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José Miguel González

Master Universitario de Formación del Profesorado (Inglés)

Grupo I3

It is a fact that education, as we have known it, is changing, and it is increasingly

necessary to innovate in the classroom to foster the learning through different
competences and types of intelligence, adapting it to students not as a universal group,
but as individuals with specific needs in the search of motivation towards more effective
results in their acquisition of knowledge and skills.

By innovation, we understand "designing moments for each student we have in class,

accompanying and contextualizing basic content and knowledge by creating learning
situations." Personally, and I believe this is something that the vast majority of teachers
agree on, innovating not only involves bringing novelties to the classroom; it also
involves changing the way we interact with our students. An example of the latter would
be, in terms of evaluation, the use of "Positive Reinforcement," as this will lead our
students to be more motivated and willing to participate in their own learning process.
Another example of innovation in the classroom through our way of relating to students
is the creation of a space that promotes a good teacher-student relationship through
more humane behaviors on the part of the teacher, showing them that we are not the
authoritative figure that they may perceive us to be (e.g., admitting when we are wrong
or showing them that, despite being teachers, we may also not know something – this
will also make them more confident in themselves and their abilities, as they are the
ones helping the teacher solve a doubt, not the other way around, as stipulated by the
traditional model). Other way of approaching such model could be making them
understand that making mistakes during their learning process is something completely
natural and nothing to be ashamed of.

In the case of the Andalusian community, we have a vast amount resources and themes
that are of great help for innovating in the classroom due to the rich cultural heritage of
the community and, specifically, the province of Granada. In my case, I would like to
propose gamification using the concept of Lorca and his work "Romancero Gitano,"
offering a stimulating and culturally relevant approach. Lorca, as an emblematic figure
of Andalusian literature, provides a rich background for exploring themes of identity
(such as the cultural identity that concerns the Andalusian people and specifically, the
José Miguel González
Master Universitario de Formación del Profesorado (Inglés)
Grupo I3
Romani people), tradition, and artistic expression. By applying gamification, the
learning of the English language can be transformed into an interactive and exciting
experience for students.

Firstly, gamification can be incorporated through the creation of role-playing games

inspired by the characters and situations in “El Romancero Gitano." Students could take
on the roles of the main characters, such as the gypsy, the moon, or death, and
participate in improvisation and dialogue activities in English. This would not only
develop their language skills but also foster creativity and empathy by immersing
themselves in Lorca's characters' experiences and perspectives.

Additionally, escape or adventure games in which students solve puzzles and linguistic
challenges related to Lorca's work can be designed. For example, they could search for
hidden clues in poems or text excerpts in English inspired by "El Romancero Gitano,"
and then use that knowledge to progress in the game. This methodology would not only
promote teamwork and problem-solving but also deepen understanding of the English
language and appreciation of Lorca's work.

Another effective strategy would be the creation of creative projects in which students
use English to reinterpret the themes and motifs of “El Romancero Gitano" in various
formats, such as short films, plays, or songs (using readers as a guide, as these will
serve as a great source of vocabulary input from an original source). This approach
would not only develop their oral and written expression skills in English but also allow
them to explore their own creativity and artistic expression, thus connecting with
Lorca's work in a personal and meaningful way.

It is important to note that this way of working in the classroom not only enriches the
learning of English but also promotes the appreciation of Andalusian and Spanish
culture. By integrating authentic cultural elements into the learning process, students
gain a deeper and more holistic understanding of the language and its cultural context.
Furthermore, by making learning more fun and relevant, greater motivation and
engagement are fostered among students, which in turn improves their academic
performance and personal development.

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