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Musical Elements Description
Timbre Reedy
Rhythm Andante
Meter Quadruple
Melody Conjunct
Harmony Consonance
Texture Polyphonic
Form Strophic

1. These different musical elements brought a sensation where you would feel you are in a garden on a
great sunny day. The texture as well as the timbre, created by various instruments, produced a warm
and happy tonality.

2. The song speaks of a chinese folk song meant to be sang easily where it describes how beautiful a
jasmine flower is.

3. The musical elements relfect the Chinese culture in which it depicts the calmness brought by its
andante rhythm and its natural sounding timbre and texture.

B. What have you learned?

1. C. Dispelling of unrest and lust

2. B. Melody and tone color

3. D. Pentatonic

4. C. Jasmine flower

5. C. Confucius


/ Nasal where the voice origin is through the nose

/ Head voice in falsetto or has a light voice
/ Chest or speaking voice or throaty
/ Guttural voice or raspy or growling

/Moderate range with 4-5 tones interval

/Wide range with 6-8 tones interval


/ Slow beat with one beat per second

Check Your Understanding

I understand that Chinese music focuses on calming the passion of dispelling unrest and lust. It focuses
more on melody and tone color by incorporating pentatonic scale.

I will apply for the lesson in my daily life that music can also be utilized in calming myself as well as
relaxing deep in nature.

I will practice more by listening to wide array of genre especially in chinese music to familiarize myself
more in their style.

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