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Learn Python for free


Online Courses
1. Codecademy - Learn to Code
2. Khan Academy - Computer Programming
3. Coursera - Web Development Courses
4. edX - Computer Science Courses
5. Harvard's CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science
6. MIT OpenCourseWare - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
7. Stanford Online - Web Security
8. Udemy - Free Web Development Courses
9. Alison - Diploma in Web Design
10. FutureLearn - Digital Skills: Web Development

Interactive Learning Platforms

11. freeCodeCamp
12. The Odin Project
13. Scrimba
14. SoloLearn
16. Dash - General Assembly
18. Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)
19. W3Schools
20. HTML Dog

Video Tutorials
21. Traversy Media on YouTube
22. Academind on YouTube
23. The Net Ninja on YouTube
24. Programming with Mosh on YouTube
25. Codecourse on YouTube
26. Web Dev Simplified on YouTube
27. Dev Ed on YouTube
28. on YouTube
29. Derek Banas on YouTube
30. Brad Hussey on YouTube

Practice and Challenges

31. Codewars
32. HackerRank
33. Exercism
34. LeetCode
35. TopCoder
36. Coderbyte
37. CodeSignal
38. CodeChef
39. Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ)
40. Project Euler

Documentation and References

41. MDN Web Docs
42. W3Schools
43. CSS Tricks
44. Stack Overflow
45. GeeksforGeeks - Web Development
46. Tutorialspoint - Web Development Tutorials
47. SitePoint
48. Smashing Magazine
49. by Google
50. A List Apart

Blogs and Articles

51. David Walsh Blog
52. CSS Wizardry
53. HTML5 Doctor
54. CSS-Tricks
55. JavaScript Weekly
56. Web Design Weekly
57. Frontend Focus
58. A List Apart
59. Smashing Magazine
60. Web Designer Depot

Additional Online Courses

61. Google's Web Fundamentals
62. Microsoft Learn for Web Development
63. App Brewery - Web Development Course
64. Udacity - Web Development Courses
65. Pluralsight - Web Development Path
66. LinkedIn Learning - Become a Web Developer
67. Treehouse - Learn Web Design, Coding & Much More
68. BitDegree - Learn Web Development
69. The New Boston - Tutorials on Web Development
70. Upskill Courses - Free Web Development Bootcamp

Interactive Coding Challenges and Tools

71. CSSBattle
72. Frontend Mentor
73. Daily Coding Problem
74. JavaScript30
75. Flexbox Froggy
76. Grid Garden
77. CodePen Challenges
78. Hack The Box
79. Frontend Practice
80. 100 Days of Code

Blogs and Articles

81. WebDevSimplified Blog
83. Overreacted - Dan Abramov
84. The Pragmatic Engineer
85. Flavio Copes Blog
86. Ben Nadel's Blog
87. Rachel Andrew's Blog
88. Kent C. Dodds Blog
90. Echo JS
Podcasts for Web Developers
91. Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats
92. ShopTalk Show
93. The Changelog
94. Front End Happy Hour
95. The Web Ahead
96. JavaScript Jabber
97. CodeNewbie Podcast
98. Ladybug Podcast
99. Web Rush
100. Full Stack Radio

YouTube Channels
101. LevelUpTuts
102. Fun Fun Function
103. The Coding Train
104. Florin Pop
105. Fireship
106. Clever Programmer
107. Tech with Tim
108. Programming with Erik
109. Web Dev Simplified
110. Codevolution

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