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Rykov et al.

BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 BMC Medicine


Predicting cognitive scores

from wearable‑based digital physiological
features using machine learning: data
from a clinical trial in mild cognitive impairment
Yuri G. Rykov1* , Michael D. Patterson1, Bikram A. Gangwar1*, Syaheed B. Jabar1, Jacklyn Leonardo4,
Kok Pin Ng2,3 and Nagaendran Kandiah4

Background Continuous assessment and remote monitoring of cognitive function in individuals with mild cognitive
impairment (MCI) enables tracking therapeutic effects and modifying treatment to achieve better clinical outcomes.
While standardized neuropsychological tests are inconvenient for this purpose, wearable sensor technology collect-
ing physiological and behavioral data looks promising to provide proxy measures of cognitive function. The objective
of this study was to evaluate the predictive ability of digital physiological features, based on sensor data from wrist-
worn wearables, in determining neuropsychological test scores in individuals with MCI.
Methods We used the dataset collected from a 10-week single-arm clinical trial in older adults (50–70 years old)
diagnosed with amnestic MCI (N = 30) who received a digitally delivered multidomain therapeutic intervention. Cog-
nitive performance was assessed before and after the intervention using the Neuropsychological Test Battery (NTB)
from which composite scores were calculated (executive function, processing speed, immediate memory, delayed
memory and global cognition). The Empatica E4, a wrist-wearable medical-grade device, was used to collect physi-
ological data including blood volume pulse, electrodermal activity, and skin temperature. We processed sensors’ data
and extracted a range of physiological features. We used interpolated NTB scores for 10-day intervals to test predict-
ability of scores over short periods and to leverage the maximum of wearable data available. In addition, we used indi-
vidually centered data which represents deviations from personal baselines. Supervised machine learning was used
to train models predicting NTB scores from digital physiological features and demographics. Performance was evalu-
ated using “leave-one-subject-out” and “leave-one-interval-out” cross-validation.
Results The final sample included 96 aggregated data intervals from 17 individuals. In total, 106 digital physiologi-
cal features were extracted. We found that physiological features, especially measures of heart rate variability, cor-
related most strongly to the executive function compared to other cognitive composites. The model predicted
the actual executive function scores with correlation r = 0.69 and intra-individual changes in executive function scores
with r = 0.61.

Yuri G. Rykov
Bikram A. Gangwar
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Rykov et al. BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 Page 2 of 14

Conclusions Our findings demonstrated that wearable-based physiological measures, primarily HRV, have potential
to be used for the continuous assessments of cognitive function in individuals with MCI.
Keywords Digital physiological features, Digital biomarkers, Wearable sensor data, Mild cognitive impairment,
Remote patient monitoring, Machine learning

Background the heart-brain axis [13, 14], which is part of a two-way

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a noticeable circuit between the central and autonomic nervous sys-
decline in an individual’s cognitive function beyond that tems. Previous studies have indicated that specific HRV
expected by aging alone and remains an important issue metrics, namely the high-frequency band of the HRV
to address since the estimated global prevalence of MCI power spectrum (HRV-HF), the root mean of the square
in older adults (aged 50 and older) is 15.6% [1]. MCI is successive differences (RMSSD), and respiratory sinus
often a sign of prodromic dementia, where further cogni- arrhythmia (RSA), exhibit a small yet statistically signifi-
tive decline may still be prevented or even reversed [2]. cant positive correlation (r = 0.25) with global cognitive
However, since MCI can be caused by multiple etiologies functioning in individuals with neurodegenerative condi-
[3], it is not always clear which treatment will be effective. tions. Resting-state HRV showed a slightly stronger effect
Thus, to address this problem, interventions can benefit (r = 0.29) [12]. While these correlations are still too small
from continuous measurement of response to treatment to be useful in predicting exact cognitive scores, novel
for key outcomes that will allow alterations and adjust- physiological features may show stronger correlations
ments in treatment to achieve better clinical outcomes which would demonstrate more utility.
and higher cost-effectiveness by dropping ineffective Attempts to determine how HRV affects specific
components [4, 5]. However, existing neuropsychologi- areas of cognition have challenged researchers because
cal tests developed to assess cognition and diagnose the links are multifarious and dependent on many pos-
dementia and MCI, while well-validated, have several sibly mediating factors. For example, complex cogni-
limitations that restrict their usefulness for continuous tion involves more neural activity than simple cognitive
assessment and monitoring. These standardized tests tasks and thus requires more metabolic resources such
are time-consuming, lack ecological validity (performed as oxygenated blood [15, 16]. HRV could be an indirect
outside of the context of everyday patients’ activities), index of the ability of the heart to quickly adapt to the
require trained staff to administer them, and likely have current metabolic needs of the brain. However, HRV was
insufficient test–retest reliability if frequently admin- positively correlated with executive function (r = 0.19)
istered (e.g. due to learning effects and lack of alternate in both healthy and neurodegenerative condition popu-
test versions). Although digital assessments can mitigate lations as shown in two independent meta-analyses
some of these issues, individuals must allocate time to [11, 12]. Furthermore, HRV may also link to episodic
complete them [6]. An ideal alternative assessment would memory as evidenced by a recent study reporting that
work passively and automatically without any effort from a dynamic change in HRV as response to a sympathetic
the individual being tested. Mobile and wearable tech- challenge is associated with a decline in episodic mem-
nologies have emerged as this possible alternative in ory few years later [17].
providing a solution for remote, passive, and continuous The existing body of evidence primarily stems from
assessment of cognitive function based on behavioral and electrocardiography conducted with specialized medical
physiological data [7, 8]. equipment in clinical settings, and largely because of this,
The predominant biological signal acquired from wear- it consists of cross-sectional studies employing between-
able sensors is blood volume pulse used for measuring subject designs [18]. Alternatively, photoplethysmogra-
heart rate (HR) and pulse/heart rate variability (HRV). phy (PPG) sensors inbuilt in wearable devices can also
HRV metrics are based on the time variation between accurately measure time intervals between heartbeats
successive heartbeats and indicate the sympathova- required for HRV calculation and, at the same time, allow
gal balance representing the equilibrium between the continuous data collection over longer periods of time
two branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), enabling longitudinal designs. Nevertheless, to the best of
the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic our knowledge, no research has evaluated the association
(rest-and-digest) [9]. Recent systematic meta-analytic between PPG-based HRV and cognitive performance
reviews show an association between cognitive function- longitudinally.
ing and HRV in both the general population and those Other potential digital physiological proxies of cogni-
with neurodegenerative disorders [10–12] supporting tive function that can be collected with wearables are
Rykov et al. BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 Page 3 of 14

electrodermal activity (EDA) and skin temperature. EDA body of evidence largely came from cross-sectional data
measures skin conductance/resistance which varies with collected using medical equipment, such as electrocar-
sweat secretion and may indicate physiological arousal diography, in clinical settings. Therefore, there is a lack
or stress [19]. Prior research exploring differences in of longitudinal data collected with wearable sensors, like
EDA under different controlled conditions in healthy PPG, which would enable examining the associations
populations found that both tonic and phasic skin con- at the intra-individual level in people with MCI. In this
ductance measures are sensitive to cognitive stress- pilot experiment, we address these gaps by investigat-
ors [20, 21]. The phasic component of EDA, reflecting ing the feasibility of using physiological measures based
rapid skin conductance fluctuations, was strongly cor- on wearable sensor data for predicting cognitive func-
related to certain brainwaves related to performance in tion in individuals with MCI. Using longitudinal data-
an error awareness cognitive tasks, and with the decline set with repeated cognitive measures and physiological
in performance among individuals who experienced signals collected over 10 weeks, we examined the asso-
sleep deprivation [22]. However, these effects on EDA ciations between digital physiological features and cog-
were task-induced and were transient in nature. EDA nitive performance. We further evaluated the predictive
collected passively has been under-examined for meas- ability of these digital physiological features to track
uring cognitive abilities. Another physiological param- inter- and intra-individual changes in cognitive func-
eter is skin (or body) temperature. Recent research has tion using machine learning methods. So far, no research
revealed that lower temperatures measured during 12 h has examined longitudinal associations between cogni-
of habitual daily activities were significantly associated tive performance and physiological measures collected
with improved performance on various cognitive tasks with a wearable device, and this is the first study that
[23]. This included measures of inhibitory control and analyzed how changes in physiological measures over
semantic verbal fluency. Furthermore, higher long-term time are associated with concurrent changes in cognitive
peak-to-peak temperature amplitudes correlated with functions.
better cognitive performance in both healthy controls
and individuals with MCI [23]. These findings support Methods
the hypothesis that age-associated thermoregulatory Data and participants
deficits and metabolic disruptions could be involved in The data used in this work were obtained from the reg-
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis [24]. istered single-arm clinical trial (,
Not only do novel digital physiological features dem- Identifier: NCT05059353) with multidomain clinical
onstrate promise for tracking cognition, but newly intervention conducted in Singapore from Novem-
developed data-driven analysis techniques and machine ber 2021 to August 2022 by the National Neuroscience
learning also can amplify this potential. For example, Institute. The digitally delivered intervention targeted to
one study showed that models based on passive data improve cognitive functions was provided to older adults
from interactions with smartphones predicted scores of (50–70 years old) diagnosed with amnestic MCI (N = 30)
neuropsychological tests with correlations ranging from and age-matched cognitively normal individuals (N = 10)
0.62 to 0.83 [7]. Moreover, another study demonstrated and lasted for a period of 10 weeks. For the purposes of
that features based on passive smartphone usage and this study, we used data only from participants with MCI
smartwatch sensor data improved accuracy of discrimi- as the expected variation in the cognitive performance
nating MCI from healthy individuals compared to mod- is larger in this target group compared to cognitively
els based on demographics alone [25]. Additionally, high normal participants. During the intervention, partici-
accuracy was achieved in prognosing MCI progression pants were provided with Empatica-E4, a medical-grade
to dementia by using machine learning and neuro-motor sensor-equipped wrist device that collects physiological
parameters collected during performance of dedicated signals, and instructed to wear it during therapy sessions,
augmented reality tasks with a smartphone/tablet [26]. sleep, and as much as possible otherwise, however, as per
Thus, machine learning (ML) methods applied to wear- the trial protocol, participants were not required to wear
able data may be useful for predicting cognitive function. it around the clock. Inclusion/exclusion criteria is listed
In summary, the research on passive digital physi- in the Table 1; other details of the intervention can be
ological features for measuring cognitive performance found in the clinical trial registry [27] and in the previous
is important because it can enable early detection, pro- research [28].
vide more objective measures that are not influenced
by test–retest effects, allow better remote continuous Target outcomes
monitoring of the effects of interventions, and be more All participants were given cognitive assessments at two
cost-effective than clinic-based assessments. The current timepoints—at baseline a week before the intervention
Rykov et al. BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 Page 4 of 14

Table 1 Inclusion/exclusion criteria for participants with MCI

Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria

Either male or female aged between 50 and 70 years (inclusive) Significant hearing or visual impairment
Diagnosis of amnestic MCI using the Petersen’s criteria and/or the NIA-AA Significant systemic, neurological or psychiatric illness such as end stage
criteria renal failure, Parkinson’s disease or major depression
Clinical Dementia Rating score of 0.5 and Mini-Mental State Examination Participation in any pharmacological or non-pharmacological (interven-
> 24 tional) clinical trial in the preceding 12 weeks
Education > 6 years
Literate in English
Basic proficiency in using web-based applications/mobile platforms
Willing to give informed consent

began, and within a week after the 10-week intervention. the same segment by more than 10%) were selected for
The Neuropsychological Test Battery (NTB) was used to further processing that was specific for each type of sig-
assess cognitive function [29]. Each test score from an nal. Signal processing and feature extraction from wear-
individual was converted into a z-score using available able sensor data were performed in Python (version 3.9)
normative data from test manuals stratified by age range using NeuroKit2 package (version 0.2.0) [31]; the entire
and education level. Composite scores were calculated by pipeline is shown in Fig. 1. For example, the EDA signal
averaging the z-scores across tests and the global score went through a Butterworth bandpass filter and then was
was calculated as a mean of all tests’ z-scores: decomposed into tonic and phasic components, while
blood volume pulse signal from the PPG sensor was pro-
(1) Executive Function: WAIS-IV Digit Span Task; cessed with the Elgendi peak detection algorithm [32] to
Similarities; Trail-Making Test B; Category, Letter, find heartbeats. Features were then computed from pre-
and Category Switching Verbal Fluency tests. processed samples using standard methodology includ-
(2) Processing Speed: Trail-Making Test A; Symbol ing statistical time-domain (e.g., mean, median, standard
Digit Modalities Task deviation) and frequency-domain methods (power spec-
(3) Immediate Memory: Logical Memory I, RAVLT tri- trum density estimation with fast Fourier transform).
als I-V, and Visual Reproduction I. The following groups of features were computed: pha-
(4) Delayed Memory: Logical Memory II, RAVLT trial sic skin conductance, tonic skin conductance (skin con-
VII, and Visual Reproduction II. ductance responses), EDA frequency-domain indexes of
(5) Global Cognition was calculated from all the listed sympathetic activation, time-domain, frequency-domain
tests. (from both beat-to-beat intervals and derived periodic
HR signal) and non-linear HRV measures derived from
Wearable signal processing and feature extraction the Poincaré plot, including measures of heart rate asym-
The E4 wristband collects four types of signals: (1) tri- metry and fragmentation [33] and based on both IBI data
axial acceleration [gravitational units, g] with a sampling and PPG-based heartbeats, temperature time-domain
rate of 32 Hz, (2) skin temperature [°C]—4 Hz, (3) EDA measures. After computing all the features for each
or skin conductance [micro-Siemens]—4 Hz, and (4) 5-min segment (the complete list of features summarized
blood volume pulse (BVP) with photoplethysmography in Additional file 1: Table S1), we removed samples with
sensor (PPG) [nanowatt]—64 Hz. Beyond the raw data unavailable IBI measures because it is considered most
available from the device, it also provides inter-beat- sensitive to inappropriate device use or non-use. Next,
intervals (IBI) [seconds] and heart rate (HR) [beats per redundant measures highly correlated to each other
minute] data computed by the manufacturer’s algorithms (squared Pearson correlation coefficient ≥ 0.95) were
from the same raw signals. removed and the remaining non-redundant measures
Wearable data were processed in daily batches. Each were kept for further analysis. Since physiological meas-
day-length signal was regularized and resampled into urements are recommended to be taken during a resting
fixed 5-min segments from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59, as this is state [30], only samples from the calmest 5-h night-time
shortest recommended duration for HRV measurement window (from 1 to 6AM, as determined by the low-
[30] and minor gaps less than 30 s were linearly interpo- est rolling population mean HR) were kept for analysis.
lated. Then samples with sufficient data (50% for HR and Finally, daily summary measures (medians) were com-
temperature, and 70% for EDA and PPG, while number puted from 5-min physiological features for days with
of heartbeats in IBI could not differ from average HR in at least four valid 5-min samples. In total, 106 features
Rykov et al. BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 Page 5 of 14

Fig. 1 Data processing, feature extraction and predictive modeling pipeline

were used in further analysis, including 45 PPG-based Additional file 1: Appendix S1). Respectively, daily digital
features, 37 IBI-based, 12 EDA-based, 7 HR-based, and 5 physiological features were aggregated into means over
temperature-based. the same 10-day intervals. To ensure the suggested impu-
tation method did not introduce bias and significantly
Design of statistical analysis and predictive modeling distort the data, we compared correlation coefficients
A longitudinal design was used to examine the dynamic observed in datasets with and without imputation (using
changes over time and correlations between the two fac- paired t-test and Pearson correlation). We also compared
tors at the intra-individual level which provides stronger it to two other methods (linear interpolation and random
evidence for such relations than cross-sectional designs. imputation) to check how interpolation methods affected
NTB composite scores were only obtained at baseline observed correlations (see Additional file 1: Appendix S2
and post-intervention. To show the feasibility of comput- and Figures S1-S3 for more details).
ing scores on a regular short-term basis and to maximally Since between-individual differences in both cogni-
leverage available wearable data collected during the tive measures and physiological parameters are likely
entire observation period, NTB composite scores were to exceed within-individual differences occurring in
imputed to obtain datapoints within each interval match- the short term, the model based on such clustered data
ing respective samples of wearable data. We assumed should be more accurate in determining an overall indi-
that changes in cognitive performance across a short- vidual’s level of cognitive functioning relative to other
term 10-week period were likely to occur monotonically people rather than sensing and predicting more subtle
and smoothly rather than with bidirectional oscillations, intra-individual changes. Hence, to address this limita-
and changes tended to plateau off following a non-linear tion and mitigate differences between participants, the
sigmoid function [34, 35]. Based on these assumptions, physiological measures were centered around individual
NTB composite scores for each 10-day interval (result- median values representing deviations from conditional
ing in 7 repeated measurements per participant in total) personal baseline, and NTB composite scores were cen-
were imputed using interpolation with a Gompertz curve tered around individual half-range values (i.e. median
(details on the function parameters are provided in the between original baseline and post-intervention scores).
Rykov et al. BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 Page 6 of 14

As a result, centering data allows us to examine whether and intervals. In practice, the first scenario reflects mak-
intra-individual changes in physiological measures are ing predictions for new never-seen subjects, while the
associated with intra-individual changes in cognitive second scenario reflects making predictions for exist-
measures. Thus, two datasets for analysis were used: the ing subjects who have already been monitored for some
first one with imputed NTB scores and actual physi- time. Performance metrics were computed after all pre-
ological measures for testing the predictive ability of digi- dictions obtained and included Pearson and Spearman
tal physiological features to determine the actual NTB correlation coefficients and mean absolute error (MAE)
scores, and the second one with individually centered between actual and predicted values. Models with the
physiological measures and NTB scores for evaluating highest Pearson r were considered the best. All statistical
the predictive ability to capture and track intra-individual analysis and predictive modeling are done using Python
changes in cognitive functioning. (version 3.9) and numpy, pandas, scipy.stats, scikit-learn,
Pearson and Spearman correlations were used to exam- XGBoost, and statsmodels packages.
ine associations between physiological measures and cog-
nitive functioning in both datasets. In addition, we used Results
linear mixed-effect regression (LMER) models to test Characteristics of the data and participants
associations (fixed effects) between cognitive measures Twenty-seven MCI individuals out of the 30 recruited
and digital physiological features as the data is grouped completed the clinical trial including the required neu-
by participants. P-values were adjusted using Benjamini– ropsychological assessments (one participant dropped
Hochberg false discovery rate (FDR) correction across all out, one had low compliance to the therapy program, and
outcome-feature pairs in all statistical analyses. Next, a another did not complete post-intervention assessment).
series of supervised machine learning models predicting We collected and processed 99,261 5-min samples of
NTB scores were trained to evaluate the predictive abil- wearable data in total covering 1134 days of observation.
ity of digital physiological features. Candidate features Most missing data were due to participant non-compli-
were selected using a statistical filter based on Pearson ance (e.g. non-wearing the device at night) or inappropri-
and Spearman correlations with varying levels of p-value ate device use (non-removing a USB charging dock which
significance ranging from < 0.05 to < 0.00001 (both cor- blocks sensors). Besides, data collection might be inter-
relation p-values should pass a threshold for selection). rupted due to natural causes during normal daily use of
We also removed features highly correlated to each other the device, such as vibration and loss of contact between
(with absolute Pearson r > 0.9) to mitigate multicollin- sensors and skin surface. After data cleaning and filter-
earity. Since age and sex [36] can impact both cognitive ing, the total number of valid wearable data samples was
functioning and physiology, the added predictive value 18,546 (or 92,730 min of data) covering 585 days across
of digital physiological measures should be estimated 17 subjects (34.4 days per subject on average), which
relative to predictions based on demographics alone, were then aggregated by 10-day intervals. The final data-
and therefore, we trained and evaluated three separate set included 96 aggregated intervals pairing NTB scores
models: a baseline model based only on age and sex, a and digital physiological features. Further details of par-
combined model based on demographics and digital ticipants included into the analysis are shown in the
physiological features, and a model based on physiologi- Table 2.
cal features alone. Several machine learning algorithms Correlation coefficients between imputed Neu-
were used for model training including elastic net lin- ropsychological Test Battery (NTB) scores and digital
ear regression, random forest regression, and extreme
gradient boosting. In sum, for predicting each outcome
we trained 12 different models (four p-value criteria for
Table 2 Characteristics of participants and data
feature selection and three training algorithms). For per-
formance evaluation of the predictive models, we used Characteristic Metric
leave-one-subject-out and leave-one-interval-out cross- Participants, N 17
validation strategies, similar to the previous research Age, mean (standard deviation [SD]) 60.3 (4.5)
[37]. In subject-based cross-validation all observations Sex = female, N (%) 9 (52.9%)
belonging to one subject were held for a test set and Years of education, mean (SD) 13.5 (3.1)
remaining data were used for training, while in interval- N of valid wearable data samples per participant, mean 1093 (842.2)
based cross-validation all observations from a particular (SD)
interval were held for a test set and remaining data were N of valid wearable data samples per day, mean (SD) 31.7 (15.1)
used for training. These split-samplings were iteratively N of days with available digital physiological features 34.4 (18.9)
repeated until we obtained predictions for all subjects per participant, mean (SD)
Rykov et al. BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 Page 7 of 14

physiological features were very similar to those observed correlation between the actual and predicted scores,
in the dataset without imputation (for Pearson coeffi- while global cognition and immediate memory were pre-
cients: r = 0.94, paired t-test p-value = 0.75; for Spear- dicted with the same accuracy from age and sex alone.
man coefficients: r = 0.94, paired t-test p-value = 0.29), Greater gains in Spearman correlation than in Pearson
demonstrating that datasets shared the same pattern of between the actual and predicted scores indicated that
relationships, and the imputation did not introduce sub- the physiological features were useful in sensing and cor-
stantial bias. Moreover, comparison of different imputa- rectly detecting minor monotonic differences between
tion methods demonstrated that the interpolation with individuals, which was not possible with age and sex
Gompertz curve was almost identical to the linear inter- alone. Elastic net linear regression outperformed other
polation in terms of similarity to each other and to the ML algorithms for all outcomes within the subject-based
dataset without imputation, while it was significantly dif- cross-validation, while tree-based algorithms were better
ferent from the random imputation where correlation with the interval-based cross-validation. Predictions with
coefficients were much closer to zero and different from training and cross-validation by intervals were much
the dataset without imputation (see Additional file 1: Fig- more accurate than by subjects for all outcomes and
ures S1-S3 for more details). Thus, the Gompertz curve range from 0.85 to 0.92 in terms of Pearson correlation
provided an acceptable imputation which did not signifi- and the added predictive value of physiological measures
cantly affect the results (as random imputation did). was also larger for all outcomes ranging from 0.22 to 0.38
in terms of improved correlation. Features used in each
Predicting NTB scores of the best models are listed in Additional file 1: Table S5.
Digital physiological features had the greatest number of
significant correlations with processing speed, executive Predicting intra‑individual changes in NTB scores
function, and global cognition composites after the false The correlations between intra-individual changes in dig-
discovery rate (FDR) correction—53, 44, and 39 out of ital physiological features and intra-individual changes
106 potential relations respectively (Fig. 2). On average, in NTB scores (i.e. correlations in the centered dataset
the strength of significant correlations was moderate, the where each data value represents deviation from an indi-
mean absolute Pearson r is 0.46 (standard deviation [SD] vidual median) were weaker than the correlations in the
0.12) and Spearman rho was 0.45 (SD 0.11) for executive non-centered dataset where all values were on the unad-
function, 0.37 (0.08) and 0.40 (0.07) for processing speed, justed common scale. However, there were still several
0.33 (0.06), 0.29 (0.04) for immediate memory, 0.36 (0.05) significant correlations with executive function (18 physi-
and 0.34 (0.05) for delayed memory, and 0.42 (0.08) and ological features) and processing speed (one feature) sus-
0.37 (0.07) for global cognition. Processing speed had a tained after the FDR correction (Fig. 2D, E). On average,
distinct pattern of correlations different from other cog- the strengths of significant correlations were moder-
nitive measures, i.e. it correlated to unique physiologi- ate, the mean absolute Pearson r was 0.55 (SD 0.09) and
cal measures which did not correlate to other cognitive Spearman rho was 0.37 (SD 0.03) for executive function,
measures. and 0.47 and 0.33 for processing speed respectively. Only
In terms of specific digital physiological features, HRV the changes in HR and HRV (both PPG- and IBI-based)
measures (both photoplethysmography [PPG]- and inter- measures were significantly associated with changes in
beat-intervals [IBI]-based) correlated with all cognitive cognitive composite scores, while EDA and tempera-
composites, especially cardiac sympathetic index (CSI), ture features became non-significant after the FDR cor-
logarithm of HRV-HF, normalized HRV-HF, the ratio of rection. In addition, only three physiological features
short-term to long-term variations in HRV (SD1SD2) were consistently significant in the analysis of both data-
(full results are in the Additional file 1: Tables S2-S4). sets indicating the same relationship on between- and
Three temperature features correlated with delayed mem- intra-individual levels, including negative correlation of
ory, and two EDA features—with executive function. IBI-based modified CSI and positive correlation of the
The performance of predictive models combining digi- power spectrum in the very high-frequency band of IBI
tal physiological features and demographics is shown (HRV-VHF) to executive function scores, and positive
in Tables 3 and 4 and in Fig. 3A. The best predictable correlation of IBI-based SD1SD2 HRV index to process-
outcome from digital physiological features and demo- ing speed scores. Mixed-effect regression also showed
graphics in never-seen subjects was the executive func- several significant effects between cognitive performance
tion composite (r = 0.69, rho = 0.70, mean absolute (executive function, processing speed and global cogni-
error [MAE] = 0.46). The addition of digital physiologi- tion) and 34 physiological measures after the FDR cor-
cal features brought large improvements in the predic- rection confirming associations on the intra-individual
tion of executive function in terms of gained Spearman level (Fig. 2C).
Rykov et al. BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 Page 8 of 14

Fig. 2 Correlation heatmaps between NTB composites and digital physiological features. Subplots A–C are based on dataset with actual NTB
scores, D,E—on the centered dataset. A Color intensity is proportionate to the Pearson correlation coefficient, correlations between all outcome–
feature pairs are shown. B Only significant correlations (both Spearman and Pearson adjusted p-values < 0.05 after the FDR correction) are displayed.
C Color intensity is proportionate to the ­R2 of explained variance by fixed effect component from mixed-effect regression, only significant effects
are shown (fixed effect p-values < 0.05 after FDR correction). D Color intensity is proportionate to the Pearson correlation coefficient, correlations
between all outcome–feature pairs are shown. E Only significant correlations (both Spearman and Pearson adjusted p-values < 0.05 after FDR
correction) are included
Rykov et al. BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 Page 9 of 14

Table 3 Performance of the best models predicting NTB scores

Cross-validation method Cognitive measure Machine Number of Feature r r gain rho rho gain MAE
Learning used features selection
algorithm p-value

Subject-based Global Cognition ElasticNet 11 0.001 0.54 0.02 0.50 − 0.06 0.59
Executive Function ElasticNet 13 0.001 0.69 0.15 0.70 0.46 0.46
Processing Speed ElasticNet 14 0.001 0.47 0.08 0.48 0.27 0.67
Memory Immediate ElasticNet 4 0.001 0.44 − 0.03 0.44 0.01 1.24
Memory Delayed ElasticNet 6 0.001 0.48 0.22 0.61 0.33 0.97
Interval-based Global Cognition Random Forest 7 0.0001 0.92 0.25 0.91 0.25 0.16
Executive Function Random Forest 9 0.00001 0.89 0.22 0.87 0.33 0.15
Processing Speed XGBoost 11 0.0001 0.85 0.33 0.82 0.31 0.21
Memory Immediate Random Forest 3 0.0001 0.92 0.29 0.87 0.28 0.33
Memory Delayed XGBoost 3 0.0001 0.86 0.38 0.86 0.37 0.35

Table 4 Average models’ performance (Pearson r) in predicting NTB scores across varying feature selection criteria
Cross-validation method Cognitive measure Machine Learning algorithms
ElasticNet Random Forest XGBoost

Subject-based Global Cognition 0.51 0.23 0.26

Executive Function 0.67 0.20 0.31
Processing Speed 0.43 0.08 0.09
Memory Immediate 0.42 0.12 0.17
Memory Delayed 0.42 0.16 0.21
Interval-based Global Cognition 0.73 0.91 0.87
Executive Function 0.79 0.89 0.83
Processing Speed 0.66 0.83 0.80
Memory Immediate 0.64 0.91 0.89
Memory Delayed 0.67 0.84 0.82

Performance of models predicting intra-individual Discussion

changes in cognitive scores from changes in digital This study examined the feasibility of using digital physi-
physiological features and demographics is shown in ological features from wearables as a proxy for measur-
Table 5 and 6 and in Fig. 3B. Among the different NTB ing cognitive function. We analyzed the associations
composites, intra-individual changes in executive func- between physiological digital physiological features and
tion were best predicted—the best model was based NTB cognitive composite scores and evaluated the pre-
on 13 digital physiological features (plus age and sex) dictive ability of models, combining these physiological
and the random forest algorithm and performed with features with demographics, to determine scores across
Pearson r = 0.61 (rho = 0.44, MAE = 0.07) in the indi- four cognitive domains (global, memory, executive func-
vidual-based cross-validation and r = 0.77 (rho = 0.48, tion, and processing speed) and to track more subtle
MAE = 0.06) in the interval-based cross-validation. short-term intra-individual changes. Using longitudinal
Intra-individual changes in other NTB scores were less wearable data collected over the 10-week clinical trial,
predictable from physiological measures. Age and sex we showed that physiological measures, primarily HRV
were not informative for predicting intra-individual measures, had significant and strong associations with
changes in all outcomes (all predictions were constant the executive function composite, but not for other com-
scores), so the achieved performance was entirely due posites. Among the models trained to predict executive
to digital physiological features and their interplay with function, the best model predicted scores in never-seen
demographics. individuals with Pearson r = 0.69 (MAE = 0.46) and pre-
dicted intra-individual changes in these scores with
Rykov et al. BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 Page 10 of 14

Fig. 3 Boxplots of models’ performance (Pearson r) across outcomes, machine learning algorithms, and types of cross-validation; each box
represents all performance values obtained with different feature sets depending on varied feature selection criteria. A Predicting actual NTB scores.
B Predicting intra-individual changes in NTB scores from intra-individual changes in physiological features (centered dataset)

Table 5 Performance of the best models predicting intra-individual changes in NTB scores
Cross-validation method Cognitive measure Machine Number of Feature r r gain rho rho gain MAE
Learning used features selection
algorithm p-value

Subject-based Global Cognition Random Forest 19 0.05 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.11
Executive Function Random Forest 15 0.001 0.61 0.61 0.44 0.44 0.07
Processing Speed ElasticNet 3 0.001 0.20 0.20 0.23 0.23 0.14
Memory Immediate ElasticNet 7 0.05 0.29 0.35 0.31 0.41 0.21
Memory Delayed Random Forest 6 0.05 − 0.11 − 0.11 − 0.05 − 0.05 0.19
Interval-based Global Cognition XGBoost 4 0.01 0.20 0.20 0.06 0.06 0.09
Executive Function Random Forest 15 0.001 0.77 0.77 0.48 0.48 0.06
Processing Speed XGBoost 3 0.001 0.45 0.45 0.30 0.30 0.14
Memory Immediate XGBoost 3 0.01 0.21 0.54 0.22 0.20 0.25
Memory Delayed XGBoost 6 0.05 0.06 0.06 − 0.01 − 0.01 0.17
Rykov et al. BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 Page 11 of 14

Table 6 Average models’ performance (Pearson r) in predicting intra-individual changes in NTB scores across varying feature selection
Cross-validation method Cognitive measure Machine Learning algorithms
Elastic Net Random Forest XGBoost

Subject-based Global Cognition − 0.02 0.06 0.09

Executive Function 0.20 0.54 0.39
Processing Speed 0.15 0.11 0.10
Memory Immediate 0.26 0.16 0.17
Memory Delayed − 0.19 − 0.11 − 0.22
Interval-based Global Cognition 0.16 0.17 0.19
Executive Function 0.62 0.74 0.63
Processing Speed 0.32 0.32 0.36
Memory Immediate 0.10 0.13 0.01
Memory Delayed 0.06 0.05 − 0.08

r = 0.61 (MAE = 0.07). The accuracy of predicting execu- leading to changes in cognition [40, 41]. For example,
tive function in the same individuals but for new time the recent experimental study showed that stimulating
interval samples was notably higher, with Pearson r = 0.89 vagus nerve and modulating heart rate oscillations via
(MAE = 0.15) for actual scores and r = 0.77 (MAE = 0.06) slow paced breathing intervention affect plasma amyloid
for score changes. The models with digital physiologi- beta and tau levels [42]. Furthermore, mediation analysis
cal features consistently and substantially outperformed showed that autonomic dysfunction reflected in attenu-
baseline models based on age and sex alone in predict- ated HRV measures during non-REM sleep contributed
ing executive function, highlighting the added predictive to complement activation and deposition of AD bio-
value of digital physiological features. Other cognitive markers leading to cognitive impairment [43]. In addi-
measures had weaker correlations with physiological tion, reduced parasympathetic activity (lower HRV-HF)
measures and were predicted with lower accuracy, espe- during deep sleep was associated with weaker functional
cially when predicting intra-individual changes. connectivity within core and broader central-autonomic
To our knowledge, this is the first study with a longi- network brain regions in older adults at risk of dementia
tudinal design that found that intra-individual changes [44]. Finally, it is not clear why the correlations between
in executive function score were associated with intra- digital physiological features and cognitive measures
individual changes in HRV measures, which characterize were stronger with executive function compared to other
sympathovagal balance in the ANS. Unlike prior research composites. Executive function tasks are often thought to
that primarily examined the strength of associations draw on many other cognitive processes, such as percep-
[10–12], this study additionally evaluated the predictive tion, memory, and strategic planning [45], and, therefore,
ability of physiological parameters in determining cogni- they may make variable energy demands and require
tive test performance using machine learning methods optimal heart function for distribution of energizing oxy-
and cross-validation. Furthermore, this study contributed genated blood consistent with the neurovisceral integra-
to the existing body of evidence regarding associations tion model.
between HRV measures and cognitive function in indi- This study has several strengths. First, we used two
viduals with MCI [12]. datasets for analysis and predictive modeling: original un-
While the data suggest that changes in cognitive func- centered and centered. The original dataset was used to
tion and changes in physiological parameters are related, analyze associations on the inter-individual level, whereas
the exact mechanisms underpinning these correlations the centered dataset mitigated inter-individual differences
remain to be elucidated. One possible explanation for and allowed to reveal whether intra-individual changes in
the observed relationship between HRV measures and physiological paraments (i.e. deviations from some condi-
cognition is the disruption of the brain cholinergic sys- tional personal baseline) were associated with concurrent
tem and acetylcholine deficiencies in Alzheimer’s disease, intra-individual changes in cognitive function. Second, we
which then may result in downstream cognitive symp- used two common cross-validation strategies to evaluate
toms related to the disturbance of the ANS [38, 39]. Pos- models’ accuracy. Although leave-one-interval-out-cross-
sibly, this may be due to changes in vagus nerve functions validation is more prone to overfitting because cognitive
Rykov et al. BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 Page 12 of 14

scores from the same individuals tend to be similar across we were unable to examine circadian and rest-activ-
intervals, this method allowed us to better evaluate the ity rhythms which are also associated with changes in
added predictive value of physiological measures against cognitive function [52–54]. Another limitation is using
demographic information. Leave-one-subject-out-cross- imputed target outcomes data (NTB scores) for model
validation consistently showed lower accuracy, however training and testing instead of real weekly measure-
it provided a more conservative and generalizable perfor- ments. To mitigate this limitation, we compared dif-
mance evaluation, as predictions were done in individuals ferent interpolation methods and demonstrated that
that the models were not trained on. Thus, performance correlation coefficients between NTB scores and digi-
measures obtained with the two approaches provided a tal physiological features were very similar to those
comprehensive evaluation of the predictive value of digital obtained without imputation that indicated identical
physiological features in monitoring cognitive function- relationships pattern between datasets. In addition, the
ing. Finally, we leveraged physiological signals collected range of cognitive scores of the participants was limited,
during nocturnal sleep, which demonstrated their utility and it is unclear whether the trained models would be
in studying brain–heart interaction in people with MCI. able to predict over clinically significant range of scores.
This allowed us to analyze autonomic function in isolation Finally, despite a range of reliable and moderately strong
from psychological and behavioral confounders related to associations, the achieved accuracy of predictive models
wakeful activity. is still below the desirable level, and hence the wearable-
The main limitation of the study is its small sample size based physiological measures are not yet able to replace
(N = 96 observations from 17 participants) and, there- standardized cognitive tests.
fore, the models should be verified with another inde- To overcome these limitations, we recommend that
pendent sample. Also, a larger sample size would allow future research leverage a larger and preferably multi-
using deep learning methods to reveal complex non-lin- ethnic (multicenter) sample to achieve greater statistical
ear patterns in the data. Another limitation is a relatively power and generalizability, a longer follow-up duration (6
short period of the study observation (3 months) which or 12 months) to capture greater variation in cognition,
restricts capturing a greater and long-term variation in and digital cognitive assessments in addition to NTB for
cognition. In addition, the study sample is homogeneous more frequent outcomes measurement. Finally, future
and included mainly participants of Singaporean Chinese research should leverage data from a group not receiv-
ethnicity. Thus, it is possible the results would not gen- ing the intervention, either through a pure longitudinal
eralize to other populations. Another limitation stems observational study or by utilizing a control group in the
from the study design since it was based on a multid- case of a clinical trial.
omain intervention, which might confound some asso-
ciations by causing concurrent changes in these factors Conclusions
independently. Consistent with previous literature, yoga In conclusion, our findings suggest that physiological
exercises and meditation provided as part of the inter- measures correlate to cognitive function in individuals
vention could induce changes in HRV [46, 47] and affect with MCI. Therefore, these physiological features have
cognition [48, 49], while cognitive games and reminis- potential to be used for passive assessment of cogni-
cence therapy may have contributed to changes in cogni- tive function using wearable sensors in real time and in
tion. However, executive function, processing speed and ambulatory settings. In turn, continuous monitoring of
delayed memory changed independently and sometimes cognitive function in individuals with MCI would allow
in opposing directions (increased or decreased) in the a better understanding of the response to treatment and
subsample of the trial participants included in the analysis the delivery of more effective personalized therapies.
(see Additional file 1: Figure S4 and Table S6 for more The most informative and valuable physiological features
details). In addition, there was no significant increase in exec- were HRV features measuring sympathovagal balance
utive function from baseline to post-intervention. Therefore, in ANS, that is in line with the neurovisceral integra-
the intervention likely did not falsify the correlation between tion model of central-autonomic neural network. The
the physiological parameters and cognitive measures. results from this study are promising and warrant further
Next, since most analyzable data were collected while research which should validate these physiological meas-
participants slept, we were unable to use acceleration ures and evaluate their value when combined with other
data capturing physical gross-motor activity which digital phenotyping data such as speech, language use,
could be informative for detecting cognitive impair- software interaction, finger dexterity, as well as demo-
ment [50, 51]. Similarly, due to the lack of day-time data graphic and medical history.
Rykov et al. BMC Medicine (2024) 22:36 Page 13 of 14

Abbreviations Declarations
AD Alzheimer’s disease
ANS Autonomic nervous system Ethics approval and consent to participate
CSI Cardiac Sympathetic Index This study has received approval (reference number 2021/2426) from the
EDA Electrodermal activity SingHealth Centralised Institutional Review Board (CIRB). Written informed
FDR False discovery rate consent was obtained from all participants before enrolling in this study, in
HR Heart rate accordance with the guidelines outlined by the SingHealth CIRB. The informed
HRV Heart rate variability consent process was designed to provide participants with a clear under-
HRV-HF Heart rate variability – high frequency standing of the study’s purpose, procedures, risks, and benefits, as well as their
HRV-VHF Heart rate variability – very high frequency right to withdraw at any time.
IBI Inter-beat interval
LMER Linear mixed-effect regression Consent for publication
MAE Mean absolute error Not applicable.
MCI Mild cognitive impairment
ML Machine learning Competing interests
NTB Neuropsychological Test Battery Y.G.R, B.A.G., M.D.P, S.B.J, and J.L. were or are employed by Neuroglee Therapeu-
PPG Photoplethysmography tics. K.P.N received no direct payment from the study sponsor for his contribu-
RAVLT Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test tions. N.K received support from Neuroglee Therapeutics as a paid consultant.
RMSSD Root mean of the square successive differences Neuroglee Therapeutics provided financial support and was involved in the
RSA Respiratory sinus arrhythmia protocol design, data analysis and the decision to submit this manuscript.
WAIS-IV Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale 4th Edition
Author details
Supplementary Information 1
Neuroglee Therapeutics, Singapore, Singapore. 2 Department of Neurology,
National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore, Singapore. 3 Duke-NUS Medical
The online version contains supplementary material available at https://​doi.​
School, Singapore, Singapore. 4 Dementia Research Centre, Lee Kong Chian
School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore.

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