11 Plus Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Paper 3 (Printable Answer Booklet)

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11+ Verbal Reasoning

Practice Test Papers

Practice Test Paper 3

Printable Answer Booklet TM

Multiple-Choice & Standard Format

Answer Sheets

Years: 5 & 6
Ages: 10 – 11

Copyright © Swot Tots Publishing Ltd 2015
 Table of Contents 

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................4
About STP .........................................................................................................................................4
Notes for Parents .............................................................................................................................. 5
Notes for Candidates ........................................................................................................................6

PRACTICE TEST PAPER 3 ............................................................................................................. 7

Candidate Cover Sheet..................................................................................................................8
Multiple-Choice Printable Answer Sheets ................................................................................9
Questions 1 – 15 ........................................................................................................................... 10
Questions 16 – 30 ......................................................................................................................... 11
Questions 31 – 45 .........................................................................................................................12
Questions 46 – 60 ........................................................................................................................ 13
Questions 61 – 75 ........................................................................................................................ 14
Questions 76 – 80 ........................................................................................................................15
Standard Format Printable Answer Sheets ............................................................................. 16
Questions 1 – 26 ...........................................................................................................................17
Questions 27 – 51 ........................................................................................................................ 18
Questions 52 – 76........................................................................................................................ 19
Questions 77 – 80 ....................................................................................................................... 20

Notes .............................................................................................................................................. 21

APPENDIX I: How to Fill in your Printable Answer Booklet ............................................... 22

I.1. How to Fill in the Multiple-Choice Tick Boxes ................................................................... 23
I.2. How to Fill in the Standard Format Answer Sheets............................................................ 23

APPENDIX II: Further Notes for Parents................................................................................. 24

II.1. About Multiple-Choice & Standard Format Answers ....................................................... 25
II.2. Doing the Practice Test Paper ............................................................................................ 25
II.3. Answers & Marking ............................................................................................................. 25
II.4. Feedback.............................................................................................................................. 26
II.5. Self-Study & Self-Assessment ............................................................................................. 26

Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.  2 

II.6. Notes.................................................................................................................................... 26

COPYRIGHT, LICENCES & LEGAL NOTICES ........................................................................... 28

 3  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.

 Introduction
Welcome to STP’s Printable Answer BookletsTM.

This is a Printable Answer Booklet for STP’s 11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Papers 1, 2 & 3:
Multiple-Choice & Standard Format Answers: Ages 10 – 11, and is intended for handwritten

This Printable Answer Booklet contains both the multiple-choice and standard format
answer sheets for all 80 questions of Practice Test Paper 3.

If this is the first time you and your child have used STP’s Printable Answer Booklets, we
recommend that you both read Appendix I: How to Fill in your Printable Answer Booklet.

Similarly, if this is the first time you and your child have used an STP Answer Booklet for a
Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Paper, we recommend that your child reads the Notes for
Candidates and that you read the Notes for Parents as well as Appendix II: Further Notes
for Parents.

If you or your child would rather that they complete the answer sheets electronically on their
desktop, tablet, or laptop, please go to http://www.swottotspublishing.com/e-answer-
booklets/11plus-verbal-reasoning/practice-test-papers and download the E-Answer BookletTM
(.docx) for this Practice Test Paper.

 About STP
Specializing in home learning and the self-study of English Language, Literature, and
Verbal Reasoning, STP eBooks are carefully designed to help your child fulfil their potential
by giving you everything you need in one place – from clear, detailed study guides that set
out how to understand, approach, and master a wide range of topics and question-types to
numerous practice exercises, their answers, and explanations.

Produced by a team of experienced teachers, academics, and web developers, all STP
volumes aim to provide you and your child with affordable educational resources of the
highest quality.

Each volume is made up of rigorously tested teaching materials which are presented in an
exciting new interactive format intended to capture your child’s interest and stimulate their
enjoyment of learning, thus maximizing their benefit from the extra support our eBooks offer.


Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.  4 

 Notes for Parents

This Practice Test Paper is intended for students aged 10 to 11 in both Years 5 and 6 who have
considerable experience of verbal reasoning and of the various types and formats of the
questions used to assess it.

In particular, this Practice Test Paper is aimed at those candidates who are in the final stages of
preparation for the 11+ or other entrance exams for secondary schools that contain the verbal
reasoning element.

Please note that the level of difficulty of questions will vary across exams and schools.
Therefore, your child’s score in this Practice Test Paper should not be taken as an absolute
indication of their likely score on an actual 11+ test or equivalent.

This Practice Test Paper consists of 80 unrepeated questions that are representative of the
question types used in actual entrance exams.

Both multiple-choice answer sheets and standard format answer sheets are included in
this dual format Printable Answer Booklet to give you and your child the choice of which mode
of answering to practise.


 5  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.

 Notes for Candidates

What to do Before, While & After doing your Practice Test Paper:

 BEFORE you attempt the Practice Test Paper:

o Decide which format of answer sheet you want to use.
o Fill out the candidate cover sheet.
o DO NOT look at either the questions or the multiple-choice answer sheets
(if you are using them) before you start doing the Practice Test Paper.

 WHILE you do the Practice Test Paper:

o Work as quickly and as carefully as you can to finish all 80 questions in 50
o If you come across a question that you cannot answer quickly, leave it and
go back to it at the end if you have time.
o Remember that it sometimes helps to work things out in writing in rough,
rather than trying to do it all in your head.
o Make sure you provide an answer for ALL the questions, even if you are
unsure or are simply making an educated guess!

 AFTER you do the Practice Test Paper:

o Using the Answers of your 11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Papers
eBook, mark your answers with your parent. You can also mark them on
your own – just make sure you’re being honest with yourself.
o Have another go at the questions you have got wrong, or couldn’t do.
o Go through the relevant sections of the Explanations that are in your
Practice Test Papers eBook. You can do this with your parent, or on your
own if you wish.
o Make a note of anything that comes up that you might want to remember
on the Notes page provided in this Printable Answer Booklet.

And Finally…

Don’t be discouraged if you make mistakes. Remember: it is by making mistakes that

we learn. Also, once you have mastered how to answer the different types of verbal
reasoning questions, the best thing you can do to prepare for your exams is to practise,
practise, practise – and then practise some more. The more practice you have, the faster
and more accurate you will become.

Last, but not least…

Good luck!

Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.  6 

Practice Test Paper 3

 7  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.

 Practice Test Paper 3 
 Candidate Cover Sheet 



 DATE: ___________________________


 START TIME: ___________________________


 END TIME: ___________________________


 TOTAL SCORE: ___________________________ / 80


Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.  8 


 Multiple-Choice Printable Answer Sheets 


 9  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.

11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Paper 3
Multiple-Choice Answers: Questions 1 – 15 Score: __________ / 15

1. 6. 11.
revolting ☐ Sally ☐ 6 ☐
offensive ☐ Barbara ☐ 5 ☐
putrid ☐ Monica ☐ 8 ☐
rank ☐ Sonia ☐ 9 ☐
sort ☐ Ola ☐ 10 ☐

2. 7. 12.
miss ☐ 14 ☐ afar ☐
forget ☐ 16 ☐ fain ☐
grieve ☐ 17 ☐ rife ☐
ignore ☐ 12 ☐ fear ☐
omit ☐ 15 ☐ rain ☐

3. 8. 13.
reservoir ☐ 40 ☐ male ☐
source ☐ 38 ☐ mill ☐
well ☐ 36 ☐ mall ☐
strong ☐ 41 ☐ mole ☐
robust ☐ 37 ☐ mail ☐

4. 9. 14.
steep ☐ 25 ☐ den ☐
boil ☐ 4 ☐ mad ☐
evolve ☐ 16 ☐ men ☐
grow ☐ 9 ☐ din ☐
brew ☐ 1 ☐ man ☐

5. 10. 15.
triumph ☐ 8 ☐ tan ☐
bash ☐ 32 ☐ ant ☐
buffet ☐ 132 ☐ gas ☐
hit ☐ 2 ☐ sag ☐
box ☐ 4 ☐ tag ☐

Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.  10 

11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Paper 3
Multiple-Choice Answers: Questions 16 – 30 Score: __________ / 15

16. 21. 26.

ate ☐ CANK ☐ e ☐
tea ☐ CKAN ☐ s ☐
bet ☐ ACNK ☐ t ☐
bed ☐ KACN ☐ i ☐
dad ☐ KCAN ☐ p ☐

17. 22. 27.

MINCED ☐ k ☐ drink ☐
MINTED ☐ b ☐ chew ☐
LINERS ☐ m ☐ sip ☐
LINKED ☐ p ☐ bite ☐
MINDED ☐ s ☐ gulp ☐

18. 23. 28.

SHIRT ☐ d ☐ majority ☐
SKIMP ☐ n ☐ mass ☐
SHORT ☐ l ☐ minority ☐
SKIRT ☐ r ☐ bulk ☐
SKIMS ☐ b ☐ handful ☐

19. 24. 29.

KLVTZ ☐ o ☐ peel ☐
PQAEY ☐ y ☐ wing ☐
PQAYE ☐ e ☐ leg ☐
KLVZT ☐ i ☐ fur ☐
PQYEA ☐ u ☐ skin ☐

20. 25. 30.

UZVWV ☐ t ☐ over ☐
UZWVW ☐ b ☐ under ☐
TYVUV ☐ c ☐ and ☐
UZWWV ☐ g ☐ below ☐
TYXUX ☐ r ☐ so ☐

 11  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.

11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Paper 3
Multiple-Choice Answers: Questions 31 – 45 Score: __________ / 15

31. OGRE ☐ 41.
dragon ☐ BORE ☐ A ☐
witch ☐ GORE ☐ B ☐
sorcerer ☐ DEAR ☐ C ☐
gryphon ☐ DARE ☐ D ☐
warlock ☐ E ☐

32. 37.
A ☐ TASTE ☐ 42.
B ☐ SEATS ☐ A ☐
C ☐ STEMS ☐ B ☐
D ☐ STEAM ☐ C ☐
E ☐ ASTIR ☐ D ☐
E ☐
4512 ☐ 38.
4356 ☐ TASTE ☐ 43.
4362 ☐ SEATS ☐ A ☐
7654 ☐ STEMS ☐ B ☐
7645 ☐ STEAM ☐ C ☐

4256 ☐
39. 44.
4564 ☐
6572 ☐ B ☐
4361 ☐
4562 ☐ D ☐
BODE ☐ A ☐

Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.  12 

11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Paper 3
Multiple-Choice Answers: Questions 46 – 60 Score: __________ / 15

46. 51. 57.

A ☐ ERE ☐ 16 ☐
B ☐ EAR ☐ 8 ☐
C ☐ ERR ☐ 4 ☐
D ☐ AIR ☐ 2 ☐
ARE ☐ 6 ☐

FOR ☐ 52.
FAR ☐ belong ☐ water ☐ 58.
9 ☐
DON ☐ tunnel ☐ health ☐
2 ☐
FIR ☐ gold ☐ bucket ☐
18 ☐
16 ☐
4 ☐
48. flash ☐ loud ☐
TAG ☐ speed ☐ rumble ☐
TUG ☐ bright ☐ cloud ☐ 59.
WIN ☐ 13 ☐
WIG ☐ 9 ☐
WAG ☐ 54. 11 ☐
combat ☐ sigh ☐ 12 ☐
battle ☐ slight ☐ 8 ☐
49. flight ☐ seen ☐
ICE ☐ 55. 60.
ITS ☐ worse ☐ well ☐ 48 ☐
EAT ☐ worst ☐ better ☐ 56 ☐
terrible ☐ healthy ☐ 45 ☐
54 ☐
50. 28 ☐
cage ☐ den ☐
house ☐ wild ☐
tame ☐ lair ☐

 13  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.

11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Paper 3
Multiple-Choice Answers: Questions 61 – 75 Score: __________ / 15

61. 67.
8 ☐ arts ☐
4 ☐ 72.
arms ☐
SV ☐
3 ☐ roam ☐
RV ☐
14 ☐ star ☐
SU ☐
12 ☐ rats ☐
RU ☐
SW ☐
62. guns ☐
obese ☐ shape ☐ plus ☐
oboe ☐ thin ☐ ping ☐ 73.
oblong ☐ tone ☐ lugs ☐ DC ☐
snug ☐ CD ☐
YZ ☐
63. 69. ZY ☐
fakir ☐ jig ☐ bear ☐ YD ☐
fake ☐ reel ☐ bran ☐
fete ☐ real ☐ barn ☐
sore ☐
rose ☐ 74.
64. QV ☐
pick ☐ grain ☐ PU ☐
70. PV ☐
sow ☐ harvest ☐ lied ☐
reap ☐ wheat ☐ QW ☐
lime ☐ PE ☐
heed ☐
hide ☐
65. lice ☐
heartfelt ☐ insincere ☐
false ☐ heartburn ☐
71. IQ ☐
disingenuous ☐ indigestion ☐
meat ☐ JR ☐
mate ☐ IR ☐
rang ☐ IS ☐
66. gate ☐ HR ☐
third ☐ first ☐ game ☐
part ☐ before ☐
behind ☐ prior ☐

Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.  14 

11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Paper 3
Multiple-Choice Answers: Questions 76 – 80 Score: __________ / 5

VW ☐
ZV ☐
VZ ☐
XC ☐
CX ☐

bed ☐ rack ☐
bud ☐ rock ☐
bid ☐ wreck ☐

part ☐ snip ☐
partner ☐ ship ☐
pa ☐ shop ☐

on ☐ we ☐
in ☐ us ☐
at ☐ it ☐

hill ☐ lock ☐
mound ☐ our ☐
col ☐ lour ☐

 15  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.


 Standard Format Printable Answer Sheets 


Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.  16 

11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Paper 3
Standard Format Answers: Questions 1 – 26 Score: __________ / 26







 17  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.

11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Paper 3
Standard Format Answers: Questions 27 – 51 Score: __________ / 25

27. ;
28. ;
29. ;
30. ;
31. ;






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11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Paper 3
Standard Format Answers: Questions 52 – 76 Score: __________ / 25

52. ;
53. ;
54. ;
55. ;
56. ;


62. ;
63. ;
64. ;
65. ;
66. ;



 19  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.

11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Paper 3
Standard Format Answers: Questions 77 – 80 Score: __________ / 4


Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.  20 

 Notes 

 21  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.


 How to Fill in your Printable Answer Booklet 

Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.  22 

 How to Fill in your Printable Answer Booklet 
In your Printable Answer Booklet, there are different places for you to enter information
and different ways of doing so.

I.1. How to Fill in the Multiple-Choice Boxes:

In the multiple-choice answer sheets, you will find numbered boxes like the one

Once you have read the question and decided on your answer, put a cross in the box
opposite your choice:

I.2. How to Fill in the Standard Format Answer Sheets:

In the standard format answer sheets, you will find numbered blank spaces like the
one below:

❶. _______________________

Once you have read the question and decided on your answer, write your choice on the
line in the space provided:

❶. __________o____________


 23  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.


 Further Notes for Parents 

Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.  24 

 Further Notes for Parents 

II.1. About Multiple-Choice and Standard Format Answers:

Both types of answer formats pose different challenges.

Although the multiple-choice answers might initially appear easier since one of the choices is
always the correct answer, the remaining incorrect answers have been carefully selected to
mislead the candidate. That said, sometimes the incorrect answers can help students to arrive
at the correct answer through the process of elimination.

In the case of the standard format answers, the challenge here is that the candidate is
completely on their own. However, they will not be distracted by potential wrong answers.

II.2. Doing the Practice Test Paper:

You should decide on which answer format your child wishes to use before looking at the
contents of this Printable Answer Booklet. This is because the multiple-choice answer sheets
contain the correct solutions to all the questions, so looking at them before attempting the
Practice Test Paper may well distort the assessment process.

Once you and your child you have decided on which type of answer sheet to use, and they have
filled in the candidate cover sheet (also included in this Printable Answer Booklet), your child
should attempt to complete the Practice Test Paper in 50 minutes.

If your child has not finished the Practice Test Paper once the time is up, you can allow them to
continue until they do so (having first made a note of where they reached at the end of 50

Alternatively, if you wish to mimic real exam conditions, you can stop them once the 50 minutes
are over – even if they have not completed the Practice Test Paper.

II.3. Answers & Marking:

The correct answers – along with their explanations – for this Practice Test Paper are to be found
in the ANSWERS and EXPLANATIONS sections of your 11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test
Papers 1, 2 & 3 eBook.

When marking, please do not award half-marks or ‘benefit of the doubt’ marks. Do not deduct
marks for incorrect answers.

 25  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.

II.4. Feedback:

Once you and your child have finished marking the Practice Test Paper, go through the
questions they did not answer correctly, or the questions they did not attempt.

In the case of incorrect answers, we recommend that before you tell your child the answer,
you encourage them to re-do the question to see if they can arrive at the correct answer on a
second attempt.

In the case of un-attempted questions, we recommend that you encourage your child to
attempt to answer them nonetheless.

If, however, after re-attempting the questions, your child still cannot see how to arrive at the
correct answer, then please refer to the detailed EXPLANATIONS in your 11+ Verbal Reasoning
Practice Test Papers eBook and work through the relevant parts with your child.

We recommend in the strongest possible terms that you encourage your child to ALWAYS
ATTEMPT EVERY QUESTION. As marks are not deducted for wrong answers in actual
examinations, your child has nothing to lose and everything to gain from putting down an
answer for each question.

II.5. Self-Study and Self-Assessment:

While we expect that many parents and candidates will wish to mark the Practice Test Paper
and read the relevant sections of the EXPLANATIONS together, we also anticipate that there
will be candidates who wish to work on their own sometimes.

Like all STP eBooks, the 11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Papers 1, 2 & 3 is designed for – and
indeed encourages - self-study.

To this end, the EXPLANATIONS in this eBook are written in age-appropriate language; provide
definitions for potentially difficult or new words; and, most importantly, clearly set out why each
correct answer is the correct answer for every question in the Practice Test Paper.

If, therefore, your child wishes to mark the Practice Test Paper and read the relevant
explanations on their own, we would encourage you to let them.

Just make sure before they start that they know what the marking criteria are – and stress the
importance of them being honest with themselves.

II.6. Notes:

In case you need it, a page for Notes has been included in this Printable Answer Booklet. You
may wish to use this space to make a list of words that your child did not know; to write

Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.  26 

comments on their performance in the Practice Test Paper; to use as a log; to make a note of
areas that you both feel need some more practice or attention – or for something else entirely.

Good luck!


 27  Printable Answer BookletTM Copyright © STP 2015. All rights reserved.

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11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Papers: Practice Test Paper 3: Printable Answer Booklet:
Multiple-Choice & Standard Format Answer Sheets: Ages 10 – 11
Copyright © Swot Tots Publishing Ltd 2015



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