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A critique of Ziomek-Daigle et al.

’s “Integrating a Multi-Tiered System of Supports with

Comprehensive School Counseling Programs.”


The article “Positive behavioral international and support schools” offers a comprehensive

overview of the implementation and impact of positive behavioral interventions and supports in

the educational systems. It focuses on the role of school counsellors, making it an interesting

article to critique. This article critique analyses the strengths, limitations, and implications of the

article by discussing the key elements such as positive behavioral interventions and supports

(PBIS) implementation, the integration of the PBIS and all-inclusive school counseling

programs, and the practical applications of the knowledge gained for future school counsellors.

Strengths of the article

The main strength of this article is its detailed and clear exploration of the positive behavioral

international supports. It provides adequate insights into the theoretical foundation for applied

behavioral analysis, making it an important article in understanding the PBIS. It effectively

explains and analyses the three-tier structure of PBIS by focusing on the significance of data

driven and evidence-based practices. The authors inclusion of statistical data on the widespread

implementation of positive behavioral international and support schools on over 21000 schools

across the United States of America adds to the credibility of the article.

The authors’ discussion of the positive impacts of positive behavioral and international school

systems sch as enhanced academic outcomes ad positive school climate fo0sters the credibility

for the article. Hat is true since the discussions are supported by references from various similar
studies. The author’s use of evidence-based approach in developing the article enhances the

articles’ reliability, justifying why it is an important article to use in understanding school

counseling programs. Its integration of the Response to intervention (RTI), and PBIS is through,

making it important in highlighting the differences and similarities of the two fireworks; RTI and

PBIS. The authors acknowledges that both frameworks can effectively be used b school


This article effectively reiterates the significant role of school counselors in the implementation

of PBIS, further justifying its strength in the subject. It provides a real-world case studies and

examples which effectively illustrates how school counselors contribute to the development of a

supportive and positive environment. This article also aligns different school counseling

programs such as ASCA National Model with PBIS, forming a significant strength. That enables

readers to identify and understand the connectedness of different frameworks in fostering

positive student outcomes.

Limitations of the article

Despite offering a wealth of information, this article also demonstrates that needs the authors’

considerations. First, the authors focused mainly on the positive aspects of PBIS implementation

which limits the article by creating biased view and understanding of PBIS. The authors should

have considered a more balanced approach that analyses the challenges and potential drawbacks.

Discussing the changes and potential drawbacks would offer readers a more holistic

understanding of the topic, making the article more reliable and effective for learners and

This article also lacks a critical examination of the potential contextual and cultural variations in

the PBIS effectiveness, making it less reliable and effective for use in schools. It does not

adequately address the unique needs of every student population since it only implements a

standardized approach a cross a diverse school environment in United States. The authors should

have considered acknowledging the variations and identifying potential adaptations to strengthen

the article’s practical applicability.

The article’s implication for the future school counsellors

As a prospective school counselor, this article offers a valued visions into the multi-layered roles

played by counselors to foster the development of positive school environments. The authors’

emphasis of data driven decision-making, makes the article more applicable for the future school

counselors. It resonates with the evolving educational landscape in America which values

evidence-based practices.

Its integration for wide-ranging school counseling and PBIS aligns with the holistic and

collaborative nature of counseling, making it applicable for the future school counselors. It

enables school counselors to understand the interconnectedness of different frameworks,

essential in encouraging them to approach their roles with an amore strategic and integrated

mindset. For instance, the author presents a case study that offers the present and future

counselors a practical examples f how they can foster effective PBIS success. it will therefore

enable future school counselors to perform their roles more effectively.

This article also underscores the importance of a continues professional development and

training for school counselors. That makes it crucial in encouraging future school counselors to

enhance their skills through additional studies and training. The authors present PBIS as a
manualized approach which require continuous learning to ensure that counselors are equipped

to adapt to the ever-evolving educational context. It will therefore be important for the future

school counselors to successfully implement evidence-based practices in schools.


The article “Integrating a Multi-Tiered System of Supports with Comprehensive School

Counseling Programs” offers a full-bodied investigation of PBIS. It effectively illustrates PBIS

and its integration with school counseling programs. The article’s strength is based on its

practical examples, evidence-based insights, and clarity in explanations. However, its limitations

include lac of inclusion of cultural variations, making it less applicable in some cultures. It also

presents a potential bias towards positive aspects. It can however be leveraged by the future

school counselors to understand their roles in schools.


Ziomek-Daigle, J.Donohue, P. (2016). Integrating a multi-tiered system of supports with

comprehensive school counseling programs. The Professional Counselor, 6(3).

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