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The earliest evidence of agricultural life based on wheat, barley, cattle, sheep and goat

Kili Gul Muhammad

Animal remains of cattle, sheep, goat, and horse/wild ass have been found and the tool kit
comprises microliths, a few ground tools, bone points and spatula

Rana Ghundai
consist of handmade plain pottery, bones of domesticated
animals like ox, sheep, goat and maybe a wild ass. A mixed tool kit, of stone and bone,

Rehman Dheri
Remains of wheat, barley, fish and domesticated cattle, sheep and goat give us clues as regards
diet. Pottery was used from the very first settlement at the site and most of the pottery
specimens are of KotDijian forms and designs

The site’s claim to fame is that it provides earliest evidence of rice cultivation. Rice also occurs
as husks embedded in the clay of the pottery’ Evidence of animal husbandry comes from the
bones of cattle, sheep, goat and deer and
fishing can be gleaned from the bones of turtles and fish.

This site has also reported a cattle pen, which indicates
the domestication of cattle. It is also the site of the finding of horse bones.The site of Mahagara
has yielded some bone implements along with a tool kit of Mesolithic and Neolithic tools made
of materials such as chalcedony, agate, quartz and basalt.

is the only other site in the country, besides Burzahom in Kashmir that has
given a substantial range of bone and antler objects such as needles, scrapers, borers and
arrowheads. Bone ornaments like pendants, bangles and earrings have also been discovered.

The site of Piklihal is essentially an ashmound situated in District Raichur in

Storage pits have given remains of charred grains and bones of domesticated animals like cattle,
sheep and goat.

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