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Mehwish MEHWISH Student ID (44169)



2.Literature Review

3.Research Question


5. Research Philosophy

6.Research Design

7.Research Strategy

8.Data Collection Method

9.Sampling technique

Mehwish MEHWISH Student ID (44169)

Cyberbullying, defined as bullying that takes place using technology, includes similar tactics
found in traditional bullying as well as unique approaches such as viral repetition (McHugh,2018). Due to cyber bullying many people had been affected specially teenagers in this
field. This sort of bullying become prevalent when individual got access to mobile phones.
Even though this issue has been going through with diverse research still there is a debate
on it. Teenagers are being victims of cyberbullying so the journals I selected “Cross-national
aspects of cyberbullying victimization among 14–17-year-old adolescents across seven
European countries” of Athanasiou (2018) and “Cyberbullying on social media
platforms among university students in the United Arab Emirates” (Abaido, 2020) are
having research based on the same area of interest identifying cyber bullying among
teenagers of schools and university students. This research proposal will be giving a
literature review on the same topic with research designs, philosophy, research strategy,
data collection method, sampling techniques with conclusion and limitation also discussed
in the end.

Literature Review:

Cyberbullying is an important topic and issue on global level. It leads to depression anxiety
and later to death. Specifically, teenagers or youth is being disturbed by it globally. (Abaido,
2020) second journal stated that there are multiple forms of bullying which includes:
Harassment, cyberstalking which includes sending harmful material Masquerade which is
pretending to be someone else a post something which makes someone look bad, exclusion
and sexting which includes posting someone’s nude picture without permission.
Cyberbullying is being carries out in different apps. it has now moved to WhatsApp,
Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, etc., where online polls are conducted to body shame the
victim and groups are made to spread false rumors or share morphed pictures and videos,
to a rather vast audience with the power of the Internet, which would not have been so
easily possible in the physical world otherwise. Cyberbullying also differs from traditional
bullying in affording possible anonymity to the attacker and difficulties in identifying the
victim. (Rao 2018)
Mehwish MEHWISH Student ID (44169)

Bullying has been a major subject in developmental and educational psychology during the
last few decades. This widespread interest is justified in part by the prevalence of the
phenomena, which is believed to be approximately 20% among teens for both perpetration
and victimization (Menin 2021). Due to more scope of digital world in this era
teenagers are more interested in spending longer hours on social media rather than
spending time with family and friends. Obviously spending more time to social media have
enormous threat of cyberbullying. In 2014, McAfee's Tweens, Teenagers, and Technology
polled 1422 Indian internet tweens and teens aged 8 to 12 years old and teens aged 13 to
17 years old. According to the report, 50 percent of Indian adolescents are victims of
cyberbullying, either directly or indirectly. According to the estimates, one out of every
three Indian teenagers has been cyberbullied. (Singh 2018) In being bullied on social
media it is also major fault of those teenagers who are being bullied because they spend
irregular time on social media rather than using it for specifically purpose. Other than that,
parents who are not monitoring on their children are also cause of cyberbullying as Parents
are the most powerful agents in the lives of their children, and they play a critical role in
their well-being and emotional development. When parents and children share a deep
emotional link, it is feasible for parents to detect a child's willingness to engage in illegal
conduct. It is critical for parents to be aware of their children's internet activities and
experiences in order to provide the greatest advice and support. (Alfakeh 2021) One of
our selected journals of Athanasiou (2018) When compared to the steady and much
earlier expansion of Internet usage in the other European nations surveyed, this abrupt
increase in Internet use creates a significant technical divide between parents and the
younger generation. So, the consequence of this is not hidden and so these bullied
teenagers go through stage of depression. Students who do well in school and have strong
social ties are less likely to develop mental health problems or engage in risky activities, and
they are more likely to succeed academically. On the other hand, students who don’t have
good experience and interaction in schools are more likely to be affected (Stathopoulou,

Much research which includes different methodologies are being done but on the other
hand still teenagers are not safe from this disease which is spreading rapidly. McLoughin et
al. point out that there is a vacuum in the knowledge on how cyberbullying impacts brain
Mehwish MEHWISH Student ID (44169)

development in their brief review. This is a significant issue, according to the authors,
because developmental cognitive neuroscience might help us understand which
characteristics enhance the risk of a teenager being involved in cyberbullying, as a victim or
perpetrator, and design personalized solutions. (Longobardi 2022) Other than that I think
that more qualitative research on the socio-psychological impact of cyberbullying on victims
is needed in conservative societies so that research in depth could be made and solutions
could be adapted.

Research Question:

RQ1: Identify differences in demographic (gender, age, parental educational level, age of
first contact with Internet) and family factors (family structure, parental mediation) that
increase the odds of the occurrence of online victimization in the countries studied
(Athanasiou 2018)

Research Question type: Exploratory is the type of question in which we try to find the
solution of a problem which is not determined.

RQ2: What is prevalence rate of cyberbullying among university students in United Arab
Emirates?1 (Abaido,2020)
This is descriptive question which requires information about specific topic, and it also
requires results of research of that certain topic.

RQ3: What are the different forms of cyber bulling in social media among youth in Arab
Emirates? (Abaido,2020)
Explanatory question which aims to clarify relations between variables.
RQ4: What are youth’s views on cyberbullying in United Arab Emirates UAE (Abaido,2020)
This is also descriptive.
RQ5: Do students prefer to be remained silent after being cyberbullied or they report such
incidents? (Abaido,2020)

This research question type is also Exploratory

Mehwish MEHWISH Student ID (44169)

My research Question: How Cyberbullying is affecting youth in negative way?

This will be a descriptive question and I choose it’s it shows accurate picture of the ongoing
situation with facts and figures.


H1. The usage of social media and the Internet on a regular basis would raise the chances of
being a victim of cybercrime on a global scale.

DV: Chances of being a victim of cybercrime. IV: Usage of SNS on regular base

H2. Greater online danger is linked to higher usage

DV: Greater online danger. IV: usage

H3. Internalizing and externalizing issues were predicted to enhance the likelihood of cyber
victimization across nations.

DV: Cyber victimization across counties. IV: Internalizing and externalizing

H4. Adolescents' mental health is negatively impacted by cyberbullying.

DV: Mental health. IV: Cyber bullying

H5. Adolescents are negatively affected by cyberbullying.

DV: Adolescents IV: Cyberbullying

Research philosophy:

(Athanasiou 2018) used interpretivism and (Abaido,2020)

also used interpretivism. Interpretivism arose from a critique of positivism, is similar to
critical realism, but from a subjectivist standpoint. (Saunders 2019)
My research philosophy:

Positivism. Positivism is a natural scientist's philosophical position that requires working

with observable social reality to develop law-like generalizations.
Mehwish MEHWISH Student ID (44169)

(Saunders 2019) I choose to use this philosophy because this is highly reliable but on
the other hand it also has a limitation which is while doing research the analysis becomes
unrealistic when it comes to social occurrences. As in this philosophy researcher use
objective stance which also suits to the descriptive question type.

Research Design:

(Athanasiou 2018) designed mono method consisting of cross-sectional quantitative.

(Abaido,2020) also used mono method with quantitative data. Single data collection
technique is known as mono method (Saunders 2019 p. 178)

My research Design:

I will use mixed method. It will help me to analyze both secondary and primary data. As this
topic is related to social science mixed method will help to work for both qualitative and
quantitative data which I think is required highly in this topic to conduct research. Multi-
method research is a subset of multiple methods research that use numerous quantitative
or qualitative approaches without combining them. (Saunders 2019 p. 178)

Research Strategy:
(Athanasiou 2018) used questionnaire and (Abaido,2020) also used questionnaire to
conduct their research pilot test were conducted. A question is self-completed, the
individual answering it really records their own responses (Saunders 2019 p. 502) They
used questionnaire to get clear perceptions on cyberbullying.

My research strategy:

I will adapt for both primary and secondary data. Interviews will help me to. The research
interview is a structured dialogue between two or more persons in which the interviewer
asks succinct, unambiguous questions and listens intently to the interviewee's responses.
(Saunders 2019 p. 434) But interview can also be biased so I will also refer to previous
studies (journal or article) which provides me with surveys and statistical graph for that
purpose which can help me a lot to emphasize my hypothesis.
Mehwish MEHWISH Student ID (44169)

Data Collection Method:

(Athanasiou 2018) and (Abaido,2020) both collected primary data by doing
questionnaire. Questions were set by both authors for teenagers to know how they feel
about cyberbullying. (Athanasiou 2018) questionnaire included socio demographic
data, internet usage characteristics, school achievement, parental control and internet
addiction test. (Abaido,2020) There were just a few options, scaled replies, and open-ended
questions. A pilot test was undertaken to ensure that the questionnaire would be reliable
for the real survey. The theoretical framework and current literature also aided in the
formulation of this research.

My Data collection Method:

I will collect both primary and secondary data interview. As I think this research requires
both data. Primary data will give me unprocessed material so I will reach topic directly by
analyzing answers provided by the responder. Then secondary data analyzing surveys in
journals will help me to gather previous researched information as they are easy to access
and allow you to draw fresh conclusions from prior research. Further secondary data is
more time saving.

Sampling Techniques:
In order to reach the goal sample size of 2000 teenagers, each nation selected a random
sample of around 100 classes. These classes were chosen using a systematic selection
method that began with a random beginning point and progressed through the list. Clusters
were constructed in non-class-based educational systems in accordance with present school
organization, and a similar sampling approach was used. In the absence of a list, classes
were chosen using a proportionate probability method (Athanasiou 2018)

Because the goal of this study was to get a sample typical of the young in this environment,
random sampling was used. A random sample of university students aged 18 to 25 in the
United Arab Emirates was taken from two prominent institutions, one in Sharjah and the
other in Dubai. (Abaido,2020) In probability sampling technique researchers take
participants randomly

My sampling Technique:
Mehwish MEHWISH Student ID (44169)

I will use quota sampling because it goes best with interviews and is time saving s well. But
on the other hand, it also has danger of being biased.

Conclusion and limitations: This report have provided with brief introduction to my topic
with literature review based on same topic and research proposal is also provided. Through
research I came to conclusion that cyberbullying is an important issue which is just like
disease, but unfortunately very limited solution is founded. Both journals (Athanasiou
2018) and (Abaido,2020) did research on this topic and highlighted many factors related to
it. But there were some limitations as well. Data was obtained from just those pupils who
were present on the day of data collection in practically all school-based research, Other
than that, this topic should be studies more considering about socio logical perspective.

Total words:1972

Reference list:
Book: Saunders, M, Lewis, P, & Thornhill, A 2019, Research Methods for Business Students Ebook,
Pearson Education, Limited, Harlow. Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central. [27 February 2022].

Abaido (2020) Cyberbullying on social media platforms among university students in the
United Arab Emirates, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 25:1, 407-420, DOI:
available at:

Alfakeh, Alghamdi, Kouzaba, Altaifi, Abu-Alamah and Salamah (2021)Parents’ perception of

cyberbullying of their children in Saudi Arabia given by Journal Of Family And Community
Medicine accessed date :25 Feb 2022
Authansiou, Melegkovits, Andrie, Magoulas, Tzavara, Richardson, Greydanus ,Toslia and
Tistsika (2018) Cross-national aspects of cyberbullying victimization among 14-17-year-old
adolescents across seven European countries. BMC Public Health.

Available at:

Mehwish MEHWISH Student ID (44169)

McHugh, Saperstein and Gold (2019) “OMG U# Cyberbully! An Exploration of public

Disclosure About Cyberbullying on Twitter” To be published in journal of” National Library
of Medicine” accessed date 25 Feb 2022 Available at:

Menin, Guarini, Mameli, Skrzypiec and Brighi (2021) Was that (cyber)bullying? Investigating
the operational definitions of bullying and cyberbullying from adolescents’ perspective given
by international journal of clinical health Psychology Accessed date 25 Feb 2022
available at:

Longobardi, Thornbarg and Morese (2022) Editorial: Cyberbullying and Mental Health: An
Interdisciplinary Perspective accessed date 25 Feb 2022

Rao, Bansal and Chandran (2018) Cyberbullying: A virtual offense with real consequence
Indian journal of psychiatry Accessed date 25 Feb 2022

Available at:

Singh, Chechi and Sadeeq (2020) Cyber Bullying as an Outcome of Social Media Usage: A
Literature Review given by ResearchGate Accessed date 25 Feb 2021 (p.67)
available at:

Stathopaulou, Karabatzaki, Loukeris, Mantas, Kokkalia and Drigas (2018)Cyber Bullying and
Traumatic Experiences: The Impact on Learning Disabilities by ResearchGate accessed date
25 Feb 2022
Mehwish MEHWISH Student ID (44169)

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