0654 - Test 7 O.N 22 - MS

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Cambridge IGCSE™

BIOLOGY 0654 October/November

May/June 2022
60 minutes
Paper 2 Multiple Choice (13 questions)

Paper 4 Theory (4 questions)

Paper 6 Alternative to practical (2

3 questions)

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1 (a) The total number of new HIV infections in the world is monitored.

The results are shown in Fig. 1.1.




number of new 2.8

HIV infections
in millions 2.6



1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Fig. 1.1

(i) Calculate the percentage decrease in the number of new HIV infections between 2000
and 2010 as shown in Fig. 1.1.

difference = 3.2 - 2.2 = 1.0

difference:3.2 x 100% = 31 % [2]

decrease = .....................................................

(ii) Suggest three reasons for the decrease in the number of new HIV infections.

any three from:
discovery of routes of transmission ;
(increased) use of (named) barrier contraception/abstinence ;
screening of blood transfusions ;
ref to reduced drug use/use of clean needles ;
monitoring/testing/screening, (of HIV) ;
ref to education/awareness ;
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
any valid point ;

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(b) HIV is a virus that targets white blood cells.

(i) State two functions of white blood cells.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

antibody production
2 ........................................................................................................................................

(ii) White blood cells are one component of blood.

State two other main components of blood.

any two from:

1 ........................................................................................................................................
red blood cells ; platelets ;
plasma ;
2 ........................................................................................................................................

(c) State the name of the barrier that protects the fetus from toxins in the mother’s blood.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 10]

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4 (a) A scientist tests the resistance of one strain of bacteria, to four different antibiotics, A, B, C
and D.

Four paper discs, each soaked with a different antibiotic, are placed on an agar plate
containing the bacteria.

The shaded areas show where the bacteria grow. The clear areas show where no bacteria

Fig. 4.1 shows the results.

area where
bacteria has grown
area where A
no bacteria
has grown


antibiotic disc

Fig. 4.1

(i) Use Fig. 4.1 to identify the antibiotic that is the most effective against this strain of
..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Strains of bacteria develop antibiotic resistance due to natural selection.

Complete the sentences to describe how strains with antibiotic resistance develop.

Different strains of bacteria will show ....................................... in their ability to resist
antibiotics. When antibiotics are used some of the bacteria will survive and some will

........................................... .
Those that survive will pass on their ........................................... to the next generation.

The next generation will also show ........................................... to antibiotics.

Eventually the whole population will have this feature. [4]

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(b) Natural selection results in evolution.

The box on the left contains the term evolution.

The boxes on the right show some sentence endings.

Draw two lines from the box on the left to make two correct sentences.

causes a change in individual organisms.

occurs in bacteria only.

Evolution occurs in a single generation.

increases suitability to the environment.

is a change of adaptive features.


(c) Antibiotic resistance originates due to mutation.

(i) Define the term mutation.

change in the gene / chromosome


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State the name of the type of radiation that increases the rate of mutation.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 9]

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7 Discarded rubbish pollutes ecosystems such as oceans and rivers.

(a) A student has written a definition of an ecosystem.

Their definition is not correct.

Circle the two words in their definition that are not correct.

‘An ecosystem is a unit containing all of the

organisms and their offspring, interacting
together, in a given time.’

(b) Several countries estimate the average mass of discarded rubbish per person per day.

Fig. 7.1 shows the results.



average mass of 1.5

discarded rubbish
per person per day
/ kg


Fig. 7.1

(i) State which one of the countries in Fig. 7.1 discards the most rubbish per person
per day.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State the average mass of discarded rubbish per person per day in country E.

................................................................................................................................ kg [1]

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(c) Pollution from excess use of fertilisers may cause eutrophication in rivers and lakes.

Part of the process of eutrophication is an increase in the number of surface producers and
the death of underwater producers.

(i) Describe how an increase in the number of surface producers causes underwater
producers to die.
surface producers block light

so no photosynthesis

..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Explain how the death of underwater producers causes the death of aquatic animals.

ref to decomposition of producers/AW ;

ref to (aerobic) respiration of decomposition


..................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 9]

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10 (a) Fig. 10.1 is a diagram of a cross-section through a leaf.

Fig. 10.1

(i) Use Fig. 10.1 to identify the letter that represents the part:

that provides structural support for the leaf ........................................

that transports mineral ions B


where most photosynthesis occurs A


that controls gas exchange. D

........................................ [4]

(ii) Draw a circle around the vascular bundle in Fig. 10.1. [1]

(b) Phloem is responsible for translocation.

(i) Circle the two main substances transported by phloem.

amino acids fatty acids glucose

glycogen starch sucrose [2]

(ii) Translocation occurs from source to sink.

State which of these regions in a plant acts as a source and which as a sink.

region of growth sink


region of production ........................................

region of storage sink

........................................ [2]

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(c) Gas exchange occurs in both plants and animals.

(i) State the chemical formula of the gas that is required for photosynthesis.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State two features of gas exchange surfaces in humans.

large surface area ;

1 ........................................................................................................................................
thin (surface) ;
good blood supply ;
2 ........................................................................................................................................
good ventilation with air ; [2]

[Total: 12]

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1 A student investigates respiration in small animals.

(a) The student sets up the airtight apparatus shown in Fig. 1.1.

rubber tubing

glass tubing

capillary coloured
tube liquid

small animals

zinc gauze

soda lime

Fig. 1.1

The student records the position of the coloured liquid in the capillary tube every 2 minutes
for 10 minutes.

Some of the student’s results are shown in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1

time / minutes position of coloured liquid / cm

0 5.0
2 5.9
4 6.8
6 7.6
8 8.7
10 9.4

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(i) Fig. 1.2 shows the start position for the coloured liquid in the capillary tube.

The student records the start position as 5.0.

6 5 4

Fig. 1.2

State which part of the coloured liquid the student uses to measure the start position.

left hand size

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Fig. 1.3 shows the position of the coloured liquid after 4 minutes.

Record in Table 1.1 the position in centimetres to the nearest 0.1 cm.

Use the same part of the coloured liquid you identified in (a)(i). [1]

8 7 6 cm

Fig. 1.3

(iii) State why it is important to measure the same part of the coloured liquid each time.

the size of coloured liquid/bubble will affect the reading / can compare
results ;
..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) (i) Calculate the total distance moved by the coloured liquid in the 10 minutes.

Use the data in Table 1.1 and the equation shown.

position of coloured – position of coloured

distance moved =
liquid after 10 minutes liquid at start

distance moved = ................................................... cm [1]

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(ii) Use your answer in (b)(i) to calculate the rate of movement of the coloured liquid.

Use the equation shown.

your answer in (b)(i)
rate of movement =

rate of movement = ............................................ cm / min [1]

(c) The experiment is repeated with a smaller number of small animals.

Suggest how the results of this experiment are different from those in Table 1.1.

readings less / smaller distance/number ;


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(d) During respiration, the small animals use up oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.
The soda lime absorbs the carbon dioxide.

Explain why the coloured liquid in the capillary tube moves towards the small animals.
volume decreases / pressure decreases / measuring amount of
oxygen used up ;
............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(e) Suggest a reason why the student needs to open the clip at the end of the investigation.

to allow in oxygen / animals can breathe / do not die/suffocate ;

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 8]

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2 A student estimates the number of daisy plants in a garden.

(a) The student measures the length and width of the garden.

The length is 10 m and the width is 10 m.

(i) Suggest a piece of apparatus suitable for measuring the length and width of the garden.

metre rule / measuring tape ;

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Calculate the area of the garden.

Use the equation shown.

area of garden = length × width

area = .................................................... m2 [1]

(b) Procedure

The student:

• counts the number of daisy plants in a 1 m2 area of the garden

• counts the number of plants in two other 1 m2 areas of the garden

• records the numbers in Table 2.1.

Fig. 2.1 shows the daisy plants in the third 1 m2 sample area of garden.

Fig. 2.1

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(i) Record in Table 2.1 the number of daisy plants in sample 3.

Table 2.1

1 m2 sample number of daisy plants

1 6
2 9
3 12

(ii) Calculate the average number of daisy plants in 1 m2 of the garden.

Use the equation shown.

number in sample 1 + number in sample 2 + number in sample 3
average =

average = ......................................................... [1]

(c) Calculate the total number of daisy plants estimated to be in the whole garden.

number = ......................................................... [1]

[Total: 5]

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3 Amylase is a digestive enzyme that breaks down starch into reducing sugar.

The presence of starch in a solution can be confirmed by adding iodine solution. If starch is present
the iodine solution will turn from brown to blue-black.

Plan an investigation to find out if the time taken for starch to break down is affected by the
concentration of amylase enzyme.

You are provided with:

• starch solution
• 10% amylase solution
• iodine solution.

You may also use any common laboratory apparatus.

Include in your plan:

• the apparatus needed

• a brief description of the method explaining any safety precautions
• the measurements you will make
• the variables you will control
• how you will process your results to draw a conclusion.

You may include a results table if you wish, you are not required to enter any readings in the table.

You may include a labelled diagram if you wish.

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1 point from each section plus any other 2 points

measuring cylinder ;
stop-watch/stop-clock/timer ;

mixing starch solution, enzyme, and iodine AND start stop clock ;
repeats at same enzyme volume/concentration ;
more than one volume/concentration of amylase ;
goggles so that enzyme does not get into eye ;

time for disappearance of blue-black colour/for colour to go brown ;
volume of amylase AND volume of starch solutions ;
control variables
volume of starch solution/concentration of starch ;
volume of enzyme ;
temperature ;
pH ;
processing and conclusion
identify/exclude anomalies and calculate average ;
draw graph of concentration/volume against time ;
as concentration of enzyme increases/decreases look for the pattern in rate/time ;
spotting tile / method of sampling such as a dropping pipette ;
measuring cylinder ;
stop-watch/stop-clock/timer ;

mixing starch solution with enzyme AND start stop clock ;
taking regular samples e.g. per minute and tests with iodine ;
repeats at same enzyme volume/concentration ;
more than one volume or concentration of amylase ;

time for blue-black colour not to appear/for iodine to (just) stay brown ;
volume of amylase and volume of starch solutions ;
control variables
volume/concentration of starch solution ;
.................................................................................................................................................... [7]
volume of enzyme ;
temperature ;
pH ;
* Conclusion
calculate average to identify/exclude anomalies ;
draw graph of concentration/volume against time ;
as concentration of enzyme increases/decreases look for the pattern in rate / time ;

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1 What do plants need for their nutrition?

A carbon dioxide, ions, organic compounds and light

B carbon dioxide, ions, organic compounds and water
C carbon dioxide, ions, light and water
D carbon dioxide, organic compounds, light and water

2 What is found in plant cells but not in animal cells?

A cell membrane
B cell wall
C nucleus
D cytoplasm

3 Glycerol is a component of which large molecules?

A fats
B glycogen
C proteins
D starch

4 The graph shows the rate of reaction of salivary amylase at different temperatures.

rate of X

10 20 30 40 50
temperature / °C

What does the graph show at point X?

A The enzyme has stopped working.

B The reaction is nearly completed.
C The reaction rate is controlled by pH.
D The temperature is higher than the optimum.

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5 The volume of oxygen produced by a submerged aquatic plant is investigated at different light
intensities as shown.

Which graph shows how the volume of oxygen produced varies with light intensity?


volume of volume of
oxygen oxygen
produced produced

0 0
0 light intensity 0 light intensity


volume of volume of
oxygen oxygen
produced produced

0 0
0 light intensity 0 light intensity

6 Which features of villi help to maximise the absorption of digested food?

1 a good blood supply

2 a large surface area
3 the presence of enzymes
4 the presence of lacteals

A 1, 2 and 4 B 1, 3 and 4 C 1 and 3 only D 2 and 4 only

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7 Which statement explains the effect of a higher temperature on the rate of transpiration?

A More water evaporates from the stomata, creating a water potential gradient that draws a
column of water molecules up the xylem.
B Less water evaporates from the stomata, creating a water potential gradient that draws a
column of water molecules up the xylem.
C More water evaporates from the stomata, creating a water potential gradient that draws a
column of water molecules up the phloem.
D Less water evaporates from the stomata, creating a water potential gradient that draws a
column of water molecules up the phloem.

8 Which diagram of a cell shows the correct movement of substances for the process of aerobic


glucose oxygen glucose oxygen

carbon water carbon water

dioxide dioxide


glucose oxygen glucose oxygen

carbon water carbon water

dioxide dioxide

9 When a person moves from a brightly lit room into a dark room, the pupils in their eyes change in

Which row correctly describes the change in size and explains what causes this change?

pupil size radial muscles circular muscles

A decreases contract relax

B decreases relax contract
C increases contract relax
D increases relax contract

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10 What is most likely to describe a flower that is wind-pollinated?

A Anthers are small and inside the flower.

B Anthers are large and outside the flower.
C Stigmas are large and inside the flower.
D Stigmas are small and outside the flower.

11 If 2n is the diploid number of chromosomes in a nucleus, which diagram is correct for meiosis?


2n 2n 2n 2n

genetically genetically genetically genetically

n 2n 2n n
identical identical different different

12 What is a producer in a food web?

A an organism that gets its energy by digesting plants

B an organism that makes its own food using light energy
C an organism that obtains energy from digested animals
D an organism that gets its energy from dead or waste organic matter

13 What is an undesirable effect of deforestation?

A It increases the oxygen concentration of the atmosphere.

B It leads to erosion and loss of soil.
C It makes land available for agriculture.
D It pollutes the air with methane.

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