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Life in Madinah i after the society, * deduce the effer = " ct Of sociz compassion on socisty Emigration Portance of unity in ‘Amwalihim Yabtaghina Fadiéan Mina Allahi Wa Ridwandan Wa Yanguriina Allaha Wa Rasillahu 'Ulaika Humu As-Sadiqiin (8) Wa Al- Ladhina Tabawwa'ti Ad-Dara Wa AlImana Min Qablihim Yuhibbina Man Hajara ‘llayhim Wa La Yajidiina Fi Sudarihim Aajatan Mimma "Uta Wa Yuluthirina ‘Ald ‘Anfusihim Wa Law Kana Bihim Khasagatun Wa Man Yaga Shuffia Nafsihi Fa'ala'ika Humu Al-Muflifian (9)" ([There is also a share] For the poor emigrants who were expelled from their homes and their properties, seeking bounty from Allah and His approval and supporting Allah and His Messenger, . Those are the truthful, (8) And also for those who were settled in al-Madinah and adopted the faith before them. They love those who emigrated to them and find not any want in their breasts of what the emigrants were given but give them preference over themselves, even though they are in privation. And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his sou! - itis those who will be the successful. (9)) [alfashr: 89} ooo jc Wire Cro 3 The reasons why the companions, may Allah be pleased with them, emigrated from Makkah to Madinah. Makkah.. Tay, weaved. hent...Lo.. Pleosore..000.-Ker5.. 7 Aided... AEs. MAD. sowney Dood. necessity oflive | sonenemanenenasiiad Order in society is the Peaceful co-existence t | basis of stability | — is asocial necessity I contribute with my classmates through the school radio to the promotion of the vals of tolerance and co-existence among students. Life in Madinah after the Emigration “lea l answer by myself 7} There were several reasons behind the emigration of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Give two of them: GURRa OO Ae Veseage ® First reason: SEPP NY “WO Wing *® Second reason: {2 pSoviely in Madinah at the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him, consisted of several races and denominations. Name three of them: @ .... MN ans ® QRWS (}lmmediately upon the arrival of the Prophet, peace be upon him, to Madinah, he established a national charter between all Parties living in it. ~ ® What form of civil society would you have expected to see in Madinah if that charter had not been established? DIGMiow ~ Corglichs (@}How can you explain the fact that Islam is keen on protecting freedom of belief? Ye Gwe Ane People the Freedom te Proctice his tel UU MNCs ature Hon * With the help of your teacher, search online for the Law on Combating Hatred and Discrimination. Then summarize it and present it in front of your classmates. 4 4|) Slo juoill

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