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1st: Making Bubbles

2nd: Breath holding exercise

(5-10-15-20 seconds)

3rd: if you breath holding, you will float. So we will proceed now to floating exercises.

4 Types of Floating Exercises

Transformer float (ibutang ra imo kamot side to side and then face the floor for 10 seconds)

Turtle Float- Hugging your both knees, purpose: If nag cramp imong thighs, mag turtle float

Jellyfish float- it's like reaching your toes. Purpose: if mag cramp imong gastrocnemius or
"bagtak" in bisaya, mag jelly fish float lang ka.

Back Float- You will face at the sky, chin up, then put your hands side to side feet relaxed.
Mura rakag mo higda sa imong banig.

4th: Armpit- Twitty Bird- Scoop: after mag back float, you will move your body forward Aron
maka survive then maka adto sa available island. In order for you to move, you will move your
body forward through scooping.

You will do the back float

If you already do the proper back float with the relaxed body position, start executing the
armpit-twittybird scoop.

Put your hands on your armpit, then form fly position, then finally grab the water through your

Repeat the process.

5th: Water Entry (4 Types are discussed)

 Slide entry
 Stride jump
 Compact jump
 Surface dive

6th: Aggressive swim

-After you jump into the high distance, you will swim aggressively to prevent yourself being hit
by other passengers from above or to prevent yourself self being suck by sinking boat.


Jump the boat (Compact jump)

You will sink as a result. You will the cover your head through putting your hand to your head
and extending your other hand overhead. This will prevent your head being hit by floating
metals (eg. Palabad sa barko)

You will do aggressive swim through kicking and scooping your hand away from the boat. (The
distance depends on how big is the boat, if 25 meters, then you swim 25 meters or further.)
1. Swimming Skills:

o Ensure that individuals, especially children, have basic swimming skills.

o Enroll in swimming lessons to build confidence and enhance water safety.

2. Supervision:

o Always supervise children and inexperienced swimmers around water.

o Designate a responsible adult as a designated watcher to prevent accidents.

3. Life Jackets:

o Use appropriate and properly fitted life jackets, especially for boating or water activities.

o Ensure everyone on board wears a life jacket.

4. Water Awareness:

o Be aware of water conditions, including tides, currents, and depth.

o Teach individuals to respect the water and understand potential risks.

5. Learn CPR:

o Knowledge of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) can be crucial in emergency situations.

o Encourage adults to learn CPR techniques for effective response.

6. Restricted Areas:

o Obey signs and warnings around water bodies, indicating unsafe areas or dangerous conditions.

o Stay away from strong currents, underwater obstacles, and areas with poor visibility.

7. Buddy System:

o Implement the buddy system, especially in open water or unfamiliar environments.

o Always swim with a partner, and keep an eye out for each other.

8. Alcohol and Water Activities:

o Avoid alcohol consumption during water activities as it impairs judgment and coordination.

9. Teach Emergency Procedures:

o Instruct individuals on what to do in case of emergencies, such as reaching for assistance or calling
for help.

10. Sun Protection:

o Use sunscreen to protect against harmful UV rays, and encourage wearing appropriate swimwear.

o Stay hydrated to prevent dehydration, especially in hot weather.

11. Education for Children:

o Teach children about water safety rules and the importance of following them.

o Use age-appropriate methods to educate children about potential dangers.

Remember, prioritizing water safety is essential to prevent accidents and ensure enjoyable aquatic experiences for

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