Kelas 4 - Telling Date

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Telling Date


Names of The Days of The Week

Names of the days of the week in Indonesian are written in capital, similar to English. Below is a complete list of names
of the days of the week in Indonesian:

 Senin – Monday

 Selasa – Tuesday

 Rabu – Wednesday

 Kamis – Thursday

 Jumat – Friday

 Sabtu – Saturday

 Minggu – Sunday

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, and The Day After Tomorrow

Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow are common time information used with names of the days of
the week. Considering Indonesian does not have various tenses, time information is very crucial.

 kemarin – yesterday

 hari – day

 hari ini – today (this day)

 besok – tomorrow

 lusa – the day after tomorrow

Referring to Next and Last Week

Not much different from English, when referring to days next or last week, you only need to add “next” or “last”
following the day. Below is the general rule:

 Next [ … ] [ … ] depan

 Last [ … ] [ … ] lalu [ … ] yang lalu


 depan – next

 lalu – last

 yang lalu – last


 Saya akan pergi ke pantai Sabtu depan. I will go to the beach next Saturday.

 Dapatkah kamu menemui saya Jumat depan? Can you meet me next Friday?

 Kamis lalu Rina ada ujian piano. Last Thursday Rina had a piano examination.

 Apa yang dibeli Budi Selasa yang lalu? What did Budi buy last Tuesday?

Time Period

To express a time period, from Monday to Friday for instance, the word dari (from) and sampai (to) are used.


 Acara ini ditayangkan dari Senin sampai Jumat di televisi. This show is aired from Monday to Friday on televison.

Practice Phrases

 Hari ini hari apa? What day is it today?

 Hari ini hari Rabu. Today is Wednesday.

 Kemarin hari apa? What day was yesterday?

 Kemarin hari Selasa. Yesterday was Tuesday.



Bagaimana membaca tahun dalam bahasa Inggris?

You write You say

1900 nineteen hundred

1901 nineteen hundred (and) one nineteen oh-one

1995 nineteen ninety-five

2000 two thousand twenty hundred

2002 two thousand (and) two twenty oh-two

2010 two thousand (and) ten twenty ten

Dalam membaca tahun biasanya kita memisahkan tahun dalam puluhan.

1985 is split up in 19 and 85. (You say: nineteen eighty-five).

Dari 2000 sampai 2009 tahunnya tidak dipisahkan.

 2000 = two thousand

 2001 = two thousand (and) one

Dalam pengucapan dan penulisan tahun kata and sering ditinggalkan. Kemudian dari 2010 dalam tahun dipisahkan

2010 is split up in 20 and 10. (You say: twenty ten).

Menulis dan Membaca Tanggal

Writing and saying the date in British English

Ingat nih aturannya: Day – Month – Year

Day Month Year

You write: 1st January, 2010

You say: the first of January twenty ten

Catet nih: 2 huruf diakhir angka dan koma sering ditiadakan.

Writing and saying the date in American English

Aturan: Month – Day – Year

Month Day Year

You write: January 1st, 2010

You say: January (the)* first twenty ten

* The definite article ›the‹ dapat dihilangkan.

Sample sentences and the correct prepositions:

 I was born in (Use inwith the year.)

 I was born in (Use inwith the month.)

 I was born on12th May, 2000. (Use on in the complete date.)


It is common to use numbers instead of months.

American English

 11-13-2010

 11/13/2010

 13.2010
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,or d !

1. A: Today is Thursday.What day was yesterday ?

B: Yesterday was….

a. Tuesday c. Friday

b. Wednesday d. Saturday

2. The eightmonth of the year is….

a. june c. september

b. july d. august

Text for number 3 to 7

Mrs.Vina : when do we celebrate independence day ?

Umar: it is on august 17 th Mrs.

Mrs.Vina : Iin what month do we celebrate the national education day,lyla?

Lyla: it is on may, 2 nd Mrs.Vina and,when do we celebrate kartini day ?

Rosyid : it is on april.

Mrs.Vina : good ! do you know in what date is it ?

Rosyid : it is on april the twenty first.

3. On August 17 th we celebrat the….

a. national education day

b. new year

c. kartini’s day

d. independence day

4. The National Education Day is in ….

a. may 2 nd c. may 22 nd

b. may 21 st d. may 12 th

5. On April we celebrate the…

a. new year c. national education day

b. independence day d. Kartini day

6. Wednesday,.....Friday

a. Thursday

b. Wednesday

c. Tuesday

d. Saturday

7. There are....days in a week

a. seven

b. six

c. ten

d. Twelve

8. The day before wednesday is....

a. Thursday

b. Wednesday

c. Tuesday

d. Saturday

9. The month before May is....

a. march

b. august

c. April

d. December

10. The month after august is....

a. october

b. september

c. november

d. July

11. How many days are there in a month?

a. a day c. twenty one days

b. seven days d. thirty or thirty one days

12. What day is after Monday?

a. Wednesday c. Thursday

b. Saturday d. Friday

13. Yesterday is Wednesday. Tomorrow is …

a. Sunday c. Thursday

b. Monday d. Friday

14. The day after Tuesday is . . .

a. Wednesday

b. Thursday

c. Monday

d. Friday

15. Yesterday was Friday. Today is . . .

a. Thursday

b. Wednesday

c. Sunday

d. Saturday

16. This month is February. The next month is . . .

a. january

b. march

c. april

d. may

17. Nabila : ………………………….?

Aditya : It is June.

a. what month is this month

b. what time is it

c. is the month June

d. what day is today


Fill in the blank !

1. What day is today ?

Today is….

2. What day is tomorrow ?

Tomorrow is………………….

3. What day was yesterday ?

Yesterday was………….

4. What day is before Saturday ?

The day before ……………is………….

5. What day is after monday?

The day after ……………….is ………………

6. We have a flag ceremony on ..................................

7. We celebrate Kartini Day in ...................................

8. we celebrate independence day in ...

9. We celebrate Heroes Day in ...................................

10. We celebrate New Year in ......................................

11. The last month of the year is ...............................

12. We have holiday on ..............................................

Choose “There are or There is “ and fill in the blank!

1. ...............a cat under the table.

2. ............... 15 mangoes in the basket.

3. ................ a package in front of the door.

4. ..............thousands of bees in that garden.

5. ................. only one piece of cake left on that plate.

6. ............... some viruses in that computer attack my files.

7. .do you know that ............ a candy sticks on your hair?

8. be careful, ......... some lion escaping from the zoo right now.

9. Look! .................... a butterfly flying above you.

10. oh no! ............. hundred of coins falling from your pockets.

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