Bionic Architecture RRL

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Bionic Architecture

Bionic architecture is a modern movement based on an environmental approach that evolves

the latest developments in design and construction contributing to the implementation of challenging
architectural ideas aimed at creation of a natural architecture that responds to environmental changes,
does not harm nature and fits into the landscape (Umorina, 2019).

According to Hmidet (2020), The term “bionics” is, imitating biological systems and using
nature as a source of inspiration to develop technological inventions and engineering solutions. One of
its most general definitions is “the technical implementation of principles of nature”. Furthermore,
Bionics which is compound of the two words: "biology" and " technology" was born. Bionics is the
science of studying fundamental doctrines of nature, structural, technical and forming, to be used for
solving the problems man faces. Bionic architecture is the buildings which have been built out the
principle of the mentioned bionics science (Megahed, 2020).

Meanwhile Hmidet (2020) also stated that a particular concern of civil engineers and
architects for which the bionic design approach can potentially present valuable solutions to, is the
stability and the structural efficiency of buildings (synergy of architectural and structural solutions.

Today at the beginning of the 21st century architectural bionics is of particular importance
because it considers the holistic system that consists of animate nature (environment), architecture
(technology) and humans. Due to this global approach both the social and technical aspects of society
and the surrounding nature are able to develop in harmonic unity (Kozlov, 2019).

Methods applied in bionic architecture (Umorina, 2019)

A. Direct copying - is a method applied in bionic architecture based on the principles of

reproduction of external appearance of natural objects without introduction of any
significant changes. This means that all the proportions, divisions and compositional
structure borrowed from natural objects are preserved. This method allows preserving
ethnic origin of the architecture due to the use of the key symbolic ornaments on the
B. The association method - The association method applied in bionic architecture implies
the idealized specific representation of a form in the architecture. When applying this
method, the architect borrows certain specific functional characteristics and patterns from
natural objects. This is not a direct copying, but adaptation of natural specific patterns for
the architecture, and it implies the changes in the original image.
C. The conceptual progression method - The conceptual progression method takes into
consideration the properties of living objects. To enhance the effect which these
properties produce in architecture, they are either hypertrophied or duplicated in a
simplified way.
D. Method of living form reproduction - Method of living form reproduction is based on
the studies of main aesthetic features of natural objects, their appearance, and functional
interrelations, and on the transfer of these features into an architectural object via most
advanced technologies.

 Classification of Bionic Architecture (Megahed, 2020)

A. Structure Bionics - Structure and construction are commonly used for elements of
architectural projects which must fulfill the tasks of load bearing. Yet, the focuses of
structure bionics are biological structural elements, materials, surfaces, packing, folding
and patterns. Structural bionics could be also called materials bionics which engaged with
biological materials that have common characteristics used to solve many expected
challenges that face architecture.

B. Construction Bionics - Construction bionics is the most promising field of bionic

architecture especially in the field of light constructions as cable constructions,
membranes, shells and transformable constructions. Construction bionics works depends
on the understanding of the organisms’ construction and mechanism of the forms, bones
and plant stems, which are among the natural surfaces that serve as potential sources for
new construction systems. Structural and constructional bionics together had made many
extraordinary achievements to create a series of unique bionic architecture.

C. Climatic Bionics - The idea of bionic architecture, in which buildings are not only self-
sufficient but also eco-friendly, is growing nowadays especially with the sustainable
concerns. Architects can develop architectural ideas without the punishment of natural
environment. Climatic bionics or energy bionics is about energy issues through
ventilation, cooling, and heating systems. Most of climatic bionics approaches will get
higher results when integrated and combined with the procedural bionics.

D. Procedural Bionics - Procedural bionics depends on the deep imitation of biological

organisms and research on biological process; material, function, structure and energy
conversion. Then applying the whole process to a technology system, in order to improve
or create a new process technology through architectural configuration. Procedural
bionics is the most complicated approach which may contain many of other bionics
approaches in architecture or other disciplines that could be completing the final image of
bionic architecture.

Theoretical bionic architecture framework (Megahed, 2020)

Bionic architecture framework to increase students' sustainable thinking (Megahed, 2020)

The integration of creativity, architectural design, and bionics (Nazar, 2021)

Bionic design thinking process (Nazar, 2021)

A proposed model of the creative process of designing bionic architecture (Nazar, 2021)

 Bionic Components (Nazar, 2019)

- The science of systems that has been inspired by living systems (Form)
- The science of systems that have similar characteristics to those living systems
- The science of systems whose functions are taken from living systems (Structure)

Architecture and structure interactions with nature in bionics (Nazar,2019)

 Principles of Bionic Architecture (Esfahanian & Yeganeh, 2019)

1. Pattern - In the past, patterns were commonly employed for decorative purposes.
Nowadays, besides serving the same aesthetic function, they sometimes also serve a
practical purpose, like adjusting to varying levels of sunlight exposure in facade patterns.
Numerous architectural designs feature recurring patterns inspired by natural forms.
2. Structure - Drawing inspiration from the organization of living organisms and
implementing it in architectural design is achievable through a thorough comprehension
of their structures and functions. Successfully translating natural forms into architectural
elements requires a profound understanding of their compositions and operational
3. Materials - Characteristics of living organisms have the potential to be transferred to
synthetic materials crafted by humans.
4. Form - Form holds significant importance in architectural design, especially in the field
of Bionic architecture. Merely replicating natural forms in architecture doesn't hold much
significance. Hence, the interplay between form, function, structure, and material is
crucial in this context.
5. Function - Humans can adapt functions inherent in natural organisms to suit their
requirements, integrating them into architectural designs.
6. Process - Drawing inspiration from natural processes is resulting in the creation of
phenomena that can be more appealing in both form and function when modeled.

Bionic Architecture Dimensions (Esfahanian & Yeganeh, 2019)

 Methodologies of Bionics (Hmidet, 2020)

A. Analogy research - it is essential to consider every similarity or resemblance between
biological and potential technical systems in order to find adequate analogies and
transferable laws and mechanisms that can provide solutions to a technical problem.
Analogy research is a way of seeking inspiration in bionic design and developing ideas
that may or may not be valuable in a certain project.
B. Three-step-way
 Analysis of natural systems - Exploring nature and recognizing structure-
function relationships in certain types of living systems.
 Abstraction of discovered fundamental principles - Abstracting general
principles from the original biological data that resulted from the first step.
 Transfer of these principles in a technically appropriate way -
Implementation of the general principles according to the second step in an
adequate and technically appropriate way.
C. Technology pull – Biology push
- technology pull” – also called top-down or problem driven – and “biology push” – also
called bottom-up or solution driven – procedures.
Technology pull – Biology push (Hmidet, 2020)
- Technology pull approaches necessitate a specific technical task to start with and lead to a
biological inspiration. Throughout this type of procedure, the original technical problem
sets boundary conditions for designers and forces them to consider a predefined set of
requirements and functions. In turn, they are free to look into different biological systems
and have the possibility to transfer multiple analogies that help develop the product.

Overview of technology pull approaches (Hmidet, 2020)

- Biology push approaches, on the other hand, originate from a biological phenomenon that
presents a potential solution to several technical problems. The system is analyzed in
detail by the designers in order to be applied later to a technical product. This method
may restrict the analysis to one system in particular, but it often results in more than one
technical application, especially with multifunctional biological systems, which can lead
to multifunctional technical systems.
Overview of biology pull approaches (Hmidet, 2020)
 Bionic Design Flow (Jiadong et al., 2021)
- The general procedure of bionic research on ecological architecture is: searching for
biological prototypes, analyzing the mechanism of prototypes, and building model
experiments. In-depth bionics research often regards the organism as a system and draws
on the method of systematic research; and the architectural strategy for a specific
ecological problem is often proposed through the method of building model experiments.
Biology in the natural world has many enlightenments to ecological architecture.

Bionic design flow (Jiadong et al., 2021)

 Features of the bionic approach in the design of architectural structures (Bantserova &
Kasimova, 2023)
It can be argued that with the help of a bionic approach in architecture, it is possible
to solve a wide range of problems of its sustainable development based on wildlife. The
analysis of scientific studies considering architectural design with the involvement of the
natural component has shown that there are several characteristic directions in the
application of the bionic approach. They include:
- the use of natural forms in architectural shaping;
- the borrowing of natural structures to form the structures of architectural
- interpretation of natural materials and materials of living organisms in
- reproduction of natural processes for architectural and urban planning
The use of natural forms in architectural shaping involves direct borrowing or
interpretation of the forms of the surrounding world.
Borrowing natural structures to form the structures of architectural objects implies the
study of patterns and modes of action of biological structures in wildlife.
Interpretation of natural materials and materials of living organisms in construction
consists in studying the properties of biomaterials and their derivatives, such as tissues of
animal organisms, stems, and leaves of plants, spider webs, pumpkin tendrils, etc.
The reproduction of natural processes for architectural and urban planning solutions
is based on understanding the laws of natural activity.
Features of the bionic approach in the design of architectural structures (Bantserova
& Kasimova, 2023)


(Umorina,2019) Umorina_2019_IOP_Conf._Ser.-_Mater._Sci._Eng._687_055065_2
(Hmidet, 2020). Bionic_Design_Architectural_Innovations
(Kozlov, 2019). 125910096
(Megahed, 2020) 4bionic
(Nazar, 2021) 7.4722-en-site2
(Esfahanian & Yeganeh, 2019) Applicationofbionicarchitecture
(Jiadong et al., 2021) Bionic+adaptive+facade+design
(Bantserova & Kasimova, 2023) Bionic_Approach_to_the_Organization_of_A
Nazar, B. (2021). Developing a Nature-Inspired Model of Creativity in
Architectural Design for Novice Learners. Bagh-e Nazar, 2021.

Nazar, B. (2019). Inspiration from Nature in the Training of Structural Design in

Architecture. Bagh-E Nazar. 15. 59-72. 10.22034/bagh.2019.81658.

Esfahanian, Y., & Yeganeh, M. (2019). Application of bionic architecture in

building facades of modern materials. 5. 192-202.

Xinyue, F., Jiadong, L., & Ziyuan, W. (2021). Bionic Adaptive Design. Retrieved

Bantserova, O. L., & Kasimova, A. R. (2023). Bionic approach to the organization

of architectural objects in the sustainable development paradigm. Civil Engineering
and Architecture, 11(2), 939–947.

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