DT123 - 08 - 03 - 07 - D. Minniti, 2016

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acid, with partial improvement. After 8 cycles of therapy he was Biopsy of the lymph nodes shows structure subverted for many histio-
admitted to the Medical ward with fever, agitatation and back pain. cytic cells and plasmacytoid and necrotizing granuloma.
Physical examination was not significant. Blood tests showed For ex-juvantibus test, we treated him with prednisone for a month, with
leukocytosis and mild increase in PCR. Head CT scan did not showed rapid improvement. At six months, he was healed.
signs of stroke or intracranial hypertension. Chest X ray was negative. Discussion: The exclusion of other more common causes of lym-
In the suspicion of meningitis, Ceftriaxone was started but the patient phadenopathy and the favourable outcome have led to the diagnosis
was soon referred to the intensive care unit due to persistance of fever of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease or histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis. It
and appearance of drowsiness and hemodynamic instability. From is a rare idiopathic self-limiting disease, most commonly in Asian and
blood and cerebrospinal fluid cultures penicillin-sensitive Listeria Caucasian females of childbearing age. The clinical course can mimic
Monocytogenes was found. Despite adequate antibiotic therapy, multi lymphoma, sarcoidosis and tuberculosis.
organ failure occurred and the patient died few days later. Discussion: Conclusions: The interest of the case lies in the rarity for the African
Listeria central nervous system infections have 100% mortality if race and in the possible trigger of interferon therapy. This disease comes
untreated and 13 to 43% if properly treated. Listeria is the most in differential diagnosis of fever of unknown origin.
common cause of bacterial meningitis in patients with underlying
neoplastic disease, especially lymphoma, in organ transplant recipients
and in those receiving glucocorticoids for any reason, so that ✪ 93% oxygen: the emerging technology for health system
appropriate treatment should be started immediately in patients with D. Minniti1, S. Passi2, M.R. Gualano3, F. Cattel4, G. Ceravolo5, R. Siliquini3,
suspected meningitis and those conditions. On the other hand, F. Boraso6
screening for malignancy is recommended among survivors of Listeria 1
meningitis, mostly over 50 years of age. Direzione Sanitaria Intersede, ASL TO3, Torino; 2Scuola di Specializzazione
in Igiene e Medicina Preventiva, Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino;
Dipartimento di Scienze della Sanità Pubblica e Pediatriche, Università
Studio osservazionale sulla qualità dell’assistenza degli Studi di Torino, Torino; 4SC Farmacia, Presidio Molinette, AO Città
infermieristica in cure palliative della Salute, Torino; 5SC Farmacia, ASL TO3, Torino; 6Direzione Generale,

ASL TO3, Torino, Italy
G. Miele1, C. Mastroianni2, M. Roccu2, G. Pentella1, G. Uomo3,
Introduction: With the introductions of the Oxygen O2 93% monography

M. Iannuzzo4, A. Fontanella5
1 in the European Pharmacopoeia, it is now possible to administer this
Ospedale Buon Consiglio Fatebenefratelli, Napoli; 2Centro Studio San
medicinal gas to patients as an alternative to the traditional O2 99%.
Giovanni di Dio, Univerisità “La Sapienza”, Roma; 3UOC Medicina
The ASLTO3, a Public Local Health Service in Piedmont, is the first in
Interna, A. Cardarelli, Napoli; 4UOS Epidemiologia Risk Management,

Italy to decide to experiment the production of O2 93% at the Venaria
Ospedale Buon Consiglio Fatebenefratelli, Napoli; 5UOC Medicina Interna,
Reale Hospital in Turin.
Ospedale Buon Consiglio Fatebenefratelli, Napoli, Italy

Premessa: Il grado di soddisfazione dei servizi di Cure Palliative è con-

Materials and Methods: Since July 2015 (12 months), a Randomized
Controlled Trial has been carried out. O2 93% or O2 99% were been
randomly administered to the patients hospitalized in General
siderato un outcome da perseguire ad assistenza conclusa quindi al Medicine. Clinical efficacy and management safety were defined as
decesso del paziente. Lo studio ha lo scopo di comprendere come mi- outcomes of the present study. Cost-efficacy and cost-efficiency

gliorare l’assistenza fornita, che cosa implementare, dove destinare le analysis have been performed.
risorse e dare un segno di interessamento alle opinioni dei familiari, Results: The pilot study demonstrated an overlapping of the clinical

permettendogli di dichiarare la propria situazione emozionale. efficacy (Group O2 93%: 95% flux l/min, 91% SaO2 in range, 92% blood
Materiali e Metodi: In letteratura la scala più utilizzata per valutare la gas analysis T1 in range; Group O2 99%: 97% flux l/min, 90% SaO2,
soddisfazione dei familiari dei pazienti in Cure Palliative è il FamCare, 93% in range, blood gas analysis T1 in range), an absence of chemical

modificato in italiano nel FamCare2 che definisce le percezioni dei fa- alterations and no interruption of supply measured through a remote
miliari. Lo studio è stato condotto nel 2014 su un campione di 390 fa- monitoring. The new system (costs of installation: 39000€) has

miliari di pazienti assistiti e deceduti nel centro di cure palliative ANTEA. produced a saving cost of 15000€, already in the first year, compared
Risultati: Del totale dei 390 familiari hanno risposto 150 con un livello to the current 55000€ per year for 18000m3 of O2 99% and it would
di soddisfazione alto. Il 76% del campione considera positivo il rispetto produce a saving cost of 50000 € in the following years, as well as an
dell’equipe verso la dignità del paziente e il 71% la disponibilità nei increase in availability of O2 (32000 m3).

confronti della famiglia. Tuttavia è emerso che alcuni familiari non sono Conclusions: O2 93% represents an emerging technology with a clinical
soddisfatti delle informazioni loro fornite circa gli effetti collaterali dei and economic impact on the Health Systems with a large-scale saving

trattamenti e per l’assistenza quotidiana. costs estimated in 20 million euro per year for Piedmont Region only.
Conclusioni: I risultati ottenuti, conformi alla letteratura, sottolineano
che l’approccio multidisciplinare al malato terminale rappresenta la

strategia più efficace per rispondere alle sue complesse esigenze e per ✪ Consensus document shared among Internal Medicine
garantirgli la migliore qualità di vita. L’equipe attraverso audit interni (FADOI), Endocrinologista (AME) and General Practitioners
deve analizzare caso per caso con l’obiettivo di offrire una qualità sem- (SNAMID) Societies to improve prescriptive and
pre più elevata di assistenza. operational appropriateness of thyroid disease
P. Montanari1, M. Zini2, P. Spriano3, M. Lucarelli3, M. Cambielli3
A mysterious case of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease UO Medicina Interna, Ospedale E. Franchini, FADOI, Montecchio Emilia
(RE); 2Endocrinologia, ASMN RE- AME, Reggio Emilia; 3SNAMID, Milano,
G. Minafra, L. Iamele, S. Cappello, M. Pipino, A. Giancola, L. Caccetta, Italy
M. Insalata, M. Carbone, F. Ventrella
Background: The population suffering from thyroid problems is increas-
ASL FG-Ospedale “G. Tatarella”, SC Medicina Interna, Cerignola (FG), Italy
ing; however there are incidental findings, simple morphological or func-
A 45 year-old African male, who had concluded 4 months of therapy tional conditions that are not to be considered illnesses and they could
with pegylated interferon+ribavirin for hepatitis C, by getting a Sustained be handled in different stages by general practitioner (GP). There is a
Virologic Response, was hospitalized for fatigue, cough, fever for 1 greater demand of specialist advice resulting in increased wait times.
month. His bilateral axillary lymph nodes and supraclavicular area were Goals: To reduce waiting times and improve prescriptive and manage-
enlarged, but painless. ment appropriateness between GP and medical specialists defining di-
Diagnostic study: Leukopenia, ESR 63 mm/h; autoimmunity study, in- agnostic criteria for the identification of specialist indications and mode
fectious serology and other biochemical exams were normal. TC total of care.
body: micro-nodules in both lungs, pleural and pelvic effusion, massive Methods: It was produced a consensus document FADOI-AME-
mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy without cervical lesions. SNAMID containing the general criteria for the clinical management of
PET/CT: increased signal in bilateral axillary lymph nodes, in supra- the most frequent thyroid diseases. Document requirements have been
clavicular and mediastinal areas and hilar lymphadenopathy. Bone based on the best available evidences, resulted concise and easily ac-
biopsy was normal; sputum exams and BAL for BK were negative. cessible and workable.

[page 78] [Italian Journal of Medicine 2016; 10(s2)]

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