Unit 2A

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Unit 2 Hanging out

Past Continuous and Past Simple / Past Continuous / Degrees of adjectives

Name ___________________________________ No. ____ Class ______ Date
A. Read the text.

Sports and free time

Julian, 14, and Luke, 14, are in Dallas to take part in a youth-14 (14 years old and under)
fencing competition. They come from different cities, they attend different schools but they
share the same passion for this sport which is becoming more and more popular among
young people. They started doing fencing after school when they were 7/8 years old and
5 now they have a good ranking. They train hard with a good coach several hours a week and
go to lots of competitions. Before an important competition they train even harder. Thanks
to this sport they have self-control, flexibility and concentration, which also help them to
become better students.
When they aren’t training they like hanging out with their friends. Yesterday, while they
10 were relaxing after a busy day at the competition, they were talking about hanging out places
in their cities.
Luke: Julian, where do you hang out at the weekends?
Julian: To be honest I just hang out at friends’ houses. Unfortunately, Berryville doesn't
have much for teenagers to do. Yes, there is a shopping centre, and trust me, I have spent my
15 time wandering around it, and after a while it just gets boring. Last week it was my birthday
and I didn’t have a cool place to be with my friends. I would like to see Berryville get an
indoor rock climbing wall and a nice go kart track.
Luke: I can’t say the same about Dallas. Here we have lots of places to hang out and
things to do. We have got everything from Fun Centres with fantastic activities and
20 arcades to bowling alleys or skating rinks, parks and a music hall where you can attend
live shows and concerts. Last Saturday I was watching TV when my best friend invited me
to go to a concert by our favourite band at “The Door”, a popular concert hall.

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B. Complete the sentences with information from the text.
1. The two teens come from different _____________________ and are in _____________________
now to __________________________ .
2. The two of them are very keen on ____________________________ and that’s why they
____________________________ a week.
3. They both started doing it when ____________________________ .

C. Find words/expressions in the first paragraph of the text that have the same
meaning as:
1. participate _________________________________________________________
2. have in common ____________________________________________________
3. a good position in a list _______________________________________________
4. practise a lot _______________________________________________________
5. person who teaches and guides an athlete ________________________________

D. Correct the wrong information in each sentence.

1. The number of young people doing fencing is going down every day.
2. Fencing has no impact on their schoolwork.
3. In their free time they only train.
4. They are sharing opinions about the competition.

E. Answer the questions.

1. What do these teens do to be good fencers?
2. What does Julian think about hanging out places in Berryville?
3. Why did he have problems celebrating his birthday?
4. Does Luke have any problems hanging out in Dallas? Explain.
5. Choose one hanging out place mentioned in the text that you like. Give one reason for
your choice.

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A. Write sentences using the Past Continuous.

1. While / Luke / train / Julian / watch / him / .________________________________
2. What / she / do / yesterday / before dinner / ?______________________________
3. Julian’s friends / not applaud / him / because / they / study / ._________________
4. they / train / at 9 pm / ?________________________________________________

B. Complete with the Past Simple or Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. Yesterday at 9 am Luke’s parents ___________________ (have) breakfast.

2. Where ___________________ (you / go) last Saturday? I ___________________ (go) to the


3. Julian ___________________ (write) an email when his coach ___________________ (phone)


4. Luke ___________________ (not sleep) well last night.

C. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative of the adjectives in

1. Julian is _______________________ (good) fencer in his sports centre.

2. At school Julian is _______________________ (hardworking) the other students in his class.

3. Students who do sports are usually _______________________ (responsible) other teens.

4. The equipment to play football is _______________________ (cheap) fencing equipment.

5. Who is _______________________ (old) athlete in the competition?


Choose ONE of the following topics to write a text.

1. Write about your favourite place to hang out.
2. Write about what you do in your free time.

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