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Rocha, Cassandra Ng

Contemporary World

1. What is globalization according to Manfred Steger?

Cite as an example a Philippine product which is global. Explain your answer.

According to Manfred Steger, globalization is the expansion and intensification

of worldwide social relations. Intensification is defined as continuous improvement &
development of existing social relations.

An example of a Philippine product that manifests globalization is the banana.

The Philippines is one of the largest exporters of bananas globally, with companies like
Dole and Del Monte dominating the market. Bananas are grown in the Philippines, but
they are consumed all over the world, from the United States to Europe to Asia. The
production, distribution, and consumption of bananas involve intricate global networks of
trade, transportation, and marketing, illustrating how local products are deeply embedded
in the global economy.

In conclusion, the example of the Philippine banana industry serves as a tangible

illustration of globalization as described by Manfred Steger. Through the expansion and
intensification of worldwide social relations, local products like bananas become deeply
embedded in the global economy. The networks involved in their production, distribution, and
consumption highlight the interconnectedness of economies and societies across the globe. This
example underscores the multifaceted nature of globalization and its impact on various aspects of
our lives, from trade and transportation to culture and economics.

2. What is economic globalization? Compare and contrast the assumptions of the

original Bretton Woods system with those of the Washington Consensus.

Economic globalization is characterized by the increasing interconnectedness of

economies worldwide. It has been shaped by two systems: the Bretton Woods system and the
Washington Consensus. The Bretton Woods system aimed to stabilize the global economy by
implementing fixed exchange rates, controlling capital flows, and establishing institutions like
the IMF and World Bank for financial assistance and development. For example, under this
system, the US dollar was pegged to gold, providing stability in international trade. Additionally,
institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank were created to
provide financial assistance and promote development in member countries. In contrast, the
Washington Consensus advocated for neoliberal policies, emphasizing market liberalization,
fiscal discipline, and minimal government intervention to foster economic growth and attract
foreign investment. One specific example is Chile, which adopted neoliberal policies such as
privatizing state-owned companies like copper mines and implementing trade liberalization
measures. While both frameworks shared the goal of promoting global economic stability and
development, they differed in their approaches. The Bretton Woods system relied on managed
exchange rates and institutions, while the Washington Consensus favored market-driven policies
and reduced government involvement. Understanding these differences is crucial for analyzing
global economic issues and shaping future policies amidst economic globalization.

3. Do you think internationalization erodes the sovereignty of states? Distinguish between

state and nation?

The question of whether internationalization weakens the power of countries is

complicated. Internationalization means countries becoming more connected through things like
trade and culture. Some people think it weakens countries because they have to follow rules from
outside. Others say it can actually make countries stronger by letting them work together on
global issues.
To understand this, we need to know the difference between a country and a nation. A
country is a place with borders, people, a government, and the ability to talk with other countries.
A nation is a group of people who share things like culture or history and feel like they belong
When countries join groups like the European Union, they have to agree to follow certain
rules together. This can limit their freedom to do things on their own. Also, big companies that
work all over the world can sometimes have more power than individual countries, influencing
what they do. But on the other hand, countries can team up to solve big problems like climate
change or terrorism. By working together, they can have more influence on the world stage and
make rules that benefit them.
In my opinion, internationalization can both weaken and strengthen countries. It depends
on how they choose to work together and what they want to achieve.
4. What are the challenges faced by the United Nations in maintaining global security?
Enumerate the five organs of the United Nations.

The United Nations (UN) plays a critical role in maintaining global security,
but it faces several challenges in fulfilling these roles. One obstacle is the challenge of
modern security threats. In today's interconnected world, challenges such as terrorism,
cyberattacks, and transnational crime require coordinated international responses.
However, navigating these threats poses significant challenges for the UN and its
member states.

The General Assembly serves as the main body, but achieving unanimous
resolutions on these issues is often complex due to political divisions and competing
national interests. Limited resources present another obstacle to the UN's efforts to
maintain global security. The organization relies on voluntary contributions from states to
fund its activities, including peacekeeping missions, humanitarian assistance, and conflict
resolution. However, these resources may not always be sufficient to address the vast
challenges facing the world. Additionally, the UN's ability to enforce its decisions is
limited, as some powerful countries (P5) can block actions they disagree with through
their veto power in the Security Council.

Despite these challenges, the UN remains committed to maintaining global

security through its various organs and agencies. The five principal organs of the UN
work together to address security challenges and promote peace and stability worldwide.

The General Assembly serves as the main forum for international dialogue and
decision-making, where all member states have a voice in shaping global security
policies. The Security Council, on the other hand, is responsible for maintaining
international peace and security and has the authority to impose sanctions, authorize
military action, and deploy peacekeeping missions. The Secretariat provides support to
the UN's work and ensures that decisions made by the General Assembly and Security
Council are implemented effectively. The International Court of Justice resolves legal
disputes between states. Finally, the Economic and Social Council plays a crucial role in
promoting international economic and social cooperation and development, addressing
root causes of issues such as poverty, inequality, and lack of access to basic services.

In conclusion, while the UN faces significant challenges in maintaining global

security, its various organs and agencies continue to work together to address these
challenges and promote peace and stability worldwide.
5. Cite one major issue in the West Philippine Sea and cite at least three solutions on how
to handle it.

One major issue in the West Philippine Sea is territorial disputes and conflicting
claims over maritime boundaries, particularly between China and several Southeast Asian
nations, including the Philippines. The first solution that I can propose in resolving this
dispute is through diplomatic negotiations. In my perspective, it is important to consider
peaceful means rather than resorting to military confrontation that could affect the lives
of many and disintegrate various sectors of the state.

In the current situation in the Philippines, I believe that forming an alliance with
China to develop our economy is a good resolution. This would allow us to continuously
harness our resources, investments, and expertise for our own economic growth. Forming
alliance would not only contribute to our economic growth but, it can also be beneficial
for our security.

The second proposition is to create resource- sharing agreements. I believe that

it would be beneficial for country to explore multiple opportunities would allow us to
collaborate. China and the Philippines are both known for having competent manpower
in terms of various sectors like manufacturing and production. Sharing knowledge, skills,
and values would solidify economic bonds and further improve various sectors of our
economy towards global competence.

The last and third proposition is to utilize the international laws to clarify maritime
boundaries and encourage both parties to adhere to the law and to respect the agreement
in order to uphold stability and order in the region. Through this, we we may be able to
mitigte the risks of war and military conflicts & confrontation.

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