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This page is about the premium jet fighter F-86F-40 JASDF (Japan). For the regular version, see F-
86F-40 (Japan). For other versions, see F-86 (Family).
F-86F-40 JASDF
Japan V Rank

Battle rating: Class:

Jet fighter
8.3 9.3 9.3
The F-86F-40 JASDF Sabre is a Bundle or Gift
premium gift rank V Japanese jet fighter
with a battle rating of 8.3 (AB) and 9.3
(RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.87 STORE
"Locked On".

Considered one of the premier fighter aircraft of the day,

several nations put bids in to receive surplus F-86 fighters
to add to their arsenal. Japan successfully acquired this Contents
aircraft, however, due to the popularity of the aircraft,
supplies evaporated. Though North American restarted 1 Description
production of the aircraft, Japan successfully lobbied to
2 General info
acquire the licensing rights to have Mitsubishi
2.1 Flight performance
Manufacturing begin production of the aircraft, allowing
2.1.1 Details
Japan to increase its air force's offensive and defensive
capabilities sooner than expected. 2.1.2 Engine performance
2.2 Survivability and armour
Though not one of the fastest aircraft during this time 2.3 Modifications and economy
period, it can be one of the most manoeuvrable when 3 Armaments
considering throttle control, air-brakes and the wing slats. 3.1 Offensive armament
The manoeuvrability of this aircraft is definitely a plus 3.2 Suspended armament
when flying against other fighters which could be 4 Usage in battles
considered more of a manned-missile with lots of speed, 4.1 Radars
but a horrible turning radius. 4.2 Pros and cons
5 History
General info 6 Media
7 See also
Flight performance 8 External links

Air brakes
Allows you to dramatically reduce
the flight speed by releasing
special flaps

Max speed
at 0 m 1 106 km/h
at 0 m 1 106 km/h

Turn time 23 s

Max altitude 14 700 m

Engine General Electric J47-GE-

Type Jet
Cooling system Air

Take-off weight 10 t

Max Speed
Max Turn time Rate of climb Take-
(km/h at 0 m
Characteristics altitude (seconds) (metres/second) off run
- sea level)
(metres) (metres)

Stock 1,095 1,088 24.4 24.9 38.8 36.3

14700 750
Upgraded 1,115 1,106 22.1 23.0 55.8 46.5



Combat Landing Air Arrestor Drogue
flaps flaps brakes gear chute

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X X


Flaps (km/h)
Wings Gear Static G
(km/h) (km/h) Take-
Combat Landing + -

1170 350 590 550 350 ~11 ~6

Optimal velocities (km/h)

Ailerons Rudder Elevators Radiator

< 850 < 600 < 650 N/A

Engine performance
Engine Aircraft mass

Engine name Number Empty mass Wing loading (full fuel)

General Electric J47-GE-27 1 5,490 kg 232 kg/m2

Engine characteristics Mass with fuel (no weapons load) Max Takeoff
Weight (each) Type 7m fuel 20m fuel 26m fuel Weight

1,150 kg Axial-flow turbojet 5,848 kg 6,490 kg 6,786 kg 9,530 kg

Maximum engine thrust @ 0 m (RB / SB) Thrust to weight ratio @ 0 m (100%)

Condition 100% WEP 7m fuel 20m fuel 26m fuel MTOW

Stationary 2,626 kgf N/A 0.45 0.41 0.39 0.28

2,626 kgf
Optimal N/A 0.45 0.41 0.39 0.28
(0 km/h)

Survivability and armour

Crew 1 person

Speed of destruction
Structural 1 170 km/h
Gear 350 km/h

Armour list:

6.35 mm - Fore-cockpit steel plates

38 mm - Bulletproof windscreen
12.7 mm - Steel plate behind pilot's seat
20 mm - Steel plate in pilot's headrest

This aircraft is equipped at the front with two steel

plates, each of which is 6.35 mm thick. The cockpit has
a 38 mm bulletproof windscreen that protects the pilot's
torso and head. The backseat incorporates 12.7 mm of
steel to protect the pilot's back while the headrest
contains a 20 mm steel plate. This protection will help The armour scheme of the F-86F-40 JASDF (Japan).
against smaller calibre rounds, however, cannot sustain
many direct hits with 20 mm rounds or higher.

The overall survivability of the aircraft is manageable. There are some empty spots on the aircraft that can
take a few hits with little damages to modules, namely the wing tips and tail (barring any hits to the aircraft
controllability). One common issue for a F-86F-40 pilot is a wing shearing apart due to excess G-force when
turning at high speeds. While a wing tip may be lost, the F-86F-40 can still maintain controllability with
enough forward speed and use its remaining wing and tail controls to steer itself back to the airfield to land
and repair.
Modifications and economy

Repair cost
AB 2 900
RB 4 610
SB 12 530

Crew training 10 000

Experts 680 000
Aces 2 000
Research Aces 1 660 000

Reward for battle AB / RB / SB

2 × 100 / 270 / 310 %
2 × 208 / 208 / 208 %


Offensive armament

Weapon 1 6 x 12.7 mm M3 Browning machine gun

Ammunition 1 800 rounds
Fire rate 1 200 shots/min

The F-86F-40 JASDF (Japan) is armed with:

6 x 12.7 mm M3 Browning machine guns, nose-mounted (300 rpg = 1,800 total)

The F86F-40 JASDF were U.S. airframes assembled by Mitsubishi in Japan, and they offered the same
offensive armament of many of it's Saber brethren, namely the 6 x M3 Browning 12.7 mm/.50 calibre
machine guns. These machine guns are similar in performance to their predecessor, the M2 Browning;
however, they excelled with a significantly higher rate of fire. The total ammunition count for this aircraft is
1,800 rounds, divided up with 300 rounds per gun. Ammunition belts for this aircraft are conventional 12.7
mm belts found on U.S. aircraft, and typically the tracer belts permit for the quickest correction of aim.
Other belts may be utilised as necessary and depending on play-style such as the Stealth belts; however,
these should be used by skilled pilots who already understand the firing aspects of the M3 Brownings and
bullet performance. One challenge with the Stealth belts is the lack of tracers, making it much harder to
correct aim when solely relying on visual clues.

Suspended armament

List of setups (3)

The F-86F-40 JASDF (Japan) can be outfitted with the following ordnance:

Without load
16 x HVAR rockets
2 x 1,000 lb AN-M65A1 Fin M129 bombs (2,000 lb total)
2 x AIM-9B Sidewinder missiles

The unguided rockets out-fitted on this aircraft are the familiar American HVARs, which can be used against
slow-moving bombers or ground target vehicles and anti-aircraft guns. Since the HVARs are a fire-and-
forget rocket, they work best against either stationary targets or against slow-moving targets which may not
be able to avoid inbound rockets. Another option for suspended ordnances includes bombs, namely the 1,000
lbs AN-M65A1 bombs. Two of these bombs is all that this aircraft can safely carry, but these bombs will do
considerable damage against ground units, ships and bases. While performing bombing runs, always be on
the lookout for enemy fighters attempting to swoop in and eliminate the F-86F-40 which may be flying
slower and lower than typical. For air-to-air combat, using the Aim-9B missiles to complement the M3
Browing machine guns makes for a deadly combination. These missiles are best used in close quarters,
anywhere from 600 - 800 m which minimizes the opportunity for the enemy pilot to evade or out-fly the
missiles. It is quite possible for the enemy to avoid the in-bound missile; however, this provides the
attacking aircraft with the opportunity to manoeuvre in and take out the fighter with its machine guns.
Hopefully, the enemy fighter has bled any energy advantage it may have had presenting itself as an ideal
target for the machine guns.

Usage in battles
While the F-86F-40 JASDF 's acceleration and top speed are lacking compared to its contemporaries, the
F-86F-40 JASDF 's slats allow the plane to have an outstanding manoeuvrability. That said, one must
beware of their speed as pulling high manoeuvres at high speed can put the plane under great stress, leading
to the wings ripping apart. The outstanding manoeuvrability comes at the cost of speed. Pulling hard turns
will bleed your air speed. Try to climb up before engaging the enemy to ensure you have enough energy to
get out of a sticky situation. Hopefully, there will be a furball underneath you where you would be able to
pounce on low-energy fighters with your guns or the AIM-9B. One advantage the F-86F-40 JASDF has
over the jets of other nations is the large ammo count of its 6 x .50 cals (1,800) although it would be wise to
hit most of your shoots. Try staying above 500 km/h as any slower and you would lose a significant amount
of energy in a prolonged turn.

The F-86F-40 is equipped with an AN/APG-30 rangefinding radar, located in the nose of the aircraft. It will
automatically detect other planes within the scanning area and display the range to the closest target. It is
linked with a gyro gunsight and can help with aiming at close range.

AN/APG-30 - Rangefinding radar

Maximum Minimum
Azimuth Tracking Elevation Tracking
Tracking Tracking
Angle Angle
Range Range

2,750 m 300 m ±9° ±9°

Pros and cons


Outstanding manoeuvrability
Can wield air-to-air missiles
Lots of ammo for the 12.7 mm M3 machine guns
Air-to-ground armaments, such as bombs and rockets
Excellent roll rate
Great diver
Good energy retention in a climb
Stable shooting platform at high speeds
Airbrakes and flaps allow for tight manoeuvres and enemy overshoots at the cost of reduced


Mediocre acceleration
Mediocre top speed
Slower and less manoeuvrable than aircraft like the MiG-15 and MiG-17
Weak armament
High-speed manoeuvres can lead to wings breaking apart
Slower turn rate than many contemporaries
No 20 mm autocannons for a more powerful punch
Lacks air-to-ground missiles

Following the formal founding of the JASDF in 1954, the North American F-86F was selected as the nascent
air force's day-fighter jet. Originally, the USAF expected to be able to deliver all of the JASDF's fighters
from its stocks of surplus aircraft since the Sabre was slated for replacement by supersonic fighter jets, but
with the production of the F-86F-35-NA having been wound down in August of 1954 it was soon realised
that existing stocks would be insufficient to cover the orders for the Sabre made by many of the Allied
nations. Additionally, negotiations between Japan and the United States resulted in a license agreement
being struck which would eventually see Mitsubishi cover the production of the F-86F for the JASDF.
However, as production facilities would first have to be set up for this, the first block of F-86Fs would be
delivered to the JASDF.
To cover the shortfall of F-86s for export, production of the F-86 was restarted by North American. The new
production block, the F-86F-40-NA, differed from the preceding production block in having a new wing.
While Blocks 25 to 35 had been equipped with the slatless 6-3 wing, the Block 40 saw the airframe retain
the 6-3 proportioned wing, but with an introduction of the slats in order to improve low-speed handling, and
the wingtips extended so the overall span was increased from 37.12 to 39.11 ft. This lowered the stall speed
of the F-86F-40-NA from 144 to 124 mph and decreased the take-off run by 800 ft. Despite these
modifications adding 250 lb to the F-86F-40-NA's weight when compared with the earlier F-86F-35-NA,
overall performance remained the same.

Production of a first block of 'export' F-86F-40-NA's was approved on June 27th 1955, with a block of 215
aircraft being ordered for delivery to the Japanese and Spanish Air Forces. As these aircraft were purchased
with MDAP funds, they were assigned USAF serial numbers 55-3816 to -4030. In 1956 an additional 65
aircraft were added to the order, with some aircraft intended for delivery to Pakistan: these aircraft received
USAF serial numbers 55-4983 to 5047.

Of these 280 aircraft, 150 were slated for delivery to Japan. In Japanese service, this first block of aircraft
was assigned the serial numbers 62-7431 to -7580, with deliveries taking place between April and December
of 1956. Due to a lack of pilots, the last 45 aircraft from this block - 7536 to 7580 - were directly put into
storage; in 1959 they were returned to the USAF.

The next block of 70 aircraft was the first batch assembled by Mitsubishi from North American-produced
knockdown kits, known as the F-86F-40-MIT. As these aircraft too had been funded by the MDAP program,
they were assigned USAF serials 55-5048 to -5117; in JASDF service they were renumbered as 62-7701 to
-7704; and 72-7705 to -7770. The first Japanese-assembled F-86F flew on August 9th 1956; the last of this
block was delivered on December 17th 1957.

The second block of Mitsubishi-built F-86Fs was once again assembled by Mitsubishi from North
American-produced knockdown kits; the 110 aircraft were assigned USAF serial block 56-2773 to -2882,
and received JASDF serial numbers 72-7771 to -7772; 82-7773 to -7868; and 92-7869 to 7880. The first
aircraft from this block was accepted into service on December 28th 1957; the last was delivered on
February 14th 1959.

The third and final block of 120 Mitsubishi-built F-86Fs was assigned USAF serial block 57-6338 to -6457,
and received JASDF serial numbers 92-7881 to -7940; 02-7941 to -7991; and 12-7992 to -7999; the last
aircraft delivered was - oddly - given the serial number 12-7000 instead of 12-8000. The first aircraft of this
last production block was handed over to the JASDF on February 28th 1959; the last aircraft delivered - and
very last F-86 Sabre built - was delivered on February 24th 1961.

(Under the JASDF numbering scheme, aircraft from the 62- serial block were accepted into service in 1956;
72- in 1957, etc.)

In all, 480 F-86Fs were delivered to the JASDF: 10 USAF-surplus F-86F-25-NHs; 20 USAF-surplus F-86F-
30-NAs; 150 North American-built F-86F-40-NAs (of which 45 were returned to the USAF without being
used); and 300 Mitsubishi-built F-86F-40-MITs. These aircraft were used to equip 17 Squadrons of the
JASDF, these being the JASDF GHQ Squadron at Iruma; 103rd, 201st and 203rd Squadrons of the 2nd
Fighter Wing at Chitose; the 101st, 102nd and 105th Squadrons of the 3rd Fighter Wing at Matsushima; the
5th and 7th Squadrons of the 4th Fighter Wing at Matsushima; the 4th and 205th Squadrons of the 6th
Fighter Wing at Komatsu; the 206th and 207th Squadrons of the 7th Fighter Wing at Hyakuri; the 202nd and
204th Squadrons of the 5th Fighter Wing at Nyutabaru; the 82nd Squadron at Iwakuni; and the 501st
Squadron of Reconnaissance Command at Iruma, the latter unit using a mixture of F-86F fighters and RF-
86F reconnaissance fighters.
From 1959 onwards, the F-86F-40s of the JASDF were modified so they could carry the Philco-Ford GAR-8
(AIM-9B) Sidewinder.

The F-86Fs of the JASDF were supplemented by the F-86D Sabre Dog in the night/all-weather interceptor
role from 1957 onwards; from 1964 onwards numerous of the F-86F units started converting to the
Lockheed/Mitsubishi F-104J Starfighter. Even so, the Japanese F-86F was destined for very long service life,
remaining in service as a combat trainer long after they had been replaced in front-line service. The very last
JASDF F-86F-40 was withdrawn from active service on March 15th 1982. As the JASDF F-86Fs had been
procured under the MDAP program, the aircraft nominally remained USAF property even during their
JASDF service; following their retirement many of these aircraft were returned to USAF control and
'returned' to the United States, where most were converted to unmanned QF-86F target drones.


Skins and camouflages for the F-86F-40 JASDF (Japan) from (https://live.

See also
Related development

North American F-100 Super Sabre

Aircraft of comparable role, configuration and era

Dassault Super Mystère

Grumman F9F Cougar
Hawker Hunter
Lavochkin La-15
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17
Saab J29 Tunnan

External links
Official data sheet - more details about the performance (
[] Aviation History Museum - Short history of the F-86F (http://dansa.minim.
[] North American F-86F-40-NA (

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. ( ) [Expand]

North American Aviation [Expand]

Japan jet aircraft [Expand]

Japan premium aircraft [Expand]

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