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1. Compare and contrast the following by tabulating the following information:

a. Simple, stratified and specialized types of epithelia in terms of : their distinguishing features,
location, function.
Type of Epithelium Location Function
- Endothelium: lines
walls of blood and
lymph vessels and
cavities of the heart. - reduce friction
between the blood
- Mesothelium: lines and the walls of
serous cavities the blood vessels.
> Consists of thin (pleura, pericardium,
1) Simple platelike cells peritoneum); tunica
Squamous arranged in a single vaginalis; testis.
> Cells adhere - Mesenchymal: lines
closely to one the anterior chamber
another by their of the eye; perilymph
edges, which may be spaces of the
serrated or wavy. internal ear; subdural
and subarachnoid

- Flattened Cells:
lines the pulmonary
alveoli and kidney’s
Bowman’s capsule.
- Plain Tall
Columnar: mucosa
of the stomach;
small and large
intestines; gall
> Consists of very tall
bladder; bigger ducts - Secrete mucus or
and slender cells,
of glands. slime, a lubricating
2) Simple Columnar which may appear
substance to keep
like standing upright-
- Ciliated Columnar: the surface
like columns
uterus and oviducts/ smooth.
> All oval nuclei
fallopian tubes;
approximately at the
ductuli efferentes in - propel ovum to
same level.
patches. the uterus; cilia
> Ciliated columnar
movement causes
cells have projections
- Cuboidal: thyroid mucus, secreted
known as cilia on
follicles; choroid by the goblet cells,
their distal ends.
plexus; pigmented to move towards
epithelium of retina; target organ.
smaller ducts of
glands; germinal
ephithelium of ovary;
inner surface of lens
3) Stratified > Composed of more - Keratinizing: - Protect
Squamos than 1 layer of cells, Epidermis of skin. underlying tissue
ranging from 5-30 or from mechanical
more. - Non-Keratinizing: injury, harmful
> Innermost layer of mouth, esophagus, chemicals,
cells next to the vagina, anal canal, invading bacteria,
basement membrane vocal folds. and from
consist of a single excessive loss of
row of tall columnar water.
cells; above the
columnar layer lie
polyhedral cells; the
superficial layers are
composed of thin
squamos cells.
> Gradual transition
in shape from
polyhedral to the flat
- With motile cilia:
nasal cavities,
larynx, trachea,
- assists in
bronchi, bigger
removing dust
particles and
> Only appears to be oviducts.
foreign bodies
composed of several
which have
layers of cell, when -With motile cilia and
entered the
4) Pseudo-stratified there is only 1 cell goblet cells:
Columnar Epithelium layer. respiratory system
> All cells rest on the
- promotes the
basement - With non-motile
diffusion of gases,
membrane. cilia or stereocilia:
liquids, and
- Non-ciliated
epithelium: ductus
> Superficial cells are
prismatic and
- formices of the
cuboidal or columnar
conjuctiva, vagina,
in shape, while the
5) Stratified middle portion of the
deeper layer consists
Columnar Epithelium urethra, big ducts
of small irregularly
before their opening
polyhedral cells that
on the skin.
do not reach the
> A transition form
between stratified
squamos and
columnar epithelium. - Excrete waste
> When bladder is products from the
- lines the ureter,
6) Transitional empty, surface cells body and
urinary bladder, and
Epithelium are cuboidal in reabsorbs needed
shape. When bladder materials from the
is full, surface cells urine.
stretch and flatten to
become squamos
> Composed of a
chief sensory cell (for
reception of stimulus) - tastebuds of
and supporting or tongue, organ of
sustantecular cells. Corti in inner ear,
7) Neuro-eptihelium - Sensation
> Supporting cells retina of eyeball,
maybe tall columnar olfactory epithelium
cells lying side by of nasal cavity.
side with the chief
cells, or basal cells.
- Helps to optimixe
> Consist of a two-
visual contrast by
cell thick layer of
reducing internal
cuboidal cells.
reflected light.
> Both layers are jet - retina, pars ciliaris,
8) Pigment
black due to the pars iridica, retinae
Epithelium - Has the ability to
numerous large of eye
metabolise retinol
melanosomes which
and to engulf
pack the cytoplasm of
each cell.
outer segments.
9) Pyramidal or > Cells are pyramidal - lining secretory - secrete specific
glandualar in shape portions of the acini substances such
epithelium > Cells are arranged of glands as enzymes,
in a single row
around a circular
lumen of varying size,
where the proximal
portion is broader hormones, and
and attached to the lubricating fluids.
basement membrane
while the distal end
borders the lumen of
the cavity.
> Contractile
epithelial cells - Lacrimal, salivary,
> Located between mammary, and - contraction helps
10) Myoepithelial
the basal lamina and sweat glands, expel products of
the bases of seminiferous exocrine glands
secretory acini and tubules.
their ducts

b) Exocrine, endocrine, and neuro-endocrine glands on the basis of: transport of secretions,
structure/ cell number, embryonic origin, secretory products, mode of secretion, location.
Exocrine Gland Endocrine Gland
Released into the blood
Secretions are released
Utilize a system of ducts in response to
Transport of into blood or lymph for
that open into the stimulation of the
Secretions transport to target
surface nervous system.
Maybe unicellular or
Structure/ Cell Number multicellular Multicellular glands Multicellualr

Embryonic Origin Mesoderm Ectoderm
Polypeptide secretions
(insuline, glucagons,
Mucous secretions, growth hormone, TSH, Enteroendocrine
Serous secretions, and GTH, ACTH, hormones, Interleukins,
Secretory Products
a mixture of mucous thyroglobulin) Colony-stimulating
and serum. factors (CSF).
Steroid secretions
(ovary, testis, adrenals)
Merocrine, apocrine or Directly into the
Mode of Secretion
holocrine secretion bloodstream
Pancreas, simple
columnar epithelium of
small and large
intestines, stratified
Pituitary gland, thyroid Brain, epithelia of
columnar epithelium of
Location gland, thymus gland, intestinal and respiratory
respiratory system, oral
adrenals tracts.
cavity, esophagus,
duodenum, gastric and
uterine mucosa, sweat

c) Microvilli, stereocilia, cilia and flagella in terms of: their width and length, presence of plasma
membrane covering, presence of microtubules or microfilaments, motility, presence of axonemes and
basal bodies, function, location.

Microvilli Stereociia Cilia Flagella

80 – 90 nm in
Width/ Length diameter and 1-2 15-200 µm long
µm long.
Presence of
Yes Yes Yes
Presence of Yes. Parallel Yes Presence of
bundles of actin
microtubules/ microfilaments are
(which make up
microfilaments present in
Presence of Axoneme and
axonemes and basal bodies are
basal bodies present.
Moves with the
help of ATP-
dependent and
Motility Non-contractile Non- motile
sliding of doublet
For support; to
enhance the
surface area of To propel fluid or a
epithelium may
membranes coating of mucus
Function promote absorption
exposed to towards the
by amplifying the
substances for exterior.
cell surface.
absorption and
Lining of fallopian
tubes, ductuli
epithelia of
Epithelium lining of nephrons, rete
respiratory system
the epididymis and testis, nonciliated
Location (nasal cavities,
hair cells of inner cells of the
larynx, trachea,
ear. uterine
bronchi, bigger
ducts of glands.

d) Merocrine, holocrine, and apocrine modes of secretion in terms of: portion of the cell that is released,
example of gland.
Merocrine Holocrine Apocrine
Portion of the cell A portion of the apical
Release of product Cytoplasm is
released cytoplasm, containing
along with cell discharged into the
secretory granules, is
membrane glandular excretory duct
pinched off
Example Pituitary gland, Spermatozoa,
Mammary glands
pancreas sebaceous glands

e) Neurocrine, paracrine, and endocrine cells in terms of: distances their products must travel to reach
their targets, example of gland.
Neurocrine Paracrine Endocrine
Distances products Released by neurons Secreted by one cell Secreted directly into
must travel into the blood for action and diffuse to adjacent the bloodstream
at distant targets cells
Example Epinephrine released by histamine released by Insulin from pancreatic
adrenal medulla injured cells causes beta cells
local capillary walls to
become more
permeable, allowing
white blood cells and
fluid to leak into injured

f) Serous and mucous cells in terms of: appearance and secretory products.
Serous Cells Mucous Cells
Appearance Smaller, darker staining and Occur as unicellular sheet or
more basophilic than mucous solid glands; light staining, foamy
cells appearance caused by the
numerous large mucus-
containing vesicles concentrated
near the cell apex.
Pancreatic enzymes, Parotid Goblet cell secretions, sublingual
Secretory Products
gland secretions salivary gland secretions.

2. List the structural and functional characteristics of epithelial tissues that distinguish them from
other tissue types. Consider the following:
a. Cell polarity
Polarity is characteristic of most epithelial cells. It is best seen in simple epithelia,
where each cell has three types of surfaces: an apical (Free) surface, lateral surfaces
that adjoin neighboring cells, and a basal surface attached to the basal lamina.

b. Specializations of apical, lateral and basal surfaces

The cell's apical surface is on the organ's external or internal (lumen) surface. It
is specialized to carry out functions that occur at these interfaces, including secretion,
absorption, and movement of luminal contents. Such modifications include cilia, flagella,
microvilli, and stereocilia.
Epithelial cells attach tightly to one another by specialized intercellular junctions.
Zonulae are bandlike junctions are similar in shape to maculae but differ in composition
and function. A junctional complex is any combination of ntercellular junctions close to the
cell apex that looks dark in the light microscope.
The basal surface contacts the basal lamina. Because it is the surface closest to
the underlying blood supply, it often contains receptors for blood borne factors such as
hormones. such structures include basal lamina and tunica propia.

c. Nutrition

d. Innervation

e. Mitotic Rate

f. Vascularity
Blood vessels in the subjacent connective tissue rarely penetrate the basal
lamina to invade epithelia.

3. Which intercellular junction(s) is/are associated with the following?

a. a disklike structure
Gap junction- A gap junction (nexus) is a disk- or patch-shaped structure,
best appreciated by viewing both freeze-fracture and transverse thin EM

b. a bandlike structure
Zonulae - Zonulae are bandlike junctions are similar in shape to maculae but
differ in composition and function.

c. areas of fusion of outer leaflets of the plasma membrane of adjacent cells

Zonula occludens - Zonula occludend (tight junctions, occluding junctions) are
located near the cell apex and seal off the intercellular space, allowing the
epithelium to isolate certain body compartments. Their structure results from the
fusion of 2 trilaminar plasma membranes of adjacent cells to form a
pentalaminar; this fusion may require specific "tight-junction proteins."

d. a sealing effect
Zonula occludens - Zonula occludens (tight junctions, occluding junctions)
are located near the cell apex and seal off the intercellular space,
allowing the epithelium to isolate certain body compartments.

e. cell-to-cell communication
Gap junction- As sites of electrotonic coupling (reduced resistance to ion flow),
gap junctions are important in intercellular communication and
coordination. They are found in most tissues.

f. cytokeratin
Macula adherens - A macula adherens, or desmosome, consists of 2 dense,
granular attachment plaques composed of several proteins and borne on the
cytoplasmic surfaces of the opposing cell membranes. Cytokeratin intermediate
filaments insert into the plaques or make hairpin turns and return to the
cytoplasm. The gap between the attached membranes is often over 30 nm.

g. dense attachment plaques

Macula adherens - A macula adherens, or desmosome, consists of 2 dense,
granular attachment plaques composed of several proteins and borne on the
cytoplasmic surfaces of the opposing cell membranes.

h. connexons
Nexus or Gap junction- The intercellular gap is 2 nm, and the membrane on each
side contains a circular patch of connexons, Each connexon Is a protein hexamer
with a central 1.5-nm hydrophilic pore. The connexons in one mem brane link
with those in the other to form continuouspores that bridge the intercellular gap,
allowing passage of ions and small molecules (<800 daltons).

4. Name the structural modifications and staining properties of epithelial cell types specialized for
the following and give examples of each type:
a. transport of ions and water
Structural modifications: Ion-transporting cells typically have highly infolded basal
plasma membranes that interdigitate with numerous mitochondria. Sheets of such cells
form active barriers that control ion and water concentrations in body compartments.
Tight junctions are often found between the cells and appear to restrict backflow.
Epithelial cells specialized for pinocytosis have tight junctions and abundant pinocytotic
vesicles. The vesicles transport substances across the cell from the luminal surface to the
basal surface or vice versa. The best example is the endothelial cells lining the blood
vessels, where transcellular transport is rapid.

b. synthesis and secretion of proteins

Structural modifications: Epithelial cells that synthesize proteins from segregation
and secretion have abundant basophilic RER, a well-developed Golgi complex, and
frequently, an accumulation of secretory granules in the cell apex.
Examples: Pancreatic acinar cells and the chief cells of the stomach, liver
hepatocytes, chief cells of the parathyroid gland

c. synthesis and secretion of mucus

Structural modifications: Mucous cells occur as unicellular or solid glands.
Staining properties: PAS-positive staining from an abundance of oligosaccharide
resi dues, predominantly acidophilic staining with H&E
Lining epithelium of the esophagus, mouth and vagina

d. synthesis and secretion of steroids

Structural modifications: Endocrine cells specialized to secrete steroid hormones
are polygo nal or rounded, with a central nucleus and pale-staining, acidophilic cytoplasm
that often contains numerous lipid droplets. Their abundant SER contains enzymes for
cholesterol synthesis and for converting steroid hormone precursors (eg, progesterone)
into specific hormones leg, androgens, estrogens, and progesterone). Their mitochondria
typically have tubular rather than shelflike cristae and contain enzymes that convert
cholesterol to progesterone.
Examples: interstitial cells of the testes, follicle cells of the ovaries, granulosa
lutein cells of the corpus iuteum, and cells of the adrenal cortex

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