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12 Week Bodybuilding Undulating Periodization Program

Day Exercise/Lift Sets Reps Exacution / Tempo RPE RIR

Week 1
0,0,0 move weight as fast as
Back Squat 4 4 possible 9 1
Walking Lunge 2 8 7 1-3
single leg leg
Day 1 press 3 8 controlled negative 7 1-3
RDL 3 12 6 3-4
Leave 10
seconds in
Plank 3 reserve

0,0,0 Move weight as fast as

Bench Press 3 6 possible 8 2
Incline Bench 0,0,0 Move weight as fast as
Press 3 8 possible 7 3
Lat Pull Downs 3 10 6 3-4
Day 2
Tricep Extention 3 12 6 3-4
Cable Flys 2 15 6 3
Cable Face Pull 3 12 6 2-3
Arnold Press 3 12 6 2-3

Deadlift 4 8 3.0.0 three second negative 8 2

RDL Barbell 3 10 7 1-3
Bent Over DB
Row 3 12 6 3
Lying Hamstring
Day 3 Curls 3 10 6 3
Seal Rows 3 12 6 3
Bicep Hammer
Curl 2 20 8 1-2
Cable Reverse
Curl 2 20 8 1-2
Military Press 3 12 2,0,0 two second negative 7 3
Incline DB Press 3 10 7 3-4
Arnold Press 2 12 6 3-4
Renegade Row 3 8 each side 6 3-4
Day 4
Skull Crushers 2 15 6 3
Weighted Push
Up 3 10 Superset 7 2-3
Band Pull Apart 3 20 7 1-3

Week 2
Back Squat 3 10 2,0,0 two second negative 7 3
Hack Squat 3 8 7 3-4
RFE Split Squat 2 10 6 3
Seal Row 3 12 6 3
Day 1 Superset
GHR 3 12 6 3
Quad Extension 2 25 Burnout 8-9 1-0
Ab Wheel Roll
Out 3 12 7 1-3
Bench Press 3 5 Lift as fast as possible 9 1
Wide Grip
Bench 2 6 8 1-2
Day 2 DB Single Arm
Row 3 8 7 3
Pull ups 2 failure 10 0
Push ups 2 failure 10 0

Deadlift 3 6 2,0,0 two second negative 8 1-2

RDL 3 8 7 3
Cable Row 3 10 7 3
Lying Hamstring
Day 3 Curl 2 12 6 3-4
Cable Face
Pulls 2 12 6 3-4
Hammer Curl 2 20 7 1-3
EZ Bar Curls 2 20 7 1-3

Military Press 4 8 3,0,0 Three Second negative 7 1-3

DB Shoulder
press 3 10 7 1-3
DB Incline
Press 3 10 7 1-3
Day 4 Incline DB Row 3 12 6 3-4
Lat Pulldown 3 15 6 3
JM Press 2 12 6 3
Cable Tricep Superset
Push downs 2 15 6 3

Week 3
Back Squat 4 8 3,0,0 three second negative 7 1-3
Goblet Squat 3 10 7 1-3
Hamstring Curl 2 12 6 3
Leg Extension 2 12 6 3
Day 1
Walking DB
Lunge 3 8 each 7 1-3
Cable Row 3 15 6 3-4
Chin Ups 3 10 6 3-4

Bench Press 3 12 2,0,0 two second negative 8 1-2

DB Flys 3 15 7 1-3
DB Floor Press 3 12 6 3-4
Day 2 Tricep Ext. 2 15 7 3
DB Side Raises 3 12
DB Front Raises 3 12
DB Bent Over
Side Raises 3 12

Deadlift 2 4 move as fast as possible 9 1

Barbell Shrug 3 10 7 1-3
DB Single Arm
Row 3 8 7 1-3
Day 3
RDL 3 10 6 2-3
Day 3

Leave 10
seconds in
Plank 3 reserve

Military Press 3 6 3,0,0 Three second negative 7 1-3

Arnold Press 3 10 7 3
DB Upright Row 3 12 6 3-4
Reverse Pec
Day 4 Deck Fly 3 12 6 3-4
Skull Crushers 3 15 7 2-3
Tricep Extension 2 20 7 3
Band Pull Apart 2 20

Week 4
Back Squat 8 3 2,0,0 two second negative 7 1-3
Leg Press 3 8 4,0,0 four second negative 7 1-3
Walking Lunge 3 8 each leg 7 1-3
Hamstring Curl 2 12 6 3-4
Day 1 DB Bent Over
Row 3 10 6 3-4
Leg Extension 3 20 7 3
Leave 5
seconds on
Plank 3 reserve

Bench Press 4 8 2,0,0 two second negative 8 1-2

Incline Press 3 10 7 3
DB Hammer
Press 3 12 7 3
Day 2 Seal Row 3 12 6 3-4
Lat Pulldown 3 15 7 1-3
Close Grip
Bench Press 2 12 7 1-3
Band Pull Apart 2 20 7 3

Deadlift 3 6 2,0,0 two second negative 7 1-3

RDL 3 8 7 3
DB Single Arm
Row 3 10 6 3-4
GHR 3 12 7 1-3
Day 3
21's (EZ Bar
Curl) 2 21 8 2
Cable Face
Pulls 3 20 8 2
Ab Roll Out 2 12 7 3

Military Press 5 4 Move weight as fast as you can 9 1

Incline DB Press 3 6 8 2
Pull ups 3 10 7 1-3
Day 4 Band Pull
Aparts 2 20 6 3-4
Cable Tricep
Ext. 2 20 6 3-4
Week 5 Deload
Leg Press 3 10 Move with steady tempo 6 3-4
Goblet Squat 3 10 Move with steady tempo 6 3-4
Leg Extension 2 15 Move with steady tempo 7 3
Day 1 Leg Curl 2 15 Move with steady tempo 7 3
Leave 10
seconds in
Plank 3 Move with steady tempo reserve

Machine Chest
Press 3 10 Move with steady tempo 6 3-4
Pec Deck Fly 3 12 Move with steady tempo 6 3-4
Reverse Pec
Day 2 Deck Fly 3 12 Move with steady tempo 6 3-4
Cable Tricep
ext. 2 15 Move with steady tempo 7 3
Band Pull Apart 2 20 Move with steady tempo 7 3

DB Deadlift 3 10 Move with steady tempo 6 3-4

DB Bent Row 3 10 Move with steady tempo 6 3-4
Day 3 Hammer Curl 2 15 Move with steady tempo 7 3
DB Upright Row 2 15 Move with steady tempo 7 3
Ab Roll Out 2 15 Move with steady tempo 7 3

Shoulder Press 3 10 Move with steady tempo 6 3-4
Cable Flys 3 10 Move with steady tempo 6 3-4
Day 4 DB Side Lateral
Raise 2 15 Move with steady tempo 7 3
DB Front Raise 2 15 Move with steady tempo 7 3
Cable Face Pull 2 15 Move with steady tempo 7 3

Week 6
Front Squat 6 3 Move as fast as possible 9 1-2
Hack Squat 3 8 8 2
Walking Lunges 3 10 7 3
Day 1 Bent Over DB
Row 3 12 7 3
Leave 10
seconds in
Plank 3 reserve

Incline Bench
Press 4 8 3,0,0 three second negative 8 2
Close Grip
Bench Press 3 10 3,0,0 three second negative 7 2-3
DB Fly 2 20 7 2
Day 2 Extension 2 20 7 2
Machine Chest
Press 2 Tech Failure Rest Pause sets to tech failure 10 0
Cable Rows 3 12 7 3
DB Up Right
Row 3 12 7 3

Sumo Deadlift 3 10 2,0,0 8 2

Day 3
Barbell RDL 3 12 2,0,0 7 2-3
T-Bar Row 3 15 7 3
Day 3 Hamstring Curls 2 20 8 2
Leg Extension 2 20 8 2
Goblet Squat 2 Tech Failure Rest Pause 10 0
Ab Roll Out 3 12 8 2

Wide Grip
Bench Press 3 12 Steady Tempo 8 2
DB Shoulder
Press 4 10 Steady Tempo 8 2
Upright Row 3 12 7 3
Day 4 DB Side Lateral
Raise 2 20 8 2
DB Front Raise 2 20 8 2
Weighted Push
Up 2 Tech Failure Rest Pause 10 0
DB Kick Back 2 25 8 2

Week 7
Front Squat 4 8 3,0,0 8 2
DB RDL 3 12 3,0,0 7 3
Lunge 3 8 each 7 2-3
Day 1 Hamstring Curls 3 12 7 2-3
Leg Press 2 Tech Failure Rest Pause 10 0
Seal Rows 3 15 7 3
Cable Face Pull 3 20 7 3

Incline Press 5 4 Move weight fast 9 1

DB Chest Press 3 6 7 3
Incline DB Fly 3 10 7 2-3
Day 2
Bent Over DB
Flys 2 15 8 2
Band Pull Apart 2 20 8 2

Sumo Deadlift 3 10 2,0,0 8 2

RDL 3 12 2,0,0 7 2-3
GHR 3 15 7 2-3
Seal Row 4 12 8 2
Day 3 Lat Pulldown 4 12 8 2
Bicep Curls 3 15 7 3
Leave 10
seconds in
Plank 3 reserve

Wide Grip
Bench Press 3 12 Steady Tempo 8 2
DB Floor Press 4 10 7 2-3
Pec Deck Fly 3 15 7 3
Skull Crusher 3 12 7 3
Day 4
Overhead Ext. 3 12 7 3
Arnold Press 2 Tech Failure Rest Pause 10 0
Day 4

DB Side Lateral
Raise 3 25 9 1

Week 8
Front Squat 3 12 Steady Tempo 8 2
Leg Press 4 10 Steady Tempo 7 3
Hamstring Curl 3 12 7 3
Day 1 Cable Row 3 12 7 2-3
Cable Face Pull 2 20 7 3
Band Pull Apart 2 20 7 3
Leg Ext. 2 Tech Failure Rest Pause 10 0

Incline Press 4 8 2,0,0 Two Second Negative 7 3

Close Grip
Bench 3 10 2,0,0 7 3
Lat Pulldown 3 12 8 2
Day 2 Bent Over
Barbell Row 3 8 8 2
Cable Flys 2 15 7 3
Tricep Ext. 2 Tech Failure Rest Pause 10 0
Band Pull Apart 2 20 8 2

Sumo Deadlift 3 4 Move weight fast 9 1

Hack Squat 3 12 steady Tempo 8 2
Day 3 Leg Ext. 2 20 7 3
GHR 2 12 7 3
Ab Roll Out 3 15 7 3

Wide Grip
Bench 5 6 2,0,0 7 3
JM Press 3 12 8 2
Incline DB Fly 3 15 8 2
T-Bar Row 4 10 8 1-2
Day 4 Arnold PRess 3 15 7 3
Weighted Push
Up 2 Tech Failure Rest Pause 10 0
Cable Tricep
Ext. 2 20 8 2

Week 9
Front Squat 3 8 2,0,0 Two seconds negative 7 3
Leg Press 3 10 2,0,0 two second negative 7 3
Leg Extension 4 15 8 2
DB RDL 4 15 8 2
Day 1 Walking DB
Lunge 3 12 7 3
DB Bent Over
Row 3 12 7 3
Cable Face Pull 2 25 8 2

Incline Bench
Press 4 6 3,0,0 Three second negative 8 2
DB Bench Press 3 10 7 3

Day 2
DB Incline Fly 3 12 8 2
Day 2 Close Grip
Bench 4 15 7 3
DB Front Raise 3 12 8 2
Cable Row 4 10 8 2
KB Upright Row 4 12 8 2

Sumo Deadlift 8 4 Move weight fast with limited rest 6 4

Barbell Bent
Over Row 4 8 8 2
Hamstring Curl 3 12 7 3
Day 3 Hack Squat 3 15 7 3
Hammer Curl 2 20 8 2
Preacher Curl 2 20 8 2
Ab Roll Out 3 12 8 2

Wide Grip
Bench Press 5 5 Move weight fast 9 1
DB Floor Press 4 6 Move weight fast 8 2
Day 4 Cable fly 3 10 7 3
DB Bent Over
Side Lateral 3 12 8 2
Tricep Ext. 2 20 8 2

Week 10 Deload
Leg Press 3 8 Steady Tempo 7 3
Hamstring Curl 3 12 Steady Tempo 7 3
Leg Ext. 3 12 Steady Tempo 7 3
Day 1
Walking Lunge 3 8 each Steady Tempo 7 2-3
20 seconds in
Plank 3 reserve

Machine Incline
Press 3 10 Steady Tempo 7 3
DB Flys 3 15 Steady Tempo 7 3
Day 2 Cable Tricep
Ext. 3 15 Steady Tempo 7 3
Band Pull Apart 2 15 6 4
DB Upright Row 2 15 6 4

Hack Squat 3 8 Steady Tempo 7 3

RFE Split Squat 3 6 each Steady Tempo 7 3
Day 3 RDL 3 10 Steady Tempo 7 2-3
Lat Pulldown 4 10 Steady Tempo 7 2-3
Ab Roll Out 3 12 Steady Tempo 7 3

DB Bench Press 3 10 Steady Tempo 7 3

Skull Crushers 3 12 Steady Tempo 7 3
Arnold Press 3 10 Steady Tempo 7
Day 4 Concentration
Curl 3 15 Steady Tempo 7 2-3
Db Side Lateral
Raise 3 20 Steady Tempo 8 2
Week 11 Accumulation Phase
Back Squat 4 10 2,0,0 Two second negative 8 2
Hack Squat 4 12 8 2
Leg Press 3 15 8 2
RDL 3 15 8 2
Day 1 DB Single Arm
Row 3 12 7 3
Cable Row 3 12 7 3
Walking Lunges 2 100 yards 9 1
5 seconds in
Plank 3 reserve

Bench Press 4 12 2,0,0 8 2

Incline Press 3 15 8 2
DB Fly 3 20 9 1
JM Press 3 12 8 2
Day 2 Arnold Press 3 15 7 3
DB Side Raise 3 12 7 3
DB Bent Over
Side Lateral
Raise 3 12 7 3
Push ups 2 Tech Failure 10 0

Deadlift 5 8 2,0,0 8 2
DB Squat 4 10 2,0,0 8 2
DB Bent Over
Row 3 12 7 3
Lat Pulldown 3 15 7 3
Day 3
Spider Curl 3 12 7 3
Cable Upright
Row 3 15 7 3
Hamstring Curl 3 12 7 3
Ab Roll Out 3 12 7 2-3

Military Press 4 10 2,0,0 8 2

DB Incline Press 4 12 8 2
Arnold Press 3 15 7 2-3
Tricep Ext. 3 15 7 2-3
Day 4 Cable Face Pull 3 20 8 2
Seal Row 3 12 7 3
DB Side Lateral
Raise 2 20 9 1
DB Front Raise 2 20 9 1

Week 12 Intensification Phase

Back Squat 5 5 Move fast 9 1
Hack Squat 4 6 9 1
Leg Press 3 8 8 2
Day 1
Leg Ext. 3 20 9 1
GHR 3 20 9 1
Plank 2 10 failure

Bench Press 4 6 Move fast 9 1

Day 2
Incline Bench
Press 4 8 9 1
DB Bench
Day 2 Press 3 10 8 2
Cable Fly 3 15 8 2
Skull Crusher 3 15 8 2
Band Pull Apart 3 25 9 1

Deadlift 5 5 Move Fast 9 1

Bent Over Row 4 6 9 1
RDL 3 8 8 2
Day 3
Lat Pulldown 3 10 8 2
GHR 3 12 8 2
Plank 3 Failure

Military Press 4 6 Move Fast 9 1

DB Incline Press 3 8 9 1
DB Fly 3 10 8 2
Day 4
T-Bar Row 3 12 8 2
JM Press 3 12 8 2
Arnold Press 3 15 7 3

After week 12 I recommend a full maintenance phase of at least 3-4 weeks of low volume low intensity to recover
adequately to initiate supercompensation. Bring Calories higher slightly to help with recovery and to take advantage
of the metabolic release you will get from this entire mesocycle.

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