Management Review Procedure

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MBPS - CSD Management Review Meeting Procedure Reviewed by: HOD-CSD

ISO 17025:2017 Section 8.9 Approved by: PSM

Page 1 of 4 Issue No: 1 Doc. No:MBPS-CSD-8.9 Effective date: 01 April 20

Description of Change Author Effective Date

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Printed: 14-05-2024
MBPS - CSD Management Review Meeting Procedure Reviewed by: HOD-CSD

ISO 17025:2017 Section 8.9 Approved by: PSM

Page 2 of 4 Issue No: 1 Doc. No:MBPS-CSD-8.9 Effective date: 01 April 20
1. Purpose

1.1. The procedure outlines key agenda items and how the management reviews are organised
and conducted at MBPS-CSD

2. Scope
2.1 This procedure covers Management Review meetings conducted at MBPS-CSD
2.2 The review covers laboratory management system and testing activities.

3. Reference
3.1. ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Section 8.9

4. Definitions and Acronyms

4.1. MBPS – Morupule B Power Station
4.2. CSD – Chemical Services Department
4.3. GMG – General Manager – Generation
4.4. PSM – Power Station Manager

5. Responsibilities
5.1 Power Station Manager/GMG - MBPS
5.1.1 Chairs the Management review meeting

5.2 HOD – Chemical Services

5.2.1 Decides on the date of the management review meeting
5.2.2 Invites the meeting attendees
5.2.3 Draws the Agenda item after liaising with the PSM

5.3 Head of Departments, Section Chemists, Laboratory Technicians

Attend management review meetings

5.4 Section Chemist

5.4.1 Prepares for the management review meeting

5.4.2 Records actions that arise from management review meetings
5.4.3 Keeps the minutes of the management review meeting

6 Procedure

6.1 Management review meetings are held annually.

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Printed: 14-05-2024
MBPS - CSD Management Review Meeting Procedure Reviewed by: HOD-CSD

ISO 17025:2017 Section 8.9 Approved by: PSM

Page 3 of 4 Issue No: 1 Doc. No:MBPS-CSD-8.9 Effective date: 01 April 20

6.2 HOD – CSD announces the date of the management review meeting and invites the
attendees as in section 5.3

6.3 The Section Chemist prepares for the management review meeting.

6.4 The review meeting discusses changes in internal and external issues that are relevant to
the laboratory, fulfilment of objectives, status of action from previous management
reviews, suitability of the policies and procedures, outcome of recent internal audits,
corrective and preventive actions, assessments by external bodies, interlaboratory
comparisons and proficiency testing results, changes in the volume and type of work or in
the range of laboratory activities, customer and personnel feedback, complaints,
effectiveness of any implemented improvements, adequacy of resources, results of risk
identification and management, outcome of Quality Control and quality assurance
activities, and other factors like monitoring activities and staff training.

6.5 The laboratory personnel avails all the QCQA data/information in his possession to be

6.6 The Section Chemist or the delegated authority records all actions that arise from
management review meetings and the signed copies of the recordings/minutes are
sent/emailed to the HODs,CSD Staff members, pasted on the notice boards to
communicate discussions that happened at Management Review and to give a view on
the status and effectiveness of the management system, improvement of the laboratory
activities related to the fulfilment of the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017,provision
of needed resources and any need for change.

6.7 The Section Chemist or the delegated authority writes the minutes containing all items
listed in 6.6 above together with the action items and status of all the objectives and
distributes them.

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Printed: 14-05-2024
MBPS - CSD Management Review Meeting Procedure Reviewed by: HOD-CSD

ISO 17025:2017 Section 8.9 Approved by: PSM

Page 4 of 4 Issue No: 1 Doc. No:MBPS-CSD-8.9 Effective date: 01 April 20

6.8 The probable date of the next meeting is recorded and put in calendar of MBPS -CSD
annual events/schedule

6.9 The PSM /HOD-CSD ensures that agreed timescales for action items are observed.
6.10 The maximum time allowed to clear the action items is a period of two months unless
there is a valid reason accepted by the PSM or HOD - CSD after assessing satisfactory
progress or status of action items.

7 Records

7.1 Minutes of the Management review meeting [MBPS-CSD-Q-8.9-F-049]

7.2 Agenda of the meeting. [MBPS-CSD-Q-8.9-Doc001]
7.3 Attendance Register [MBPS-CSD-Q-8.9-F/048]

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Printed: 14-05-2024

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