Roseetal Fishfish Online 2012

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F I S H and F I S H E R I E S

Can fish really feel pain?

J D Rose1, R Arlinghaus2,3, S J Cooke4*, B K Diggles5, W Sawynok6, E D Stevens7 & C D L Wynne8

Department of Zoology and Physiology and Neuroscience Program, University of Wyoming, Department 3166,
1000 East University Avenue, Laramie, WY 80521, USA; 2Department of Biology and Ecology of Fishes, Leibniz-Institute
of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Müggelseedamm 310, 12587, Berlin, Germany; 3Inland Fisheries
Management Laboratory, Department for Crop and Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture,
Humboldt-Universit€at zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 4Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology Laboratory, Department of
Biology and Institute of Environmental Science, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1S 5B6; 5DigsFish Services, 32 Bowsprit Cres, Banksia Beach, QLD 4507, Australia; 6Infofish Australia, PO Box 9793,
Frenchville, Qld 4701, Australia; 7Biomedical Sciences – Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward
Island, Charlottetown, PE, Canada, C1A 4P3; 8Department of Psychology, University of Florida, Box 112250,
Gainesville, FL 32611, USA

Abstract Correspondence:
Steven J Cooke, Fish
We review studies claiming that fish feel pain and find deficiencies in the methods
Ecology and Conser-
used for pain identification, particularly for distinguishing unconscious detection of vation Physiology
injurious stimuli (nociception) from conscious pain. Results were also frequently mis- Laboratory, Depart-
interpreted and not replicable, so claims that fish feel pain remain unsubstantiated. ment of Biology and
Comparable problems exist in studies of invertebrates. In contrast, an extensive litera- Institute of Environ-
ture involving surgeries with fishes shows normal feeding and activity immediately mental Science,
Carleton University,
or soon after surgery. C fiber nociceptors, the most prevalent type in mammals and 1125 Colonel By
responsible for excruciating pain in humans, are rare in teleosts and absent in elas- Drive, Ottawa, ON,
mobranchs studied to date. A-delta nociceptors, not yet found in elasmobranchs, but Canada K1S 5B6
relatively common in teleosts, likely serve rapid, less noxious injury signaling, trigger- Tel.:+613-867-6711
Fax: +612-520-4377
ing escape and avoidance responses. Clearly, fishes have survived well without the
E-mail: steven_
full range of nociception typical of humans or other mammals, a circumstance
according well with the absence of the specialized cortical regions necessary for pain
in humans. We evaluate recent claims for consciousness in fishes, but find these
Received 1 May
claims lack adequate supporting evidence, neurological feasibility, or the likelihood
that consciousness would be adaptive. Even if fishes were conscious, it is unwar- Accepted 29 Oct
ranted to assume that they possess a human-like capacity for pain. Overall, the 2012
behavioral and neurobiological evidence reviewed shows fish responses to nociceptive
stimuli are limited and fishes are unlikely to experience pain.

Keywords Consciousness, construct validity, emotion, fish, nociception, pain

Introduction 2
Pain research with fishes – problems with definition and measurement 2
The nature of pain in humans and implications for animal research on pain 3
How pain is defined in scientific work and why it matters 4
Nociception is not pain and emotions are not feelings 5
Construct validation, an essential requirement for the identification of pain 6

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd DOI: 10.1111/faf.12010 1

Fish pain? J D Rose et al

‘More than a simple reflex’ – an inadequate definition 7

Research related to the question of pain in fishes 8
A critical evaluation of behavioral studies claiming evidence for fish pain 8
Studies involving surgery, wounding, or electronic tagging 13
Neurological studies 15
Feeding habits of fishes 18
Insights from catch-and-release fishing 18
What is the significance of a limited capacity for nociception in fishes? 20
Claims for pain in invertebrates 21
Arguments made for consciousness in fishes 22
If fishes were conscious, what would it be like? 22
Costs of invalid definitions and mistaken views of fish pain and suffering 27
Fish welfare without conjecture 28
Summary and conclusions 28
Acknowledgements 29
References 29

Perhaps nowhere is the truism ‘structure defines needed, particularly literature dealing with the
function’ more appropriate than for the brain. The issue of fish mental welfare. Here, we critically
architecture of different brain regions determines examine recent research on which claims for fish
the kinds of computations that can be carried out, pain, suffering, and awareness are based and
and may dictate whether a particular region can
address the following issues:
support subjective awareness. Buzsaki (2007)
1. proper conduct of pain research with fishes,
including matters of experimentally assessing
pain with valid measures;
2. technical and interpretational problems that
In the past decade, research addressing fish wel- undermine studies purporting to have demon-
fare has focused increasingly on the possibility strated a capacity for pain awareness in fishes;
that mental welfare is a legitimate concern, partic- 3. evidence from a wide variety of experimental
ularly the question of whether fishes feel pain and and field studies that were not necessarily
suffer (Huntingford et al. 2006; Braithwaite designed to study pain but offer insights into
2010). In our view, much of this research seems the possibility of pain experience by fishes;
mission oriented and differs, accordingly, from the 4. claims for conscious awareness in fishes; and
more detached tradition expected of basic science. 5. costs to humans and fishes of invalid definitions
Given the unquestioned societal importance of fish and mistaken beliefs concerning fish pain and
welfare, it is essential that welfare policies and suffering.
practices be based on sound science. In an article
addressing this important issue, Browman and
Pain research with fishes – problems with
Skiftesvik (2011) have concluded that ‘Much of
definition and measurement
the literature on aquatic animal welfare is flawed
by four non-mutually exclusive (and often inter- Pain research with human subjects has been pro-
related) biases: under-reporting/ignoring of nega- ductive on many fronts, particularly in the use of
tive results, faith-based research and/or interpreta- brain imaging methods, like positron emission
tions, hypothesizing after the results are known tomography and functional magnetic resonance
(HARKing), and inflating the science boundary. imaging to advance our understanding of the
These biases have an insidious impact on the cred- higher brain processes that underlie pain (Derby-
ibility of the “science” surrounding aquatic animal shire 2004; Bushnell and Apkarian 2006). Imag-
welfare.’ ing methods have been useful in delineating the
A critical evaluation of research literature per- brain areas specific to pain experience in humans
taining to aquatic animal welfare is clearly because they can be obtained concurrently with

2 © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, F I S H and F I S H E R I E S

Fish pain? J D Rose et al.

verbal reports of pain. In contrast, imaging tech- tem, just nociceptive pathways that also transmit
niques are of lesser value in non-humans because non-nociceptive activity to some degree.
of difficulties in verifying that images of brain Tissue damaging stimuli excite nociceptors and
activation are actually accompanied in real time this activity is conducted through peripheral
by feelings of pain. In this section, we illustrate the nerves and across multiple synapses through the
difficulties in attempting to identify pain in animals spinal cord, subcortical brain structures and then
in general and examine the validity of recent to the cerebral cortex (reviewed by Derbyshire
claims for proof of pain in fishes (e.g. Huntingford 1999; Rose 2002). If a person is conscious when
et al. 2006; Braithwaite 2010; Sneddon 2011) and nociception-related activity arrives in the cortex,
invertebrates (reviewed by Mason 2011). further processing by extensive cortical regions
may but need not result in pain (Price 1999; Tre-
ede et al. 1999).
The nature of pain in humans and
The activity in nociceptors and subcortical noci-
implications for animal research on pain
ceptive pathways is processed unconsciously and
Pain is a private experience. As such, it cannot be is not directly accessible to conscious perception
directly observed, verified, or measured. Many (Laureys et al. 2002). For example, carpal tunnel
dependent variables in research are not directly surgery is sometimes performed in awake patients
observable, dissolved oxygen in water for example, following axillary local anesthetic injection, which
but there exist standardized and validated instru- blocks conduction in axons passing from receptors
ments that can be used for this measurement pur- in the hand and arm to the spinal cord. Conse-
pose. A fundamental difficulty in research on pain is quently, the patient can watch the surgery but feel
that there are no simple, unequivocal ways to mea- nothing, in spite of intense nociceptor activation.
sure it aside from verbal communication with human In distinction from nociception, pain is a result of
subjects and even that method is subject to error. specific patterns of activity in certain well-studied
A valid working definition of pain is vital for regions of the cerebral cortex and is quite separable
efforts to explain its underlying mechanisms. To from the activation of nociceptors or pathways con-
this end, the key features of the definition of pain ducting nociceptive activity to the cortex (Derby-
by the International Association for the Study of shire 1999; Laureys et al. 2002; Laureys 2005).
Pain (IASP) are that pain is (i) an unpleasant sen- Whereas nociceptive neurons are widespread but
sory and emotional experience associated with not universal among animals (Smith and Lewin
actual or potential tissue damage, or described in 2009), the higher brain structures known to be
terms of such damage; (ii) pain is always subjec- essential to conscious pain, specifically regions of
tive; and (iii) pain is sometimes reported in the neocortex and mesocortex, are found only in mam-
absence of tissue damage and the definition of mals (Rose 2002). This view of nociceptors is not
pain should avoid tying pain to an external elicit- different in principle from the conceptualization that
ing stimulus (Wall 1999; IASP 2011). One of the rods and cones in the eye are correctly called photo-
most critical conceptual advances in the under- receptors but not vision receptors because their acti-
standing of pain is the distinction between vation may result in unconscious visual processing
nociception and pain. As Wall (1999) emphasized, but need not lead to consciously experienced vision.
‘…activity induced in the nociceptor and nocicep- Visual images generated in the cerebral cortex can
tive pathways by a noxious stimulus is not pain, also be experienced in the absence of photoreceptor
which is always a psychological state.’ This seem- stimulation. Recent pain research has seen an
ingly simple statement is actually fundamental to increasing effort to clarify the nociception–pain
understanding what pain is and what it is not. dichotomy and to distinguish experimental proce-
Wall deliberately used the term nociceptor rather dures that measure nociception but not pain from
than ‘pain receptor’ and nociceptive pathways those that have the potential for assessing pain (Vi-
rather than ‘pain pathways’ because he under- erck 2006; Rose and Woodbury 2008).
stood that pain is not felt at the level of a sensory The nociception–pain dichotomy is not just a
receptor, peripheral nerve, or pathway within the matter of academic terminology, but is essential to
spinal cord or brain. Thus, there are no ‘pain understanding the nature of pain. Pain is not felt
receptors.’ Correspondingly, as Wall admonished, at any subcortical level of the nervous system. It is
there are no ‘pain pathways’ in the nervous sys- clear that a reflex limb withdrawal response in a

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Fish pain? J D Rose et al

human with a high spinal transection is a noci- related behaviors are frequently not expressed dur-
ceptive reaction, that is, a nocifensive response, ing violent, male–male conflicts (e.g. elephant
and not pain, because the person cannot feel any seals, bull elk) or predator-prey interactions, where
stimulus applied to body parts below the transaction. defense and escape are priorities. In contrast,
Similarly, grimacing, vocalization, and organized ground nesting birds like the killdeer may display
avoidance reactions made in response to a noci- stereotyped, species-typical behaviors that seem to
ceptive stimulus by an unconscious human, such feign injury. Collectively, these facts about the
as a decorticate individual, a person in a persistent relationship between nociception and nocifensive/
vegetative state, or a lightly anesthetized person nociception-related behaviors and pain should
are nocifensive reactions alone because such peo- drive home the point that this relationship is
ple are incapable of consciousness, the essential highly variable, often unpredictable and that pain
condition for the experience of pain. Thus, purely is clearly a separate process from nociception. As
nocifensive behaviors can be simple or relatively Wall (1979) put it concisely, ‘…pain has only a
complex and exhibited by humans or other verte- weak connection to injury…’ This fact should
brates (see below) with critical parts of their cen- make investigators of pain highly cautious in their
tral nervous system damaged. interpretations of the relationship between noci-
The separateness of pain and nociception is seen ceptive/nocifensive behaviors and the subjective
commonly in humans. Pain often, but not always, experience of pain. Even where a verbal report of
accompanies nociception; pain sometimes occurs pain is available from humans, it is frequently dif-
without nociception; and the degree of pain is ficult to interpret due to the importance of person-
often poorly associated with severity of injury. ality factors (Flor and Turk 2006). Unfortunately,
First, nociceptor activation does not always lead to as we will show, the nociception–pain distinction
pain. People can sustain severe injuries in warfare, is commonly misinterpreted or totally disregarded
sports, or everyday life and either not report pain in welfare biology and non-human studies of ‘pain’,
or report it differently than the extent of an injury and this is particularly the case in fish studies.
would suggest (Beecher 1959; Wall 1979; Melzack
et al. 1982). Second, people with ‘functional’ pain
How pain is defined in scientific work and
syndromes experience chronic pain without any
why it matters
tissue damage or pathology that would activate
nociceptors. Third, pain can be greatly reduced or The definition of pain is not merely a ‘semantic’ or
increased by ‘psychological’ manipulations such as ‘academic’ issue, but a matter of utmost impor-
a visual illusion (Ramachandran and Rogers-Ra- tance for the practical world and the ethics of
machandran 1996) and created or reduced by human–animal relations. There are differing types
hypnotic suggestion (Faymonville et al. 2003; Der- of definitions that are used in studies of nocicep-
byshire et al. 2004) in spite of the fact that noci- tion and pain: theoretical/explanatory definitions
ceptor activation is unmodified. Fourth, pain has a and operational definitions. The former definition,
strong social learning component and depends exemplified by the IASP definition mentioned
greatly on one’s prior experience with it, beliefs above, is aimed at explaining what pain is. The
about it, and interpersonal interactions that IASP definition is commonly used if any definition
accompany this experience (Flor and Turk 2006) is offered at all in experimental studies of fish
rather than the extent of nociceptor activation per ‘pain’ (e.g. Sneddon et al. 2003a; Nordgreen et al.
se. For example, a child’s pain response depends 2009a; Roques et al. 2010). The operational defi-
greatly on behavior of caregivers (Kozlowska nition, in contrast, explains how pain is measured
2009). Fifth, pain can be faked or disguised as in a particular experiment. For instance, the pres-
seen frequently in portrayals by actors. On the ence of shock avoidance learning has often been
other hand, inhibition of pain-related behaviors in operationally (although incorrectly) defined as an
the face of extreme nociception is frequently culti- indication of pain. In the case of operational defi-
vated as in the piercing rituals of the sun dance nitions, the label (pain) used to describe the depen-
still practiced in traditional Plains Native Ameri- dent variable in question (avoidance learning)
can cultures (Mails 1998). may not have been validated from a methodologi-
The dissociation between nociceptive stimulation cal point of view and therefore lacks construct
and behavior is seen in animals as well. Injury- validity (Rose 2007). The labels used to describe

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dependent variables may be chosen for conve- The same types of evidence and logic that distin-
nience rather than because they have been proven guish unconscious, nocifensive behaviors from
to validly represent what is suggested by the label. conscious, pain-mediated behaviors also apply to
Thus, in the absence of any validation, it is critical the differences between emotions and feelings. The
not to treat the dependent variable as a validated forging description of full-blown emotional behav-
measure of its label, here pain. For example, in no ior in decerebrate rats is just one of many lines of
case is a behavioral response to a noxious stimu- evidence, including research on humans, demon-
lus pain because pain is a subjective experience strating a relationship between emotions and feel-
that cannot be directly observed. When an animal ings comparable to that between nociception and
model is being used to investigate some aspect of pain (see Rose 2002; Berridge and Winkielman
pain, it is vital to know that the model system is 2003; Damasio 2005; Rose 2007; LeDoux 2012
actually valid for the purpose. for a more detailed explanation). In this way of
understanding affective responses, emotions are
the fundamental unconscious, subcortically gener-
Nociception is not pain and emotions are not
ated visceral, behavioral, hormonal, and neural
responses to positive or aversive stimuli or situa-
As shown above, clinical neurology provides tions, including learned reactions to these stimuli.
human examples of the pain–nociception distinc- Emotions are autonomous and functional in their
tion, but clear examples have been in the animal own right, yet they also provide the pre-conscious
literature for many years. Responses to noxious raw material for the experience of conscious feel-
stimuli have been studied in several mammalian ings, which arise through further processing by
species following decerebration, in which all of the higher cortical regions (Berridge and Winkielman
brain above the midbrain including the diencepha- 2003; Damasio 2005; LeDoux 2012). These corti-
lon, cortex and subcortical forebrain is removed. cal regions are essentially the ones that underlie
Although there is not universal agreement that the conscious experience of suffering in pain (Rose
rats are capable of consciousness, it is widely 2002). This distinction between the terms ‘emo-
assumed that removal of the cortex alone, because tion’ and ‘feeling’ has not become as well estab-
of the well-known dependence of human con- lished in the literature as that between nociception
sciousness on the neocortex (discussed below), and pain; however, understanding the nociception
would render such animals unconscious if they –pain and emotion–feeling distinction is funda-
possessed consciousness when their brains were mental to understanding the difference between
intact (reviewed in Rose 2002). Chronically decer- fishes and humans in their capacities for experi-
ebrate rats, which have the entire brain above the encing pain or conscious suffering.
midbrain removed (e.g. Woods 1964; Rose and Although human verbal reports of pain or feel-
Flynn 1993; Berridge and Winkielman 2003), still ings are not invariably reliably interpretable, vali-
react strongly to the insertion of a feeding tube, dated rating scales or other psychometric tools
struggling, pushing at it with the forepaws, and adopted from cognitive psychology can provide
vocalizing. When receiving an injection, these rats adequately reliable means of measuring pain and
react indistinguishably from a normal rat: vocaliz- other latent constructs in cooperative humans
ing, attempting to bite the syringe or experi- (Price 1999). Correspondingly, there is a long his-
menter’s hand, and licking the injection site. tory in experimental psychology of using non-ver-
These reactions are nocifensive, unconscious and bal behavioral methods to assess the internal
are far more complex than ‘simple reflexes’ (in the ‘psychological’ state of an animal (Kringelbach
language of Sneddon et al. 2003a and Braithwaite and Berridge 2009). It is quite possible to assess
2010). They are even ostensibly purposive, a fact the noxiousness (consciousness not implied) of a
that makes behavioral distinction between noci- stimulus in terms of whether the animal will learn
ception and pain very difficult. In fact, many to avoid it, escape from it, or perform some behav-
assumptions about indications of pain have been ior to escape that reflects the aversiveness of a
mistakenly based on behaviors that are sustained, nociceptive stimulus. An example of the last case
organized, or directed to the site of nociceptive is that a rat will leave a dark chamber and enter
stimulation (Bateson 1992; Sneddon et al. 2003a), a brightly illuminated chamber (normally aver-
responses fully within the capacity of decerebrate rats. sive to a rat) to escape a hot plate or electric shock

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(Vierck 2006). Learned avoidance, or conditioned likely to be unconsciously mediated. Consequently,

emotional responses to nociceptive stimuli, none of these tests can be legitimately viewed as
however, do not prove the existence of conscious tests of pain, because the target behaviors can be
pain or feelings, because associative learning of expressed without consciousness. In some cases,
Pavlovian or instrumental types is well within the investigators are aware of this constraint and
capacity of decorticate (Bloch and Lagarriguea strictly adhere to the term nociception rather than
1968; Oakley 1979; Yeo et al. 1984; Terry et al. pain in interpreting their results (Vierck 2006).
1989), decerebrate (Bloedel et al. 1991; Whelan Unfortunately, this is far from a universal practice,
1996; Kotanai et al. 2003), and even spinally and erroneous language and inference are com-
transected mammals (Grau et al. 2006), as well as mon. Frequently, ‘pain processing’ or ‘pain trans-
fishes with the forebrain removed (Overmier and mission’ is used to describe what is clearly
Hollis 1983). The fundamental message here is nociceptive processing at the receptor, spinal, or
that avoidance learning or conditioned emotional subcortical level (Rose and Woodbury 2008).
responses can be acquired in animals with central Development of well-validated models for pain,
nervous system truncations that would make pain as opposed to nociception, is one of the most sig-
or conscious emotional feelings impossible. nificant challenges in pain research, regardless of
the animal model. To this end, some investigators
have recently utilized more innovative paradigms
Construct validation, an essential
based on the dependence of the suffering dimen-
requirement for the identification of pain
sion of human pain on cortical functioning, espe-
A critical, but often overlooked, criterion for an cially the cingulate gyrus, insula and prefrontal
animal model of pain is construct validity; that the cortex (Price 1999; Treede et al. 1999). On the
model should actually be an indicator of pain and assumption that similar cortical regions, where
distinguish between pain and nociception as present, work in at least approximately similar
opposed to assessing nociception alone (Vierck ways across mammalian species, it would be possi-
2006; Rose 2007; Rose and Woodbury 2008). In ble to provide a preliminary validation of a puta-
short, the animal model should be validated for tive animal model for pain by showing that
assessing the process or variable that it is thought behaviors allegedly reflecting pain depend on the
to assess. Many tests involving nocifensive behav- functional integrity of these cortical zones known
iors in mammals like limb withdrawal, licking, to mediate conscious pain in humans. There
vocalizing, writhing, or guarding have been used would still be a chance of confusing nocifensive
to assess pain because they have face validity. behaviors with pain-dependent behaviors, but by
That is, they appear to reflect states comparable to placing at least part of the control of the response
those that would be associated with pain in measure at the same cortical regions known to be
humans. However, in the past few years, investi- essential to pain experience in humans, the poten-
gators in the pain science field have become tial for examining common mechanisms would be
increasingly aware that most of the standard ani- greatly facilitated. Unfortunately, for the question
mal tests for pain reflect nociception and nocifen- of pain in fishes, this approach cannot be used
sive responses rather than pain. Critiques of the because the fish brain does not contain these
limitations in these models have been presented by highly differentiated, pain-mediating cortical
Le Bars et al. (2001), Blackburn-Munro (2004), regions, or true cortex, for that matter (see Rose
Vierck (2006), and Rose and Woodbury (2008). 2002 for a more detailed discussion of fish brain
In the most recent edition of the Textbook of Pain, structure), a fact that has led to the conclusion
Vierck (2006) concluded that responses examined that pain experience meaningfully like humans is
in the most frequently used tests, like those cited probably impossible for fishes (Rose 2002, 2007).
above, could be entirely mediated by spinal It has been argued that teleosts have forebrain
reflexes or brainstem/spinal motor programs, thus structures homologous to some of those involved
constituting unconscious nocifensive responses. in human pain (Braithwaite 2010), but homology
Some higher brain influence probably contributes only means only that a structure is believed
to these behaviors in an intact, awake animal, but to have been present in a common ancestor of
the presence and nature of that influence is hard different species, in this case fishes and mammals
to separate from subcortical processes and it is also (Butler and Hodos 1996). No functional equiva-

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lency is established by neuroanatomical homol- DNA is more than a simple molecule, but not
ogy. Furthermore, the argument from homology all more complex molecules are DNA. In the ‘more
essentially assumes a similar mode of functioning than a simple reflex’ definition, there is no expla-
between fish and human brain. Consequently, the nation of what constitutes a ‘reflex’. In addition,
homologous structures in question, like the amyg- there is no explanation of how a simple reflex
dala, would have to be operating in concert with would differ from a complex reflex. It is implied,
cortical structures that are present in humans (and but not stated, that a ‘complex’ reflex would con-
other mammals) but not in fishes, in order to stitute evidence of pain, but no validating evidence
enable it to generate ‘fear’ or any other consciously of this assumption is ever offered. The term reflex
experienced feelings. This is because it is not the is normally used to describe a very temporally lim-
amygdala or any other limbic structure operating ited, anatomically circumscribed response to a spe-
by itself, but rather a limbic-neocortical system cific trigger stimulus. A ‘simple reflex’ would be
that appears to generate emotional feelings (Dama- exemplified by the patellar tendon (knee jerk)
sio 1999; Derbyshire 1999; Amting et al. 2010). reflex, involving just one central synaptic relay, or
a limb withdrawal reflex to a nociceptive stimulus
involving at minimum, two spinal synaptic relays.
‘More than a simple reflex’ – an inadequate
Among the more complex reflexes would be vomit-
ing or righting reflexes, which require coordinated
Recently, despite the methodological issues inher- action of numerous muscle groups, through the
ent in non-human mammalian pain research, a operation of multiple sensory and motor nerves
number of studies have been published purporting and nuclei in the brainstem or the brainstem and
to evaluate the existence of pain experience in tel- spinal cord, respectively. Using the ‘more than a
eost fishes (reviewed in Braithwaite 2010; Sned- simple reflex’ criterion, virtually any sustained,
don 2011). The most common conclusion of these whole animal behavior that seemed to result from
reports has been that evidence for pain was found. a nociceptive stimulus would necessarily be con-
As this and the following sections will show, how- sidered evidence of pain. This practice constitutes
ever, the studies in question have failed to ade- the logical fallacy of false duality, discussed further
quately distinguish between response measures subsequently.
indicative of pain and those that could have been As explained below, the existence of diverse,
due purely to nociception. complex unconscious behaviors in animals and
Ideally, a research paper in this field should pro- humans invalidates the assumption that a behav-
vide a clear operational definition of pain that ior that is ‘more than a simple reflex’ should be
explains the behaviors or other dependent variables taken as evidence of consciousness or pain. An
that were observed as indicators of pain. Of course, additional liability, from a perspective of good sci-
the interpretations and conclusions of the study entific practice, is that the vagueness and open-
should hinge on and clearly state whether the oper- endedness of this ‘definition’ allow investigators to
ationally defined measures have been validated or use their imaginations in hindsight rather than
whether they should be regarded as tentative. This previously validated criteria to decide which of the
restraint in interpretation is particularly important behaviors seemingly evoked by a nociceptive stim-
where independent variables are indirect measures ulus should be taken as evidence of pain.
of constructs that are inferred but not directly obser- Unfortunately, most of the experimental litera-
vable, like alleged internal states such as fear, pain, ture on the subject of pain in fishes is flawed
hunger, or consciousness. In many of the reports in regarding the forgoing considerations of definition
which evidence for pain was allegedly found in and interpretation. The following significant errors
fishes and even invertebrates, ‘pain’ was defined as are evident in these studies: (i) invalid operational
a response that was ‘more than a simple reflex,’ or definitions where a dependent variable is insuffi-
something similar [in the language used by Sned- cient to distinguish indications of nociception from
don (2003a,b), Sneddon et al. (2003a,b), Dunlop pain; (ii) invalid levels of measurement, such as a
et al. (2006), Barr et al. (2008), Appel and Elwood purely anatomical or electrophysiological variable
(2009), Ashley et al. (2009) and Elwood and Appel that may not have been specific to nociception or
(2009). For reasons described below, we regard this pain or was recorded in a context like anesthesia,
definition as too vague and ambiguous. where pain could not be present; (iii) no attempt

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to provide an operational definition at all, but con- the animal should learn to avoid this noxious
clusions made regarding pain; or (iv) errors of stimulus, and (iv) the behavioral impairments
interpretation concerning the relationship between during a noxious event should not be simple
an experimental manipulation and its relevance reflexes.’ These criteria fail to distinguish pain
for pain. The last case typically involved adminis- from unconscious nociceptive responses for the fol-
tration of opiate analgesics and the drawing of lowing reasons.
conclusions regarding pain when the opiate’s The first of Bateson’s criteria requires the pres-
action at lower levels of the nervous system (i.e. ence of nociceptors, which, as previously
an effect on nociception) may have been responsi- explained, are neither necessary nor sufficient for
ble for the drug’s effect on behavior. Studies in experiencing pain. Furthermore, the mere presence
which these kinds of errors were committed are of a relatively primitive telencephalon is not suffi-
presented in the following section. cient for pain experience either. The conscious
experience of pain most likely requires highly
developed and regionally specialized forebrain neo-
Research related to the question of pain in
cortex (and associated limbic cortex), which fishes
do not have (Northcutt and Kaas 1995; Striedter
A critical evaluation of behavioral studies claiming
The second criterion is invalid because, as
evidence for fish pain
explained earlier, physiological and behavioral
Table 1 summarizes recent studies aiming to responses to noxious stimuli are fully possible and
investigate pain in fishes but where, in fact, the (even in humans) regularly executed without con-
measures or operational definitions (if any) would sciousness, which is an essential requirement for
not validly distinguish pain from nociception. Per- pain (Derbyshire 1999; Laureys et al. 2002). Thus,
haps, the most publicized of studies claiming to these behaviors are not evidence of pain.
have demonstrated fish pain was by Sneddon et al. Criterion three is invalid because avoidance
(2003a). This study, which examined behavioral learning can involve only unconscious associative
effects of injections of large volumes of acetic acid conditioning and, thus, fails to prove the existence
or bee venom into the jaws of rainbow trout On- of consciousness (explained above). This fact also
corhynchus mykiss (Salmonidae), presented a more negates claims for the demonstration of conscious
explicit and detailed description of theoretical crite- fear in rainbow trout where associative condition-
ria for the identification of pain than have most ing was used as the behavioral response (Sneddon
papers involving fishes or invertebrates. As such, et al. 2003b; Yue et al. 2004).
it provides a useful case study to show how, like The fourth criterion is also unacceptable for sev-
many studies of alleged pain in non-mammals, the eral reasons. A ‘simple reflex’ has not been defined
authors have not properly distinguished nocicep- or distinguished from a complex reflex or other
tion from pain or have used other invalid assump- behaviors. Furthermore, evidence from decorticate
tions about pain. Many of the problems of humans, such as the well-known case of Theresa
technique and interpretation present in Sneddon Schiavo (Thogmartin 2005) as well as humans
et al. (2003a) have been evident in subsequent with sleep disturbances, demonstrates that we are
studies. fully capable of highly complex, seemingly goal-
In their study, Sneddon et al. (2003a) claimed directed behavior while unconscious. Binge eating,
that various ‘anomalous’ behaviors produced by climbing, driving, sexual assaults, homicides, and
acid or venom injections satisfy criteria for ‘animal other complex behaviors can occur during states
pain’ as put forward by Bateson (1992). Although of unconsciousness in humans (Plazzi et al. 2005;
Bateson’s criteria have been popular in animal Ebrahim 2006). Consequently, it is clear that very
welfare research, they are based on invalid and complex behaviors that are more than ‘simple
outdated conceptions of pain and its neural basis. reflexes’ can be performed unconsciously. The
Sneddon et al.’s criteria, a subset of Bateson’s were invalidity of the ‘more than a simple reflex’ crite-
(i) to show that the animal has the same appara- rion for pain has been explained in detail by Rose
tus to detect a noxious stimulus that humans (2003, 2007), yet in a recent paper, Sneddon
have; (ii) to demonstrate that a noxious event has (2011) said ‘Opinions against fish perceiving
adverse behavioral and physiological effects; (iii) pain have stated that these responses are merely

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Table 1 Measures used to infer pain in studies claiming evidence for fish pain.

Measures used to Noxious experimental Inference concerning

infer pain manipulation measure(s) Species References

Voltage necessary to Electric shock Threshold level of pain Goldfish Ehrensing

produce agitated and opioid (Carassius auratus) et al. (1982)
swimming response system manipulations
Tail flick response to Electric shock Painful stimulus Common carp Chervova and
electric shock of of caudal fin (Cyprinus carpio) Lapshin (2011)
caudal fin
Behavior that is ‘more Acetic acid or bee Behavior reflects pain Rainbow trout Sneddon
than a simple reflex’ venom injections (Oncorhynchus mykiss) et al. (2003a)
Respiratory rate in jaws
Latency to feed
Behavior that is ‘more Acetic acid Behaviors reflect pain Rainbow trout Sneddon
than a simple reflex’ injections in jaws, or fear (Oncorhynchus mykiss) et al. (2003b)
Respiratory rate morphine injection
Response to novel object
Behavior that is ‘more Acetic acid Behaviors reflect pain, Rainbow trout Sneddon
than a simple reflex’? injections in jaws, morphine reduced (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (2003b)
Respiratory rate morphine injection ‘pain-related behaviors’
Latency to feed
Shock avoidance, ‘not Electric shock Electric shock ‘might Goldfish Dunlop
purely a reflex action’ lead to an increase Carassius auratus) et al. (2006)
in fear’, ‘if fear Rainbow trout
is considered an (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
emotion…the possibility
of fish perceiving pain
must be considered.’
Number of feeding Electric shock If a fish is willing to change Goldfish Millsopp and
attempts and time this reflex response to a (Carassius auratus) Laming (2008)
spent in the noxious stimulus, as shown
feeding/shock here, it is possible that there
zone vs. shock is some sort of conscious
intensity and decision making
vs. food deprivation taking place.
Ventilation rate Acetic acid injections Response to potentially Common carp Reilly
Swim rate into jaws painful stimulation (Cyprinus carpio) et al. (2008a)
‘Rocking’ Zebrafish
‘Rubbing’ (Danio reriro)
‘Use of cover’ Rainbow trout
Term nociception used (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Exploration of novel Acetic acid injections Reactivity to a Rainbow trout Ashley
environment into jaws ‘painful stimulus’ (Oncorhynchus mykiss) et al. (2009)
Use of ‘cover’ modified use of
Response to alarm cover and response to
pheromone ‘predator cue’
providing evidence for central
processing of pain rather
than a ‘nociceptive reflex’

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Table 1 (Continued).

Measures used to Noxious experimental Inference concerning

infer pain manipulation measure(s) Species References

Escape response to Heat applied to trunk Goldfish perceived heat Goldfish Nordgreen
heat applied to trunk as noxious (Carassius auratus) et al. (2009a)
Elevation of heat
escape threshold
by morphine
Hovering in lower
half of home tank
after testing
Swimming Caudal fin clip Differential response to Common carp Roques
Preference for darker fin clip shows this is a (Cyprinus carpio) et al. (2010)
part of tank ‘painful procedure’ Nile tilapia
(Tilapia only) (Oreochromis niloticus)
Ventilation rate Acetic acid injections Behaviors reflect pain Rainbow trout Mettam
Activity change into jaws (Oncorhynchus mykiss) et al. (2011)
Resumption Injection of lidocaine
of feeding or analgesic drugs

nociceptive reflexes… (Rose 2002; Iwama 2007).’ increased swimming in salmonids (Lowry and
This statement misrepresents the position Moore 2006). No change in swimming occurred,
expressed in detail by Rose (2002, 2003, 2007), however. Second, suppression of feeding is consid-
wrongly reducing it to adherence to the false ered a reliable effect of stressful or noxious stimuli
dichotomy type of interpretation that was con- in fishes (Iwama et al. 1997; Huntingford et al.
demned by Rose (2007). 2006) and also results from stress-related crf
The Sneddon et al. (2003a) study was also beset release (Bernier 2006). The comparatively rapid
with contradictory data interpretation and failure initiation of feeding (relative to uninjected or vehi-
to consider alternative explanations for their data cle injected trout) is inconsistent with a presump-
(Rose 2003). In spite of the large injections of tion that the trout were suffering from pain,
venom or acid, manipulations that would cause particularly if the effect of the acid persists for 3 h
severe pain to a human, the trout actually showed (Sneddon et al. 2003b). Third, while acid and
remarkably little effect. Their activity level was not venom-injected fish showed an infrequent rocking
changed, they did not hide under a shelter in the behavior (about once every 2–3 min), there is no
tank and they fed spontaneously in <3 h. Further- reason to believe that it was more than an uncon-
more, fish that received no injection at all or fish scious effect on balance, rather than a monkey-
that received a saline injection did not feed, on like (Sneddon et al. 2003a) indication of ‘pain.’
average, for an hour and 20 min. Thus, a large Reilly et al. (2008a) have recently implied that
saline injection (which would have been very recovery from prior benzocaine anesthesia was
painful to a human) produced no more effect than likely to have impaired balance causing rocking
just handling. This is a significant point in view of behavior. Rocking was not observed when the
the repeated assertion that hooking a fish in recre- experiment was conducted without anesthesia by
ational angling would cause it pain (e.g. Braithwa- Newby and Stevens (2008). Fourth, it was
ite 2010; Mettam et al. 2011; Sneddon 2011). reported that acid-injected fish sometimes ‘rubbed’
The foregoing outcomes actually contradict their mouths against the gravel, but the venom-
claims that the trout were in pain. First, sustained injected fish did not. The authors concluded that
pain should have triggered an endocrine stress ‘mouth rubbing’ was due to pain. If so, why did
response, initiated by brain release of corticotro- the venom-injected fish that were supposed to also
phin releasing factor (crf), which typically causes be in pain not perform this behavior? If ‘mouth
locomotor activation in vertebrates, including rubbing’ was really due to pain or even nociception,

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any method for producing nociception should pro- beat rate was due to nociceptive stimulation of the
duce ‘mouth rubbing.’ Furthermore, Sneddon et al. mouth, this non-consciously controlled movement
(2003a) interpreted the longer time to resume proves nothing about conscious pain. Given the
feeding by the venom or acid-injected trout as rep- fact that acid and venom injections would likely
resenting avoidance of mouth stimulation. If so, have produced a large scale and sustained noci-
why did the trout ‘rub’ their mouths on gravel to ceptor activation (Sneddon et al. 2003a,b), it is
reduce pain? These interpretations are clearly con- remarkable that the injections had so little behav-
tradictory, non-validated and the behaviors have ioral effect. Instead of proving a capacity for pain,
not proven to be repeatable (Newby and Stevens these results suggest remarkably high resilience to
2008). The use of the words ‘mouth rubbing’ is oral trauma by the trout, a trait later attributed to
also unfortunately unobjective inasmuch as it carp Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae) by Reilly et al.
implies intent on the part of the trout and is (2008a).
purely speculative. In short, the ‘mouth rubbing,’ In another paper on rainbow trout, Sneddon
feeding suppression, and ‘rocking’ put forth as et al. (2003b) reported that ‘mouth rubbing’
behavioral assays for pain lack essential validation behavior after an oral acid injection was reduced
or even logically consistent interpretation and con- by morphine and concluded this to be proof that
stitute an example of Hypothesizing After the mouth rubbing was an indication of pain. How-
Results are Known, what Browman and Skiftesvik ever, this morphine effect could have occurred
2011, label ‘HARKing.’ entirely through actions on nociception (or other
In a study of the neurobehavioral effects of kinds unconscious neurobehavioral functioning)
whirling disease, Rose et al. (2000; discussed in and constitutes no evidence that the trout were
Rose 2007) observed infected rainbow trout fre- feeling pain. Also, opiates have diverse effects on
quently swimming with their mouths in contact the nervous system in addition to reducing noci-
with the bottom of the aquarium. This behavior ceptive signaling (Strand 1999), so there is no cer-
could have been described as ‘mouth rubbing’ but tainty that the morphine effect was even specific
such an interpretation would have been entirely to nociception. In addition, the morphine dosage
speculative and this example shows how interpre- used by Sneddon et al. (2003b) was exceedingly
tation of this behavior is not as simple as it might high (Newby et al. 2008; Newby and Stevens
seem. Irrespective of whether ‘rubbing’ is in 2009). It should also be noted that following triti-
response to nociception, irritation, or unknown ated morphine injection in Atlantic salmon Salmo
factors, there is no justification for concluding that salar (Salmonidae), Nordgreen et al. (2009b) failed
the behavior was consciously mediated, because to find much of the isotope in central nervous sys-
seemingly purposive behaviors in response to nox- tem, most being in the head kidney. Sneddon
ious stimuli are commonly expressed by decere- (2003b) states ‘morphine sulfate (0.3 g/1 mL ster-
brate animals (Woods 1964; Berridge and ile saline) was injected intramuscularly (0.1 mL/
Winkielman 2003; Vierck 2006). 10 g fish weight).’ This is equivalent to
One of the few effects consistently produced by 10 mL kg 1 or 3000 mg of morphine kg 1. The
the acid or venom injections was an elevated oper- typical dose for a small mammal is 2 mg kg 1,
cular beat rate (Sneddon et al. 2003a; Newby and and the dose for a large mammal or a human is
Stevens 2008). This response could have resulted much less. This huge dose, which did not alter the
from various effects of the acid or venom, particu- swimming behavior of the trout, was 10 times the
larly gill irritation due to leakage from the injec- lethal dose for any bird or mammal that has ever
tion site. It should be recognized that oral venom been studied. This result alone indicates that the
and acid injections are poorly controlled manipu- response of trout to morphine is different from that
lations in fishes, due to the certainty of leakage of mammals, including humans. In a later com-
and circulation to the mouth and gills, thus con- munication on this point, Sneddon stated that the
stituting a broad, non-specific irritation, also published dose was an error and the actual dose
involving gustatory and olfactory receptors rather was 300 mg kg 1 (Newby and Stevens 2009), still
than a specific activation of nociceptors. This issue a huge dose that exceeds the lethal dose in mam-
should be addressed by the addition of a fluores- mals (Votava and Horakova 1952).
cent dye to the injection solution to resolve the Subsequently, Newby and Stevens (2008)
leakage question. But, even if increased opercular examined the reliability of the effects of oral acid

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injections on the behavior of rainbow trout. They and winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus
repeated the Sneddon et al. 2003a study with ace- (Pleuronectidaesee; Newby et al. 2007b), 0.7%
tic acid injections, keeping experimental parame- acetic acid injection into the cheek muscle of gold-
ters as similar as possible (including testing the fish caused immediate locomotion at the time of
same species, temperature, tank size, fish size, the injection in fish treated with acetic acid but
food, and noxious stimulus). There were, however, not in fish treated with saline (Newby et al. 2009).
some methodological differences, the most impor- Every fish showed some ‘rubbing’ behavior, con-
tant being that Sneddon et al. gave the acid injec- sisting of brief contact with the aquarium wall,
tions to anesthetized fish, whereas Newby and immediately after the introduction of the noxious
Stevens (2008) restrained unanesthetized fish dur- stimulus, which continued for more than an hour.
ing the procedure. Newby and Stevens reported an The amount of ‘rubbing’ was significantly altered
acute response to the noxious stimulus in that by the amount of morphine in the water. There
some fish lost equilibrium, whereas this response, was no significant difference in respiratory fre-
immediate and transient, would have been masked quency between the control group and the fish
in the Sneddon et al. study because the fish were injected with saline, suggesting that the injection
anesthetized. In addition, the noxious stimulus did itself was not more noxious than handling alone.
not change feeding behavior and the fish ate at The result is in contrast to that of Reilly et al.
the first opportunity, 15 min after injections. Fur- (2008a) where injection of 5 or 10% acetic acid
ther, the trout in the Newby and Stevens study produced very little ‘rubbing’ or rocking in com-
did not exhibit ‘rocking’ or ‘rubbing’ behavior as mon carp. These authors admitted that ‘rocking’
reported by Sneddon et al. The fish in both studies behaviors observed in carp after the injection of
responded to the noxious stimulus with a similar acetic acid was like being off balance, swimming
increase in rate of opercular movements. Newby lopsided, and rocking from side to side. In two of
and Stevens were not able to provide a definitive five carp, ‘rubbing’ against the walls of the tank
explanation for the differences in results between was observed. These authors concluded that ‘com-
their study and those of Sneddon et al. but some mon carp are incredibly robust fish,’ because the
possible reasons were considered in subsequent carp did not behave so as to indicate that they
discussion (Newby and Stevens 2009; Sneddon were in ‘pain.’ Again, all fish were anesthetized by
2009). The most significant difference between the Reilly et al. (2008a) prior to being injected with
two studies was the use of anesthesia for injections acetic acid; hence, recovery from anesthesia poten-
and its likely confounding effects on the results of tially influenced the behavioral outcomes of their
Sneddon et al. (2003a). In a reply to the Newby experiments. It is notable that the more recent
and Stevens paper, Sneddon (2009) said that her published research using acid injections (Mettam
Sneddon et al. (2003a) study employed 0.1% acid et al. 2011) make no mention of ‘anomalous
injections and that the 5% injections used by New- behaviors’ at all.
by and Stevens would have destroyed nociceptive In the study by Mettam et al. (2011), the oral
afferents. This counterargument seems to be con- acid injection procedure with rainbow trout was
tradicted by the fact that in the study by Sneddon employed to assess effects of an opioid, buprenor-
et al. (2003b) 2% acetic acid was used because phine, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug,
the authors said it had more sustained behavioral carprofen, and a local anesthetic, lidocaine, on
effects than the 0.1% concentration, and Reilly ‘pain.’ The study entailed a large number of
et al. (2008a) used 5 and 10% acetic acid injec- manipulations, including dose–response variations.
tions with carp and 5% injections with zebrafish The results were a mixture of statistical outcomes
Danio rerio (Cyprinidae). that were both consistent and inconsistent or sim-
With one exception, several studies by Newby ply odd with respect to the possibility that these
and co-workers that examined effects of mouth or drugs could beneficially influence effects of acid
cheek injections of acetic acid never produced any injections. For example, low lidocaine doses were
‘rubbing’ behavior. Newby et al. (2009) studied associated with longer times to resume feeding
the effect of 0.7% acetic acid injection into the than in control fish. Acid injection by itself pro-
cheek muscle in goldfish Carassius auratus (Cyprin- duced a remarkably small (although reportedly
idae). In contrast to the other studies performed significant) effect, delaying feeding, relative to con-
with rainbow trout (Newby and Stevens 2008) trols in only two of five fish tested. Plasma cortisol

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Fish pain? J D Rose et al.

concentrations were not elevated by acid treat- with either measure. Of greatest importance is the
ment, an outcome attributed to the small sample fact that no conclusions regarding pain are war-
size, but small sample size was argued to be justi- ranted.
fied by ‘ethical considerations.’ This is an unac- A report by investigators at the University of
ceptable argument given the policy implications Newcastle, Australia, appears to shed light on the
that these authors attach to their findings, which behavioral effects, or lack thereof, of acid injec-
should demand adequate sample sizes to ensure tions. It was reported that in response to severe,
results are robust. Overall, the sheer number of chronic wounds, fish may appear to behave rela-
statistical comparisons between treatment and tively normally and can continue activities such
control conditions that appeared not to have been as feeding. In contrast, acute stimuli, such as
appropriately compensated by adjustments in P exposure to a strongly acidic environment, may
values made the conclusions of the investigators cause the animal to increase opercular move-
(including assertions that lidocaine spray should ments, ‘attempt to jump from the water,’ and
be used during hook removal in catch-and-release show abnormal swimming behavior (University of
angling) unconvincing. Newcastle 1993). The observations by this group
In a variation of the oral chemoirritant injection lead to the interpretation that acid leakage from
test, Ashley et al. (2009) conducted an investiga- the injection site(s) could elicit patterns of abnor-
tion of whether a hypothetical ‘painful stimulus’ mal behavior as a consequence of irritation rather
might modify use by ‘bold’ and ‘shy’ rainbow than nociception and that specifically nociceptive
trout of cover and response to a ‘predator cue’ in stimuli, like wounds, have none of these effects, as
the form of a rainbow trout skin extract. The crite- the subsequent evidence also shows.
rion for the evidence of pain was, once again, Chervova and Lapshin (2011) examined tail
behavior that was more than a ‘nociceptive reflex.’ flick responses to electric shock of the caudal fin in
The second part of the study intended to examine common carp during treatment with three opiate
the effects of acid injection on ‘dominant’ and agonist drugs. They concluded that the observed
‘subordinate’ trout placed in familiar or unfamiliar raised thresholds for ‘deflections of the caudal
social groups. The results were very complex. In peduncle’ were evidence of raised threshold of pain
some instances, acid injections altered behavior perception. Clearly, this study fails to provide evi-
and cortisol relative to saline-injected controls and dence for pain in that it is subject to the same
in other instances they did not. The authors con- constraint as that by Sneddon et al. (2003b) that
cluded ‘Our findings provide new evidence that the drug effects could have been occurring at
fish are considerably affected by pain and that the lower levels of the nervous system and, in addi-
perception is not just a simple nociceptive reflex. tion, the behavior, a threshold response to electri-
In light of this, there are welfare implications that cal stimulation, was not clearly shown to be
need to be reconsidered with regard to the treat- nociceptive in nature, much less a consequence of
ment of fish.’ As we have explained in detail, the conscious pain.
oral acid injection procedure has not been vali-
dated as a legitimate test for pain. This particular
Studies involving surgery, wounding, or electronic
study has not provided any further validation of
this procedure either, simply restating the false
duality that pain is demonstrated by behavior that In addition to studies supposedly designed to
is ‘more than a nociceptive reflex.’ While it is a examine nociception or pain, there are many
possibility that some of the behavioral outcomes other relevant studies that potentially speak to the
reported in this study may have stemmed from question of pain in fishes. These studies involved
nociception, we reiterate our previously stated natural, presumably nociception-causing events,
concerns with the potential multiple effects of like surgery and wounding, as opposed to chem-
chemoirritant injection. In their interpretation of oirritant (acid) injections that would have diverse,
the results, the authors did not consider that prob- non-nociceptive tissue effects, or electric shocks
able acid leakage from injection sites close to the that would have non-specifically activated nocicep-
nares could alter olfactory processing of the ‘pred- tive and non-nociceptive afferents alike.
ator cue’ or that acid leakage could stimulate Several studies have examined behavioral effects
opercular beat rate, confounding interpretations of surgery in fishes. Wagner and Stevens (2000)

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tested effects on spontaneous swimming behavior at multiple time points after surgery in untreated
in rainbow trout of surgical implantation of and treated fish. These effects were not seen in
dummy transmitters into the peritoneal cavity and butorphanol treated fish. Post-surgical ‘rubbing’ or
incision closure by sutures. Swimming behavior rocking was not seen in any koi and respiratory
appeared normal immediately after recovery from rate did not increase in any group at any time
anesthesia. Three weeks after surgery, three mea- point. In post-surgical feeding tests, feeding inten-
sures of behavior, C-turns, sprints, and distance sity was said to be reduced, but relatively few fish
travelled, were not affected either by the amount showed feeding suppression, with 75 and 83% of
of inflammation at the incision site or by the the fish feeding at 30 min and 1 h after surgery,
amount of inflammation at the entry and exit respectively. There were no differences detectable
points of the sutures. The surgical techniques in feeding between fish treated or untreated with
tested had little effect on fish behavior post-sur- analgesics. These authors were interested in the
gery, regardless of inflammation levels, including a issue of pain and analgesia in fishes but took a
range of conditions in which the incision might restrained view of its interpretation, stating: ‘…in
have been partially or completely open. The rela- laboratory animal settings, the debate over
tive absence of C fibers in rainbow trout (discussed whether or how fish perceive pain may be less rel-
below) would likely eliminate the usual mecha- evant than the questions of what physiological
nism for inflammation-caused nociception (Price and behavioral effects are produced by noxious
1999). stimuli (such as surgery) that could impact
Newby et al. (2007a) injected 12-mm glass- research results and whether those effects can be
coated passive integrated transponders (PIT tags) ameliorated by therapeutic intervention.’
into the peritoneal cavities of juvenile rainbow There is a variety of evidence arising from elec-
trout. These trout fed within 5 min of food presen- tronic tagging studies, suggesting that fishes are
tation after a 30-min recovery from anesthesia. minimally affected by physical insults that would
There were no significant differences between the be painful and debilitating to humans. Most elec-
PIT-tagged fish and anesthetized but untagged tronic tagging studies involve the intracoelomic
controls on latency to feed or amount eaten on surgical implantation of tags. The premise of elec-
the surgery day or the following day. Relative to tronic tagging field studies is that tagged fishes
previously tagged and recovered controls, PIT tag exhibit similar behavior and fates relative to un-
implantation did not affect time to fatigue in a tagged conspecifics (Brown et al. 2011). To that
fixed velocity swim test. ‘Rubbing’ behavior or end, there have been over 100 studies that have
‘rocking’ behavior was not seen. examined the effects of intracoelomic tag implan-
Narnaware and Peter (2001) anesthetized gold- tation on fishes (reviewed in Jepsen et al. 2002;
fish and performed cranial surgery involving open- Bridger and Booth 2003; Wagner and Cooke
ing of a bone flap for intracerebral injections. In 2005; Cooke et al. 2011). Although anesthesia is
tests initiated 15 min after surgery, the fish typically used to immobilize fish for surgery, anal-
resumed feeding immediately and ate at the same gesics are rarely used, and in some larger fish spe-
rate as unhandled fish for a 30-min test period. In cies, no anesthesia is used at all, rather the fish
addition, intracerebral injection of neuropeptide Y are simply inverted and surgery is successfully per-
receptor agonists substantially enhanced feeding. formed, while the fish are upside down in a state
A similar result and lack of any effect of surgery of tonic immobility (e.g. Meyer et al. 2007).
on feeding in goldfish was reported in a prior Indeed, surgery under tonic immobility can result
study where intracerebral NPY infusions enhanced in higher post-operative survival rates than if the
feeding immediately post-surgery (Narnaware et al. fish were anesthetised (Semmens et al. 2010).
2000). The wide range of tagging studies has revealed
In a study of post-operative analgesics after ven- that although there are a number of factors that
tral midline incision to expose internal organs, fol- can influence the behavior and survival of fishes
lowed by wound closure in koi Cyprinus carpio post-surgery, these alterations are short-lived and
(Cyprinidae), Harms et al. (2005) found that sur- often disappear before the incisions have healed.
gery without analgesia or with ketoprofen analge- Certainly, there are often some detectable immedi-
sia resulted in reduced activity, lower position in ate effects of tagging (e.g., lethargy for a period
the water column, and decreased feeding intensity of minutes to hours; Cooke et al. 2011), but it is

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Fish pain? J D Rose et al.

difficult to tease out the relative impacts of the perspective, imagine having a tag, the size of a soft
anesthesia, surgery, and presence of the tag. Inter- drink can top or, in early studies, the drink can
estingly, most studies that use shams (surgery itself (Bridger and Booth 2003), implanted in your
without actual placement of electronic tag) have peritoneal cavity and then, after a brief recovery
documented similar outcomes relative to non-sur- period, being placed into an environment as chal-
gery controls, suggesting that the presence of the lenging and dangerous as ones normally occupied
tag, especially if too big, is one of the primary by free-ranging fishes. If fishes were debilitated by
drivers of alteration in fish behavior (e.g. Jadot pain or discomfort to the degree that would surely
et al. 2005) rather than surgery, per se. If fishes occur in a human, or other mammals, the kind of
are provided with appropriate pre-operative and functioning exhibited by tag-bearing fishes would
post-operative care, recovery is even more rapid. be surprising rather than the norm.
Provided that the tag burden is minimal and the
surgery is conducted by someone with appropriate
Neurological studies
training, fishes typically do not have behavioral
impairments that last for more than several hours A number of studies have examined various types
(Wagner and Cooke 2005). Indeed, many fish spe- of neurological evidence for mechanisms subserv-
cies resume ‘normal’ behavior immediately post- ing nociception and possibly pain in fishes, some-
tagging. For example, Cooke et al. (2002) times with the aim of satisfying one or more of
implanted radio transmitters in nest-guarding Bateson’s criteria for animal pain. As pointed out
adult smallmouth bass and noted that they previously (Rose 2002), the first evidence for noci-
resumed parental care behavior within minutes ceptive afferents, in this case, epidermal-free nerve
post-release. Thoreau and Baras (1997) used endings in fishes, was published by Whitear
motion-sensitive transmitters in an aquaculture (1971). In the absence of physiological verifica-
tank to evaluate the activity of four tilapias during tion, the actual sensory function of these afferents
the recovery from anesthesia and surgical proce- was unknown. More recent studies have been elec-
dures. The authors reported that all four fish trophysiological demonstrations of nociceptive
exhibited normal diurnal activity rhythm patterns afferents in the head (Sneddon 2002, 2003a;
(compared with control fish) throughout the Sneddon et al. 2003a) including the cornea (Ash-
study. However, activity levels were low during ley et al. 2006, 2007) of rainbow trout.
the first 12- to 24-h post-surgery. Several studies In an electrophysiological study of goldfish and
have also evaluated the effects of tagging on vari- rainbow trout, Dunlop and Laming (2005)
ous aspects of social behavior (e.g. Swanberg and claimed to have identified neuronal responses in
Geist 1997; Connors et al. 2002) and failed to doc- the spinal cord, brainstem, and telencephalon that
ument any differences relative to untagged fish. were specific to nociceptive stimuli (a ‘pin prod’).
Others have implanted tags in migratory fishes The authors’ description of recording procedures
and noted immediate resumption of migration and signal analysis methods suggests that their
behavior (Hockersmith et al. 2003; Moser et al. results may not be interpretable at all. Among
2005). In the Columbia River Basin of the United numerous other problems, the state of anesthesia
States, tens of thousands of downstream-migrating during recording was unclear, electrode place-
smolts are implanted with tags annually to quan- ment, especially in spinal cord, was poorly con-
tify loss associated with hydropower facilities (Jep- trolled (electrodes were manually inserted and not
sen et al. 2002; Brown et al. 2011). These fish are histologically verified), and a lack of recording
typically released within hours of tagging and from well-isolated single neurons makes inferences
those data are used, often in a legal context, to about nociceptive response specificity questionable.
determine the level of compensation necessary. The authors also claimed to have identified A-delta
The compensation for hydropower mortality in and C fiber type nociceptive afferents at multiple
fishes is based on the premise that tagged fish are levels of the central nervous system, but this is
behaving normally (Brown et al. 2011). If these technically impossible because (i) they were not
fish were experiencing pain, we would infer that recording directly from first-order afferents and the
they would exhibit severely altered behavior and designation of A-delta or C fibers is properly
these studies would have not stood up to the rigors restricted to first-order afferents; (ii) the use of a
of legal proceedings. From an anthropomorphic solenoid driven stimulus is of inadequate precision

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for latency measurements of conduction velocity, particularly unpleasant, like a needle prick or the
and (iii) the number and durations of synaptic initial sensation after a more intense stimulus. In
delays along conduction pathways in the spinal contrast, C fiber nociceptors, unmyelinated fibers
cord and brain were unknown and not considered that conduct very slowly, mediate the more slowly
(see Rose et al. 1993; Schlag 1978 for discussion developing, sustained and diffuse, second pain
of relevant technical issues). experience, also called burning or dull pain (Price
In another electrophysiological study recording 1999). The suffering that we associate with burns,
evoked potential responses to electrical skin stimuli toothaches, or crushing injury is caused by C fiber
in Atlantic salmon, Nordgreen et al. (2007) activity, not A-delta fibers (Price 1999). If a per-
claimed to have demonstrated a pathway to the son hits their thumb with a hammer, the immedi-
telencephalon of potential significance for pain. As ate, well-localized stinging sensation is due to
with the previously described study, technical relatively fast signaling by A-delta nociceptors.
issues undermine interpretations of these results. The subsequent, slower wave of intense, more dif-
The use of monopolar recording of field potentials fuse, and more agonizing pain is due to C fiber
from a stationary, low-impedance electrode does activity. If the C fiber activity is eliminated by an
not conclusively show that the generator for the appropriate type of nerve block (Makenzie et al.
evoked potentials was in the telencephalon 1975), the second pain experience is also elimi-
because this method cannot distinguish near-field nated. The distinct perceptual and affective differ-
from far-field potentials (see Dong 1981). Further, ences between first and second pain are
increased response amplitude with increased stim- apparently due to the fact that A-delta fiber activa-
ulus intensity prevents interpretations regarding tion, and first pain is associated with activity in
selective activation of nociceptive afferents because the S1 and S2 somatic sensory cortical regions,
raising stimulus intensity would recruit additional known for processing the physical properties such
large-diameter, non-nociceptive fibers as well as as the spatial location, temporal parameters, and
small diameter, possibly nociceptive, afferents. intensity attributes of a nociceptive stimulus. In
Although a somatosensory pathway to the telen- contrast, C fiber activation and second pain are
cephalon in teleost fishes is likely on the basis of associated with S2 somatosensory cortex activa-
previously reported neuroanatomical information tion, but also anterior cingulate gyrus cortex acti-
(Finger 2000; Xue et al. 2006a,b), no scientifically vation, the latter region playing a primary role in
defensible conclusions regarding nociceptive or the generation of the suffering component of pain
non-nociceptive somatosensory transmission to the (Ploner et al. 2002; Derbyshire 2004). Second
telencephalon may be drawn from this study. pain becomes intensified due to the spinal effects
An anatomical study by Roques et al. (2010) of repeated C fiber activation, and tonic C fiber
reported that the average number of histologically activity is critical for causing hyperalgesic states
identified A-delta and C fibers in tail nerves from like inflammatory and neuropathic pain (Price
common carp was 38.7% of the fiber size spec- 1999).
trum, a value comparable to the 36% reported for The human sural nerve, as an example of a
rainbow trout trigeminal nerve (Sneddon 2002). cutaneous nerve, innervates the skin of the calf
However, only 5% of these were C fibers, slightly and foot. It has 83% C fibers (Guo et al. 2004).
more than the 4% C fibers reported in the rainbow Similarly, the cutaneous branch of the sural nerve
trout trigeminal nerve by Sneddon (2002). Of in rats is 82% C fibers (Schmalbruch 2005). In
course, not all A-delta or C fibers are nociceptors humans, a rare condition called congenital insen-
and the actual subset that is nociceptors can only sitivity to pain (more correctly, insensitivity to
be determined electrophysiologically, not histologi- nociception) results when there are fewer numbers
cally. Sneddon (2004) acknowledged that this pro- of nociceptive afferents in peripheral nerves. Such
portion of small C fibers that would include individuals have diffuse congenital insensitivity
nociceptors is far below numbers seen in mammals to pain with anhidrosis, in which C fibers, only
(or even amphibians), but did not convey the sig- 24–28% of the sensory axon population but the
nificance of this point for nociception and pain. It A-delta afferent population is in the normal range
is known in humans that A-delta nociceptive affer- (Rosemberg et al. 1994; Guo et al. 2004). Given
ents mediate first or bright pain. This sensation is the extent of the pain insensitivity with even this
rapid, brief, well-localized perceptually and not many C fibers present, it is reasonable to ask of

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Fish pain? J D Rose et al.

what functional significance the extremely small Cameron et al. (1990). Lamina I in mammals is a
number of C fibers might be in fishes. It appears principal synaptic input zone for nociceptive activ-
most logical to assume that in teleosts, at least ity and the neurons there comprise a major source
those species that have been studied, A-delta affer- for the transmission of nociceptive activity to the
ents serve to signal potentially injurious events brain (Dostrovsky and Craig 2006; Todd and
rapidly, thereby triggering escape and avoidance Koerber 2006). Consequently, its absence, together
responses, but that the paucity of C fibers that with the near total absence of unmyelinated affer-
mediate slow, agonizing, second pain and patho- ents or nociceptive peripheral neurons, is a con-
logical pain states (in organisms capable of con- spicuous indication that these elasmobranchs are
sciousness) is not a functional domain of ill-equipped to process nociceptive stimuli.
nociception in fishes. The likelihood that teleosts, In two studies employing gene microarray anal-
compared with terrestrial vertebrate taxa, actually yses, Reilly et al. claimed to have identified expres-
have a relatively limited capacity for nociception, sion of nociception-related candidate genes in the
makes the absence of unmyelinated nociceptors in brains of rainbow trout (Reilly et al. 2008b) and
elasmobranchs (Coggeshall et al. 1978; Leonard common carp (Reilly et al. 2008b, 2009). In the
1985; Snow et al. 1993; Smith and Lewin 2009) first study, rainbow trout and carp were anesthe-
seem less of a conspicuous functional difference tized and injected in the jaws with 5% acetic acid
between cartilaginous and bony fishes. solution and killed 1.5, 3, or 6 h later. The control
Anatomical and electrophysiological studies of fish were injected with saline vehicle. Brains were
somatic sensory nerves and their spinal connec- processed with gene microarray technique, and it
tions have been conducted in several species of was reported that a large number of genes were
elasmobranchs. The most striking finding was a differentially expressed between the acid-injected
near absence of unmyelinated axons in dorsal and saline-injected fish, a relatively small number
roots of Atlantic stingray (Dasyatis Sabina Dasyati- of which were claimed to have a possible func-
dae), spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari Mylio- tional connection to nociception. Microarray tech-
batidae), cow-nose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus nique has been used previously in an effort to
Myliobatidae; Coggeshall et al. 1978), long-tailed identify gene expression potentially related to
ray (Himantura uarnak Dasyatidae), and shovelnose mechanisms of nociception or even pain, but a
ray (Rhinobatus battilum Rhinobatidae; Snow et al. causal functional connection between gene expres-
1993). Small specimens of shovelnose ray and sion and nociception or pain is exceedingly diffi-
black-tip shark (Carcharhinus melaopterus Carcha- cult to establish (Rose and Woodbury 2008). In
rhinidae) had larger numbers of fibers that were addition, the two studies by Reilly et al. (2008b,
classified as unmyelinated but these axons had an 2009) employed an insufficient number of control
unusual 1:1 association with Schwann cells sug- conditions to make any interpretations related to
gestive of developing myelinated fibers (Snow et al. nociception. As explained earlier, acetic acid is a
1993). These anatomical results indicate that chemoirritant that could produce gustatory and
these elasmobranchs essentially lack C fiber–type tissue irritating effects apart from nociceptor acti-
nociceptors, an interpretation consistent with vation. At the very least, a control condition is
Leonard’s (1985) failure to find in the Atlantic necessary to show that the pattern of gene activa-
stingray any neurophysiological evidence of either tion observed is specific to nociceptor activation
A-delta or C fiber types of nociceptors. He found and would not have resulted from any strong,
no polymodal nociceptors (the most common type, non-nociceptive sensory stimulus. Control issues
comprising 90% in humans (Price 1999) or noci- like this are obligatory in gene expression studies
ceptors responsive to acidic or intense thermal of the brain, as exemplified by the more commonly
stimuli. Leonard did observe some mechanorecep- used early oncogene methods like c-fos (Alexander
tive afferents that responded to high intensity et al. 2001). Additional problems existed in the
stimuli. Consistent with this apparent paucity of claim (Reilly et al. 2008b) that 5% acetic acid
peripheral nociceptors in elasmobranchs is the injection was a validated nociceptive stimulus with
absence of Rexed’s lamina I in the spinal cord dor- behavioral effects because in the same year, a
sal horn in three species: brown stingray (Dasyatis paper by Reilly et al. (2008a) stated that 10% ace-
fluviorum; Dasyatidae), eagle ray (Aetobatis narinari; tic acid injections were used in carp in addition to
Myliobatidae), and black-tip shark examined by 5% injections because the carp were said to be

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Fish pain? J D Rose et al

‘tolerant’ of 5% injections. The authors concluded Herbivorous and omnivorous fishes swallow
(Reilly et al. 2008a) that ‘In the carp, a nocicep- inedible materials like stones and sand and expel
tive stimulus did not elicit an alteration in normal them from the mouth or through gill rakers or
behavior or ventilation.’ Consequently, the alleged ingest and excrete them. These eating habits of
nociceptive stimulus employed in the two gene fishes are difficult to reconcile with claims that
expression studies with carp (Reilly et al. 2008b, they are troubled by pain or respond to nocicep-
2009) had not been shown to be an effective noci- tive stimuli as we or other mammals would.
ceptive stimulus, thereby invalidating claims that
any gene expression associated with 5% acid injec-
Insights from catch-and-release fishing
tions were a consequence of a truly nociceptive
stimulus. In summary, neither of these studies pro- Studies of catch-and-release recreational fishing
vided any valid information concerning gene also provide useful insights into how fishes
expression specific to nociception. respond to injuries that would elicit pain in
In addition to the forgoing problems of interpre- humans. Indeed, a fish cannot be angled without
tation, Reilly et al. (2008b) asserted that Rose at least one hook being driven into tissue such as
(2002) had stated that fish’s response to noxious the jaw, roof of mouth, or other areas. Thus,
stimulation is ‘limited to a reflex response at the injury is implicit in recreational fishing (Cooke and
level of the spinal cord and hindbrain’ and that Sneddon 2006). However, capturing a fish by
the brain was not active during noxious stimula- angling may or may not elicit a stress response
tion. This assertion is untrue and misrepresents associated with anaerobic exercise and handling
the more mechanistically explicit position on the (Cooke and Suski 2005). A study of diverse sero-
matter of fish pain that Rose (2002, 2007) has logical indications of stress in angling-captured
repeatedly expressed including the opinion that salmonids by Wedemeyer and Wydoski (2008) is
somatic sensory activity, including nociceptive of particular interest. Stress-sensitive indicators,
activity is likely to reach the forebrain in fishes including blood glucose, chloride, osmolality, and
(see Rose 2007; fig. 2). Furthermore, for reasons hemoglobin were measured immediately after cap-
thoroughly articulated in the present paper, Rose ture in wild brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (Sal-
(2003, 2007) has never found the use of the term monidae), brown trout Salmo trutta (Salmonidae),
reflex to be acceptable as an explanation for the cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii (Samonidae),
complex behaviors of fishes, including many of and Arctic grayling Thymallus arcticus (Salmoni-
those elicited by nociceptive stimuli. dae) that had been hooked and played for 1–
5 min. The osmoregulatory and metabolic distur-
bances associated with capture by angling were
Feeding habits of fishes
minimal and judged to be well within normal
Fishes commonly consume foods that would be physiological tolerance limits. In contrast, fish of
very painful for us to eat, such as urchins, crabs, the same species that were played for 5 min and
coral, barnacles, hard shellfish, stingrays, and a then released into net-pens where they were held
great many fish species with spiny, rigid, or ven- for up to 72 h showed blood chemistry alterations
omous fin rays. Although species-specific types of that appeared to be related to stress from confine-
oral handling by predatory fishes may reduce ment, showing that prerelease air exposure and
injury and predators show preferences for prey handling cause more physiological stress than
that are more easily ingested (Helfman et al. either hooking per se or playing time. Similar
1997), these fishes still frequently eat injurious results have been obtained for other species,
prey. Predatory fishes are commonly found with including snapper Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) and
numerous spines from marine catfish, urchins, or mao mao Scorpis violaceus (Kyphosidae) (Pankhurst
stingrays embedded in their mouths and throats and Sharples 1992; Pankhurst et al. 1992; Lowe
(Smith 1953; Heemstra and Heemstra 2004). For and Wells 1996). This is not surprising given the
example, specimens of the great hammerhead results of Sneddon et al. (2003a) who found no
Sphyrna mokarran (Sphyrnidae), which preys on significant differences in behavior of fish injected
stingrays, have been found with as many as 96 with saline compared with uninjected control fish.
stingray barbs embedded in the mouth, throat, Embedding a fish hook is comparable with the
and tongue (Helfman et al. 1997). mechanical tissue damage caused by embedding a

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Fish pain? J D Rose et al.

needle of similar size, but without the saline injec- natural situation behave in a way that indicates
tion. This indicates that hooking is a less noxious they are capable of pain and suffering. Some stud-
stimulus than the supposedly effective acid or ies have attempted to identify behavioral effects,
venom injections, an observation that is supported being caught on the probability of recapture. In
by empirical evidence from not only Wedemeyer experimental studies, some fish apparently learned
and Wydoski (2008), but numerous other obser- to avoid certain lures or baits more readily than
vations of fishes exhibiting normal behavior (such others (Beukema 1970a,b; Hackney and Linkous
as recommencement of feeding) almost immedi- 1978; Raat 1985; Burkett et al. 1986). In other
ately after capture and release angling (Schill et al. studies, fish were recaught repeatedly, as many as
1986; Arlinghaus et al. 2008 and see below). Nev- 26 times (Britton et al. 2007), even in a short time
ertheless, Sneddon et al. (2003a) concluded that frame. Although authors of these studies have typ-
their results were of relevance to angling, a state- ically assumed that a fish with a decreased proba-
ment that was simply not supported by their data. bility of recapture had learned to avoid hooks,
Arlinghaus et al. (2008) examined the post- there is no direct evidence that this is the case or
release behavior of northern pike Esox lucius (Eso- that learning was based on pain. Even in the stud-
cidae) that were released with a lure in their ies where differential effects were produced by
mouth. Compared with controls, no differences in angling with various types of lures or baits, what
behavior (e.g., swimming activity levels in the these fish had learned is unknown. The repeated
wild) were noted after 24 h, although fish with capture of angled fishes also is consistent with the
lures exhibited some level of hyperactivity for the notion that a catch-and-release fishing event does
first hours post-release. Behavioral measures con- not induce a state that is similar to pain in
stitute sensitive indicators of the complex biochem- humans. For example, a study of cutthroat trout
ical and physiological changes that occur in revealed that in a reach of the Yellowstone River,
response to stress (Schreck et al. 1997) and may fish were captured an average of 9.7 times in a
be indicative of altered or impaired capability of a single season, equivalent to once every 5 days as
fish in sensing and responding to its environment. well as multiple recaptures (2–4) in a single day
From a practical perspective, outcomes of catch- (Schill et al. 1986). Multiple recaptures have been
and-release studies leave no major amount of documented in a number of species (e.g., Beukema
unexplained variation in survival aside from iden- 1970a,b; Hackney and Linkous 1978; Raat 1985;
tifiable physical or physiological factors that have Burkett et al. 1986; Hayes 1997; Tsuboi and Mori-
been well studied and synthesized such as injury ta 2004; Britton et al. 2007). Some of the best evi-
with bleeding, adverse water temperature, or pro- dence of repeated captures on short timescales
longed air exposure (Muoneke and Childress comes from a large, unpublished tagging data set
1994; Bartholomew and Bohnsack 2005; Cooke from Australia (Sawynok, Infofish Australia, www.
and Suski 2005; Arlinghaus et al. 2007a). If ‘psy-, unpublished data) that involved tag-
chological’ distress or physiological stress caused ging of 619 279 fish with 39 034 angler recap-
by pain and suffering due to being caught was a tures. This ongoing study has revealed that 380
significant factor in their well-being, post-release fish of 37 species have been recaptured the same
mortality of angled fishes would not be so fully day as tagged. Moreover, three fish of two species,
explained by ‘non-psychological’ variables. The goldspotted rockcod Epinephelus coioides (Serrani-
typical physiological recovery profile of hooked dae) and barramundi Lates calcarifer (Latidae) were
fishes is similar to those simply chased to exhaustion tagged then recaptured twice more on the same
(Kieffer 2000; Cooke and Suski 2005). Vulnerability day (i.e. caught three times in 1 day). A total of
to predation or injury from environmental hazards 2141 fish were recaptured within a week. Interest-
such as strong currents would be particularly ingly, more fish were caught on the same day and
important threats to survival if a fish’s neurobe- the next day than the following days. A total of
havioral functioning was compromised by psycho- 245 (64.5%) fish caught on the same day were
logical distress due to being caught and handled caught within hours by the person who tagged
(Cooke and Philipp 2004). the fish (or a person they were fishing with) as
Apart from the neurological evidence, another part of the same trip. Two fish were caught on the
way to evaluate whether being hooked causes next cast, 15 (30%) within 10 min and 31 (62%)
pain to a fish is to examine whether fishes in a within an hour. Clearly these recaptures over

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Fish pain? J D Rose et al

short time periods are inconsistent with the notion where he summarized evidence, more fully docu-
that fish experience significant pain. Even in cases mented later (Melzack et al. 1982), that injury is
where artificial lures lost effectiveness but natural often initially dissociated from pain, but connected
baits did not, the fish may have associated being with avoidance or escape from the source of
caught with removal from the water and handling injury, whereas minutes, hours, or days later,
rather than hooking, per se. severe pain is experienced and is associated with
behaviors compatible with healing and recovery,
particularly inactivity. Seen in this light, the
What is the significance of a limited capacity for
capacity for nociception in fishes is understand-
nociception in fishes?
able rather than puzzling. A capacity for rapid
Pain is taken not as a simple sensory experience
detection (A-delta nociceptor) of potentially injuri-
signaling the existence of damaged tissue. The ous stimuli that would trigger escape and possibly
presence and intensity of pain is too poorly related mediate rapidly learned (unconscious) avoidance
to the degree of damage to be considered such a could be beneficial to fishes that possess it. On
messenger. Pain is a poor protector against injury the other hand, succumbing to behavior impair-
as it occurs far too late in the case of sudden ing, intense and sustained (C fiber nociceptor) sig-
injury or of very slow damage to provide a useful naling from injuries could greatly increase
preventive measure. Instead it is proposed that vulnerability to predation, reducing capacity to
pain signals the existence of a body state where function and would therefore be selected against
recovery and recuperation should be initiated.
in a perpetually threatening and often highly tur-
(Wall 1979)
bulent environment. As the preceding sections of
The relatively few teleost and elasmobranch spe- this article have shown, the response of fishes to
cies that have been studied have provided consis- injury, when evident, is normally transient,
tent results, indicating that these diverse taxa, diminishing in minutes or hours, the opposite of
compared with humans and other mammals, have the pattern described by Wall for humans and
a very limited capacity for nociception, particularly other mammals, where debilitating nociception
C fiber nociception that leads to agonizing, emo- and pain increase in hours and days after injury
tion-provoking pain in humans. Anthropomorphic (Wall 1979).
thinking, a bias that obstructs objectivity about None of this should be taken to suggest that
biological questions (Kennedy 1992; Wynne injury is not detrimental to fishes or that teleosts,
2004; Rose 2007), would lead to expectations that at least, do not quickly respond to such stimuli.
fishes should be more like humans in their capac- However, rapid signaling by nociceptors is best
ity for nociception, even pain (e.g. Chandroo et al. viewed as just one of many modalities, like lateral
2004). But, it is clear for all fishes that have been line sensations or visual detection of looming pre-
studied that this is not so, a fact demonstrating dators, which mediate rapid escape and protective
that these fishes have evolved and survived per- functions without leading to conscious suffering
fectly well without human/mammal like nocicep- or fear. Among these protective functions are
tion, much less a brain capable of mediating endocrine and other physiological adaptations to
human-like pain experience. stress. A particularly instructive example is that
The weight of the literature described above, in elasmobranchs, substance P and met-enkepha-
which shows that teleosts commonly display lim- lin, neuropeptide transmitters, which in mammals
ited and relatively brief or even no behavioral dis- are closely linked with nociception and anti-noci-
turbances due to injury, is entirely consistent with ception, respectively, are found in sensory neu-
their limited capacity for nociception. In the case rons innervating the spinal dorsal horn (Cameron
of elasmobranchs, sharks have long been known et al. 1990). This is the case even though the
to be behaviorally unaffected by severe wounds, sensory axons involved and the dorsal horn struc-
even seen to continue vigorous feeding after evis- ture of elasmobranchs are unlikely to mediate
ceration (Smith 1953; Goadby 1959 cited by nociceptive function. Neuropeptides tend to serve
Snow et al. 1993). multiple functions, however, such as promoting
Valuable insights into the utility of the human vasodilation and healing (Strand 1999), which
capacity for first pain, second pain, and pain- would be valuable to organisms unresponsive to
related suffering were put forth by Wall (1979), injury.

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Fish pain? J D Rose et al.

2008). Sustained antenna grooming, which was

Claims for pain in invertebrates
attenuated by a local anesthetic, was taken as evi-
The discussion of putative fish pain has been con- dence of pain experience rather than nociception
temporaneous with a similar discussion and claims because, according to these authors, the behavior
for the existence of pain in some invertebrates. was more than a reflex response and was an
Although we will not undertake a thorough con- attempt by the crab to ameliorate the pain. In
sideration of this issue, or of the immense diversity effort to replicate the results of the study by Barr
of invertebrates (including allegedly special cases et al. Puri and Faulkes (2010) applied similar ace-
like cephalopods), many of the same issues regard- tic acid or sodium hydroxide solutions to the
ing standards of evidence and interpretation that antennae of crayfish Procambarus clarkia (Deca-
we have discussed regarding claims for fish pain poda, Astacidea) and to species of shrimp, Litopena-
are also present here. Invertebrate nervous sys- eus setiferus (Crustacea decapoda) and Palaemonetes
tems are extremely diverse, but tend to be orga- sp. (Crustacea Decapod Natantia). They failed to
nized in a much more decentralized manner than evoke antenna grooming in any of the species and
are those of vertebrates. Invertebrate behavioral also found no electrophysiological evidence for
control functions are commonly mediated by spa- nociceptive responses from antennae, concluding
tially separate ganglia, rather than a highly cen- that the existence of nociceptive neurons should be
tralized brain (for more details see Barnes et al. demonstrated before concluding that putatively
2001 and Meinertzhagen 2010). This fact makes noxious stimuli were eliciting nociception-depen-
a capacity for the highly integrated and unified dent responses.
processing of information known to be essential to In a study of hermit crabs (Crustacea, Deca-
what we know as consciousness highly improba- poda) by Elwood and Appel (2009), electric shocks
ble. The term ‘brain’ is commonly used to refer to were used to stimulate evacuation from a shell.
a collection of head ganglia present many taxa of Surprisingly, crabs that had been shocked were
invertebrates, such as insects, but the structural more likely to enter a new shell offered 20 s later
and functional organization of such ‘brains’ is and they entered more quickly. This behavior was
highly variable across diverse invertebrates and interpreted as indicative of pain because it was not
decidedly unlike vertebrate brain organization, hox reflexive, the experience was remembered and the
genes notwithstanding (Bullock and Horridge behavior, according to the authors, was traded off
1965; Alleman 1999). against other motivational requirements. A second
Examples of recent studies with bees, crabs, study with hermit crabs by Appel and Elwood
shrimp, crayfish, and prawns illustrate that the (2009) produced a peculiar combination of results.
same problems present in the ‘fish pain’ literature Most of the shocked crabs moved back into the
have been evident in attempts to identify possible same shells they had evacuated but did not differ
nociceptive processes or pain in these invertebrates. from unshocked crabs in the tendency to enter a
In honeybees, stinging responses to electric shocks new shell. Nonetheless, these authors concluded
were measured as indicators of nociception (N ~ ez
un that their results proved that the crabs felt pain,
et al. 1983, 1998). Here, the behavior selected again citing nonreflexive behavior, memory of an
might be a legitimate indication of nociception, but aversive event, and changes in motivation to
electric shocks are not specific activators of noci- obtain a new shell. None of the forgoing studies in
ceptive neurons. In the crab, Chasmagnathus granul- which pain was supposedly studied were actually
atus (Decapoda, Grapsidae), spreading of the chelae measuring behaviors that could not have been
and elevation of the carapace on flexed walking unconsciously mediated and, as discussed previ-
legs in response to electric shock was construed as ously, the ‘more than a reflex’ criterion for pain is
a nociceptive response (Lozada et al. 1988). The invalid for many reasons.
issue of non-specificity of electric shocks applies In reviewing studies claiming to have demon-
here also, but morphine was found to attenuate strated pain or consciousness in invertebrates,
the response. In prawns, Palaemon elegans (Crusta- Mason (2011) condemned the use of many crite-
cea, Decapoda), tail flicking and antennal groom- ria such as problem solving, stimulus recognition,
ing was elicited by pinching with a forceps, or avoidance conditioning, or physiological stress
application of solution containing acetic acid or responses. She argued instead that ‘…evidence for
sodium hydroxide to the distal antenna (Barr et al. conscious affective states should come specifically

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Fish pain? J D Rose et al

from responses to stimuli that elicit approach and statement of the proposed nature of fish conscious-
positive reinforcement, or avoidance and negative ness renders the construct conceptually amor-
reinforcement, because in humans and perhaps phous, meaning different things to different
other homeotherms, these give rise to positive individuals. This fact makes discussions of various
and negative feelings.’ We argue that these crite- hypothetical aspects of consciousness in fishes or
ria are inadequate as well since, as we have other animals problematic at best (Allen 2011).
shown above, these types of responses are fully We prefer to address this question from a less con-
within the capacity of animals (and humans) that troversial and more empirically sound perspective
are incapable of consciousness due to brain dam- that of the fundamental properties and neurobio-
age. Similarly, Mason’s belief, that awareness is logical basis of consciousness in humans.
implied by behaviors supposedly indicative of Although the exact terminology has varied from
‘motivational trade-offs,’ is questionable. Phrases writer to writer, two principal manifestations of
like ‘motivational trade-offs’ are loaded and con- consciousness have long been recognized to exist
stitute interpretations of the animal’s alleged in humans: (i) primary consciousness, the
thinking and intent, when the situations moment-to-moment awareness of sensory experi-
described could just as well reflect unconscious ‘if ences and some internal states such as feelings
–then’ contingencies. and (ii) higher-order consciousness also called
It is clear from this brief review that research on access consciousness or self-awareness (Macphail
invertebrate pain and awareness is beset with the 1998; Damasio 1999; Edelman and Tononi 2000;
same shortcomings that have undermined Cohen and Dennett 2011; De Graaf et al. 2012;
research with fishes: invalid criteria and measures Vanhaudenhuyse et al. 2012). Higher-order con-
for these states, as well as inflated interpretations, sciousness includes awareness of one’s self as an
faith-based interpretations and HARKing (Brow- entity that exists separately from other entities; an
man and Skiftesvik 2011. autobiographical dimension, including memory of
past life events; an awareness of facts, such as
one’s language vocabulary; and a capacity for
Arguments made for consciousness in fishes
planning and anticipation of the future. Differing
It is considered axiomatic that pain depends on components of neocortex and associated cingulate
consciousness, so a demonstration that fishes can gyrus mesocortex have recently been shown to
feel pain depends on showing that they are also mediate these two forms of consciousness (Van-
conscious. With the realization that pain is a con- haudenhuyse et al. 2012). Additional categories
scious experience and impossible in the absence of and subdivisions of consciousness have been pro-
consciousness, investigators advocating the belief posed as well (e.g. medical awareness, De Graaf
that fishes can feel pain have attempted to pro- et al. 2012) but additional definitions and catego-
mote the idea that behaviors elicited by nocicep- rizations of consciousness remain a source of con-
tive forms of stimulation reflect conscious pain. troversy (Baars and Laureys 2005; Overgaard
There are several questions to be addressed regard- et al. 2008).
ing claims that fishes have conscious awareness: There have been long accepted criteria for dem-
(i) what is consciousness and how is it identified?; onstrating the presence of consciousness in
(ii) how plausible is it that fishes could be con- humans. Minimal criteria for identifying primary
scious?; (iii) what is the evidence for consciousness conscious applied by a clinical neurologist are as
in fishes?; (iv) of what value would consciousness follows: (i) sustained awareness of the environ-
be to fishes and at what cost?; and (v) if fishes ment in a way that is appropriate and meaningful,
were conscious, could we comprehend what that (ii) ability to follow commands to perform novel
consciousness was like? actions, and (iii) verbal or nonverbal communica-
Any rigorous consideration of the existence of tion indicating awareness of the ongoing interac-
consciousness should be predicated on a clear defi- tion (Collins 1997; Young et al. 1998). Recently,
nition of the properties that this consciousness is however, intensive study of vegetative states has
assumed to have, but unlike the IASP definition shown that additional clinical categorizations such
of pain, there are no well agreed upon bench- as ‘minimally conscious states’ may exist, but that
marks for defining the nature of consciousness even highly limited capacity for interaction and
in animals. Consequently, the absence of a clear demonstration of awareness still requires extensive

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functional integrity of frontoparietal ‘association’ Because of the dependency on verbal or some

neocortex (Baars and Laureys 2005). other flexible, deliberate form of communication
Obviously, assessment of consciousness in an for direct assessment of pain and consciousness, a
individual, like pain, is introspective and depends requirement impossible to satisfy with fishes, a dif-
heavily on verbal interaction or comprehension. ferent approach, involving consideration of the
The clinical criteria are of great practical impor- neurological plausibility of consciousness and pain
tance, sometimes with life-or-death consequences, in fishes, was used to shed light on these issues
as in decisions about brain death or termination of (Rose 2002). Consider, for example, that there
life support. Wakefulness is not evidence of con- was no opportunity to behaviorally assess whether
sciousness because it can exist in situations where a species of fish had color vision. If an examina-
consciousness is absent (Laureys 2005). This point tion of the pigments in retinal photoreceptors
is not widely appreciated among those working revealed only one type of photopigment rather
with animals. For example, recovery of wakeful- than multiple types, it would be quite implausible
ness following anesthesia is often inaccurately that this fish had color vision. Consciousness is
referred to as consciousness in species where like any other nervous system function in that it
consciousness has not been validly demonstrated depends on specific and identified neural struc-
to exist. tures.
The capacity for verbal expression as a means The neural basis of consciousness was reviewed
for exhibiting conscious awareness is not neces- and applied to the problem of fish pain by Rose
sarily a limiting factor because humans incapable (2002). Here, it is important to emphasize that
of verbal expression or comprehension have still although the specific neural processes that gener-
been able to show full awareness. In the neuro- ated consciousness remain unknown, there is
logical condition called ‘locked in syndrome,’ in much solid evidence regarding the necessary neu-
which lower brainstem damage renders a person ral structures and systems, including some of the
paralyzed except for voluntary eye movements, neurophysiological processes that enable it, a very
the victims are able to demonstrate awareness different matter. Subsequent research has further
through arbitrary eye movement patterns that substantiated and refined the fundamental princi-
would not be evident in an unconscious person ples identified earlier, that, the existence of all the
(Bruno et al. 2011). Even in the absence of a previously described forms of consciousness
capacity for verbal expression or comprehension, depends on neocortex, particularly frontoparietal
humans can demonstrate consciousness if they ‘association’ cortex in distinction from primary or
possess it. Helen Keller, deaf and blind since secondary sensory or motor cortex (Laureys and
infancy, was able to use arbitrary gestures to Boly 2007; Amting et al. 2010; Vanhaudenhuyse
establish communication before she learned to et al. 2012). Primary consciousness also requires
sign (Donald 2001). In another well-documented supporting operation of subcortical systems includ-
case, a man with focal brain seizures that elimi- ing (i) the brainstem reticular formation to enable
nated all forms of verbal expression or compre- a working condition of the cortex and (ii) interac-
hension was able, during a sustained seizure, to tions between the cortex and thalamus as well as
travel, check into a hotel, and order food from a cortex and basal ganglia structures (Edelman and
restaurant by inventing diverse, novel gestures Tononi 2000; Laureys et al. 1999, 2000a,b,c).
(Donald 1991). These means of communication, Higher-order consciousness depends on the con-
of course, require that the communicator be current presence of primary consciousness and its
aware of those with whom they are trying to cortical substrate, but in addition, higher-order
communicate and possess a normal human ‘the- consciousness also requires functioning of broader
ory of mind’ with which they can anticipate the regions of the neocortex (Edelman and Tononi
psychological traits of another human. Theoreti- 2000; Koch and Crick 2000; Iacoboni 2000; Van-
cally, trans-species communication in which a haudenhuyse et al. 2012). Human neocortex, the
fish could convey its awareness to a human six-layered cortex that is unique to mammals, has
would be possible if the fish had the capacity for specialized functional regions of sensory and motor
flexible and novel voluntary behavior as well as processing, but activity confined to these regions is
the inclination. The features of novelty, spontane- insufficient for consciousness (Koch and Crick
ity, and flexibility are critical here. 2000; Lamme and Roelfsma 2000; Laureys et al.

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2000a,b; Rees et al. 2000). Although neocortex is both nociception and pain, which, as described
usually identified as the critical substrate for con- previously, are separate processes. But, if it is
sciousness, a critical role for some regions of meso- assumed that fish brains function according to a
cortex, particularly the cingulate gyrus, is well common vertebrate plan, which seems to be the
established. Mesocortical structures have fewer supposition (Braithwaite 2010), then the mecha-
than six layers, but like neocortex, are unique to nisms essential to both pain and consciousness
mammalian brains and highly interconnected with must be identified and characterized in the pal-
neocortex. The cingulate gyrus, in concert with lium, a very challenging undertaking that remains
neocortex, is particularly important for conscious to be attempted. As was explained in detail previ-
awareness of the emotional aspect of pain (Vogt ously (Rose 2002), it is mechanistically unfeasible
et al. 2003), other dimensions of emotional feel- that the fish pallium (claims of homologies not-
ings (Amting et al. 2010) and self-awareness withstanding) could be found to function like a
(Vanhaudenhuyse et al. 2012). human or other mammalian cortex for purposes
Brain structure dictates function, always. So if a of pain or consciousness. Compared with human
fish has consciousness, it will be a product of the neocortex and mesocortex, the pallium in fishes is
fish brain and different from ours accordingly. To much smaller, unlaminated, and vastly simpler in
the extent that human brains and fish brains dif- types, numbers of neurons, and regional differenti-
fer, particularly the great differences between ation. In mammals, ascending systems are
human neocortex and limbic mesocortex, vs. pal- expanded at successively higher levels of the brain,
lial structure in fishes, the properties of putative such that the cortical representation of a given
consciousness in humans and fishes would differ sensory system is typically mapped and remapped
as well. Furthermore, with the tens of thousands to become very spatially extensive and functionally
of species of fishes, there are extremely wide varia- diversified (Nieuwenhuys et al. 1998; Striedter
tions in brain structure that are associated with 2005). Fish brains, in contrast, are examples of
variations in behavior and ecological adaptations. diminishing systems, in which ascending systems
The mental life (whatever that might be) of these typically decrease in the size as they ascend to the
highly differing brains would have to be deci- pallium (Nieuwenhuys et al. 1998). Anyone pro-
phered on a case-by-case basis. For example, posing that a fish pallium could function like a
megamouth sharks are filter feeders with body human or mammalian neocortex or that there
weights in excess of 1000 kg but brains weighing might be a substitute system in fish brains for gen-
about 20 g, compared with a predatory hammer- erating consciousness, must provide convincing,
head shark having a 60-g brain at one-fifth the empirical evidence that such a proposal is worth
megamouth’s body weight, that is, 15 times hea- consideration. This has not been done.
ver, when corrected for body weight (Striedter Furthermore, and this is a point seldom consid-
2005). These dramatic differences in brain size in ered, a great deal of human behavior is actually
cartilaginous fishes may, in the case of small-brai- unconsciously mediated (discussed in Rose 2002,
ned species, be an example of symmorphosis, 2007) and our survival depends on that fact. The
where elaborate body parts are no longer neces- study of unconscious mental processes is a very
sary in species with less demanding behavioral active and expanding research field. In his book,
repertoires (Striedter 2005). Strangers to Ourselves, Timothy Wilson (2004)
Some who argue for pain in fishes seem to real- said: ‘The mind operates most efficiently by rele-
ize the necessity of finding a plausible neural gating a good deal of high-level, sophisticated
mechanism for it. Consequently, there have been thinking to the unconscious, just as a modern jet-
the previously described studies devoted to identi- liner is able to fly on automatic pilot with little or
fying nociceptors and describing their properties as no input from the human ‘conscious’ pilot. The
well as studies attempting (unfortunately with adaptive unconscious does an excellent job of siz-
inadequate techniques, as described above) to ing up the world, warning people of danger, set-
show ascending nociceptive activity, ultimately ting goals and initiating action in a sophisticated
reaching the pallium. Given that pain is a process and efficient manner.’ When the lives and behav-
dependent on concurrent consciousness, it is nec- iors of fishes are examined, even the most complex
essary to show that fish are conscious and that of their social behavior, an adaptive unconscious
they have a neural system that could mediate is likely to suffice nicely. Thus, the scientific principle

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of parsimony applies here: why propose the exis- (like language learning by great apes) have usu-
tence of a more complex process (consciousness) ally failed to withstand critical scrutiny or more
when a less complex one accounts for the data, extensive subsequent investigation (Wynne 2008).
not to mention the lack of a plausible mechanism We consider that it is very premature to conclude
for the more complex process? that consciousness has been demonstrated in
Arguments have been put forward to support fishes on the basis of such limited study.
the contention that fishes experience adverse expe- Braithwaite (2010), Braithwaite and Boulcott
riential states that ‘humans associate with pain (2007) and Huntingford et al. (2006) provide no
and emotional distress’ (Huntingford et al. 2006). evidence for their belief that reflexive and associ-
Huntingford et al. (2006) consider pertinent to this ate behaviors are unconscious, while more com-
assertion claims that fishes are long-lived; that plex learned behaviors require consciousness. The
their behavior is complicated and not stereotyped, evidence cited above of the complex and inte-
including that some species live in groups and can grated behavioral responses that can be evoked in
recognize individuals; that they remember loca- somnambulists, decorticate humans, and even
tions of negative experiences; that they learn com- decerebrate mammal species clearly contradicts
plex spatial relationships; and that neurobiological arguments that behavioral complexity is evidence
evidence shows that information processed in dif- for conscious experience. Furthermore, the evi-
ferent areas of the brain can be integrated to pro- dence detailed below of learning by fishes with
duce avoidance responses. Similar arguments have the forebrain removed also argues against this
been made by Braithwaite (2010). There is noth- point.
ing inherent in these points (even if they were all Braithwaite (2010) has also claimed that mutu-
valid) to necessitate a conclusion that fishes are alistic feeding between moray eels and a species of
conscious. Longevity is hardly a trait of all fishes grouper is evidence of fish consciousness, even
and trees live much longer. Complexity has never self-awareness. Mutualisms are numerous and
been an acceptable proof of consciousness. As we diverse, existing between virtually all classes of
show below, avoidance learning, spatial learning, species, plants, animals, and even bacteria (e.g.
and complex social behaviors do not depend selec- between gut bacteria and ruminant herbivores).
tively on pallial function in fishes. Individual rec- They are typically regarded by biologists as prod-
ognition is another type of claim that depends ucts of natural selection and evolution, rather
greatly on how supporting data are interpreted. than a result of insightful behavior on the parts of
Regarding brain integration and avoidance learn- the participants (Leigh 2010), and the example
ing, the same type of centralized brain processing given by Braithwaite is best viewed in this way.
is evident in brain functions generally, including Learning may play a role in refining mutualism
unconscious ones, and hardly warrants attribu- between fishes (Helfman et al. 1997), but infer-
tions of consciousness. ences about consciousness, much less self-aware-
Sneddon et al. (2003a) argued that the fact that ness, are unwarranted. If mutualisms by fishes
behavioral responses in trout to two types of nox- were products of conscious insight, they should be
ious stimuli extended ‘over a prolonged period of more common, spontaneously occurring, and not
time, suggested discomfort.’ Huntingford et al. follow such species-specific patterns.
(2006; see also Braithwaite 2010; Braithwaite and Contradicting claims about consciousness is the
Boulcott 2007) have claimed that behaviors ‘that extensive evidence that in fishes most aspects of
require more complex processes than associative neurobehavioral function are retained after cere-
learning’ have been observed in fishes and are bral hemisphere removal. This was shown many
‘evidence of fish species [in which] the experience years ago by experiments in which the cerebral
of suffering must be a real possibility.’ These hemispheres were removed, leaving only the dien-
claims for the significance of complex learning cephalon, brainstem, and spinal cord intact in
must be taken as tentative at best. In the research diverse fish species (Overmier and Hollis 1983).
cited, much depends on assumptions of what the The behavior of these fishes was substantially pre-
learning task requires by the fish and subsequent served. They still found and consumed food,
interpretation of the data. The past century of showed basic capabilities for sensory discrimination
experimental behavioral research has repeatedly and many aspects of social behavior, including
demonstrated that the more extravagant claims schooling, spawning, and intra-species aggression.

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An exception was the loss of the sense of smell, learning faster and better, but localized telence-
which is processed entirely in the forebrain. Some phalic damage may not eliminate these forms of
species differences exist, but courtship, nest build- learning. The research we summarize here does
ing, and parental care often persisted after fore- not include cases of all forms of learning by fishes
brain removal. Classical conditioning and but these examples of more recent research
instrumental learning are intact in the absence of employing brain lesions do not make a strong case
the forebrain. Avoidance conditioning, a type of that that learning by fishes depends on forebrain
instrumental learning, seems to be much more dif- function to a degree that would suggest a con-
ficult, but nonetheless possible, for fishes with the sciousness dependency of that learning.
cerebral hemispheres removed (Overmier and Pa- A final point regarding arguments related to fish
pini 1986). This difficulty with avoidance learning learning as evidence for consciousness is that
is not due to reduced responsiveness to noxious increasing evidence shows that even declarative
stimuli because the startle and locomotor, includ- forms of memory in humans, previously regarded
ing escape responses, to such stimuli are quite nor- as consciously mediated, can be encoded and
mal in fish without cerebral hemispheres. The retrieved unconsciously (Henke 2010).
general conclusion derived from many studies is
that the basic patterns of fish behavior are con-
If fishes were conscious, what would it be like?
trolled by lower brain structures, mainly the dien-
cephalon, brainstem, and spinal cord. The cerebral There seems to be an assumption made by those
hemispheres serve mainly to ‘modulate’ behavior, advocating the belief that fishes are conscious that
that is, to regulate its intensity or frequency and to if this assumption were true, it would automati-
refine its expression (Overmier and Hollis 1983). cally be justifiable to assume that their conscious-
In recent years, there have been many studies ness would be human-like enough to conclude
of more diverse forms of learning by fishes, espe- that fishes experienced human-like pain and suf-
cially goldfish. Of most relevance to the present fering. There is no basis for this belief other than
discussion are those in which brain lesions were pure speculation. If fishes have consciousness,
used to investigate the potential dependency of a their consciousness must be so different from ours,
form of learning, most frequently spatial learning, as deduced from their brains and their behavior,
on telencephalic structures. A common outcome that we have no idea what it would be like. We
following various types of localized telencephalic really only know the consciousness of our own
lesions was that an effective lesion impaired but species and that is hard enough to describe. Fur-
did not eliminate the type of learning in question thermore, fishes are highly diverse organisms and
and that specific spatial tasks were differentially there are tens of thousands of species of them.
affected by lesion location (Lopez et al. 2000; Would the consciousness of a basking shark be
Rodriguez et al. 2002; Portavella and Vargas like that of a barracuda?
2005; Saito and Watanabe 2006; Vargas et al. Then, there is the question of the utility of con-
2006). It is especially noteworthy that in studies sciousness or pain to a fish. Most fishes fail to
where total telencephalon ablation was performed, reach adulthood and predation is the greatest rea-
the result was either a deficit, with preserved son for this. Those that do survive must react to
capacity to learn one type of spatial task, while attacks by predators within milliseconds (Helfman
the ability to learn another was unimpaired (L opez et al. 1997). Rapid reactions are best performed
et al. 2000; Rodriguez et al. 2002) or, in contrast, unconsciously, even in humans. Adding additional
no deficit at all (Duran et al. 2008). In distinction processing time with consciousness would likely
to these results, either dorsomedial pallial lesions prove fatal. The same constraints apply to preda-
or total telencephalic ablation prevented learning tors, which must react to prey capture opportuni-
of a taste aversion by goldfish (Martín et al. ties faster than the prey can escape. Furthermore,
2011). Similar to the results of older studies with many predators are simultaneously prey, especially
classical conditioning paradigms, heart rate condi- as juveniles, so escape and attack behaviors must
tioning in goldfish was not affected by telence- be instantaneously ready at all times. Where is the
phalic ablation (Martín et al. 2011). It is clear value of consciousness here?
from these studies that the forebrain definitely The same consideration applies to pain. The fos-
assists various types of learning, making the sil record demonstrates that sharks and rays have

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survived longer than teleosts have existed (Long

Costs of invalid definitions and mistaken
1995), apparently without a capacity for nocicep-
views of fish pain and suffering
tion, much less pain. Agonizing pain, due to C
fiber activity, is a typical consequence of serious There are many potentially damaging conse-
injury in humans. The lives of humans with path- quences of ongoing misrepresentations of what is
ological insensitivity to pain (really a lack of noci- known, or more accurately, not known, concern-
ception) is revealing in this regard. Such people do ing the fish pain and suffering issue. Policies stem-
not avoid injurious circumstances and neglect ming from these misconceptions could undermine
fractures, burns or diseases like appendicitis (Na- the health and welfare of fishes and humans alike
gasako et al. 2003). Injuries, like tongue mutila- and, if unchecked by more scientifically sound
tion, occur and may become ulcerated and information, their impacts will likely become more
unwittingly traumatized further (Butler et al. widespread and damaging. A thorough consider-
2006). The soft tissues and complex appendages ation of these consequences will not be undertaken
(e.g. hands) of humans are clearly injury prone here, but we see five categories of human–fish rela-
and costs of injuries are potentially great. Pain in tions that could be adversely affected by such mis-
humans initiates a variety of sophisticated behav- conceptions: (i) accurate understanding of the
iors that serve to protect injuries and promote nature and welfare needs of fishes; (ii) scientific
healing. research with fishes; (iii) aquaculture and commer-
A rapid response to potentially injurious stimuli, cial fishing; (iv) direct contact between humans
mediated by A-delta nociceptors and (unconscious) and fishes through ‘recreational’ fishing or captive
learning to avoid injurious situations where nox- fish ownership, and (v) fisheries management.
ious stimuli occurred, would likely be selectively Increasing regulation of human conduct toward
advantageous to fishes. However, preoccupation fishes, particularly in Europe (see Berg and R€ osch
with conscious suffering, especially when little can 1998; Arlinghaus et al. 2007b, 2009, 2012; Ash-
be done to minister to injuries, would be selected ley 2007; Meinelt et al. 2008; Arlinghaus and
against as it would be unlikely to benefit fishes, Schwab 2011), has been implemented to reduce
which must survive in an environment where alleged fish pain and suffering, but the analysis we
they can ill afford to be debilitated by conscious have presented here shows that such regulations
suffering. have been implemented without valid scientific jus-
Even those scientists who would attribute some tification. Predicating welfare policy on unsubstan-
form of consciousness, such as primary conscious- tiated and likely mistaken concerns about fish pain
ness, to fairly diverse species of vertebrates typi- and suffering has the potential to undermine the
cally do not believe that fishes could have self- scientific basis of fish welfare, an argument that
awareness (Donald 2001; Tulving 2005). The Dawkins (2012) has recently raised concerning the
debate about that capacity has mostly been cen- credibility of welfare research more broadly. A jus-
tered on whether it is unique to great apes or just tification for restrictive welfare policies is exempli-
humans (Macphail 1998; Donald 2001; Povinelli fied by the ‘benefit of the doubt’ dogma. This brand
2004; Wynne 2004; Terrace and Metcalfe 2005). of logic peculiar to welfare biology is, in effect, an
This point is pivotal because one of the most criti- admission that the fish pain issue is not resolved
cal determinants of suffering from pain is the per- (hence the doubt), but the consequence is to man-
sonal awareness and ownership of the pain (Price date policy as if the matter actually was resolved in
1999). This is why dissociation techniques, in favor of fish pain interpretations. This is a social–
which a person can use mental imagery to sepa- political maneuver that effectively exempts valid
rate themselves from pain, are effective for reduc- science from policy. The ‘benefit of the doubt’
ing suffering (Price 1999). In contrast, without dogma is not benign nor does it best protect fish
awareness of self, the pain is no one’s problem. It welfare (Arlinghaus et al. 2009).
is simply there, something to be reduced or A disconcerting and costly irony of oppressive
avoided if possible, but not a ‘personal’ problem. regulations of experimental protocols for the use of
The known importance of self-awareness for pain fishes is that some of the most decisive research
contradicts, Sneddon’s (2011) claim that an that could be carried out to resolve the conten-
absence of self-awareness in fishes would make tious issue of fish pain and suffering is usually pro-
their ‘pain’ worse. hibited across most of Europe. A key example is

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the different results of studies involving acetic acid information based on clearly validated indices of
injections into the jaws of rainbow trout by Sned- fish well-being, like reproduction, stress responses,
don et al. (2003a,b) as opposed to findings of New- growth, disease resistance, or detrimentally dis-
by and Stevens (2008). The likely difference turbed behavior, without anthropomorphic specu-
underlying the opposing outcomes between the lations about what a fish is allegedly feeling, will
two studies (acknowledging the hazards of inter- readily identify environmental or experiential con-
preting negative results) was that Newby and Ste- ditions detrimental to welfare (Iwama et al. 1997;
vens did not anesthetize the trout when giving Erickson 2003; Nickum et al. 2004; Arlinghaus
acid injections. Anesthetization was considered by et al. 2007b, 2009; Iwama 2007). Furthermore,
Sneddon et al. (2003a) to be mandatory from a an objective, non-anthropomorphic examination of
‘humane’ perspective, but had the most conserva- the normal behavior and adaptations of diverse
tive of ‘humane’ criteria been allowed to rule here, species of fish will provide the best guide to spe-
this critical test of the reliability of the Sneddon cies-specific welfare (Arlinghaus et al. 2007b;
et al. study might not have been attempted or pub- Turnbull and Kadri 2007).
lished. Further elaboration on the possible conse-
quences of mistaken assumptions that fish do feel
Summary and conclusions
pain can be found in a series of papers by Arling-
haus et al. (2007b, 2009, 2012). We have discussed the nature of pain and identi-
fied critical standards for the conduct of legitimate
research in this area, especially the necessity of
Fish welfare without conjecture
using definitions and measures that validly distin-
As we stated at the start of this article, in ques- guish between nociception, the unconscious sen-
tioning the evidence for pain awareness and suf- sory detection of injurious stimuli and conscious
fering in fishes, we are not diminishing the pain. Our examination of the research literature
importance of fish welfare concerns. However, we revealed that these requirements have not been
believe that in fostering fish welfare, implementa- met in research leading to claims for fish pain.
tion of legislation must be intelligently considered Definitions, of pain such as ‘more than a simple
to ensure that it would not adversely impact reflex,’ are too vague and at odds with the exis-
humans socially and economically without neces- tence of complex unconscious, nocifensive (noci-
sarily benefiting fishes. ception-evoked) behaviors. In addition, this
In recent papers regarding free-living fishes and definition has fostered the use of a false dichotomy
aquatic invertebrates, Diggles et al. (2011a,b) that invalidly biases interpretations in favor of
argued for the superiority of function and nature- conclusions that fishes feel pain. Consequently, the
based approaches over a feelings-based approach research literature that alleges to show pain in
to the welfare of fishes and aquatic invertebrates fishes has failed to do so.
because the former two definitions do not contra- One of the most conspicuous shortcomings in dis-
dict reality, do not invite use of double standards, cussions of scientific evidence for fish pain has been
and do not contravene basic scientific principles. the selective consideration of evidence. There is a
Similarly, Arlinghaus et al. (2007b, 2009) argued wealth of experimental and field research that
for a pragmatic over a feelings-based approach to speaks to the issue of fish pain and nociception in a
fish welfare, based on science and logic that very realistic way because this research examines
acknowledge that there are human impacts on fish the effects of actual injury or natural injury-produc-
but that similarly acknowledge that humans ing stimuli rather than the more confounded
depend on the uses of fishes. We reassert these manipulations like chemoirritant injections or elec-
views here. Function-based welfare does not tric shocks. Feeding, activity levels, and forced
depend upon assumptions of awareness or resolu- swimming have been examined after various types
tion of the scientific debate about whether fishes of surgeries in fishes. Typical results have been
and aquatic invertebrates experience pain, suffer- resumption of feeding and normal activity immedi-
ing and emotional feelings. Function-based welfare ately or within minutes of recovery from anesthesia.
can be measured and assessed within a factual Likewise, studies involving biotelemetry have con-
and logical framework that can be supported by sistently documented rapid recovery of normal
empirical science. We believe that using objective behavior following transmitter implantation as well

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as long-term survival and normal behavior. Studies so as to escape and (unconsciously) learn to avoid
of catch-and-release angling have consistently dem- situations leading to such stimuli, but that pro-
onstrated resumption of normal activity immedi- longed consequences of nociceptive stimulation
ately or within hours of release, with many and injury, especially conscious pain, are highly
instances of a fish being recaught within minutes or unlikely. Elasmobranchs, notably sharks, appear to
hours of release and showing good long-term sur- be even less responsive to nociception.
vival. In contrast to this information are a relatively A source of confusion in the literature advocat-
small number of highly publicized studies, in which ing fish pain is the claim for a capacity for con-
fishes showed minimal and almost trivial responses scious emotional feelings in fishes. The
to seemingly noxious experimental procedures, yet contemporary neurobiological literature has
have been the basis for claims of fish pain. Promi- shown that there is a dichotomy of unconscious
nent among these were experiments employing emotional responses and conscious feelings that is
injections of an acid solution into the jaws of rain- comparable to the nociception–pain dichotomy.
bow trout. It was claimed that short-term suppres- Fishes are neurologically equipped for unconscious
sion of feeding and ‘anomalous’ behaviors, nociception and emotional responses, but not con-
including mouth ‘rubbing’ and ‘rocking,’ constitute scious pain and feelings.
evidence of pain. We have questioned the validity of In view of the necessity of consciousness as a
these interpretations and cited evidence from sev- precondition for pain experience claims have also
eral other studies involving similar acid injections been made for the existence of consciousness in
as well as many other studies involving surgery in fishes. Our assessment of these claims leads us to
which no instances of such ‘anomalous’ behaviors conclude that neither their rationale nor their sup-
were obtained. porting evidence is compelling, much less neuro-
Anatomical and physiological studies have pre- logically feasible.
sented evidence for A-delta and C fiber afferents in The arguments we have presented support func-
the trigeminal nerve in rainbow trout and carp tion and nature-based welfare standards that are
tail nerves. While A-delta fibers, the type of noci- predicated on objective indicators of fish well-being
ceptive afferent responsible for triggering rapidly rather than a feelings-based standard that is highly
sensed, well-localized ‘first pain’ in humans, were speculative and scientifically unsubstantiated.
fairly numerous, only an extremely small number
of C fibers, the nociceptive afferent that is the most
abundant fiber type in mammalian nerves and
responsible for the more intense, suffering-produc- SJC is supported by the Canada Research Chairs
ing ‘second pain,’ were found. Studies with elas- Program, the Ontario Ministry of Research and
mobranchs have consistently shown that sharks Innovation, the Canada Foundation for Innovation
and rays lack unmyelinated (C type) fibers. Shark and the Natural Sciences and Engineering
and ray species have also been found to lack a key Research Council of Canada. Some support for JDR
region of the spinal dorsal horn known in mam- was provided by National Institutes of Health –
mals to be critical for transmitting nociceptive National Center for Research Resources Grant No.
activity to the brain. These results bring into ques- P20 RR15553 and the University of Wyoming
tion the feasibility of pain-induced suffering or Center for Biomedical Research Excellence in Cel-
even intense, prolonged nociception in teleost as lular Signaling. EDS is supported by NSERC. RA
well as elasmobranch fishes. Our consideration of was supported by the Federal Ministry for Educa-
the available evidence leads us to conclude that tion and Research in the project Besatzfisch in the
fishes for which behavioral, physiological, and Program of Social-Ecological Research (grant #
neurobiological evidence is available, are unlikely 01UU0907). We thank reviewers for useful com-
to have a capacity for the full range of nocicep- ments. With the exception of the first author,
tion, especially the C fiber-mediated nociception authors are listed alphabetically.
that can cause agonizing pain in conscious
humans. The behavior of teleost fishes subjected to
natural injury or injurious stimuli is consistent,
instead, with the interpretation that these fishes Alexander, B.M., Rose, J.D., Stellflug, J.N., Fitzgerald, J.A.
are likely able to detect acute nociceptive stimuli and Moss, G.E. (2001) Fos-like immunoreactivity in

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