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Radiographic Interpretation
Coursework 1

Answer all questions.

1. Which of the following isotopes has the longest half-life?

Isotop berikut manakah yang mempunyai waktu paruh terpanjang?

a. Cobalt 60
b. Iridium 192.
c. Ytterbium 169.
d. Selenium 75.

2. The half-life of an isotope is dependent upon:

Waktu paruh suatu isotop bergantung pada:

a. The source to film distance.

b. The initial intensity of the isotope.
c. The physical size of the isotope.
d. The isotope type.
e. All of the above

3. If an exposure time of 2 minutes were necessary using a 3 metre source-to-film distance for a
particular exposure, what time would be necessary if a 6 metre source-to-film distance is used
and all other variables remain the same?
Jika diperlukan waktu pemaparan selama 2 menit dengan menggunakan jarak sumber ke film
sebesar 3 meter untuk pemaparan tertentu, berapakah waktu yang diperlukan jika jarak sumber ke
film sebesar 6 meter dan semua variabel lainnya tetap sama?


a. 12 minutes.
b. 4 minutes.
c. 8 minutes.
d. 6 minutes.

4. If we start with 50 curies of Co60, what will the activity be at the end of 15.9 years?
Jika kita memulai dengan 50 curie Co60, aktivitas apa yang akan terjadi pada akhir 15,9 tahun?

a. 12.5 curies.
b. 6.25 curies.
c. 3.125 curies.
d. 1.75 curies.

5. The number 60 in cobalt 60 is:

Angka 60 pada kobalt 60 adalah:

a. The number of neutrons added to the number of protons.

b. The number of neutrons only.
c. The number of protons only.
d. Dictates the element type
60 is the mass number of cobalt-60 (a heavy radioactive isotope of cobalt).

6. Ytterbium 169 is a gamma source which:

Ytterbium 169 adalah sumber gamma yang:

a. Produces relatively good quality radiographs at the correct exposure when compared with
radiographs produced with Ir192.
b. Produces very short wave length radiation.
c. Is generally used a materials over 30 mm in thickness.
d. All of the above.

7. From an exposure chart for a ffd of 1 m, an exposure time of 12 minutes is indicated. What will
the new exposure time be at 600 mm?
Dari grafik eksposur untuk ffd 1 m, waktu eksposur 12 menit ditunjukkan. Berapa waktu
pemaparan baru pada 600 mm?

a. 2.3 minutes.
b. 4.3 minutes.
c. 8 minutes.
d. 23 minutes.

8. What is the relationship between gigabecquerels and curies?

Apa hubungan antara gigabecquerel dan curie?

a. 3.7 1010 GBq = 1 Ci


b. 2.7 1010 GBq = 1 Ci

c. 37 GBq = 1 Ci
d. 109 GBq = 1 Ci
One curie is equal to 37 gigabecquerels (37GBq).

9. X-ray and gamma rays are types of:

Sinar X dan sinar gamma adalah jenis :

a. Electromagnetic and ionising radiation.

b. Electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation.
c. Ionising and corpuscular radiation.
d. All of the above.

10. If it were necessary to radiograph a 7-inch thick steel product, which of the following
gamma ray sources would most likely be used?
Jika diperlukan untuk melakukan radiografi pada produk baja setebal 7 inci, manakah sumber
sinar gamma berikut yang paling mungkin digunakan?

a. Co60.
b. Ir192.
c. Ce137
d. Yb169.

11. Which of the following defects are likely to be missed using x-ray as the inspection medium?
Manakah dari cacat berikut yang mungkin terlewatkan jika menggunakan sinar X sebagai media

a. Plate laminations, lack of side wall fusion on a single U butt weld and cap overlap.
b. Toe cracks, plate laminations and lack of side wall fusion on a single U butt weld.
c. Plat laminations, lack of inter run fusion using the MIG/MAG welding process and cap
d. All defects are always detected using x-rays.

12. Which of the following is the most likely appearance of lack of root fusion on a radiograph
taken of a single V butt weld?
Manakah dari berikut ini yang paling mungkin menunjukkan kurangnya fusi akar pada
radiografi yang diambil dari pengelasan butt V tunggal?

a. A dark straight line with a light root.

b. A dark straight line with a root of higher density.
c. A dark root with straight edges.
d. A dark uneven line with a light root.

13. Which of the following defects would show up as light indications?

Manakah dari cacat berikut yang terlihat sebagai indikasi ringan?


a. Copper inclusions, slag inclusions and excessive root penetration.

b. Tungsten inclusions, spatter and lack of root penetration.
c. Tungsten inclusions, excessive root penetration and spatter.
d. Excessive cap height, copper inclusions and underflushing.

14. If an exposure time of 3 minutes and 30 seconds were necessary using a 5-metre source to film
distance for a particular exposure, what time would be necessary if a 3-metre source to film
distance is used and all other variables remain the same?
Jika waktu pemaparan 3 menit 30 detik diperlukan dengan menggunakan jarak sumber ke film 5
meter untuk paparan tertentu, berapa waktu yang diperlukan jika jarak sumber ke film 3 meter
digunakan dan semua variabel lainnya tetap sama?

a. 1 minute 43 seconds.
b. 1 minute 15 seconds.
c. 65 minutes 12 seconds.
d. 2 minutes 55 seconds.

15. The part of an atom, which carries a positive charge, is called?

Bagian atom yang bermuatan positif disebut?
a. Positron.
b. Neutron.
c. Proton.
d. Electron.

16. A radiograph shows a single, dark parallel indication with straight edges, down the centre of the
weld area. What is the probable defect?
Radiografi menunjukkan satu indikasi paralel berwarna gelap dengan tepi lurus, di tengah area las.
Apa kemungkinan cacatnya?

a. Misalignment.
b. Cap undercut.
c. Lack of root penetration.
d. Lack of root fusion.

17. Which of the following gamma sources would be preferred for radiography of an 6 mm thick
weld, single wall technique, a good quality radiograph is required:
Manakah dari sumber gamma berikut yang lebih disukai untuk radiografi las setebal 6 mm, teknik
dinding tunggal, diperlukan radiografi berkualitas baik:

a. Co60.
b. Ir192.
c. Yb169.
d. Tm170.


18. Cold lap in a weld is a commonly used definition for which of the following?
Putaran dingin pada pengelasan merupakan definisi yang umum digunakan untuk pernyataan
berikut ini?

a. Undercut.
b. Hydrogen cracking.
c. Lack of side wall fusion.
d. Lack of fusion at the weld toes.

19. Which of the following defects would not be expected in a weld made by the MIG/MAG
welding process (solid wire)?
Cacat berikut manakah yang tidak diharapkan terjadi pada pengelasan yang dilakukan dengan
proses pengelasan MIG/MAG (kawat padat)?

a. Porosity.
b. Undercut.
c. Slag inclusions.
d. Lack of root fusion.

20. Which of the following weld defects would show up on a radiograph as, a dark irregular line of
various thickness running along the edge of the cap or the root?
Cacat las manakah yang terlihat pada radiografi sebagai garis gelap tidak beraturan dengan
berbagai ketebalan di sepanjang tepi tutup atau akar las?

a. Undercut
b. Lack of fusion, root or cap.
c. Slag inclusions.
d. All of the above could appear as above.

21. A good cobalt radiograph is made on a 30-inch steel weld using an exposure time of 10 minutes
and a source to film distance of 36 inches. It is necessary to change the source to film distance
to 24 inch, what exposure time would be used to produce a similar radiograph if all other
considerations remain the same?
Radiografi kobalt yang baik dibuat pada las baja 30 inci dengan waktu pemaparan 10 menit dan
jarak sumber ke film 36 inci. Hal ini diperlukan untuk mengubah jarak sumber ke film menjadi 24
inci, berapa waktu pemaparan yang akan digunakan untuk menghasilkan radiografi serupa jika
semua pertimbangan lainnya tetap sama?

a. 1 minute 36 seconds.
b. 4 minute 26 seconds.
c. 4 minute 40 seconds.
d. 5 minutes.

22. After a period of 296 days the activity of an iridium 192 source, activity 400 Gbq would be:
Setelah jangka waktu 296 hari aktivitas sumber iridium 192, aktivitas 400 Gbq akan menjadi:


a. 100 Gbq.
b. 50 Gbq.
c. 25 Gbq.
d. 12.5 Gbq.

23. If an iridium 192 isotope 1200 GBq activity, what would be its activity be after 370 days?
Jika suatu isotop iridium 192 memiliki aktivitas 1200 GBq, berapakah aktivitasnya setelah 370

a. 1.0 curies.
b. 2.0 curies.
c. 10.0 curies.
d. 10 Bq.

24. Which of the following are reasons for insufficient density on a radiograph?
Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan alasan kurangnya kepadatan pada radiografi?

a. Over development and insufficient final wash.

b. Low kilovoltage and excessive exposure times.
c. Developer temperature to low and under exposure.
d. Under development and developer temperature to high.

25. Exposure time is directly proportional to

Waktu pemaparan berbanding lurus dengan

a. Film to focus distance.

b. Intensity.
c. Wavelength.
d. All of the above.

26. The welding process which is most suited to the joining of thin plate materials such as
aluminium, copper, stainless steel:
Proses pengelasan yang paling cocok untuk penyambungan material pelat tipis seperti alumunium,
tembaga, baja tahan karat:

a. Flux core MAG.

b. MMA.
c. Sub-arc.

27. The wave length of an x-ray radiation beam affects which of the following?
Panjang gelombang sinar x-ray mempengaruhi hal berikut ini?

a. The quantity of x-rays produced.


b. The quality of x-rays produced.

c. The amount of development time required.
d. All of the above.

28. Isotopes of a single element differ only in the number of:

Isotop suatu unsur hanya berbeda dalam jumlah:

a. Protons.
b. Neutrons.
c. Electrons.
d. Positrons.

29. Which of the following units is used for measuring the amount of absorbed dose?
Manakah dari satuan berikut yang digunakan untuk mengukur jumlah dosis serap?

a. Sievert.
b. Rem.
c. Roentgen.
d. Gray.

30. The penetrating ability of an x-ray beam is governed by:

Kemampuan penetrasi sinar x-ray diatur oleh:

a. The intensity of the beam.

b. The wave length of the beam.
c. The thickness of the material under test.
d. All of the above

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