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FUNCTIONAL TEXT is writing meant to help the reader accomplish an everyday task.
Examples of functional text might include a recipe for cooking; directions to a location; a
memo notifying of a change in a company's address, or a store's opening time; a schedule
of event times and locations during a seminar; a directory of addresses, phone numbers or
e-mail addresses; directions on a test; a menu from a restaurant; a pamphlet notifying the
public of a grand opening, store closing, or a foreclosure; or a how-to manual just to name a

Functional text is used for everyday information. It is called functional because it helps you
function in your day-to-day life. For example, if I wanted to make chocolate chip cookies, I
would read a recipe. If I wanted to know my friend's phone number, I would look in a
phone book. If my English teacher gave a test, I would need to read the directions.

Some examples of functional texts are:

 Announcements
 Advertisements
 Greeting cards
 Short messages
 Notices
 Cautions
 Invitation cards
 Postcards
 Shopping lists
 Food labels


What is announcement?

The definition of announcement relating to learning English functional text is an official

notification about something. So publicly people know what, when, and where it is about.
The purpose, function, and goal of announcement is giving certain people some
information of what has happened or what will happen. The generic structure of
announcement in English text can be seen below.
1. Stating Purpose : The text that contains what event will be held
2. Stating Day and Date and time : Day and Date realization. The text that contains when
the event will be held
3. Stating Place : The text that contains where the event will be held
4. Informing Sender : The text that contains name of the person who will be contacted

Now after we give you the common generic structure of any types of announcement, the
sample text below will give you better understanding on what and how an announcement
is written. Here they are!

1. Explanation about Announcement text ( Pengertian text announcement )

Announcement text is a text that describes a notification about an event that will be
held, and is more for the general audience does not like the text that is specific
Announcement text adalah sebuah teks yang menerangkan sebuah pemberitahuan
tentang sebuah acara yang akan di adakan , dan lebih bersifat untuk khalayak umum
tidak seperti text Invitation yang bersifat khusus"

2. Purpose Of Announcement text ( Tujuan Text announcement )

The purpose is to inform the announcement text information about an event, job
vacancies, new enrollment, new admissions, and so on.
Tujuan announcement text adalah untuk memberitahukan informasi tentang sebuah
acara, Lowongan pekerjaan, penerimaan murid baru, penerimaan mahasiswa baru, dan

3. Announcement text component

a. Title
It is a title that specifies that the announcement contains what, and usually
describes a general overview, Example English speech contest.
Judul adalah yang menentukan bahwa pengumuman tersebut berisikan tentang apa,
dan biasanya menggambarkan gambaran umum, Contoh lomba pidato bahasa

b. Explanation

It is part of the text that contains the announcement of details of the event and is
usually associated, when the time such information will be held, where location
information will be done.

Adalah bagian dari teks pengumuman yang berisikan tentang detail acara tersebut
dan biasanya terkait, Kapan waktu informasi tersebut akan dilaksanakan, Dimana
Lokasi informasi tersebut akan dilakukan.

4. Examples of Announcement

a. This make passengers is announced that they can not bring some objects when they
go on flight

b. This announcement is written for student in the third grade. They should return the
books on certain time stated.


This is an office announcement for all staff to attend in the party.


All students must join the class meeting from 7th

December to 8th December 2015
B. Hadi Wardoyo

1. What kind of the text is it? 2. What is the text about?

A. A letter A. The class meeting in a school
B. A label B. The winner of the class meeting
C. A postcard C. An information to join a class
D. An announcement meeting
D. The plan of having a class meeting

To: All students and teachers

Come and visit our new library. Lots of new books (brand new novels and
non-fiction books) are available. You can also enjoy our newest DVDs
Head of library

3. What are the things offered in the new 4. Why does the writer make the
library? announcement?
A. Books and DVDs. A. To resume a new novel.
B. Old and new books. B. To invite the reader to visit the
C. New books and novels. library.
D. New DVDs and non-fiction books. C. To let the reader know about the
head of library.
D. To help the reader know where to
find the DVDs.

English Conversation Club (ECC)
is opening registration for new members
join us and improve your English!
Every Saturday from 09.00 to 11.00 a.m.
at English Resources Room
For registration, please contact
Jasmine (VII C)
Anissa (VII B)
Chair Person

5. When do the members have meeting? 7. How long does the meeting last?
A. In the morning. A. One and a half hours.
B. On Thursday afternoon. B. One hour.
C. On Thursday morning. C. One and a quarter hours.
D. In the afternoon at three o’clock. D. Two hours.

6. Where do they have the meeting? 8. Who is the leader of ECC?

A. In the English Resources Room. A. Jasmine
B. In the VIIA classroom. B. Annisa
C. At the school hall. C. Andika
D. At the cafetaria. D. Ardhika

This is a new school year and there are many new students around.
Please be friendly and help them understand the rules of our school.

9. Why does the principal make the announcement?

A. To ask the students to be nice and helpful to the new comers.
B. To let the students know that they have their junior.

C. To ask the students to contact their parents.
D. To inform about the new school year.

10. Who do you think reads the announcement?
A. New students.
B. Senior students.
C. Parents.
D. Teachers

11. ” Please be friendly….” What is the meaning of the underlined word?

A. Disturbing
B. Interesting
C. Welcoming
D. Attracting

There will be a holiday camp next month. All scout must join this camp. The activity
will take place at Bangunharjo camping site and last for three days.
For further information, please contact Mr. Arkan.
Banyumas, May 12th, 2015
The Chief of Scout Organization

12. What does the announcement tell about?

A. A holiday
B. Camping in a holiday
C. Camping site
D. Scouts activity

13. When will the activity be held?

A. In May
B. In June
C. In July
D. In August

14. If the camp starts in June 5th, when will it end?

A. June 6th.
B. June 7th.
C. May 12th.
D. May 25th.

15. Who must join the activity?

A. All students
B. All scouts
C. All chiefs
D. All Banyumas people


Advertisement (iklan) adalah salah satu dari text fungsional (functional text) yang
merupakan satu materi SKL UN SMP (SKL NO 11). Materi ini pasti muncul dalam Ujian
Nasional SMP. Sehingga siswa harus banyak berlatih dengan jaring-jaring soal mengenai
“Advertisement” dan membekali diri dengan berbagai contoh-contoh text iklan beserta
memahami soal-soal yang biasanya muncul dan ditanyakan dalam iklan.
Advertisement (iklan) merupakan salah satu teks fungsional pendek yang berupa
pemberitahuan untuk public yang bertujuan mempromosikan (to advertise/to promote)
suatu produk barang atau jasa atau bisa juga menawarkan lowongan pekerjaan melalui
media cetak/tulis atau media elektronik. Iklan juga dibuat untuk merayu (to persuade)
orang yang membaca/melihat/mendengar. Kadang iklan dibuat dengan ukuran besar dan
ditempatkan di tempat-tempat strategis agar dapat dilihat oleh public.
1. Advertisement adalah text yang berisi iklan, baik itu iklan product maupun iklan
lowongan kerja. Dengan kata lain, advertisement menurut jenisnya dapat dibedakan
menjadi 2:

 Advertisement of product (Iklan suatu produk) seperti:

a. Hotel, Apartment, Villa, inn, residence
b. Restaurant, café, shop, supermarket, distro
c. Food/drink, medicine, cosmetics
d. Electronic, house equipment, furniture
e. School, University, course

 Advertisement of job vacancy / Job opportunity. (Iklan lowongan kerja)

Kosa kata yang sering muncul:
MOST WANTED : Sangat diinginkan/dicari
URGENTLY REQUIRED : Dibutuhkan segera
NEEDED : Dibutuhkan
CAREER OPPORTUNITY : Kesempatan berkarir.
OPENING FOR CAREER : Membuka kesempatan berkarir.
THE BEST CHANCHE FOR YOU : Kesempatan terbaik untukmu (bekerja)
LOOKING FOR FRESH GRADUTE : Mencari lulusan baru
SEEKING FOR A PROFFESSIONAL : Mencari seorang professional.

2. Functions/purposes:
- To advertise : Untuk mengiklankan
- To promote : Untuk mempromosikan
- To attract people to… : Untuk menarik orang supaya….
- To persuade people to… : Untuk merayu orang supaya…
- To make people interested in : Untuk membuat orang tertarik

3. Soal yang biasanya muncul dalam UN:

a. Functions/Purposes : Fungsi/Tujuan
 What is the function of the text?
 The purpose of the text is…
 The writer wrote the text to…

b. Topic of the advertisement: Topic iklan
 What is being advertised?
 What is the advertisement about?
 The advertisement is about…

c. Pertanyaan tersirat/tersurat sesuai isi/content of the advertisement: Isi Iklan

( What, where, when, who, Why, How)
 How can the applicants apply the job vacancy?
 When must the candidates apply the applications?
 Who are able to apply the opportunity?

4. Kosa Kata yang sering muncul dalam iklan:

Looking for/seeking for/opening for : Mencari/membuka
Required/needed/requested/asked : Lowongan/ Dicari/dibutuhkan
Applicants : Pelamar
Candidate : Calon
Requirements/Qualification : Syarat-syarat
Fresh graduate/new graduate : lulusan baru
Experienced : Berpengalaman
Excellent English X Poor English : Menguasai bahasa inggris X kurang
High motivated X low motivated : Punya motivasi tinggi X motivasi rendah
Energetic X in-energetic : Energik X kurang energik
Fem (Female) X male : Wanita X laki-laki
PT (Part time) X Full time : Kerja paruh waktu X kerja Kerja lembur
Apply (by mail, on line, by : Melamar ( dengan surat, on line, telpon,
phone/come in person) dating langsung)
Application letter : Surat lamaran
CV (Curriculum Vitae)/resume : Daftar riwayat hidup
Recent photo : Foto terbaru
Request Salary : Gaji yang diinginkan
Due submission : Batas akhir tanggal penyerahan
Not more/not over/not later than : Tidak lebih dari…
Before.../After… : Sebelum.../setelah…
At least a fortnightly from this date : Paling lambat 2 minggu dari tanggal ini.
Head office X branch office : Kantor pusat X kantor cabang
For rent : Untuk disewakan
Room rate / Room charge : Harga sewa kamar
Hospitality/nice welcome : keramahan/disambut dengan baik
Reasonable/cheap X expensive : Harga terjangkau/murah X harga mahal

5. Contoh Advertisement/Iklan Teks Bahasa Inggris

A. Advertisement of Job Vacancy (Lowongan Pekerjaan)

We are INTERNAL FREIGHT forwarding looking for:
1. Operating Staff.
Male, max.27 years old.1 year, experience, honest, able to work under
pressure, have motorcycle and driving license (A & C ).

2. Marketing Executive.
Male/female, max 25 ,exp. min 1 year in marketing, fluent in English oral &
written, good looking, team worker, honest & hard worker.

Please send CV with recent 3 x 4 photograph latest by February 21, 2013 to:
HRD Manager, Ruko Tanjung Priok Permai
Jl. Laksda M. Nasir 29 Blok E-17. Surabaya.

B. Advertisement of English Course

C. Advertisement of Product (barang)

Exercise 4. From the advertisement above, we
know that …
Read the text to answer questions 1 A. the price of the item is Rp104.500,
and 2. B. one of the item's colours is dark
Exclusive facial Cotton C. there are more than 80,000 words
100% pure cotton without bleaching in the item
Ensures better absorbency and comfort for D. the item comes in many colours
cosmetic application
Hygienic way to remove make up and 5. From the text we know that the
cleanser writer wants to ....
Its softness is suitable for baby’s skin A. give information about anew
complete dictionary
1. What is the main function of the B. inform the cheap price of a strong
Exclusive facial cotton? plastic dictionary
A. To soften baby’s skin C. persuade the readers to buy an
B. To absorb cosmetic electronic dictionary
C. To comfort the face D. explain how to use a complete
D. To clean make up electronic dictionary

2. From the text above we know that 6. Which one is NOT TRUE according to
Exclusive facial Cotton is … the text?
A. Hygienic in certain items. A. The price of the item is $ 104.50.
B. white with certain addition B. It has more than 80,000 words.
substances. C. The dictionary is made of plastic.
C. pure white without chemical D. One of the item's colors is dark
process. blue.
D. natural because of no chemical
process. 7. How many colors are the dictionaries
Read the advertisement below and A. 1 C. 3
answer questions 3 to 4. B. 2 D. 4

Find the correct spelling and Text for questions 8 and 9

more than 80.000 words
Native speaker Eng Teachers
with this
Required Exp/C TEFL preffered
electronic dictionary
Ph. Louis 8564791-92,
Made of strong plastic
8 a.m-8 p.m
Comes in two colors
Monday to Saturday
Dark grey and light blue
$ 104.50
8. Which qualification must the teacher
3. What is being advertised in the text candidate have?
above?… A. Explicit
A. an electronic dictionary B. Expired
B. a complete dictionary C. Expressive
C. a correct spelling D. Experienced
D. a strong plastic

9. The word Required is similar meaning to …
A. Called
B. Helped
C. trained
D. Needed

Read the text and answer questions 10 to 11


Welcome to Singapore's Newest rooms and suites. Soothing, sleek, and streamlined with the
latest technology, our newly refurbished interiors raise the city's standard for sophistication.
Enhance your enjoyment in two inspired restaurants and the new Alfresco. Discover relaxing
spa treatments and unwind with a Workout, tennis Match or outdoor swim. In our
astonishingly quiet refuge, just step from Orchard Road, legendary Four Seasons care always
promises new delight.

10. What does the hotel provide to enhance our enjoyment?

A. Newly refurbished interiors
B. The city's standard for sophistication
C. The two inspired restaurant and the new Alfresco
D. Relaxing spa treatments and unwind

11. Soothing sleek and streamlined with the latest technology ... "
The underlined word means...
A. cool and fresh
B. quiet and calm
C. hot and noisy
D. dusty and crowded

An invitation usually consist of invited person’s name, kinds of the occasion’s (such
as wedding anniversary, birthday party, graduation, farewell, or company anniversary),
time, place/venue, and host. An invitation should be written clearly.

The communicative goals of invitation are:

 To invite someone
 To request someone to come
 To ask someone to come

The Structure/Parts: The addressee (the person invited), salutation, the message (the
content of the message), and the Sender
Some characteristics of invitation:
1. Having an accurate addressee
2. Giving clear time, place, and activity
3. Providing sufficient information about the inviter
4. Expressing that the writer is looking forward to seeing person
5. If there is a dress code, state it in the lower left-hand corner
Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2 Read the text and answer questions 3 and 4
Please join us as we celebrate our 40th The nursery was packed with blankets and love
anniversary all we liked was a bundle of joy. Please join us
Paul and Opal Wright for celebrating the birth of our baby
Friday, 7th May
6:30 p.m. – 10 p.m. Drew Davidson Crespi
7th May 2009 at 2p.m.
Our New Home 26 Park Road
Kompleks TSI Durikosambi Cengkareng London, SE 218 AT
(Dinner will be served)
RSVP 54390186 RSVP to: Hosted by:
(Elsa/Natalia/Eliza) Anna or James Keith
967-546-765 Kelley Crespi
1. Paul is … husband
A. Opal’s 3. What’s the name of the baby?
B. Eliza’s A. Kelley Crespi
C. Elsa’s B. Keith Crespi
D. Natalia’s C. Drew Davidson Crespi
D. Anna Crespi
2. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To promote an everlasting 4. The purpose of the text is … to a baby
relationship born party
B. To invite someone to join the party A. to give information
C. To announce a wedding ceremony B. to invite someone
D. To describe a certain party C. to express happiness
D. to describe a certain party

The following text is for questions 1 and 4 The following text is for questions 5 and 7

Virginia Parker is turning 80, though it

may seem absurd!
We’re having a party, but don’t breathe
a word!

Please join us for

a Surprise Birthday Party

Sunday, June 20th

2.00 pm

Deering Bay Estates Club House

13600 Old Cutler Road

RSVP by June 10th

To Danielle Stevens
873-0921 5. What is the purposes of the text?
A. To inform someone about Farewell
1. What kind of party is it? Party
A. Wedding Party B. To invite someone to attend
B. Birthday Party Farewell Party
C. Wedding anniversary C. To forbid students to come to
D. New Year’s Eve Part farewell party
D. To remind someone to celebrate
2. When will the party be held? farewell party
A. On the twenty seventh of June
B. On the sixteenth of June 6. Where will the party be held?
C. On the twentieth of June A. at Olivia's house
D. On the tenth of June B. at Sam's house
C. at Marcia and John Smith's house
3. Where will the party be held? D. at the park
A. At Deering Bay Estates Club House
B. On Deering Bay Street 7. What does "farewell" mean?
C. At Danielle Stevens’ house A. say good bye
D. At Virginia house B. say god night
C. say good luck
D. say good morning
4. RSVP stands for ‘Respondez S’il Vous
Plait which means …
A. Make sure you come
B. Please Reply
C. I want you to come
D. Don't forget

The following text is for questions 8 and 10 11. Who will celebrate the birthday?
A. Hanny’s sister
B. Emma’s friend
Join us for some Wild Fun C. Hanny
D. Emma
It’s Bingo’s Fourth Birthday
12. The purpose of the text is … to a
March 21, 2009
birthday party.
4:30 p.m.
A. to invite someone
B. to ask for a confirmation
The Jungle Gym C. to describe a certain party
865 Walnut Avenue D. to tell a past birthday party
San Francisco, California
Read the text and answer questions 13
RSVP to Anne Marrie
and 14
At 510-555-7862
Hi friend, we are having a
8. How old is Caleb?
A. 4 years old DINNER PARTY
B. 5 years old
C. 14 years old
On Wednesday, 12 January in class
D. 40 years old
VIII A at eight o’clock.
9. Who should we contact to make
confirmation? All students of VIII A are supposed
A. Bingo to join. Bring one or two friends and
B. Bingo's mother wear your funniest clothes to make
C. Bingo's sister party fun
D. Anne Marie
10. When will the party be held? Excel Group
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
13. The persons who may join the party
C. in the evening
are VIII A students and their…
D. at night
A. couples
Read the text and answer questions 11 B. relatives
and 12 C. parents
D. friends
Guess who’s turning 4?
14. The text is written … a dinner party
On Saturday, December 4, 2015
A. to announce all students to have
At 3 – 5 p.m.
B. to invite VIII A students to go to
C. to inform people to refuse
Kiddy Resto D. to force students to go to
Jalan Permata number 3

RSVP: Emma
(061) 8766633

LETTER Letter is a written or printed message from
one person to another, usually put in an
Palm Meadows Drive, 4211 envelope and sent by the post.
Gold Coast, Queensland
 There are two types of letter: private
and business
(b) July 30, 2012
 Letter consist of some parts:
Margahayu Raya S2 No.91 a. The sender’s address
Bandung – West Java b. The date of writing the letter
c. The inside address
d. Salutation/greeting
Dear Nan, (d) e. The body of the letter
f. Closing (name and signature of
We are having a great holiday here on the sender
Gold Coast. Yesterday we went to the Mov
ie World. When we got up in the morning,
it looked like rain. After a while the cloud EXERCISE
disappeared. And it became a sunny day.
We then decided to go to the Movie Worl Read the text and answer questions 1-4
Dear Stephanie,
The first ride I went on was Lethal Weapo
n. Next I saw the Police Academy show. Af I’m so excited since I can visit you earlier
ter that I had lunch as I was really hungry. than I thought. I’ll fly to Jakarta next week
Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly queued for th using the first flight. I have bought the
e Batman ride. tickets. I’ll use Air Australia number 2314. I
will arrive at Soekarno-Hatta airport at 5
About one o’clock we got a light shower of p.m. I will bring a kangaroo doll for your
rain but it cleared up soon after. We then daughter.
went on all the other rides.
Ok, I think that’s all for now because I have
It was a top day. See you when you get bac to prepare for my final examination.
I just can’t wait to see you and your family!
Love, Send my regard for your husband.
Sam Love
1. Who is the addressee of the letter?
A. Stephanie C. Stephanie’s
B. Lisa D. Lisa’s daughter

2. From the text, we can conclude that…

A. Stephanie lives in Indonesia
B. Lisa will arrives at Soekarno-Hatta
airport in the morning
C. Lisa is Stephanie’s daughter

D. Stephanie has a son
3. “I can’t wait see you!” 6. Steve will pick Catherine with her
What does the word “you” refer to? daughters at the airport because…
A. Stephanie A. He is busy
B. Lisa B. He is free in the morning
C. Stephanie’s daughter C. He works at the airport
D. Stephanie’s husband D. He wants more information

4. If the writer wrote the letter on 2nd of 7. “… but luckily my friend Steve can”
May 2008, when would she probably go What does the underlined word means?
to Indonesia? A. Accidently C. Basically
A. On 9th of May 2008 B. Actually D. Fortunately
B. On 11th of May 2008
C. On 10th of May 2008
Read the text and answer questions 8-11
D. On 12th of May 2008
The manager
Read the text and answer questions 5-7
July 12th, 2002
PT Garuda Indonesia
Dear Catherine,
Jl. Merdeka, 54
I’m sorry I can’t pick you up at the airport
but luckily, my friend Steve can (He works
at night, so he is free in the morning). Dear Sir,

I just want to make sure about the I am one of the customers of your flight
information. Your plane arrives at 11 a.m. company. Through this letter I would like
on June 25th and your flying on KLN Air to tell you something. This is about the
#1327. Is that right? services of your company.

I told Steve to look for a woman with two Last Monday, I flew to Medan on the flight
young girls but he wanted more number GA116. On the schedule board, it is
information. Do you look the same? What stated that the plane would depart at 7 a.m.
about your daughters? You shouldn’t have but in fact, I had to wait for an hour before
a problem finding Steve at the airport. He’s taking off. It has happened many times;
very tall and thin. He has curly brown hair, because of that I was late to attend an
a moustache, and a beard. important meeting at my office in Medan.

I can’t wait to see you! You have to pay deeply attention to my

letter. Do your best for your customers. I
Love am sure that you realize how important the
Rony customers are for your company. I do hope
that you will consider this letter.
5. How many persons will Steve meet at
the airport?
A. One C. Three Yours faithfully,
B. Two D. Four

friendly. There are a lot of interesting
tourist objects to visit, beautiful local art
8. What is the letter about?
and craft, tasty traditional food and much
A. Complying about the services
B. Informing about the meeting
C. Replying the complaint
It’s Thursday today. I can’t believe this is
D. Asking for information
my last day. I wish I could spend more time
here. I am certain I will stay longer on my
9. Why was the writer late for meeting?
next visit.
A. The flight to Medan was delayed
I’ll be home at about 3 p.m. tomorrow if the
B. He didn’t know the time
flight is on time. On Monday, I must go back
C. He attended another activity
to work. I can’t wait to show my video to
D. He forgot the flight schedule
my class.
10. Which is NOT TRUE about the writer
Okay, that’s all for now. Send my love to
according to the letter?
your children. Bye.
A. His office is in Medan
B. He wrote a letter to the manager
Best wishes from,
C. He didn’t feel disappointed with the
D. He realizes how important the
12. The letter tells us about…
customers are
A. Vivian’s holiday in Bali
B. Barbara’s letter
11. The letter tells us that the writer…
C. Vivian’s favorite places
A. Was happy with the service
D. Barbara’s plan for Bali
B. Attracts the manager’s attention
C. Didn’t like the customers
13. On what day is Vivian going to arrive
D. Use Garuda to Medan many times
A. Thursday
Read the text and answer questions 12- B. Friday
14 C. Saturday
D. Sunday
Ubud, 7th April 2005
14. The letter shows that Vivian…
Dear Barbara, A. Has not eaten the day before
B. Bought all beautiful local art
Hi there. How are things with you? It’s C. Has tried the traditional food
good to know that you are doing fine in D. Didn’t have nice holiday
business. Have you received my postcard?

I’m now sitting in my hotel room writing a

letter to you about my wonderful holiday. I
think this is the most wonderful holiday
have I ever had. The people are very
A. Eva C. Johnson
B. Helen D. Johnson’s father
Read the text and answer questions 15-18
18. “I just need to confirm if this
coming…”(paragraph 2)
Dear Johnson,
What does the underlined word mean?
A. To make sure
Hello, Johnson. How’s life treating you? Do
B. To show uncertainty
hope everything is okay. I tell you what
C. To get information
I’m writing this letter is to confirm about
D. To deliver the news
your invitation. You said that I can visit
you whenever I want to go to your city, Read the text and answer questions 19-20
Texas. I happily accept your invitation.
Manado, May 26, 2010
Well, will it be OK if I come to your house Dear John,
this weekend? I plan to spend my school We’re having a great time here at
Sequa Park. I see a lot of deer and there are
holiday in Texas. It must be exciting to be
not many people here. Yesterday, we hiked all
in Texas again. Besides, I want to meet
day, then swam in the river next to our
Eva, Helen, your father and mother. I just
campsite. Tomorrow we plan to rent a boat to
need to confirm if this coming weekend is
have a cruise.
OK. However, if you have something to do,
I have got close friends here. Some of
I really understand. Send my best regards
them are Jean, Bob, and Winda. They always
to all of your family that I miss so much.
accompanied me to visit some interesting
Hope to know your reply soon.
Yours sincerely, I will come back to Jakarta on June 7th.

Nowo Love,

19. Who is the sender of the letter above?

15. What is Texas like according to Nowo?
A. Sharley
A. Boring C. Confusing
B. John
B. Exciting D. Frightening
C. Winda
D. Bob
16. From the passage, we know that
20. How many days will Sharley stay in
A. Has two sisters
B. Accepts Nowo’s invitation
A. About two weeks
C. Never invites Nowo
B. Less than a week
D. Ever visited Nowo
C. Almost a month
D. Not more than five days
17. “If you have something to
do ……”(paragraph 2)
What does the word “you” in the
sentence refer to?


Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe
and reveal a particular person, place or thing.

Descriptive text structure (generic structure) is:

1. Identification is introduction, a general overview of a topic.
2. Description contains specific characteristics of object, place, or person.

The characteristics of descriptive text:

- Using the simple present tense
- Using the verb attribute, such as be (am, is, are)
- Just focus on one such object.

Example of descriptive text:

The White House
One of the most famous buildings in Washington D.C. is the White House. It is the home
of the president of the United States. The White House is a very large white building. It has
three main parts, namely the main building and two wings (west and east wings). The main
building has large central porches. The porches have tall columns. Large lawns and gardens
surround the White House

Generic Structure:
Identification: One of the most famous buildings in Washington D.C. is the White House.
Description: It is the home of the president of the United States. The White House is a very
large white building..., etc

Monument Nasional
The National Monument (or Monument Nasional) is a 132 meters tower in the center
of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta. It symbolizes the fight for Indonesia’s independence. The
monument consist of a 117,7 m obelisk on a 45 m square platform at a height of 17 m.
The towering monument symbolizes the philosophy of Lingga and Yoni. Lingga
resembles, rice pestle (alu) and Yoni resembles a mortar rice (lesung), two important items in
Indonesian agricultural tradition.
The construction began in 1961 under the direction of President Soekarno and the
monument was opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil.
The monument and museum is opened daily from 08.00 – 15.00 every day throughout the
week, except for the last Monday of the month the monument is closed.

Exercise: Descriptive Texts

Choose the correct answer!

Text 1
Borobudur is a Hindu-Buddhist temple built in the 9th century under the Syailendra
dynasty of Java. It is located near Magelang on the island of Java, Indonesia.
Abandoned in the 11th century and partially excavated by archeologists in the early 20th
century, Borobudur temple is well-known all over the world. Influenced by the Gupta
architecture of India, the temple is constructed on a hill 46 m (150 ft) high and consists of
eight step-like stone terraces, one on top of the other. The first five terraces are square and
surrounded by walls adorned with Buddhist sculpture in bas-relief; the upper three are
circular, each with a circle of bell- shaped stupas (Buddhist shrines). The entire edifice is
crowned by a large stupa at the centre of the top circle. The way to the summit extends
through some 4.8 km of passages and stairways. The design of Borobudur, a temple- mountain
symbolizing the structure of the universe, influenced temples built at Angkor, Cambodia.
Borobudur, rededicated as an Indonesian national monument in 1983, is a valuable
treasure for Indonesian people.

1. Which sentence is the identification of the text?

A. Borobudur, rededicated as an Indonesian national monument in 1983
B. Abandoned in the 11th century and partially excavated by archeologists in the early
20th century
C. The entire edifice is crowned by a large stupa at the centre of the top circle
D. Borobudur is a Hindu-Buddhist temple built in the 9th century under the Syailendra
dynasty of Java

2. In what paragraph can we find the description of the text?

A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Second and third

3. “Borobudur temple is well-known all over the world”

The underlined word has the same meaning as…
A. great C. big
B. popular D. beautiful

Text 2
My Pet
I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Brownie. Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small,
fluffy and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie does not
like bones. Every day it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give her
milk and bread. When I am at school, Brownie plays with my cat. They get along well, and

never fight maybe because Brownie does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our
house gently, and it never eats shoes. Brownie is really a sweet and friendly animal.

4. “Brownie is a Chinese breed, it is small, fluffy and cute.”

The underlined word means ….
A. thin C. soft
B. thick D. hard

5. The communicative purpose of this text is…

A. to describe a particular animal.
B. to sharpen an amusing incident with others.
C. to present two points of view about an issue.
D. to inform the readers about the beauty of Brownie.

6. What is the main idea of the paragraph 2?

A. Brownie, my pet dog, is a Chinese breed.
B. My Chinese breed dog only eats soft food.
C. A Chinese breed dog doesn’t bark a lot.
D. Brownie which is a Chinese breed is a sweet and friendly animal.

Text 5
Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that unlike fish
or people, they have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all. Jellyfish have stomachs
and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous systems for sensing the world around them, but
no brains. They are made almost entirely of water, which is why you can look through them.
Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The light is made by a chemical
reaction inside the jellyfish.
Scientists believe jellyfish glow for several reasons. For example, they may glow to
scare away predators or to attract animals they like to eat. Most jellyfish live in salt water,
apart from a few types that live in fresh water. Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over
the world. They live in warm, tropical seas and in icy waters near the North and South poles

7. Which one creates Jellyfish’s light? 9. What is the text about?

A. White blood. A. Jellyfish.
B. Nervous system. B. Kinds of all fish.
C. Chemical reaction. C. All invertebrate animal.
D. Salt water. D. Some kinds of sea animals.

8. Which one is TRUE about the jellyfish 10. “Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by
based on the text? making their own light.” (paragraph 3)
A. They belong to invertebrate animals. The word “glow” in the sentence means...
B. They have heads like other animals. A. move
C. Their brain helps them find the food. B. produce
D. They cannot live in freshwater. C. appear
D. shine


A narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people.

Generic structure of narrative text:

 Orientation; It introduces the participants of the story, the place, and time setting
 Complication; tells us about some conflicts or problems happen in the story
 Resolution; It tells us about the end or solution of the problems happened before

Example of narrative text:

Sincere Will Get a Great Return

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Auretto, all

people lived peacefully there. One of them was Charlita, the king’s Orientation
daughter who was assumed as the most beautiful and kindest Princess
of Auretto.
One day, Charlita looked blue. Because of that her father got
confused. “What’s the matter my beautiful daughter? Why are you so
sad?” asked King Fernando. Charlita was just silent. She did not say
Then, King Fernando decided to make a competition to cheer
Charlita again. After that, the palace representative announce: “I will Complication
make a competition. The aim is to make my daughter, Princess Charlita
to be happy and laugh again. Everyone who can do it, will get a prize. It
will be held tomorrow when the sun rises. Sign: King Fernando.”
The following morning, everybody came to the palace, tried to
give their best performance. They seemed happy and laugh, but not for
Princess Charlita. She was just silent and still looked sad.
King Fernando started to give up. No one amused his daughter.
Then, there came a young handsome man. “Excuse me King Fernando.
I would like to join your competition. But, would you mind if I took
Princess Charlita for a walk?” said the young man gently. “As long as
you make my daughter be happy again, it will totally alright.” said King
Fernando. The young handsome man took Princess Charlita for a walk
in a beautiful blue lake with a green forest around it. Princess Charlita
smiled and looked happy after that. Every body looked happy, too. “I Resolution
know why are you so my beautiful daughter. Now, I promise I will
environment green. I regret for always destroying it.
Finally, the environment around the kingdom became so
beautiful and green, full of plants. Then, the young handsome man got a
prize from the king. “I will marry you off my daughter.” said him. “That is
the prize I promise for you. Thanks for keeping our environment well.
Thanks for making my daughter happy again.”
Exercise: Narrative Texts

Read the text carefully!

Text 1 1. Who was Wee San?
Long ago on the top of Mount A. An Emperor from China
Kinabalu in Borneo, there lived a dragon. B. A son of Emperor
He owned a large and beautiful pearl. C. A dragon of Borneo
People believed that he controlled the D. A Borneo’s son
weather with it.
The emperor of China heard this 2. “… his men to make a fake pearl and
and wanted the pearl. He sent his two sons, large kite” (paragraph).
Wee Ping and Wee San to Borneo to steal it. What does the underlined word mean?
The princes, together with one hundred A. False C. Glittering
soldier, set sail for Borneo in twelve sailing B. Valuable D. Expensive
When they arrived in Borneo they 3. The text above is written to …
set out immediately to find the famous A. describe something important
mountain. Their journey up the rugged B. criticize certain persons
slopes of mount Kinabalu proved very C. inform about a good event
difficult. The dragon guarded his cave very D. amuse the readers
fiercely and killed many of their soldiers.
Then Wee San had clever idea. He 4. “They sailed safely home”
climbed a tall tree, so he could see the The word “they” refers to…
dragon’s cave. He noted what time the A. the ships
dragon left his cave to hunt for food and B. the brothers
what time he returned to it. C. the men
Next he ordered his men to make a D. the sons
fake pearl and a large kite. He waited until
the dragon left his cave. Then he placed the Text 2
fake pearl in a bag, slung it across his Once upon time there was a lion
shoulder and flew up to the mountain-top named Ando who was very poor. He lived
on the kite. He exchanged the real pearl for in a small lion’s village outside the big
the fake one and then his brother pulled his kingdom. All his neighboring lions were
kite back to the ground. very poor. He wished to become rich.
The brothers quickly returned to So he quit being a lumber worker.
their ships and set sail for China. They He went to the rich lion’s kingdom to find a
sailed safely home. The Emperor was new job. The rich lion liked him and hired
thrilled with the pearl and gave a big party him as a jeweler in the kingdom. In one
to celebrate his sons’ return. month he made $ 1.000.000.
Everyone in the village ask the rich
people for money. In three months he was

poor because the poor village people asked Unfortunately, he found out and got furious,
him for money and gave it to them. and shouted; “You damned daughter of a
Now he was poorer that before. So fish”. The daughter ran home and asked
Ando quit his job and went back to being her mother. The mother started crying, felt
lumber worker. From that day he never sad that her husband had broken his
again wished that he was rich. promise.
Then she told her daughter to run
5. What is the best title of the text above? up the hills because a huge disaster was
A. Toba lake and Samosir in North about to come. When her daughter left, she
Sumatera prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake
B. The man, the fish and their daughter followed by non-stop pouring rain. The
C. The story of Samosir island whole area got flooded and became Toba
D. The story of Toba Lake Lake. She turned into a fish again and the
man became the island of Samosir.
6. “The rich lion liked him …”
7. What is the complication in paragraph
The underlined word has the same 3?
meaning as… A. The mother started crying, felt sad
A. well that her husband had broken his
B. wealthy promise.
C. healthy B. His daughter would help bringing
D. gorgeous lunch to her father out in the fields.
C. His daughter was so hungry and she
ate his father’s lunch.
Text 3 D. The daughter ran home and asked
The Story of Toba Lake her mother.
Once upon a time, there was a man
who was living in north Sumatra. He lived 8. Finally, what did happen to the man?
in a simple hut in a farming field. He did A. He sunk
some gardening and fishing for his daily B. He turned into a lake
life. C. He turned into a fish
D. He turned into an island
One day, while the man was do
fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his 9. What can we learn from the text above?
trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever A. We must obey our parents
had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish turned B. We must not break our promise
into a beautiful princess. He felt in love C. We must not eat our father’s meal
with her and proposed her to be his wife. D. We must go fishing to find a golden
She said; "Yes, but you have to promise not fish
to tell anyone about the secret that I was
10. What is the best title of the text above?
once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge A. Toba lake and Samosir in North
disaster". The man made the deal and they Sumatera
got married, lived happily and had a B. The man, the fish and their daughter
daughter. C. The story of Samosir island
Few years later, his daughter would D. The story of Toba Lake
help bringing lunch to her father out in the
fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry
and she ate his father’s lunch.


The procedure of the text is to tell how to do or how to make something.

Structure of procedure text:

 Goal/Aim; it tells about the purpose of the text
 Materials; it tells about the materials/ingredients needed to make/do something
 Steps; it tells about the process on how to make/do something.

Example of procedure text:

Fried Rice Goal


 350 gr. Long Grain Rice

 2 Tbs. Vegetable Oil
 3 Eggs
 1 Onion
 2 Green Chillis, Sambal Ulek or Sambal Badjak.
 1 Garlic Clove Materials
 1 Leek
 1 teaspoon Ground Coriander
 1 teaspoon Ground Cumin
 250 gr. Chicken meat
 250 gr. Shelled Prawns
 3 Tbs. Kecap Manis


This dish is best made from cold leftover rice, but you can cook a
fresh batch and leave it to cool for at least 4 hours. Beat the eggs
and make into a omelet, slice into strips and set aside. Heat the
oil in a wok or large frying pan. Add the chopped onion, leek,
garlic and chilies. Fry until the onion is soft. Add the Coriander
and Cumin. Slice Chicken into strips and add with the prawns to
the onion mixture and cook, stirring occasionally until they are Steps
well mixed. Add the rice, soya sauce and omelet strips and cook
for a further 5 minutes. Decorate with some of the leftover leek
and serve hot. Enjoy.

Example: Procedure Texts

How to Make Bregedel Tempe

The ingredients:
 150 g tempe 3. When we add the egg in making
 1 tablespoon flour bregedel tempe?
 1 egg A. Between we mash the tempe and
 1 spoon Royco shape the tempe.
 1 cup vegetable oil for frying B. After we shape the tempe and
Here are the instructions: before we mask the tempe.
1. Mash the tempe with a fork. C. Before we shape the tempe and mix
2. Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix the tempe with Royco.
with the flour and Royco, followed by an D. While we shape the tempe.
3. Shape the tempe into the size of a golf 4. What is the social function of this text?
ball and flatten a little with a fork. A. To inform the readers about
4. Heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. Bregedel Tempe.
When the oil is hot, drop the tempe into B. To retell about Bregedel Tempe.
the oil, five or six at a time. C. To describe about Bregedel Tempe
5. Fry until golden brown on both sides, D. To describe about how to make
drain on absorbent paper and serve hot Bregedel
with chili or sauce.
5. “Fry until golden brown on both sides,
Choose the best answer based on the drain on absorbent…” (last line)
text above! The underlined word has the closest
1. Which statement is TRUE about the meaning to. . .
instruction? A. Flat
A. We need the big fire to make oil B. Plate
become hot. C. Dry
B. We ought to drop the tempe around D. Getter
ten or twelve at a two times.
C. We fork to flatten the shape of
D. We fry the tempe before golden

2. What is the main ingredient of the

bregedel tempe?
A. Tempe
B. Bregedel Tempe
C. Tempe and Egg
D. Tempe, flour and Royco

Exercise: Procedure Texts
The following text is for questions 4. When do we have to stop boiling the
number 1 to 5. pineapple?
A. When the water is boiled
Pineapple Stew B. After sugar, cinnamon, and clovers
are added
1 pineapple cut into dices C. When we smell the pineapple
3 glasses of water D. After we remove the stew from heat
1 glass of granulated sugar
5. How should you serve the pineapple
Directions: stew?
1) Boil water until boiled. A. It is served cold
2) Then add sugar, cinnamon, and
B. It is served hot
3) Bring it to boil and add the C. It is served raw
pineapples. D. It is served uncooked
4) Wait until you can smell the
pineapple. The following text is for questions
5) Remove from heat and serve cold. number 6 to 9.
(Makes 4 dozen)
1. The recipe tells you how to make…
A. ingredients Ingredients:
B. dice 1 ½ cups all purpose flour
C. granulated sugar ¼ teaspoons baking powder
D. pineapple stew ¼ teaspoons vanilla extract
2 eggs
2. What ingredients are needed to make 1 cup sugar
pineapple stew?
A. Dice, glass, sugar Directions:
B. Pineapples, water, sugar (1) Combine flour and baking powder, set
C. Glass, water, sugar aside.
D. Pineapples, dice, water (2) Beat eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract in
a mixing bowl until light-coloured.
3. How much sugar do we need? (3) Stir in the flour and baking powder
A. 1 glass mixture.
B. 3 glasses (4) Drop the batter by teaspoonful about 2
C. 1 cup inches apart onto a greased and
D. 3 spoons floured baking sheet. Set aside in a
room temperature for 6 hours.
(5) Bake at 35°F for 6 minutes.
(6) Remove from baking sheet to a wire
rack to cool.

1) Sprinkle a thick coat of powdered sugar
on a cookie sheet.
6. The text gives us ... how to prepare 2) Combine the granulated sugar, light corn
vanilla drop cookies. syrup and water in a heavy saucepan.
A. instructions 3) Cook over medium-high heat until the
B. descriptions hard-crack stage. (When the candy
C. stories caramel cracks, then dip into cold
D. opinions water).
4) Remove from heat.
7. What ingredients do you need to make 5) Add the peppermint oil or other flavour.
vanilla drops cookies? Stir well.
A. flour, baking powder, vanilla extract, 6) Pour onto the cookie sheet.
eggs, and sugar 7) Sprinkle with more powdered sugar.
B. flour, baking powder, vanilla ice 8) Cut with a knife as soon as cool enough
cream, eggs, and sugar to handle.
C. flour, baking powder, vanilla ice
cream, eggs, and salt 10. What do you learn from the recipe?
D. flour, mixing bowl, vanilla extract, A. How to make candies
eggs, and sugar B. How to sprinkle sugar on a cookie
8. How long does it take to bake the C. How to stir well
cookies? D. How to cut candies with a knife
A. 2 minutes
B. 6 minutes 11. What ingredients do you need to make
C. 35 minutes it?
D. 60 minutes A. water, granulated sugar, light corn
syrup, peppermint oil
9. How many cookies will you get with B. water, sugar, corn, peppermint
the above recipe? C. cookie sheet, caramel, powdered
A. 4 C. 16 sugar
B. 12 D. 48 D. a knife, cookie sheet, saucepan

The following text is for questions 12. How many steps are there to make
number 10 to 13. candy?
Homemade Candy A. 4 C. 8
B. 5 D. 10
1 c. water 13. When can we cut the candy?
1 c. granulated sugar A. Before sprinkle with more
1 c. light corn syrup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. peppermint oil or other flavour B. After we pour the mixture to the
cookie sheet
Directions: C. As soon as the candies cool enough
to handle

D. As soon as we remove the caramel
from heat
Recount Text

A. Definition

Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to
inform or to entertain the audience.
Recount adalah teks yang menceritakan kejadian/peristiwa (PENGALAMAN) seseorang di
wkt lampau sebagai informasi/hiburan. (TO RETELL or TO INFORM PAST EVENTS)).

B. Generic Structure Recount Text

Sama seperti teks bahasa Inggris lainnya, Recount text juga memiliki susunan atau
struktur. Generic Structure recount text terdiri dari:

1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time

Orientation: memceritakan mengenai latarbelakang informasi tentang siapa, di
mana, kapan kejadian atau peristiwa terjadi.

2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past

Events: menceritakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi setelahnya diceritakan sesuai
urutan kronologis.

3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story

Reorientation: berisi rangkuman atau conclusion dari semua kejadian. Pada bagian ini
juga berisi pendapat atau kesan penulis tentang kejadian yang diceritakan.

C. Language Feature of Recount

 Introducing personal participant; I, my group, we, etc.
 Using chronological connection; first, then, next, after that, etc
 Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc
 Using action verb; look, go, change, etc
 Using simple past tense

D. Examples of Recount Text

Recount Text 1

Orientation Last week, I and my friends went to the beach after school. We
used public transportation. We reached the beach at 4 p.m. The
beach was beautiful and clean.
Events At the beach, it was fun. We played football in the coast line. After
that, we built a castle from sand. In the night, we made bonfire
together. We roasted fishes and squites then we ate them. In the
midnight, it was time to share our scary stories. One by one, we
told our story.
Re- At the morning, we went home. It was a moment i never forgot.

Recount Text 2

Meet Bambang Pamungkas

On Friday, there was a football match between Indonesia
and Japan. It held on Gelora Bung Karno stadium. I went
to Gelora Bung Karno stadium with my friend, Jono.

Before entering Gelora Bung Karno stadium, we looked the bus that took
Indonesian football players. Then, we followed that bus to main-entrance. I found
that Bambang Pamugkas left from the bus. When, we wanted to get close to
Bambang Pamungkas, a security guard held me back. But, I thinked that security
guard was familiar. He was my old friend, Budi. After that, he let me in, finally i
could meet Bambang Pamungkas and got his signature.

Next, I went back to my seat at the stadium and the match just began. It was an
amazing day and good match.

Exercise: Recount Text

Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D of the following.

Text 1 for no. 1-6

On Saturday night, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd
of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes’
time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute
hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone
shouted,”It’s two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!”
I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that
moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.
(sumber: detik-detik UN bahasa Inggris; 2005/2006; Intan Pariwara)

1. When did the clock stopped? 4. “The big clock refused to welcome the
A. At 05.12 New Year”
B. At 11.50 What is the synonym of the word ….
C. At 12.00 A. reject
D. At 12.02 B. accept
C. admit
2. Why did the people gather under the D. hate
Town Hall clock?
A. To welcome the New Year 5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE
B. To see the newly bought clock according to the text?
C. To strike the laughing people A. the writer was waiting to celebrate
D. To stop people who shouted the New Year.
B. the writer brought a watch.
3. “It would strike twelve in twenty C. the writer was very happy
minutes’ time.” D. the writer celebrated the New Year
The underlined word refers to … with his family.
A. the clock
B. author’s watch 6. Based on the text, where was the
C. the town writer?
D. the place A. At the center of the town
B. At home
C. AT the beach
D. At the market

Text 2 for no. 7-11
Last week, my friend and I rode our bikes to the beach. It was only five kilometers from
our houses.
It was quite windy and there was hardly anyone there. It surprised us because there
were always many people coming there on the weekends. So, we had the beach on our
own. We bought some hot chips, rode our bikes, played in the water and sat under the
trees. We really had a great time.
7. Where did the story happen? 10. How did the writer think about the trip?
A. in a house A. It was an unpleasant trip
B. at the store B. It was a funny trip
C. in a water C. It was a horrible trip
D. at the beach D. It was a good trip

8. How did they go to the beach? 11. “It was only five kilometers from our
A. by bicycles houses.” (line 1).
B. by bus The word “It” refers to….
C. by car A. bike
D. by boat B. beach
C. chip
9. Who did the writer and his friend find D. house
when they reached the beach?
A. many people
B. almost no one
C. many visitors
D. foreign tourist

Text 3 for no. 12-13

One day, I had to teach a new English class. I read the list of new students’ names. It was
kiddies’ group since they were about 9 and 10 years old.
That was the first day of The Spanish carnival, so I wanted to wear the most appropriate
suit for the children’s class. Most kids usually dress up at carnival I thought. It would be more
interesting if their teacher was also in carnival spirit. That was why I decided to wear my
teddy bear suit and bring cuddly toys in my box
And that was what I did. I walked through the door happily. The director watched me
completely astonished. I smiled and looked straight at her. With a man beside her, she said,
“ Good afternoon. I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Mendez, the director of Delta company. He is
one of the participants of English course that you will teach today.”
Oh my God! I nearly died! The secretary apologized to me for wrong details of my new

12. The secretary apologized to the writer 13. Who is the main character in the story?
because………. A. The writer
A. The writer wore his teddy bear suit B. The director
B. She did not remember the carnival day C. Mr. Mendez
C. She did not know Mr. Mendez was in D. The secretary
the class
D. She has given the wrong details of the

new class

Text 3 for no. 14-18

On Thursday 24 April we went to the Botanical Gardens. We walked down and boarded the
After we arrived at the garden, we walked down to the Education Centre. The third grade
students went to have a look around. First, we went to the first farm and Mrs. James read us
some information. Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little
spot in the Botanical Garden and had a morning tea break.
Next, we did sketching and then we met the fourth grade students at the Education Centre to
have lunch. Soon after that, it was time for us to go and make our terrariums while the fourth
year students went to have walk.
A lady took us into special room and introduced herself, then she explained what we were
going to do. Next, she took us to a pyramid terrarium. It was really interesting.
After we had finished, we met the fourth grade students outside the gardens. Then we
reboarded the bus and returned to school.

14. Most events mentioned in the text happened….

A. at the Education Centre
B. in the botanical garden
C. on the bus to Botanical Garden
D. outside the school

15. The writer of the text is….

A. a fourth grade students
B. a school teacher
C. a third grade students
D. Mr. and Mrs. James

16. What did the fourth grade students do after lunch?

A. They had a walk
B. They made their terrarium
C. They returned to school
D. They went to a pyramid terrarium

17. What was the second activity of the writer during the excursion to the Botanical Garden?
A. Gathering at the Education Centre
B. Going to a small garden
C. Looking at the lovely plants
D. Visiting a beautiful lady

18. “It was very interesting.” (par. 4)

What does the underlined word refer to?
A. A pyramid terrarium
B. A specific room
C. Education Centre
D. First farm


A report text usually starts with a definition of the thing being reported. This definition
is followed by the classification. Then, the description of the whole thing with follow. It is
elaborated with the description of the parts and the functions or the activities.
The function of the text is to describe the way things are. The sentences in report texts
use Present Tense and the participants are general.

A kangaroo is an animal found only in
The text consist of two parts. The first is
Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a
general classification which introduces
wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of participants of the text
Tasmania and also in New Guinea.
Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have
short front legs, but very long and very strong back
legs and a tail. These they use for sitting up on and for
jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make
forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across
fences more than three meters high. They can also run
The second is description which tells us
at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour.
about the generalization and
The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey
characteristic of the participants
Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adults grow to a
length of 1.60 meters and weigh over 90 kilos.
Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the
female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of
her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born,
and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends
its first five months of life.

Exercise: Report Text
6. “… to care for and rescue their …”
Text 1 for no. 1-7 The closest synonym of the word
Elephants: The Amazing Animals “rescue” is …
Elephants are the largest land animals on A. bring C. save
earth. They have the largest brains of B. feed D. eat
any mammal. Elephants talk to each other.
Researchers have discovered more than 50 7. “Researchers have discovered more
different types of calls that they use to than…”
communicate with each other. Their trunks The underlined word has the same
are strong enough to pick up trees but meaning as ….
sensitive enough to pick up flowers. They A. looked for C. searched
use them as tools to sweep paths, to B. got D. found
scratch themselves, to swat flies, and to
draw in the dirt. They are good swimmers Text 1 for no. 8-13
and use their trunks like snorkels. They GORILLAS
live together in family groups. They Gorillas are the largest of all the
help each other when in trouble. They join primates. A male gorilla can be 180
together to care for and rescue their young. centimeters tall and can weigh 200 kilogra
ms. Gorillas are very strong but they do
1. What is the main idea of the paragraph? not often fight. In fact they are peaceful
A. Elephants have largest animals. Gorillas live in small family groups
brain of about 15. In a group there is one strong,
B. Elephants are the largest animals older male, some young males, and a few
C. Elephants has 50 different females with their babies. They move
types slowly around a large area of jungle eating
D. Elephants are good swimmers leaves and bushes.
In some ways gorillas are very like
2. The elephants part of the body that is humans. When they are happy, they laugh
described in the text … and wave their arms. When they are angry,
A. head C. tusk they beat their chests. When they are sad,
B. ears D. trunks they cry. But they cry quietly, without any
3. How do they sweep paths? They use Unfortunately, people hunt and kill
A. its feet C. its trunks gorillas. They also cut down and burn their
B. its head D. its brain trees. There are now only about 10,000
gorillas left in the world.
4. “They use them …” Them refers to …
A. elephants C. trunks 8. How tall can gorillas be?
B. flowers D. Researcher A. one hundred and eighteen
B. one hundred eighty
5. They talk each other the other word of C. eighteen hundred
talk is … D. two hundred
A. communicate C. join
B. help D. rescue

lineage that included the woolly
rhinoceros. Sumatran rhinos stand up to
1.4 m (4.6 ft) at the shoulder and
9. What is the purpose of the text above? weigh up to 1,000 kg (2,200 lb). They have
A. to retell about gorillas folded skin, like the other Asian
B. to explain gorillas rhinos, except that it is covered with coarse,
C. to entertain the gorillas bristly hair. The Sumatran is the only rhino
D. to describe gorillas in Asia with two horns. The front horn is
usually the longest, reaching a length of 90
10. What does paragraph 1 tell us about? cm (36 inch), and the rear one is
A. The size of gorillas sometimes so small that the animal looks
B. The largest gorillas as if it is single-horned.
C. The strength of gorillas They live mainly in forest-covered
D. The habitat of gorillas hills ear water and are known to be good at
climbing slopes and swimming. They move
11. The main idea of the second paragraph mainly at night, and spend most of the day
is… wallowing in mud-holes and pools.
A. There are only about 10,000 gorillas Sumatran rhinoceroses usually feed on
in the world leaves, twigs, and fruits.
B. People hunt and kill gorillas Female rhinos reach sexual
C. Gorillas are like human maturity at about the age of five or six. The
D. When gorillas sad, they cry males mature between the ages of seven
and eight. However, they do not father
12. How do gorillas live? They live … calves until they have claimed a territory,
A. alone C. peacefully which may take them three or four years.
B. in group D. nomad Rhinos always have a single calf, born after
a gestation period of 15 to 18 months. The
13. “They also cut down and burn …” calf may feed on its mother’s milk for up
“They” here refers to …. to two years, and it usually remains with its
A. gorillas C. humans mother until she is about to give birth once
B. people D. females more. The calf is only raised by its mother.

Text 1 for no. 14-20 14. What does the first paragraph tell us
Sumatran Rhinoceros about?
The Sumatran rhinoceros A. the description of Sumatran rhinos
(Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is the B. The habitat of Sumatran rhino
smallest rhino species. It is also the most C. The number of Sumatran rhino
distinctive rhinoceros. It has been hunted a D. The destruction of habitat
lot that it is almost extinct. There are less
than 300 Sumatran rhinoceroses surviving 15. Paragraph 3 mainly tells us about …of
in Malaysia and Indonesia. Between 1985 the Sumatran rhino
and 1995, the number of Sumatran rhinos A. habit C. habitat
declined by 50 percent because of poaching B. food D. life
and habitat destruction.
The Sumatran rhinoceros has 16. Why is the Sumatran rhinos almost
unique grey or reddish-brown coat. It extinct? Because ….
is believed to be the only survivor of the A. people look after them
B. people hunt them D. people save them
C. people feed them
17. The following is true based on the text?
A. There are a large number Sumatran rhinos
B. Female rhino has folded skin
C. Sumatran rhinos only live in Indonesia
D. Sumatran rhinos live in open forest

18. How tall is the Sumatran rhino?

A. 40 cm C. 50 cm
B. 140 m D. 14 cm

19. “….the rear one is ….”

The word “one” refers to ….
A. rhino C. length
B. horn D. animal

20. “... the rear one is ...”

The underlined word has similar meaning as...
A. front C. single
B. mall D. back

TRY OUT I D. many people visited the Place

The following text is for number 1-4 4. "Will you join us next time?"
What does the word "us" in the
Dear Andy, sentence refer to?
A. Andy and sandy.
Long time no see, how are you today? I B. Andy and his friends.
hope you are alright. C. Sandy and his family'
D. Sandy and his friends
Last holiday, my family and I spent one
night in the countryside. It is not far
The following text is for number 5-6
from our city and it is not a crowded
place. We stayed in a rented wooden To: Dania
house. It was really nice.
Don't forget to join us in the English Club
At night, we made a small fire in front of meeting this evening. We're going to
the house and sang together. We were discuss our plan to celebrate our school
very happy. We woke up very late the
anniversary. Mia, Nury, Arief, Panji and
next morning because we stayed up till
Gadis will be there too. Please, be
after midnight. After lunch my father
drove us home.

It was a great holiday. Will you join us See you there.

next time? Dimas
See you soon.
5. Whom is the message addressed to?
Your best friend, A. Nury C. Dania
B. Panji D. Dimas
6. The purpose of the text is to...
A. realize the plan
1. The letter tells us about... B. arrange the agenda
A. Sandy's holiday in the countryside C. remind Dania of the meeting
B. making a small fire and singing D. celebrate the school anniversary
C. Andy's favorite place for holiday The following text is for number 7-8
D. a rented wooden house
2. How did Sandy and his family go to the NatraBurstTM is a powerful food source
countryside? consisting of a wide variety of premium
A. By train Ingredients, which work together to provide a
B. By ship variety of health benefits. Each serving contains
C. By bus the equivalent of more than 6 vegetables and
D. By car fruits, with an ORAC value of
4.000+. Additionally, NatraBurstTM help support
3. Sandy and his family spent the holiday lean muscle mass with its
Concentration of high quality protein.
in the countryside because " '
A. It was located nearby  Increase energy
B. They liked crowded Place  Reduce appetite
C. it was not far from their city  Promote fat loss
 Anti-aging
 Promote healthy skin 39
9. What skills will the participants have
7. What's the benefit of consuming after they complete the training?
NatraBurst? A. Register and study online at
A. Increase appetite
B. Decrease energy B. Make a clear, detailed, and
C. Promote fat loss interesting, step by step blog
D. Promote healthy hair tutorial
C. Create a blog with appropriate
8. The purpose of the text is.... contents and pleasant layout &
A. to warn the reader the danger of the images
product D. Call the person in charge for the
B. to describe the composition of the further information with correct
product number
C. to persuade people to consume the
product 10. ". . ., fill it with appropriate contents"
D. to tell the reader how to use the The word "appropriate" in the text has
product its closest meaning to…
A. capable
The following text is for number 9-10 B. suitable
C. Probable
Read the text and answer questions 11
Date : 16 November 2015 and 12
Fees : Rp.25.000 (meal & certificate)
Time : 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Chew Kok Key
Go global with blogging. It's time to put your Mr. and Mrs. Lim Kau
talents and creativity into practice. It's a high
time to expand your network. Join the request the pleasure of your company
workshop and you'll get step by step tutorial to a wedding dinner at
on how to start your own blog site for free.
Holiday Inn
You will get hands on experience to design
Jalan Syed Abdul Aziz
your blog, Fill your blog with appropriate
Melaka, 75000 Malaysia
contents and decorate it with pleasant Tel: 06.2859000
layout and images. By the end of the Fax: 06.2859111
workshop, you’ll have the skills to create
your own blog. at 7.00 p.m.
Apart from that, you’ll also get some tips on on the occasion of marriage of
how to earn from blogging.
Mr. Chew Whoong Seng
Seats are limited to 50 students. First come, with
first served. Register online at Ms. Lim Boon Eng

C. November 7, 2013
D. November 8, 2013
11. What is the purpose of the text? 14. The activities are meant as....
A. Ms. Lim persuades Mr. Chew to A. OSIS anniversary celebration
marry her. B. students' and teachers' activities
B. Mr. Chew invites Ms. Lim to go on C. students' talent and creativity
holiday. performances
C. Ms. Lim invites Mr. Chew to come to D. entertainments for all teachers and
her party. students
D. Mr. Chew invites their colleagues to
come to the party. 15. "Every class should join them."
What does "them" here refer to?
12. When will the party be held? A. Prizes
A. at noon. B. Students
B. in the evening. C. Winners
C. in the morning. D. Competitions
D. in the afternoon
The following text is for number 16-18
The following text is for number 13-15 TWO-DAY CAMP FOR STUDENTS
Friday, Dec 27, 2013
To: All students of SMP Bunga Matahari 06.00 : Gather in schoolyard
To celebrate the school anniversary on 06.15 : Get on the bus
November 16, 2013 and as a chance for 11.00 : Arrive at the venue
students to perform their talents and 13.00 : Build tents
creativities, OSIS will hold some 15.00 : Break
competitions. They are futsal match, 16.00 : Participant introduction
basketball match, singing contest, speech 17.30 : Free time
contest, and classroom contest.
19.00 : Dinner
The competition will be held on:
20.00 : Play games
Date : 5-9 November 2013
Time : 08.00-12.00
21.30 : Have a rest
Venue : School hall and school yard
Saturday, Dec 28, 2013
The first day is futsal match. The second 04.30 : Subuh prayer
day is basketball match. The third day is 05.00 : Morning exercises
singing contest, the fourth day is speech 07.00 : Shower time and breakfast
contest and the classroom contest will be 08.00 : Mountain Climbing
on the last day. Every class should join 11.00 : Return to camp site
them. The winners of the competitions 12.00 : Lunch
will receive the prizes on the 13.00 : Play games
anniversary day. 15.00 : Closing ceremony
For further information, please contact 17.00 : Going home
Yeyen, the OSIS secretary.
The head of OSIS
1. This camping program is supervised by
experienced outbound trainers.
2. Every participant must follow the
13. When will the singing contest be held? schedule.
A. November 5, 2013
3. In case of bad weather, villas are
B. November 6, 2013
provided near the camp area.
C. turning off
D. using keyboard on
16. What is the purpose of the text? 20. What should you do before connecting
A. To inform the trainer’s time table. the mouse cord to the CPU?
B. To guide students in their activities. A. Connect the monitor cable to the
C. To warn the students about bad back of the CPU.
weather. B. Press the power button located on
D. To compare it with other camping the front panel.
schedule. C. Connect the power cord to the
electricity source.
17. What will they do if there's a bad D. Click "Start" button or restart the
weather? computer.
A. The trainer will guide the
participants. 21. "... the power cord is firmly
B. Campers will move to the nearby connected ..." (step 1)
villas. The underlined word has the same
C. Committee will send the students meaning as the word...
home. A. fairly
D. Participants should always follow B. tightly
the schedule. C. faithfully
D. steadily
18. "This camping program is supervised
by ...." 22. "This will display the options..."(step 5)
What does the underlined word mean? The underlined word refers to...
A. monitored A. clicking "Turn off”
B. continued B. pressing the power
C. suggested C. clicking "Start" button
D. suspected D. connecting a cable

The following text is for number 19-22 For questions 23-25, complete the
passage with the words provided
1. Make sure that the power cord is firmly
connected to the back of the CPU and A Trip to Malino
connected to electricity source. On Sunday, Iwan and Anni got up at
2. Connect the monitor cable to the back of six in the morning. They were going to
the CPU.
go to Malino. They (23) ... home at half
3. Connect the keyboard and mouse cords to
the back panel of the CPU, too.
past six. They got to Malino at ten; it
4. Press the power button located on the took three and a half hours to get there.
front panel of the CPU. The desktop will They stopped at pine forest to have a
start a booting process in your computer. rest and ate roasted corns. After that
5. When you finish using the computer, click they continued their (24) ... to Takapala
the "Start" button and choose the "Turn off waterfall. At 12 o'clock they arrived
computer" option. This will display the there and had lunch in one of the
options to "Stand by", "Restart" or "Turn restaurants around the location. After
Off' the computer.
that they took a bath under the
waterfall. The water was very cold, but
they enjoyed the moment (25) ....
19. The text above tells you about ... a
A. building
B. operating

C. Every two years
D. Every three years
23. A. left 27. The purpose of the text is...
B. saw A. to describe the event in general
C. went B. to describe GM-EFC to readers
D. built C. to show that the school is active
D. to inform people about school
24. A. way activities
B. street
C. activity 28. What program attracts most
D. journey participants?
A. Book Fair
25. A. busily
B. Handicraft
B. angrily
C. Culinary Fair
C. happily
D. Band Competition.
D. patiently
The following text is for number 29-32
The following text is for number 26-28
I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it
Garuda Muda Junior High School Snowy. Snowy is a Chinese breed. It is
holds an annual event called GM-EFC. It small, fluffy and cute. It has thick white
stands for Garuda Muda Event for fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft.
Friendship and Creativity. It is held in
Snowy does not like bones. Every day it
September every year.
eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or
This Year is the third time for the
bread. Every morning I give her milk and
school to hold the event. The students and
bread. When I am at school, Snowy plays
the teachers are working hard together to
with my cat. They get along well and
make the program successful. The event is
aimed to give a chance for all junior high
never fight; maybe because Snowy does
school students in the city to perform their not bark a lot. It treats the other animals
talents and skills. in our house gently, and it never bites
There are various program held in shoes.
this event, such as group band competition, We always spend time together at
culinary fair, book fair, sport festival, and home. We do many activities: playing
handicraft bazaar. Usually, every school balls, hide and seek, or racing in the
participates in the event. It may compete in backyard. In the afternoon, I usually take
the band competition or sport festival. her for a walk. People love to see Snowy.
Some of the schools join the fairs, while Snowy is really a sweet and friendly pet
some others just come as guests and enjoy
the programs.
29. What is the topic of the story?
Among the programs, the band
A. A friendship between a cat and a
competition is the students’ favourite.
Almost all schools send their delegates to
B. Spending time with a pet inside and
compete for the best group band in the city.
Most of the contestants perform the latest
outside the house.
songs and they do it really well. As a result, C. A friendly and sweet dog.
it is always hard for the jury to decide the D. A friendship between a pet and its
winners. owner.

30. Where does the writer usually spend

26. How often does the school hold GM- the time with his pet?
EFC? A. In the neighborhood
A. Every year B. On the street
B. Every month
C. At school
D. At home
31. The main topic of paragraph two is... 33. The best title for the text is . . .
A. The writer's activities with his/her A. The fruit with thousands of eyes
pet. B. A lazy girl in plantation
B. Everybody loves to walk with C. The origin of pineapple
Snowy. D. A missing girl
C. Snowy is a cute and friendly dog.
D. Snowy always plays with the cat. 34. What happened to the mother when
she realized Pina had gone?
32. What activity does the writer do after A. She searched for her
school with his pet? B. She cursed her
A. Cuddle it softly C. She fell asleep
B. Take it for a walk D. She got sick
C. Give it milk
D. Let it play with the cat 35. What is the main idea of paragraph
The following text is for questions 33 to A. Pina's mother was so angry that she
36. cursed her daughter
There was a girl named Pina who lived B. Pina was too lazy to cook her own
on a fruit plantation with her mother. When food
her mother worked night and day, little Pina C. Pina's mother was terribly ill
would spend all her time playing with her D. Pina was a really bad cook.
friends. When her mother asked her to do
something, she would always reply that she 36. What can we learn from the story?
couldn’t find things, even if it was laying right A. Don't be lazy
in front of her eyes. B. Don't' .spend your time for playing
One day, her mother fell ill and C. Do not angry to your child
couldn't even get up to cook some food. So, D. Respect and obey your mother
she asked Pina to cook some rice. However,
Pina being her lazy self, said "I can't find the For questions 37-39, complete the
pot, so where should I put the rice?" Her passage with the words provided
mother told her where the pot was. Then she
said, "where is the ladle, how am I going to My Bedroom
My bedroom is (37).... It's about four
cook without a ladle?” Again her sick mother
meters long and three meters wide. There
had to tell her the exact location. Pina did the
is a bed across the door. A desk and a
same with salt, rice and water! Enraged by
chair stand near the window. On the
Pine's behaviour, her mother cursed, "May
corner, stand three door wooden
you grow a thousand eyes" and went back to cupboards to (38) ... all of my stuff and my
sleep. clothes. On the centre of the ceiling, a
When she woke up, she could not find twenty-watt spiral lamp gives enough
her daughter. She searched and searched, light for the entire of the room and
and so did every single person on the functions as a reading lamp as well. I
plantation. After a few days, a strange fruit really thanked to my father who designed
with thousand of little dots was seen on the the room because I have enough space
plantation. When Pina's mother saw the fruit, and I stay (39) ... in it.
she was immediately reminded of Pina's
beautiful brown eyes and thus, the fruit with
a thousand eyes was named "Pinya", 37. A. fabulous
meaning pineapple in Tagalog. B. spacious

C. hazardous D. A traditional ceremonies during
D. tremendous Asura
38. A. keep 41. What is the main idea of paragraph
B. reach three?
C. move A. Tabuik ceremony is a tradition from
D. share the west Sumatra
B. The Tabuik will bring bad luck if
39. A. comfortably thrown to the sea
B. awkwardly C. People wear traditional dress
C. clumsily during the ceremony
D. quietly D. D. The Tabuik ceremony is ended
when the sun set
The following text is for questions 40 to
44. 42. Where was Tabuik come from?
A. Minangkabau
Tabuik ceremony is a tradition on
B. Pariaman
the west coast of West Sumatra,
C. Bengkulu
Indonesia, especially in Pariaman. It is
D. West coast
held at the Asura day which falls on the
10th of Muharram of the Islamic
43. Why must Tabuik be thrown into the
calendar. In Bengkulu it was known as
Tabot. Tabuik is made of bamboo, rattan,
A. To symbolize the end of the
and paper. During the week of Tabuik,
many activities are held including kite
B. To show that the ceremony is over.
race and other traditional activities.
C. To mark the disposal of bad luck.
Tabuik is also a term used to refer to the
D. To complete the Procession.
high funeral biers carried around during
the remembrance procession. On the
44. What is the purpose of the text?
appointed day, all participants of the
A. To describe Tabuik ceremony
ceremony gather in the centre of the
B. To understand Minangkabau culture
city. All government officials also
C. To explain the procession of
attended this colossal ceremony in West
throwing Tabuik
D. To give information about the local
One Tabuik was carried by 40
tradition in West Sumatra
people. Behind Tabuik, a group of people
wearing traditional clothes carry various
45. Arrange the following sentences into a
of percussion. Occasionally when the
meaningful passage.
line of people in the procession stop,
1) Double click add/ remove programs.
dozens of people perform martial arts
2) Click next to install the program.
accompanied by Minang tetabuhan.
3) Then, open start menu and select
The sunset marks the end of the
settings, then control panel.
procession. The Tabuik was then
4) Note; that most of the time, a
brought to a shore and then floated out
window will immediately appear
to sea. This is conducted as they believe
asking if you want to install the
that throwing Tabuik into the sea will
program, click install.
dispose of bad luck.
5) First, place the floppy disk or CD -
ROM containing the program in the
40. What is the text about? desired drive.
A. West Sumatra martial arts.
B. Tabuik ceremony in West Sumatra A. 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 3
C. Islamic ceremony in West Sumatra B. 4 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 3

C. 5 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 D. 3 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 5
For questions 46-48, complete the passage with the words provided

Theatre is a place where people entertain the audience well. The people who (46) …,
called actors and actresses, act in plays on a stage. A (47) … can be raised platform, or it
can be part of the floor in a room, either in the centre of the room or against the wall. The
audience is very important part of a theatre because it’s for the audience that actors and
actresses act (48) … and the playwright writes interestingly. Without an audience, they
are only rehearsing or practicing.

46. A. perform
B. disguise
C. pretend
D. work

47. A. stage
B. screen
C. show
D. script

48. A. spontaneously
B. perfectly
C. friendly
D. personally

49. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.

hard - still - fought - the match - Jamal - lost - but – really
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. 5 – 8 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 7
B. 5 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 3 – 8
C. 5 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 8 – 7 – 3 – 1
D. 5 – 3 – 8 - 1 – 7 – 2 – 6 – 4

50. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.

friend – the – running – who – girl – best – is – my – is

A. 8–6–1 –9–2–3–5–4–7
B. 8–1–9 –2–3–5–4–7–6
C. 2–3–5 –4–9–8–7–6–1
D. 2–5–4 –9–3–7–8–6–1


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