Rotational Mechanics

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A, panicle is made to move in circu Pais speed. Which ofthe following ee ay Med (a) Angular momentum is constant (© Only the direction of Z’ is constant (o) Acceleration is always directed tow, centre Particle moves in spiral path ‘A stone is tied to the end of strin; " ig and is made rotate in a circular path by holding the other end cy the string by hand. If the string is let off, the iene flies off tangentially to the circular path, This happens because of ae (a) centripetal force (b) centrifugal force (©) inertia (@) none of these oe disc is rotating with an angular velocity wy. A constant retarding torque is applied on it to stop the disc. The angular velocity becomes ag/2 after n rotations. How many more rotations will it make before coming to rest? @in () 2n ) nid @ nB ‘A circular disc is to be made by using iron and aluminium so that it acquires maximum moment of inertia about geometrical axis. It is possible with (a) aluminium at interior and iron surrounding it (0) iron at interior surrounded by aluminium (© using iron and aluminium layers in alternate order (@) sheet of iron is used at both external surfaces and aluminium sheet as internal layer ards the HT y ih a HAHA HA c (m) oO A lm) (nm) D FIGURE 6.104 (a) 2 ma® () 3m? 5 7 (© yma? @ gne A, 75 In a rectangle ABCD (BC = 2 AB), the moment of, inertia is minimum along axis through 4 LF g B FIGURE 6.105 @ BC (® BD (© HE @ EG AC ABC is a triangular plate of uniform thickness. The sides are in the ratio shown in fig. 6.106. [yyy Igcs Tea are the moments of inertia of the plate about ‘AB, BC, CA axes respectively. Which of the following relations is correct? © @) Tey is maximum (b) [yg > Ipc "14. In a square plate of side | has mass M, what is its ‘moment of inertia about one of the diagonals? © Ipe> lye @ Inn + Ino = en Moment of inertia of a ring about one of its Me Me diameters is 7. What will be its moment of inertia o> Or about the tangent parallel to the diameter? Me Me @ 41 () 31 oie @ * ) 27 @ G21 pas id f radius R hi Cf AS. Two discs have same mass and thickness. Their J A solid sphere of radius R has moment of inertia tnmctinls fave egal, aed 2 Wir rano Oke about its diameter as 7. What will be the moment about is will be of inertia of a shell of same mass and same radius eet pe about its diameter? (a) dy: dy (6) dydy:1 3 5 ‘ (© 1:d,d ® &:4, Oy 3! 16K thin disc of mass 9M and radius R from which a We disc of radius R/3 is cut is shown in fig: 6.108. Then o yer ‘moment of inertia of the remaining disc about 0, 5 perpendicular to the plane of disc is ‘Three uniform and thin rods each of mass M and length / are placed along the three coordinate axes with one end at the origin. The moment of inertia of the system about X-axis is (a) 2ME (b) zur 3yp Iup QMt (@ Mr FIGURE 6.108 | . One quarter sector is cut from a uniform circular | disc of mass M of a radius R. It is made to rotate oes (® 9 MR? } about a line perpendicular to its plane and passing | through the center of the original disc. Its moment Rey a 37 ype @ 40 yp? of inertia about the axis of rotation is 9 9 i A 277 b siform thin bar of mass 6m and length 12 Lis @ Me O que bent to make a regular hexagon, Its moment of inertia about an axis passing through the centre of mass and digit 5 Perpendicular to the plane of the hexagon is orgue ~@ V2MR 20 mt? "6 uit? The moment of inertia of semicircular disc of mass Dea a ‘M and radius R about an axis passing through the (@ Gm (@) 30 mi? point O and perpendicular to the plane of disc is (Ghown in fig. 6107) is ‘Two spheres each of mass M and radius R/2 are connected with a massless rod as shown in fig. 6.109, fiat wi tyrant of icin the - ROTATION MOTION AND ANGULAR MOMENTUM, uaI avi ie ay 23, A man is standing on a table rotating with an angular (ae MR (OG MR speed ©, He is holding two equal masses at arm's length. Without moving his arms, he just drops the © Suet @ 3 MR? two masses on the table. How will his angular speed change? The centre of mass of a solid cone lies at a height (a) it will be less than 1/4th from the base of the cone. The moment of inertia of the cone about one of the diameters of OE eI the base is J. Then moment of inertia of the cone (©) it will remain equal to about an axis passing through a height h/2 from parallel (d) may be less than, greater than or equal to @ to the base of the cone is (mass of the cone is M) depending on the quantity of masses 24, A thin circular ring of mass M and radius r rotating about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane with a constant angular velocity «. Two objects, each of mass m are attached gently to the opposite ends of a diameter of the ring, The ring now rotates with angular velocity o(M 2m) Cita (b) @M (Mm) FIGURE 6.110 a hrs Fj @ ane 1 ON see © Weim © Gi61 @ A761 2. A thin uniform circular disc of mass M and radius fy ot of inertia of a half ring of mass m and R it rotating in a horizontal plane about an axis radius R about an axis passing through point A passing through its centre and perpendicular to the perpendicular to the plane of the paper is I, If Ic plane with angular velocity @. Another disc of same itera or ticrtid of ctemng leer aaa ‘mass but half the radius is gently placed over it perpenithlar to the plnctOh fetter essing coaxially. The angular speed of the composite dise through point C, then will be @ 40 © fo 4 5 © 20 @ 20 5 2 26, small steel sphere is tied to a string and is whirled in a horizontal circle with a uniform angular velocity @. The string is suddenly pulled so that radius of FIGURE 6.111 @ y=IptmR — (By> let mR? the circle is halved. If a is new angular velocity, ) I, oz ® o,=20, explained by the law of conservation of ©, 22.0 d) 0 > wld (@) rotational kinetic energy 27. A smooth uniform rod of length L and mass M has (hited » two identical beads of negligible size, each of mass onagan Kinstiocenersy seman ‘m which can slide freely along the rod. Initially the | mngular momentum ‘two beads are at the centre of the rod and the system (@ Jinear momentum ae {s rotating with an angular velocity a about an axis, 22. A circular dise is rot angular velocity ®. perpendicular to the rod passing through the q Ifaman siting at the ‘towards the centre midpoint of the rod. There is no external force. of disc, then the angular velocity @ _ When the beads reach the ends of the rod, the (@) decreases. (©) increases angular velocity of the system is (©) may increase or decrease. Moy (@) is not changed (@) ) M+2m FIGURE 6.112 eM tye ) M+6m ‘A rigid spherical body is spinning around an axis without any external torque. Due to change in temperature, the volume increases by 1%. Its angular speed will (@) increase approximately by 1% (®) decrease approximately by 1% (©) decrease approximately by 0.67% decrease approximately by 033% A uniform stick of length J and mass m lies on a | smooth table. It rotates with angular velocity @ about an axis perpendicular to the table and through ‘one end of the stick. The angular momentum of the (d)_ none of these stick about the end is 2 | @ mo oa mo ml? Caen os “a disc is undergoing rolling on a horizontal surface. Which of the statements about angular momentum of the disc is incorrect? ‘A disc of mass M and radius R is rolling with angular speed @ on a horizontal plane as shown, The magnitude of angular momentum of the disc about the origin O is By o aN M oO FIGURE 6.114 (a) (3)me o 3 2 9 Gee ._32. A uniform disc of mass M and radius R is rotating clockwise about its centre of mass with uniform angular velocity V/2 R on a smooth horizontal xy-plane. If its centre of mass moves on the line 3x4 y +1=0 with uniform speed ¥, then magnitude of angular momentum of the disc about origin is © MR o @ 2MRo MV MV @ HERD & GORD MVR Oo =. is the centre of an equilateral triangle ABC. F, Fy, F are the three forces acting along the sides AB, BC and AC as shown in fig. 6.115, What should be the magnitude of F so that total torque about O is zero? ROTATION MOTION AND ANGULAR MOMENTUM aA Girbilar dise OF inass mand radius R Feats on of Smééth horizontal surface! A’ bullet Of mass m, Jw moving with velocity v horizontally strikes the disc tangentially and gets embedded in it. The angular velocity of the system after collision is | oe | FIGURE 6.116 (@ wR © wR © wR @ 34k 135, (Odisider a body, shown in fig. 6.117, consisting of ) ‘ewo identical balls, each of mass M connected by a light rod. If an impulse J = Mv is imparted to the body at one of its end, what would be its angular Welocity? D My FIGURE 6.117 @ wh (© 2viL (0 wBL @ vAL rectangular block of size (b x h) moving with velocity vp enters on a rough surface where the coefficient of friction is 1. as shown in fig. 6.118. Identify the correct statement Rough (H) FIGURE 6.118 | (@) The net torque acting on the block about its COM is 11 mg h/2 (clockwise) | @) ‘The at torque acing on the block. about ite COM is zero 2) (©) The net torque @. a: [Solid sphere Hollow sphere] FIGURE 6.119 (@) a, =a, a> a; (a, > r) rolls inside it without sliding. ‘The normal reaction exerted by the sphere on the hemisphere when it reaches the bottom of. hemisphere is =e) 660 68. ees FIGURE 6.125 (@) G7) mg (6) M1) mg (o) (13/1) mg (@ (77) mg ‘A cord is wound round the circumference of whes! of radius r. The axis of the wheel is horizontal and the moment of inertia about it is J. A weight mg is, attached to the cord at the end. The weight falls, from rest. After falling through a distance h, the angular velocity of the wheel will be [2eh w [2m &, T+mr T+ mr 2mgh CA pees @ f2ah ‘A small object of uniform density rolls up a rough curved surface with an initial velocity v. It reaches upto a maximum height of 3 v7/4 g with respect to the initial position. The object is FIGURE 6.126 (@) ring (b) solid sphere (©) hollow sphere (@), disc A uniform cylinder of mass M and radius R rolls, without slipping down a slope of angle @ with horizontal. The cylinder is connected to a spring of force constant kat the centre, the other side of which is connected to a fixed support at A. The cylinder is released when the spring is unstretched. The force of friction (f) is FIGURE 6.127 (a) always upwards always downwards ROTATION MOTION AND ANGULAR MOMENTUM (©) initially upwards and then becomes downwards (@) initially upwards and then becomes zero, ‘A uniform cylinder of mass M and radius R is released from rest on a rough inclined surface of inclination ® with the horizontal as shown in fig. 6.128. As the cylinder rolls down the inclined surface, the maximum elongation in the spring of stiffness kis k MR 8 FIGURE 6.128 Mgsind 2Mesin® inser os ng Mgsin® oe (@) none of these ‘A cylinder is rolling without slipping on a plank which is also moving with speed 10 m/s on a horizontal surface as shown. The speed of centre of the cylinder is 20 m/s. The mass of cylinder is 2 kg. ‘The kinetic energy of the cylinder when observed from ground is y e- P —_ 10ms re FIGURE 6.129 (@) 4505 ® 5005 © 6005 “@ 8005 | 71. A sphere of mass M rolls without slip bm 12kg 2 he ke 1 he 312 —1 FIGURE 6.130 (©) 21kg @ 45kg _BE A eniform bar of mass m and length Lis horizontally suspended from the ceiling by two vertical light cables as shown. Cable A is connected at 1/4th distance from the left end of the bar. Cable B is attached at the far right end of the bar. What is the tension in cable A? 4A B Lis —————— oF FIGURE 6.131 (a) V4 Mg (b) 13 Mg (©) 23 Mg (@) 3/4 Mg 14, ‘equal and parallel forces are acting on a rod ‘one metre length as shown, at distance of 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm and 80 cm respectively from one end of the rod. Under the influence of these forces, the | 78. ‘The rod shown in fig. 6.135, rotates without spp Eel iA after a gentle push is given at top (B). If y aie rn the normal reaction by ground on the rod and fig , e the frictional force at point A, then : ma eT cag) FIGURE 6.133 (a) 4 (b) 4/3 ) WB @ 35 135 ‘A mass M is supported by a massless string wound ee, round a uniform cylinder of mass M and radius R. (@) N < mg and f is directed towards right On releasing the mass from rest, it will fall with (® N=mg and f=0 ovecloratiog, (© N> mg and fis directed towards left _(@) N < mg and f is directed towards left a ‘A block having equilateral triangular cross-section : of side a and mass m is placed on a rough inclined surface, so that it remains in equilibrium as shown in the fig. 6.136. The torque of normal force acting ‘on the block about its centre of mass is FIGURE 6.134 (2) SSinateib ws aiheute ns AE 3 @ 288 4 ‘A wheel of radius r rolls with without slipping with gu 08 ¢ speed v on a horizontal road. When it is at a point FIGURE 6.136 A on the road, a small blob of mud separates from a the wheel at its highest point and lands at point B ee ete os cank on the road. Then, 3 (@) (3/2)mgasing (%) > Fmeasin® aS Assignment Bea MCQs Having One-Correct Answer Only 1. (6) 2. (c) 3.@ 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7.) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (b) 11. (b) 12. (©) 13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (@) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (c) 21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (c) 29. (b) 30. (c) 31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (a) 36. (b) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (d) 40. (d) 41.0) 42. (a) 430 @) 44. (0) 45.() 46.0) 47. (@) 48.1) 490) -50. 51. (b) 52. (b) 53. (d) 54.(c) 55.(d) 56. (b) 57. (b) 58. (d) 59. (a) 60. (b) 61.(d) 62. (b) 63. (d)_, 64.(b) 65. (d) 66. (b) 67. (d) 68. (c) «69. (6) 70. (@) 71. (b) 72. (d) 73. (c) 74. (b) 75.(d) —‘76. (d) 77. (c) 78. (a) 79. (b) 80. (c)

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