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k|fljlws lzIff tyf Jofj;flos tfnLd kl/ifb\

k/LIff lgoGq0f sfof{no, ;fgf]l7dL, eQmk'/sf]

l8Knf]df txsf] lgoldt÷cf+lzs ;]d]i6/ k/LIffsf] k/LIff tfnLsf ;DaGwL cToGt h?/L ;"rgf
-;"rgf k|sflzt ldltM @)*!.)!.#) ut]_
k|fljlws lzIff tyf Jofj;flos tfnLd kl/ifb\, k/LIff lgoGq0f sfof{no, ;fgf]l7dL, eQmk'/åf/f ldlt @)*!.)!.)$ / ldlt @)*!.)!.)& ut]] k|sflzt k/LIff cfj]bg kmf/fd eg]{ af/]sf] ;"rgf cg';f/ cf+lus,
;fem]bf/L, ;fd'bflos ljBfno / lghL :t/df ;+rflnt lzIffnox?df l8Knf]df Og OlGhlgol/Ë, km'8 P08 8]/L 6]Sgf]nf]hL, ;"rgf k|ljlw, xf]6n Dofg]hd]06 / ;f]l;on jS;{, O{G6/k|]g/zLk 8]enkd]06 sfo{s|dx?sf] t];|f] jif{
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;fy} k|fljlws lzIffdf ljz]if 5fqa[lQ sfo{j|md -blnt, d'l:nd, nf]kf]Gd'v hftL tyf e'sDk k|efljt_ cGtu{t l8Knf]df Og OlGhlgol/Ë tkm{ cWoog u/]sf laleGg sfo{j|mdx?sf] t];|f] jif{ k|yd v08sf / l8Knf]df
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k/LIff ;do M laxfg &M)) ah] b]lv
Third Year First Part (New Course)
Information Elect. &

S. Civil Hydro power Architecture Electronics Computer Electrical Mechanical Automobile Ref & A/c Geomatics Mechatronics
Technology Electronics
N [2021] [2022] [2022] [2022] [2022] [2022] [2022] [2022] [2022] [2022] (2022)
[2022] [2022]
Construction Electrical Occupational Photogrammetry Advance
Transportation Transportation Computer Communicati Manufacturing Refrigeration
1. 2081/02/31 Management Computer Graphics Design & Hygiene & & Remote Manufacturing
Engineering I Engineering Networks on System I Technology II III
Estimation Safety Sensing Technology
Digital Machine Design Machine Design
Estimating & Estimating & Building Power Electronics Industrial GIS Industrial
2. 2081/02/32 Communication Data Communication & Network Estimating & Estimating &
Costing-II Costing-II Services I Engineering Applications Management
System Costing Costing
Design of Steel Land
Str. Design Steel & Timber Microcontroller & Automobile Automotive Advance
3. 2081/03/01 & Timber Operating System Switch Gear & Protection HVAC-II Administration
& Drawing Structures Embedded System Technology Technology III Electronics
Structures & Land Laws
Design of
Hydro Power Computer Fundamentals Fundamentals of
Reinforced Building Optical Fiber Cloud Survey Project Machine Element
4. 2081/03/02 Engineering Repair & Electrical Machine-II of Hydraulics Hydraulics &
Concrete Construction-II Communication Computing Management & Mechanism
I Maintenance & Pneumatics Pneumatics
Water Supply Data Mining Utilization of Digital Actuators &
Sanitary Power Software Automotive
5. 2081/03/03 & Sanitary & Data Electrical Electronics Programmable
Engineering Electronics Development Electronics I
Engineering Warehousing Energy Circuit Logic Control
i) Body Shop
Repair &
Elective I Maintenance
ii) Motorcycle
Construction Repair &
6. 2081/03/04 GIS, MIS of Control Microprocessor
Management Maintenance
Data Mining E -commerce iii) Automobile Air
iv) Automobile
Surveying Instrumentation &
7. 2081/03/05
III Control System
Third Year First Part (New Course)
Social Work Entrepreneurship
S.N Date AG [Animal Science 2021] AG [Plant Science 2021] Food Dairy Technology [2017] Hotel Management [2015]
(2010) Dev. [2015]
1. 2081/02/31 Introduction to Poultry Production & Management Medicinal Plant & NTFP Food Safety & Quality Control Hospitality Sales & Marketing Social Development Production Management

Proposal & Report

2. 2081/02/32 Introductory Veterinary Laboratory Techniques Grain legumes & Oilseed Crops Storage & Packaging Food Production & Patisserie III Social Action
Law and social Monitoring &
3. 2081/03/01 Basics of Animal Product Technology II Fruit Crop Production Technology of Food Products II Entrepreneurship Development
Works Evaluation
Research Method in Institutional
4. 2081/03/02 Fundamentals of Animal Waste Management Post-Harvest Technology Technology of Food Products III Beverage Studies & Bar Operation
Social work Development
Elective:- Food & Beverage
Development Communication &
5. 2081/03/03 Agriculture Extension & Communication Technology of Food Products IV Management /Accommodation
Management Networking
Basics of Agribusiness of Management , Humanitarian Crisis Planning & Resource
6. 2081/03/04 Agribusiness , Marketing & Cooperative Technology of Dairy Products
Marketing & Cooperative & Disaster Mgmt. Mobilization
7. 2081/03/05 Introductory Animal Welfare & Jurisprudence Ornamental Horticulture

8. 2081/03/06 Basics of Farm Housing & Biosecurity Seed Technology

Third Year First Part (Old Course)

S Information Elect. &

Civil Hydro power Architecture Electronics Computer Electrical Mechanical Ref & A/c Geomatics Mechatronics Automobile
. [2013] [2017]
Technology Electronics
[2014] [2014] [2018] [2014] [2014] [2015] [2018] (2019) [2019]
N [2016] [2019]
Technical Electrical Insta. Basics Advance Occupational Switch Gear
Surveying Basic Electrical Computer Engineering Cadastral
1. 2081/02/31 Communic Computer Networks Design, Estimating Automobile Manufacturing Health & &
III Engineering Networks Economics Survey
ation & Costing Engg. Technology Safety Protection
Machine Design Civil
Society & Communication Computer Management Organization & Industrial Design Power
2. 2081/02/32 Estimating & Costing-II Power Electronics Estimating & Construction &
Culture System Graphics Information System Management automation Estimating & Electronics
Costing Quantity Survey
Adv. Land Electronics Automotive
Str. Design & Drawing Site Consumer Visual Applied Switch Gear & Electrical
3. 2081/03/01 Manufacturing HVAC-III Administration Devices & Technology
Supervision Electronics Programming Telecommunication Protection Machines II
Technology &Land Laws Circuit II III
Hydro power Microwave Fundamentals of Fundamentals Digital
Highway Elementary Software Distributed Electrical Estimation & Survey Project
4. 2081/03/02 Engineering & Radar Hydraulics & Machine Design of Hydraulics Electronics
Engineering I Structure I Engineering Computing Machine-II Costing Management
I Engineering Pneumatics & Pneumatics Circuit
Elective I
i) Cold storage
Water & Food
Building Principle of PC Design of
Sanitary Supply & Utilization of Maintenance Preservation Geodesy & Automotive Control System
5. 2081/03/03 Construction Management Troubleshoot & Operating System Mechatronics
Engineering Sanitary Electrical Energy Engineering ii) Heating Astronomy Electronics I components
engineering III & Costing Maintenance System
iii) Renewable
Energy Tech.
Elective - I
Quantity (GIS, Cloud
Construction Road Cyber Security & Control System Industrial Control
6. 2081/03/04 Surveying Computing,
Management Engineering Social Ethics Component Management Systems
I MIS, Data
Elective – GIS/ CSM/
7. 2081/03/05
Java Programming

Third Year First Part (Very Old Course )

Automobile Elect. & Electronics
S.N. Date
[2013] [2013]
1. 2081/02/31 Technical Communications Integrated digital electronics
2 2081/02/32 Machine Design Estimating & Costing Power Electronics
3 2081/03/01 Automotive Technology III Switch Gear and Protection
4 2081/03/02 Fundamentals of Hydraulics and Pneumatics Electrical Machine-II
5 2081/03/03 Automotive Electronics PC organization
6 2081/03/04 Control Systems
7 2081/03/05 Computer Graphics (AutoCAD)

First Year Second Part (New Course)

S.N. Date AG (Animal / Plant Science) [2021] Engineering All [2021]

1. 2081/02/31 Chemistry II Engineering Chemistry II

2. 2081/03/01 Mathematics II Engineering Mathematics II
3. 2081/03/03 Physics II Engineering Physics II
4. 2081/03/04 English II Applied Mechanics
5 2081/03/05 Zoology II
6. 2081/03/06 Computer Application
7. 2081/03/07 Botany II
Bio-Medical Equipment Engineering First Year First Part
S.N. Date Subject
Human Anatomy and Physiology (New)
1. 2081/02/31
Human Anatomy and Physiology (Old)
Computer and Programming (New)
2. 2081/03/01
Computer and Programming (Old)
Engineering Mathematics (New)
3. 2081/03/03
Engineering Mathematics (Old)
Electronics and Logic Circuit I (New)
4. 2081/03/05
Logic Circuits (Old)
Bio-Medical Chemistry (New)
5. 2081/03/07
Bio-Medical Chemistry (Old)
Basic Electrical Circuit and Machine (New)
6. 2081/03/08
Electrical Circuit and Machine (Old)

Bio-Medical Equipment Engineering Second Year First Part

S.N. Date Third Semester
1. 2081/02/32 Bio-Medical Instrumentation II (New + Old)
2. 2081/03/02 Bio-Medical Equipment Maintenance II (New + Old)
3. 2081/03/04 Entrepreneurship Development (New + Old)
4. 2081/03/06
i) Medical Imaging Equipment (New + Old)

gf]6 M
1= pk/f]Qm sfo{qmd cg';f/ k/LIffdf cg'kl:yt x'g] / s'g} klg sf/0fn] k/LIff 5f8\g] k/LIffyL{x?sf nflu k'gM csf]{ Joj:yf ul/g] 5}g .
2= k|of]ufTds k/LIff ;DalGwt lzIffnodf g} ;+rfng x'g] ePsf]n] ;DalGwt lzIffnon] pQm k|of]ufTds k/LIffsf] k/LIff tflnsf tof/ u/L ;DalGwt k|b]z sfof{noaf6 :jLs[t u/fO{ ;+rfng
ug'{kg]{5 .
3= k/LIff xndf Log book /Psychometric chart lg/LIfs;+u cg'dlt lnP/ dfq n}hfg kfO{g] 5 .
4= kl/ifb\sf] k"j{ ;"rgf ljgf s'g} ck|Toflzt ljbf kg{ cfPdf klg k/LIff :ylut ul/g] 5}g .
5= tf]lsPsf] k/LIff s]Gb|af6 dfq k/LIff lbg'kg]{5 . k/LIff s]Gb| kl/jt{g ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
6= olb k/LIff h'w\g jf 5'6\g uPdf ;"rgf k|sflzt ePsf] ldltn] & lbg leq k/LIff lgoGq0f sfof{nodf ;Dks{ /fVg'kg]{5 .
7= ldlt @)*).)!.)$ ut] k|sflzt k/LIff cfj]bg kmf/fd eg]{ ;"rgf cg';f/ ;]d]i6/ k/LIff k|0ffnL tkm{ l8Knf]df Og OlGhlgol/Ësf laleGg sfo{j|mdx?sf] t];|f] jif{ k|yd v08sf] lgoldt tyf
cf+lzs k/LIffsf] cfj]bg kmf/fd eg{ 5'6 ePsf k/LIffyL{x?n] ldlt @)*!.)!.#! b]lv ldlt @)*!.)@.)@ ut] leq lanDa z'Nsdf cfj]bg kmf/fd e/L lzIffnodf a'emfpg' kg]{5 / lzIffnon]
;f] lbg ITMS online df Entry u/L ;Sg' kg]{5 . ldlt @)*!.)@.)# ut] a}+sdf lanDa z'Nssf] /sd hDdf u/L ;DjlGwt k|b]z sfof{nodf k/LIffyL{x?sf] cfj]bg kmf/fd ;lxt a'emfpg'
kg]{5 .
8= k|of]ufTds k/LIff ;+rfng ;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf, @)&( adf]lhd ;}4flGts k/LIff ;dfKt ePsf] !% lbg leqdf k|of]ufTds k/LIff ;DkGg u/L k/LIff lgoGq0f sfof{nodf k|fKtfÍ, xflh/L nufot
;DalGwt lzIffnosf] kq ;lxt k|b]z sfof{nodf clgjfo{ a'emfpg' kg]{5 . ;f] kZrft kl/ifb\, k|b]z sfof{non] k|of]ufTds k/LIffsf] sfuhft a'em\g afWo x'g] 5}g .
of] k/LIff tfnLsf df klg x]g{ ;lsg]5 .
k/LIff lgoGqs

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