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Data base Administration

Level III

Unit of Competence: Improve Business Practice

Module Title: Improving Business Practice

Learning outcomes:
LO1: Diagnose the business

LO2 : Benchmark the business

LO3: Develop plans to improve business performance

LO4: Develop marketing and promotional plans

LO5: Develop business growth plans

LO6: Implement and monitor plans

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers skills, knowledge and attitude required to
understand the principles, functions, strategies and methods of entrepreneurship. It also covers
identifying and developing the major entrepreneurial competences.

At the end of this module the trainer will be able to
 Describe and explain the principles, concept and scope of entrepreneurship
 Discuss how to become entrepreneur
 Elaborate how to organize an enterprise
 Discuss how to operate an enterprise
 Develop one’s own business plan
Conceptual Overview of Entrepreneurship
 What is entrepreneurship and who is an entrepreneur?
 Entrepreneurship and our culture, religion, etc.
 Why is education for entrepreneurship important?
 Entrepreneurship has been regarded as the most significant casual factor in the process
of economic, socio-cultural, political and technological growth and development of the
 There is a common agreement that the country’s development largely depends on the
number of entrepreneurs it possesses and can produce.

objectives of this training

 Hence training on entrepreneurship is very vital, because entrepreneurship is an engine for
 Changing entrepreneurial culture and develop positive attitude towards self-employment.
 Identify your entrepreneurial potential.
 Develop personal entrepreneurial characteristics.
 Develop the major competencies required to start and operate own business.
 Identify business opportunities(ideas) and resources needed.
 Preparation of financial statements.
 Develop skills of how to organise and operate an enterprise.
 Develop business plan.
What is required from you to be a successful entrepreneur?
 A body of knowledge
 A set of skills
 Attitude

Personal resources but unused

 Time
 Energy
 Knowledge
 Skill

Therefore, entrepreneurship provides us the different techniques to utilize our resources so

as to achieve success in life.

What is entrepreneurship?

 Entrepreneurship is one of the four mainstream economic factors: land, labor, capital, and
 “Entrepreneurship is the dynamic process of creating incremental wealth not accumulating

This wealth is created by individuals who create ideas, invest resources, assume the major risks
and implement his/her idea.

 “Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something new or differently with value by

devoting the necessary resources, assuming the accompanying risks, and receiving the
resulting rewards of monetary and personal satisfaction.”

Entrepreneurship is the ability of individuals to identify business ideas, bring the necessary
inputs together and setting-up and run own business successfully

What is required from you to be a successful entrepreneur

 Entrepreneur is a person who create new ideas, devote resources, assume risks and start own
business in order to receive rewards.

Who is an entrepreneur?

 Economists: Resource – Profit

 Psychologists: achievement-oriented, seek challenges and accomplishment

 Marxist: exploitative adventurers

 Corporate managers: small businesspersons lack management

 Market economy: pillars industrial strength-the movers and shakers

Reasons for being an entrepreneur

Why Become an Entrepreneur?

 Be their Own Boss

 Pursue their Own Ideas
 Pursue Financial Rewards
 Achieving own freedom

Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

1.Goal setting
2. Initiative taking and hard working
3. Self-confidence
4. Opportunity-oriented
5. Builds for future
6. Persistence
7. Cops with failure
8.Sets own standards
9.Builds on strengths

10. Risk taking

Name ______________________________________ ID. No. _________________

I. Write "True" if the statement is correct and "False" if the statement is not correct
on the space provided. (2pts each)

______1. Entrepreneurship has not been regarded as the most significant casual factor in the process of
economic, socio-cultural, political and technological growth and development of the country.
_________2 Entrepreneurship is not the dynamic process of creating incremental wealth not accumulating
. wealth.
_________3 Transmitter: Wired or guided transmission media, such as copper wire (coaxial cable or twisted
. pair cable) or fiber optic cable.
_________4 Receiver: sender of data: client computer l.
_________5 Bottom-up communication from employees to management type of communication,

II. Choose the one that best suits the statement and write the letter of your choice on the
space provided. (2pts each)

_________1. Is not push factor Reasons for being an entrepreneur

A. Limited income B. Being unemployed
C. Job insecurity D. Freedom of work
_________2. Is push factor Reasons for being an entrepreneur
E. Limited income F. Being unemployed
G. Job insecurity H. Freedom of work
_________3. Messages may flow in two directions, but never at the same time
I. Limited income J. Being unemployed
K. Job insecurity L. Freedom of work
_________4. One of the following is not Verbal communication
M. Limited income N. Being unemployed

O. Job insecurity P. Freedom of work
_________5. Give the name of this competency

II. Answer to the following questions accordingly (4pts. Each)

1. What is required from you to be a successful entrepreneur?

2. List the essential Reasons for being an entrepreneur

3. List Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

4. What is Entrepreneurship

5. What are the Pull factors reasons to become entrepreneur

Name ______________________________________ ID. No. _________________

III .Write "True" if the statement is correct and "False" if the statement is not correct on
space provided. (2pts each)

_________1 Source component that decode signals into data transmission.

_________2 Transmission media: component that encode data into appropriate signals for transmission:
_________3 Transmitter: Wired or guided transmission media, such as copper wire (coaxial cable or twisted
. pair cable) or fiber optic cable.
_________4 Receiver: sender of data: client computer l.
_________5 Bottom-up communication from employees to management type of communication,
II. Choose the one that best suits the statement and write the letter of your choice on the
space provided. (2pts each

_________1. it always transmits the signal to its listeners and never allows them to transmit back
A. Simplex channel C. Full-duplex channel
B. Half-duplex channel D. none
_________2. allows simultaneous message exchange in both directions

A. Simplex channel C. Full-duplex channel

B. Half-duplex channel D. none
_________3. Messages may flow in two directions, but never at the same time

A. Simplex channel C. Full-duplex channel
B. Half-duplex channel D. none .
_________4. One of the following is not Verbal communication
A. Written communication C. oral communication
B. face to face communication D. none .
_________5. Give the name of this competency,

III.Answer to the following questions accordingly (4pts. Each)

6. List all 7 barriers to effective communication

7. The essential elements of communication systems are?

8. List all Forms of Communication.

9. What is Telecommunication mean?

10. What is Communication?


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