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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,510,601 B2

Whitley et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 31, 2009
(54) PORTABLE MEDICAL OXYGEN 5,114,441 A 5/1992 Kanner et al.
CONCENTRATOR 5,531,807 A 7, 1996 McCombs ..................... 95/26
5,730,778 A * 3/1998 Hill et al. ....................... 95/12
(75) Inventors: Roger Dean Whitley, Allentown, PA 5,827,358. A 10, 1998 Kulish et al.
(US); Glenn Paul Wagner, Fogelsville, 6,068,680 A 5/2000 Kulish et al. ................... 95/98
6,144.945 A * 1 1/2000 Garg et al. .................... 705/28
PA (US); Matthew James LaBuda, 6,514,319
- J. B2 2?2003 K.eefer et al.
Fogelsville, PA (US); David R. Schiff, 6,520,176 B1 2/2003 Dubois et al.
Highland Park, NJ (US); Peter D. Byar,
Willingboro, NJ (US); Andrew M. (Continued)
Weiman, Langhorne, PA (US); Seth
GaleWyrick, Philadelphia, PA (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
WO WO 2005, O77824 A1 8/2005
(73) Assignee: Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.,
Allentown, PA (US) (Continued)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 SEQUAL The Smart Choice, Advantage: eclipse. P/N 5600 Revision
U.S.C. 154(b) by 401 days. Oct. 2005, San Diego, CA USA.
21) Appl. No.: 11/312,180 Primaryy Examiner Frank M Lawrence
(21) Appl. No 9 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm John M. Fernbacher
22) File
(22) Filed: Dec.
ec. 20,
AU 2005 (57) ABSTRACT
(65) Prior Publication Data
Portable medical oxygen concentrator comprising an air
US 2007/O137487 A1 Jun. 21, 2007 separation system adapted to recover oxygen from air, a
bottom platform and a shell having an outer wall, wherein the
(51) Int. Cl. shell is detachably connected to the bottom platform, wherein
BOLD 53/047 (2006.01) the shell and bottom platform define an enclosed volume
(52) U.S. Cl. ...................... 96/121; 96/124; 128/204.18: when the shell is connected to the bottom platform, and
128/205.24 wherein the air separation system is disposed in the enclosed
(58) Field of Classification Search ................... 96/121, volume; and one or more rechargeable batteries detachably
96/125, 151; 95/96, 130; 128/204.18, 204.26, connected to the outer wall of the shell and adapted to provide
128/205.12, 205.24: 55/502,505, 506 power to drive the air separation system. The air separation
See application file for complete search history. system may comprises a pressure Swing adsorption system
(56) References Cited having two or more adsorbent columns and a rotary valve for
directing gas flow sequentially to, from, and among the col
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS umns. A base assembly attached to the bottom platform may
4,302,224. A * 1 1/1981 McCombs et al. ............ 96.109
be adapted to Support the two or more adsorbent columns and
4,511,377 A * 4, 1985 McCombs ................... 96/143 the rotary valve.
4,826,510 A 5, 1989 McCombs
4,925,464 A * 5/1990 Rabenau et al. ............... 96.124 41 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets
US 7,510,601 B2
Page 2

U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2005/OO72423 A1 4/2005 Deane et al.

2005/OO72426 A1 4/2005 Deane et al.
6,629,525 10, 2003 Hill et al. 2005, 0103341 A1 5/2005 Deane et al.
6,651,658 11, 2003 Hill et al. 2006/0230931 A1* 10, 2006 Bliss et al. .................... 95/130
6,691,702 2, 2004 Appel et al.
6,764,534 T/2004 McCombs et al. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
6,908,503 6, 2005 McCombs et al. ............ 96.130 WO 2006/044172 A 4/2006
2002/O121.191 9, 2002 Warren .......................... 95/11 WO 2006,108092 A 10, 2006
2005/OO72298 4, 2005 Deane et al.
2005/OO72306 4, 2005 Deane et al. * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2009 Sheet 1 of 12 US 7,510,601 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2009 Sheet 2 of 12 US 7,510,601 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2009 Sheet 3 of 12 US 7,510,601 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2009 Sheet 4 of 12 US 7,510,601 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2009 Sheet 6 of 12 US 7,510,601 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2009 Sheet 7 of 12 US 7,510,601 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2009 Sheet 8 of 12
U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2009 Sheet 10 of 12
U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2009 Sheet 11 of 12 US 7,510,601 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 2009 Sheet 12 of 12 US 7,510,601 B2
US 7,510,601 B2
1. 2
PORTABLE MEDICAL OXYGEN The air separation system may comprise
CONCENTRATOR (1) two or more adsorbent columns, each column including
a feed end, a product end, and adsorbent material for
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION effecting gas separation by selective adsorption;
(2) a pump assembly comprising a feed pump having a
The Supply of therapeutic oxygen to patients in homes and compressed air outlet and a vacuum pump having a gas
other residential settings is an important and growing seg inlet;
ment of the health care industry. Oxygen can be supplied to a (3) an oxygen product outlet;
patient by liquid or compressed oxygen with an appropriate (4) a rotary valve having a first plurality of ports adapted to
vaporization or pressure regulation system and a gas delivery
10 place the compressed air outlet of the feed pump in flow
cannula. Alternatively, oxygen can be supplied by the gen communication sequentially with the feed end of each
eration of oxygen using a small onsite air separation device or adsorbent column and to place the gas inlet of the
medical oxygen concentrator located near the patient that vacuum pump in flow communication sequentially with
delivers the generated oxygen via a cannula. the feed end of each adsorbent column and having a
15 second plurality of ports adapted to place the oxygen
Respiratory oxygen usage rates typically range up to 3 product outlet in flow communication sequentially with
LPM (liters per minute at 22° C. and 1 atma pressure) for the product end of each adsorbent column and to place
ambulatory patients with relatively low oxygen requirements, the product end of each adsorbent column in flow com
up to 5 LPM for patients with more serious respiratory prob munication sequentially with the product end of another
lems and possibly limited mobility, and in certain cases up to adsorbent column; and
10 LPM for those with the most serious respiratory problems (5) a base assembly attached to the bottom platform and
and more limited mobility. A patient initially may require a adapted to Support the two or more adsorbent columns
higher oxygen Supply rate during an illness and later may and the rotary valve.
require less oxygen as recovery is achieved. Alternatively, a The feed pump and the vacuum pump may be scroll-type
patient may require increasing oxygen rates as a chronic 25
compressors, each being driven by a common drive motor,
condition worsens. A conserver may be used to provide oxy and the drive motor may be disposed coaxially between the
gen flow only when the patient inhales, thereby reducing the feed pump and the vacuum pump.
amount of oxygen required by eliminating the Supply of oxy The shell has a bottom end adjacent the bottom platform
gen that is wasted when the patient exhales. 30
and an upper end opposite the bottom end, and the enclosed
Portable medical oxygen concentrators often are preferred volume may include a dividing wall disposed between the
over liquid or compressed oxygen supply systems in home base assembly and the pump assembly, wherein the dividing
and residential settings, and Small air separation devices for wall extends upward from the bottom platform to a point
these applications are being developed by numerous vendors intermediate the bottom platform and the upper end of the
in the home health care field. Patients typically are encour shell.
aged to be ambulatory whenever possible to increase the Another embodiment of the invention includes a portable
effectiveness of oxygen therapy and improve their overall medical oxygen concentrator comprising
health. The portability of a medical oxygen concentrator (a) an air separation system adapted to recover oxygen
therefore is an important feature allowing the patient to move from air that includes
about easily and comfortably. In order to maximize portabil 40 (1) two or more adsorbent columns, each column includ
ity and ease of use, the medical oxygen concentrator must be ing a feed end, a product end, and adsorbent material
designed to have minimum weight and compact dimensions. for effecting gas separation by selective adsorption;
Patient ambulation time can be maximized by the use of a (2) a pump assembly comprising a feed pump having a
COSCV. compressed air outlet and a vacuum pump having a
There is a need in the home health care field for an 45 gas inlet,
improved, lightweight, battery-powered portable oxygen (3) an oxygen product outlet;
concentrator for delivering oxygen product to ambulatory (4) a rotary valve having a first plurality of ports adapted
patients. These patients typically require a concentrator that to place the compressed air outlet of the feed pump in
can generate up to about 3 LPM of oxygen on a continuous flow communication sequentially with the feed end of
basis and that includes a built-in conserver that maximizes 50 each adsorbent column and to place the gas inlet of the
ambulation time. This need is addressed by the embodiments vacuum pump in flow communication sequentially
of the invention described below and defined by the claims with the feed end of each adsorbent column and hav
that follow. ing a second plurality of ports adapted to place the
oxygen product outlet in flow communication
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 55 sequentially with the product end of each adsorbent
column and to place the product end of each adsorbent
One embodiment of the invention relates to a portable column in flow communication sequentially with the
medical oxygen concentrator comprising an air separation product end of another adsorbent column; and
system adapted to recover oxygen from air; a bottom platform (5) a base assembly adapted to Support the two or more
and a shell having an outer wall, wherein the shell is detach 60 adsorbent columns and the rotary valve; and
ably connected to the bottom platform, wherein the shell and (b) a bottom platform and a shell having an outer wall,
bottom platform define an enclosed volume when the shell is wherein the base assembly and the pump assembly are
connected to the bottom platform, and wherein the air sepa mounted on the bottom platform, wherein the shell is
ration system is disposed in the enclosed Volume; and one or detachably connected to the bottom platform, and
more rechargeable batteries detachably connected to the 65 wherein the air separation system is disposed in an
outer wall of the shell and adapted to provide power to drive enclosed volume formed by the shell and bottom plat
the air separation system. form when the shell is connected to the bottom platform.
US 7,510,601 B2
3 4
One or more rechargeable batteries may be detachably port the respective product ends of the two or more cylindrical
connected to the outer wall of the shell and adapted to provide adsorbent columns, and a ported Stator plate attached to the
power to drive the feed pump and the vacuum pump. A control first surface of the bottom member, and wherein the ported
system and a conserver may be included, wherein the stator plate is part of the rotary valve and includes the second
rechargeable batteries are adapted to provide power to the plurality of ports adapted to place the product gas outlet in
control system and conserver. flow communication sequentially with the product end of
The bottom platform defines a planar surface and the con each adsorbent column and to place the product end of each
centrator is adapted to operate when the planar Surface is adsorbent column in flow communication sequentially with
oriented horizontally or at any angle from a horizontal plane. the product end of another adsorbent column.
The shell typically has an inlet grille, an outlet grille, and a fan 10 The ported Stator plate may have a central stator port and
disposed in the enclosed Volume and adapted to draw ambient two or more peripheral statorports adjacent the first Surface of
air into the enclosed Volume and discharge heated air from the the bottom member; wherein a column product port is dis
enclosed Volume. A cooling coil may be attached to the com posed in the bottom member of the molded platform within
pressed air outlet of the feed pump and adapted to cool hot each of the two or more cylindrical collars, each column
compressed air from the feed pump, wherein the fan is 15 product port extending from the first surface of the bottom
adapted to pass ambient air over the cooling coil and the feed member to a point intermediate the first surface and the sec
pump. The shell has a bottom end adjacent the bottom plat ond surface of the bottom member; wherein each column
form and an upper end opposite the bottom end, and the product port and each cylindrical adsorbent column is
enclosed Volume may include a dividing wall disposed adapted such that the product outlet of a cylindrical adsorbent
between the base assembly and the pump assembly, wherein column can be sealably and removably connected to a column
the dividing wall extends upward from the bottom platform to product port; and wherein each peripheral stator port is con
a point intermediate the bottom platform and the upper end of nected to a respective column product port by a passage
the shell. disposed in the bottom member of the base assembly.
An alternative embodiment of the invention relates to an The cylindrical adsorbent columns and/or the base assem
adsorptive gas separation system comprising 25 bly may comprise plastic or polymeric material. The bottom
(a) two or more cylindrical columns, wherein each column member and the two or more cylindrical collars may be
includes a feed end, a feed inlet at the feed end, a product formed from a single piece of molded polymeric or plastic
end, and a product outlet at the product end, and wherein material.
at least two of the cylindrical columns are adsorbent The adsorptive gas separation system optionally includes a
columns containing adsorbent material for effecting gas 30 product gas storage tank in flow communication with the
separation by selective adsorption; product gas outlet and in flow communication via the central
(b) a pump assembly comprising a feed pump having a stator port with the product outlet at the product end of each
compressed gas outlet and a vacuum pump having a gas adsorbent column, wherein the product gas storage tank is
inlet; one of the two or more cylindrical columns, contains none of
(c) a product gas outlet; 35 the adsorbent material, and is detachably supported in one of
(d) a rotary valve having a first plurality of ports adapted to the cylindrical collars on the base assembly; wherein the feed
place the compressed gas outlet of the feed pump in flow inlet of the product gas storage tank is adapted to be sealably
communication sequentially with the feed end of each and removably connected to a column product port disposed
adsorbent column and to place the gas inlet of the in the bottom member of the molded platform within the
vacuum pump in flow communication sequentially with 40 cylindrical collar; and wherein the column product port is
the feed end of each adsorbent column and having a connected to the central stator port by a passage disposed in
second plurality of ports adapted to place the product gas the bottom member of the base assembly.
outlet in flow communication sequentially with the Another alternative embodiment of the invention relates to
product end of each adsorbent column and to place the a base assembly for an adsorptive gas separation system com
product end of each adsorbent column in flow commu 45 prising a molded platform comprising a bottom member hav
nication sequentially with the product end of another ing a first Surface and a second Surface generally parallel to
adsorbent column; the first surface; two or more cylindrical collars attached to
(e)a base assembly upon which the adsorbent columns and the first surface of the bottom member and adapted to detach
the rotary valve are mounted; and ably receive and Support respective ends of two or more
(f) a Support platform upon which the base assembly and 50 cylindrical columns; and a ported Stator plate attached to the
the pump assembly are mounted. first surface of the bottom member, wherein the ported stator
The system optionally includes a product gas storage tank plate is part of a rotary valve adapted to direct gas flow in the
in flow communication with the product gas outlet and in operation of the adsorptive gas separation system, and
sequential flow communication with the product outlet at the wherein the ported Stator plate has a central stator port and
product end of each adsorbent column. The product gas Stor 55 two or more peripheral statorports adjacent the first Surface of
age tank may be one of the two or more cylindrical columns the bottom member. A column product port is disposed in the
containing none of the adsorbent material and mounted on the bottom member of the molded platform within each of the
base assembly. Alternatively, the product gas storage tank two or more cylindrical collars, each column product port
may contain a different adsorbent material than the adsorbent extends from the first surface of the bottom member to a point
material in the adsorbent columns, wherein the different 60 intermediate the first surface and the second surface of the
adsorbent material is adapted to increase the effective product bottom member, each column product port is adapted to be
tank storage capacity. sealably and removably connected to a cylindrical column,
The base assembly typically is fabricated as a molded and each peripheral stator port is connected to a respective
platform comprising a bottom member having a first Surface column product port by a passage disposed in the bottom
and a second Surface generally parallel to the first Surface, two 65 member of the base assembly.
or more cylindrical collars attached to the first surface of the The base assembly may comprise two or more cylindrical
bottom member and adapted to detachably receive and Sup columns, each column having an interior and a tubeat one end
US 7,510,601 B2
5 6
in flow communication with the interior, wherein the tube has (2) a pump assembly comprising a feed pump having a
a compliant sealing element disposed around an outer cir compressed air outlet and a vacuum pump having a
cumference thereof, and wherein the tube with the compliant gas inlet,
sealing element is adapted to be sealably and removably (3) an oxygen product outlet;
inserted into a column product port disposed in the bottom (4) a rotary valve having a first plurality of ports adapted
member of the molded platform. The compliant sealing ele to place the compressed air outlet of the feed pump in
ment may be an O-ring disposed in a circumferential groove flow communication sequentially with the feed end of
in an outer surface of the tube, and the O-ring may be sized each adsorbent column and to place the gas inlet of the
such that the tube and O-ring can be sealably and removably vacuum pump in flow communication sequentially
inserted into a column product port. 10 with the feed end of each adsorbent column, a product
Each column may be adapted to be locked into a cylindrical gas outlet port, and a second plurality of ports adapted
collar while the tube and O-ring are sealably inserted into the to place the product gas outlet port in flow communi
column product port of the cylindrical collar and may be cation sequentially with the product end of each
adapted to be unlocked from the cylindrical collar while the adsorbent column and to place the product end of each
tube and O-ring are removed from the column product port. 15 adsorbent column in flow communication sequen
At least two of the two or more cylindrical columns may be tially with the product end of another adsorbent col
adsorbent columns containing adsorbent material for effect umn; and
ing gas separation by selective adsorption. At least one of the (5) a base assembly adapted to Support the at least four
two or more cylindrical columns may be adapted to be used as adsorbent columns and the rotary valve;
a product gas storage tank. The product gas storage tank may (b) a bottom platform and a shell having an outer wall,
contain an adsorbent material adapted to increase the effec wherein the base assembly and the pump assembly are
tive product tank storage capacity. mounted on the bottom platform, wherein the shell is
The bottom member of the base assembly may comprise detachably connected to the bottom platform, and
(1) a first sub-member including the first surface, the two or wherein the air separation system is enclosed by the
more cylindrical collars attached to the first surface, a first 25 shell and bottom platform when the shell is connected to
intermediate surface generally parallel with the first surface, the bottom platform; and
and open channels that form portions of the passages con (c) one or more rechargeable batteries detachably con
necting each peripheral stator port to a respective column nected to the outer wall of the shell and adapted to
product port; and (2) a second Sub-member including the provide power to drive the feed pump, the vacuum
second Surface and a second intermediate Surface generally 30 pump, and the rotary valve.
parallel with the second surface. The first and second inter The portable medical oxygen concentrator optionally
mediate Surfaces may be joined Such that the first open chan includes a product gas storage tank in continuous flow com
nels in the first sub-member are covered by the second inter munication with the product gas outlet port and in sequential
mediate surface, thereby forming the passages disposed in the flow communication with the product outlet at the product
bottom member of the base assembly that connect each 35 end of each adsorbent column. The oxygen concentrator may
peripheral stator port to a respective column product port. include a check valve having an inlet and an outlet, piping
The bottom member alternatively may comprise (1) a first connecting the product gas outlet port with the inlet of the
sub-member including the first surface, the two or more cylin check valve, and piping connecting the outlet of the check
drical collars attached to the first surface, a first intermediate
valve with the product gas storage tank.
Surface generally parallel with the first Surface, and first open
40 The product gas storage tank may be one of the cylindrical
channels that form first portions of the passages connecting columns, wherein the product gas storage tank is mounted on
each peripheral stator port to a respective column product port the base assembly. The product gas storage tank may contain
a different adsorbent material than the adsorbent material in
and (2) a second Sub-member including the second Surface, a the adsorbent columns, wherein the different adsorbent mate
second intermediate Surface generally parallel with the sec 45 rial is adapted to increase the effective product tank storage
ond Surface, and second open channels that form second capacity.
portions of the passages connecting each peripheral stator Optionally, the oxygen concentrator includes conserver
port to a respective column product port. The first and second adapted to deliver oxygen product from the product gas Stor
intermediate Surfaces may be joined such that the first open age tank to the oxygen product outlet, wherein the conserver
channels in the first Sub-member are congruent with the sec 50 is adapted to deliver the oxygen during a patients inhalation
ond open channels of the second sub-member, thereby form period and to deliver no oxygen during the patient’s exhala
ing the passages disposed in the bottom member of the base tion period.
assembly that connect each peripheral stator port to a respec In one version of this embodiment, the portable medical
tive column product port. Any of the molded platform, the two oxygen concentrator comprises four adsorbent columns and
or more cylindrical collars, and the two or more cylindrical 55 the product gas storage tank, wherein the base assembly
adsorbent columns may comprise plastic or polymeric mate Supports the four adsorbent columns, the gas storage tank,
and the rotary valve. In this version, the base assembly com
A related embodiment of the invention relates to a portable prises
medical oxygen concentrator comprising (a) a molded platform comprising a bottom member having
(a) an air separation system adapted to recover oxygen 60 a first Surface and a second Surface generally parallel to
from air that includes the first surface;
(1) four or more cylindrical columns, wherein each col (b) five cylindrical collars attached to the first surface of the
umn includes a feed end, a feed inlet at the feed end, bottom member and adapted to detachably receive and
a product end, and a product outlet at the product end, support respective product ends of the four cylindrical
and wherein at least four of the cylindrical columns 65 adsorbent columns and the product gas storage tank;
are adsorbent columns containing adsorbent material (c) a ported stator plate attached to the first surface of the
for effecting air separation by selective adsorption; bottom member and disposed adjacent at least two of the
US 7,510,601 B2
7 8
two or more cylindrical collars; wherein the ported stator FIG. 2 is a rear view of the portable medical oxygen con
plate is part of the rotary valve adapted to direct gas flow centrator of FIG. 1.
in the operation of the adsorptive gas separation system; FIG.3 is an exploded view of the portable medical oxygen
and wherein the ported Stator plate has a central stator concentrator of FIGS. 1 and 2.
port and four peripheral stator ports adjacent the first 5 FIG. 4 is a cutaway view of the portable medical oxygen
surface of the bottom member. concentrator of FIGS. 1 and 2.
Within each of the five cylindrical collars there is disposed FIG. 5 is a view of the base assembly with attached adsor
a column product port in the bottom member of the molded bent columns, product storage tank, and rotary valve in the
platform, each column product port extending from the first portable medical oxygen concentrator of FIGS. 3 and 4.
surface of the bottom member to a point intermediate the first 10 FIG. 6 is a partial exploded view of FIG. 5.
surface and the second surface of the bottom member, each FIG. 7 is a view of the base assembly of FIGS. 5 and 6.
column product port adapted to be sealably and removably FIG. 8 is a view of the base assembly of FIG.7 showing an
connected to a product outletofa cylindrical column; wherein adsorbent column locked into the base.
each peripheral stator port is connected to a column product FIG.9 is a sectional view of the base assembly of FIG. 7.
port associated with a respective adsorbent column by a pas 15 FIG. 10 is a sectional view of the base assembly of FIG. 7
sage disposed in the bottom member of the base assembly: showing passages thereinforconnecting the rotary valve with
and wherein the central stator port is connected to the column the product ends of the adsorber columns and the inlet end of
product port associated with the product gas storage tank by the product storage tank.
a passage disposed in the bottom member of the base assem FIG.11 is a sectional view of FIG.5 showing taken through
bly. two adsorber columns and the rotary valve mounted in the
The bottom member in this version comprises base assembly.
(1) a first sub-member including the first surface, the five FIG. 12 is a schematic flowsheet of a pressure swing
cylindrical collars attached to the first surface, a first adsorption process using the oxygen concentrator of FIGS.
intermediate surface generally parallel with the first sur
face, and first open channels that comprise first portions 25 The drawings in the Figures listed above are not necessar
of the passages connecting each peripheral stator port to ily to scale.
a respective column product port and the passage con DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
necting central stator port to the column product port
associated with the product gas storage tank; and 30 A portable medical oxygen concentrator and methods of
(2) a second Sub-member including the second Surface and operating the concentrator are provided by the various
a second intermediate surface generally parallel with the embodiments of the invention described below to generate a
second Surface; product containing greater than 85 vol% oxygen. The con
The first and second intermediate surfaces may be joined centrator uses an air separation system to recover oxygen
such that the first open channels in the first sub-member are 35 from air, and this system may be a pressure Swing adsorption
covered by the second intermediate surface, thereby forming unit using a rotary valve to direct gas flow to, from, and
the passages disposed in the bottom member of the base between multiple adsorbent columns. The rotary valve and
assembly that connect each peripheral stator port to a respec adsorbent columns may be mounted in a compact base assem
tive column product port and the passage that connects the bly, and the columns may be detachably connected to the base
central stator port to the column product port associated with 40 assembly at one end to allow easy replacement. Integrated
the product gas storage tank. passages may be disposed in the base assembly for the flow of
The five cylindrical collars in this version typically are gas among the columns and the rotary valve, thereby elimi
arranged Such that a first collar, a second collar, and a third nating separate piping at the product ends of the columns. The
collar are placed at equidistant locations along a first axis and adsorbent columns and base assembly may be fabricated of
a fourth collar and a fifth collar are placed on a second axis 45 plastic or polymeric material to minimize weight.
generally parallel to the first axis, wherein the fourth collar is The components of the air separation system are Sur
adjacent the first collar, the fifth collar is adjacent the third rounded by an external removable shell and may be cooled by
collar, the ported Stator plate is adjacent the second collar and an interior fan that passes external air over the heat-generat
is on the second axis between the fourth collar and the fifth ing components within the shell. Rechargeable batteries to
collar. The cylindrical column that serves as the product gas 50 operate the concentrator may be mounted on an external
storage tank is mounted in the second collar and the cylindri surface of the shell so that the heat generated by battery
cal columns that contain the adsorbent material are mounted operation can be dissipated externally, thereby eliminating
in the first, third, fourth and fifth collars. The bottom platform the associated internal heat load if the batteries were located
may comprise agenerally flatbottom portion having a periph within the shell.
ery, an upper Surface, and a lower Surface, a continuous ver 55 The generic term “pressure swing adsorption’ (PSA)
tical wall segment having an upper end and a lower end, means that the adsorption process operates on the principle of
wherein the lower end is attached to the periphery of the flat differential adsorption between an upper pressure for adsorp
bottom portion and the upper end has a horizontallip attached tion and a lower pressure for desorption, wherein the upper
thereto, wherein the base assembly and the pump assembly pressure is Super-atmospheric and the lower pressure is Super
are mounted on the upper Surface, and wherein the lower 60 atmospheric, atmospheric, or Sub-atmospheric. One version
Surface is adapted to rest on a floor or other external Surface. of a PSA process is defined by the term “pressure vacuum
swing adsorption’ (PVSA) in which the lower pressure is
THE DRAWINGS The term “inflow communication with as applied to a first
65 and second region means that gas can flow from the first
FIG. 1 is a front view of a portable medical oxygen con region to the second region through connecting piping or a
centrator according to an embodiment of the invention. passage and/or an intermediate region. The term "connected
US 7,510,601 B2
to as applied to a first and second region means that gas can ment is a scroll compressor or pump, is driven by motor 19,
flow from the first region to the second region through con and is located coaxially with the motor and with compressor
necting piping or a passage. 17. The integrated pump assembly comprising compressor
The indefinite articles “a” and “an as used herein mean 17, motor 19, and vacuum pump 21 is attached to the flat
one or more when applied to any feature in embodiments of 5 bottom portion of support base 9 by a plurality of shock
the present invention described in the specification and absorbing flexible mounts, one of which is seen as flexible
claims. The use of “a” and “an does not limit the meaning to mount 23. While feed pump 17 and vacuum pump 21 in this
a single feature unless such a limit is specifically stated. The embodiment are scroll-type pumps, any type of pump or
definite article “the preceding singular or plural nouns or compressor known in the art may be used.
noun phrases denotes a particular specified feature or particu 10 In the embodiment of FIG. 4, the pressure Swing adsorp
lar specified features and may have a singular or plural con tion system uses four adsorbent columns, two of which are
notation depending upon the context in which it is used. The seen as adsorbent columns 25 and 27 that are removably
adjective “any means one, some, or all indiscriminately of mounted in cylindrical collars 29 and 31, respectively, which
whatever quantity. The term “and/or placed between a first are part of a base assembly described later. Immediately
entity and a second entity means one of (1) the first entity, (2) 15 behind adsorbent column 27 is an empty column having
the secondentity, and (3) the first entity and the secondentity. similar dimensions that is utilized for product gas storage as
One embodiment of the oxygen concentrator is shown in an later described. Immediately behind adsorbent column 25
external front view in FIG.1. Outer shell 1 includes carrying and next to the product gas storage column is the rotary valve
handle 3, oxygen product outlet 5 for insertion of a cannula to that directs gas flow to, from, and between the multiple adsor
deliver oxygen product to the patient, air inlet grille 7 on one bent columns. Two additional adsorbent columns (not vis
side of the shell, and support base or bottom platform 9 ible) are located behind the gas storage column and the rotary
adapted to Support the concentrator on a floor or any other valve.
surface. Shell 1 may be a single molded piece or may be The compressed gas outlet 33 offeed pump 17 is connected
formed by two or more shell sub-components joined to form to cooling coil 35 for removing the heat of compression from
the shell. A gas outlet grille (not seen in this view) is located 25
the compressed air feed. Air inlet 37 is connected by tubing
on the other side of the shell. User interface panel 2 provides (not shown) to draw external air from an opening (not shown)
buttons and/or knobs which the patient can use to turn the unit inset into Support bracket 41, wherein the opening draws
on and off, switch between continuous product flow and ambient air through an open cell foam filter (not shown)
conserver operation, and adjust the flow rate of the product. behind air inlet grille 7 and then through a finer filter (e.g., felt
The interface panel may provide a display of icons and/or 30
or HEPA) before the compressor intake.
lights to indicate operational status and alarms for the con External air for cooling is drawn in through air inlet grille
centrator, and also allow user selection of operating mode and 7 (not shown here) by fan 39 mounted on support bracket 41,
product flow rates. A printed circuit board that controls the passes over cooling coil 35 and feed pump 17, and exits
interface display may be located on the inside of the shell through outlet grille 8. A thin wall (not shown) may belocated
behind interface panel 2. FIG. 2 shows an external rear view 35
between the base assembly and the integrated assembly of
of the concentrator with handle 3, air inlet grille 7, and Sup compressor 17, motor 19, and vacuum pump 21. The wall
port base 9 as shown in FIG.1. Two battery packs 11 and 13 may be attached to the support base 9 and extend most or all
(typically containing lithium ion batteries) are detachably
connected to the rear external wall of the shell and contain of the way from front to back of base 9 and upward to at least
rechargeable batteries that provide power to operate the con 40 the top of adsorbent column 25 and the adsorbent column
centrator. The battery packs are advantageously mounted out behind the rotary valve. The purpose of the wall is to reduce
side the shell to reduce the generated heat load within the shell the flow of warm air from the area around compressor 17,
as described later. motor 19, and pump 21 which otherwise would flow back to
The concentrator shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, including all the base assembly and adsorbent columns.
internal components described below, typically weighs 45 Control modules 43 and 45 contain electronic control sys
between about 8 and about 16 lb. In one representative tems for AC/DC power conversion, controlling pump speed
embodiment, the overall dimensions are approximately 13 and rotary valve speed, monitoring product pressure, control
inches high by 12 inches wide by 8.6 inches deep. ling conserver operation, controlling the display panel and
An exploded perspective view of the concentrator is given providing system alarms, and managing charging of the bat
in FIG.3 showing shell 1, interface panel 2, handle3, air inlet 50 teries. The control modules contain printed circuit boards
grille 7, and battery packs 11 and 13 as shown in FIGS. 1 and having a Smart charging circuit to control battery charging
2. Also shown in FIG. 3 is outlet grille 8 and components of when the concentrator is operating on external AC power. The
support base 9, namely, vertical wall segment 9a and hori charging circuit determines the amount of incoming power
Zontal lip 9b. Wall segment 9a is attached to a flat bottom and the fraction of the incoming power that is being con
portion (not visible) having a bottom surface adapted to rest 55 Sumed by the concentrator. Any excess power is used the
on a floor or other external surface. Air separation system 15, charge the batteries. The slower the concentrator is running,
which in this embodiment is a pressure Swing adsorption the more power is used to charge the batteries, which shortens
system, is mounted on the upper Surface of the flat bottom the charging time.
portion of support base 9. For each product flow rate setting, a look-up table in a
A larger view of the pressure Swing adsorption system is 60 controller in control module 43 or 45 sets the pump speed,
shown in FIG. 4 and illustrates the general spatial relationship rotary valve speed, and the flow control valve position. The
among some of the system components. Compressed air feed goal is to maintain a constant operating pressure envelope
for the pressure Swing adsorption system is provided by com (i.e., the range of maximum to minimum pressure over the
pressor or feed pump 17, which in this embodiment is a scroll course of the PSA cycle in the adsorbent beds) for the process.
compressor or pump driven by electric motor 19. Vacuum for 65 An optional feedback control loop may be used to monitor the
operation of the pressure Swing adsorption system is provided product tank pressure and adjust the pump and rotary valve
by vacuum compressor or pump 21, which in this embodi speed to maintain a constant average product tank pressure.
US 7,510,601 B2
11 12
Inlet 47 of vacuum pump 21 is connected via vacuum inlet adsorbents for removing the water and carbon dioxide present
line 49 to the feed stator of the rotary valve (not visible) to in ambient air and may be selected from activated alumina
withdraw waste gas sequentially from each adsorbent column and/or sodium type X Zeolite or Sodium/potassium low silica
during the evacuation and purge steps in the adsorption cycle. type X Zeolite and/or various cation forms of chabazite. The
The discharge of the vacuum pump (not seen here) passes 5 adsorbent may be densely packed by various methods known
through silencer or muffler 51 and is finally discharged in the art, Such as Snow fall loading and/or vibrated settling to
through grille 8. prevent movement after loading. Each of these adsorbents
The base assembly with the adsorbent columns, the gas may contain binder or be of a binderless composition, both of
storage column, and the rotary valve is shown in FIG. 5 after which can be manufactured by techniques known in the art.
removal from support base 9 of FIG. 4. The base assembly 10 The shape of the adsorbent particles may be spherical, cylin
comprises a molded platform having bottom member 52 with drical, granular, or any structured adsorbent, Such as lami
a number of attached collars and brackets for mounting the nates or monoliths.
adsorbent columns, the gas storage column, and the rotary The adsorbent may be held in place by two flat circular
valve. The base assembly has six attachment locations ori diffusers at the feed and product ends of the adsorbent col
ented symmetrically in two rows of three to form a “six-pack” 15 umns, wherein one of the diffusers is held under pressure by
configuration as shown. Five cylindrical collars are attached a spring, Such as a wave spring. The circular diffuser may
to the upper surface of the bottom member and are adapted to have a screen or mesh attached to the side adjacent to the
detachably receive and support the respective ends of four adsorbent in order to prevent adsorbent from leaking through
cylindrical adsorbent columns and one empty column for the openings in the diffuser.
product gas storage. The rotary valve is located between two 20 A partially-exploded view of the base assembly is shown in
of the adsorbent columns and directly adjacent all four of the FIG. 6 to illustrate the placement of the adsorbent columns
adsorbent columns. and the rotary valve. Drive motor 81 and outer case 83 of the
Adsorbent column 27 is detachably mounted in and rotary valve are shown here separated from product rotor 85
detachably connected to collar 31, adsorbent column 25 is and product stator 87, which is mounted directly on bottom
detachably mounted in and detachably connected to collar 29, 25 member 52. The feed rotor and the feed stator are located
adsorbent column 53 is detachably mounted in and detach within outer case 83. The feed ends of the adsorbent columns
ably connected to collar 55, and adsorbent column 61 is are connected to the inlets of the feed stator of the rotary valve
detachably mounted in and detachably connected to a fourth by molded tubes 71, 73, 75, and 77. Vacuum outlet 105
collar (not visible). Column 63, which is used for product gas connects the feed stator to vacuum pump 21 (FIG. 4) by
storage and may be empty (i.e., contains none of the adsor- 30 molded tube 49 (not shown in FIG. 6).
bent for air separation located in the adsorbent columns), is The adsorbent columns and the product gas storage column
detachably mounted in and detachably connected to a fifth are detachably mounted in and detachably connected to the
collar (not visible). Optionally, column 63 (the product gas collars that are attached to the upper surface of bottom mem
storage tank) may be elongated to increase its Volume and/or ber 52. Each column has a plurality of studs or bosses on the
it may contain a different adsorbent material than the adsor- 35 outer surface near the bottom that are adapted to be twisted for
bent material in the adsorbent columns, wherein the different engagement and disengagement in notches formed in the
adsorbent material is adapted to increase the effective product sleeves. Adsorbent column 25, for example, has bosses 89 and
tank storage capacity by adsorbing product gas. Rotary valve 91 that snap into retaining notches 93 and 97, respectively, in
65 is mounted to bottom member 52 by four bolted mounts, collar 29. A third boss (not visible) engages and disengages
two of which are seen hereas mounts 67 and 69. The feed ends 40 from retaining notch 99 in collar 29. A view of an engaged
of the adsorbent columns are connected to the feed stator of boss and retaining notch is seen for adsorbent column 53,
rotary valve 65 by molded tubes 71, 73,75, and 77. which is mounted in collar 55 by the engagement of boss 101
Outlet 79 of empty column 63 (the product gas storage into retaining notch 103. Boss 101 can be disengaged from
column) is connected by a tube (not shown) to the built-in retaining notch 103 by rotating adsorbent column 53 coun
conserver (not shown), from which the product gas is Sup- 45 terclockwise (for example, by approximately 17 degrees) and
plied via oxygen product outlet 5 (FIG. 1) to the patients lifting it vertically. The engagement of boss 101 with retain
cannula. A bacterial filter (not shown) may be located ing notch 103 is effected by reversing these steps. This type of
between outlet 79 and oxygen product outlet 5. The conserver engaging and disengaging locking System is described here
may be mounted on control modules 43 or 45, or alternatively for illustration purposes only; other types of locking systems
on the printed circuit board behind interface panel 2. If the 50 are possible and may be used to detachably mount the col
conserver is not used, continuous product gas flows from umns in the base assembly.
outlet 79 to oxygen product outlet 5. An optional external FIG. 7 shows the base assembly without the columns and
humidifier (not shown) may be mounted on the concentrator rotary valve to illustrate the construction of the assembly. The
shell wherein the humidifier is adapted to humidify oxygen three collars 29, 31, and 55 were described in FIGS. 4-7: the
product gas from outlet 79 and deliver humidified gas to 55 other collars not previously described are collars 107 and 109.
oxygen product outlet 5. Product purity typically is between All collars are connected directly to bottom member 52
85 vol % and 96 vol% oxygen, product gas flow rate is wherein the collars and the bottom member may be fabricated
typically in the range of 0.25 to 3.5 LPM, and the delivery separately and joined by an adhesive or welding. Alterna
pressure is between 5 and 9 psig. tively, the collars and bottom member may be fabricated as a
The adsorbent columns contain adsorbent material suitable 60 single piece. The combined collars and bottom member may
for preferentially adsorbing nitrogen from air to yield an be described as a molded platform. In one embodiment, the
oxygen product containing at least 85 Vol % oxygen. The collars and bottom member are made of a plastic or polymeric
adsorbent may be any of the commercially-available adsor material. The three retaining notches in each collar are all
bents for this service such as, for example, type X Zeolite or clearly visible. Mounts 67, 69, 111, and 113 are adapted for
low silica type X Zeolite, wherein at least 80% of the cation 65 mounting rotary valve 65, typically by bolts (not shown)
sites are exchanged with lithium cations. The inlet end of each passing through the center of the mounts and engaging nuts
adsorbent column may contain one or more layers of different located at the bottom of base 137.
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13 14
Within each of the collars is a centrally-located port in peripheral stator port 125. Passage 147 connects stator port
bottom member 52, three of which can be seen as column 121 with product gas storage column inlet port 119.
product ports 115 and 117 within collars 55 and 31, respec A one-way check valve (not shown) may be installed in
tively, and as product gas storage column inlet port 119 within stator port 121 to ensure that oxygen product gas flows only in
collar 107. Identical centrally-located column product ports one direction from adsorbent columns 27, 53, 25, and 61,
(not visible) are located within collars 29 and 109. Product through the rotary valve, through passage 147, and into prod
stator 87 has centrally-located stator port 121 (also described uct gas storage column 63 via inlet port 119. Alternatively, if
as a product gas outlet port) and peripheral Stator ports 123, desired, the check valve can be installed in product gas Stor
125, 127, and 129. These ports are adjacent the upper surface age column inlet port 119. The check valve thus is adapted to
of bottom member 52 and may extend into bottom member 10 prevent backflow of oxygen product gas from product gas
52. As described later, passages may be built into bottom storage column 63 into the PSA system.
member 52 to connect stator port 121 with gas storage column The dimensions of passages 135,141,143, and 145 in FIG.
inlet port 119 and also to connect peripheral stator port 123 10 may be selected such that the dead volumes between the
with column product port 117, peripheral stator port 125 with product end of each adsorbent column and the product end of
the column product port (not visible) within collar 29, periph 15 the rotary valve are essentially equal in order to balance the
eral stator port 127 with column product port 115, and periph operation of the columns during the adsorption cycle. Like
eral stator port 129 with the column product port (not visible) wise, the dimensions of lines 71, 73, 75, and 77 may be
within collar 109. Product stator 87 preferably is located selected such that the dead volumes between the feed end of
adjacent all five collars so that none of the five passages each adsorbent column and the feed end of the rotary valve are
within bottom member 52 cross and so that the five passages essentially equal in order to balance the operation of the
may be essentially co-planar. columns during the adsorption cycle.
FIG. 8 further illustrates the engaging and disengaging The interior regions of the adsorbent columns and rotary
locking system of the embodiment shown in FIGS. 3-6. In this valve are shown in FIG. 11, which is section 4-4 of FIG. 5.
illustration, boss 89 on adsorbent column 25 is retained in Adsorbent column 25 is removably mounted in collar 29 as
retaining notch93 by tab 131 that is formed in collar 29 by the 25 previously described. The bottom end of the column is fitted
specific shape of retaining notch 93. Adsorbent column 25 with tube 149 having compliant sealing element 151 (for
can be removed from collar 29 by rotating the column coun example, an O-ring) located in a circumferential groove
terclockwise (for example, by approximately 17 degrees) and around the outer circumference of the tube. Tube 149 with
lifting the column vertically, thereby allowing boss 89 to pass compliant sealing element 151 is adapted to be sealably and
through the open portion at the top of retaining notch 93. 30 removably inserted into column product port 133 located in
Installation is effected by reversing these steps. bottom member 52 of the molded platform. In like manner,
The base assembly is further illustrated by the cross-sec adsorbent column 53 is removably mounted in collar 55 as
tional view of FIG. 9, which is a section taken along an axis previously described. The bottom end of the column is fitted
formed approximately by the centers of column product port with tube 153 having compliant sealing element 155, (for
115, stator port 121 (also described as a product gas outlet 35 example, an O-ring) located in a circumferential groove
port) of FIG. 7, and column product port 133. The sectional around the outer circumference of the tube. Tube 153 with
view shows column product port 115 in collar 55, column compliant sealing element 155 is adapted to be sealably and
product port 133 in collar 29, and stator port 121. Peripheral removably inserted into column product port 115 located in
stator port 127 is connected and placed in flow communica bottom member 52 of the molded platform. Adsorbent col
tion with column product port 115 by passage 135. This 40 umns 27 and 61 likewise are sealably and removably inserted
passage may be formed as a channel within bottom member into column product ports 117 and 139, respectively (not
52 wherein the channel is closed by joining the upper surface visible).
of base 137 to the lower surface of bottom member 52, Column 63, which is used for product gas storage, simi
thereby forming the passage. Alternatively, the channel could larly is fitted with a tube having a compliant sealing element,
be formed in base 137. In another alternative, passage 135 45 for example, an O-ring, located in a circumferential groove
may be formed by groups of partial channels, one group in around the outer circumference of the tube. The tube serves as
base 137 and the other group as a mirror image in bottom a product gas inlet and has a compliant sealing element simi
member 52. In any of these three alternatives, bottom member lar to compliant sealing element 155 that is adapted to be
52 and base 137 may be defined as first and second sub sealably and removably inserted into gas storage column inlet
members that are joined at an interface as shown to form the 50 port 119 (not visible) located in bottom member 52 of the
bottom portion of the base assembly. molded platform.
Peripheral stator port 123 is connected and placed in flow Any of the five columns (adsorbent columns 27.53, 25, and
communication with the column product port (not visible) 61 and gas product storage column 63) thus can be sealably
within collar 31 by a passage (not visible) similar to passage and removably inserted into the appropriate gas storage col
135. Peripheral stator port 129 is connected and placed in flow 55 umn inlet ports located in bottom member 52 of the base
communication with the column product port (not visible) assembly.
within collar 109 by a passage (not visible) similar to passage The rotary valve used in this embodiment comprises two
135. rotors and two stators, one rotor-stator set for directing gas
The ports and the passages connecting the ports in the base flow at the feed ends of the adsorbent columns and the other
assembly are shown in FIG. 10, which is section 2-2 of FIG. 60 for directing gas flow at the product ends of the adsorbent
7. The section shows column product ports 115, 117, 133, and columns. In this embodiment, the adsorbent columns
139; stator port 121; and peripheral stator ports 123,125,127, described above are oriented such that the bottom ends are the
and 129. Passage 135 connects column product port 115 with product ends and the top ends are the feed ends. The function
peripheral stator port 127, passage 141 connects column of the rotor-stator set serving the feed ends of the columns is
product port 139 with peripheral stator port 129, passage 143 65 to direct compressed air from the feed pump sequentially to
connects column product port 117 with peripheral stator port each column for the feed/make product step of the process
123, and passage 145 connects column product port 133 with cycle and to connect each column sequentially with the
US 7,510,601 B2
15 16
vacuum pump to withdraw waste gas from each column dur rotates, the product ends of selected pairs of adsorbent col
ing the purge and evacuation steps of the process cycle. The umns are placed sequentially in flow communication accord
function of the rotor-stator set serving the product ends of the ing to the specific pressure Swing adsorption cycle used in the
columns is to connect each adsorbent column sequentially process operation.
with the inlet of the gas product storage tank during the 5 The medical oxygen concentrator described above may be
feed/make product step of the cycle, to connect pairs of col operated in any desired four-bed pressure Swing adsorption
umns sequentially to allow gas transfer during the pressure (PSA) cycle. An exemplary schematic flowsheet is shown in
equalization step, to connect pairs of columns sequentially to FIG. 12 for a pressure/vacuum swing adsorption (PVSA)
allow gas transfer during the purge/provide purge step, and to process using four adsorbent beds and a single product gas
connect each column sequentially with the product gas outlet 10 storage tank. In the process, ambient air via inlet line 165 is
that leads to the product storage column during the product compressed to a pressure of 18 to 26 psia in feed pump 167
gas pressurization step. and flows via line 169 to the feed inlet of rotary valve 171.
Various types of two-rotor rotary valves for use in pressure Feed pump 167 may be any type of gas compressor known in
Swing adsorption systems are known in the art, and any of the art; in this embodiment, the pump is a scroll-type com
these may be adapted for use in embodiments of the invention 15 pressor or pump that is part of integrated pump system 173
described above. One two-rotor valve having utility in these comprising central drive motor 175, feed pump 167, and
embodiments is described in United States published appli vacuum pump 177 (these may correspond, for example, to
cation number 2007/0028791, which is incorporated herein drive motor 19, feed pump 17, and vacuum pump 21 of FIG.
by reference. Single-rotor rotary valves for use in pressure 4).
Swing adsorption systems also are known in the art and may Rotary valve 171 comprises feed stator 159, feed rotor 157,
be adapted for use in these embodiments. product stator 161, and product rotor 163. Rotors 157 and 163
The valve shown in the sectional view of FIG. 11 uses the are rotated by a drive motor (not shown) that corresponds to
upper rotor-stator set for directing gas flow at the feed ends, drive motor 81 of FIGS. 6 and 11. Feed Stator 159 has four
i.e., the upper ends, of adsorbent columns 27, 53, 25, and 61. feed ports connected to lines 71, 73,75, and 77 (see also FIG.
The lower rotor-stator set is used for directing gas flow 25 6) which in turn are connected to adsorbent columns 27, 61.
between the product ends, i.e., the lower ends, of the adsor 53, and 25 (see also FIG. 6), respectively. Another port on
bent columns and between the adsorbent columns and gas feed stator 159 is connected via line 179 to vacuum pump 177.
product storage column 63. Feed rotor 157 has a flat, smooth rotor face in sealable and
Upper or feed stator 159 has ports in flow communication rotatable contact with the face offeed stator 159 and has ports
with the upper or feed ends of adsorbent columns 27, 53, 25. 30 adapted to register sequentially with selected ports in the face
and 61, a port in flow communication with the outlet of of feed Stator 159 as the face of feed rotor 157 rotates on the
cooling coil 35 (FIG. 4) connected to feed air compressor 17 face of feed stator 159. Feed rotor 157 has internal passages
(FIG. 4), and a port in flow communication with vacuum that connect selected ports on the rotor face so that, as feed
outlet 105 (FIG. 6) that connects to vacuum pump 21 (FIG. 4). rotor 157 rotates, the feed ends of adsorbent columns 27, 25,
The ends of these ports are located in a flat, smooth face of 35 53, and 61 (or columns 61,53, 25, and 27) are placed sequen
upper or feed stator 159. Feed rotor 157 has a flat, smooth tially in selected flow communication with feed air compres
rotor face in sealable and rotatable contact with the face of sor 167 and vacuum pump 177 according to the specific
feed stator 159 and has ports adapted to register sequentially pressure Swing adsorption cycle used in the process opera
with selected ports in the face offeed stator 159 as the face of tion. The internal cavity of rotary valve 171 may be main
feed rotor 157 rotates on the face offeed Stator 159. Feed rotor 40 tained at Sub-atmospheric pressure to protect the product ends
157 has internal passages that connect selected ports on the of the adsorbent columns from contamination by water in
rotor face so that, as feed rotor 157 rotates, the feed ends of ambient air in the event of leakage across the stator-rotor
adsorbent columns 27, 25, 53, and 61 (or columns 61,53, 25, interfaces.
and 27 if the rotors rotate in the opposite direction) are placed Product stator 161 has four product ports that are con
sequentially in selected flow communication with feed air 45 nected
compressor 17 and vacuum pump 21 according to the specific 53, 61,via lines 135,141,143, and 145 to adsorbent columns
pressure Swing adsorption cycle used in the process opera channels27,135, and 25, respectively. These lines correspond to
141, 143, and 145 in FIG. 10. Product stator
Lower or product stator 161 has ports in flow communica gas 161 also has a port that is connected via line 147 to product
storage column 63. Line 147 corresponds to passage 147
tion with the lower or product ends of adsorbent columns 27, 50 of FIG. 10. Oxygen product line 181 leads directly to oxygen
53, 25, and 61, and a port in flow communication with the product outlet 5 or to an optional built-in conserver (not
inlet of product gas storage column 63. The ends of these shown).
ports are located in a flat, smooth face of product stator 161. An exemplary pressure Swing adsorption process using the
Product rotor 163 has a flat, smooth rotor face in sealable and system of FIG. 12 utilizes an eight-step repeating cycle out
rotatable contact with the face of product stator 161 and has 55 lined below for a given adsorbent column:
ports adapted to register sequentially with selected ports in
the face of product stator 161 as the face of product rotor 163 (1) a feed/make product step wherein the pressurized feed
rotates on the face of product stator 161. Product rotor 163 has air is introduced into a feed end of the bed while the
internal passages that connect selected ports on that stator oxygen-enriched product gas is withdrawn from a prod
face so that, as product rotor 163 rotates, the product ends of 60 uct end of the bed;
adsorbent columns 27, 25, 53, and 61 (or columns 61,53, 25, (2) a feed/make product/provide repressurization step
and 27 if the rotors rotate in the opposite direction) are placed wherein the pressurized feed air is introduced into a feed
sequentially in selected flow communication with the inlet of end of the bed while an oxygen-enriched product gas is
product gas storage column 63 according to the specific pres withdrawn from a product end of the bed, and wherein a
Sure Swing adsorption cycle used in the process operation. 65 portion of the product gas is used for pressurizing
Product rotor 163 also has internal passages that connect pairs another bed undergoing its product repressurization
of selected ports on the rotor face so that, as product rotor 163 step;
US 7,510,601 B2
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(3) a depressurization step in which the bed is depressur native, the two parallel rows of three positions may be offset
ized by withdrawing gas therefrom, wherein at least a rather than directly opposite as in FIG. 5 such that the rotary
portion of the gas withdrawn therefrom is transferred to valve is directly adjacent and equidistant from the adsorbent
another bed undergoing a repressurization step; columns, and the product gas storage column is located on the
(4) a provide purge step in which the bed is further depres 5 opposite side of two adsorbent columns such that the adsor
Surized by withdrawing gas therefrom, wherein at least a bent columns are between the product gas storage column and
portion of the gas withdrawn therefrom is transferred to the rotary valve. The passages in the base of the Support
another bed undergoing a purge step; assembly can be modified from the orientation of FIG. 10 for
(5) an evacuation step in which gas is withdrawn from the this alternative.
feed end of the bed until the bed reaches a minimum 10 While the system and process described above utilize four
Sub-atmospheric bed pressure; adsorbent beds and the PSA cycle of Table 1, other numbers
(6) a purge step in which the bed is purged by introducing of beds and other PSA cycles may be used if desired. For
purge gas into the product end of the bed while continu example, the base assembly of FIG. 7 could be modified to
ing to evacuate the bed, wherein the purge gas is pro Support two adsorbent columns, one product gas storage col
vided from another bed undergoing step (4); 15 umn, and the rotary valve in a “four-pack’ configuration. In
(7) a repressurization step in which pressurization gas is another example, the “six-pack” orientation of FIG.5 may be
introduced into the product end of the bed, wherein the used with three adsorbent columns and two product gas Stor
pressurization gas is provided from another bed under age columns. In another example, a system having five adsor
going step (3); and bent columns and one product gas storage column may be
(8) a product repressurization step in which product gas used wherein the adsorbent columns and product gas storage
from another bed or the gas product storage tank is column are located in a hexagonal pattern around the rotary
introduced into the product end of the bed. valve. In yet another example, a system with seven adsorbent
Product repressurization step (8) may be followed by a feed columns and one product gas storage column may be
repressurization step wherein feed gas is introduced into the designed such that the columns and rotary valve positions are
feed end of the bed for a period prior to the initiation of 25 oriented in three parallel rows of three (i.e., a “nine-pack”)
product withdrawal in feed/make product step (1). with the rotary valve in the center. Other alternative geom
Each of adsorbent columns 27, 61, 53, and 25 in turn etries, numbers of adsorbent columns, and numbers of prod
undergoes these steps, and the relationship among the steps in uct gas storage columns can be envisioned by a skilled
the columns is Summarized in the cycle chart given below in designer of these systems. Any of these alternatives may
Table 1. 30 utilize the embodiment of the invention described above
wherein the columns are mounted in a base assembly having
TABLE 1. integral internal passages that connect the columns with the
ports of the rotary valve.
a-Bed PVSA Cycle Chart The oxygen concentrator described above may be operated
Column Step Number
35 in any orientation. Support base or bottom platform 9 (FIGS.
1 and 2) defines a planar Surface, and the concentrator is
27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 adapted to operate when the planar Surface is oriented hori
Zontally or at any angle from a horizontal plane. In most
25 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 applications, base 9 (FIGS. 1 and 2) is placed on a floor or
40 other horizontal surface. However, in other applications, the
concentrator may be operated while resting on its front or
Rotary valve 171 controls the directions of sequential gas back, for example, under the seat of an airplane, train, bus, or
flow as follows: feed gas flow to each column and product gas ferry.
from each column in turn during steps 1 and 2; product gas The concentrator may be operated in any of several power
flow from a column making product or the product gas Stor 45 Supply modes. In one mode, the concentrator is operated on
age cylinder 63 to each column during product repressuriza AC power while connected to an AC power outlet, and the
tion step 8; repressurization gas flow in turn from column 27 batteries are recharged as necessary during this operation. In
to column 53, column 61 to 25, column 53 to column 27, and another mode, the concentrator is operated on AC power
column 25 to column 61 during steps 3 and 7: provide purge while the batteries are detached for external charging or main
gas flow in turn from column 27 to column 25, column 61 to 50 tenance. In a third mode, the concentrator is operated on
column 27, column 53 to column 61, and column 25 to col battery power alone. In a fourth mode, the concentrator is
umn 53 during steps 4 and 6: evacuation waste gas flow from operated on DC power while connected to a DC power outlet
each column in turn during step 5; and purge waste gas flow in a car or other means of transportation or alternatively while
from each column in turn during step 6. The elapsed time for connected to a DC storage battery during an AC power out
each step may be set at any desired duration; an exemplary 55 age. When operating on externally-supplied DC power, the
elapsed time of 1.0 second may be selected for each step, concentrator batteries may be attached to or detached from
thereby giving an exemplary total repeating cycle time of 8.0 the concentrator.
seconds. The invention claimed is:
While the four adsorbent column system described above 1. A portable medical oxygen concentrator comprising
utilizes a “six-pack” orientation in which the base assembly 60 (a) an air separation system adapted to recover oxygen
of FIG. 7 supports the four adsorbent beds, the product gas from air, wherein the air separation system comprises
storage column, and the rotary valve in two symmetrical rows (1) two or more adsorbent columns, each column includ
of three positions, other orientations are possible as long as ing a feed end, a product end, and adsorbent material
the rotary valve is adjacent each of the adsorbent columns. for effecting gas separation by selective adsorption;
For example, a pentagonal orientation is possible in which the 65 (2) a pump assembly comprising a feed pump having a
rotary valve is surrounded symmetrically by the four adsor compressed air outlet and a vacuum pump having a
bent columns and product storage column. In another alter gas inlet,
US 7,510,601 B2
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(3) an oxygen product outlet; enclosed volume formed by the shell and bottom plat
(4) a rotary valve having a first plurality of ports adapted form when the shell is connected to the bottom platform.
to place the compressed air outlet of the feed pump in 5. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 4
flow communication sequentially with the feed end of comprising one or more rechargeable batteries detachably
each adsorbent column and to place the gas inlet of the 5 connected to the outer wall of the shell and adapted to provide
vacuum pump in flow communication sequentially power to drive the feed pump and the vacuum pump.
with the feed end of each adsorbent column and hav 6. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 5
ing a second plurality of ports adapted to place the comprising a control system and a conserver, wherein the
oxygen product outlet in flow communication rechargeable batteries are adapted to provide power to the
sequentially with the product end of each adsorbent 10 control system and conserver.
column and to place the product end of each adsorbent 7. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 5
column in flow communication sequentially with the wherein the bottom platform defines a planar surface and
product end of another adsorbent column; and wherein the concentrator is adapted to operate when the pla
(5) a base assembly adapted to Support the two or more nar Surface is oriented horizontally or at any angle from a
adsorbent columns and the rotary valve; 15 horizontal plane.
(b) a bottom platform and a shell having an outer wall, 8. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 5
wherein the shell is detachably connected to the bottom wherein the shell has an inlet grille, an outlet grille, and a fan
platform, wherein the base assembly is attached to the disposed in the enclosed Volume and adapted to draw ambient
bottom platform, wherein the shell and bottom platform air into the enclosed Volume and discharge heated air from the
define an enclosed volume when the shell is connected to enclosed Volume.
the bottom platform, and wherein the air separation sys 9. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 8
tem is disposed in the enclosed Volume; and comprising a cooling coil attached to the compressed air
(c) one or more rechargeable batteries detachably con outlet of the feed pump and adapted to cool hot compressed
nected to the outer wall of the shell and adapted to air from the feed pump, wherein the fan is adapted to pass
provide power to drive the air separation system. 25 ambient air over the cooling coil and the feed pump.
2. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 1 10. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 9
wherein the feed pump and the vacuum pump are scroll-type wherein the shell has a bottom end adjacent the bottom plat
compressors, each being driven by a common drive motor, form and an upper end opposite the bottom end, wherein the
and wherein the drive motor is disposed coaxially between enclosed volume includes a dividing wall disposed between
the feed pump and the vacuum pump. 30 the base assembly and the pump assembly, and wherein the
3. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 1 dividing wall extends upward from the bottom platform to a
wherein the shell has a bottom end adjacent the bottom plat point intermediate the bottom platform and the upper end of
form and an upper end opposite the bottom end, wherein the the shell.
enclosed volume includes a dividing wall disposed between 11. An adsorptive gas separation system comprising
the base assembly and the pump assembly, and wherein the 35 (a) two or more cylindrical columns, wherein each column
dividing wall extends upward from the bottom platform to a includes a feed end, a feed inlet at the feed end, a product
point intermediate the bottom platform and the upper end of end, and a product outlet at the product end, and wherein
the shell. at least two of the cylindrical columns are adsorbent
4. A portable medical oxygen concentrator comprising columns containing adsorbent material for effecting gas
(a) an air separation system adapted to recover oxygen 40 separation by selective adsorption;
from air that includes (b) a pump assembly comprising a feed pump having a
(1) two or more adsorbent columns, each column includ compressed gas outlet and a vacuum pump having a gas
ing a feed end, a product end, and adsorbent material inlet;
for effecting gas separation by selective adsorption; (c) a product gas outlet;
(2) a pump assembly comprising a feed pump having a 45 (d) a rotary valve having a first plurality of ports adapted to
compressed air outlet and a vacuum pump having a place the compressed gas outlet of the feed pump in flow
gas inlet; communication sequentially with the feed end of each
(3) an oxygen product outlet; adsorbent column and to place the gas inlet of the
(4) a rotary valve having a first plurality of ports adapted vacuum pump in flow communication sequentially with
to place the compressed air outlet of the feed pump in 50 the feed end of each adsorbent column and having a
flow communication sequentially with the feed end of second plurality of ports adapted to place the product gas
each adsorbent column and to place the gas inlet of the outlet in flow communication sequentially with the
vacuum pump in flow communication sequentially product end of each adsorbent column and to place the
with the feed end of each adsorbent column and hav product end of each adsorbent column in flow commu
ing a second plurality of ports adapted to place the 55 nication sequentially with the product end of another
oxygen product outlet in flow communication adsorbent column;
sequentially with the product end of each adsorbent (e)a base assembly upon which the adsorbent columns and
column and to place the product end of each adsorbent the rotary valve are mounted; and
column in flow communication sequentially with the (f) a Support platform upon which the base assembly and
product end of another adsorbent column; and 60 the pump assembly are mounted.
(5) a base assembly adapted to Support the two or more 12. The adsorptive gas separation system of claim 11 com
adsorbent columns and the rotary valve; and prising a product gas storage tank in flow communication
(b) a bottom platform and a shell having an outer wall, with the product gas outlet and in sequential flow communi
wherein the base assembly and the pump assembly are cation with the product outlet at the product end of each
mounted on the bottom platform, wherein the shell is 65 adsorbent column.
detachably connected to the bottom platform, and 13. The adsorptive gas separation system of claim 12
wherein the air separation system is disposed in an wherein the product gas storage tank is one of the two or more
US 7,510,601 B2
21 22
cylindrical columns, contains none of the adsorbent material, (b) two or more cylindrical collars attached to the first
and is mounted on the base assembly. surface of the bottom member and adapted to detachably
14. The adsorptive gas separation system of claim 12 receive and Support respective ends of two or more
wherein the product gas storage tank contains a different cylindrical columns; and
adsorbent material than the adsorbent material in the adsor 5 (c) a ported stator plate attached to the first surface of the
bent columns, wherein the different adsorbent material is bottom member, wherein the ported stator plate is part of
adapted to increase the effective product tank storage capac a rotary valve adapted to direct gas flow in the operation
ity. of the adsorptive gas separation system, and wherein the
ported Stator plate has a central stator port and two or
15. The adsorptive gas separation system of claim 11 10 more peripheral stator ports adjacent the first Surface of
wherein the base assembly comprises a molded platform the bottom member;
comprising a bottom member having a first Surface and a wherein a column product port is disposed in the bottom
second Surface generally parallel to the first Surface, two or member of the molded platform within each of the two or
more cylindrical collars attached to the first surface of the more cylindrical collars, each column product port extending
bottom member and adapted to detachably receive and Sup 15 from the first surface of the bottom member to a point inter
port the respective product ends of the two or more cylindrical mediate the first surface and the second surface of the bottom
adsorbent columns, and a ported Stator plate attached to the member, each column product port adapted to be sealably and
first surface of the bottom member, and wherein the ported removably connected to a cylindrical column, and wherein
stator plate is part of the rotary valve and includes the second each peripheral stator port is connected to a respective col
plurality of ports adapted to place the product gas outlet in umn product port by a passage disposed in the bottom mem
flow communication sequentially with the product end of ber of the base assembly.
each adsorbent column and to place the product end of each 21. The base assembly of claim 20 comprising two or more
adsorbent column in flow communication sequentially with cylindrical columns, each column having an interior and a
the product end of another adsorbent column. tube at one end in flow communication with the interior,
25 wherein the tube has a compliant sealing element disposed
16. The adsorptive gas separation system of claim 15 around an outer circumference thereof, and wherein the tube
wherein the ported Stator plate has a central stator port and with the compliant sealing element is adapted to be sealably
two or more peripheral statorports adjacent the first Surface of and removably inserted into a column product port disposed
the bottom member; wherein a column product port is dis in the bottom member of the molded platform.
posed in the bottom member of the molded platform within 30 22. The base assembly of claim 21 wherein the compliant
each of the two or more cylindrical collars, each column sealing element is an O-ring disposed in a circumferential
product port extending from the first surface of the bottom groove in an outer surface of the tube and wherein the O-ring
member to a point intermediate the first surface and the sec is sized such that the tube and O-ring can be sealably and
ond surface of the bottom member; wherein each column removably inserted into a column product port.
product port and each cylindrical adsorbent column is 35 23. The base assembly of claim 22 wherein each column is
adapted such that the product outlet of a cylindrical adsorbent adapted to be locked into a cylindrical collar while the tube
column can be sealably and removably connected to a column and O-ring are sealably inserted into the column product port
product port; and wherein each peripheral stator port is con of the cylindrical collar and is adapted to be unlocked from
nected to a respective column product port by a passage the cylindrical collar while the tube and O-ring are removed
disposed in the bottom member of the base assembly. 40 from the column product port.
17. The adsorptive gas separation system of claim 12 24. The base assembly of claim 21 wherein at least two of
wherein the cylindrical adsorbent columns and/or the base the two or more cylindrical columns are adsorbent columns
assembly comprise plastic or polymeric material. containing adsorbent material for effecting gas separation by
18. The adsorptive gas separation system of claim 15 selective adsorption.
wherein the bottom member and the two or more cylindrical 45 25. The base assembly of claim 21 wherein at least one of
collars are formed from a single piece of molded polymeric or the two or more cylindrical columns is adapted to be used as
plastic material. a product gas storage tank.
19. The adsorptive gas separation system of claim 16 com 26. The base assembly of claim 25 wherein the product gas
prising a product gas storage tank in flow communication storage tank contains an adsorbent material adapted to
50 increase the effective product tank storage capacity.
with the product gas outlet and in flow communication via the 27. The base assembly of claim 20 wherein the bottom
central stator port with the product outlet at the product end of member comprises
each adsorbent column, wherein the product gas storage tank (1) a first sub-member including the first surface, the two or
is one of the two or more cylindrical columns, contains none more cylindrical collars attached to the first surface, a
of the adsorbent material, and is detachably Supported in one 55 first intermediate surface generally parallel with the first
of the cylindrical collars on the base assembly; wherein the Surface, and open channels that form portions of the
feed inlet of the product gas storage tank is adapted to be passages connecting each peripheral stator port to a
sealably and removably connected to a column product port respective column product port; and
disposed in the bottom member of the molded platform (2) a second Sub-member including the second Surface and
within the cylindrical collar; and wherein the column product 60 a second intermediate Surface generally parallel with the
port is connected to the central stator port by a passage dis second Surface;
posed in the bottom member of the base assembly. wherein the first and second intermediate Surfaces are joined
20. A base assembly for an adsorptive gas separation sys such that the first open channels in the first sub-member are
tem comprising covered by the second intermediate surface, thereby forming
(a) a molded platform comprising a bottom member having 65 the passages disposed in the bottom member of the base
a first Surface and a second Surface generally parallel to assembly that connect each peripheral stator port to a respec
the first surface; tive column product port.
US 7,510,601 B2
23 24
28. The base assembly of claim 20 wherein the bottom 32. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 31
member comprises comprising a check valve having an inlet and an outlet, piping
(1) a first sub-member including the first surface, the two or connecting the product gas outlet port with the inlet of the
more cylindrical collars attached to the first surface, a check valve, and piping connecting the outlet of the check
first intermediate surface generally parallel with the first valve with the product gas storage tank.
Surface, and first open channels that form first portions 33. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 31
of the passages connecting each peripheral stator port to wherein the product gas storage tank is one of the cylindrical
a respective column product port; and columns and is mounted on the base assembly.
(2) a second Sub-member including the second Surface, a 34. The base assembly of claim 33 wherein the product gas
second intermediate surface generally parallel with the 10 storage tank contains a different adsorbent material than the
second Surface, and second open channels that form adsorbent material in the adsorbent columns, wherein the
second portions of the passages connecting each periph different adsorbent material is adapted to increase the effec
eral stator port to a respective column product port; tive product tank storage capacity.
wherein the first and second intermediate surfaces are joined 35. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 33
such that the first open channels in the first sub-member are 15 comprising a conserver adapted to deliver oxygen product
congruent with the second open channels of the second Sub from the product gas storage tank to the oxygen product
member, thereby forming the passages disposed in the bottom outlet, wherein the conserver is adapted to deliver the oxygen
member of the base assembly that connect each peripheral during a patients inhalation period and to deliver no oxygen
stator port to a respective column product port. during the patient’s exhalation period.
29. The base assembly of claim 21 wherein any of the 36. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 33
molded platform, the two or more cylindrical collars, and the comprising four adsorbent columns and the product gas Stor
two or more cylindrical adsorbent columns comprise plastic age tank, wherein the base assembly supports the four adsor
or polymeric material. bent columns, the gas storage tank, and the rotary valve.
30. A portable medical oxygen concentrator comprising 37. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 36
(a) an air separation system adapted to recover oxygen 25 wherein the base assembly comprises
from air that includes (a) a molded platform comprising a bottom member having
(1) four or more cylindrical columns, wherein each col a first Surface and a second Surface generally parallel to
umn includes a feed end, a feed inlet at the feed end, the first surface;
a product end, and a product outlet at the product end, (b) five cylindrical collars attached to the first surface of the
and wherein at least four of the cylindrical columns 30 bottom member and adapted to detachably receive and
are adsorbent columns containing adsorbent material support respective product ends of the four cylindrical
for effecting air separation by selective adsorption: adsorbent columns and the product gas storage tank;
(2) a pump assembly comprising a feed pump having a (c) a ported stator plate attached to the first surface of the
compressed air outlet and a vacuum pump having a bottom member and disposed adjacent at least two of the
gas inlet; 35 five cylindrical collars; wherein the ported stator plate is
(3) an oxygen product outlet; part of the rotary valve adapted to direct gas flow in the
(4) a rotary valve having a first plurality of ports adapted operation of the adsorptive gas separation system; and
to place the compressed air outlet of the feed pump in wherein the ported Stator plate has a central stator port
flow communication sequentially with the feed end of and four peripheral stator ports adjacent the first Surface
each adsorbent column and to place the gas inlet of the 40 of the bottom member;
vacuum pump in flow communication sequentially wherein within each of the five cylindrical collars there is
with the feed end of each adsorbent column, a product disposed a column product port in the bottom member of the
gas outlet port, and a second plurality of ports adapted molded platform, each column product port extending from
to place the product gas outlet port in flow communi the first surface of the bottom member to a point intermediate
cation sequentially with the product end of each 45 the first surface and the second surface of the bottom member,
adsorbent column and to place the product end of each each column product port adapted to be sealably and remov
adsorbent column in flow communication sequen ably connected to a product outlet of a cylindrical column;
tially with the product end of another adsorbent col wherein each peripheral stator port is connected to a column
umn; and product port associated with a respective adsorbent column
(5) a base assembly adapted to support the at least four 50 by a passage disposed in the bottom member of the base
adsorbent columns and the rotary valve; assembly; and wherein the central stator port is connected to
(b) a bottom platform and a shell having an outer wall, the column product port associated with the product gas Stor
wherein the base assembly and the pump assembly are age tank by a passage disposed in the bottom member of the
mounted on the bottom platform, wherein the shell is base assembly.
detachably connected to the bottom platform, and 55 38. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 37
wherein the air separation system is enclosed by the wherein the bottom member comprises
shell and bottom platform when the shell is connected to (1) a first sub-member including the first surface, the five
the bottom platform; and cylindrical collars attached to the first surface, a first
(c) one or more rechargeable batteries detachably con intermediate surface generally parallel with the first sur
nected to the outer wall of the shell and adapted to 60 face, and first open channels that form first portions of
provide power to drive the feed pump, the vacuum the passages connecting each peripheral stator port to a
pump, and the rotary valve. respective column product port and the passage connect
31. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 30 ing central stator port to the column product port asso
comprising a product gas storage tank in continuous flow ciated with the product gas storage tank; and
communication with the product gas outlet port and in 65 (2) a second Sub-member including the second Surface and
sequential flow communication with the product outlet at the a second intermediate Surface generally parallel with the
product end of each adsorbent column. second Surface;
US 7,510,601 B2
25 26
wherein the first and second intermediate surfaces are joined 40. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 39
such that the first open channels in the first sub-member are wherein the cylindrical column that serves as the product gas
covered by the second intermediate surface, thereby forming storage tank is mounted in the second collar and the cylindri
the passages disposed in the bottom member of the base cal columns that contain the adsorbent material are mounted
assembly that connect each peripheral stator port to a respec in the first, third, fourth and fifth collars.
tive column product port and the passage that connects the 41. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 30
central stator port to the column product port associated with wherein the bottom platform comprises a generally flat bot
the product gas storage tank. tom portion having a periphery, an upper Surface, and a lower
39. The portable medical oxygen concentrator of claim 37 Surface, a continuous vertical wall segment having an upper
wherein the five cylindrical collars are arranged Such that a 10 end and a lower end, wherein the lower end is attached to the
first collar, a second collar, and a third collar are placed at periphery of the flat bottom portion and the upper end has a
equidistant locations along a first axis and a fourth collar and horizontal lip attached thereto, wherein the base assembly
a fifth collar are placed on a second axis generally parallel to and the pump assembly are mounted on the upper Surface, and
the first axis, wherein the fourth collar is adjacent the first wherein the lower surface is adapted to rest on a floor or other
collar, the fifth collar is adjacent the third collar, the ported 15 external Surface.
stator plate is adjacent the second collar and is on the second
axis between the fourth collar and the fifth collar.

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