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 Legacy means when something is passed on to other generations.

 Synonyms of legacy: inheritance, heritage, bequest, patrimony, and


 The historic moon landing left a legacy, inspiring generations to reach

for the stars.

 Rome was founded over 2700 years ago.
 Ancient Rome grew into one of the largest civilizations in history.
 Many early Romans were farmers and grew wheat, barley, grapes,
and olives.
 Common people often lived in large apartment buildings and wore
simple tunics made of dark, rough cloth.
 Wealthy people owned a lot of land and often lived in houses with
many rooms, and they wore light-colored togas and stolas.
 The way people dressed showed their age or their status.
 People often gathered in the forum, which is a square in the center
of the city.
 The ancient Romans honored many gods and goddesses and passed
down stories about them.
 For over 200 years, different kings ruled Rome. People did not get
to choose their leaders.
 Eventually, people overthrew the king and created a republic.
 The Roman republic was a government where people could elect
their own leader.
 The republic followed a constitution and was separated into three
 The Roman republic lasted for almost 500 years.
 A leader named Julius Caesar rose to power, building up strong
armies and conquering other lands.
 He became a dictator, or someone who has total power over the
 The three kinds of government, monarchy, aristocracy, and
democracy were all found in Rome.
 Many parts of Ancient Rome cities and towns still stand today,
such as the Colosseum.
 We can still see ancient Roman aqueducts, which brought in
freshwater and removed waste.
 Arches are a common part of Roman architecture, which is the art
and science of constructing buildings.
 The Pantheon is an ancient Roman temple that’s over one 1500
years old.

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