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Pass me the salt please


(Asking for something)

(asking for help) atau meminta sesuatu (asking for something), kamu bisa menggunakan can, could,
atau may. Arti dari ketiganya adalah bisakah, dapatkah, atau maukah. Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat
penjelasan berikut ya!

Menggunakan Can dalam Kalimat

Kamu bisa menggunakan can ketika kamu meminta bantuan atau pertolongan kepada teman sebaya.
Contoh kalimatnya:

 Ruth, can you help me please? (Ruth, bisakah kamu membantuku?)

 Can I borrow your book please? I forgot to bring mine. (Bisakah aku meminjam bukumu? Aku
lupa membawa bukuku.)

 Can you bring me the jar please? (Bisakah kamu membawakan toples?)

Menggunakan May Atau Could dalam Kalimat

May dan could memiliki tingkat kesopanan yang lebih tinggi dibanding can. Kamu bisa
menggunakan may atau could ketika kamu meminta bantuan atau pertolongan kepada orang yang lebih
tua. Contoh kalimat:

 May I ask something? (Bolehkah saya bertanya?)

 Could you help me please? (Bisakah kamu membantuku?

 Could you bring my cat to vet please? (Bisakah kamu membawa kucingku ke dokter hewan?)
 Could and can (Could diucapkan ke yang lebih tua agar lebih sopan)

Do you mind/Would you mind

Do you mind/ Would you mind + Ving, please?

Contoh kalimatnya adalah

 Do you mind turning down the volume please? (Apakah kamu keberatan untuk mengecilkan

 Would you mind passing me the salt? (Apakah kamu keberatan mengoperkan garam itu

 Would you mind closing the door please? (Apakah kamu keberatan untuk menutup pintu?)

Contoh percakapan di bawah ini dapat kamu praktekkan dengan teman dan keluarga kamu loh!
Task 1
Task 2

Choose the correct answer between a, b, c, or d

1. __________I speak to Mr. Smith, please? (Formal polite request)

a. Can

b. May

c. Would you mind if

2. __________you open the window, please? It's hot in here. (Polite request)

a. Could

b. Couldn't

c. Wouldn't

3. __________buying two loaves of bread on your way home? (Polite request)

a. Could you

b. Would you

c. Would you mind

4. Would you mind if I __________ your dictionary for an hour or so? (Polite request)

a. borrowed

b. will borrow

c. would borrow

5. Would you mind if I __________ come to your party? (Asking for permission)

a. didn't

b. won't

c. wouldn't

6. Mrs. Redding, __________ lend me two hundred dollars till next week, please? (Polite request)

a. can't you

b. could you

c. would you mind

7. Would you mind __________ here? I have a headache. (Polite request)

a. not to smoke

b. not smoke
c. not smoking

8. Betty, __________ help me with this grammar exercise, please? (Informal request)

a. can you

b. can't you

c. won't you

9. Could I use your cell phone, please? – Sorry, you __________ . (Permission not given)

a. can't

b. couldn't

c. won't

10. Could I stay here for a while? – Yes, you __________. (Permission given)

a. could

b. can

c. will

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