Activity Progress Report Template

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Project implementation report

I. General Information

Grantee Organization Name:

Grant Activity Title:

Grant Number: Grant #_______ Date: ______

Reporting Period: (i.e., the dates covered by this report)

Date of submission:

II. Success/achievements

What are the activity’s successes?

Instructions for Grantee: This section should describe implementation successes and the goals and
objectives achieved per the grant agreement and implementation plan. These successes can be the
number of people trained, the number of people who participated in a dialogue, the number of people
who volunteered, material (computers, office furniture, media equipment, etc.) or office lease support
provided. In addition, success included issues people discussed, knowledge/skill trainees gained,
perception and attitude among dialoguing people, changes due to material and office lease support.
These can include quotes from participants.


 How many people did you train? Male and female

 Are the training participants satisfied with the training? What did they tell you about the
 What is the pre and post training test average score if you conducted the tests? What do
you think are responsible for this average score?

Dialogue/ consultative workshop

 Was the dialogue participatory? Who are the participants?

 How many people attended the dialogue workshop? Male and female
 What did they discuss during the dialogue? Did they say something special during the
dialogue? Who said what?

Community volunteerism

 How many people participated in the community volunteerism? Male female

 How are the volunteers interacting with each other? Did they talk to each other?

 What is their feeling in meeting new people? Are they happy? Why?

Networks formed

 Informal- telegram groups formed, and issues discussed in the telegram group.
 Formal networks- groups with action plans and regular meeting and discussion and actions

III. Challenges

 Operational challenges: these could be anything related to procurement, price change,

hotel and conference hall booking, transportation, periderm and related challenges that
affected you implementation.

 Programmatic challenges: this includes problems related to beneficiary selection, partner

engagement and having the wrong beneficiaries, requirements/scope change

What are the programmatic challenges you faced? How did it affect the implementation? How
did you solve the challenges?

IV. Lessons learned

Instructions for the grantee: What are the lessons you have Learned from implementing this activity?
Reflect both the positive and negative experiences of the activity. Answer these questions when you think
about the lessons learned, what went right, what went wrong and what needs to be improved.

V. Activities Planned for Next Reporting Period

Instructions for Grantee: Provide a summary list in bullets for activities planned for the following
reporting period.

The following tasks are planned to be delivered in the next month under the first phase of the project

I affirm that the above referenced activities been achieved in accordance with all the terms and
conditions stated in the "Activity title” (Grant #________) Grant Agreement and all incorporated

Grantee’s Agent: Date:


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