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Author: SC

Metrological Traceability Procedure Reviewed by: SC

Revision no 1 Approved by: HOD-CSD
Revision Date: June 2024 Doc. No: BPC-MBPS-CSD-PRO-MSP-008 Page 1 of 7


Description of Change Author Effective Date

1. Purpose
1.1. The purpose of this procedure is to outline and give operational Interpretation of Metrological
Traceability at MBPS

2. Scope
2.1. The procedure applies to Metrological Traceability at MBPS
2.2. The procedure applies to all equipment that traceability must be demonstrated to ensure quality
of the results produced.

3. Definitions of terms and acronyms

3.1 Traceability
The property of a result of a measurement whereby it can be related to appropriate standards,
generally international or national standards, through an unbroken chain of comparisons in which
all uncertainties are indicated(VIM: 1993)

3.2 Calibration
The set of operations which establish under specified conditions, the relationship between values
indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or values represented by a material
measure or reference material and the corresponding known values of a measurand (VIM:1993)

3.3 Measurement

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Author: SC
Metrological Traceability Procedure Reviewed by: SC
Revision no 1 Approved by: HOD-CSD
Revision Date: June 2024 Doc. No: BPC-MBPS-CSD-PRO-MSP-008 Page 2 of 7

Set of operations having the object of determining the value of a quantity ( reference: VIM:

3.4 Uncertainty of measurement

Parameter associated with the result of a measurement that characterizes the dispersion of the
values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand (VIM: 1993, GUM: 1993). Examples
are the standard deviation and an estimate which characterizes the range of values within the true

3.5 Test
Activities to determine characteristics of an object by using a given procedure.

3.6 Verification
Deed of confirmation by presenting objective evidences that specific requirements are met.

3.7 Primary standard:

Standard that is designated or widely acknowledged as having the highest metrological qualities and
whose value is accepted without reference to other standards of the same quantity.

3.8 International standard:

Standard recognized by an international agreement to serve internationally as the basis for assigning
values to other standards of the quantity concerned.

3.9 National standard:

Standard recognized by a national decision to serve, in a country, as the basis for assigning values to
other standards of the quantity concerned.

3.10 Reference standard:

Standard, generally having the highest metrological quality available at a given location or in a given
organization, from which measurements made there are derived.

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Author: SC
Metrological Traceability Procedure Reviewed by: SC
Revision no 1 Approved by: HOD-CSD
Revision Date: June 2024 Doc. No: BPC-MBPS-CSD-PRO-MSP-008 Page 3 of 7

3.11 Working standard:

A standard which, usually calibrated against a reference standard, is used routinely to calibrate or
check material measures, measuring instruments or reference materials.
Working standards may also at the same time be reference standards. This is particularly the case for
working standards directly calibrated against the standards of a national metrology institute.

3.12 Certified reference material (CRM):

Reference material, accompanied by a certificate, one or more of whose property values are
certified by a procedure which establishes traceability to an accurate realisation of the unit in
which the property values are expressed, and for which each certified value is accompanied
by an uncertainty at a stated level of confidence.

3.13 Reference material (RM):

Material or substance one or more of whose property values are sufficiently homogeneous
and well established to be used for the calibration of an apparatus, the assessment of a
measurement method, or for assigning values to materials.

3.14 MBPS– Morupule B Power Station

4. Applications/ Cross references

BOS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard

5.0 Responsibility and Authority

5.1 The HOD-CSD is responsible for the effective implementation of this procedure.

5.2 All Laboratory Staff are responsible for implementing this procedure.

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Author: SC
Metrological Traceability Procedure Reviewed by: SC
Revision no 1 Approved by: HOD-CSD
Revision Date: June 2024 Doc. No: BPC-MBPS-CSD-PRO-MSP-008 Page 4 of 7

Elements of traceability
6.1 Traceability is characterised by a number of essential elements:

 An unbroken chain of comparisons going back to a standard acceptable to the

parties, usually a national or international standard;

 Measurement uncertainty; the measurement uncertainty for each step in the

traceability chain must be calculated according to agreed methods and must be stated
so that an overall uncertainty for the whole chain may be calculated;

 Documentation; each step in the chain must be performed according to documented

and generally acknowledged procedures; the results must equally be documented;

 Competence; the laboratories or bodies performing one or more steps in the chain
must supply evidence for their technical competence, e.g. by demonstrating that they
are accredited;

 Reference to SI units; the chain of comparisons must end at primary standards for
the realization of the SI units;

 re-calibrations; calibrations must be repeated at appropriate intervals; the length of

these intervals will depend on a number of variables, e.g. uncertainty required,
frequency of use, way of use, stability of the equipment.

6.2 In many fields, reference materials take the position of physical reference standards. It is
equally important that such reference materials are traceable to relevant SI units. Certification
of reference materials is a method that is often used to demonstrate traceability to SI units.

6. Procedure

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Author: SC
Metrological Traceability Procedure Reviewed by: SC
Revision no 1 Approved by: HOD-CSD
Revision Date: June 2024 Doc. No: BPC-MBPS-CSD-PRO-MSP-008 Page 5 of 7

6.1 Selection of equipment needing calibration

6.1.1. Lab Technician and chemists select equipment that needs calibration by evaluating the
need. The selected equipment are recorded in the masterlist and incorporated into the
calibration Schedule.

6.2 Calibration
6.2.1. Calibration of equipment selected in accordance with item 7.1 above can either be done using
outside calibration services or in-house. In either case it is necessary to develop and follow an
established calibration schedule/plan in order to be able to demonstrate appropriateness of
operations, competence in measurement and traceability. When using outside calibration services the
laboratory shall use an accredited laboratory. Records calibration and verification activities results to demonstrate

appropriateness of operation MBPS carry out calibrations (or verifications) on equipment depending on the
nature and degree of precision (uncertainty) and other factors of testing performed
by the laboratory. MBPS identify and control equipment considering intended
purpose of use and keep the following records. Calibration substantiated with calibration certificate that includes necessary
information as shown in the ISO 17025 Standard. Calibration certificates with an accreditation symbol issued by an accredited
calibration laboratory within its scope of accreditation as an appropriate record of
calibration meeting requirements in item 7.2.
6.2.2. Calibration certificates with an accreditation symbol issued by calibration laboratories
accredited by ILAC are an appropriate record of calibration meeting requirements in
item 7.2. Calibrations by other calibration laboratories If one of calibration certificates such as those listed below is to be used, it shall
include supplementary information that demonstrates traceability to SI units. In

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Author: SC
Metrological Traceability Procedure Reviewed by: SC
Revision no 1 Approved by: HOD-CSD
Revision Date: June 2024 Doc. No: BPC-MBPS-CSD-PRO-MSP-008 Page 6 of 7

concrete terms, the information shall cover calibrated value and uncertainty of
calibration and prove that there is a chain of traceability up to national
standards as the primary standards to realize SI units. In this case, MBPS shall ascertain and keep record that the issuer of the
certificate has adequate Quality System and enough technical competence to
perform the calibration Calibration certificates issued by suppliers of measuring instruments/test
equipment In-house calibration
6.2.3. When MBPS Laboratory performs calibration,it meets requirements imposed on
calibration laboratories. In other words, self-calibrating test laboratories are required to
have calibration performed by appropriately trained staff using reference standards and
facilities with adequate traceability in accordance with documented procedures. MBPS
Laboratory keep record of all related matters (for example materials for estimates of
uncertainty) including calibration data and estimates of measurement uncertainty. Certified Reference materials

6.2.4. MBPS uses certified values of certified reference Materials provided by a competent
producer with stated metrological traceability to the SI units. Wherever possible CMS
uses certified reference materials from reference material producers fulfilling the
requirements of ISO 17034 as they are considered competent.

6.3. Measurement Traceability Limitations

Where Metrological Traceability to the SI Units is not technically possible, MBPS records so
and then demonstrate metrological traceability to an appropriate reference through
6.3.1. The use of certified values of certified reference materials provided by a competent
6.3.2. The use of results of reference measurement procedures, specified methods or consensus
standards that are clearly described and accepted as providing measurement results fit
for the intended use an ensured by suitable comparison.

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Author: SC
Metrological Traceability Procedure Reviewed by: SC
Revision no 1 Approved by: HOD-CSD
Revision Date: June 2024 Doc. No: BPC-MBPS-CSD-PRO-MSP-008 Page 7 of 7

7. Records
Instrument Service Form BPC-MBPS-CSD-PRO-MSP-007-F04
Balance Internal Verification Result Record Form [ ]
Checklist for the assessment of calibration [ ]
Calibrated Volumetric Equipment Inventory [ ]
Volumetric Glassware Control form [ ]
Balance Checklist [ ]

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