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Study Skills Tips……………………………………………………………………………………………..3-3

Motivational Presentations……………………………………………………………………………4-5

Topic Exercises…………………………………………………………………………………………….6-22

Paper 1 Questions………………………………………………………………………………………23-69

Paper 2 Questions………………………………………………………………………………………70-81

Paper 3 Question……………………………………………………………………………………..82-110

In every battle, he who wins is the one who always has the best strategy to win. Social Studies,
like any other subject, is a subject that requires a student to device strategies that are highly
effective to produce the best result. This is every student’s wish, to pass with flying colors.

The purpose of this part is to share with students some of the best strategies one can use in
order to produce results. This is a short presentation aimed at providing the student with arms

and ammunitions which can be used if not must be used in order to bring the best of results in
social studies. The presentation is about Mind Mapping.

Mind Mapping is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better
analyze, understand, combine separate things into a complete whole, recall and generate new
ideas. In simple terms, is a tool that helps a student to structure his/her notes, combine them
into a connected whole thus making it easier for him to understand, generate new ideas and
recall the information.

Mind mapping is a student’s friend. Most students find mind-mapped notes both richer and
easier to follow than long text scribbles. Mind maps are great for studying for exams and
organizing complex notes, helping you to tease out the relationship between the different
aspects of your topics before you waste hours rewriting.

What then are the advantages of Mind Mapping?

(i) It allows you to represent very big amount of information in relatively small space.
That is, you can have all your notes for a topic on one piece of paper, with your ideas
arranged in a way that encourages you to see relationships between them.
(ii) It helps a student to generate more ideas, you generate more ideas in less time.
(iii) It improves your memory. Remembering your material becomes easier therefore, a
well made mind map makes it impossible to forget.
(iv) It influences the student to read more.

Why not go for it because if it has benefits that you are looking for?


(i) Start by writing the subject in the middle and continue by adding related thoughts
(ii) Next step is to create connections between these thoughts and add some visual
support (images, colors) so that you can highlight and easier distinguish between
different topics and sub-topics.
(iii) Final step – how to structure


Students need some attributes of an eagle. An eagle is very powerful bird, very intelligent
and always aware of its environment.

Eagles are a sign of beauty, bravery, courage, honor, pride, determination and grace.

i) Eagles are fearless – An eagle will never surrender to the size or strength of its prey.
It will always give a fight to win or regain its territory.
As students you face so many challenges at home, in school – poverty, peer
pressure, addiction to social media/ drugs and alcohol, relationships, the list is
endless. Successful students are fearless. They face obstacles/challenges head on to
be victorious.

ii) Eagles are tenacious(always determined even when the situation is difficult)
When other birds fly away from the storm with fear, an eagle spreads its mighty
wings and uses the current to soar/fly to greater heights. The eagle takes advantage
of the very storm that lesser birds fear and head for cover.
When you have challenges, you don’t have to run away from them/ give up, rather
you must push yourselves higher beyond the challenges. Challenges in this case
must help you grow as a student. Do away with the pigeon’s mentality, stop
complaining and find the new route to beat your challenges. Use the power of the
storm to push you forward and upwards to your next dream. The harder the
challenges the harder we must push ourselves in order to beat them.

iii) Eagles posses vitality (full of energy and cheerfulness) Eagles are full of life, they find
time to look back at their life and re-energies themselves. It never gives up instead it
retreats to a mountain and goes through metamorphosis (change).
In order to survive as a student you need to have an intrinsic motivation to keep
going. Change strategies when you realize that a certain route does not work for
you. Why should you always prepare late and get lower marks? If it does not work
for you find other ways to improve.

Finally, I want you to learn that an eagle can live up to 70 years. But to reach this age
it must make a hard decision. At 40 its long and flexible claws can no longer grab
prey. Its long sharp beak becomes bent. Its old aged and heavy wings become stuck
to its chest and make it difficult to fly. Then, the eagle is left with only two options;
die or go through a painful process of change which lasts 150 years. The process
requires that the eagle fly to a mountaintop and sit on its nest. There the eagle
knocks its beak against a rock until it plucks it out. After plucking it out, the eagle will
wait for a new beak to grow back and then it will pluck out its talons. When its new
talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its old-aged feathers. And after 5 months,
the eagle takes its famous flight to rebirth and lives for 30 more years.

In simple terms, for you as a student to get to higher heights (passing with flying
colors), you need to come to yourself first and make a decision. The decision is going
to make you suffer a bit because you have to deal with yourself in a very harsh
manner. You need to do away with some of your habits and attitudes. In this way, it
means you have to welcome and live with new ways and habits. All these will enable
you to reach greater heights.

The department of Social Studies would like to take this opportunity to wish you
the best in your BGCSE examinations.



(a) Explain the following concepts

(i) Environmental Impact Assessment
__________________________________________________________________ (1)
(ii) Land degradation
__________________________________________________________________ (1)
(iii) Sustainability
__________________________________________________________________ (1)
(b) Explain three importance of environmental impact assessment (EIA)
(c) Evaluate the role of government in conserving the environment
_____________________________________________________________________ (8)
(d) Explain the importance of the Hardveld/Eastern Margin to human life
(e) State three ways human beings can negatively impact the environment
_____________________________________________________________________ (3)


Define the following concepts

(i) Population dynamics

________________________________________________________________________ (1)

(ii) Fertility rate

________________________________________________________________________ (1)

(iii) Mortality rate


(a) Discuss socio economic factors influencing fertility rate

________________________________________________________________________ (6)

(b) Explain the effects of population growth on the environment

________________________________________________________________________ (4)

(c) Describe causes of population migration between countries

________________________________________________________________________ (4)

(d) Suggest three possible solutions to problems caused by population growth on the

________________________________________________________________________ (3)



(a) Define the following

(i) Socialisation
_______________________________________________________________ (1)
(ii) Gender Imbalance

_______________________________________________________________ (1)
(iii) Inter-marriage
(b) Explain the need for socialization at family level
_____________________________________________________________________ (6)
(c) Discuss two significance of intermarriages across ethnic groups globally
_____________________________________________________________________ (6)
(d) Describe challenges that threaten the family as a social unit in Botswana
_____________________________________________________________________ (4)
(e) Give three opinions on effective ways of addressing sex education
_____________________________________________________________________ (3)


Define the following

(i) Nation building

___________________________________________________________________________ (1)

(ii) Nationalism
___________________________________________________________________________ (1)

(iii)Discuss multi-ethnicity as an important component of nation building in Botswana

___________________________________________________________________________ (6)

(iv)Outline the provisions of the 1934 Native Tribunal Proclamation

___________________________________________________________________________ (4)

(v)Explain the importance of nation building

___________________________________________________________________________ (4)

(vi)Discuss how colonialism contributed to early nationalists movements



Define the following

(i) Constitutional democracy


(ii) Voter apathy


(iii) Good governance


(a) Explain the stages of law making in Botswana


(b) Discuss two weaknesses of Botswana’s electoral system

___________________________________________________________________________ (6)

(c) Describe three non-democratic forms of government


___________________________________________________________________________ (6)

(d) Explain the reasons for voter apathy in Botswana


(e) Analyse the role of the media in promoting good governance




Define the following

(i) Rights
________________________________________________________________________ (1)

(ii) Citizen

________________________________________________________________________ (1)

(a) Explain three ways through which citizenship is acquired in Botswana

________________________________________________________________________ (6)

(b) Discuss the rights of citizen

________________________________________________________________________ (6)

(c) Describe the responsibilities of the state to citizens

________________________________________________________________________ (6)


Define the following

(i) Globalization

___________________________________________________________________________ (1)
(ii) Terrorism

___________________________________________________________________________ (1)

(iii) Global warming

___________________________________________________________________________ (1)

(a) Explain the importance of United Nations Charter of Human Rights in promoting sound

___________________________________________________________________________ (6)

(b) Describe the qualities of an individual who has a sense of global identity

___________________________________________________________________________ (6)

(c) Assess the impact of globalization on citizens in Botswana

___________________________________________________________________________ (8)


Define the following;

(i) International relations

(ii) Foreign policy


(iii) Sovereignty


(a) Explain the principles that guide Botswana in her foreign policy

__________________________________________________________________________ (6)

(b) Discuss the importance of international relations

___________________________________________________________________________ (6)

(c) Discuss two challenges faced by Botswana in international relations

___________________________________________________________________________ (6)



Define the following;

(i) Culture


ii) Cultural Diversity


(iii) Cultural tolerance


ii) Describe the different cultures of Botswana

__________________________________________________________________________ (6)

iii) Discuss the importance of speaking and writing in Setswana

___________________________________________________________________________ (6)

iv) Discuss gender disparities resulting from Tswana cultural practices.

___________________________________________________________________________ (6)


(a) Describe ways in which the environment can be through the following

(i) Eco-tourism (2)

(ii) Afforestation (2)

(ii) Game Farming (2)

(b) Explain different ways non-governmental organizations care for the

environment (6)



(c) Investigate the impact of human beings on the environment (8)

(i) Explain cultural factors influencing fertility rate (6)

(ii) Explain factors that contribute to population growth (6)

(iii)Examine the impact of rapid population growth on available resources (6)

(iv)Evaluate the importance of population policy (8)

(v)Discuss the role played by the government in addressing problems resulting

from rural-urban migration (6)

(vi) Discuss the importance of population census (6)



(a) Explain three roles of the family in addressing sex education (6)

(b) Evaluate the role of the state in promoting family ties in Botswana (8)

(c)Explain the role of the following stakeholders in promoting family life and relationships

(i) Religious Organizations (4)

(ii) Non-governmental Organizations (4)

(d) Evaluate the impact of changing family systems globally (8)


(a) Describe the role played Batswana dikgosi in preventing the land of Batswana being taken
over by the British South Africa Company (BSACo.) (6)

(b) Analyse the effects of on the lives of Batswana (8)

(c) Discuss the process leading to the declaration of Bechuanaland Protectorate (6)
(d) Assess the negative use of nationalism globally (8)

(e) Explain challenges encountered in nation building in Botswana (6)



(a) Evaluate the constitutional limitations on the power of government in Botswana (8)

(b) Analyse the role of the media in promoting good governance (8)

(c) Compare and contrast Botswana’s constitutional democracy with Swaziland’s Absolute
monarchy (8)

d) Evaluate the role of opposition parties in ensuring good governance in Botswana (8)

(e)Describe any three main features of Botswana’s Constitution (6)



(a) Analyse the qualities of a good citizen (4)

(b) Explain the importance of the following groups in promoting responsible citizenry and
participatory democracy

(i) Non-governmental Organizations (4)

(ii) Women (4)

(c) Evaluate the role of the state to its citizens (8)



(a) Evaluate the role played by the following organizations in sustaining human life, dignity and

(i) UN Peace Keeping Forces (8)

(ii) SADC (8)

(iii)International Court of Justice (8)

(b) Assess global warming as a global crises (8)



(a) Analyse three principles that guide Botswana in her international relations (12)

(b) Evaluate efforts made by Botswana in promoting international relations (8)

(c)Explain the role of UN in maintaining peace (6)



(a) Assess the changing attitudes towards the non –verbal aspects of culture (12)

(b) Examine the cultural changes that have taken place in Botswana since independence (8)

(c)Discuss ways of promoting culture (8)

(d) Evaluate the importance of culture (8)

(e) Suggest possible solutions to address issues of gender imbalances (4)

(f) Assess the impact of globalization on Setswana culture (8)

(h) Compare and contrast Botswana culture with any one of African culture (8)

(i) Discuss the role of mass media in influencing culture (8)



(a) Evaluate the contribution of mining to the economy of Botswana (8)

(b) Explain ways of sustaining economic diversification (6)

(c) Evaluate the role of the following stakeholders in promoting economic diversification in

(i) Youth (4)

(ii) Government (4)

(d)Assess the importance of global economic forces to economic development in Botswana




(a) Explain the importance of education (6)

(b) Discuss the difference between traditional and modern education systems (8)

(c) Explain the role of education in promoting the following

(i) A healthy society (4)

(ii) Consumer Awareness (4)

(d) Outline steps to take when voter rights are violated (4)



(a) Discuss the role of education in promoting economic development (6)

(b) Explain how the disabled should be catered for in Botswana’s education system (6)

(c) Evaluate the role of the government in promoting human resource development in
Botswana (8)

(d) Outline strategies of empowering the disadvantaged members of the community (4)

(e) Explain the challenges of self employment in Botswana (4)


2008 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/01

Total Marks: 50 1 hours 30 minutes

1 Read the extract below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

In 1948 the heir to the Bangwato throne, Seretse Khama, married an English lady, Ruth
Williams. The marriage took place in London where Seretse met Ruth while he was a law
student. This marriage was opposed by different groups throughout the world. In London, the
government did everything to stop the marriage. Among Seretse’s people the marriage was not
acceptable. At first, the tribe led by traditionalists such as Tshekedi Khama opposed the
marriage. Ultimately, the tribe was divided on the marriage issue, with some people supporting
the marriage while others did not.

Adapted from Botswana - The Road to Independence, Fawens Petal

(a) What kind of marriage is referred to in the passage?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

(b) Suggest three reasons why people like Tshekedi Khama were opposed to the marriage.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

(c) Discuss the significance of the marriage of Sir Seretse Khama and Ruth Williams.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [6]

2 Study the pictures below and use them to answer questions (a) to (c).

(a) State three environmental problems that could result from the activities shown in the
pictures P and Q.


(b) Suggest three possible solutions to the environmental problems that might arise from the
activities shown in the pictures P and Q.

..................................................................................................................................................... [3]

(d) State four ways in which natural vegetation is important to human life.


3 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Foreign Policy

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

(ii) Voter apathy

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

(b) State four responsibilities of the state to its citizens.


(c) Explain two challenges that might threaten the family in Botswana.


4 (a) State two roles of the Ombudsman
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

(b) Explain, with examples, the role played by women in promoting responsible citizenship in


(c) Explain, with examples, the role played by Botswana in international relations at Regional


5 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Education

(ii) Economic diversification


(b) Suggest two ways in which education can help to promote a healthy society.


(c) State any two steps that can be taken when consumer rights are violated.


(d) State four differences between modern and traditional types of education.



2009 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/01

Total Marks: 50 1 hours 30 minutes

1 Study the diagram below and use it to answer questions that follow.

Formation of Government in country X

(a) Identify the government system of country X


(b) (i) Identify the electoral system of country X.


ii) Explain two weaknesses of the electoral system of country X. Use information from
the diagram only.

(c) Explain factors that contribute to population growth


2 Read the extract below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

Following the government’s appeal to all individuals and institutions to join hands to fight the
HIV and AIDS scourge, more and more Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) have taken the
message seriously.

For example, one of the known NGOs- ACHAP – is at the forefront of the fight against HIV and
AIDS through various efforts. According to one of its Directors, Tsetsele Fantan, their
organization has learnt over time that institutions do not change behavior but communities do,
hence the reason why they as ACHAP have joined hands with the government in the fight
against HIV/AIDS.

HIV/AIDS undermines development efforts. It mainly claims the lives of able-bodied young men
and women who are the most productive group and thus affects the family system in
Botswana. It is therefore very important that all stakeholders must work collectively to deal
with HIV and AIDS.

Adapted from Botswana Daily News; 24 November 2005

(a) State one way in which HIV and AIDS impact on the economy of Botswana. Use
information from the passage only.

(b) Suggest one possible solution that ACHAP could encourage people to use in order to
stop the spread of HIV and AIDS.

(c) Explain two ways in which HIV and AIDS affect the family systems in Botswana.

(d) Explain two roles of the family in addressing HIV and AIDS.



3 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Socialisation

(ii) Assimilation

(b) Explain the role of Religious Organisations in promoting family life and relationships in


(ii) Assess the negative uses of nationalism.


4 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Transparency

(ii) Accountability

(b) Describe any two branches of government in Botswana.


(c) Explain two ways in which the principle of self reliance can help in nation building.


5 (a) (i) Define ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’.


ii) Explain the importance of Environmental Impact Assessment.


(b) (i) State one example of a Non-Governmental Organisation that helps to conserve
the environment.


ii) Explain with examples how the Non-Governmental Organisations are succeeding in
caring for the environment.



2010 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/01
Total Marks: 50 1 hours 30 minutes


1 Study the cartoon below showing a car in a flood and answer the questions that follow.

(a) State two ways in which flooding affects human beings.


(b) Describe how flooding, as a result of climate change, is linked to petrol use.

(c) Explain two measures that can be undertaken to prevent the problem shown in the

2 Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

On the 1st of April 2008, Botswana witnessed a historic peaceful transfer of power from one
leader to the other. President Festus Gontebanye Mogae handed the reins of power to the Vice
President, Lt General Ian Khama Seretse Khama. President Mogae retired upon completing a
ten year period in office as required by the constitution of Botswana. Many Batswana thronged
the parliamentary grounds to witness President Khama’s inauguration ceremony.

In his maiden speech, President Khama pledged to uphold Botswana’s constitution and respect
the rule of law. He said his guiding principles will be ”Democracy, Development, Discipline and
Source: Botswana Daily News 3, Monday April 7th 2008

(a) What form of government is described in the passage above?


(b) State one other form of government apart from the one mentioned in the passage.


(c) Explain one weakness of the form of government in the passage.

(Use information from the passage only)


(d) Explain how “Development” as a guiding principle helps in nation building.

(e) Explain any two main features of Botswana’s constitution that are mentioned in the



3 (a) Define the following concepts:

(iii) Corruption

(iv) Economic Diversification


(b) (i) Explain two ways in which corruption can hinder economic development.


(ii) Explain two ways in which the government can sustain economic diversification.


4 (a) Define the following concepts:

(iii) Nation

(iv) Nationalism

(b) Explain any two roles played by the Legislative Council in preparing Batswana for


(c) Explain two challenges faced by Botswana in nation building.


5 (a) (i) What is meant by the concept ’globalization’?


(ii)State two negative effects of globalization on Batswana.


(b) Describe a situation in which Botswana, as a member of SADC, got involved in restoration
of peace in the region.


(c) Explain two principles that guide Botswana in her international relations.



2011 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/01

Total Marks: 50 1 hours 30 minutes


1 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

Zimbabwe was once the breadbasket of Africa with a strong economy. The country used to feed
itself and export its goods to its neighbours and abroad. Today the country’s economy has
collapsed. Zimbabwe has become a ’beggar’. The country’s infrastructure is in a state of
disrepair. The shelves in the shops are empty. There is no milk to feed the children, no medicine
to cure the sick and no employment for the job seekers. To add insult to injury, violence has
become a way of life. The violence has left many people dead and some have been displaced
from their homes. Thousands of Zimbabweans have fled their country into neighbouring
countries. Some fled to South Africa while others poured into Botswana. Zimbabweans were
not well received in South Africa. In Alexandra Township for example Zimbabweans were
attacked and killed. They were attacked simply because they were foreigners.

(a) State one factor that could have caused the Zimbabwean crisis.


(b) Which term is used to describe the dislike of Zimbabweans by South Africans as shown in
the passage?


(c)Explain two reasons why Zimbabweans are not welcome in South Africa.


(d) Explain two ways of improving the situation in Zimbabwe.


2 The table below shows the main exports of Zambia. Use it to answer the questions that

Main Exports of Zambia in Million Kwachas

Exports 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

Copper 838.0 472.0 688.6 645.0 598.0 900.0

Tobacco 6.2 5.0 5.1 5.8 3.4 n.a

Maize 7.3 1.4 0.5 2.0 7.8 n.a

Zinc 25.2 20.3 26.5 17.9 17.6 27.0

Cobalt 7.9 7.1 15.9 15.3 36.6 25.4

Source: Geography of Africa by W. J. Minns

(a) Suggest two reasons why records were not available for tobacco and maize in 1979.


(b) Using information from the table only, give two economic sectors that show that the
Zambian economy is diversified.


(c) Which export could have made a good contribution in the development of Zambia? Justify
your answer.


(d) Explain two ways in which the Zambian Government can help to diversify its economy.



3 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Patriotism


(ii) Separation of power between the branches of government


(b) Explain two reasons why there is a need for separation of power between the branches of
government in democracy.


(c) Explain two ways in which nationalism can be dangerous.


4 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Globalisation

(ii) Economic recession


(b) Describe two ways in which Botswana benefits from being a member of SADC.


(c) Discuss two negative impacts of economic recession in Botswana.


5 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Birth rate


(ii) Fertility rate


(b) Explain two socio-economic factors that influence fertility rate.


(c) Explain two ways in which population increase can be reduced.



2012 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/01

Total Marks: 50 1 hours 30 minutes


1 Read the passage below and use it to answer question 1.

My name is Kena. From birth I was virtually deaf, yet I learned to manage in a hearing world.
Then, while in college, I was shocked when I was told that I would become blind. My college
counselor gave me an article about living without sight and sound. Immediately, my eyes
caught the phrase that those that are both deaf and blind are the loneliest people in the world.
I burst into tears ... I wanted so badly to be accepted. This led to my seeking the approval of
teenage boys. I did not know how to say no. When I was 14, I was raped but I told no one.
Although my parents were always concerned and loving, I felt isolated and lost.

Adapted from: Natural Economy- Jacquie Tarr

(a) List two ways through which Kena can contribute to the economy of Botswana.


(b) (i) Explain two challenges faced by Kena.


(ii) Suggest four ways through which the Botswana Education System could cater for Kena.


The table below shows the outcomes of the general elections in country X. The country has

60 parliamentary seats open for contest. Use the information to answer question 2.


CCM 4 1

IDF 42 4

IPP 50 7

ACP 60 45

LPP 6 0

WAP 1 0

ABP 4 1


(a) Name the system of government practised by country X.


(b) Which party will become the official opposition in Parliament in country X?


(c) Explain two challenges faced by small parties like WAP when taking part in elections.


(d) Explain two weaknesses of the electoral system used in country X.



3 (a) Define the following concepts

(i) De-facto population

(ii) Population Structure


(b) Explain two ways in which rural-urban migration affects the population structure in rural


(c) Explain two ways in which the government can help to reduce rural-urban migration.


4 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Citizenship

(ii) Terrorism

(b) Explain two effects of global warming.


(c) Explain the importance of the United Nations Charter of Human Rights in promoting global


5 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Cultural Identity


(ii) Gender Disparity


(b) Explain the significance of cultural identity in Botswana.


(c) Explain two ways in which culture promotes the national principle of ”Botho.”



2013 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/01

Total Marks: 50 1 hours 30 minutes


1 Study the picture below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) What type of media is shown in the picture?


(b) Name any other type of media besides the one shown in the picture.

(c) Malebogo used ’Sowetan’, ’Daily Sun1 and The Star’ to get information about how ’Ntuane
falls in swift BNF, BCP coup’.

Explain two reasons why it was important for Malebogo to use different media to get
information about Ntuane’s story.


(d) Explain two ways through which the media shown in the picture strengthens good


2 Read the passage below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

Population Size and Growth in Botswana

Botswana’s population is small. It was about half a million at independence, increased to

574 000 in 1971. Ten years later, in 1981, the population grew to slightly less than a million, and
it reached 1 326 796 in 1991 and 1 680 823 in 2001. The population is estimated at

2 000 000 by 2016. Further in the future, projections show 2 200 000 in 2021 and 2 400 000 in

These trends in population size indicate rapid increase during 1971 to 1991 and slow change
thereafter. The annual population growth rate was 4.9% for 1971 to 1981 and 3.4% for 1981 to

Adapted from Revised National population policy March 2010

(a) State one way in which Botswana government can increase the annual population growth


(b) (i) State one possible reason why Botswana’s population was small at independence.


(ii) Justify your answer in b (i).


(c) Suggest one possible reason why the annual population growth rate dropped from

4.9% for 1971 to 1981 to 3.4% for 1981 to 1991.


(d) Explain one reason why it is important for Botswana to estimate the future growth of the
population for 2021 and 2031.

(e) Explain two ways in which Botswana’s small population negatively impacts on her



3 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Terrorism

(ii) Global citizenry


(b) Explain two ways in which terrorism affects the economy of the world.


(c) Explain two fundamental human rights.


4 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Education

(ii) Consumer awareness


(b) Explain two ways through which education can promote a healthy population.


(c) Outline any two steps in order that voters can take if their rights are violated.


5 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Land degradation


(ii) Ecosystem

(b) (i) Describe two causes of conflict over the use of natural resources.


(ii) Explain two ways in which conflicts raised in b(i) can be addressed.



2014 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/01

Total Marks: 50 1 hours 30 minutes

1 Study the diagram below and answer question 1

Source: Citizenship Today by Jenny Wales, Paul Clarke, Nei Reaich and others.

(a) Name the process taking place in the diagram.


(b) Identify three differences between the Botswana system and the one represented by the


(c) Using examples, show two ways in which democracy is practised in the process shown in
the diagram.


(d) State two constitutional limitations on the power of the government in Botswana.


2 Study the table below showing the daily activities of the Tukano Indians and answer
question 2.

Time of the day Men Women

Light fire and collect water from
Early morning Bath in the river. the river for cooking
Breakfast Cassava bread, fruit juice
Clear new area of forest using
Morning machete and axes. Work in the fields to plant,
Hunting of fish or meat weed and harvest crops.
Lunch Cassava bread

Collect cocoa and tobacco leaves. Wash dirty utensils.

Afternoon Make baskets and strings of beads Wash children.
Smoke. Spend most of the afternoon
preparing cassava.
Make pots with young girls.
Supper Cooked fish or meat, freshly cooked vegetables, Cassava bread and
fruit juice.
Drink homemade alcohol, chew cocoa Supervise younger children.
Evening Leaves. Spend time separated from the
Play musical instruments. men – only join when invited to.
Perform rituals and festivals

Source: Key Geography Interactions by David Waugh and Tony Bushell.

(a) Using examples describe two elements of the Tukano culture


(b) Using examples, show two ways in which the Tukano culture is similar to Botswana
traditional culture.


(c) How do the Tukano people negatively affect the environment?


(d) How can the Tukano people help to conserve the environment?



3 (a) Define the following concepts:

(i) Economic diversification


(ii) Sustainable development


(b) Explain two ways in which education helps to build a healthy society.


(c) Explain two ways in which the Botswana education system caters for people living with


4 (a) Define the following terms:

(i) Nationalism

(ii) Colonisation


(b) Explain two ways in which colonisation led to the rise of nationalism in Botswana.


(c) Explain two challenges facing the nation building process in Botswana.


5 (a) Define the following terms:

(i) Eco-tourism

(ii) Game farming


(b) Describe two factors contributing to population growth.


(c) Explain two effects of HIV and AIDS on the population.


2004 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/02
Total Marks: 100 2 hours 15 minutes


1 (a) Describe five different ways in which the environment can be sustained. [10]

(b) Explain the importance of environment impact assessment [5]

(c) Evaluate the role of NGOs in conserving the environment. [5]

2 (a) Explain how the following national principles contribute to nation building:

(i) Botho [2]

(ii) Democracy [2]
(iii) Development [2]
(iv) Unity [2]
(v) Self-reliance [2]
(b) Discuss five challenges encountered in nation building [10]

3 (a) Explain five ways in which Botswana benefits from international relations. [10]

(b) Describe five principles that guide Botswana in her international relations [10]

4 (a) Describe five ways of promoting culture [10]

(b) Discuss how globalization has affected national culture in Botswana [10]

5 (a) Explain five factors that contribute to economic development [10]

(b) Evaluate the role of the following in promoting economic diversification

(i) the private sector [5]

(ii) Government [5]

2005 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/02
Total Marks: 100 2 hours 15 minutes


1 (a) Describe the economic advantages and disadvantages of globalization for Botswana

(b) Discuss five ways in which corruption can affect economic development [5]

2 (a) Describe five differences between the traditional and modern education systems in

Botswana [10]
(b) Describe how the following promote human resource development

(i) Government [5]

(ii) Non-Governmental Organisations [5]

3 (a) (i) Discuss the importance of population policy [5]

(ii) Describe five causes of conflicts over natural resources. [10]

(b) Discuss the role of the government in promoting family life in Botswana [5]

4 (a) List the stages of law making in Botswana [10]

(b) (i) Describe five roles of the opposition parties in Botswana [5]

(ii) Describe five ways of promoting Botswana’s culture internationally [5]

5 (a) (i) Outline the provisions of the 1934 Native Tribunal Proclamation [5]
(ii) Explain the importance of inter-marriages across ethnic groups [5]

(b) Discuss the role played by the following Councils in preparing Botswana for

(i) African Advisory Council [5]

(ii) Joint Advisory Council [5]


2006 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/02

Total Marks: 100 2 hours 15 minutes

1 (a) Assess the impact of terrorism as a global crisis. [10]

(b) Discuss the importance of non-governmental organization in promoting

democracy [10]

2 (a) Explain five ways in which the government promotes economic diversification in

Botswana [10]

(b) Discuss five ways in which mining contributes to the economy of Botswana [10]

3 (a) Explain how colonialism led to the formation of early Nationalist movement [10]

(b) (i) Describe the roles played by Batswana dikgosi in preventing a takeover by the

British South Africa Company in 1825. [5]

ii) Describe the role played by the Bogosi Institution in nation building [5]

4 (a) Evaluate the effects of international migration in Botswana [10]

(b) Explain five factors that lead to high population growth [10]

5 (a) Describe how government is formed in Botswana [8]

(b) Outline eight qualities of a good citizen [8]

(c) Explain why international relations are important. [4]


2007 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/02

Total Marks: 100 2 hours 15 minutes

1 (a) Examine the impact of rapid population growth on available resources [10]
(b) Discuss five effects of rural-urban migration on rural areas [5]

2 (a) Discuss how the youth can help to address the problem of unemployment in rural

areas. [6]

b) Evaluate the contribution of the NGOs in nation building. [14]

3 (a) Discuss three advantages and three disadvantages of Botswana’s ‘first past the post’

electoral system [12]

(b) Explain why there is voter apathy in Botswana [5]

4 (a) Discuss with examples how culture promotes gender disparities in Botswana [10]

(b) Assess how globalization has negatively affected the economy [10]

5 (a) Discuss the impact of desertification [10]

(b) Discuss five ways in which the government of Botswana is encouraging peace and

harmony among ethnic groups in Botswana [10]


2008 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/02

Total Marks: 100 2 hours 15 minutes

1 (a) Discuss the factors that influence the division of labor in the modern society. [10]

(b) Describe the role of a family in addressing the issue of HIV/AIDS. [10]

2 (a) Explain the five ways in which globalization has impacted negatively on Batswana[10]

(b) Explain five possible solutions to rapid population growth. [10]

3 (a) Show with examples, how culture promotes the following principles of nation

(i) Unity [2]

(ii) Botho [2]

(iii) Democracy [2]

(iv) Development [2]

b) Explain six factors that influence economic growth. [12]

4 (a) Explain how transparency promotes good governance.

(b) Analyze the significance of the following national symbols in nation building:

(i) National flag [4]

(ii) National Anthem [3]

iii) Coat of Arms [3]

5 (a) Explain the importance of traditional education [10]

(b) Assess five ways in which the tourism industry has positively contributed to the
economy of Botswana [10]


2009 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/02

Total Marks: 100 2 hours 15 minutes

1 (a) Describe five causes of conflicts over natural resources. [10]

(b) Describe five socio-economic factors that influence population growth. [10]

2 (a) Discuss five ways in which international relations are important. [10]

(b) Discuss five challenges faced by Botswana in her international relations. [10]

3 (a) Discuss five challenges faced by manufacturing industries in Botswana [10]

(b) Describe five possible solutions to the challenges faced by manufacturing industries in
Botswana. [10]

4 (a) Discuss the factors that led to the British declaration of a protectorate over
Bechuanaland. [10]

(b) Describe five characteristics of a Non-Democratic form of government. [10]

5 (a) Explain why socialisation is an important aspect of the child’s upbringing. [10]

(b) Evaluate the importance of culture. [10]


2010 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/02

Total Marks: 100 2 hours 15 minutes

1. (a) Discuss the significance of intermarriages across ethnic groups. [4]

(b) Explain the role of the family in addressing issues of sex education. [6]

(c) Evaluate the impact of the changing family systems in Botswana. [10]

2. (a) Using examples, discuss how Tswana culture encourages gender disparities. [10]

(b) Evaluate the contribution of Emang Basadi in nation building in Botswana. [10]

3. (a) According to the Ministry of Education, all Batswana have equal access to education.
Assess this with particular reference to the disabled learners in Botswana.

(b) Discuss the role of education in promoting economic development. [10]

4. (a) AI-Qaeda is regarded as an international terrorist organisation. Discuss the impact of

terrorism in the world. [10]

(b) Discuss five challenges faced by Botswana in her effort to develop international relations.


5. When addressing a press conference the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Mr
Baledzi Gaolathe said the government would continue to pursue economic avenues that could
lead to further diversification of the economy away from the mining industry.

Source; Botswana Daily News; 16 January 2009

(a) Explain two challenges faced by the mining sector of the economy in Botswana. [4]

(b) Using three examples, evaluate the significance of global economic forces on the economy
of Botswana. [6]

(c) Assess the role of the government of Botswana in economic diversification. [10]


2011 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/02

Total Marks: 100 2 hours 15 minutes

(a) Explain three challenges of self employment in Botswana. [6]

(b) Discuss three ways in which agriculture contributes to the economy of Botswana. [6]

(c) Evaluate the role of government in promoting agriculture. [8]

2 (a) Some dikgosi, like Kgosi Kgafela, have re-introduced initiation schools to revive traditional

(i) Explain how this type of education is important to culture in Botswana. [6]
(ii) Discuss the importance of cultural tolerance in Botswana. [6]

(b) Assess the social impact of globalisation on Botswana. [8]

3 (a) The rapid increase of Zimbabwean immigrants into Botswana has directly affected

(i) Explain any three factors that could have forced Zimbabweans to migrate into
Botswana. [6]
(ii) Evaluate how this type of migration has economically benefited Botswana. [6]

(b) Describe four causes of conflict over the use of natural resources. [8]

4 (a) Discuss three challenges faced by Botswana in her international relations. [6]

(b)Explain any three principles that guide Botswana in her international relations. [6]

(c)Evaluate four ways in which Non-Governmental Organisations promote human rights in

Botswana. [8]

5 (a) Contrast Botswana’s constitutional democracy with Swaziland’s monarchy. [6]

(b) When people in power or authority act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain,
economic development is negatively impacted.

(i) Discuss three ways in which this type of practice affects economic development. [6]

(ii)Explain four ways in which the Directorate of Corruption and Economic Crime promotes
good governance in Botswana. [8]


2012 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/02

Total Marks: 100 2 hours 30 minutes

1.(a) Explain three roles of each of the following branches of government:

(i) Executive [6]

(ii) Legislature [6]

(b) The spirit of nationalism brought changes in the lives of Africans.

Discuss how nationalism affected the lives of Batswana. [8]

2.(a) Explain three ways of acquiring citizenship in Botswana. [6]

(b) Explain three traditional attributes of Batswana citizens. [6]

(c) Discuss how the UN Peace Keeping Forces help to sustain human dignity. [8]

3.(a) Explain the importance of education in promoting economic development. [6]

(b) Outline the steps to be taken by individuals when health rights have been violated. [6]

(c) Assess the effects of global economic forces on the economy of Botswana. [8]

4.(a) Using examples, show how the hardveld has influenced the economic activities of people
living there. [6]

(b) A woman’s fertility rate is influenced by both socio-economic and cultural factors. Explain
three factors that can lead to an increased fertility rate. [6]

(c) Explain the importance of population policy. [8]

5.(a) Using examples, show how elements of culture differ from one group to another in
Botswana. [6]

(b) Discuss how Tswana culture promotes gender disparities in Botswana. [6]

(c) Media has an influence on people’s way of life.

Evaluate ways through which the media has influenced the Setswana culture. [8]


2013 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/02

Total Marks: 100 2 hours 30 minutes

1 (a) Explain three social factors that can lead to an increase in population. [6]

(b) Explain three effects of high population on the available resources. [6]

(c) Discuss four possible measures that can be taken to reduce rapid population

growth. [8]

2 (a) Explain three ways in which the 1934 Native Tribunal Proclamation reduced the

powers of dikgosi and the kgotla as judicial institutions. [6]

(b) Explain contributions made by Batswana dikgosi in preserving the lands of Batswana from
the period of Mfecane up to the time when Bechuanaland attained independence. [6].

(c) Assess four political impacts of Mfecane wars on Batswana. [8]

3 (a) Explain any three principles that guide Botswana’s foreign policy. [6]

(b) Explain any three roles played by Botswana in international relations at regional level. [6]

(c) Assess four roles of the United Nations in promoting world peace. [8]

4 Culture is our heritage; a nation without a culture is a lost nation.

(a) Explain the importance of culture in Botswana. [6]

(b) Explain three ways in which culture promotes the principle of Botho. [6]

(c) Assess the impact of globalization on the Tswana culture. [8]

5 In recent years the government of Botswana has invested a lot in addressing the problem of
shortage of skilled labour.

(a) Explain the importance of education. [6]

(b) Outline six challenges faced by people who are self employed in Botswana. [6]

(c) Assess four roles of government in promoting human resource development in Botswana.[8]


2014 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/02

Total Marks: 100 2 hours 30 minutes


1 (a) Explain the importance of the Kgalagadi desert to human life in Botswana. [6]

(b) The Okavango Swamps are one of Africa’s most preferred tourist destinations.

Discuss three ways in which people can mismanage these swamps. [6]

(c) Evaluate four roles of Non-Governmental Organisations in promoting environmental

conservation. [8]

2 (a) Suggest three ways of addressing each of the following issues at family level:

(i) Gender inequality,

(ii) HIV/AIDS. [6]

(b) Explain three roles of religious organisations in promoting family life. [6]

(c) Assess four changes that have taken place in family systems in Botswana since
independence. [8]

3 (a) Explain three ways in which citizenship is acquired in Botswana. [6]

(b) Botswana is a multi-ethnic nation. Explain three ways of promoting peace amongst
Botswana’s diverse ethnic groups. [6]

(c) Assess four roles played by the United Nations’ peace-keeping forces in sustaining human
life, dignity and peace. [8]

4 (a) The spirit of nationalism brought changes in the lives of Africans.

Discuss how nationalism affected the lives of Batswana. [6]

(b) According to the Independent Electoral Commission, a large number of eligible voters
neither vote nor register for elections. Outline any six reasons for voter apathy in Botswana. [6]

(c) Evaluate the role of opposition parties in promoting good governance in Botswana. [8]

5 (a) Explain any three factors that contribute to economic development. [6]
(b) Discuss challenges faced by the agricultural sector in Botswana. [6]

(c) The mining sector continues to contribute most to Botswana’s foreign exchange earnings.
Evaluate government’s efforts in promoting economic diversification in Botswana. [8]


2007 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/03

Total Marks: 50 1 hour

Answer all questions.

1 Study the information below and then answer the questions that follow.

Peter carried out a research to collect information about different forms of punishment used in
Hyun School. He found out that 443 candidates have been punished and he presented his
findings as follows:

(a) Suggest a title for Peter’s research project.


(b) State the method of data presentation used by Peter.


(c) Which form of punishment is mostly used?


(d) Suggest one way that can help to reduce indiscipline in schools.

(e) Apart from a questionnaire, what other method can be used to collect data?


(f) State three conclusions that can be drawn from the data.


(g) State two causes of students’ indiscipline in schools.


(h) Design a questionnaire for the collection of Peter’s data.


(i) State two recommendations that can be made from Peter’s data.


(j) Present Peter’s data in a well-labelled bar-graph.


2 You have been assigned to carry out research on the problem of voter apathy in Botswana.

(a) State four aims of the research.


(b) Describe any two methods of data collection that can be used.


(c) State two institutions that could be visited in order to collect data.


(d) State four findings of the research related to the aims in (a) above.


(e) State three conclusions that might be drawn from the research.


(f) State three recommendations, which could be made on the basis of the research.


(g) Suggest four problems encountered in carrying out research.



2008 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/03

Total Marks: 50 1 hour

Section A

Answer all questions.

1 The data below shows the number of employees in the formal sector employment in
country X. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Suggest a suitable title for the research study.


(b) Which method of data presentation is used by the researcher?


(c) (i) The researcher used a questionnaire to collect data. State two disadvantages of using
this instrument.


(ii) State two advantages of using a questionnaire.


(d) What percentage of females is employed in the parastatal sector?


(e) Apart from a questionnaire what other method could the researcher have used?


(f) State any two aims of the study.


(g) Explain two findings from the study.


(h) State any two possible recommendations that can be made on the basis of the study.


(i) Assess the positive contribution of the private sector to the economy in Botswana.


(j) Design a pie chart representing males employed in all the sectors.


2 A social studies student, Tefo, carried out an environmental study on the processing of litter
in his village, Majakathata.

(a) State two possible steps that Tefo might have taken before undertaking the study.


(b) State any two possible objectives of the study.


(c) Which department would Tefo visit in order to collect data?


(d) Tefo used a qualitative research approach for his study. State three advantages associated
with this approach.


(e) State three possible problems that Tefo might have encountered in carrying out his study.


(f) Explain any two findings of Tefo’s study.


(g) State two possible recommendations that might be made from Tefo’s study.


(h) (i) Tefo used the interview method to collect his data. State two advantages of using this


(ii) State two disadvantages of using interview as a method of collecting data.


(i) Before a litter processing plant is built, there has to be Environmental Impact Assessment.
Explain the importance of Environmental Impact Assessment.



2011 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/03

Total Marks: 50 1 hour

The data below shows the sources of government revenue from 2001 to 2002 in Botswana. Use
it to answer the questions that follow.

Source: Democracy in Action by S. Foster.

(a) Suggest a suitable title for the research study.


(b) Which method of data presentation is used by the researcher?


(c) Which department could the researcher have visited to collect this data?


(d) State three conclusions that can be drawn from the data.


(e) Suggest two problems that the researcher could have faced in carrying out this research.


(f) Explain three ways in which tax collected by the government could contribute to economic


(g) Present the researcher’s findings in a bar graph.


(h) Design a questionnaire for the collection of the researcher’s data.

Taboka, a form 4 student at Khanyeza Secondary School, wants to find out the reasons for

her school’s poor performance in BGCSE.

(a) State two steps that Taboka would take to prepare for her research.


(b) State two offices that Taboka could visit to collect her data.


(c) (i) State four possible aims of Taboka’s research.


(ii) Analyse three findings related to the aims in (c) (i).


(d) Suggest three recommendations that could be made on the basis of Taboka’s research.


(e) Explain two reasons why it is important for Taboka to carry out this research.


(f) What type of research is being carried out by Taboka? Justify your answer.



2013 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/03

Total Marks: 50 1 hour

Answer all questions

1 The table below shows the number of people living in absolute poverty in Asia, Sub-Sahara,
North Africa and Latin America. Use it to answer the questions that follow

Region Total Population in Millions Percentage of Population in

Absolute Poverty (%)
Asia 675 25
Sub-Sahara 325 62
North Africa 75 28
Latin Ameriuca 150 35
Adapted from: Economic development, 5th addition.

(a) Suggest a suitable title for the research study.


(b) Which method of data presentation is used by the researcher?


(c) Which region has the highest poverty rate?


(d) (i) Comparing Asia with other regions, what conclusion can be made about the rate of


(ii) Justify your answer in (d)(i).


(i) Explain two causes of poverty in regions like Sub-Sahara.


(ii) Suggest two possible solutions to causes of poverty in your answer in (e)(i).


(f) Which two methods of data collection could the researcher have used?


(g) Describe any three preparatory steps that may be taken before carrying out the research.


(h) Describe three steps that a researcher is expected to do with data after collecting it.


(i) Draw a pie chart showing the total population of Asia, Sub-Sahara, North Africa and Latin


2 Chedu wants to research the causes and effects of love-related killings in Pole village.

(a) State any three possible aims of the research.


(b) Explain any two possible findings from Chedu’s research.


(c) State three problems that Chedu could face when carrying out her research.


(d) State any two institutions that Chedu could visit in order to collect data.


(e) Explain two ways in which Chedu’s findings would help the people of Pole village.


(f) Chedu used a questionnaire to collect information.

(i) State two advantages of using a questionnaire.


(ii) State two disadvantages of using a questionnaire.


(g) Explain any two actions that the government of Pole village could take to address the
problem of love-related killings.


(h) Which type of research is carried out by Chedu?



2014 SOCIAL STUDIES 0585/03

Total Marks: 50 1 hour

1 The table below shows the total number of tourist visits and revenue generated from
National Parks and Game Reserves in Botswana in 1995.

Use it to answer question 1.

Park/Reserve Total number of Total Park Fees

Tourist Visits Collected
Chobe National Park 48 481 3 011 705
Moremi Game Reserve 23 504 2 448 316
Nxai Pan National Park 915 97 559
Makgadikgadi Pans National Park 684 42 504
Sub-total Northern Parks 73 584 5 600 084
Central Kalahari Game Reserve 1 164 110 392
Khutse Game Reserve 1 249 71 421
Gemsbok National Park 745 53 152
Sub- Total Central and Southern 3 158 234 965
TOTAL 76 742 5 835 049
Source: A/DP 8 1997/98-2002/03.

(a) Suggest a title for the research project.


(b) State the method used to present the data.


(c) Suggest three reasons why most tourists visited Chobe National Park.


(d) Explain three ways in which money collected from parks is used.


(e) State three conclusions that can be drawn from the data.


(f) State three recommendations that can be made in order to increase tourism in Central and
Southern Parks.


g) Present the data for the total number of tourist visits for Northern Parks only in a pie chart.


2 The issue of divorce is a serious concern to the wider community in Botswana. Neo, a first
year student at University of Botswana wants to investigate the issue of divorce in Gaborone.

(a) State two institutions that Neo could visit in order to collect her data.


(b) State four possible aims of Neo’s research.


(c) State four possible findings of the research related to the aims in (b).


(d) Suggest four possible reasons for the findings in (c) above.


(e) State any two problems that Neo could encounter while carrying out her research.


(f) Neo used a questionnaire to collect her data. State two disadvantages of this method.


(g) State two purposes of research.


(h) Design a questionnaire for the collection of Neo’s data.



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