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He has a little secret.

A secret that made him feel special, different from the other. Thus, he often taking things lightly.

Once, he belief that the world is siding with him, that everything will always be alright.

He never really cared about what happend. He didn’t care what other people think, and they also
never trully cared.

Everywhere he goes, stares and whispers in awe follows. Many says that he’s lucky, lucky to have
such a pretty face that everyone will except.

Another one... Another bland living being step into his life. Nothing different from the others. Black
hair and deep brown eyes those always painted with gentleness. An easy to forget face.

He know how it feels to not be alone for the first time.

They went through hardships together. Short but memorable moments were created. Something
happened, and the way he sees that person changed. Turns out, he’s not the only one special. That’s
what he thought. Perhaps with that person around no unfortunate things could happen.

But the world only laughed to his trivial hope.

He failed them.

His Captain, his team, himself, and...

That person...

Oh such a fool! He’s never been a special one he always think of. And maybe he never will be.

The world is quiet, as if it’s mourning against the heroes who sacrifice themself for the weak. He
stand in font of two stone slate, all of his expectations of himself shattered to dust.

Wind blew, swaying the dust away. Leaving behind only spikes of anger and yearning for retaliation.

That traitor has to pay.

There were times when the world showing good side with him though.

A year has passed.

In times where he drowning himself in attempt of vengeance, an existence of stranger caught in his

The more he probe about the stranger, the more he felt something. A familiar feeling creeping on
him, bringing him back to memories of someone he will never forget.

No, impossible. It’s simply impossible—

But the empty casket lies before him speaks the truth.

That person is... Still alive.

He didn’t know how to respond. Should he be happy that the person he treasures so much is still
alive and breathing?

He still has doubt in him. But soon it vanished with the arrival of a letter from a specific person. The
said person will stay by his side for revenge, when the time has come.

A little voice telling him he’s not left alone anymore.

In the middle of chaos, that person shows up, just like the promise has been made.


“This one is for me—”


“ And this...this is for captain.”


The chimes of death knell echoed, announcing the death of the traitor. That person lowered his
revolver, and turned back to him.

He locked gaze with the familiar pair of brown eyes.

Those eyes still painted with the same gentleness, yet he felt an unfathomable gaze from them. Is
that still the same person he knew? Since when did that person change?


Long time had passed. He’s being left behin— No, it’s not true.


It’s not that he is being left behind, it’s because that person had something more important to do.

Perhaps that person didn’t think of him as important as he thinks about that person.

No, that’s not it.

It is the truth, except it.

The end of the world is near after all...

But why? What is it have to do with that person? One person shouldn’t have a responsibility of
saving the whole world.

Is he’s not that important to that person?

In the end, that person still choose to save the world, once again leaving him behind. That person
had fallen into a deep slumber, fighting for his last remains of humanity.

The hope he had for that person is the reason he can keep going.

He’s certain that one day that person will wake up.

The Star

The Star

The code name that has chosen by that person for him.

But for him, that person was... and will always be his star.

A lonely star that will always shine bright in the gloomy night sky.

A star wich light always made his live more vivid.

He didn’t know weather he’s valuable in front of that person or not. The only thing he knew was
that no matter what happen, he will stays by that person’s side.

After all, that person is the only one he ever think as a real friend in this cruel world.

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