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From, Date: - 20-07-2022

Shivananda G Place- Shivagangothri

Research Scholar
Dept. of History and Archaeology
Davanagere University, Shivagangothri

Department of History and Archaeology
Davanagere University, Shivagangothri

Registrar (Academic)
Davanagere University, Shivagangothri

Respected Sir,

Subject: Submission of first half- yearly (January 2022 to June 2022) progress report

with reference to the above subject I, Shivananda G is perusing PhD under the Guidance of Dr.
Honnuraswamy H, Assistant Professor, Department of History and Archaeology, on the topic of DEFENCE
ARCHITECTURE OF SHIMOGGA DISTRICT. I hereby submit the progress report of my research study
for the first half yearly (January 2022 to June 2022) in respect of the present subject.

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully

Research Guide Chairman Research Scholar

(Dr. Honnuraswamy H) (Shivananda, G)

Assistant Professor Research Scholar
Dept. of History and Archaeology Dept. of History and Archaeology
Davanagere University, Shivagangothri Davanagere University, Shivagangotri
Davanagere-577007 Davanagere-577007
First half -yearly progress report of PhD study
(January 2022 to June 2022)

I, Shivanand G is perusing PhD under the guidance of Dr. Honnuraswamy H, assistant

professor, Department of History and Archaeology, I have been selected for studying PhD in
the academic year of 2021-22, My research topic is DEFENCE ARCHITECTURE OF
SHIMOGGA DISTRICT, On this topic I have got temporary registration on 24.12.2021.


According to UGC Norms, Department of History and Archaeology, Davangere

University conducted course work classes for those who are got temporary registration. classes
were organized for one week every month. Before going to research, department of history
organized course work classes for the better understand what is the research? What are the
methods using in the research?


The first phase course work classes were conducted from 17-01-2022 to 06-07-2022.
First course work class on the first day was taken by Dr.Venkatarao M palate on Research
methodology who delivered a wonderful lecture on what is the research?, methods of research
and types of research. In that class Dr. Palate sir explained about research proposal also. The
second session of the first day was engaged by Dr.Nagabushanagouda who delivered a lecture
on the brief history of ancient India. Sir had given more information regarding Indian
relationship with other countries in the ancient time, we the people got important turning
points of ancient Indian history. Afternoon session of the first day course work class was
engaged by an another Guide Dr. Honnuraswamy H, assistant professor of History and
Archaeology who delivered a wonderful topic on the development of archaeology in Europe
as well as in India. Sir had given the details about importance of Archeological study and its
nature. After the completion of first day course work classes, I met my Guide Dr.
Honnuraswamy H and discussed about topic. Sir had Guide us how to collect source and what
we do in the filed visit where how to gather information. regularly visiting library is the best
practice for research work.

The second day course work class of the first phase was held on 18-01-2022. The first
period of the second day course work class was taken by Dr.Venkatarao M palate on Research
methodology who delivered a wonderful lecture on research methodology in which we had
gathered information about how to conduct research and how to collect the primary sources
in the research process. That class was so informative and useful to new scholars so we the
people knew what he explained in the classed. palate sir explained about what are the qualities
should have researchers in the strength and utilized. also. The second session of the first day
was engaged by Dr.Nagabushanagouda who delivered a lecture on the brief history of Modern
India. Sir had given more information regarding Indian relationship with other countries in the
modern time, we the people got important turning points of Modern Indian history. Afternoon
session of the second day course work class was engaged by an another Guide Dr.
Honnuraswamy H assistant professor of History and Archaeology department who delivered
a wonderful topic on the meaning, nature and scope of the Archaeology sir had given the
details about importance of Exploration and excavation. And he continued that part with
conservation of archaeological sources Archeological study and its nature. After the
completion of first day course work classes, I met my Guide Dr. Honnuraswamy H and
discussed about review of literature. Sir had Guide us how to collect source and what we do
in the filed visit where how to gather information. regularly visiting library is the best practice
for research work.

The third day course work class of the first phase was held on 19-01-2022. The third
day of the first period was engaged by Dr. Venkatarao Palate on Research and publication
ethics in that he explained about meaning, scope and nature of Philosophy where we can
understand the study of nature of reality and existence. The second session of the third day
was engaged by Dr.Nagabushanagouda who delivered a lecture on the brief history of Modern
India. Sir had given more information regarding Modern Indian history relationship with other
countries in the modern time, he briefly explained about British raj relationship with regional
states. we the people got important turning points of Modern Indian history. Afternoon session
of the second day course work class was engaged by an another Guide Dr. Honnuraswamy H
assistant professor of History and Archaeology department who delivered a wonderful topic
on types of excavation and exploration in the field visit, the both types are very important in
the study of archaeology.

The fourth day course work class of the first phase was held on 21-01-2022. The third
day of the first period was engaged by Dr. Venkatarao Palate on Research and publication
ethics in that he explained about types of philosophy, features and important. Publication
ethics like fabrication, falsification and plagiarism are explained very well by palate sir.
Research design and various step of the research proposal were explained. The second session
of the third day was engaged by Dr. Nagabushanagouda who delivered a lecture on the brief
history of Modern India. Sir had given more information regarding Modern Indian history
relationship with other countries in the modern time, he briefly explained about British raj
relationship with regional states. we the people got important turning points of Modern Indian
history. Afternoon session of the second day course work class was engaged by an another
Guide Dr. Honnuraswamy H assistant professor of History and Archaeology department who
delivered a wonderful topic on the meaning, nature and scope of inscriptions where we can
collect the right information regarding any evening I met my guide and discussed
about the topic.


The second phase course work classes held on from 07-02-2022 to 11-02-2022. The
first day course work class of the first period was engaged by Dr. Venkatarao Palate sir who
briefly explained on notes taking system, there are majorly 5 types of notes taking system like
Cornell methods of notes taking, mind map method, chart method, the sentence method and
the outline method. The second session of the first day was engaged by Dr.
Nagabushana11gouda who delivered a lecture on the Moghul history of mediaeval India. How
the moguls became dominated in India? Sir had given more information regarding Moghul
history relationship with other native states in the medial time, he briefly explained about
British raj relationship with regional states. we the people got important turning points of
Modern Indian history. Afternoon session of the second day course work class was engaged
by an another Guide Dr. Honnuraswamy H assistant professor of History and Archaeology
department who delivered a lecture on importance of inscriptions, types of inscriptions. He
explained briefly about origin and development of inscription in Indian history. We can get
any right information from the respective inscriptions about any kingdoms. At evening I met
my guide Dr. Honnuraswamy H and discussed about the topic. Sir had given the instructions
about how to read the references books and how to make notes. The next day’s course work
classes were suspended due to the Hijab issues. After some days again course work classes
through the online mode.


The third phase course work classes held on 18-03-2022 to 23-03-2022 through the
online mode. First day class was started by Dr. Vekatarao Palate Sir who explained the
introduction of research pattern, report writing, and publication misconducts. Research and
publication ethics have the major part of scholar, without perfection researcher cannot give
true result to society. Second session of the first day was taken by Dr. Nagabushangouda sir
who presented brief history of Vedas where the common people how faced complex rituals
and traditions, those were imposed by the Priestly class. Afternoon session was engaged by
honorable chairman Dr. Vekatarao Palate Sir, in that session explained what sources are and
identifies primary, secondary and tertiary sources of evidence.

On 19-04-2022 second day of the third phase Department of history organised a special
lecture on through Publication and ethics, the resource person Dr. Rathan Chavan sir had
delivered a so useful lecture on publication and ethics, conflicts of interest, introduction of
ethics, importance of ethics, and publication behavior. Our respected chairman Dr. Palate sir
introduced briefly about the resource person. Through the PPT where he mentioned what are
the ethics should have a research scholar and how to avoid the scientific misconducts. Sir had
explained the types of misconducts, meaning of misconducts and reason for misconducts. This
a best part of our research work every scholar have to follow the publication ethics in our
research nature. The next session was engaged by Dr. Nagabushan sir who spelled out on
religious factors of Moghul empire. A discussion was held among the scholars about law for
becoming as the successor of the Moghul empire.

On 20-04-2022 the second day online class started by an another special lecture which
was organised by Department of History, that session was started at 11.45 by the brief
introduction of our respected chairman about Dr. Umakanth Devaramane. the resource
person Dr. Umakanth sir delivered a lecture in details over the articles publication, writing of
articles, calculation of h- index, ISSN and ISBN meaning. First time we collected a deep
knowledge about publication of articles and which styles we can adopt in our research article
writings. Writing of citations for article publication is an another measurement which also
explained deeply by Dr. Umakanth who continued his topic on the impact factor calculation.
Impact factor will be calculated on total number of citation published in two previous years/
total number of articles published in two previous years. sir used Chart of Calculation of h-
index for better understanding but at the end of this session we got well knowledge. On the
same day Dr. Honnuraswamy H sir also engaged a class regarding temple architecture, types
of temple constructions and impact of native geographical structures on constructions of 4.00 PM to 5.30 PM Dr. Nagabushanagouda sir was taken another session about
India through the ages.

On 21-04-2022 that day first session was started by Dr. Honnuraswamy H who spelled
out a lecture over Epigraphy concept, antiquity, nature, scope, importance and types of
epigraphy. He explained the methods of reading inscriptions and what are the tools used in the
reading of inscriptions? In the second session Dr. Nagabhushanagouda sir explained the
unique features of Harappa civilization where Indus people how constructed roads, houses,
forts and drainage system without modern facilities.

On 22-04-2022 the first online class was engaged by Dr. Honnurasawmy H. Sir talked
about three temple architecture style like Nagara style, Dravidian style and Vesara style of
temple architecture. Badami caves are special style of temple architecture where the people
used native big rocks in their constructions. The second session of online class was held by
Dr. Nagabhushanagowda sir who spelled about foreign invasions towards India. The begging
attacks over India made a financial crisis among the Indians.

On 23-04-2022 the first online class was by Dr. Nagabhushanagowda sir who spelled
about the Arabas invasions towards India. The Arabs who were the first Muslims in India.
After the entry of Arabs to India where we found little bit influences son Indian society. The
begging attacks over India made a financial crisis among the Indians. The second session was
engaged by Dr. Honnuraswamy H. Sir talked about Hero stones, Sati stones Nishadi and E
stampages or stamping, is a term commonly used in epigraphy to obtain the exact replica of
an Inscription that cannot be transported. Estampage a process of paper for a clear read.


The fourth phase of course work classes held On 05-05-2022 along with NAAC
preparation. NAAC peer team visited to our History department that time we all attended and
involved in the organization of Historical Exhibition. All research scholars and P.G students
welcomed the NAAC team to our department by giving flower pot, along with our respected
guides. Under the guidnship of Dr. Honnuraswamy H, all research scholars and P.G students
got good information about the exhibition. During this time courses classes were also engaged
by Dr. Honnuraswamy, Dr.Nagabhushanagouda, and Dr. Vekatarao Palate sir.

On 06-05-2022 Department of history and Archaeology organised a special lecture

program for research scholars by using the local historians, Manjappa Buradikatti
Sharanaru and Raghavendra Acharya these two resource persons were took the special
lecture on native history of Davanagere district. They well known persons, Manjappa sir had
provided information inch by inch over native inscriptions and historical sights. They spelled
out on reading methods of inscriptions and how to collect the palm leaves from the local
people. The both told how they struggled in the field survey and how much take interest in the
protection of local historical evidences.


The fifth phase course work classes held from 04-06-2022 to 10-06-2022. The respected
chairman of our department announced for first and second test along with seminar
presentation. This before my guide assigned an assignment on my topic which is “Antiquity
of forts and types of forts”. The first internal tests organized on 3 rd. and 4 th June 2022.
Seminars were conducted on June 8. The Second internal assessment tests conducted on June
9 th and 10 th 2022. On 06-06-2022 first period of that day was engaged by Dr.
Honnuraswamy H, he revealed the details of forts antiquity, types of forts, structures of forts,
and used tools in construction. 07-06-2022 this day Dr. Honnuraswamy H continued an
another class on area of specialization with explaining prehistoric period life. Like this
another, two days’ course work classes were ended. we the people got important turning points
of Modern Indian history. Afternoon session of the second day course work class was engaged
by an another Guide Dr. Honnuraswamy H assistant professor of History and Archaeology
department who delivered a lecture on importance of inscriptions, types of inscriptions. He
explained briefly about origin and development of inscription in Indian history. We can get
any right information from the respective inscriptions about any kingdoms. At evening I met
my guide Dr. Honnuraswamy H and discussed about the topic. Sir had given the instructions
about how to read the references books and how to make notes. The next day’s course work
classes were suspended due to the Hijab issues. After some days again course work classes
through the online mode.


The sixth phase of course classes were stated On 07-06-2022 at 3.00 PM by a special
online lecture which was held by the Department of History and Archaeology. Alice Joshep
sir was the resource person who delivered a lecture on Technical aids in research”. Before
starting the session our respected chairman had given the brief introduction about Alice
Joshep. The resource person by using PPT, he explained the steps of research work plan which
is following by preparation of the proposal, preparation of the questionnaire/checklist, data
collection, tabulation, preparation of draft report and review of draft report these all elements
are included in that PPT presentation. The final course work exam timetable declared by the
davangere university, as per the instruction of our guide I prepared for exams. From 18-06-
2022 to 24 -06-2022 course works exams were held at Department of history, Davanger
University. Our viva was organised by the department for 50 marks. Dr. Y.H Nayakwadi
Professor of History, University of Mysore was invited to our department as the observer of
our Viva after the completion of our viva we all organized a felicitation program for Dr. Y.H.
Nayakwadi sir. Finally, we got the course result on 8 th July, personally I got 66.25 percentage.

I visited Shimogga central library on 15-06-2022 and took notes on Shimogga district
historical village backgrounds, on the same day I visited to Kuvempu University library
collected native books. I have collected my topic related books from Mysore university
Prasranga through the postal. On 11-05-2022, I visited Mangalore university library where I
took some books on Keladi rulers. I went to Hampi kannada university on 19-05-2022 and 17-
05-2022 I visited to Ikkeri Museum where I bought “Male Arasaru” which is focused on native
history. I visited local libraries of my village where I found some local books from where I
took notes. I bought Nagarakanda 70, PhD thesis from Surabhi Publication of shikaripura. I
visited to Chandragutti fort in the month of March, that visit has always been wonder for me.
With the help of Priest (Archaka) of Renuka temple who had given the details way of fort and
its present status.



Research scholars have to well knowledge on Research methodology and Publication

ethics are which so essential in research part. During the time of course work, I read some
Research methodology related books and watched some YouTube video serious for the better
understand. The following books gives so useful information to me.

Yogita Sharma and Aarti Sharm., 2021, Research and Publication Ethics, Kalyani
Publisher, Bnagalore.

In this book author very well explains and reveals the various research methods. It
helped me a lot in the research study because before reading this book I had little bit
knowledge about research so it’s one of the best guidance. Research methodology is a way to
systematically solve a research problem. It is a science of studying how research is done
scientifically. Essentially it is the procedure by which the researchers go about their work of
describing, evaluating and redirecting phenomenon. It aims to give the work plan of research
so in this way this book is the best one.

Vijay Upendra and Arvind Shende., 2018, Research Methodology, Chand & Co Ltd
Publisher, Bnaglore.

It shows ethical standards for publication exist to ensure high quality scientific
publication, public trust in scientific findings, and authentication of the book. Research
methodology is a way to systematically solve a research problem. It is a science of studying
how research is done scientifically. Essentially it is the procedure by which the researchers go
about their work of describing, evaluating and redirecting phenomenon. It aims to give the
work plan of research so in this way this book is the best one.
Kothari C. R. and Gurav Garg., 2019, Research Methodology, New international
Publishers, New Delhi.

In this book author very well explains the various research methods. It helped me a lot
in the research study because before reading this book I had little bit knowledge about research
so it’s one of the best guidance. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve a
research problem. It is a science of studying how research is done scientifically. Essentially it
is the procedure by which the researchers go about their work of describing, evaluating and
redirecting phenomenon. It aims to give the work plan of research so in this way this book is
the best one.

Panneer selvan R., 2013, Research Methodology, Prentice Hall publication, New Delhi.

this text explains meaning of research, objectives, scope, nature and types of research.
After the research what are the benefits will be occur in the research process, these all elements
briefly explained. This book gives the idea of choice a right method in research area where a
researcher how does collect the primary data, how to gather information from the local people,
how to take interviews with local historians or people which are these questions will be solved
after the reading of this book.

Chidandamurthy M., 2011, Samshodhane, (Kannada), Murthy Prakshana, Mysore.

This book explains the meaning of research in a vast meaning, research means to correct
it, to find it, these types of meaning given by the Author. Research methodology is a way to
systematically solve a research problem. It is a science of studying how research is done
scientifically. Essentially it is the procedure by which the researchers go about their work of
describing, evaluating and redirecting phenomenon

Thippeswamy H.,2021, Ithihasa Samshodhana Vidhana, (Kannada), Vaibhava

Publications, Gadag.

In this book Thippeswamy sir briefly explains the historical research methods through
this text. What is historical research? What are the methods adopting in historical research?
What Is the field survey? what are the steps using in historical research? for these all questions
a researcher can get the answers. I easily understood historical errors and reasons after reading
this book. It gives in details regarding scientific misconducts in historical research. Historical
research methods primarily involve collecting information from primary and secondary
sources. While differences between these sources, organizations and institutions can use both
types of sources historical events and provide proper context.

Thippeswamy H.,2021, Itihasada saidhanthikate and Samshodana vidhana, (Kannada),

Vaibhava Publications, Gadag.

this text explains meaning of research, objectives, scope, nature and types of research.
After the research what are the benefits will be occur in the research process, these all elements
briefly explained. This book gives the idea of choice a right method in research area where a
researcher how does collect the primary data, how to gather information from the local people,
how to take interviews with local historians or people which are these questions will be solved
after the reading of this book.

Shirur B.V., 2012, Samshodhana Swarupa, (Kannada), Annapurna Prakshan, Hubballi.

After reading this book I understood how identify idea, topic or research question and
way of collecting primary data’s. Conduct a background literature review. This book gives the
idea of choice a right method in research area where a researcher how does collect the primary
data, how to gather information from the local people, how to take interviews with local
historians or people which are these questions will be solved after the reading of this book.


James Fergusson., 2021, on the Study of Indian Architecture, Gyan Publishing, New

In this book, the author reveals all types of architecture styles like Hindu, Muslim,
Jainism, Buddhism and Islamic style. The author reveals that, the first modern tract to draw
together all the strands of India's architectural history - from the Vedic and native traditions
of early India, through Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu, and secular architecture, to the eclecticism
of the British Raj. An understanding of Indian history and religion is the basis for the
understanding of the complex pattern of relationships in the evolution of its architecture.
While avoiding the usual misleading division of the subject into "Buddhist and Hindu" and
"Islamic" parts the importance of religion, symbolism and myth to the development of
characteristic Indian architectural forms is fully explained. This book, for the first time instead
of looking at Indian architecture from the point of view of dynasties, periods or religions,
examines the various functions of Indian architecture and traces the various developments in
the field beginning with the Indus Valley Civilization under the heads of settlement patterns,
houses, residences, palaces, funerary monuments, and religious structures.

Dilip K, chakrabharthi., 2009, India an Archaeological History, Oxford University Press,


This book charts the flow of India's grassroots archaeological history in all its
continuities and diversities from its Paleolithic beginnings to AD 300. The second edition
includes a new afterword which discusses all new ideas and discoveries in Indian Archaeology
in the past one decade.

Bhattacharya D.K., 1987, Prehistoric Archaeology, Hindustan Publishing Corporation,


In this book I understood the Early people’s architecture style and their confidence
level even in that time. During the ancient time people didn’t have any schools, colleges or
any training centers about get knowledge. Although they had enough knowledge to do this
types of architecture. In the beginning stage of the civilization development man didn’t know
how to leave life as a civilized culture, but he knew how to protect his life from the cruel
attacks which was an amazing sketch they had.

Shrivasa Padigar., 1982, Puratatva Parichaya, (Kannada), Chaitanya Prakasha,


What is archaeology? What are tools used by the ancients? In this text we can understand.
the author has presented a detailed survey and synthesis only of the evidence on the Paleolithic
and Chalcolithic periods, leaving the study at the threshold of the Iron Age.

Jitendra Thakur., 2021, Koutilya’s Arthasastra, Dev Publisher, New Delhi.

The Kautilya’s Arthasastra of R. Shamasastry is a work of very exceptional interest and

value. The Arthaśāstra is an ancient Indian Sanskrit treatise on statecraft, economic policy and
military strategy. Kautilya is renowned, not only as a king-maker, but also for being the
greatest Indian exponent of the art of government, the duties of kings, ministers, and officials,
and the methods of diplomacy. The work is divided into 15 parts covering different aspects:
Book I covering discipline, Book II explains the duties of government superintendents, Book
III concerning.

Agarwal D.P., 2021, The Archaeology of India, Select Book Service publisher, New Delhi.

Agarwal D.P covers a vast time span- from the Lower Paleolithic (early Stone Age) to
the beginning of the Iron gives details architectures style of our ancients. As one
proceeds from the Paleolithic period to the Iron Age, there is a progressive increase in the
archaeological data. For the Stone Age these are mostly limited to tool descriptions. But for
the Chalcolithic period (Copper Age) considerable evidence is available, thanks to the
extensive excavations of different sites both of the Indus and the non-Indus varieties. With the
advent of the Iron Age, the available data take a sudden leap. Therefore, the author has
presented a detailed survey and synthesis only of the evidence on the Paleolithic and
Chalcolithic periods, leaving the study at the threshold of the Iron Age.

Chakravarthi., 1960, The Art of War in Ancient India, National Publisher, Mysore,

The evolution of forts in ancient India is so interesting and great concept. Before existed
great dynasties in ancient time, the people lived in small groups then only they stayed in
village. At the same time self-preservation is regarded foremost instinct of mankind. The
concept of fort construction is so ancient; during period of Hardpan civilization the people
built some forts by using mud, baked bricks even stones also found.

Majumdar R.C., 2017, Ancient India, Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi.

This books explains about history of ancient time through the various stages. The author
reveals that, the first modern tract to draw together all the strands of India's architectural
history - from the Vedic and native traditions of early India, through Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu,
and secular architecture, to the eclecticism of the British Raj. An understanding of Indian
history and religion is the basis for the understanding of the complex pattern of relationships
in the evolution of its architecture. Therefore, the background material covers major invasions,
migrations, dynastic conflicts and cultural and commercial connections, the main religious
developments and their significance and repercussions, and external architectural precedents.

Kotresh m., 2011, Ballari jilleya kotegalu, (Kannada), Prasaranga, kannada university,

This books gives the details about meaning of forts, antiquity, types of forts,
developments and what are the tools used in the construction of deeply explains the
antiquity of forts from Babylonian civilization to medieval Indian period forts constructions.
How did the ancient people protect their lives from the cruel animals and natural disasters?
What types of forts they constructed? And which techniques or materials are used in that
constructions? For these all questions, we can get the answers. Author of this book explains
basic information of the forts in the beginning chapter. After the explanations of the basic
information author directly goes to the forts constructions of Bellary district. I got well
information regarding the forts from this book.

Hanagal Santhosh.,2021, Namma Kotegalu, (Kannada), Sapna Book House,

Gandhinagara, Banglore.

This is one of the best books of Karnataka forts architecture. Author of this books
explains important forts of each district of Karnataka state where he covered all major forts of
each district. This texts helps me to the better understanding about fort architecture in
Karnataka. Here the writer gives the details about meaning of forts, antiquity, types of forts,
developments and what are the tools used in the construction of deeply explains the
antiquity of forts from Babylonian civilization to medieval Indian period forts constructions.
How did the ancient people protect their lives from the cruel animals and natural disasters?
What types of forts they constructed? And which techniques or materials are used in that
constructions? For these all questions, we can get the answers. After the explanations of the
basic information author directly goes to the forts constructions of the respective district. I got
well information regarding the forts from this book. After the explanations of the basic
information author directly goes to the forts constructions of Bellary district.


I attended in the international seminar which was held by International Social Science
& management Welfare Association Nepal (ISSMWA) through google meet. I published one
article in Shoda Prabha, UGC care Listed journal entitled with “Kavaledurga Fort”. I am
regularly watching national, international seminars and conferences in the proper channel
which is started by all India professors Telegram group. These types of webinars and seminars
provede much more information regarding my topic. It’s helpful and so essential to involve in
my research work.

I met some local history experts and discussed related to my topic, the local historian
of Chadragutti Shripad Bichhugatti, he is being in touch and provides regional architectures
of Soraba taluk of Shimogga district. I met another local historian Rameshanna Hirejambur
and discussed with related my topic. I went to meet Dr. Kumshi Umesh assistantant Professor
of Kannada department, he discussed some local forts of Sagara Taluk. Then I took a
discussion with Dr. Prabhakar Rao assistant professor of history working in GFGC sagara who
presented me a nook that ‘’Bharthiya Itihasakararu”. On 18-07-2022 I met local historian
named Mr.virupaksappa High school teacher in Soraba who provided about some local fort

Like this, I read topic related books, have been continued my research study from
January to June through the reading of books, journals, discussion with experts, collection of
data from libraries and from the old newspapers. In the present scenario the most commonly
using method is that social medias, I too collected information about some places for taking
field visits where we can see some relics of Forts.

Research Guide Research Scholar

(Dr. Honnuraswamy H) (Shivananda, G)

Assistant Professor Research Scholar
Dept. of History and Archaeology Dept. of History and Archaeology
Davanagere University, Shivagangothri Davanagere University, Shivagangotri
Davanagere-577007 Davanagere-577007

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