International Relations Notes

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Define the following concepts: international relations, foreign policy, sovereignty

International relations – the interaction among countries and organisaions/how

countries relate to each other socially, politically and economically.

Foreign policy – the way a country deals with countries and international organisations
and how it responds to issues of concern to the world.

Sovereignty – the right and power to make decision by an independent state without
interference from other state or international organisations.

Analyse the principles that guide Botswana in her international relations

(i) Protection of National Interest/Botswana first; Consideration for Botswana’s needs

and wants first before outsiders.

(ii) Good neighbourliness and Peaceful co-existence with neighbours. Botswana

respects other countries.

(iii) Respect for International law - Obey rule of law and international law to protect
image of Botswana

(iv) Respect for Human rights - Protection of rights of citizens of Botswana and citizens of
other countries

(v) Non interference (soveignity)- Does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of
other countries without being asked and Botswana does not want other countries to
interfere in her internal affairs.

(vi) Non Alignment - Remains neutral in any political factions/when there is an argument
between two countries Botswana does not side with eithet country.

(vii) Respect for territorial Integrity - Does not want to claim the land that does not
belong to her/respect boarders of other states.

Discuss the importance of international relations

(i) Helps countries in sustaining peace in the world and promotes unity among countries –
therefore countries have mutual understanding on issues to avoid war. E.g Botswana vs
Namibia over Sedudu Island
(ii) Helps in opening routes for trade – as countries are dependent on each other in the
exchange of goods

(iii) Assistance e.g. monetary and material aid (loans/grants and food) – Countries can
benefit from receiving aid/loans in order to develop their countries

(iv) Promotes economic development e.g receiving funding for development projects

(v) Cooperation; Common approach to world issues/goals e.g; Millenium Devt. Goals,
World peace, environmental conservation etc.

(vi) Promotes exchange of skills/technology (cultural exchange)

Explain the role played by Botswana on international relations at regional

continental and international

(a) Regional

(i) Taking part in SADC summits/meetings

(ii) Signing regional agreement e.g OKACOM(Okavango River Basin Water Commission)

(iii) Mediating in conflicts e.g in the Democratic Republic of Congo

(iv) Hosted refugees who were fleeing from wars in their countries

(b) Continental

(i) Participated in a number of peace keeping missions e.g 1993 Botswana soldiers went to

(ii) Attends AU meetings

(iii) Signed agreements such as the Africa Nuclear Free Zone Treaty

(c) International

(i) Is a signatory to the UN and other international organisations

(ii) Had sent soldiers in a number of UN missions e.g in Somalia, Rwanda

(iii) Participate in mediation of conflicts e.g former President Masire was appointed as UN
facilitator in DRC

Explain how Botswana benefits from international relations (regional, continental

and international)
(i) Trade e.g. European Union market Botswana exports beef and diamond

(ii) Aid e.g. money from other countries

(iii) Skilled manpower e.g. foreign workers from other countries

(iv) Loans e.g. Trans Kalahari built through a loan from

(v) Gives the country a good image e.g. country advertises itself

(vi) Scholarship/education a number of Batswana have benefited from scholarships from

Britain, Russia

(vii) Foreign investment: new industries from outside are set in Botswana

(viii) Cultural exchange( Exchange of technology e.g. internet.)

Discuss challenges faced by Botswana in international Relations

(i) Crime and social ills - Influx of illegal immigrants, international crime

(ii) International agreements and declarations threaten our sovereignty because they
are binding

(iii)Political instabilities e.g Zimbabwe (crime and illegal immigrants)/Undemocratic

governments/differences in ideologies/policies.

(iv) Diseases e.g HIV and Aids, Ebola, SARS spreading

(v) Fluctuation of world prices/aid with strings attached/unfair trade relations - the
chinese government has to assist Botswana with money to build an airport, a Chinese
contractor has to be hired by the Botswana government to do the project.

(vi) Geographical location - Botswana is landlocked, so there are more expenses in

trading with other countries especially when shipping goods. Currently uses Walvis Bay
and Durban sea ports.

(vii) Language barriers - difficult to communicate with other people from non-English
speaking countries. E.g; Asia/Batswana have to know other peoples languages in order to
relate with that prticular country e.g Russian,French and German.

(viii) Relationship with poor countries - Trade benefits are minimal

(ix) Threats by international organisations e.g survival international tarnishing the

image of Botswana.
Explain the role of international organisations in maintaining peace

(a) Security Council

(i) Imposes economic sanctions to countries

(ii) Military intervention e.g UN peace keeping forces

(iii) Diplomacy

(b) International Court of Justice

(i) Trial leaders who violate basic human rights

(ii) Settle cases/conflicts between countries

Evaluate efforts made in promoting international relations


(i) Botswana has signed treaties and agreements

(ii) Has a foreign policy guideline

(iii) Mediation in conflicts e.g in the DRC


(i) Has failed to bring peace in countries like DRC

(ii) Has failed to produce a foreign policy document

(iii) Global events e.g globalisation dicates Botswana’s foreign policy as the country has to
accommodate the interest of other countries

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