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Corrective Action Procedure Reviewed by: SC


ISO 17025 Clause 8.7 Approved by: HOD-CSD

Page 1 of 4 Issue No: 1 Doc. No: CSD-QM-8.7 Effective date: 01 Sep 19

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Corrective Action Procedure Reviewed by: SC

ISO 17025 Clause 8.7 Approved by: HOD-CSD

Page 2 of 4 Issue No: 1 Doc. No: CSD-QM-8.7 Effective date: 01 Sep 19

1. Purpose

1.1 To outline how the corrective action is conducted, in order to determine and eliminate the
causes of nonconformances that may have adverse effects on the validity of the results.

2. Scope
2.1 This procedure covers corrective actions instituted at MBPS Laboratory.

2.2 The procedure is applicable to operations performed as part of the quality system and
methods employed by MBPS Laboratory.

3. Reference
3.1 ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Section 8.7

4. Definitions and Acronyms

4.1 MBPS

4.2 CSD

4.3 HOD

5. Responsibilities

5.1 HOD- Chemical Services

5.1.1 Appoint the investigator

5.1.2 Close out the corrective action
5.1.3 Evaluates the effectiveness of corrective action

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Corrective Action Procedure Reviewed by: SC

ISO 17025 Clause 8.7 Approved by: HOD-CSD

Page 3 of 4 Issue No: 1 Doc. No: CSD-QM-8.7 Effective date: 01 Sep 19

5.1.4 Follows on Non-Conformances reported and not closed laboratory Staff

5.1.5 For non-conformities in the Quality Office and those not addressed on time, the
HOD takes the responsibility and make sure that they are closed.

5.2 Section Chemist/Laboratory Technicians

5.2.1 Carry out investigations

5.2.2 Suggest possible causes and corrective action
5.2.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of corrective action
5.2.4 Ensure that this procedure is followed at all times.

6. Procedure

6.1 All Non-conforming work concerning quality system or with technical operations require
corrective action. Non conformances are identified through a variety of activities such as
internal or external audits, management reviews, and feedback from clients or staff
observations, customer complaints, inspections and observations, data analysis, and Risk

6.2 Employing reports from the activities above the corrective action form
[CSD-QM-8./F0XX] is used for investigations and determining the root cause of the non-
conformity, reviewing and analysing non-conformity and determining if similar
nonconformities exists or could potentially occur.

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Corrective Action Procedure Reviewed by: SC

ISO 17025 Clause 8.7 Approved by: HOD-CSD

Page 4 of 4 Issue No: 1 Doc. No: CSD-QM-8.7 Effective date: 01 Sep 19

6.3 The investigator may suggest the corrective action to be implemented. The corrective
action must be appropriate to the effects and/or consequences of nonconformities

6.4 The Section Chemist/HOD evaluates the effectiveness of the corrective action and gives
feedback, may update risks and opportunities determined during planning or make changes
to the management System resulting from investigations and corrective actions

6.5 The major and severe Non conformities, effectiveness of actions is further evaluated by
means of increased audit frequency or additional audit which may be called by the
HOD/PSM at any time.

6.6 The Section Chemist follows on all the non-conformances and ensures that they are closed
on time, if not closed on time the Section Chemist escalates to the HOD-CSD who takes
appropriate action to ensure that they are closed.

6.7 Records of results of corrective action including the nature of nonconformities, root cause
analysis and actions taken are kept by the Quality Office.

7. Records
7.1 Corrective Action Form [CSD-QM-8.7/F0XX]

8. Referenced Procedures
8.1 Non-Conformity Procedure

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