Rotation and Circular Motion

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Prof M.

Rashid Khan 2021 UNIT: ROTATION

Motion of a particle around a fixed axis along circular path, is called circular motion.
Angular Displacement Angular Velocity Centripetal Force
θ෠ Force needed to bend normally straight
ω path of a particle into circular path.
L r It is always directed toward center O of
circle and is denoted by 𝐅c .
P2 θ2 mv 2
𝐅c = − = −mω2 r
1 P1 r
t1 = t v2 2r
Time rate of angular displacement covered, 𝒂 c = − = −ω
Angle subtended by an arc of circle r
at center of circle. θ is defined as angular velocity.
Q. Two satellites orbiting around
It is vector directed along change in
For smaller angle, θ is a vector along earth in orbital radii 400 km and 100
angular displacement/ axis of rotation & is
axis of rotation. km complete their one rotation for
S denoted as ω.
θ= (SI unit is rad) Δθ θ2 −θ1 same length of time. What is ratio of
r ω= = −1
( SI Unit is rad 𝑠 )
∆t t2 −t1 their centripetal force ?
Other commonly used unit for θ are
sec, min, deg, rev Relation between v, 𝛚 and r 𝐅c = −mω2 r
𝐯 = 𝛚×𝐫
2π T1 = T2 = T ⟹ ω1 = ω2 = ω
𝟏𝐫𝐞𝐯 = 𝟑𝟔𝟎𝐨 = 𝟐𝛑 𝐫𝐚𝐝 v=ωr= T r
for r = constant
𝐅c ∝ r
1rad = 57o v∝r for ω =constant
F1 r1 400 4
= = =
Prof M. Rashid Khan F2 r2 100 1
Uniform Circular Motion Uniform Accelerated Circular Motion
ω = constant ⟹ α = 0 ω = variable ⟹ α ≠ 0
v = variable
θ P = variable
ω 1
τ = Iα ≠ 0
K.E=2 mv 2 = variable
L at = α r ≠ 0 α≠0
ar = ac = r variable
r τ = Iα ≠ 0 r
L = I ω = variable 𝐯1 =v1vෝ1
𝐯1 = v vෝ1
In this case particle P experience a force F at an angle Φ < 90o
In this case particle P experience centripetal force 𝐅𝑐 .
Or Φ > 90o with v. F has two rectangular components; one
𝐅c is perpendicular to tangential velocity v of P.
along velocity Ft and other along perpendicular to velocity Fr .
𝐅c does not affect magnitude(speed) of v. Thus,
Ft is along tangent to circle, called tangential component and
v = constant Fr is along radius of circle called radial component. Tangential
P = constant Any angular component Ft changes magnitude of v from v1 to v2 during
1 2
K.E= mv = constant 𝐯 ∥ 𝐏 an interval ∆t = t 2 − t1 and produces tangential component
quantity is
𝐅c ⊥ 𝐯 of acceleration at , given by
at = α r = 0 perpendicular
𝐅c ⊥ 𝐏 v2 − v1 ω2 r − ω1 r ω2 − ω1 r ∆ω
v2 to any linear
ar = ac = = constant 𝐅c ↿⇂ 𝐫 at = = = = r=αr
r quantity. t 2 − t1 ∆t ∆t ∆t
τ = Iα = 0 𝐚𝐭 = 𝛂 × 𝐫
L = I ω = constant
Radial component F𝑟 changes direction of v from 𝑣 ෞ1
All linear vector quantities 𝐅c , v, P, 𝐚𝐫 , r in circular motion to ෞ
𝑣2 during an interval ∆t = t 2 − t1 and produces radial
changes their direction instantly and are variable. component of acceleration ar . Prof M. Rashid Khan
Angular quantities θ, ω, α, τ, L are directed along axis of rotation and their direction can be determined by right
hand rule, stated as:
Hold axis of rotation in your right hand in such a way that curling of fingers is along rotation
of the particle P so that thumb will be along angular quantity.
On curling of fingers if thumb point towards you, the angular quantity will be anti-clock wise and if thumb point
away from you, the angular quantity will be clock wise.
Anti-clock wise angular quantity is taken as +ve and clock wise angular quantity is taken as –ve.

Linear Analogous Angular Linear Kinematics Equations Kinematics Angular Equations

Quantity Quantity θ = ωt
d θ
vf = vi + at ωf = ωi + αt
v ω 1
a α S = vi t + at 2 θ = ωi t + αt 2
2 2
m I=m r 2 2 a S = vf2 − vi2 2 α θ = ω2f − ω2i
F=ma τ = Iα
P=mv L = Iω
1 1
KE = mv 2 KErot = I ω2
2 2
I=F t I=τt
W=F d Wrot = τ θ
P=𝐅∙𝐯 Prot = 𝛕 ∙ 𝛚 Prof M. Rashid Khan
Orbital Velocity
Tangential velocity of satellite
in an orbit around the Earth,
is called its orbital velocity. vo
It is expressed as:
vo = =
r (R e + h)
vo ∝
Orbital velocity of satellite is inversely proportional to
square root of orbital radius but is independent of mass,
volume and density of satellite
Q. Two satellites orbiting around earth in orbital radii
400 km and 100 km. What is ratio of their orbital
speed ?
vo ∝
vo1 r2 100 1
= = =
vo2 r1 400 2
Prof M. Rashid Khan
Geostationary Orbit Putting these values in above expression, we get
Orbit of satellite around the r ≈ 42000 km
Earth in which it seems to be h = r − R e = 42000 km − 6400 km
stationary to the inhabitants, = 36000 km
is called Geostationary Orbit.
Orbital velocity of geostationary satellite is
In geostationary orbit, the motion
of satellite is geosynchronized.
GMe 6.67×10−11×6×1024
TOMS = TSME = 24 h = 86400 s = 1 D vo = = = 3.1 km s −1
r 4.2×107
ωs = ωe
We know that
v=ωr Orbital speed of satellite orbiting closely to the Earth
v∝ r h≈ 400 km , r≈ R e = 6400 km, is
Since, r > Re vo = gR e = 7.9 km s−1
So, vs > ve
Expression of radius of the geostationary orbit is What is time period of a satellite orbiting around the
2 earth in an orbit of radius twice as the radius of
GMe T 3
r= geostationary orbit?
𝟐 T2 r2 3
𝐫∝ 𝐓𝟑 = ( )2
G = 6.67× 10−11 N m2 kg −2 𝟑 T1 r1
Me = 6× 1024 kg T∝ 𝐫 𝟐

T = 1 D = 24 h = 86400 s Prof M. Rashid Khan

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