IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: PEOPLE

In your 2 minute talk you can say ;

 Who (they are).

 How (you know or met them)
 Feel (how you feel about them)
When talking about who they are, you can use adjectives like these;
 extremely friendly, gregarious, out-going, a real extrovert, a bit of a character,
 timid, quite shy, a bit of an introvert, a little withdrawn,
 plump, a little on the large side, slightly overweight
 quite slim, fairly petite,
 rather tall, a bit taller than me,
When talking about how you know or met them, you can talk about their job, role and
She’s my

 boss
 ex-boss
 colleague
 workmate
 classmate
When talking about how you feel about them, you can use expressions like these;
 I was excited to see them
 I was ecstatic to be with them (feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful
 I was thrilled to meet them again
 I was delighted to spend time with them
 I was over the moon to see them again

Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others

You should say:
Who this person is
What he/she likes to cook
Who he/she cooks for
And explain why he/she enjoys cooking
Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others:
Useful language:
Adjectives: friendly, hospitable, enthusiastic,
creative, generous.
Verbs: cooks, prepares, enjoys, shares, hosts.
Nouns: cuisine, dish, recipe, gathering, occasion.
Phrases: enjoys cooking for others, shares meals
with friends, hosts dinner parties

 Introduction:
"I'd like to tell you about my friend, [Name], who has a passion for cooking."
"Let me introduce you to [Name], someone who truly enjoys the art of cooking for others."
 Expressing their passion:
"One thing that stands out about [Name] is their genuine love for cooking."
"What sets [Name] apart is their enthusiasm for creating delicious meals."
 Describing their specialties:
"Their culinary skills shine through in dishes like [dish name], [dish name], and [dish name]."
"They have a knack for whipping up mouthwatering creations,
 Discussing recipients and occasions:
"Whether it's a casual get-together or a special celebration, [Name] is always eager to share
their culinary delights (=delicious food)."
"They often host dinner parties, inviting friends and family to enjoy their delicious creations."
 Expressing admiration:
"I'm constantly amazed by [Name]'s talent in the kitchen and their generosity in sharing it with
"Their passion for cooking not only brings joy to those around them but also inspires me to
explore my own culinary skills."
 Conclusion:
"In summary, [Name] is not just a cook; they are a true culinary artist who finds joy in
bringing people together through food."
"In my opinion, [Name]'s love for cooking and their ability to create delicious meals make them
a treasured friend and host."

Describe a foreigner you know who speaks your language (Vietnamese) well
You should say
Who this person is
Where he/she is from
How he/she learns Vietnamese
And explain why he/she can speak Vietnamese well

Useful Vocabulary:

Adjectives: fluent, communicative, determined,

curious, dedicated.
Verbs: speaks, learns, practices, communicates,
Nouns: language, fluency, conversation, culture,
Phrases: learns Vietnamese, communicates
effectively, learns through practice.

 Introduction:
"I'd like to talk about my friend, [Name], who is from another country but speaks Vietnamese
"Let me introduce you to [Name], someone who has impressed me with their proficiency in
speaking Vietnamese."
 Discussing their journey:
"Despite being a non-native speaker, [Name] was determined to learn Vietnamese."
"From the moment [Name] arrived in Vietnam, they were eager to immerse themselves in the
language and culture."
 Highlighting language proficiency:
"Their understanding of Vietnamese is truly impressive, and they can converse (=speak)
fluently on a wide range of topics."
"It's amazing how [Name] can communicate effectively in Vietnamese, even though it's not
their native language."
 Explaining reasons for proficiency:
"Through dedication and hard work, [Name] quickly picked up Vietnamese and embraced
(=get) every opportunity to practice."
"Their curiosity about Vietnamese culture motivated them to learn the language, and they've
made remarkable progress as a result."
 Expressing admiration:
"It's inspiring to see how [Name] has embraced Vietnamese language and culture, enriching
their experiences and interactions in Vietnam."
"In summary, [Name] is not just a foreigner; they've become an integral part of the Vietnamese
community through their language skills and cultural appreciation."
"Overall, [Name]'s proficiency in Vietnamese is a testament to their commitment to learning and
their genuine interest in connecting with others."

Describe a person you study or work with who is successful in his/her life
You should say
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What makes him/her successful
And explain how you feel about this person

Useful Vocabulary:


 Sets and achieves goals

 Shows determination and persistence
 Overcomes obstacles
 Motivates others
 Strives for excellence
 Leads by example
 Makes a positive impact
 Is admired by peers
1. Adjectives:
 Successful (e.g., "She's a really successful student.")
 Hardworking (e.g., "He's always been a hardworking person.")
 Determined (e.g., "Despite the challenges, she's determined to succeed.")
 Accomplished (e.g., "He's accomplished a lot in his young life.")
 Ambitious (e.g., "She's very ambitious and has big dreams for the future.")
 Inspiring (e.g., "His story is really inspiring; it motivates others to do their best.")
2. Verbs:
 Achieves (e.g., "She sets goals and always achieves them.")
 Overcomes (e.g., "He overcame many obstacles to reach his goals.")
 Strives (e.g., "She strives to be the best student she can be.")
 Leads (e.g., "He leads by example, showing others how to succeed.")
 Motivates (e.g., "She's a real motivator; she encourages others to work hard.")
3. Nouns:
 Success (e.g., "His success is an inspiration to others.")
 Goal (e.g., "She sets goals and works hard to achieve them.")
 Challenge (e.g., "He faced many challenges but never gave up.")
 Impact (e.g., "Her success has had a positive impact on our school.")
 Example (e.g., "He's a great example of what you can achieve with hard work.")
1. Introduction:
 "I want to talk about my friend Emily, who's one of the most successful students I know."
 "Let me tell you about Jason, a classmate who's accomplished a lot in his life already."
2. Describing their success:
 "Despite facing tough times, Emily has achieved a lot. For example, she started her own
tutoring business and helped many students improve their grades."
 "Jason's success story is really impressive. He set a goal to become class president and
worked hard to make it happen."
3. Highlighting qualities:
 "One thing I really like about Emily is how determined she is. Even when things get
hard, she never gives up."
 "Jason is incredibly ambitious. He always sets high goals for himself and then works
tirelessly to achieve them."
4. Discussing impact:
 "Emily's success motivates us all to work harder. Seeing how much she's accomplished
makes us believe we can do the same."
 "Because of Jason's leadership, our class is more united than ever. He's really brought us
5. Expressing admiration:
 "I'm so impressed by how much Emily has accomplished at such a young age. She's a
real role model for all of us."
 "Jason's determination and hard work are really inspiring. He's proof that you can
achieve anything if you put your mind to it."
6. Conclusion:
 "Overall, Emily and Jason show us that success is possible for anyone who's willing to
work hard and never give up."
 "In the end, they're both great examples of what you can achieve with determination

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: PLACES

In your 2 minute talk you can say ;

 Where (it is).

 How (it looks)
 What (to do there)
 Feel (how you feel about it)

When talking about where it is, you can use expressions like these;
 It’s located in the north of …
 It can be found in the south of…
 It’s a little known place…
 It’s hidden away, off the beaten track
 It’s a really popular place…
 One of those must-see places
 Quiet, calm, peaceful,
 Noisy, a lot of hustle and bustle, a hive of activity
When talking about what to do there, you can use the following;

 You can (go hiking)…

 It’s well known for it’s (cuisine)…
 People typically like to (shop) there…
When talking about how you feel about it, you can say the following;

 I like / love / adore it.

 I reckon it’s awesome, fantastic, outstanding
 I fell head over heels in love with it

Describe a place-not in your home- where you go to relax

You should say:
Where the place is
How you spend your time in this place
And explain why this place helps you to relax
 "I'd like to talk about the local park near my neighborhood. It's a peaceful green space
nestled in the hustle and bustle of the city. The park is situated by a tranquil lake,
surrounded by tall trees and vibrant flowers, creating a serene ambiance.
 When I visit the park, I usually bring a book or my headphones to listen to music. I enjoy
finding a quiet spot near the lake, where I can sit on a bench or spread out a blanket
under the shade of a tree. Sometimes, I take leisurely strolls along the walking paths,
admiring the beauty of nature and watching ducks swimming in the lake.
 This place helps me relax because the peaceful surroundings help to clear my mind
and relax my body. The gentle rustle of leaves, the chirping of birds, and the sound of
water flowing in the lake create a soothing atmosphere that calms my nerves and
refreshes my spirit. Moreover, being in nature has a therapeutic effect on me. The fresh
air, warm sunlight, and lush greenery uplift my mood and fill me with a sense of
 Overall, the local park is my go-to place for relaxation because it offers a peaceful
retreat from the chaos of urban life. The natural beauty and serene atmosphere help me
unwind and recharge, making it the perfect escape for a tranquil and rejuvenating

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: EVENTS

In your 2 minute talk you can talk about;

 Setting
 People
 What happened

When talking about the setting, you can use phrases like these;
Past Tenses
 When I was living in…
 When I was working in…
 I used to live in…
 I would always…
 When I was younger, I often…
When talking about people, you can talk about personality
 talkative, never shuts up, thick-skinned, rude, inconsiderate
 sensitive, delicate, considerate, thoughtful, polite,
 witty, smart, fast-thinking, intuitive
When talking about what happened, you can use tenses such as past, present and future, as well
as functions such as regret;
 I was doing…, when xx happened.
 I did this, I did that, and I did this and that (common pattern of 3 actions)

 As far as I know, (this event) still happens…

 If this happened to me today/now, I would definitely…
 Nowadays, I always…
 I am sure (this event) will continue to happen in the future…
 I wish I had known…,
 With the benefit of hindsight, I wouldn’t do that again.
 I regret doing that…

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: ACTIVITIES

In your 2 minute talk you can talk about;

 What (it is)

 How (you do it)
 Challenges
When talking about the what it is, you can use phrases like these;
 It’s hugely popular,
 It’s really trendy now,
 It tends to be popular with (young/old/city people),
 It’s not so well-known
When talking about how, you do it, you use expressions like these,
 It’s a piece of cake,
 Anyone can do it,
 It’s not rocket science
 It takes a while to pick it up,
 It’s not straight forward,
 You need time and patience,
 It’s not for everyone
When talking about challenges you can say;
 X poses a few challenges, such as…
 The difficult thing about X is..
 The tricky thing about X is…
 Without a doubt, the biggest challenge with X is…

Describe an activity you enjoyed doing when you were at primary school
You should say:
What the activity was
How often you did the activity
Who you did it with
And explain why it was your favourite activity

What the Activity Was:

 Adjectives: fun, enjoyable, exciting, engaging, creative

 Nouns: game, hobby, pastime, activity, sport, craft
 Verbs: play, participate in, engage in, create, explore
 Phrases: involved playing, centered around, focused on, revolved around, consisted of

How Often You Did the Activity:

 Adverbs: regularly, frequently, often, occasionally, daily, weekly, monthly

 Phrases: as part of, during recess, after school, on weekends, during breaks

Who You Did It With:

 Nouns: classmates, friends, peers, schoolmates, siblings

 Phrases: with my friends, with a group of classmates, with my siblings, with other

Why It Was Your Favorite Activity:

 Adjectives: enjoyable, fun, entertaining, rewarding, stimulating

 Nouns: enjoyment, excitement, satisfaction, friendship, creativity
 Phrases: brought me joy, allowed me to express myself, helped me bond with others,
made me feel happy, brought out my creativity

Example Response:
"When I was at primary school, one of my favorite activities was playing soccer during recess. It
was a fun and exciting game that I looked forward to every day.

I played soccer regularly, almost every day during recess and sometimes after school with my
friends. We would form teams and play matches against each other, or sometimes just
practice our skills and have fun kicking the ball around.

I did it with my classmates and friends from school. We would gather on the school field and
divide ourselves into teams, and then we'd spend the entire recess period playing soccer

It was my favorite activity because it brought me so much joy and excitement. I loved the
feeling of running around the field, kicking the ball, and scoring goals. It was also a great
way to bond with my friends and classmates. We would cheer each other on, celebrate
victories, and laugh together, creating lasting memories that I still cherish to this day. Soccer
allowed me to express myself, stay active, and build friendships, which is why it will always
hold a special place in my heart."

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: THINGS

In your 2 minute talk you can say ;

 What (it is).

 How (you got it /gave it)
 Description
 Feelings (about it)
When talking about what it is, you can use adjectives and adverbials like these;

 fantastic
 top quality
 awesome
 outstanding
 the best ever
 terrible
 awful
 disappointing
 the worst ever
Positive Adverbials
 absolutely
 really
 undoubtedly
 without a doubt
 certainly
 totally
When talking about how you got or gave it, you can say the following,
 My sister gave it to me
 It was given to me by my sister
 I got it from my sister
When giving a description of the object, you can use expressions like these;
 It’s reddish, brownish, greenish…
 It’s square-shaped, round-shaped, oblong-shaped
 It’s modern, state of the art, high-tech, cutting edge
When talking about feelings about it, you can use expressions like these;
 I really like it
 I can’t live without it.
 In fact I’d say, it’s the best X I have ever had/seen/bought…
 In fact, I’d go as far as to say, it’s the best X I have ever had/seen/bought…

Describe a useful object in your home that you can not live without it

You should say:

What it is

What you can do with it

How often you use it

And explain why you cannot live without it

What It Is:

 Adjectives: essential, indispensable, crucial, vital, necessary

 Nouns: appliance, gadget, tool, device, equipment
 Phrases: everyday item, household necessity, must-have

What You Can Do With It:

 Verbs: use, operate, utilize, employ

 Activities: cook, clean, communicate, organize, entertain
 Phrases: helps with, allows me to, enables me to, assists in

How Often You Use It:

 Adverbs: daily, frequently, regularly, constantly, often

 Phrases: on a daily basis, multiple times a day, whenever needed, throughout the day

Why You Cannot Live Without It:

 Adjectives: essential, indispensable, lifesaving, convenient, practical

 Nouns: necessity, convenience, functionality, efficiency, reliance
 Phrases: can't imagine life without it, makes life easier, saves time and effort, improves
quality of life

Example Response:

"One indispensable object in my home that I cannot live without is my smartphone. It's an
essential device that plays a crucial role in my daily life.

With my smartphone, I can perform a wide range of tasks. I use it to communicate with friends
and family through calls, text messages, and social media. Additionally, I rely on it for
various other activities such as checking emails, browsing the internet, managing my
schedule, and accessing important information. It also serves as a source of entertainment,
allowing me to listen to music, watch videos, play games, and read e-books.

I use my smartphone constantly throughout the day, starting from the moment I wake up until I
go to bed at night. It's always by my side, helping me stay connected, organized, and

I cannot live without my smartphone because it has become an indispensable part of my life. It
serves as my primary means of communication, information, and entertainment. Without it, I
would feel disconnected from the world and struggle to stay organized and informed. It
simplifies various aspects of my life and enhances my productivity and efficiency. Simply put, I
can't imagine navigating through daily life without the convenience and functionality that my
smartphone provides."

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