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New Delhi -1,the 11thrlecetber19

20th Lgrc4gYenA/1
Subject:- Travel Concession to Government servants
regular ]cave - Further clarification of or
regardinti- ders

The underaivoerl is. directed to refer to this IftnistrYr,

Officeer Memorandum,
s 1956 and NO.43/1/5Eats(2)-Part II, dated the 11th
A) dated
(, sUbscqUent
the clarificatory-Office Memoranda
F958uary, 1958 and th Sep tember 1957 and 11th
-No\43/10/58-4Ests(! )
1, on the subject ,acted above, and to, communica
dated the 1 111a April,
following further clarifications id decisions for te 'the
information and guiddrice ef the
all concerned:
orktr ak date
d he 11th

Leave travel concession will be admissible to

the members of a Government Servant's family with
mad ret to the facts existing at the time of forward
typ es ofurn journeys independently. The following.
cases are given by way of illustration:
l, &tilled • .tersimbursrtaei_
.2-,2-41a. tin the,
(i) i,
Or dependent
gettim son/daughtergetting
or remringmarried
there after going to home-town
for prosecution of studies.
The family having performed the journey to
home-town have no intention of ,
return journey from home-town, "Completing
provided thethe
Goverment servant foregoes in writing the
concession in respect of the return journey
if performed by the family members at a
subsequent date.
4121^-m} ur^ ement• to r'

(i) A newly
married wife coming from home-town
to headquarters
been ltvtno station or a wito
who has
bean l he
— at home town and did not
in res p e rg of 'o the leave .travel concession
of the outward journey.
(ii) A dependent son/daughter returning with
he/she or coming alone from home town where
been prosecuting
with grand-parents etc. studies or living
A. child who was previously below three/twelve
Ye iof age but has coMPleted threo/twolve
arr.s ,arjege
only at the time of the re turn.
(b) :Eirat..1 (7) nf Of fice Menercedua detel the
Octc)b ,, T.., 1956:

I The concession will also be admissible to a

Government servant and his family in respect
of only the outward journey from headquarters
to hone-town during refused leave' and ' terminkti_
leave', provided the concession had not been
availed of earlier durin: , the.ti particular block

of two calendar years. In cases of leave

preparatory to retirement, refused and terminal
leave, the journey by both the Government
servant and his family members should, however,
cimmenr.;e within the period of leave,

(c): Par.a.1(d) of Office Memorandum dated the 4th

— Sent , 7.1bnc, 19 ;7
The words 'any time from that date' occurring
in the 3rd line of the sub-pars to this pars
should read as 'any time from the 11th October )
1956 1 .

W pat.2(a.
ra : ) (d,it) Of Office Mgaorandin dated

1 — the 4 4h 3antembery.:1957:
There is no objection to a Government servant
or his faiily members availing themselves of 0 -
cencessional Circular Trip Ticket offered
by the Railway autharites in conjunction with
the leave travel concession.
It will also be permissible while utilising
such a concessienal ticket, to travel in any
class, higher or lower than the entitled - one..

In s .-,,a ) cases, double the fares for F250 miles)
should be calculated proportionately on the
basis of the concessional fare charged by the
railways for the entitled or the lower class
actually used and this amount deducted from th 4
and the home town, calculated proportionately '
en the basis of the concessisnal fare charged.e2,
<The Mount reimbursable to the Government servan
will then be 9/10th of the balance)

2. In sc far as the personnel serving in the Indian

Audit & Accounts Department are concerned) these orders have
been issued after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor
General .

( P. Sit ar am an)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India.

All Ministries of the Government of India including
Ministry of 'Finance (Defence) Department of Revenue, Expenditure
and the Deptt. of Economic IIffairs; C&I (Company Law 2,1mn•);
the Branch Secretariat of the Minister for Minority affairs
No.14, Theatre Road, Calcutta-1S; Deptt. of Parliamentary •
Alfairs; Cabinet Secretariat; Cabinet Secretariat (O&M. Division). ,
Lok Sabha Secretariat; Rajya Sabha Secretariat; Director )
Employment!: Director General, Posts & Telegraphs; Director, !.
Ce—oriaattan {hol ies
School; Principal, Iniian Wireless) ; Director,
:lrninistrative Secret Trainin
Service ari at TrSaining
Colleg,e MGe Hotel,
ount Simla ; Ca.mmandEmt, Central Police!Training chool
Registrarera n
Abu; InInspi-oor eral
General Special. Police Establishment,;
dia; 0T' Ge
Secretary/Secretary to the Prestlent; Election Commission;
Establishment OfficerMilitary
the Govt. of In:11a; Compt:prolLen•
Planning Commission; Plcnnira; Comm d lud itor Genet al of InJia;
• Enisqinn (Progrer re EvEluation
Oran )• Supreme Court; .DorniElsimnor fez Scheduled Castes/Tribes;
-41 Pay Commission;
Commandant NationDO ptt. oti Atomic Energy, Appolo pier RI.
-Ea Fire 33ry
Commandant ice Training Calle[-;e, Nagptir;,Bombay-1;;
. Central Uneraency Relief Training Institute N
(Branch Sectt,0, Theatre 17 ;I.GCentralRsvPoic,Dh;MnstrYfReabilo
oa, Calcutta; Connnissioner for
,IPI Block Allchabad• Social Welfare and RehEbilitation
, New Delhi.

All Administrations in Union Territories.

All Officers
All and Sections in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Est. IV/B s General (with 3 spare copies)
Finaenc Ministry (with 20 spare copies).

Subhash" 12/12/58

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