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Submitted to the English Education Study Program

As a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana



Students Registration Number: 1988203028






The Existence Of Didactic Values On “Percy Jackson And The Olympians
Lightning Thief” Novel By Rick Riordan




M Andrey Saputra

Students Register Number : 1988203028

Approved by

Advisor 1 Advisor 2

Hastuti Retno Kuspiyah, M. Pd Zulaikah, M. Pd

Certified By:

Head of English Education Study Program

Eka Agustina, M. Pd

Perihal : Penghantar Skripsi



Yth. Rektor Universitas NurulxHuda


Sumatra Selatan

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Setelah kami adakan pemeriksaan danxperbaikan-perbaikanxseperlunya, maka

Skripsi yang berjudul The Existence Of Didactic Values On “Percy Jackson
And The Olympians Lightning Thief” Novel By Rick Riordan yang di tulis
oleh saudara M ANDREY SAPUTRA, NIM 1988203028, dapat diajukan dalam
SIDANG MUNAQOSAH program study pendidikan bahasa inggris pada
Universitas Nurul Huda Sukaraja, OKU Timur, Sumatra Selatan.

Demikian pengantar ini disampaikan, terima kasih.

Wassalamu’allaikum Wr.Wb.

Sukaraja, Agustus 2023

Advisor 1 Advisor II

Hastuti Retno Kuspiyah, M. Pd Zulaikah, M. Pd

Certified by

Head of English Education Program

Eka Agustina, M.Pd.

The is to certify that th e boards Of examiners have approved the Sarjana Thesis
entitle: The Existence Of Didactic Values On “Percy Jackson And The
Olympians Lightning Thief” Novel By Rick Riordan, as thexrequirementxfor
the sarjana degreexin EnglishxEducation.

Sukaraja, Agustus 2023

Boards Of Examiners

Hastuti Retno Kuspiyah, M. Pd (……………………..)

( Chairwoman)

Zulaikah, M. Pd (……………………..)
( Secretary)

,M.Pd (……………………..)
( Member)

,M.Pd (………………….….)
( Member)

Certified by
Rector of University
Nurul Huda



Dengan ini sayaxMenyatakanxbahwaxSkripsixsayaxyangxberjudul The

Existence Of Didactic Values On “Percy Jackson And The Olympians

Lightning Thief” Novel By Rick Riordan adalahxhasilxkaryaxsayaxsendiri.

Apabila ternyataxbukanxkaryaxsaya, saya bersedia diberikan sanksi sesuai dengan

pasal 70, UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional yang

berbunyi: “Lulusan karya ilmiah yang digunakan untuk mendapat gelar akademik,

profesi, atau vokasi sebagaimana dimaksud pasal 25 ayat 2 terbukti merupakan

jiplakan di pidana dengan paling lama dua tahun atau pidana denda paling banyak

Rp. 200.000.000,- (dua ratus juta rupiah).

Demikianlah peryataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk digunakan

sebagaimana mestinya.

Oku Timur, Agustus 2023

Yang menyatakan

M Andrey Saputra
NIM. 1988203028


“I came, i got revisions, i took exams, and i’m free, Just

leave the problems”
( Andre )

“Dream big, sleep well n Be the change”

( Andre )

”Tertawa bisa jadi obat terbaik apalagi

mentertawakan orang dan Seberat apapun masalahmu
jangan lupa mengeluh”
( Andre )


This thesis is dedicated to:

 The one and only God, ALLAH SWT.

 My parents who always give everything for their children, thank for all the

support, thank for all prayer.

 Myself, my ego, and my pride who has completed this thesis according to

what I want, I wanna thank me for just being me all the time and being a

strong man to face all kinds of problems and just thank to myself for doing

this all alone and always moving in my right way.

 The all of myfriends for 4 years experiences in this school, for help me, for

guiding me, for being my friend, Thanks for the all of my friends who

have accompanied me during this a long story so i was able to reach the

end like this.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious and Merciful!

Alhamdulillahi rabbil' Alamin, the writer would like to thank Allah S.W.

T, for His blessings and grace so that the writer can start and finish writing this

research so that the writer can complete his final project or thesis entitled " The

Existence Of Didactic Values On “Percy Jackson And The Olympians Lightning

Thief” Novel By Rick Riordan " report as having been given guidance, mercy,

and good health. Greetings and shalawat I convey to our beloved prophet

Muhammad SAW who has brought people from darkness to light.

During the writing of this thesis, the writer realizes that he has received a

lot of help, suggestions, and advice from various parties. Without the suggestions,

advice, and help from these people, this thesis would never exist. Therefore, the

writer also wants to express his sincere appreciation and gratitude to them,

especially to the following parties.

1. Dr. H. Imam Rodin, M.Pd., Rector of Nurul Huda University

2. Eka Agustina, M.Pd. as Chairman of the English Education Study Program.

3. Hastuti Retno Kuspiyah, M.Pd and Zulaikah, M.Pd, as the first and the second

advisor of this thesis, thanks for the suggestions and advices during the writing of

this thesis.

4. All lectures of English Education Program who have taught and educated the

writer at Nurul Huda University.

Finally, it must be acknowledged that no human is perfect and the writer

also realizes that there are still many shortcomings in this thesis, due to limited

knowledge and abilities. Therefore, the writer received some suggestions from

anyone for improvement.

Furthermore, the writer hopes that this thesis will be useful for writers in

particular and readers in general, especially for those who are engaged in the

English teaching profession.


APPROVAL PAGES.............................................................................................ii
PENGHANTAR SKRIPSI...................................................................................iii
BOARDS OF EXAMINERS................................................................................iv
SURAT PERNYATAAN.......................................................................................v
TABLE OF CONTENT.........................................................................................x
LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................xii
CHAPTER I............................................................................................................1
1. Background of the Study.................................................................................1
2. Problem of the Study.......................................................................................4
2.1 Limitation of the Study...............................................................................4
2.2 Formulation of the Study............................................................................4
3. Objective of the Study.....................................................................................4
4. Significance of the Study................................................................................4
CHAPTER II..........................................................................................................6
LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................................6
2.1 Concept of Didactic Values..........................................................................6
2.1 Types of Didactic Values............................................................................13
2.3 Example of didactic values..........................................................................19
2.4 Previous Related Study...............................................................................20
2.5 Bibliography................................................................................................22
CHAPTER III......................................................................................................31
METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH.......................................................31
3.1 Method of Research.....................................................................................31
3.2 The Object of the Research.........................................................................32
3.3 Source of the Data.......................................................................................32

3.4 Technique for Collecting the Data..............................................................32
3.5 Technique the Analyzing the Data..............................................................33
CHAPTER IV.......................................................................................................34
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS.......................................................................34
4.1 Findings........................................................................................................34
4.1.1 The Types of Didactic Values Found in Percy Jackson And The
Olympians Lightning Thief Novel By Rick Riordan.....................................34
4.2 Discussion...............................................................................................37
4.2.1 Sharing...................................................................................................37
4.2.2 Responsible............................................................................................39
4.2.3 Empathy.................................................................................................41
4.2.4 Helping others........................................................................................43
CHAPTER V........................................................................................................46
CONCLUSIONS AND SUGESSTIONS............................................................46
5.1 Conclusions..................................................................................................46
5.2 Sugesstion.....................................................................................................46


Table 1...................................................................................................................34
Table 2 ..................................................................................................................35

This study aims to describe didactic values on “Percy Jackson And The
Olympians Lightning Thief” novel by Rick Riordan. The method used in this
research was descriptive qualitative method. The data collection technique used in
this study has several steps, namely novel identification, identification of unit
analysis, data collection, data categorization The data source for this research was
Percy Jackson And The Olympians Lightning Thief novel by Rick Riordan. The
Didactic values that was the focus of this research was Sharing, Responsible,
Empathy, and Helping Others. Based on the results of data analysis found didactic
values as many as 26 data. The first number of findings, Sharing values were 6
(23%) findings. It was a value that focused on sharing activity that can be
benefical. Second, Responsible values with a total of 10 (39%) findings. It was a
value that focuses on being responsible in doing anything. Third, Empathy Values
with a total of 6 (23%) findings. It was a value that focused on understanding
what other people feel and think. And the Fourth, Helping Other values with total
4 (15%) findings. It was a value that focused on helping each other. Thus, from
this amount it can be concluded that in the novel Percy Jackson And The
Olympians Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan found many didactic values with a
total of 26 data findings and the most dominant Didactic values was found
Responsible values with 10 data findings.
Keywords : A Study, Didactic values, Novel The Percy Jackson And The Olympians
Lightning Thief


In this chapter, the writer would like to present four topics related to this

study. These include (1) the Background of The Research, (2) the Problem of The

Research, (3) the Objectives of The Research, and (4) the Significance of The


1. Background of the Study

Literature is written within a certain period directly related to norms and

regulations in a part of a society or identifies himself as a member of that

(Alifiah Nurachmana, 2020)
society . Literature is a thing that can be created

through a word that can express a thought. Literature is a creative activity, a

work of art such as poetry, novels, essays, etc, especially works of

imagination characterized by the excellence of style and expression of the

(Baraitser In Tomsic, 2022)
themes of general or enduring interest .

Literary works as a product of culture certainly contain the values and

norms that exist in society and reflect life at a certain time. These values and

norms can later be used as a way of life that can be passed on from one

generation to another. This means that one of the functions of literary works

is to communicate didactic values (priyono, 2020).

Literary works, especially novels, have life values that can be taken and

applied in everyday life, because values are the basis or reason for behavior

and attitudes, whether done consciously or not (Endeh, 2017). In the

literature, some novels will be discussed in this study.

Novel is a type of literature that allows readers to imagine a story the
(Iin Alviah, 2014)
author wants to tell. According to , The novel is one of the

works of prose creative literature, Like poetry and drama, prose is more the

narrative. Likewise with novels. it cannot be read in just "one sitting" because

of the novel’s more detailed description and much longer than that short

story. One of the characteristics soon we can see from an essay. A novel is a

form of literary work in which there are cultural, social, moral, and

educational values. Novels can be a medium for pouring thoughts, feelings,

and ideas of the author in response to life around him, when new problems

arise in the surrounding life, the conscience of the novelist will be called to

quickly create a story. As a form of literature, the middle (not short story or

romance) novel is ideal for lifting important events in human life in a decisive

critical condition. Various tensions arise with the various problems that

demand a solution. The novel is one of the works of prose creative literature,

an extraordinary event in the lives of extraordinary people because this

incident born a conflict, a dispute, which diverts the course of their destiny
(Alviah in Ekasari, 2022)

Novels are considered valuable because they have many values

contained in them, especially student values, student values are closely

related to didactic values (Apriliani, 2023).

Novels can be used for educational purposes because novels contain

didactic values. In a novel, there are usually didactic elements that readers

can take. This didactical element can later be used as a guide in daily life.

Didactic is the value of changing behavior in a better direction.
(Indriyana Uli, 2017)
According to , Didactic values are important in terms of

education. didactical value is a value that in the form of important and useful

properties or things for humans can be used by humans to educate and

provide guidance regarding politeness, intelligence, and inner maturity think

(Ismawirna, 2020).

In this research has differences from previous research studies,

namely different from the didactic type used along with the title of the novel

which is different from previous research studies, the writer is interested in

using a novel entitled “Percy Jackson And The Olympians Lightning”. The

writer chose the novel “Percy Jackson And The Olympians Lightning” as an

object because this novel contains many values of life that are related to

didactic values so they were very suitable as objects in research on didactics,

so by using this novel research object this research had a wider reach of

readers and also can give more information about didactic. Besides that, in

the novel “Percy Jackson And The Olympians Lightning” there were

Dictactic Values in it. The objective of the research to analyze What are

Dictatic Values found in The Existence Of Didactic Values In Percy Jackson

And The Olympians Lightning Novel (By Rick Riordan) because Didactic is

an important value for all people, especially to improve morale, so I chose

this title in my research. From the statement above the writer is interested in

conducting research entitles “The Existence Of Didactic Values On Percy

Jackson And The Olympians Lightning Novel (By Rick Riordan)”.

2. Problem of the Study
In this research, the writer intended to focus on the following problems are :

2.1 Limitation of the Study

Based on the explanation in the background of the problem above,

the writer limited the analysis of didactic values only on sharing,

responsible, empathy, and helping others in the “Percy Jackson and

the olympians lightning” novel by Rick Riordan.

2.2 Formulation of the Study

What are Dictatic Values (sharing, responsible, empathy, helping

others) in “Percy Jackson and the olympians lightning” novel By Rick


3. Objective of the Study

In this research, the objective of the research was analyze Dictatic

Values (sharing, responsible, empathy, helping others) in “Percy Jackson And

The Olympians Lightning” Novel By Rick Riordan.

4. Significance of the Study

The result of the research expected can contribute practical and

theoretical fields.

a. For teachers, especially in teaching language about didactic values to

have the appropriate skills and materials for the students

b. For students to assist in increasing knowledge about didactic values,

culture, literary language skills, developing a love of literature that

supports character building, according to cultural values

c. For writers to explore further about didactic values to add to the

experience and knowledge of writer’s literature

d. For readers to improve their ability to understand didactic values in

written language. It can be concluded, that this study provides more

information about language learning used in vocabulary in the novel.

Furthermore, this research can help people who are interested in didactic

values for their research


This chapter focused on several aspects they were: (1) the Concept of

Didactic Values, (2) Types of Didactic Values, (3) Examples of Didactic Values,

(4) Previous Related Studies, (5) Bibliography, and (6) Synopsis.

2.1 Concept of Didactic Values

Didactic value is a value of nature or something that is important and

useful for humanity and is applied to provide education and demands related to

intelligent behavior, decency, intelligent thinking and provide knowledge about

positive things, didactics are various things that are educational in nature.

Educating is an activity that provides guidance related to decency and intelligence

in one's thinking, and can encourage people to carry out positive actions that are

useful for themselves and other creatures (environment). (Apriliani, 2023)

Didactic value can be interpreted as a value in the form of a trait or thing

that is important and useful for humanity and is used to educate and provide

guidance regarding decency behavior and intelligence in thinking. Didactical

value is a term of educational value or some say didactical value is value

education. The word didactic comes from the Greek word "didactic" whose origin

is "didaskein" which means to teach. (Endeh, 2017)

Didactic value is teaching limited to lead the reader in a certain direction

to strengthen the personality of the reader including the morale of the reader for
(Miftah, 2021)
educational purposes . didactical value is the important and useful

properties or things for humans to educate and provide guidance regarding
(Ismawirna, 2020)
politeness, intelligence, and inner maturity thought .

Value is everything about good or bad. Value is important to humans as a

subject, concerning everything good or bad, as an abstraction, view, or intention

from various experiences in a strict selection of behavior, the value of education is

the limit of everything that educates towards maturity, is good or bad so that

useful for life which is obtained through the educational process and changing

attitudes and behavior to mature human beings through teaching efforts.

(Riswandi, 2020)

Didactic values can be interpreted as abstract concepts within humans that

are educational about what is considered good and what is considered bad

(Patricia, 2019). According to Yulianto di (Patricia, 2019), the didactic values

themselves are divided into four types. , namely ethical values, philosophical

values, religiosity values, and intellectual values.

The value of education is the limit of everything that educates towards

maturity, is good or bad so that it is useful for life which is obtained through the

educational process and changing attitudes and behavior to mature the human self

through teaching efforts, educational value in literary works aims to educate a

person or individual to be a good human being in the sense of being educated.

Educational values can be obtained by humans through various things, including

understanding and enjoying literary work. (Apriawati, 2016)

Didactic literary works are literary works that are educational in nature and

can provide direct instruction to their readers (Fatin Fauziyyah, 2020).

(Ruys, 2017) Says that in didactic there is a moral to the pedagogic,

practical, social, religious, and aesthetic. In this didactic, it is revealed that nature

does not teach cultural aspects to humans, however natural that behavior is for

humans. (Ruys, 2017) says that didactic literacy does not only come from

European studies (Latin, French, German, Italian, and English) but is much more

diverse, such as from Byzantine and Russian.

The didactic potential of Scratch in teaching modeling can also be realized

in any school subject. One can create virtual worlds in literature, physics, music,
(Soboleva, 2018)
etc. designing game educational projects .

Didactic value can be studied with a didactical approach which is an

understanding of the benefits obtained after reading, including understanding

mandates, advice, advice, or religious views. The didactical approach seeks to find

and understand ideas, evaluative responses, and the author's attitude toward life.

Didactics are educational. Educating is an activity that makes demands regarding

decency behavior and intelligence in thinking. The didactical aspects contained in

the novel include: 1. religious aspects. Aspects of education that are religious in

nature so that readers can learn from the phenomena, behavior, attitudes, views,

and character of the main character including his relationship with other figures;

2. moral aspect. The moral aspect is an aspect related to attitude, morals, and

character, which can be taken from a story; and 3. social aspects. Aspects relating

to society or paying attention to the public interest (Uli, 2017).

Didactic values are revealed through a linear plot. The values are

presented logically and contextually and realized in the form of well-mannered

(Halimah, 2019)
development, and the ability to have self-control .

Didactical elements are values contained in various aspects that can be

applied in everyday life. These didactical elements include intellectual, moral,

critical, discipline, behavior, and will (priyono, 2020). Meanwhile, when viewed

from the basis of human nature as living beings and social beings, what is

included in the didactic values are character, intelligence, social, citizenship,

beauty and aesthetics, physical education, religious education, and family welfare.

These values are expected to be applied in everyday life. By applying these

values, humans are expected to be virtuous and able to distinguish between good

and bad actions. Based on the opinions stated above, it can be concluded that

didactic values are values that can be used as guidelines in life. These values can

be used as materials to solve problems in everyday life and can make humans

become virtuous human beings.

The factor analysis is an important addition to any didactic analysis as the

teacher is never a neutral conveyer of knowledge but always a conditional factor

(Mård & Hilli, 2022).
Keiding in From a didactic perspective, the needs and interests

of the students should guide the teacher’s decisions in teaching planning.

Multidisciplinary teaching has been suggested as a way of making education more

(Mård & Hilli, 2022).
meaningful for students, as they explore phenomena of the world

(Bergman, 2014) defines didactic as the ability to show certain learning

content so that someone does something with complete awareness. Based on some

of these opinions can be synthesized that didactic is a charge of value that can be

used to educate a person.

Didactic values are important in terms of education. Didactic value can be

in the form of moral teaching based on socio-cultural regulations, and religious

(Indriyana Uli, 2017)
teachings .

According to Fuad (Priyono, 2020), Didactic values can be grouped into

five characteristics, namely: initiative, discipline, critical, diligent, and assiduous,

as well as intelligence, and skill. Based on these characteristics, initiative can be

interpreted as the ability to take steps to solve problems in achieving a goal.

Discipline relates to the ability to act on time and adhere to the principle of
(Ismawirna, 2020)
efficiency and effectiveness in solving a problem. Alwi in

states that didactic values are values that are related to changes in attitude and

behavior in a better direction. Nurturing and giving training (teachings, guidance,

and leadership) regarding morals and intelligence.

(Harits, 2017)states that folklore is used as a means of didacticism that can

convey one community’s values, such as social, historical, religious, and moral

values. Through the introduction of folklore, a person can analyze the character of

the character in the story. Furthermore, he/she can exemplify the characters in

folklore to be applied in daily life.

Didactic is the science of teaching and educating about teaching values

and teaching ideas conveyed through education Kosasih(Agkris Tambunan, 2021)

stated, "The directive function is to educate the readers because of the values of

truth and goodness in it. Apart from that, Patricia also stated the didactic value

namely values as abstract concepts within humans that are educational about what

is considered good and what is considered bad. Aminuddin in (Agkris Tambunan,

2021) stated that "Didactical values are ideas, responses, and attitudes that can be

realized in an ethical or religious view that contain values that can enrich the

spiritual life of the reader." In literary works, values or messages that contain

messages or advice will be stored Sudaryanto in (Agkris Tambunan, 2021)

Didactic is a theory to investigate the values of education to develop

humans physically, mentally, and socially. Following it, Bergman in

(Prihapsari, 2021)
defines didactic as the ability to show certain learning content so that

someone does something with complete awareness. Based on some of these

opinions can be synthesized that didactic is a charge of value that can be used to

educate a person.

The contents/expressions contained in the novel contain creed, sharia, and

morals. The didactic literary content in the novel provides moral, religious, and

social teaching. The novel contains factual, conceptual, procedural, and

metacognitive knowledge dimensions. The novel can be used as a source and

(Nofasari, 2022)
solution based on sharia knowledge in .

Beauvais in (Prihapsari, 2021) reveals that the content of didactic value

contained in literary works becomes a medium for developing knowledge because

one is invited to take a mandate in the past to apply for the future. Furthermore,
(Prihapsari, 2021)
Rainsford in reveals that didactic content and moral value are
(Prihapsari, 2021)
good literary traits. Emphasizing previous ideas, Shirane in

conveys that the value of didactic and moral lessons is what is offered in literary

writing. Based on some of these descriptions, it can be synthesized that didactic

value becomes the core of literary creation.

Didacticism is a noun form of the adjective "didactic," which means

"educating." Suppose the word didactic is attached to the word literature. In that

case, we get the term didactic literature, which means educating literature.

Literature that educates certainly gives benefits and quality and has noble values.

This quality literary work with noble values is suitable for learning literature for

Indonesian language subjects at the elementary, secondary, and higher education

(Nofasari, 2022).
levels Sumiyadi in Didactic literature is an imaginative literary

work that can increase intrinsic interest and provide artistic enjoyment to readers

and provide philosophical, religious, moral, and scientific knowledge and ideas in
(Nofasari, 2022).
various imaginative literary genres. Nordquist in Didactic

literature means a literary that educates. Through didactic literary works, the

author intends to convey messages in the form of educational teaching, especially

(Nofasari, 2022).
those related to norms, religion, and ethics Sudjiman

The didacticism of a literary work can be seen from the way it is

expressed, and the expression is very didactic; there are problems, and there are

didactic solutions; there are only didactic problems or phenomena Sumiyadi in

(Nofasari, 2022).
Didactic content or expressions contain knowledge contained in

literary works. Reference: the complete knowledge dimension consists of factual,

conceptual knowledge, procedural, and metacognitive Anderson & Krathwohl in

(Nofasari, 2022)
. Every literary work has a didactic level, both didactic literature
(Nofasari, 2022)
and imaginative literature Sumiyadi in .

Responding to definitions from experts, it can be concluded that didactic

values are a value of life that is based on changing behavior for the better.

Example of Didactic Values is intelligence value, skill value, self-esteem value,

social value, moral values, religious values, beauty value, self-control value,

behavior value, and value will /aspirations.

2.1 Types of Didactic Values

Didactic values can be grouped into five types, namely: initiative,

discipline, critical, diligent, and attentive, as well as intelligent and skilled. Based

on these types, initiative can be interpreted as the ability to take steps to solve

problems in achieving a goal. Discipline relates to the ability to act on time and

adhere to the principle of efficiency and effectiveness in solving a problem

(Priyono, 2020)

According to Yulianto (Patricia, 2019), didactic values are divided into

four types, namely: ethical, philosophical, religious, and intellectual. (Uli,

2017)stated that aspects of didactic values include: 1. religious aspects such as

phenomenal wisdom, behavior, attitudes, views, and character; 2. moral aspects

such as attitudes, morals, and manners; and 3. social aspects such as the interests

of society or the general public.

Didactic values in stories generally consist of four types, namely: moral,

social, religious, and cultural Hurmatisa in (Khairina, 2022).

According to (Agkris Tambunan, 2021) the type of didactic value of

Religious EducationThe, the Value of Moral Education, The Value of Social

Education, Values of Cultural Education, and the Value of Beauty.

(ismawirna, 2020) Didactic value is a value in the form of important and

useful traits or things for humans that can be used by humans to educate and

provide guidance regarding polite behavior, Intelligence, and maturity in thinking.

(Ruys, 2017) says that didactic reveals that nature does not teach human

aspects of culture no matter how natural that behavior is for humans. the moral to

the pedagogic, practical, social, religious, and aesthetic are the didactic types

included in this regard.

Regarding the types of didactic values, Ali in (Riswandi, 2020) suggests

that the values that must be taught or conveyed by the teacher in teaching include,

intellectual/intelligence, skills, self-esteem, social/social relations/association,

morals, beauty, divinity/religion, self-mastery/emotional stability,

behavior/customs, will/will or aspiration.

Didactic value is an educational value. According to Fuad (priyono, 2020),

didactic values can be grouped into five characteristics, namely: initiative,

discipline, critical, diligent, diligence, smartness, and skill.

Didactic value is synonymous with educational value. Ahmadi & Uhbiyati

(priyono, 2020) classify educational values into:

1. Education of Virtue and Morals. Character or morals is the only aspect

that is very fundamental in life. The purpose of character education is to educate

children to be able to distinguish between good and bad, polite and impolite,

praiseworthy and despicable traits, and so on.

2. Intelligence Education The purpose of intelligence education is to educate

people to think logically, critically, and creatively.

3. Social Education The purpose of social education is to educate children

so that they can adapt to life together and take an active part in that life together.

4. Citizenship Education aims to educate children so that one day they can

become perfect citizens, useful for society and the state.

5. Beauty and Aesthetics Education Beauty education aims to make all

children feel compassion for beauty. Have a taste for beauty. Furthermore, can

appreciate and enjoy the beauty.

6. Physical Education Through physical education, we foster and develop

good qualities and traits, such as honesty, sportsmanship, discipline,

responsibility, and cooperation.

7. Religious Education Regarding the issue of the implementation of

religious education in elementary schools, religious education should emphasize

habituation, namely habits for carrying out/practicing religious teachings.

8. Family Welfare Education The objective of family welfare education

broadly is to improve the standard of living and family livelihood, to achieve the

realization of a prosperous family as a whole.

According to (priyono, 2020)didactic values can be divided into intellectual,

moral, critical, discipline, behavior, will, character, intelligence, social,

citizenship, beauty and aesthetics, physical education, religious education, and

family welfare.

Didactic values are directed to shape the human person to become a human

being who has a moral, social, religious, and cultured soul. (Hurmatisa &

Khairussibyan, 2020)

(Nugroho, 2011) expressed aspects of didactic values in stories in the form

of values: Religious, Responsible, Disciplined, honest, polite, caring, hard work,

good attitude, tolerance, creativity, independence, curiosity, national spirit,

respect, friendly, peace full.

1. Religious

Teachers must be able to direct their students to become human beings

Who fear God Almighty. Able to carry out his orders, and able to get rid of

all his prohibitions.

2. Responsible

Teachers must be able to invite their students to be humanly responsible.

Able to account for what has been he did and dared to bear all the risks of

what he had he did.

3. discipline

Teachers must be able to instill high discipline in the participants they taught.

Discipline must begin at school. Timely culture must be enforced.

4. honest

Honesty nowadays is a rarity. Teachers must be able to set an example for

students to be able, to be honest.

5. polite

Being able to behave politely is the dream of every human being. By being

polite others will be shy of us. This polite character must be trained in

students and exemplified how to be polite to others.

6. care

Students must be trained to care for others. Learn to empathize with others

with a high sense of concern. When we want care, then our brothers who are

experiencing difficulties will be helped. That's where finally our caring soul is

tested. There are lots of calamities and changes in this country, both natural

disasters and other disasters must make us care more about our nation.

7. hard work

Students must be trained to be able to work hard. Not only capable work

hard, but also able to work smart, sincere, and thoroughly. Therefore the hard

work he does will be worth worship in the eyes of God the owner of the sky

and earth. People who like to work hard will surely reap success from what he

has done. People who work hard can make it happen his dream came true.

8. good attitude

Students must have a good attitude. With a good attitude will the character of

the students can be seen. A good attitude to others is a must exemplified by

the teacher to his students. That way other people will respect him for his

good manners. People's behavior can be seen from his good demeanor.

Therefore a good attitude is a must taught by teachers in character education

in schools.

9. tolerate

Students must be trained to be able to tolerate well with people other.

Tolerance must be nurtured from an early age, especially with nuanced

matters of Ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group (SARA). Needs a high

tolerance in order able to understand that we are different but the essence is

still one too. Tolerance between religious communities is one of the most

obvious forms of tolerance in everyday life.

10. Creative

Students must be taught to be creative. Thus he has accustomed to creating

something new. Creative teachers will produce participants and creative

students too. Teach our students to be creative in carrying out their daily

activities. Creative children are not born just like that. He was born into a

continuous educational process.

11. Independent

Children who are used to being independent will usually be much more

successful in life than less independent children. Independent is not only able

to stand on top of his own feet but also able to bring himself to be completely

independent of others. Independence must be instilled in our students if you

want your child to be independent.

12. Curiosity

Every child must have a high curiosity. Of course, our teachers are required to

be able to direct their curiosity towards things that are positive like their

curiosity about the earth and space whose knowledge continues to develop

along with the rapid development of science and technology.

13. National Spirit

Students should be encouraged to have a national spirit. With so there will be

a sense of pride in his nation.

14. Respect

Students must be able to appreciate the work of others they see. That way

there is appreciation given by him to others.

15. Friendly

When students are used to making friends, they will feel important

friendships. Friendliness is an important character that must be owned by


16. Peace Full

Students must love peace. Love loves between human children. We are all

brothers and we shouldn't fight each other.

2.3 Example of didactic values

The following is an example of didactical value according to
(Prinsella Balqis Lubis, 2020)

1. Didactic values about helping others: "Grandfather Teacher, Nanda has a

need," said Princess Rose. “Grandpa already knows what you mean. Later

grandfather gave way out. calm down, all problems have a solution. The

important thing is you still have hope!"

2. Didactic Values about Empathy: Mr. Hendrawan and Mrs. Weni were silent.

They looked at her face. In their hearts, they feel sorry for Ika. They also feel

guilty about the princess the youngest

3. Didactic Values about Honesty: "I can't fly. The ones who can fly Princess

Rose." "Princess Rose ..., who is she?" "She's the daughter of Raja Awang

from the kingdom Cloud."

4. Didactic Values about Sharing: Yes. The magnifying glass or the loupe. I

want to borrow now.” "Yes," said Ika. “But, soon returned yes!” "Yes. At

least I'll be back tomorrow.

5. Didactic Values about persistence and tenacity: "How can we survive?"

Asked King Awang. Princess Mawar replied, “It is possible, Father. Nanda

sure can. "How to? "Nanda is going to meet Master's grandfather."

6. Didactic Values about usefulness: Mbok Minah took water and a broom hand.

He dipped the handkerchief in water. Then, he stuck a handkerchief on Ika's

forehead. He wanted Ika's body heat to decrease.

7. Didactic Values about appreciating each other: Princess Mawar immediately

met Ika. "Thank you for your help," said Princess Rose. "Suryakarta is very

powerful." "I also thank you," said Ika.

2.4 Previous Related Study

The writer Presented Previous Studies Related To Didactic Values.

Several Writers Have Investigated this. Each Has A Different Perspective

And Theory In Presenting The Topic. Then The Writer Will Provide

Previous Research Related To This Topic. Muhamad Yusuf Discussed

Analysis Of Didactic Values In The Teacher's Diary By Nithiwat

Tharathorn. This Study Aims To Analyze The Didactic Values Found In

Teacher's Diary By Nithiwat Tharathorn. The Writer Uses Endeh's

Theory To Analyze The Didactic Values Found In Teacher's Diary By

Nithiwat Tharathorn.

Another research on didactic values was conducted by Junifer

Siregar. The writer discussed didactic values in the Toba Turi-Turian

Sigale-Gale and Tunggal Panaluan Batak (Case Study of Toba Batak

Local Wisdom). The purpose of this research is to identify didactic

structural values in the Toba Turi-Turian Sigale-Gale and Tunggal

Panaluan Batak (Case Study of Toba Batak Local Wisdom). The writer

used Kosasih's theory to find structural didactic values in the Toba Turi-

Turian Sigale-Gale and Tunggal Panaluan Batak (Case Study of Toba

Batak Local Wisdom). And the last is research on analysis from Desi

Hurmatisa. The writer discusses the Didactic Value in the Story of Putri

Denda Mandalika Version of S.S.T. Wisnu Sasangka and his

Relationship with Literature Learning in High School. The purpose of

this research is to identify didactic values in Putri Denda Mandalika's

S.S.T. Wisnu Sasangka and his Relationship with Literature Learning in

High School. The writer uses Wicaksono's theory to analyze the ictic

values in Putri Denda Mandalika's story, Version S.S.T. Wisnu Sasangka,

and his relationship with Literature Learning in High School.

The similarity with previous research is that my research is also

about didactic values but in novels as my research object. The difference

between this research and previous research is that Muhamad Yusuf

focuses on Discussed Analysis Of Didactic Values In The Teacher's

Diary By Nithiwat Tharathorn using Endeh's theory, Junifer Siregar

focuses on didactic values in the Toba Turi-Turian Sigale-Gale and

Tunggal Panaluan Batak (Case Study of Toba Batak Local Wisdom),

Desi Hurmatisa focuses on Didactic Value in the Story of Putri Denda

Mandalika Version of S.S.T. Wisnu Sasangka and his Relationship with

Literature Learning in High School. Meanwhile, as a writer, I focus on

finding didactic values by using Elmubarok’s theory in the novel Percy

Jackson And The Olympians Lightning By Rick Riordan.

2.5 Bibliography
Rick Riordan is an award-winning American author, best known for his

'Percy Jackson & the Olympians series of books. Born and raised in San

Antonio, Texas, he began his career as a teacher, eventually moving to San

Francisco, where he continued teaching English and social sciences.

Sometime in the mid-1990s, while teaching in San Francisco, he began

writing a detective book based in San Antonio simply because he missed his

hometown, immediately becoming engrossed in it. His first book, 'Big Red

Tequila', was very popular, prompting him to write a series of seven books

titled, 'Tres Navarre'. Meanwhile, he had returned to San Antonio, where he

continued to write and teach. He gave up his job once he sold 'The Lightning

Thief', the first book in the 'Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, and

decided to concentrate full-time on writing. Today, he is an established author

with his books selling millions of copies worldwide.

Rick Riordan was born Richard Russell Riordan Jr. on June 5, 1964, in

San Antonio, Texas. His father, Rick Riordan Sr., a former teacher, now

works as a realtor. His mother, Lyn Belisle, majoring in English, teaches

computer applications and graphic design at Trinity University. Rick, the only

problem with his parents, was always an imaginative kid, and his parents

encouraged him by reading him stories. Once on a camping trip to Port

Aransas, they designed a flag to fly over their tent, pretending that they were

building a medieval castle.

After his parents' divorce in the 1970s, Rick was mostly raised by his

mother. However, he also greatly respects his father, viewing him as a role

model, admitting that "the foundation for whom I would become was laid in

those early years, watching and learning from my father".As a child, he loved

Greek mythology even though his favorite book was 'Lord of the Rings'. He

also wrote several short stories, failing to submit a few for publication,

receiving his first disapproval note from 'Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction

magazine in 1978. In 1982, he graduated from Alamo Heights High School

and attended North Texas State University in Denton, where he briefly

attended the music program, leading a folk-rock band during this period., he

transferred to the University of Texas, Austin, where he studied English and

history. In 1986, he graduated. Later, he attended University of Texas, San

Antonio, where he received his teaching certification.

Rick Riordan began his career as an English and social studies teacher at

public schools in San Antonio. Later, he moved to the San Francisco Bay

Area, where he began teaching at various schools, including Presidio Hill


Raised in San Antonio, he soon began to miss Texas and so, decided to

write "boiled private eye novels" in his hometown, eventually producing his

first book, 'Big Red Tequila'. Published in 1997, it earned him a Shamus

Award and an Anthony Award the following year.

In 1998, he published 'The Widower's Two-Step', which was based on the

same theme as 'Big Red Tequila'. They were followed by 'The Last King of

Texas' (2000), 'The Devil Went Down to Austin (2001), 'Southtown' (2004),

'Mission Road' (2005), and 'Rebel Island' (2007),. It all started when his eldest

son, who had been diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia, started studying

Greek mythology in second grade and asked him to tell a story about the

topic. As requested by his son, he began to tell the Greek mythological stories

he knew. But once the stock of existing stories was exhausted, he began to

make things up, leading to the creation of a fictional character called Percy

Jackson, who traveled across the United States to recover Zeus' lightning

bolts. In 2005, at the suggestion of his son, he published the story of Percy

Jackson as the 'Thunder Thief'. It was followed by four more books on the

same theme: 'The Sea of Monsters (2006), 'The Titan's Curse' (2007), 'The

Battle of the Labyrinth' (2008), and 'The Last Olympian' (2009). After

completing the Percy Jackson series, he turned his attention to Egypt,

publishing 'The Red Pyramid' in 2010, 'The Throne of Fire' in 2011, and 'The

Serpent's Shadow' in 2012. Concurrently, he has continued to write other

books, including 'The Serpent's Shadow' in 2012. The Heroes of Olympus

series, 'The Kane Chronicles', 'And the 39 Clues series In 2015, he turned his

attention to Norse mythology, writing a trilogy entitled 'Magnus Chase and

the Gods of Asgard'. Simultaneously, he also began writing a five-book series

entitled 'Trials of Apollo', of which the fourth book, 'Tomb of the Tyrant', is

scheduled to be published in the fall of 2019.

2.6 Synopsis

Twelve-year-old Percy Jackson has been labeled a troubled youth.

Diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and dyslexia,

Percy is attending Yancy Academy, a boarding school for problem teens in

upstate New York. This is Percy's "sixth school in six years." Wherever he

goes, he seems to get in trouble unintentionally. Strange, sometimes

dangerous things happen to him.

As the novel opens, Percy begins to suspect that his life is not what it

seems. During a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, his math

teacher transforms into a Fury and attacks him. Percy's Latin teacher came to

the rescue, throwing Percy a ballpoint pen which turned into a bronze sword.

Percy's sword stroke causes the monster to disintegrate, but afterward, the

incident seems to have been a hallucination. Everyone, including Percy's

Latin teacher, claims that the math teacher who attacked him never existed.

At the end of the school year, Percy's best friend Grover insists on

escorting him home, but Grover's nervousness and cryptic comments about

Percy being in danger make Percy uneasy, so he slips away from Grover at

the first opportunity and goes home by himself.

Percy's home life is far from perfect. His mother Sally Jackson was a kind

woman, but never had any luck in life. She dreams of being a writer but

works at a candy shop to make ends meet and is married to “Smelly” Gabe

Ugliano, Percy's abusive stepfather who expects Percy to provide him with

poker-playing money in exchange for room and board during the summer.

Their small Upper East Side apartment is a cheerless place. Percy struggles to

understand why his mother, who loves him, takes such pains to send him

away every year to a different boarding school. When Percy and his mother

go for a weekend retreat to the beach, their time together is interrupted by a

storm and a horrible wailing in the middle of the night, as if a monster is

hunting for them. Percy's friend Grover appears at their door and reveals

himself as a satyr. He has been keeping an eye on Percy until Percy is old

enough to attend Camp Half-Blood, a summer camp for training demigods.

Grover tells Percy that monstrous forces are now after him in earnest, and

they have no choice but to flee to Camp Half-Blood.

On the way to camp, they are attacked by the Minotaur. Percy manages to

defeat the monster, but only after it knocks out Grover and squeezes Percy's

mother until he disappears in a shower of gold. Heartbroken, assuming his

mother is dead, Percy pulls Grover to safety over the property line of Camp


Once at camp, Percy is reunited with his Latin teacher, who in his true

form is Chiron, the immortal centaur and trainer of heroes. Percy learns that

Greek gods are alive and well an integral part of the collective consciousness

called Western Civilization. Olympus, the home of the gods, moves with the

heart of the civilization, and now hovers invisibly over the Empire State

Building, since America is currently the great power of the West. Percy learns

that the gods still have children with mortals and that monsters naturally seek

out these young demigods. Camp Half-Blood serves as a haven where these

powerful, endangered young heroes can train to defend themselves. For the

past sixty years, the "big three" (Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades) have kept an

oath not to have mortal children because their powerful nature can cause great

trouble in the world, but the other Olympians still have enough children to fill

the camp. Percy meets Annabeth, a daughter of Athena, and Luke, a son of

Hermes. He also makes a new enemy in Clarisse, a daughter of Ares. Percy's

parentage remains undetermined until a swirling trident appears above him

during a Greek-battle-style game of capturing the flag. To the astonishment of

the other campers, Percy is recognized as a son of Poseidon – the first in three


Soon after this revelation, Percy learns that there is trouble in Olympus.

Zeus' master bolt – the weapon upon which all other lightning bolts are

modeled – has been stolen, and Zeus has accused Poseidon of instigating the

theft. The Lord of the Sky believes that Poseidon used Percy, a human hero,

to steal the bolt in a plot to overthrow Zeus. Zeus has given Poseidon until the

summer solstice – only ten days – to return the weapon. Poseidon is offended,

but he also dreads the thought of war with Zeus. He needs Percy's help to find

out what happened to the bolt. Chiron believes that Hades, Lord of the

Underworld, stole the bolt to set his two brothers at each other's throats.

Chiron tells Percy that he must travel to the entrance of the Underworld in

Los Angeles (by land, since Zeus would blast him out of the sky if he tried to

fly), confront Hades, and return the master bolt to Olympus before the

solstice passes to prevent a war between the gods.

As is customary, Percy consults the Oracle before leaving. He was warned

that he would fail to save what matters most in the end, and will be betrayed

by a friend. Deeply troubled, but believing that the quest to the Underworld is

the only way to see his mother again, Percy sets out with two companions,

Annabeth and Grover.

Along the way, the three friends learn to trust one another. Annabeth,

whose mother Athena is an old rival of Poseidon, must overcome her doubts

about Percy. Grover the satyr must overcome his fear of monsters and

underground places. Only by showing courage can he convince the Council

of Cloven Elders to grant him his life-long goal of a "searcher's license,"

giving him the right to quest for the missing god of the wilderness, Pan. Percy

comes to terms with his anger for his father, Percy encounters Medusa, the

Chimera, Procrustes the Stretcher, and the Lotus Hotel and Casino (the Land

of the Lotus Eaters). He also meets the war god Ares, who gives Percy a

mysterious backpack in exchange for doing the god's favor, and a Nereid,

who gives Percy three magic pearls from Poseidon – each of which will

return one person to the sea from wherever they may be, even the land of the


The friends finally arrive in the Underworld only to discover that they

have been tricked. The culprit is not Hades, but the defeated titan Kronos,

who is trapped in the depths of Tartarus but is still able to manipulate the

dreams of gods and men. Hoping to start a three-way war amongst his

Olympian sons, Kronos causes the master bolt and also Hades' helm of

darkness to be stolen by a human hero whose identity Percy does not yet

know. Kronos' human thief was unexpectedly captured by Ares. The war god

meant to keep the magic items for himself, but Kronos bent his will and

caused the god to give the master bolt to Percy, hidden within the magic

backpack so that the young hero might bring it to the Underworld for Kronos.

Hades is sure Percy is the thief who stole the bolt and his helmet. The god

of the dead is holding Percy's mother — who is only frozen in a shower of

gold, not dead — and demands Percy give up the magic helmet before she is

released. As armies of the dead surround him, Percy brings out his magic

pearls. With only three, he realized he must choose between the lives of his

two friends and saving his mother. In the end, he can't abandon his friends.

Promising his mother that he will return for her, Percy and his friends escape

to the surface, where Percy battles the god Ares for possession of the bolt and

the helm. Percy wins, gives the helm to the Furies to return to the

Underworld, and travels back to New York with the bolt in time to prevent a

war.At Olympus, Percy meets his father face to face. Poseidon seems distant

and sad but says he is proud of his son. He says he fears Percy has been born

for a hero's tragic fate. Poseidon tells Percy that his mother is back – returned

as a peace offering by Hades – and that when Percy returns home, he will

have to make an important choice. Percy rushes back to his family's

apartment, where he finds Medusa's head waiting for him, a trophy he had

forgotten to mail home earlier in his quest. He realizes he has the chance to

petrify his stepfather and save his mother from a miserable marriage. His

mother implores him not to do it, however. She must break away from Gabe

herself. Percy respects her wishes and thus breaks the mold of what the tragic

hero might have done. The prophecy thus comes true in an unexpected way:

Percy fails to save what matters most by allowing his mother to save herself.

Upon returning to Camp Half-Blood, Percy is betrayed by his friend Luke,

son of Hermes, who turns out to be the human hero whom Kronos used for

the theft. Luke poisons Percy and tells him before leaving that Kronos will

rise and destroy the age of the gods. Western Civilization is unraveling. Percy

recovers from the poison with Chiron's help and realizes his adventures are

not yet over. He is a hero now and must fight the rise of the Titans. The novel

is ultimately about Percy coming of age, learning to trust his friends and his

abilities, accepting his parents for who they are, and choosing love and

loyalty over resentment and despair.



In this chapter, the writer would like to present: (1) the Method of

Research, (2) the Object of the study, (3) the Source of the Data, (4) the

Technique of Collecting Data, and (5) the Technique for Analyzing the Data.

3.1 Method of Research

The method of this research is using descriptive research. Descriptive

research is research conducted to find out the value of the independent variable

and does not make comparisons of variables with other variables Descriptive

research here to get an overview of didactic values in the novel Percy Jackson
(Wandy Zulkarnaen, 2018)
And The Olympians Lightning By Rick Riordan .

Descriptive research is research that tries to tell the current problem-solving based

on the data by presenting, analyzing, and interpreting it Narbuko in

(Narbuko, 2022)
. Descriptive research is research that aims to know the circumstances,

conditions, or other facts put forward, the results of which are presented in the
(Boniran, 2022).
form of a research report Arikunto

This study used a descriptive method because it describes the results of the data

that has been collected in the form of a narrative description. Therefore, not only

analyzing and describing the data but also interpreting the data to get Didactic

Values On “Percy Jackson And The Olympians Lightning” Novel By Rick


3.2 The Object of the Research
The object of this research is the novel Percy Jackson And The Olympians

Lightning By Rick Riordan. Because this novel contains many values of life that

are related to didactic values so they were very suitable as objects in research on

didactics, so by using this novel as a research object this research will have a

wider reach of readers and also can give more information about didactic.

3.3 Source of the Data

The main source of data in this research is the novel Percy Jackson And The

Olympians Lightning. So, the writer will be taken from the Novel Book. The

writer uses the Didactic Values theory related to the novel or book, it helps the

writer to find out the Didactic Values in the novel Percy Jackson And The

Olympians Lightning.

3.4 Technique for Collecting the Data

In collecting data, the writer uses Percy Jackson And The Olympians

Lightning as a data source. the writer will find out the amount of didactic values

in the novel Percy Jackson And The Olympians Lightning using Content Analysis

Approach. Content analysis is the discussion of in-depth knowledge of the

(Lainah, 2022)
contents of written or printed information . Content analysis is a

research method for making replicable and valid inferences from data to their

context, to provide knowledge, new insights, a representation of facts, and a

(Elo, 2008)
practical action guide . Content analysis is a method for studying and

analyzing systematic, objective, and quantitative communication of the message

(Berelson in Hidayatullah, 2018)
looked at . The steps taken in the collective data

are as follows:

1. Novel Identification: First of all, define the novel to be analyzed. Make

sure the selected novel is relevant to the research topic and has characteristics that

allow content analysis to be carried out.

2. Identification of Unit of Analysis: After the novel is selected, determine

the unit of analysis to be used. The unit of analysis can be a word, phrase,

sentence, or paragraph. In the analysis of didactic values, the unit of analysis can

be scenes or dialogues that contain didactic values.

3. Data Collection: Next, collect data by reading the novel carefully and

noting every scene or dialogue that contains didactic values. then List those values

and include page references from the novel.

4. Data Categorization: After the data is collected, categorize the didactic

values found based on the same theme or topic. For example, moral values,

honesty values, hard work values, and so on.

3.5 Technique the Analyzing the Data

In analyzing the data, the writer read to find out the amount of Didactic Values

in the novel Percy Jackson And The Olympians Lightning. The data analysis

technique by the writer was as follows:

The data analysis technique by the writer was :

1. Classifying types of Didactic Values

2. Identifying the types of Didactic Values

3. Describing the data

4. Making conclusions based on data analysis



This chapter presented the result of the research from the writer. It involved the
writer’s findings concerning The Existence Of Didactic Values In “Percy Jackson
And The Olympians Lightning” Novel By Rick Riordan.

4.1 Findings
The writer analyzed The Existence Of Didactic Values In “Percy Jackson

And The Olympians Lightning” Novel By Rick Riordan. Analysis of the novel is

presented based on each type of didactic value. This analysis also presents an

overview of didactic values in the novel.

4.1.1 The Types of Didactic Values Found in Percy Jackson And The
Olympians Lightning Thief Novel By Rick Riordan
In these findings, the writer found Didactic Values In Percy Jackson And

The Olympians Lightning Novel By Rick Riordan, they are sharing, responsible,

empathy, and helping others.

Table 1
Didactic values in this novel
Pages, Types of
No. Didactic Value in novel
Line didactic
But Mr. Brunner expected me to be good as everybody else,
despite the fact that i have dyslexia and attention deficit 6, 22-
1. Emphaty
disorder and i had never made above a C- in my life. No.-he 26
didn’t expect me to be as good; he expected me to be better.
When I thought he was going to give me some deeep
philosophical comment to make me feel better, he said, “Can 7, 20-
2. Sharing
I have your apple?” I didn’t have much of an appetite, so I 23
let him take it.
3. I didn;t know what they were talking about. All I knew was 8,23-32 Helping others
that I was in trouble again. As soon as Mrs. Dodds was sure And
poor little Nancy was okay, promising to get her a new shirt 9,1-2
at the museum gift shop.. Mrs. Dodds turned on me, There
was a triumphant fire in her eyes, as if I’d done something
she’d been waiting for all semester. “Now, honey” “ I
know,” I grumbled. “ A month erasing workbooks.” That

wasn’t the right thing to say. “ come with me,” Mrs. Dodds
said. “Wait!” Grover yelped. “It was me, I pushed her.”
I stared at him, stunned. I couldn’t believe he was trying to
cover for me.
“Percy,” he said. “Don’t be discouraged about leaving 18, 24-
Yancy.It’s... it’s for the best.” 25
4. Emphaty
“This isn’t the right place for you. It was only a matter of And
time.” 18,32
There was Grover, neeeding my help, so i managed to haul
him up and stagger down into the valley, toward the light of Helping others
5. 48,1-4
the farmhouse. I was crying, calling for my mother, but iheld & responsible
on o grover i wasn’t going to let him go.
“ If god and monster were real, if all this magical stuff was
6. possible, surely there was some way to save her, to bring her Responsible
They were about to be overrun when thalia told her satyr to
take the other two half-bloods to safety while she held off
the monsters. She was wounded and tired, and she didn’t
7. want to live like a hunted animal. The satyr didn’t want to Helping otherss
leave her, but he couldn’t change her mind, and he had to
protect the others. So Thalia made her final stand alone, at
the top of that hill.
“So let me get this straight,” I said. “I’am supposed go to 123,19-
8. Responsible
yhe underworld and confront the Lord of the Dead.” 20
“You saved my life, Percy. If ... if you’re serious about
9. 124,2-3 Responsible
wanting me along, I won’t let you down.”
The Truth was, I did. I needed all the help i could get. “A 125,12-
10. Helping others
trio,” I said. “That’ll work.” 15
He gave annabeth and me each a canteen of nectar and a
11. Ziploc bag full of ambrosia squares, to be used onlny in Sharing
emergencies, if we were seriously hurt.
I nodded, disappointed, but then I got an idea. “Hey, grover, 128,29-
12. Sharing
you want a magic item?” 30
I looked at the open doorway. I was free to go, but I couldn’t 139,16-
13. Responsible
leave my friends. 17
“Oh, yes. Once upon a time, I had two sisters to help me in
the business, but they have passed on, and Aunty Em is
alone. I have only my statues. This is why I make them, you 148,25-
14. Empathy
see. They are my company.” The sadness in her voice 29
soinded so deep and so sad that i couldn’t help the feeling
sorry for her.
I glanced at the park ranger and the family. The little boy
15. was hiding behind his father’s legs. I had to protect these Responsible
He Slung me a blue nylon backpack off his handlebars and
tossed it to me. Inside were fresh clothes for all of us, twenty
16. 203,1-4 Sharing
bucks in cash, a pouch full of golden drachmas, and bag of
double stuf oreos.
I looked back at the diner, which had only a couple
customers now. The waitress who’d served us dinner was 203,17-
17. Empathy
watching nervously out the window, like she was afraid Ares 19
might hurt us.
“You shouldn’t give up,” I told her. “You should write him a 209,26-
18. Empathy
letter or something.” 27

“I don’t know what my mom will do. I just know I’ll fight
19. 210,2-3 Responsible
next to you.”
“Don’t worry,” he said, “I placed a satyr’s sanctuary on 214,
20. Helping other
them.” “ meaning?” “Meaning they’ll reach the wild safely,” 19-21
“Percy.” Grover put his hand on my shoulder, “You can’t
21. give him the bolt,” “ I know that.” “Leave me here,” he said. Responsible
“Use the third pearl on your mom.”
265, 7-
They had done nothing but save me, over and over and now
22. 8 Empathy
they wamted to sacrifice their lives for my mom.
“Wear this, at least. For lick.” She took off her necklace.
23. With her five yoears’ worth of camp beads and the ring from 273,3-6 Sharing
her father, and tied it around my neck.
“And take this,” Grover said. He handed me a flattened tin
273, 8-
24. can that he’d probably been saving in his pocket for a Sharing
thousand miles.
I tossed her the helmet, which she caught in surprise. 277,24-
25. Responsible
“Return that to Lord Hades,” 26
“You must go, child. Buy first, konw that your mother has
returned.” I stared at him, completely stunned. “My
26. mother?” “You will find her at home Hades sent her when Responsible
you recovered his helm. Even the Lord of Death pays his
From All the data above the Writer concluded that the result the total didactic
values found was in the table below.

Table 1
Didactic value in Percy Jackson and the olympian lightning thief
No. Type of Didactic Total Percentage (%)
1 Sharing 6 23
2 Responsible 10 39
3 Empathy 6 23
4 Helping other 4 15
Total 26 100

4.2 Discussion
In this discussion, the writer discussed about Didactic Values In Percy

Jackson And The Olympians Lightning thief Novel By Rick Riordan. sharing,

responsible, empathy, and helping others.

4.2.1 Sharing

In Percy Jackson And The Olympians Lightning thief there was a sharing

value as in the quote below

1. “When I thought he was going to give me some deeep philosophical

comment to make me feel better, he said, “Can I have your apple?”

I didn’t have much of an appetite, so I let him take it.” (7, 20-23).

The form of sharing in the quote above is evidenced by the sentence

so i let him take it. The sentence was spoken by a character named

Percy Jackson who was the protagonist in the story of this novel, the

sentence explained that Percy gave the Apple he had to Grover

because Grover was in need of the apple.

2. He gave annabeth and me each a canteen of nectar and a Ziploc

bag full of ambrosia squares, to be used onlny in emergencies, if we

were seriously hurt.(126,11-13) The form of sharing values is

evidenced by the sentence He Gave Annabeth. This sentence

explained that Chiron who is the teacher of Annabeth and Percy

gave some items that would be needed by them while adventuring.

3. I nodded, disappointed, but then I got an idea. “Hey, grover, you

want a magic item?” (128,29-30) The sharing value is proven by

the sentence underlined, the sentence explained that the protagonist

Percy gave magic items in the form of winged shoes that would be

useful for grover in some of the future events in the novel.

4. He Slung me a blue nylon backpack off his handlebars and tossed it

to me. Inside were fresh clothes for all of us, twenty bucks in cash, a

pouch full of golden drachmas, and bag of double stuf oreos.

(203,1-4) The form of sharing value is evidenced by the sentence he

slung me a blue nylon backpack. This sentence explains that Ares

the god of war gave Percy Jackson a bag that contains a lot of

equipment they will need.

5. “Wear this, at least. For luck.” She took off her necklace. With her

five yoears’ worth of camp beads and the ring from her father, and

tied it around my neck. (273,3-6) The form of sharing value can be

proven by the word/sentence underlined, the word/sentence

explained that Annabeth gave his personal items to Percy as his

support for what Percy will do in the future.

6. “And take this,” Grover said. He handed me a flattened tin can that

he’d probably been saving in his pocket for a thousand miles. (273,

8-9) The form of sharing value can be seen from the sentence and

take this. And it is proven by he handed me a flattened tin can. The

sentence explains that Grover gave Flattented Tin Can to Percy who

would be useful when Percy fought against Ares the god of war.

Based on the quote value of sharing we must be able to share something that can

be useful and utilized by others as social beings we must be able to share in order

to strengthen a relationship or even help someone when it is difficult.

4.2.2 Responsible

In Percy Jackson And The Olympians Lightning there was Responsible

value as in the quote below

1. “ If god and monster were real, if all this magical stuff was possible,

surely there was some way to save her, to bring her back.”(92,18-20). The

form of the value of responsibility can be seen from the sentence

underlined, the sentence explained that Percy is thinking of ways to save

his mother because it is his responsibility as a child.

2. “There was Grover, neeeding my help, so i managed to haul him up and

stagger down into the valley, toward the light of the farmhouse. I was

crying, calling for my mother, but i held on o grover i wasn’t going to let

him go.(48,1-4) bentuk nilai tanggung jawab dapat dilihat dari kalimat so i

managed to haul him up and stagger down. The sentence explained that

Percy helps Grover because it is his responsibility as a friend to be able to

help others even though he is crying over his mother's departure.

3. “So let me get this straight,” I said. “I’am supposed go to the underworld

and confront the Lord of the Dead.”(123,19-20) The form of responsibility

value can be seen from the sentence underlined, the sentence explained

that Percy go to the underworld and confront with Lord of the Dead

because he wants to save his mother who has been kidnapped by Lord of

Dead, Percy's strong desire to save his mother can prove How much sense

of responsibility for Percy towards his mother.

4. “You saved my life, Percy. If ... if you’re serious about wanting me along,

I won’t let you down.”(124,2-3) Because it has often been helped and

saved by Percy, Grover felt responsible for replying to the kindness of

Percy. It can be seen from the sentence underlined.

5. I looked at the open doorway. I was free to go, but I couldn’t leave my

friends. (139,16-17) The value of responsibility can be seen from the

sentence underlined, the sentence explained that Percy will not even leave

his friends even though he can leave freely, this is another example of the

great sense of responsibility of Percy Jackson.

6. I glanced at the park ranger and the family. The little boy was hiding

behind his father’s legs. I had to protect these people. (175,24-25) The

sentence underlined explained that Percy was responsible for protecting

these people because he was the person being chased by the monster that

caused the person to be in danger.

7. “I don’t know what my mom will do. I just know I’ll fight next to you.”

(210,2-3) The sentence underlined explained that Percy didn’t care

whatever his mother does he will keep fighting with his friend.

8. “Percy.” Grover put his hand on my shoulder, “You can’t give him the

bolt,” “ I know that.” “Leave me here,” he said. “Use the third pearl on

your mom.” (264, 18-21) Felt always assisted by Percy Grover felt

responsible for replying to his bud to Percy even though he has to pay with

life it is evidenced by the sentence underlined.

9. I tossed her the helmet, which she caught in surprise. “Return that to Lord

Hades,” (277,24-26) Proof of the value of responsibility can be seen from

the underlined text, Percy kept his promise to Hades to return his helmet.

Keep promised included in the value of responsibility.

10. “You must go, child. Buy first, konw that your mother has returned.” I

stared at him, completely stunned. “My mother?” “You will find her at

home Hades sent her when you recovered his helm. Even the Lord of

Death pays his debts.” (288,14-18) The value of responsibility can also be

seen from the actions of the god of death who kept his promise to return

his mother Percy if Percy can return his helmet this is evidenced by the

text underline.

From all the responsible data above it can be concluded that the responsible value

can be found and seen from the character's character behavior mentioned above,

by understanding this responsible niclai it will be very helpful in the development

of a character to become a better person.

4.2.3 Empathy

In Percy Jackson And The Olympians Lightning there was Empathy value

as in the quote below.

1. But Mr. Brunner expected me to be good as everybody else, despite the

fact that i have dyslexia and attention deficit disorder and i had never

made above a C- in my life. No.-he didn’t expect me to be as good; he

expected me to be better. (6, 22-26) Empathy values can be found from

Mr. Brunner's behavior that supports Percy with all its lack of lack of view

in the underlined text.

2. “Percy,” he said. “Don’t be discouraged about leaving Yancy.It’s.. it’s for

the best”(18,24-25)“This isn’t the right place for you. It was only a matter

of time.”(18,32)The empathy value can also be seen again in underlined

text and can be found from Mr. Brunner's attitude to Percy where he gave

advice and support for Percy who will soon leave his school.

3. “Oh, yes. Once upon a time, I had two sisters to help me in the business,

but they have passed on, and Aunty Em is alone. I have only my statues.

This is why I make them, you see. They are my company.” The sadness in

her voice soinded so deep and so sad that i couldn’t help the feeling sorry

for her. (148,25-29) The empathy value can be seen from the underlined

text, The text explained Percy understood what Aunty Em felt.

4. I looked back at the diner, which had only a couple customers now. The

waitress who’d served us dinner was watching nervously out the window,

like she was afraid Ares might hurt us. (203,17-19) The empathy value can

be seen from the underlined text, The text explained that Waitress

apparently understood what was felt by Percy and his friends when dealing

with Ares the god of war.

5. “You shouldn’t give up,” I told her. “You should write him a letter or

something.” (209,26-27) The empathy value can be seen from the

underlined text, the text explained that Percy understood what Annabeth's

felt so that he gave advice that Annabeth wants to write a letter to his


6. They had done nothing but save me, over and over and now they wamted

to sacrifice their lives for my mom.(265, 7-8) The empathy value was

found from the text above and was proven by the underline text, the text

explained that from the all condition and what his friend did, Percy

Jackson Finnaly understood what his friend about their friendship.

From the all empathy data that I have found in this novel, it can be concluded that

empathy was too important in the relationship. Empathy was human skill to

know/understand what other people think/feel.

4.2.4 Helping others

In Percy Jackson And The Olympians Lightning there was Helping others

value as in the quote below.

1. I didn;t know what they were talking about. All i knew was that i was in

trouble again. As soon as Mrs. Dodds was sure poor little Nancy was

okay, promising to get her a new shirt at the museum gift shop.. Mrs.

Dodds turned on me, There was a triumphant fire in her eyes, as if I’d

done something she’d been waiting for all semester. “Now, honey” “ I

know,” I grumbled. “ A month erasing workbooks.” That wasn’t the right

thing to say. “ come with me,” Mrs. Dodds said. “Wait!” Grover yelped.

“It was me, I pushed her.” (8,23-32). I stared at him, stunned. I couldn’t

believe he was trying to cover for me. (9,1-2) The value of helping each

other can be seen from the underline text, The underline word explained

that grover sacrified himself to save Percy Jackson

2. There was Grover, neeeding my help, so i managed to haul him up and

stagger down into the valley, toward the light of the farmhouse. I was

crying, calling for my mother, but iheld on o grover i wasn’t going to let

him go.(48,1-4) The value of helping each other can be seen from the

underline text, the text explained Percy helped grover go back to the camp.

3. They were about to be overrun when thalia told her satyr to take the other

two half-bloods to safety while she held off the monsters. She was

wounded and tired, and she didn’t want to live like a hunted animal. The

satyr didn’t want to leave her, but he couldn’t change her mind, and he

had to protect the others. So Thalia made her final stand alone, at the top

of that hill.(97,27-32) The value of helping each other can be seen from

the underline text,The underline word explained directly that Thalia help

the satyr.

4. The Truth was, I did. I needed all the help i could get. “A trio,” I said.

“That’ll work.”(125,12-15) The underline word explained Percy got

helped by his friend.

5. “Don’t worry,” he said, “I placed a satyr’s sanctuary on them.” “

meaning?” “Meaning they’ll reach the wild safely,” (214, 19-21) The

underline text explained The Grover has helped the wild animal by giving

sanctuary on them.

From the all helping other value data above it can be concluded that mutual help

was a very useful value in social life and friendship, by helping each other can

increase relationship and increase mutual trust.



This chapter presented two parts, conclusions and suggestions.

Conclusions was drawn from the research questions that have been formulated. It

contains the final conclusion of the objectives in this study. In addition, in the

second part, some suggestions regarding this research was provided for other

related parties.

5.1 Conclusions

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

contains didactic values. The didactic values found sharing value total 6 (23%),

responsible 10 (39%), empathy 6 (23%), and helping others 4 (15%). Didactic

values was presented through the statements of the characters and depiction of the

atmosphere, with the statement and depiction of the atmosphere, we can see how

the didactic value can be presented at Percy Jackson and the Olympians Lightning

Thief by Rick Riordan. Percy Jackson and the Olympians Lightning Thief by Rick

Riordan was a story that inspired telling the journey between the times of

characters who have tips, gait, personality and managing in living life as half a

god. This novel was recommended for people who like the fantasy and adventure

genre as a reference for character development to become a strong person in

dealing with existing problems.

5.2 Sugesstion
Through this thesis, the writer suggested that those who was interested in

didactic value should use novel media, one of which is the fantasy fiction genre,

but didactic values didn’t only exist in novels but also in films, advertisements,

daily life, and others.

Especially for students of the English Education Program from the Institute of

University Nurul Huda Sukaraja Buay Madang OKU Timur. The writer suggested

to learn about didactic values. Because it can improve your character, improve

mentality and make you smarter in socializing, especially with your friends.

Finally, the writer hoped that this research will be useful for the future

progress of the English Language Education Study Program in order to improve

student character and the writer hoped that this research can be used as a reference

for students who want to do similar research.


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