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Name: Jerros P.



The Katipunan, also known as the KKK (Kataas-taasang, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng
mga Anak ng Bayan), was a secret revolutionary society founded by Andres Bonifacio in 1892.
The Katipunan played a crucial role in the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule
and laid the groundwork for the country’s eventual independence.

The Kartilya ng Katipunan, or the Katipunan Code, served as the guiding principles and rules of
the organization. It emphasized the values of patriotism, unity, equality, and selflessness among
its members. The Kartilya outlined the duties and responsibilities of Katipuneros, promoting
virtues such as love of country, humility, honesty, and dedication to the cause of freedom.

The Katipunan and the Kartilya ng Katipunan reflected the spirit of nationalism and resistance
against oppression that characterized the Filipino revolutionary movement. They inspired
ordinary Filipinos to rise up against their colonizers and fight for their rights and freedom. The
Katipunan’s emphasis on unity and collective action united Filipinos from all walks of life in a
common struggle for independence.

The legacy of the Katipunan and the Kartilya ng Katipunan endures in the Philippines as
symbols of courage, sacrifice, and the enduring spirit of the Filipino people. They remind us of
the importance of standing up for what is right, fighting for justice and freedom, and working
together towards a common goal. The principles espoused by the Katipunan continue to inspire
Filipinos to uphold the values of patriotism, solidarity, and service to the nation.

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