and click the Delete Favorite icon.

Right-click a favorite and select Delete,

Save a a. Set the map layout (zoom, pan, etc.)

favorite layout
b. Click the Save Favorite Layout icon to update selected favorite according to
current map view.

14.3 Adding Labels to a Map

You can add labels to a map in order to mark, with a descriptive text, areas of interest on a map.

To add labels to a map:

1. In the Map Views pane, click the map to which you want to add a label.

2. In the Maps view toolbar, click the Add Label button. Your cursor changes to a cross-hair icon (+).

3. Click on an area where you want to add your label. The Label Properties dialog box opens.

218 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.3 Adding Labels to a Map

NOTE: If a Label layer is not defined in the Layers pane, a Label layer is automatically added.

4. In the Name and Description fields, enter a name and description.

5. In the Text field, enter the text for the label.
6. (Optional) Setup your label as follows:

To Do this

Change the color and font Click the Ellipsis button next to the Color and Font fields and select a color and

Change the label angle Type the angle in degrees you want the label to turn. For example, if you type 90,
the label displays vertically and is read from top to bottom. If you type -90, the
label displays vertically and is read from bottom to top.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 219

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.4 Drawing Lines on a Map

To Do this

Change reading direction Select the Right to left reading order check box.
(for labels in right-to-left
supported languages)
NOTE: In order for right-to-left supported languages to display
properly on maps, settings for the desired language must be
selected in the Windows Control Panel Regional and Languages
dialog box.

NOTE: You can view all your changes in the Preview box at the bottom of the dialog box.

7. Click OK. Your label displays on the map.

Additional operations:
To Do this

Edit a label’s properties 1. Right-click the label on the map, and select Properties. The Label Properties dialog
box opens.
2. Make your chnges and click OK.

Move a label on the 1. Rright-click the label on the map, and select Move. Your cursor changes to a
map crosshair (+).
2. Click on the map to move the label to the cursor location.

Delet a lable Right-click the label on the map, and select Delete.

14.4 Drawing Lines on a Map

Lines can be used to visually represent fences, borders, utility and communication lines, and mark areas of interest on a

To draw lines:
1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view pane.
2. Select the map on which you want to draw lines.

3. From the Maps view toolbar, click the Draw Line icon. Your cursor changes to a crosshair(+).

220 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.4 Drawing Lines on a Map

4. Click on an area where your line will begin, move the mouse pointer over to the area where you want your line to
end, and double-click.

To draw multiple joined lines, at the end of a line click once and move the mouse pointer to the next point. Repeat
until you have completed your drawing. To end, double-click.

NOTE: You can only add an object to a map that has a map layer for that object. For example,
adding a line to a map that has a "Line" map layer defined. If you have more than one Lines layer,
the Layers dialog box opens, enabling you to select the layer you want the line to be a part of.

The Line Properties dialog box opens.

5. Do the following:

In the Name and Description fields, add a name and a description.

In the Color drop-down list field, select a color.
In the Line Width field, type the width you want the line to be.

To cancel drawing a line, press <Esc> on your keyboard.

6. After making your selections, click OK. The line is now drawn on the map.

Additional Operations

To Do This

Redraw the line 1. Right-click on your line and then select Redraw Line. The mouse pointer changes to a plus
(+) sign.
2. Click on an area where your line will begin, move the mouse pointer over to the area where
you want your line to end and double-click.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 221

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.5 Resizing Maps (Zoom)

To Do This

Edit the line Right-click on your line and then select Properties. The Line Properties
properties dialog box opens
Edit your line's name, description, width, and color.
Click OK.

Delete the line Right-click on your line and select Delete. The line is deleted.

14.5 Resizing Maps (Zoom)

You can zoom in and out of maps to identify map objects and view areas of interest.

NOTE: When zooming in/out on maps, the size of the map entities changes according to how they are
defined by an administrator.

To zoom in or out using the mouse wheel:

1. From the Map Views pane, select the map of interest.
2. Move the cursor to an area of interest and rotate the mouse wheel forward to zoom in.
3. Rotate the wheel backward to zoom out.

To zoom in on a specific area on a map:

1. From the Map Views pane, select the map to which you want to zoom in.

2. From the Maps view toolbar, click the Zoom In button. "Zoom In" appears in the map label bar and the
cursor changes to a magnifying glass with a plus mark.
3. Hold down the left mouse button and draw a box, defining the specific area you want to zoom in on. The smaller
the box, the greater the amount of enlargement.
4. Release the mouse button. The view magnifies the defined area to become the new map extent.

To zoom out using the zoom out button:

1. From the Maps view toolbar, click the Zoom Out button. "Zoom Out" appears in the map label bar and the
cursor changes to a magnifying glass with a minus (-) mark.
2. Click to zoom out a fixed increment. Repeat to zoom out more.

222 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.6 Panning Maps

14.6 Panning Maps

Panning lets you move the map up, down, left, or right to display areas that were outside of your view.

To pan a map:
1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. From the Map Views pane on the left, select the map you want to pan.

3. In the Maps view toolbar, select the Panning icon , Your cursor changes to a hand symbol.

4. Click and hold the mouse button. Drag the mouse away from the current area. Release the mouse button. The
map is redrawn.

NOTE: If a map is zoomed to a very large size and you want to navigate to an area far from your
current location, you might have to pan repeatedly until the area of interest is visible.

5. To return the map to its original view: In the Maps view toolbar, click the Go to the map view's default

position button.

14.7 Taking a Snapshot of a Map

You can take snapshots of maps or sections of a map that can be saved to the clipboard.

To take a snapshot of a map:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. From the Map Views pane on the left, select the map from which to take a snapshot.

3. From the Maps view toolbar, click the Map Snapshot button and then select Copy map to clipboard.
The map is copied and a confirmation message appears: "Copy map to clipboard succeeded".

14.8 Measuring the Distance and Area between Objects on a 2D Map

You can measure the distance between objects or points on a map or the area of a polygon that you draw on the map.

Icon Name Description

Measure Enables you to measure the distance between two map objects.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 223

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.8 Measuring the Distance and Area between Objects on a 2D Map

Icon Name Description

Measure Enables you to measure an area between two map objects. If the function is grayed-out, then it
Area is not available in this configuration.

Reset To clear and reset the Measurement window results.

To measure the distance and area between objects on a map:

1. From the Administrator navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the objects between which you want to measure distance and area.

3. From the Maps toolbar, click Measure Distance icon. A Measure window opens and your cursor changes
to a cross-hair (+).

4. Select the conversion units from the drop-down list.

5. Click and drag the cursor from one point to another. The distance is displayed in the measure window. To stop
the measurement and continue from that point to another, click and drag the line again. To end, double-click.

224 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.9 Viewing Map Entity Properties on a Map

14.9 Viewing Map Entity Properties on a Map

You can view the following properties of an entity on a map:

Entity Properties

Sensor/camera name, type, state, and mode

Line name, type, description, line width and line color

Marker name and which other map views the marker links to

Label name, type, description, font, color, angle, location

To view map entity properties:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the entity whose properties you want to view.
3. Do one of the following:

Hover your mouse over the map entity icon. A tooltip appears with the entity's properties.

Right-click a map entity icon on a map and then select Properties. The Entity Properties dialog box

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 225

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.10 Showing/Hiding the Field of View (FOV) of all Cameras on a Map


TIP: You can edit entity properties: Click Edit, make your changes and click OK.

14.10 Showing/Hiding the Field of View (FOV) of all Cameras on a Map

For cameras with Pan, Tilt, Zoom (PTZ) capabilities, you can draw a Field of View (FOV) on a map representing the
range of visual ability of a camera. The drawn image shows the width of a visible range, the distance the camera can
"see", and the circumference of the field of view for all possible camera angles when rotated. Once drawn, you can show
or hide the FOV of cameras whose FOV has been defined.

To show/hide the FOV of all cameras on a map:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the camera icons representing the cameras whose FOV you want to show.

3. In the Maps view toolbar, click Toggle FOV display for all cameras . The FOV for all the
cameras on the map appears.

226 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 14 Managing Maps and Map Entities 14.10 Showing/Hiding the Field of View (FOV) of all Cameras on a Map

To hide the FOV for all cameras, click the Toggle FOV display for all cameras button again.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 227

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons

15.1 Controlling Entities from the Map Toolbox 229

15.2 Acknowledging Sensor/Camera Alarms from a Map 229

15.3 Showing/Hiding a Camera's Field of Vision (FOV) 230

15.4 Changing a Camera's FOV Data 231

15.5 Arming, Disarming, and Bypassing Sensors/Cameras from a Map 232

15.6 Emulating Alarm, Failure, Tamper from a Map 233

15.7 Resetting Sensors/Cameras from a Map 234

15.8 Operating Doors from a Map 235

15.9 Moving Camera/Sensor Icons on a Map 236

15.10 Changing an Entity’s Location on a Map 237

15.11 Adding Scheduled Tasks from a Map 238

15.12 Removing an Entity from a Map 239

15.13 Rotating a PTZ Camera's Icon on a Map 240

15.14 Controlling Markers on a Map 240

You can access commonly used operations for cameras and sensors with a single click and control them via their map
icons, using:

The Map Toolbox - Toolbox buttons change according to the map icon, providing only the operations available for
that icon type.
The icon right-click menu - The menu options change according to the map icon, providing only the operations
available for that icon type.

This section describes operation available using these options.

228 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.1 Controlling Entities from the Map Toolbox

15.1 Controlling Entities from the Map Toolbox

The Map Toolbox contains the most commonly used map operations and enables you to access these operations with a
single click. Toolbox operations are available for cameras and sensors. Toolbox buttons change according to the selected
map icon..

By default, the map toolbox appears above the Map Views pane when you click an icon. You can undock and move it to
any location on the map.

To undock/dock and move the toolbox:

Click the Udockndock button in the upper right corner of the toolbox and drag the toolbox to the desired
To dock the undocked toolbox, click the Dock button.
To close the map toolbox, click the X button.

15.2 Acknowledging Sensor/Camera Alarms from a Map

When a sensor/camera goes into alarm, its map entity icon flashes on the map alerting VisionHub Control operators.
Operators can easily acknowledge sensor/camera alarms from the map toolbox or from the alerting sensor icon's
context menu. Acknowledging the alarm lets other operators know that you are taking ownership of the incident caused
by the alarming sensor and the icon stops flashing on the map. When you acknowledge an incident opened by a
sensor/camera alarm or failure, VisionHub automatically sends an acknowledge command to the sensor/camera.

You can test this functionality in Administrator to make sure it will work correctly in real-time.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 229

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.3 Showing/Hiding a Camera's Field of Vision (FOV)

To acknowledge an alarm from the map toolbox:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the sensor/camera icon you want to acknowledge and click the icon. The map
toolbox opens above the Map Views pane.

NOTE: The toolbox can be undocked and moved to any location on the screen. Refer to To
undock/dock and move the toolbox: on the previous page.

3. Click Acknowledge. The alarm is now acknowledged and the applicable sensor/camera icon stops flashing.

15.3 Showing/Hiding a Camera's Field of Vision (FOV)

For cameras with Pan, Tilt, Zoom (PTZ) capabilities, you can draw a Field of View (FOV) on a map representing the
range of visual ability of a camera. The drawn image shows the width of a visible range, the distance the camera can
"see", and the circumference of the field of view for all possible camera angles when rotated. Once drawn, you can show
or hide the FOV of cameras whose FOV has been defined.

To show the FOV of a single camera on a map:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. In the Map Views pane, select the map that displays the camera icon whose FOV you want to show or hide.
3. Do one of the following:

Right-click the camera icon and select FOV Operations > Show FOV/ Hide FOV.

Use the Maps toolbox:

230 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.4 Changing a Camera's FOV Data

a. Click the camera icon. The map toolbox opens.

NOTE: The toolbox can be undocked and moved to any location on the screen. Refer
to To undock/dock and move the toolbox: on page 229.

b. Click Show FOV. The camera's FOV shows and the Show FOV button toggles to the Hide FOV

See Also:

Showing/Hiding the Field of View (FOV) of all Cameras on a Map on page 226.
Rotating a PTZ Camera's Icon on a Map on page 240

15.4 Changing a Camera's FOV Data

You can modify the FOV properties for a specific camera via its icon.

To change FOV data:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the camera icon you want to modify.

3. Right-click the camera icon and select Administration Operations > Change FOV Data. The Camera View
Properties dialog box opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 231

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.5 Arming, Disarming, and Bypassing Sensors/Cameras from a Map

4. Click OK.

15.5 Arming, Disarming, and Bypassing Sensors/Cameras from a Map

From a map, you can:

Arm a sensor/camera - processes alarms and failure alarms from a sensor/camera.

Disarm a sensor/camera - ignores, but still processes alarms and failure alarms from a sensor/camera.
Bypass a sensor camera - ignores and does not process alarms and failure alarms from a sensor/camera.

When you perform one of these actions, an arm, disarm, or bypass command is automatically sent to the
sensor/camera. For more information, refer toUnderstanding Sensor Modes, States and Door Commands on page 150.

To arm or disarm a sensor/camera:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the sensor/camera icon you want to arm or disarm.
3. Do one of the following:

Right-click on the icon and select Arm or Disarm from the menu.

Use the Map toolbox:

232 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.6 Emulating Alarm, Failure, Tamper from a Map

a. Click the icon. The Map toolbox opens.

NOTE: The toolbox can be undocked and moved to any location on the screen. Refer
to To undock/dock and move the toolbox: on page 229.

b. Click Arm or Disarm, as applicable

4. In the comment box, type a short comment that describes why you performed the operation, and then click OK.
The chosen operation is applied.

To bypass a sensor/camera:
1. Right-click on the specific sensor/camera icon that you want to bypass and then click Bypass.
2. In the comment box, type a short comment that describes why you performed the operation, and then click OK.
The chosen operation is applied.

15.6 Emulating Alarm, Failure, Tamper from a Map

You can emulate alarms, failures, or tampers from a map for simulation purposes for cameras/sensors.

When you perform one of these actions, a corresponding command is automatically sent to the sensor.

To emulate an alarm, failure, or tamper from a map sensor/camera icon:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the sensor/camera icon you want to emulate alarm, failure, or tamper for .
3. Do one of the following:

Right-click on the icon and select Emulate Operations > Alarm/ Failure/ Tamper from the menu. A
frame appears around the selected icon and the state is changed.

Use the Map toolbox:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 233

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.7 Resetting Sensors/Cameras from a Map

a. Click the icon. The Map toolbox opens.

NOTE: The toolbox can be undocked and moved to any location on the screen. Refer
to To undock/dock and move the toolbox: on page 229.

b. Click Emulate, and then from the drop down menu select Alarm, Failure or Tamper, as
applicable. A frame appears around the selected icon and the state is changed.

15.7 Resetting Sensors/Cameras from a Map

You can reset the sensors/cameras that are in a state of alarm or sensors/cameras whose alarms have been
acknowledged directly from a map entity icon.

NOTE: If the sensor/camera failure is not resolved, the sensor/camera map object will revert back to a
state of failure.

To reset a sensor/camera:
1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the sensor/camera icon you want to reset .
3. Do one of the following:

Use the Right-click menu:

a. Right-click on the icon and select Reset from the menu. The Comment dialog box opens.
b. Type a short comment that describes why you performed the operation, or select one of the
Predefined comments.
c. Click OK. The frame around the selected icon disappears and the state is changed.

Use the Map toolbox:

234 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.8 Operating Doors from a Map

a. Click the icon. The Map toolbox opens.

NOTE: The toolbox can be undocked and moved to any location on the screen. Refer
to To undock/dock and move the toolbox: on page 229.

b. Click the Reset button. The Comment dialog box opens.

c. Type a short comment that describes why you performed the operation, or select one of the
Predefined comments.
d. Click OK. The sensor/camera or failed sensor/camera is now reset and the applicable
sensor/camera icon displays the change. The frame around the selected icon disappears and the
state is changed.

15.8 Operating Doors from a Map

When an Access Control System (ACS) is integrated, you can control door operations from the map toolbox. When you
initiate a command from the access control icon on the map, Administrator Application automatically sends a command
to the sensor. For more information, refer to Understanding Sensor Modes, States and Door Commands on page 150.

To control door operations from the map toolbox:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the sensor representing the door you want to open.
3. Do one of the following:

Use the sensor Right-click menu:

Right-click on the icon and select Access Control Operations and select one of the menu options:

Open Door
Lock Door
Unlock Door
Normalize Door (to cancel inhibit door mode)
Inhibit Door (to lock a door without recording card swipes)

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 235

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.9 Moving Camera/Sensor Icons on a Map

Use the Maps toolbox:

a. Click the icon. The map toolbox opens.

NOTE: The toolbox can be undocked and moved to any location on the screen. Refer
to To undock/dock and move the toolbox: on page 229.

b. Click Access and then select:

Open Door
Lock Door
Unlock Door
Normalize Door (to cancel inhibit door mode)
Inhibit Door (to lock a door without recording card swipes)
4. A command is sent to the sensor and the applicable operation is applied to the door.

15.9 Moving Camera/Sensor Icons on a Map

To move a camera/sensor on a map:
1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the sensor/camera icon you want to move.
3. Do one of the following:

Right-click on the icon and select Administration Operations > Move from the menu. Your cursor
changes to a cross-hair (+).

Use the Map toolbox:

236 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.10 Changing an Entity’s Location on a Map

a. Click the icon. The Map toolbox opens.

NOTE: The toolbox can be undocked and moved to any location on the screen. Refer
to To undock/dock and move the toolbox: on page 229.

b. Click the Move button. Your cursor changes to a cross-hair (+).

4. Click the area to where you want the marker to move. The camera/sensor icon now relocates to that area.

15.10 Changing an Entity’s Location on a Map

You can change the location of an entity (camera, sensor, marker) on a map by latitude, longitude and altitude

To change a map entity's location:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the icon representing the entity whose location you want to change.

3. Right-click the map icon, select Administration Operations > Change Location. The GIS Location dialog box

4. From the Coordinate System drop-down list, click the desired coordinate system to be used when setting the
location of your marker on a map.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 237

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.11 Adding Scheduled Tasks from a Map

5. 5. In the Latitude and Longitude fields, type the coordinates where you want to move your entity to (in
Decimal or Degree format) or use the up and down arrows.
6. Select one of the Altitude options from the drop-down list and set the altitude using the slider, the upand down
arrows or type in a value.
7. After making your selections, click Move.

15.11 Adding Scheduled Tasks from a Map

Authorized users can add scheduled tasks to icons directly on the map, to run automatically according to the time scope
set for the task. This functionality is the same as adding scheduled tasks from the Administration tab. For more
information, refer to Managing Scheduled Tasks on page 94.

To add a scheduled task from the map:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the icon representing the entity for which to add a task.

3. Right-click the map icon, select Add Scheduled Task. The Scheduled Task Wizard dialog box opens.

238 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.12 Removing an Entity from a Map

4. Continue defining the task as described in Adding Scheduled Tasks on page 95.

15.12 Removing an Entity from a Map

You can remove cameras and sensors from a map.

To remove a camera from a map:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the entity that you want to remove.
3. Right-click the icon that represents the entity you want to remove and from the drop-down list select
Administration Operations > Remove from Map. The entity is removed from the map.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 239

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.13 Rotating a PTZ Camera's Icon on a Map

15.13 Rotating a PTZ Camera's Icon on a Map

For cameras with PTZ (pan, tilt, zoom) capabilities, you can rotate the direction the camera faces via the camera icon on
a map.

To rotate a camera icon:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the camera that you want to rotate.

3. Right-click the camera icon that you want to rotate and from the drop-down list select FOV Operations >
Rotate. The cursor changes to a cross-hair (+).
4. Move your mouse until the camera faces the required direction, and then click. While you are rotating the
camera icon, a box showing the camera's degrees appears over the icon and a dashed line projects from the lens
of the camera icon.

NOTE: On a geo-referenced map, the x and y coordinates appear in the upper right corner of the
screen, directly above the map. If you know the x and y coordinates of the direction you want the
camera to face, you can rotate the camera until the x and y coordinates meet your required

15.14 Controlling Markers on a Map

Once markers have been added to maps, you can move, edit their properties, links to another map view, quick launch
actions, icons, and remove them from the map. These actions are available from the right-click menu of the markers on
the map.

To manage a marker on the map:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Maps to open the Maps view.
2. Select the map that displays the marker that you want to edit.
3. Right-click the marker, and select one of the following options from the drop-down menu:

240 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.14 Controlling Markers on a Map

To Do this

Move a marker on the map a. Select Administration Operations > Move. Your cursor changes to a
cross-hair (+).
b. Click the area to where you want the marker to move. The marker now
relocates to that area.

Change the marker location Refer to Changing an Entity’s Location on a Map on page 237.

Edit a marker's link a. Select Administration Operations > Edit Link... The Edit Link dialog
box opens.
b. Select the Activate Link check box
c. Click the map view you want your marker to be linked to, and click OK.

See also Placing Marker Icons on Maps on page 207.

Edit a marker's quick launch a. Select Execute Action. The Quick Launch Actions dialog box opens.
b. Select the desired actions and click OK.
c. For a list of available automatic actions, refer to Action Options on
page 126.

Change a marker's icon a. Select Change Icon...The Select Marker dialog box opens.
b. Click the icon you would like to represent the marker, and click OK.

Rename a marker a. Select Rename. The Rename dialog box opens.

b. In the Name field, type the new name and click OK.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 241

CHAPTER 15 Controlling Entities via Map Icons 15.14 Controlling Markers on a Map

To Do this

Delete the marker Select Delete. The marker is now removed from the map and deleted from
the database.

This also deletes the marker's links and assigned quick launch

242 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 16 Defining Multi-Sites 16.1 Overview

CHAPTER 16 Defining Multi-Sites

16.1 Overview 243

16.2 Adding/Deleting Remote Sites 245

16.3 Editing Remote Sites 247

16.4 Cloning Remote Sites 248

16.5 Disabling/Enabling Remote Sites 249

16.6 Searching Remote Sites 250

16.1 Overview
VisionHub provides a multi-site feature which enables the connection of a central site to remote sites and the easy
management of video in the connected sites. In distributed environments, such as mass transportation with several
stations, the multi-site feature enables the Chief Security Officer, for example, to view and manage video in all
connected sites from his location in the organization’s headquarters.

A multi-site architecture is made up of a “central” site and remote sites. In the example of a mass transportation multi-
site environment, each station would be considered a remote site.

The following image is an example of a multi-site architecture with a central site and two remote sites.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 243

CHAPTER 16 Defining Multi-Sites 16.1 Overview

In VisionHub terminology, a site refers to a VisionHub deployment that mainly includes the middle-tier, which is a
combination of the OPAS (Operational Application Server), video gateway(s) and a VDAS (Video Application Server). In
the central site, a remote site is represented by a video gateway. In the remote site, the remote VDAS (Video
Application Server) acts as the central point of management between the different physical system entities.

The central site acts as your template when creating a remote site. By default, a new site comes with a VisionHub
Gateway Host and a local video gateway already installed which enables video. When the central site connects to the
remote site, a video gateway is added to the central site Gateway Host. However, in the event that a site loses network
connection to the VDAS, cameras, recorders and video walls can still stream video in VisionHub Control as the player
connects to the recorder directly.

244 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 16 Defining Multi-Sites 16.2 Adding/Deleting Remote Sites

Each site holds its physical configuration (cameras, recorders, decoders, video/audio channels and triggers) on the
VDAS. However, the site’s logical entities (groups, pages, tours, sensors, maps etc.) and identity management (security
roles, users, etc.) are defined in Administrator and held in the VisionHub OPAS. All logical entities are relevant per site
and there is no sharing/discovery of logical entities between sites.

The following is a list of limitations:

Up to 20 sites are supported.

PTZ user management is flat between all sites – PTZ priority and lock are managed per site. The controlling
priority between sites goes to the last user with the privilege to control the PTZ.
Only the central site sensors are automatically discovered. By default, sensors of remote sites require manual
discovery. As part of the site administration, it is possible to enable/disable automatic discovery for remote sites.

16.2 Adding/Deleting Remote Sites

Authorized Administrator users can add up to 20 remote sites, and delete remote sites.

To add a remote site:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.

2. In the Modules pane, click Remote Sites Management. The Remote Sites workspace opens.

3. In the Remote Sites workspace toolbar, click Add Site. The Add New Role dialog box opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 245

CHAPTER 16 Defining Multi-Sites 16.2 Adding/Deleting Remote Sites

NOTE: The mandatory fields are indicated by a red rectangle surrounding the field box.

4. In the Site Name field, type a name for the remote site. The name must be unique. Spaces entered before or
after the site name will be automatically removed.

5. In the Site IP/Host Name field, type the remote site IP or host name of the remote site. The IP address/Host
Name must be unique.

6. In the Site Host drop-down list, select the relevant Gateway Host. The Gateway Hosts that display in the drop-
down list are the Gateway Hosts that were added in the Monitored Services module. Refer to Managing
Monitored Services on page 251.

NOTE: The first Gateway Host that displays in the drop-down list is the default.

7. In the Certificate drop-down list, select the relevant certificate. The video gateway connects to the VDAS
using a server-to-server certificate authentication. In this drop-down list, the certificate path will be updated
according to the selected Gateway Host.

8. To enable auto-discovery of sensors from the Central site, select the Enable Auto Discovery check box.

NOTE: In the Remote Sites workspace you can manually synchronize auto-discovery for a site that
has auto-discovery enabled by right-clicking the site and then selecting Sync Auto Discovery.

246 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 16 Defining Multi-Sites 16.3 Editing Remote Sites

9. To test the connection, click Test Connection. If the connection fails, an explanation for the failure appears. For
example, if the Application server is down the test connection will fail.

NOTE: Even if Test Connection fails, the site will be created when you save.

10. After defining your new site, click Save. To cancel adding the site, click Cancel.

To delete a site:
1. In the Remote Sites workspace, click to highlight the site you want to delete.
2. Do one of the following:

In the Remote Sites toolbar, click Delete.

Right-click the site you want to delete and click Delete.

A confirmation message appears.

3. To delete, click Yes. The site is removed with all related sensors (the Central site is not deleted).

To cancel the deletion, click No.

16.3 Editing Remote Sites

Authorized Administrator users can modify any of a remote site's parameters by using the Edit tool.

To edit a remote site:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. 2. In the Modules pane, click Remote Sites Management. The Remote Sites workspace opens.
3. In the list, click to highlight the site you want to edit

4. In the Remote Sites workspace toolbar, click Edit. The Edit Site dialog box opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 247

CHAPTER 16 Defining Multi-Sites 16.4 Cloning Remote Sites

5. Make the required changes and click Save, or, to discard changes, click Cancel.

16.4 Cloning Remote Sites

In a "save as" type of operation, the Clone site tool enables authorized users to instantly create a new remote site with
the same parameters and settings as an existing site.

NOTE: All parameters are cloned other than Site IP/ Host and Enable Auto Discovery. You must enter a
unique Site IP and enable auto-discovery manually.

To clone a remote site:

(This is the Drop-down text)

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.

2. In the Modules pane, click Remote Sites Management.The Remote Sites workspace opens.
3. In the list, click to highlight the site you want to clone.

4. In the Remote Sites workspace toolbar, click Clone. The Clone Site dialog box opens.

248 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 16 Defining Multi-Sites 16.5 Disabling/Enabling Remote Sites

NOTE: All parameters are cloned except for the Site IP/Host Name which must be unique.

5. In the Site IP/Host Name field, type the remote site IP or host name of the new remote site.

6. To save your changes, click Save. To discard your changes, click Cancel.

16.5 Disabling/Enabling Remote Sites

When disabling a remote site from the central site it is connected to, it no longer receives commands or information
from the VDAS. Authorized Administrator Application users can disable and enable remote site connections. Disabled
sites are indicated in the list by a disabled status icon. When the site is re-enabled, the icon changes back to normal
state after all connections are restored, data is synchronized and everything is back online.

To disable a remote site connection:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Remote Sites Management. The Remote Sites workspace opens.
3. In the list, click to highlight the site you want to disable .
4. In the Remote Sites workspace toolbar, click Disable. The site is disabled and the icon in the list changes to the
disabled (gray) icon.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 249

CHAPTER 16 Defining Multi-Sites 16.6 Searching Remote Sites

To enable a remote site:

1. In the list, click to highlight the site you want to enable
2. In the Remote Sites workspace toolbar, click Enable button.
3. The site is enabled and the icon in the list changes to the enabled green icon.

A red icon indicates that the site is disconnected.

NOTE: The red "disconnected" icon indicates a disconnection from the VDAS or gateway due to a
failure. When a connection is reestablished, the icon changes back to Normal state.

16.6 Searching Remote Sites

In the Remote Sites workspace, the Search bar enables searching all column data alphabetically or numerically, other
than the Version column. The Version column is a read-only column that indicates the site version.

To search remote site data:

1. In the navigation bar, click Administration.
2. In the Modules pane, click Remote Sites Management. The Remote Sites workspace opens.
3. In the Search bar, start typing the letters or numbers of the item you are searching for.The list scrolls
immediately while you type to display matching items.
4. To clear the Search bar and redisplay all remote sites, click the "X" to the right of the Search bar.

250 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 17 Managing Monitored Services

CHAPTER 17 Managing Monitored Services

VisionHub uses an internal built-in monitoring service to monitor the operational application server, all application
services, installed Web API and Gateway Host services and all database jobs. Alerts raised when a service goes down
are published in a third-party network monitoring tool (PRTG) that supports SNMP.

In Administrator Application, the Monitored Services module enables administrators to view, add Web API or Gateway
Host services, edit host names or delete services. monitored by the monitoring service.

To add a Web API or Gateway Host service:

1. In the navigation toolbar, click Administration.

2. In the Modules pane, select Monitored Services.The Monitored Services workspace opens.

3. In the Monitored Services toolbar, click Add. The Configure Monitoring Service dialog box opens.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 251

CHAPTER 17 Managing Monitored Services

4. In the Monitor Type drop-down field, select the relevant service type.

NOTE: When a new Web API or Gateway Host is installed, a new row is automatically added in
the database and the monitoring service needs to be restarted.

5. In the Service Name field, type the service name.

6. In the Host Name field, type the host name.
7. Click Save.

To edit a monitored service:

1. In the Monitored Services workspace, click a service and then click Edit. The Edit Monitoring Service dialog box

2. Make the required edits and then click Save.

To delete a service from the Monitored Services module:

1. In the Monitored Services workspace, click a service and then click Delete. A. confirmation message appears.
2. Click Yes to delete the service or No to cancel the deletion.

252 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 18 Defining Administrator Application Options

CHAPTER 18 Defining Administrator Application

If authorized, you can customize Administrator Application options. Options can be used to define, for example, the
appearance of tasks, enable/disable sounds, and show/hide tips. These settings are specific to the physical workstation.

To define Administrator Application options:

1. From the Tools menu, click Application Options. The Edit Configuration Parameters dialog box opens.

2. In the various sections, set your options for the workstation as required:

Option Description


Sound Enabled Select this option to enable Administrator Application sound.

Measurement System Select the measurement system you want to use in VisionHub to determine
distances on a map. Options include: U.S. or metric.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 253

CHAPTER 18 Defining Administrator Application Options

Option Description

External Users Discovery

External Users Per Page Select the number of users to display per page


Popup Settings Dialog before When integrated with specific gateways, select this option to enable
Sensor Group Commands date/time and priority settings before issuing a sensor group command.

3. After setting all required options, click OK.

254 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 19 Editing Site Configuration

CHAPTER 19 Editing Site Configuration

Authorized users can edit Administrator Application Site Configuration options, which include:

OSD1 - defines the default setting of whether the logged-in user's name is displayed in the OSD and exported
video (see below). Initially the option is disabled so the default is to not display the username. If the option is

The username will appear in the upper-left corner of the Control OSD. In the Player, as well as in the NVF
file, the username will display under the channel name.

Control application users having User Settings permission can still select/clear the Display User Name
check box for their client in both Settings > Viewing experience and Settings > Investigation
experience. The default for these check boxes is taken from the setting in Administrator > Site
Configuration > OSD.
Export - enables setting the default export and snapshot path for all Control clients. Only authorized users (those
having permission Configure export and snapshot path) can override the default setting and change the path in
either the Investigation experience tab or in the Export window. When clicking Reset in
Settings>Investigation experience, the export path is restored to the default value set here in Tools > Site
Configuration. When clicking Reset in the Export window, and the user has User Settings permission, the
default path will be that specified in Settings, otherwise the path will be that specified here.

1Onscreen Display

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 255

CHAPTER 19 Editing Site Configuration

To enable/disable username display in OSD:

1. From the Tools menu, select Site Configuration. The Edit Site Configuration dialog box opens (OSD tab).

2. In the OSD tab, select or clear the Display username on OSD check box.

3. Click Save. The user name will display in Control OSD.

To set the default export and snapshot path:

1. From the Tools menu, select Site Configuration. The Edit Site Configuration dialog box opens.

2. Select Export. The current default path is displayed (hover the mouse over it to see the entire path).

256 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 19 Editing Site Configuration

3. Click Browse, navigate to the required location, and click OK in the Browse dialog box.
4. Click Save to save the new path setting, or Cancel.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 257

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for

Incident Handling
Administrator Application includes built-in content that includes incident types, rules for triggering an incident,
automatic actions, procedures, and associated icons. This built-in content is fully functional and includes common
incident handling scenarios. You can either use these with the given content, customize the included content definitions
to your needs, or use them as examples in creating your own custom content.

Built-in incident use cases include:

20.1 Alarming Intrusion and Fire Sensor Use Cases 259

20.2 Forced Door Use Case 263

20.3 Injury and Crime Use Cases 265

20.4 Field Work Monitoring and External Visitor Incident Types and Procedures 268

20.5 Pandemic Alert Use Case 271

To access predefined procedure for all built-in use cases:

1. In the Planner Navigation Bar, click Procedures. The Procedures window opens.

258 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 20.1 Alarming Intrusion and Fire Sensor Use Cases

2. In the left pane, under Samples, select one of the predefined procedures: Alarming Intrusion Sensor,
Alarming Fire Sensor, Forced Door, Injury, Crime, Field Work Monitored, External Visitor, or
Pandemic Alert. These predefined procedures are described in the next sections.
3. To edit a procedure, refer to the Planner User Guide.

20.1 Alarming Intrusion and Fire Sensor Use Cases

Alarming Intrusion Sensor and Alarming Fire Sensor are default incident types. During an alarming intrusion or
fire sensor, operators use video (optional or fire sensor) to verify if it is a real security/ safety situation. If the situation
involves a person, the operator can use the VisionHub Suspect Search application to investigate further.

Required configuration includes:

Configure sensor and associated camera, and position sensors on a map.

Apply a rule to all sensors to trigger an Alarming Intrusion/ Fire Sensor incident upon alarm.

The use case flow for the Alarming Intrusion Sensor and Alarming Fire Sensor is illustrated in the following diagrams.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 259

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 20.1 Alarming Intrusion and Fire Sensor Use Cases

260 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 20.1 Alarming Intrusion and Fire Sensor Use Cases

To use the Alarming Intrusion or Fire Sensors, you must activate the incident type upon first login to the application.
Refer to Defining and Managing Rules on page 107.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 261

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 20.1 Alarming Intrusion and Fire Sensor Use Cases

The default Alarming Intrusion/ Fire Sensor definitions include a rule for triggering that incident type, as well as a
predefined procedure for the operator. You can modify these definitions or refer to them as templates for creating a new
rule and procedure.

The predefined procedures in Planner:

To access the default Alarming Intrusion/ Fire Sensor rule (from Administrator):
In the Administrator application, Administration view, Rules module, select the name of the rule.

The condition for triggering the alarm is Sensor state was changed, with the resulting action defined in the lower

262 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 20.2 Forced Door Use Case

20.2 Forced Door Use Case

Forced Door is a default incident type. When a door is forced there is high probability for an unauthorized access
attempt or an intruder. This situation has high risk, and therefore operators are expected to pay extra attention and
verify if it is a real security breach. The operator can use video and VisionHub Suspect Search application to investigate

Required configuration includes:

Configure Access Control System (ACS) sensor and associated camera. Position sensors on a map.
Apply a rule to all ACS sensors to trigger a Forced Door incident upon a forced door alarm.

The predefined procedures in Planner:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 263

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 20.2 Forced Door Use Case

The use case flow is illustrated in the following diagram.

The default Forced Door definitions include a rule for triggering that incident type, as well as a predefined procedure for
the operator. You can modify these definitions or refer to them as templates for creating a new rule and procedure.

To access the default Forced Door rule (from Administrator):

In the Administrator application , Administration view, Rules module, select the name of the rule.

The condition for triggering the alarm is Door was forced, with the resulting action defined in the lower pane.

264 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 20.3 Injury and Crime Use Cases

20.3 Injury and Crime Use Cases

Injury and Crime are default incident types. When any injury or crime is reported, the operator manually creates an
incident in the Control application using a Quick Launch button, and follows the predefined procedure.

An Injury procedure might include locating and placing the incident on a map, sending assistance, and, if required, calling
an ambulance etc. After the emergency is handled it is important to try to find the cause.

A Crime procedure might include sending security personnel to evaluate the risk and stop the potential criminal, and, if
required, to call the police. It is also important that the operator finds any available evidence, such as video clips and
images, for later investigation.

Required configuration includes creating a Quick Launch procedure that creates a new Injury/ Crime incident in

The predefined procedures in Planner:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 265

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 20.3 Injury and Crime Use Cases

The use case flow for each Injury and Crime incident types is illustrated in the following diagrams.

266 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 20.3 Injury and Crime Use Cases

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 267

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for 20.4 Field Work Monitoring and External Visitor Incident Types
Incident Handling and Procedures

20.4 Field Work Monitoring and External Visitor Incident Types and
Field Work Monitored and External Visitor are default incident types. Field work, such as "maintenance",
sometimes requires operator involvement to inspect safety. When an external visitor requests access to an
organization’s facilities, safety procedures are required. The operator manually creates a Field Work or External Visitor
incident, in the Control application using a Quick Launch button, and follows the predefined procedure.

268 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for 20.4 Field Work Monitoring and External Visitor Incident Types
Incident Handling and Procedures

A Field Work procedure might include, monitoring the work on video, documenting the work, and ensuring there are no
resultant safety hazards.

An External Visitor procedure might include having the visitor sign-in, checking their identification, providing a visitor
badge, and calling the visited employee to accompany them.

Required configuration includescreating a Quick Launch that creates a new incident, as described in Planner.

The predefined procedures in Planner:

The use case flow for each Monitored Field Work and External Visitor incident types is illustrated in the following

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 269

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for 20.4 Field Work Monitoring and External Visitor Incident Types
Incident Handling and Procedures

270 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 20.5 Pandemic Alert Use Case

20.5 Pandemic Alert Use Case

Pandemic Alert is a default incident type. When a person/passenger is detected as running high fever by a thermal
camera, that person might be carrying and spreading a pandemic disease. This situation has high risk, and therefore
operators are expected to pay extra attention and verify if it is a real health or safety breach. The operator can use
video and VisionHub Suspect Search application to investigate further.

Required configuration includes:

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 271

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 20.5 Pandemic Alert Use Case

Configure additional Access Control System (ACS) sensor and associated camera. Position sensors on a map.
Apply a rule to all ACS sensors to trigger a Pandemic incident upon a Pandemic alert.

The use case flow is illustrated in the following diagram.

272 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

CHAPTER 20 Understanding Built-In Content for Incident Handling 20.5 Pandemic Alert Use Case

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 273

APPENDIX A Terms and Abbreviations

APPENDIX A Terms and Abbreviations

Terms specific to VisionHub are listed below.

Term VisionHub Meaning

Automatic Actions Actions that are triggered automatically by predefined activation rules when handling
an incident.

For example, when a sensor goes into alarm, the action "Open new incident" might be

Acknowledge Accepting incident-handling ownership. A user that acknowledges an incident becomes

the assignee.

Active slot The selected slot/video viewer is the one with a turquoise border around.

Administrative user A VisionHub user with the authorization to customize Control including the following:

Configure security settings such as user authentication and

Add Control users and External ACS users
Schedule tasks
Configure event sounds
Add and manage entities, such as sensors and virtual tours
Define and manage maps, map layers, and map entities
Discover and manage gateways
Define rules
Adding and managing
external monitors and video walls

Arm Processes alarms and failure alarms for selected sensors or all sensors in a group.

Assignee The user who is responsible for handling the incident.

Bypass Ignores all activity (sensor is still armed but does not go into alarm or trigger actions
upon activity).

274 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

APPENDIX A Terms and Abbreviations

Term VisionHub Meaning

Camera Also referred to as video or/and audio channel that streams media from the field of view
where it is installed to the recording device or to workstations.

Collaboration Data The assignee and set of stakeholders are referred to as the Collaboration Data for the
incident. See Assignee and Stakeholder.

Collaborator Users and job titles that can perform tasks that are especially assigned to them but are
not responsible for handling the incident. The receive notifications relevant to the
incident so they are kept abreast of related developments and disposition.

Control room The physical control room where operators work with desktop computers (each running
the Control application) and external video monitors that display video.

Decoder (also referred A device that is connected to the network. A decoder receives digital video streams and
to as video switch) converts them back to an uncompressed analog signal. This signal can be displayed on a
standalone monitor or on a video wall (VMX). The monitor can be HDMI, DVI, VGA or a
composite analog monitor.

Direct PTZ Direct PTZ devices allow PTZ operations to be sent directly from the application/player
to the camera/recorder.

Disarm Disables any rules or automatic actions for selected sensors or all sensors in the group
but still processes alarms and failure alarms.

Entity A physical or a logical entity in the system, including video channel, audio channel, mixed
channel, map, sensor, and tour. All entities together are called system content.

Event Events are triggered by sensors. An event notifies that something happened to a
sensor. Events are written to a log and can be investigated at any time.

External User Access Control System (ACS) user from an external ACS.

Gateway A software component that interacts with a third-party external device and interfaces
between the functionalities provided by the external device and Situator core
components. The third-party devices are represented in VisionHub as sensors. The
Gateways are vendor agnostic, supporting any third-party system using APIs.

Incident An event that requires an operator response in Control such as a fire, accident, or
security threat. Whether automatically triggered by sensors or manually created,
incidents display in the incidents Pane list.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 275

APPENDIX A Terms and Abbreviations

Term VisionHub Meaning

Incident Type Refers to the category assigned to the incident such as Fire, Leak, Evacuation, and
Perimeter Intrusion.

Job Title Job titles of individuals who take an active part in the organization’s routine and
emergency operations.

Examples: CSO, Security Operation Manager, Patrol Officer

Keywords User-defined terms related to incident types that are used in runtime to recommend
incident procedures to an operator. When a new incident is opened, the defined
keywords appear as a tooltip recommending relevant procedures.

Layout The layout defines the number, size, and position of the content "slots" in the window.
You can select from predefined layouts and define a custom layout.

Marker A map icon that marks a location on a map and can be linked to other maps, used to
quick launch an action or linked to sensors to indicate when the sensor is in a state of

Map Entity Icons placed on maps to represent and manage items such as camera/sensors, vehicles,
assets, and users.

Module A module within Control's Administration view.

Examples: Users Administration, Security Roles, Rules, etc.

Monitor A screen used to watch live video or video recordings.

Monitoring activity A process of viewing live video and analyzing it, watching playbacks from specific time,
and performing various other operations using Player.

Page A Control page is defined by its content and layout. Layout defines the number and
position of slots. Content includes such as the maps, channels, tours and sensors
populating the layout. You may open any number of pages, and each page remembers
its specific content and layout.

Pan Move a camera or map vertically or horizontally. Panning a camera would be to move it
left, right, up or down. To pan a map (or pan across a map) would be to move the area of
view up, down, left or right.

Pane Window pane

276 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

APPENDIX A Terms and Abbreviations

Term VisionHub Meaning

Pop-up Notification A box that pops up on the screen when an incident is opened, incident severity level is
raised, an incident is escalated, or a system error is reported.

Procedure A list of tasks to be executed and managed during an incident.

Quick Launch button A single-click button that triggers an incident with predefined actions when responding
to emergency situations.

Rule A rule-based engine for defining activation rules that need to be executed when events
take place.

Security Role Each VisionHub user is assigned a security role, or "role", which determines that user’s
access to various VisionHub functionalities, and an authentication policy, which
determines that user's login permissions. Examples of roles include: operators, building
managers and patrol officers.

Sensor An entity type in VisionHub that represents a third-party edge device such as ACS
reader, camera, decoder, panic button, etc.

Site In a multiple-hierarchy installation, a site is a single facility within an organization

managed by VisionHub AMS.

Skills Skill set necessary for users assigned to specific job titles.

Slot Video slot -a single viewing pane in the content layout, in which can be displayed a map,
video, tour, or sensor. You can configure the number and layout of the slots as well.

Stakeholder A user or job title that shares the same authorities to work on an incident as the
assignee. However, the assignee is responsible for the incident while the stakeholder
participates in incident handling.

Streaming Stream refers to on-demand video or audio transmission over a data network. In the
Video Configurator, the monitoring and playback stream types are configured.
Depending on the specific network type, you may want to change the preconfigured
streaming settings. In the Control application, you can override the default monitoring
stream that was configured in Video Configurator.

Task An item to be performed as part of a procedure during the handling of an incident.

Tooltip A pop-up window containing additional options or information that appears when the
mouse is positioned over a link.

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 277

APPENDIX A Terms and Abbreviations

Term VisionHub Meaning

Tour (virtual tour) An automatic sequence of camera inputs that is displayed in a single slot according to
their dwell time and presets. Dwell time is the amount of time video is displayed before
it is replaced by another video segment.

Trigger An event that activates rule-based actions.

Video Switch see Decoder

Video wall (VMX) A wall with external monitors that display video; A logical entity for easy visual
representation in Video Configurator application of an actual video wall/Control Room.

VisionHub User An individual who belongs to the security operation and participates in incident handling,
receiving incident tasks or notifications.

Virtual tour see Tour

Workspace A personalized multi-monitor working environment comprised of a user-defined main

window and children windows layout options. You can open a maximum of five child
windows and drag them to different monitors. Both the main window and children
windows can be configured to display its own content pages and search queries,
including ACS, events, Suspect Search, sensors, and VMX, in its own layout. For
example, an operator may want to display channels, maps and the incidents list on one
monitor while displaying ACS on a second monitor and an events query on a third
monitor. Users can save their customized workspace and easily re-open the saved
workspace with its layout configuration, content and search queries.

278 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

APPENDIX A Terms and Abbreviations

The acronyms and abbreviations used in the VisionHub documents are listed below.

Term Description

ACS Access Control System

AD Active Directory

AMS (Middle-Tier) Application Management Server

API Application Programming Interface

AS Application Server

AVI Video format for exporting files

AVMD Advanced Video Motion Detection

CCTV Closed-circuit Television

CIF Common Intermediate Format (of resolution)

CR Control Room

DB Database

DNS Domain Name System

DRP Disaster Recovery Protocol

FOV Field of View

GPS Global Positioning Service

FPS Frame per Second

GMT Greenwich Mean Time (also Coordinated Universal Time)

HA High Availability

HSVR Hosted SVR (Smart Video Recorder)

ICM Intentional Camera Movement

IP Internet Protocol

LAN Local Area Network

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 279

APPENDIX A Terms and Abbreviations

Term Description

LOS Level of Service

LPR License Plate Recognition - A sensor type

Mbps Megabits per second

MIB The Management Information Base is a text file that defines the interface between the
agents and the NMS

MKV Video container format for exporting files

MPC Metadata Processing Center

MSVR Mirrored SVR (Smart Video Recorder)

NAF Audio container format (Qognify proprietary)

NIC Network Interface Card

NMS Network Monitoring System (NMS) is the monitoring service which monitors VisionHub
components via SNMP. The SNMP trap events are logged in its database and enables
ticketing and notification policies.

NTP Network Time Protocol - a protocol for distributing time information between computers on
a network

NVF Video container format (Qognify proprietary)

OPAS Operational Application Server

OS Operating System

OSD OnScreen Display

PRTG Qognify is able to integrate with PRTG, Paessler's network monitoring software.

PTZ Pan Tilt Zoom

RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks

RSVR Redundant SVR (Smart Video Recorder)

SSDP Simple Service Discovery Protocol

280 VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide

APPENDIX A Terms and Abbreviations

Term Description

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. A network protocol used for managing and
reporting device status and events

SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol - a simplified version of NTP

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is an Internet standard for electronic mail (e-mail)
transmission across IP networks

SVR Smart Video Recorder

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

SSO Single Sign-On

TCP Transfer Control Protocol

TLS Transport Layer Security

TTL Transistor–transistor logic

UDP User Datagram Protocol

UTC Coordinated Universal Time (also Greenwich Mean Time)

VDAS Video Application Server

VMD Video Motion Detection

VMX Video Wall

VPO Visual Parameters Optimizer

WAN Wide Area Network

VisionHub Administrator Application User Guide 281

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