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1. Title Page I

2. Researcher’s Declaration II

3. Certificate of the guide III

4. External & Internal Examiner’s Certificate IV

5. Acknowledgement V

6. Index VI-VII

7. List of Tables and Graphs VIII

Chapter I Introduction to Action research

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Need of Research

1.3 Importance of Research

1.4 Research Problem / Title

1.5 Research Objectives

1.6 Operational definition

1.7 Research Assumptions

1.8 Scope of Research

1.9 Limitations of Research

1.10 Conclusion

Chapter 2 Review of Related Research and Literature

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Need of Review of Related Literature

2.3 Review of Related Research Literature

2.4 Uniqueness of Present Research

2.5 Conclusion

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Methods of Research

3.3 Design of Research

3.4 Variables of Research

3.5 Tools of Data Collection

3.6 Implementation of Research Treatment / Program

3.7 Statistical Tools

3.8 Research Population

3.9 Research Sample

3.10 Research Methodology

3.11 Conclusion

Chapter 4 Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Pre-test Data collection

4.2.1 Observation of pre-test data

4.2.2 Interpretation of pre-test data

4.3 Post-test Data collection

4.3.1 Observation of Post-test data

4.3.2 Interpretation of Post-test data

Comparison between Pre-test and Post-test data

4.4.1 Observation of pre-test and post-test information

4.4.2 Interpretation of pre-test and post-test information

4.5 Conclusion

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Objective wise Findings

5.3 Recommendation

5.4 Conclusion

* Bibliography

* Appendix

1 List of Student

2 Pre-test sample

3 Post-test sample

4 List of Activities

5 Photographs


Sr. No. Content Page No.

1. Table of pre-test collected Data

2. Table of post-test collected Data

3. Table of pre-test and post-test collected Data

Sr. No. Content Page No.

A bar graph of the data collected from the pre-test

and post-test

List of Diagrams
Sr. no. Diagrams Page no

1. Types of Review

2. Sampling Method

3. Research methodology


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Need of Research

1.3 Importance of Research

1.4 Research Problem / Title

1.5 Objectives of Research

1.6 Operational Definition

1.7 Assumptions of Research

1.8 Scope of Research

1.9 Limitations of Research

1.10 Conclusion



1.1. Introduction:
People as human beings are created to interact with others in social environment. In
people’s interaction, they need medium which we call it a language to build a
communication, both in spoken and in written language.
Focusing on written language as one of medium to communicate, we need to learn
text types with its differences for communication. According to Harsyaf and Izmi Z.
(2009:3) states that commonly all written texts have two important things. First, they are
written to communicate a particular message, and second, they are written to communicate
with somebody. The message and the addressee of the message will affect the style and
content of our writing.
In this case, punctuation mark is one of the important things which should be
learned. By using correct punctuation marks, the reader will have the understanding of the
paragraph easily. In addition, Jowers (2012 in Sulastriani, 2012:10) states that basically
punctuation can help reader to indicate the pauses, intonation such as rises and drops of
voice which are important for understanding. It means that language is not only spoken,
but it also can be expressed in written text form.
Writing punctuation that the researcher is interested in this research is
“punctuation”. The punctuation devices of the researcher concern are the errors of
punctuation in students writing. The researcher will focus on their frequent use, where they
should be placed, where they usually appear, their functions, and how they must appear in
English sentences and clauses when writing paragraph.
Punctuation marks are the “traffic signals” of a language. When correctly used, they
guide the reader through the text and make6 comprehension easier. However, when
incorrectly placed, they can also change the meaning of a sentence. In other words,
punctuation is important material for students. At least students in the first semester should
understand about the basic punctuations.
Based on Widjojo (2007:61), he stated that punctuation mark comprises of period,
comma, semicolon, colon, hyphen, question mark, exclamation point, parenthesis, italics,
and apostrophe. However, the writer decided to use comma (,), period/full stop
Exclamation Mark (!), Question Mark (?)

1.2. Need of research:

In general the traditional approach to learning is focused on mastery of content
with less emphasis on the development of skills and the nurturing inquiring attitudes
among the pupils. The current system of education is teacher Centered Teacher
focused on giving information. Traditional Education is more concerned with
preparation for the next grade level and in school success than with helping a student
learn to learn throughout life.
Use of technology is focused on learning about the technology rather than the
application to enhanced learning lessons are used to organized the various steps in the
learning process for the while – class approach.
The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of digital story telling on the
Academic achievement and learning motivation of students. Digital story telling is a
great way to integrate technology and engage students in deeper thinking about the
curriculum also it helps powerful communication creativity, visual and second literacy
and project management skills.
It helps involves the use of multimedia to share a narrative and has become a
popular way to help student’s build communication. To motivate the students to
develop scientific attitude towards studies. In education one need to understand,
carefully select and use combinations of teaching practices that together increase the
probability of helping students learn.

Having all the above reasons in mind, in order to promote achievement in

learning English Subject, the researcher proposed to conduct this study.
1.3. Importance of Research:
The researcher has used Digital Story Telling method in the intervening program.
1. Digital story telling is simple powerful tool which provides students skills in
different ways.
2. This project explored the experience of a digitalization and Technical knowledge or
literacy to students.
3. Digital story telling is a method of using story telling group work and modern
technology to facilitate the creation of ethical and methodological challenges to the
4. It provides clear pathway’s for students to make connections between what’s
happenings inside of the classroom and their gives outside of the classroom.
5. It can be used to support instruction and how students who learn to create their own
digital stories improve multiple literacy skills.
6. Use of digital story telling in the classrooms and concludes with an overview of the
research that has been and need to be conducted on the effectiveness of digital
storytelling and its impact on student’s understanding motivation and recall.
7. Also these concept’s can help organize the content of the school curriculum to
provide a relevant frame work for effective learning.
8. Student’s should not be focused only on content as the ultimate outcomes of
learning neither should they understand the concept. Well – designed planned
digital story telling method provides great knowledge

1.4. Title of Research:
“Effect of Remedial Program on problems faced by students in understanding
Punctuation Marks in English Subject of Std. VI Students.”

1.5. Objectives of Research:

1. To find students their problems and reasons in understanding Punctuation Marks in

English Subject of Std. VI Students.”

2. To develop and implement the intervention i n understanding Punctuation Marks in

English Subject of Std. VI Students.”

3. To find the effectiveness of the interventions i n understanding Punctuation Marks

in English Subject of Std. VI Students.”

1.6. Operational Definition

1. Development Program: Development program is an activity that is designed
especially for students who have basic deficiencies in learning Punctuation in
English Subject.
2. Effectiveness: The positive effect of developmental program implemented by
3. English Subject: English is important for students as it broadens their minds,
develops emotional skills, improve the quality of life by providing job
4. VI Standard Students: Pupils who are studying in the VI Standard of
Secondary school.
5. Interest : It is the process of achieving a goal by overcoming obstacles.

1.7. Assumptions of Research:

1. All students of class VI are studying English Subject.
2. Students of standard VI are unable in understanding Punctuation marks in English
3. All students of class VI doesn’t likes the subject.
4. After applying effective interventions students can easily learn Punctuation
marks and interest in learning will improve.
5. All students of state board have to study English subject to pass in that grade.

1.8. Scope of Research:

1. The present research is related to study the problem faced in understanding
Punctuation Marks in English subject of Standard VI students.
2. In this present research the Millat High School, Malad West is considered for the
3. In this research, researcher has selected students of std. VI for present study.
4. In this present research the students studying in Maharashtra State board
curriculum is taken into consideration.
5. In this study total 20 students are taken for present research.
6. This study is conducted for Eastern Malad urban area School.
7. The medium of learning of selected students is English.

1.9. Limitations of the Research:

1. The researcher confined her study to the Millat High School, Malad West
2. This research was limited to the students of Std. VI class of Millat High School,
Malad West
3. The present research is limited for the Maharashtra state board Curriculum only.
4. The present research is limited and conducted during the year 2022-24.
5. This study is limited for selected sample 20 only.
6. The results may limit to English Medium Students only.
7. The present research is limited to study the problem faced in Understanding
Punctuation Marks in English Subject of Standard VI Students.
8. The research was limited for Malad West area School.

1.10. Conclusion:
The present chapter introduction of research topic deals with above said points
and introductory part of the selected topic of the research.
It also highlights the need to restore the necessary skills in secondary level
students. The scope of work, contribution of this action research to society and its
purpose and objectives also forms the content of this chapter.
Next chapter will deal with literary review, importance of previous review and
its usefulness.



2.1 Introduction

2.2 Need of Review of Related Literature

2.3 Review of Related Research Literature

2.4 Uniqueness of Present Research

2.5 Conclusion



2.1 Introduction:
Researcher has noticed over the past five to six years that students’ ability to
automatically recall basic scientific concepts. This has been a great concern of mine
because Researcher believes it will affect their future performance as the scientific
concepts become more difficult and in depth. Researcher believes daily practice with
basic scientific facts using various methods will enhance and increase the students’
ability to automatically recall basic scientific facts.
For this research, researchers have used various materials. Researchers have
checked material from internet also used various newspapers magazines also for
references. Researcher has also discussed with other teachers about the problems faced
by them and the solutions they have tried. But, some old research have helped
researcher greatly to avoid repetition and also gave some direction in finalizing the
topic and method of the research.
Primary and secondary sources are crucial components in conducting research,
particularly in literature reviews. Primary sources provide first-hand information and are
original sources that are closest to the object of study. They include original research
articles, books, diaries, and other first-hand accounts of events or phenomena.
Secondary sources, on the other hand, are sources that provide non-original or
secondhand data or information. They include textbooks, journal articles, reviews, and
academic books that describe, summarize, analyze, evaluate, interpret, or review

primary source materials.
In the field of literature reviews, primary sources are often the main objects of
analysis, while secondary sources are used to provide background information,
summarize existing research, or interpret primary sources. A good research project
typically uses a combination of both primary and secondary sources to build a
convincing argument and provide credible evidence for the topic at hand.
The distinction between primary and secondary sources can be context-
dependent, as some sources can be both primary and secondary depending on the
research question. For example, a historical document can be a primary source for the
period it was created, but a secondary source for a study on the historical interpretation
of that document.
In summary, primary sources are original and first-hand accounts of events or
phenomena, while secondary sources are interpretations, analyses, or summaries of
primary sources. Both types of sources are essential for conducting thorough research
and literature reviews.

To identify primary and secondary sources in a literature review, consider the following
Directness: Primary sources are first-hand accounts, created by individuals who
were directly involved in the events or phenomena being studied. They provide raw
information and original evidence. Secondary sources, on the other hand, are one step
removed from the primary sources, often providing interpretations, analyses, or
summaries of primary sources.

Creation: Primary sources are typically created by researchers or participants in
the events or phenomena being studied. Secondary sources, on the other hand, are
created by researchers who analyze and interpret primary sources.
Purpose: Primary sources are used to provide original information or evidence,
while secondary sources are used to provide background information, summarize
existing research, or interpret primary sources.
Analysis: Primary sources are often the main objects of analysis in a literature
review, while secondary sources are used to provide context or interpret primary
Some examples of primary sources include:
Interview transcripts
Statistical data
Works of art
Historical documents
Official statistics
Qualitative or quantitative data collected by the researcher

Some examples of secondary sources include:

Academic books
Journal articles

Remember, both primary and secondary sources must be cited to avoid

Using primary sources in a literature review is crucial for several reasons:

Authenticity and Accuracy: Primary sources provide direct evidence, ensuring

authenticity in research by offering first-hand accounts and original data

Unaltered Information: Primary sources offer unaltered information, allowing

researchers to interact with original material without third-party interpretations or biases

Comprehensive Insight: Primary sources often provide a richness and depth of

information that secondary sources may lack, enhancing the depth of understanding on a

Unbiased Information: While all sources may have some bias, primary sources
generally present raw and unedited information, minimizing potential distortions
compared to secondary sources

Enhanced Critical Thinking: Working with primary sources fosters critical

thinking skills as researchers need to question the reliability, contextualize information,
and identify biases or limitations of the material

In summary, the use of primary sources in a literature review ensures the
authenticity, accuracy, depth of insight, unbiased information, and promotes critical
thinking skills among researchers

The purpose of review is:

1. To enable the researcher to decide the limitations of the research.

2. It helps researcher to avoid unnecessary duplication of research work
3. It helps the researcher to decide the appropriate and accurate research
methodology for her study
4. From the suggestions of previous researcher, thinking process starts which leads
to develop new program which will work in particular conditions.
5. It helps researcher in locating and comparing data.
6. It improves the content quality of researcher.

 Needs of review of Related Literature:

It’s important for the researcher to have a comprehensive and relevant body of
supporting materials to do his research work. Doing a careful and a thorough literature
review is essential when you write about research at any level. It is important

researcher to have a comprehensive and relevant body of supporting materials to do his

research work. The related study and research are needed for the following reasons:

1) To see what has and has not been investigated.

2) To identify data sources that other researchers have used.
3) To develop alternative research projects
4) To put proper direction to our research work
5) To put your work in perspective
6) To act as a reference material to carry out the research.
7) To provide detailed information of related researcher.
8) It provides the insight into the theoretical and conceptual background of the study.
9) It helps the researcher to collect the valuable data and ideas that can guide
him/her to do his own research.
10) It prepares the reader to better assimilate and understand the concept of the study.

 Types of Review:

Research based: It is a review which are taken from the journal where a proper
detailed deep research is done by a researcher to prove the fact stated on that particular
topic or field. For eg. Journal of M.Ed,, B.Ed., M.Phil., etc.
Non research based: It is the review which are taken from articles magazines,
websites, Book where the fact and the truth about that particular related field are
exposed. For e.g. Newspaper, Websites, Weekly Magazines, Books, etc.

2.2 Needs of Review of Related Literature:

The literature review is important because:

1. It describes how the proposed research is related to prior research in statistics.
2. It shows the originality and relevance of your research problem.
Specifically, your research is different from other statisticians.

3. It justifies your proposed methodology.
4. It demonstrates your preparedness to complete the research.
5. lt provides the insight into the theoretical and conceptual background of the
6. It helps the researcher to collect the valuable data and ideas that can guide him
or her to do his own research.
7. It prepares the reader to better assimilate and understand the
concept of the study.

 The purpose of review is:

1. To enable the researcher to decide the limitations of the research.
2. It helps researcher to avoid unnecessary duplication of research work
3. It helps the researcher to decide the appropriate and accurate
research methodology for her study
4. From the suggestions of previous researcher, thinking process starts which
leads to develop new program which will work in particular conditions.
5. It helps researcher in locating and comparing data.
6. It improves the content quality of researcher.

2.3. Review of Related Research Literature:

The researcher has taken the review of Action research of:

1. Researcher Name: Jones
YEAR- 1994
 TOPIC:- Punctuation be defined as the central part of the range of non-lexical
orthography (Through Digital Story Telling )
1. Description domain knowledge in machine process able form using technology
2. To developed techniques for interaction among different web services
3. To provides clear ways for students to make connections between the latest
4. To make teaching- learning process more effective and innovative.
5. To empower every citizen with access to digital story knowledge and information.
6. To create awareness about the digital services among the young generation.

2. Researcher Name – Samson

YEAR- 2014
 TITLE- Punctuation enables us to clarify statements and communicate better
with readers
 Objectives of the research
1. To identify the difficulties faced by students while making sentences
2. To develop students sentences framing
3. To clarify meaning in the written word and to facilitate reading
4. To find effectiveness of the Punctuation.
 Research methodology
Methodology used is Experimental method – Pre -test and post-test Single group
Statistical tools used are
1. Mean
2. Line graph

 Findings:
1 The students obtained higher score in the post test. It shows that teaching by
modern technological method is more effective than traditional method for
teaching grammar.
1. With the use of PowerPoint presentation the concept could be clarified very well.
2. The use of modern technological modern methods doesn’t mean the substitution
for the teachers but it helps the teacher to make his/her teaching effective and
make the concept clear.

2.4 Uniqueness of Present Research:

1. The present study involves the problem faced by students in using punctuation
2. The above research concentrated on framing a sentence correctly with proper
punctuation marks
3. The above reviewed research included composition and conversation aspect also.
4. Present study deals with not only improving understanding skills but also reading
and listening skills.
5. Through this research students can learn easily parts of the lesson with unique
way and it develops interest.
6. Present research deal with understanding the proper use punctuation marks
The corpus contained material from a single type of origin: the Wall Street Journal, a respected
business paper published in the strictest journalistic style. Therefore, this study could be extended by

investigating other corpora, containing material from other types of journals or other domains of
literacy such as fiction or learned writing, in which the punctuation practice might display
variety. It is not difficult to guess that the frequencies given in Section 5.3 would then change and that
new classes of uses could appear.
The uses of comma in the corpus were intuitively classified by means of the syntax-
patterns in which they occur, each time looking at exactly one sample sentence for each pattern.
In other words, it was assumed that all commas appearing in the same syntax-pattern fall into the
same class of use, regardless of the sentence in which they occur. This assumption, however,
needs to be verified for its degree of validity. For example, it is conceivable that two different uses
of comma may have resulted in the same syntax-pattern during the parsing process. Although the
most significant punctuation mark is the comma, other structural marks, especially the colon,
semicolon and dash, also deserve investigation. The experience obtained during our work could
profitably guide such a study.
In this work, effectively only the 80% of all commas in the corpus were classified
according to their uses. This number could be extended to 90%, or even 100%. In this case, the
percentage of the abbreviated syntax-patterns that need to be investigated would rise from 11% to
36% and 100%, respectively. As a solution, the unique syntax-patterns could first be reduced to
more general rule-patterns (Jones 1996a; Jones 1997). These rule-patterns could then be easily
assigned to appropriate classes. Furthermore, the generality and coverage of such rule-patterns could
be helpful in the determination of the class of a newly encountered syntax-pattern. A
contribution of our work in furthering that of Jones’ is establishing the link between syntax- patterns
and semantic usage classes.
In fact, with the development of parsers with nearly full coverage soon, it may

be possible to have punctuation checkers — along with grammar and spell checkers — which will
ascertain the correctness or the consistency of the punctuation practice in a given text,
according to a specific style



3.1 Introduction

Research means the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in
order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. It is the collection of evidence or
information for ascertaining an assumption or verifying some hypothesis. Research is the
combination of Re + search which means, the repetition of search. It means a search for
facts, answers to questions and solution to problems.

Research methodology involves general activities like identifying the problem, review of
literature, formulating hypothesis and procedure forecasting hypothesis, measurement of

data, interpreting the data and drawing conclusion.

Thus, research methodology consists of all general and specific activities of research.

Research methodology is a crucial aspect of any research study, encompassing the

systematic design and execution of the research process. Here is an introduction to research
methodology based on the provided search results:

Research methodology involves the systematic planning, execution, and evaluation of a

research study. It guides researchers on how to approach each stage of their project, from
defining the research problem to collecting and analyzing data. Essentially, it outlines the
"how" of a research study, detailing the methods and techniques used to address intellectual
and practical questions

Key components of research methodology include:

Designing the Study: Researchers systematically design their study, outlining the
philosophical underpinnings and methodological choices that will shape their investigation

Systematic Methods: Research methodology involves applying systematic methods to find

answers to research questions, ensuring a structured approach to data collection and

Incorporating Multiple Methods: It may incorporate various research methods tailored to

the specific needs of the study, detailing what methods will be used and where they will be

Understanding research methodology is essential for researchers as it forms the foundation
for conducting rigorous and valid research. It provides a roadmap for researchers to
navigate through the complexities of a study, ensuring that their work is methodologically
sound and contributes meaningfully to their field of study.

3.2 Methods of Research:

Three types of research methods are as follows: Methods of Research

1. Experimental Method

2. Historical Method

3. Descriptive/Survey Method

Research method can be called planning an execution undertaken by the researcher to solve
the specific research problem. The research problem can be past oriented, present oriented
and future oriented. Thus on the basis of conclusion, the research methods are divided into
three groups – historical method, survey method and experimental method.

Experimental Method: This method is used to demonstrate a cause and effect

relationship between changes in one variable and the effect that is produced on another
variable. In this method researcher manipulates one variable and controls the rest of the
variables. It has a control group and tests one effect at one time. In this researcher can
control unwanted, irrelevant variables.

Historical Method: This method comprises the techniques and guidelines by which
historians use primary sources and other evidences including archaeological evidences, to

research and then to write English in the form of accounts of the past.

 Survey Method: Survey method studies the in-depth sampling of individual units from
population and administering data collection techniques on that sample. It includes
instruments or processes that ask different question types to a predefined sample, to
conduct data collection and increase the survey response rate.

The present research is a type of Action research and the method used for completion of
this research is Experimental.

3.3 Design of Research:

There are three types of research design:

1. pre-experimental designs

2. True experimental designs

3. Quasi experimental designs

 Design followed for present study:

The researcher followed Single Group Pre-Test Post-Test Design to complete the

present research. Single-subject and single-group design is a research design most often
used in education. In this design a group of subjects are administered a treatment and then
observed .Here the researcher had used the single group pretest-posttest experimental
design for experiment.

3.4 Variables of Research:

A variable is defined as anything that has a quantity or quality that varies.

a. Dependent variable :

The variable that depends on other factors that are measured is Dependent variable. These
variables are expected to change as a result of an experimental manipulation of the
independent variables. It is the presumed effect.

Also, the achievement score in pre-test and post-test are the dependent variable.

b. Independent variable:

The variable that is stable and unaffected by the other variables you are trying to measure.
It refers to the condition of an experiment that is systematically manipulated by the
investigator. It is presumed cause.

The in-dependent variable of the present research is a intervening program prepared for
Punctuation Marks

3.5 Tools of Data Collection:

The researcher requires many data gathering tools or techniques, which may vary in their
complexity, design administration and interpretation. The researcher sometimes has to

select from the available tools, the appropriate one which will provide the data, she seeks
for testing.

The researcher has thereby, used the following tools for her study:- 1. Observation

2. Questionnaire

3. Verification

4. Interview 5. Test

6. Checklist

The researcher had used the following tools in present research:

1. Pre-test

In Pre–test specific skills of Kinds of Sentences in English Grammar is tested by preparing

the achievement test. Using the score, marks assigned to the each students in order to
identify the mean score of the pre-test. Depending on the score gained by the students their
problems and reasons behind the problems are identified based on that development
program is designed.

2. Post-test

Post-test is conducted to check the outcomes of developmental program implemented by

the researcher. The difference in the Pre-test and Post-test scores were analyzed using
appropriate statistical technique.

3.6 Implementation of Research Treatment / Program:

1. A Pre-test was administered on the students.

2. A intervening program was designed by using Digital Story Telling Technique after
considering the results.

3. The researcher worked on various Digital Story Telling Technique.

4. The researcher made careful observations while executing the remedial programme.

5. A Post-test was administered on the students.

6. Data collected was analyzed by using statistical techniques.

 List of activities was decided by the researcher to conduct.

1. Digital Story Telling Technique.

 Implementation of treatment


Name of activity: Digital Story Telling Videos


1. To enable the students to understand the concept clearly.

2. To give drill and practice.

Teaching aids:
In the classroom on A.V. board a session was conducted with various programs of
YouTube and many story telling videos are shown to clear their doubts. Interactive sessions
and drill and practice given on the CBM boards are used to give demonstration and clearing
the doubt in learning primary and secondary sources.

Activity:-2 Teach with Context

As so many learners omit commas after introductory words and phrases, it is worth presenting
these vocabulary items with punctuation intact. By writing these words and phrases with a capital
letter and comma on the board, you are highlighting for students both punctuation and common
sentence position. Listed below are the words and phrases that learners often fail to follow with
a comma:

 However,
 For example,
 Of course,
 In my opinion,
 Finally,
 Also,
 To sum up,
 In fact,
 Unfortunately,
 Moreover,
 Firstly,
 Secondly,
 Nowadays,
 In addition,

In developing understanding of these words and phrases, the teacher might have learners put
some of these sentence starters into the following categories: words that mean and, words that
mean but and ordering words.

3.7 Statistical Tool:

The following Statistical technique is used for descriptive analysis of the collected data for
final conclusion and drawing of findings.

1. Average: Average is calculated for the Pre-Post results of percentage for comparison
between pre and post-test.

2. Percentage: Percentage Is calculated of each student to know the percentile.

3. Graphs: To represent in pictorial form of statistical data graphs is used for better
understanding of result.

3.8 Research Population:

A student studying in standard VI in the is 60. So, the

students studying in this class is the Millat High School, Malad West research population.

3.9 Research Sample:

The 20 students of the Millat High School, Malad West is selected as a sample for study.

Thus, the 20 students of this class A are selected for the present research.

For the present study, the researcher has used purposive sampling technique of Non-
probability type of sampling technique for selecting the sample.

3.10 Research Methodology


Finalization of Research Title

Preparation of Research Proposal

Finalization of Research Proposal by University

Pre Research Work and Review of Related Literature

Sample Selection

Finalization of Tools

Administered Questionnaire and Pre- test

Preparation and Implementation of Intervening


Post- Test

Data Collection

Data Analysis and inferences

Research Finding and Report


Implementation of research helped the researcher to find the research related to

her problem of research. It helped to understand the Design, Research method,
tools, and variables and plan the research for its success. In this chapter the
researcher did the implementation of the remedial program and explained in detail
the research method, design, variables, tools, population and sample used in her
research. It involves restating the research problem, summarizing findings, and
discussing implications. The conclusion should restate the problem in a novel way,
avoiding cliches like "In conclusion." For argumentative papers, restate the thesis
and key arguments without introducing new ideas. In empirical papers, summarize
key findings concisely. End by discussing broader implications: argumentative
papers may call for action or highlight significance, while empirical papers can
suggest future research directions. Avoid being overly lengthy or neglecting

negative results, as these should be acknowledged and discussed. Ensure your
conclusion aligns with the study's objectives and contributes to new knowledge in
the field.

A well-designed methodology ensures the reliability, validity, and credibility

of the research findings. By clearly defining the research objectives, selecting
appropriate methods, and implementing rigorous data collection and analysis
techniques, researchers can enhance the quality and impact of their study.
Continuous evaluation and refinement of the methodology throughout the research
process are essential to ensure that the study remains on track and produces
meaningful results. Overall, a robust research methodology is fundamental to
producing valuable insights and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in a
particular field. In the next chapter we will look after the research pre and posttest
Data collection analyzing the Pre and post test results.


4.1 Introduction

4.2 Pre-test Data collection

4.2.1 Observation of pre-test data

4.2.2 Interpretation of pre-test data

4.3 Post-test Data collection

4.3.1 Observation of Post-test data

4.3.2 Interpretation of Post-test data

4.4 Comparison between Pre-test and Post-test data collection

4.4.1 Observation of pre-test and post-test information

4.4.2 Interpretation of pre-test and post-test information

4.5 Conclusion



4.1 Introduction:
Data collection is the process of gathering information and measuring it on
targeted variables in an established system, which then enables one to answer
relevant questions and evaluate outcomes. Data collection is a component of
research in all fields of study including physical and social English. While methods
vary by discipline, the emphasis on ensuring accurate and honest collection remains
the same. Data collection methods can be divided into categories, secondary
methods of data collection and primary method of data collection.

Descriptive Analysis limits generalizations to the group of individuals

observed. No conclusions are extended beyond this group and any similarity to
those outside the group cannot be assumed. Graphs are used widely in research to
represent data. Data obtained after the analysis can be represented in graphs to
illustrate the findings. The researcher has used bar graphs to illustrate the scores of

Data collection, analysis, and interpretation are fundamental stages in research. Data
analysis involves examining and shaping collected data to draw relevant

In quantitative research, data collection relies on random sampling and structured

methods, while qualitative research involves unstructured data collection for non-
numerical analysis. After collecting sufficient data, the next step is data analysis,
where data is transformed into information to answer research questions and support

Various methods like thematic and content analysis are used in both quantitative
and qualitative approaches.

Data interpretation refers to using analytical methods to review data and draw
It helps define pricing, product features, and more, aiding in decision-making across
industries. In qualitative research, principles of data collection and management are
crucial for accurate interpretation.

The process involves being true to participants' voices and synthesizing findings to
represent their experiences authentically.

Overall, the iterative process of data collection, analysis, and interpretation is
essential for generating meaningful insights and advancing knowledge in various

Common data collection methods in research include:

Primary Data Collection:
Surveys and Questionnaires: Structured tools to gather data from individuals or
groups. Interviews: Direct interaction between researchers and respondents,
conducted in various formats

Observations: Recording behaviors, actions, or events in a natural setting without

Experiments: Manipulating variables to observe cause-and-effect
relationships Focus Groups: Group discussions to gather insights on specific

Secondary Data Collection:

Utilizing data collected by governmental entities and agencies like census data.
These methods play a crucial role in research by providing researchers with the
necessary information to answer questions, evaluate outcomes, and forecast trends

The choice of data collection method is vital as it determines the quality, accuracy,
and relevance of the collected data, impacting the validity and reliability of research

4.1 Pre-test Data Collection:

The selected 20 students of VI class were pre-tested thorough the test made by
a researcher. After the pre-test, the group received the intervention program, after
the treatment they were post-tested again to observe the effects of the intervention
program on Group.

Table No. 1: Result of Pre-test Data.

Pre - Test
S Students Names Total
Marks Percentag
(20) e (100%)
1. Imran Qureshi 02 10%
2. Naziya Shaikh 02 10%
3. Hasan Shaikh 02 20%
4. Rehman Ansari 02 20%
5. Rabiya Khan 04 20%
6. Khan Ikram 05 25%
7. Mohd Saif Khan 06 30%
8. Khan Aftab Alam 02 10%
9. Khushi khan 10 50%
10. Aaqib Ansari 08 40%
11. Saquib Manihar 08 40%
12. Irfan Shaikh 08 40%
13. Shaikh Rizwan 05 25%
14. Sajid Sayyed 02 10%
15. Samad Shaikh 03 15%
16. Arif Khan 04 20%
17. Saad Khan 06 30%
18. Najreen Ansarin 05 25%
19. Rida Khan 04 20%
20. Ahmed Shaikh 02 10%
Total 90 470
Average 4.5 23.50
The Average score pre-test is

Sr. No No. of Students Percentage
1. 0-5 14 70

2. 6-10 06 30

3. 11-15 00 00

4. 16-20 00 00

20 100

4.1.1 : Observation of Pre-test Data:

Researcher has conducted a Pre-test for 20 students on the learning of Primary and
Secondary Sources for the student of Std. VI.

Out of 20 students, 14 students (70%) secured marks between 0-05, and 06

students (30%) secured marks between 6-10.

This study proves that there are many students in the class who face difficulties
faced in understanding Punctuation Marks in English Subject of Std. VI Students comma
(,), period/full stop Exclamation Mark (!), Question Mark (?)

4.1.2 : Interpretation of Pre-test data:

In Pre-Test 80% Student score more than 5 marks.

1. In Pre-Test 100% student does not score between 16-20 marks.

2. The student has scored less in 16-20 in comparison to the student between 6-10
Because many students were not able to be understanding Punctuation Marks in English
Subject of Std. VI Students comma (,), period/full stop Exclamation Mark (!), Question
Mark (?)., so intervention program was taken in the school.

Table No. 1: Result of Post-test Data.

Post - Test
S Students Names Total
r. Marks Percentag
No (20) e (100%)
1. Imran Qureshi 18 90%
2. Naziya Shaikh 16 80%
3. Hasan Shaikh 17 85%
4. Rehman Ansari 18 90%
5. Rabiya Khan 18 90%
6. Khan Ikram 19 95%
7. Mohd Saif Khan 19 95%
8. Khan Aftab Alam 17 85%
9. Khushi khan 18 90%
10. Aaqib Ansari 17 85%
11. Saquib Manihar 18 90%
12. Irfan Shaikh 17 85%
13. Shaikh Rizwan 15 75%
14. Sajid Sayyed 16 80%
15. Samad Shaikh 16 80%
16. Arif Khan 15 75%
17. Saad Khan 17 85%
18. Najreen Ansarin 16 80%
19. Rida Khan 16 80%
20. Ahmed Shaikh 18 90%
Total 341 1705
Average 17.05% 85.25%

The Average score pre-test is 85.25%.


1. 0-5 0 0

2. 6-10 0 0

3. 11-15 02 10

4. 16-20 18 90
20 100 %

4.1.1 : Observation of Post-Test Data:

After the implementation of intervention, remedial program, it is found that, the
difficulties are reduced in understanding Punctuation Marks in English Subject of Std. VI
Students comma (,), period/full stop Exclamation Mark (!), Question Mark (?)

This effect is mainly found because of the selected Digital Story Telling
Method, which was intervention program. As per their reasons behind the
difficulties drill and practice was practiced for one week on the selected topic.

The average percentage of posttest is 85.25 %.

1. In Post Test 100% Student score more than 10 marks.

2. In Post Test 10 % student scored between 11-15 marks.

3. In Post Test 90 % student score between 16-20marks.

4.1.2 : Interpretation of Post-Test Data:

Because after taking the intervening program for student in understanding Punctuation
Marks in English Subject of Std. VI Students comma (,), period/full stop Exclamation
Mark (!), Question Mark (?)

Post-Test has been conducted due to the unsatisfactory performance of the students in
Pre-test. Before taking post-test, the researcher discussed with the students regarding their
difficulties. Then necessary measures implemented, such as drill-practice trough Digital
Story Telling Method and motivating them in different ways.

This shows that the learning ability of students increased after conducting.
intervention classes. The purpose of the researcher is accomplished and

4.3Comparison between Pre-test and Post-test Data Collection:

Table No. 3: Comparison of Results of Pre-test and Post-test.

Pre-Test Post- Difference

Sr. Test Between
No Students Names Pre -Test /
Post- Test
20 % 20 % Marks
1. Imran Qureshi 02 10% 18 90% 16
2. Naziya Shaikh 02 10% 16 80% 14
3. Hasan Shaikh 02 20% 17 85% 15
4. Rehman Ansari 02 20% 18 90% 16

5. Rabiya Khan 04 20% 18 90% 14
6. Khan Ikram 05 25% 19 95% 14
7. Mohd Saif Khan 06 30% 19 95% 13
8. Khan Aftab 02 10% 17 85% 15
9. Khushi khan 10 50% 18 90% 8
10. Aaqib Ansari 08 40% 17 85% 9
11. Saquib Manihar 08 40% 18 90% 10
12. Irfan Shaikh 08 40% 17 85% 9
13. Shaikh Rizwan 05 25% 15 75% 10

14. Sajid Sayyed 02 10% 16 80% 14

15. Samad Shaikh 03 15% 16 80% 13
16. Arif Khan 04 20% 15 75% 11
17. Saad Khan 06 30% 17 85% 11
18. Najreen Ansarin 05 25% 16 80% 11
19. Rida Khan 04 20% 16 80% 12
20. Ahmed Shaikh 02 10% 18 90% 16
Total 90 470 341 1705 251

Average 4.5 23.50 17.05 85.25% 12.55

% %

Graph : Graphical representation:

Chart Title
i ri ar
hi h h ar n m an m n h n d h n n n n kh
res aik haik ns Kha Ikra Kh Ala kha nsa anih haik wa yye aik Kha ha sari ha hai
u h A i z a h K n aK
Q a S n S an iya han Saif ftab ush ib A b M n S Ri d S d S rif ad d
n a a
ra aziy as ehm Rab K hd n A Kh Aaq qui Irf aikh Saj ama
i A Sa en A Rid me
e h
Im N H R o
M Kh
a Sa Sh S ajr A

Pre Test Post Test Diffrence

4.1.3 Observation of pre-test and post-test information:

1. Maximum student has scored good marks in the post test.

2. Student comparatively high in range of 15 to 20 in the post-test than the pretest.
3. The effect of intervening program can be seen in the Post Test.

4.1.4 Interpretation of pre-test and post-test information:

In the post-test Observation, the researcher finds a lots of improvement in the
learning process of Students and therefore they secured pleasant result.

Post-Test has been conducted due to the unsatisfactory performance of the

students in Pre-test. Before taking post-test, the researcher discussed with the
students regarding their difficulties. Then necessary measures implemented. The
implementation of effective intervention program had a great impact on the
student’s understanding and the result.

Therefore, extra coaching, remedial classes and a lot of encouragement were implemented
which helped the learner to bring positive changes in their learning process. As a result,
students done well in the post test. In this way the researcher could accomplish in their new
method of teaching i.e. Digital Story Telling Method, Teach with Context

4.2 Conclusions:
In this chapter the researcher did the implementation of the developmental program and
explained in detail the results and effects scientifically. The researcher conducted various
activities in the class to get desirable results and drawn a finding which is discussed in the
next chapter.

The process of data collection, analysis, and interpretation is crucial in research for
deriving meaningful insights and making informed decisions. Data interpretation involves
collecting data from various sources, analyzing it using appropriate methods, and drawing

The steps in interpreting data include gathering relevant data, developing discoveries,
drawing conclusions based on trends identified, and providing recommendations based on
the findings. Data analysis is a process that transforms collected data into information to
support decision-making and solve research problems. It involves examining
relationships between variables, identifying meanings, and interpreting information to
answer research questions accurately Effective data analysis serves as a reference for
future data collection activities and other research endeavors.In conclusion, data
interpretation is essential for making data-driven decisions and should be conducted
regularly as part of an iterative process to ensure the success of businesses and research
Proper data analysis and interpretation are key to drawing correct conclusions, acting on
information effectively, and utilizing data to its full potential in the modern world.

The conclusion for data collection analysis and interpretation involves examining
collected data to draw relevant conclusions and support decision-making. Data
interpretation categorizes, manipulates, and summarizes information to answer critical
research questions.

Data collection methods vary from surveys to observations, with primary data collected
firsthand and secondary data already available.

In quantitative research, statistical analysis is common, while qualitative research focuses

on identifying patterns and themes in textual data. The purpose of data interpretation is to
acquire useful information for informed decision-making, improving processes, and
identifying problems. It is crucial to start analyzing and interpreting data during the
collection process, with the approach depending on the methods used and types of data
collected. Objectivity in interpretation is vital to avoid bias, and using visualization tools
like dashboards can enhance the efficiency of the interpretation process.



5.1 Introduction

5.2 Objective wise Findings

5.3 Recommendation

5.4 Conclusion



5.1. Introduction: -
This final chapter deals with research findings suggestions and conclusion. Based on the
findings of the study suggestions are also made in the chapter for making the performance
counselling more effective the conclusion is discussed for this chapter.

The researcher presented summary, conclusions, and suggestions in this chapter. The
conclusions are totally based on data which is collected by the researcher using pre-test and
post-test single group of experimental research method.

Introductions to conclusions and recommendations are essential components of any

research or analysis report. The conclusion serves as a summary of key findings and insights
derived from the data analysis, while recommendations provide actionable steps based on
those findings. A well-crafted conclusion should reiterate the main points of the study,
highlight significant outcomes, and offer a concise overview of the implications of the
research. Recommendations, on the other hand, offer practical suggestions for decision-
makers to implement based on the conclusions drawn from the data analysis. They aim to
address identified issues, capitalize on opportunities, or improve existing processes to
achieve desired outcomes. Both the conclusion and recommendations sections play a crucial
role in guiding future actions and shaping strategies based on the research findings.

The purpose of conclusions and recommendations in a research report is to provide a

comprehensive summary of the study's key findings and offer actionable suggestions based
on those findings. Conclusions involve summarizing the main points, highlighting
achievements, and acknowledging limitations

Recommendations, on the other hand, propose specific actions derived from the conclusions
to address issues, capitalize on opportunities, or enhance existing processes

These sections are crucial for guiding decision-making, informing future research directions,
and adding value to the research report

By clearly differentiating between findings, conclusions, and recommendations, researchers

ensure accuracy, facilitate evidence-based decision-making, and enhance the credibility of
their evaluation reports

The conclusion should not introduce new arguments but synthesize key points, while
recommendations should be concrete, specific, and directly linked to the research

5.2. Findings of the study:

The study was conducted to enhance the performance of the students in solving the problems
based on reflection of the light. The findings of the study were based on large sample size,
which is later narrowed down using simple random method. The total population of students
was reduced to sample size 20 students. While conducting study, care was taken to obtain
the sample size in such a way that the effectiveness of the data is not hampered. The data
collected through a variety of techniques questionnaire, discussions survey with in the class.

1. The Digital Story Telling method could more effective method for learning English

2. The performance of the students improved is indicated by the post-test results.

3. The strategies used are effective and can be used by any teacher to overcome similar

4. Learning will becomes easy, full of knowledge gaining, and applying the same in practical

life provided the learning has taken place with full interest.
5. The Pretest result was 23.50 %, whereas the post test result was 85.25 % and the difference

between both the tests was found due to intervening program.

6. The difference between both the tests marks is 12.55, which was very high in nature due to

the intervening program.

7. The interest of the students in the English subject increased and they started liking the

5.3. Suggestions:

A) For students:-

The students’ study suggests that student should be made aware of the English
learning tips of the following:

• Read the text before the class:

At least, students should skim. If they know what is going to be covered in a
class there will be a better position to identify the troubles and ask questions that
will help them to understand the materials.

• Do it daily:
If you want to be perfect at something, you have to practice it. This is true for
sports, games, English, everything! Don’t assume the class time is sufficient for,
because it isn’t. Make time to practice sums daily.

• Approach Teachers:-
If any difficulty is found related to working problem then approach your
teachers for help.

• Practice different types of problem:-

As it is rightly said, practice makes a man perfect. Try to solve different kinds
of problems in order to be more skillful and solve the problems more effortlessly
with accuracy.

B) For Teachers:-

The teacher should analyze the content and find the different techniques to
teach the students which would build interest in the students to learn the concept
enthusiastically. The strategies should be based on keeping the mind about the
student interest, thinking and understanding, so that it is easily understood by

C) For the Parents:-

Parents should review their homework and assignments so that they can identify if
the child is having any difficulties and needing some special attention.

5.4 Conclusion:
Thus, it can be concluded that the action research holds a significant value to
improving practice within the classrooms, schools and communities. The
intervention program was a carefully implemented and result gained. Researcher
found that we can able to create a positive attitude towards English Grammar

Conclusions and recommendations in a research report serve distinct yet

interconnected purposes. Conclusions summarize the significance of research
findings, providing a clear interpretation of the data collected

On the other hand, recommendations offer actionable steps based on these

conclusions, guiding decision-making and suggesting ways to address identified
issues or capitalize on opportunities

The differentiation between findings, conclusions, and recommendations is crucial

for accuracy, clarity, and credibility in evaluation reports

By clearly defining and articulating these components, researchers ensure that

stakeholders understand the implications of the study and can make informed
decisions based on the evidence presented Ultimately, conclusions and
recommendations play a vital role in shaping future actions, improving processes,
and adding value to research reports.



1. Bibliography
1. List of
2. Pre-test
3. Post-test
4. List of
5. Photographs

 file:///C:/Users/khans/Downloads/GulsahOZl.pdf




 file:///C:/Users/khans/Downloads/TeachingGrammar-AsiaTEFL.pdf

: List of Student’s

Sr. No
Students Names

1. Imran Qureshi
2. Naziya Shaikh
3. Hasan Shaikh
4. Rehman Ansari
5. Rabiya Khan
6. Khan Ikram
7. Mohd Saif Khan
8. Khan Aftab Alam
9. Khushi khan
10. Aaqib Ansari
11. Saquib Manihar
12. Irfan Shaikh
13. Shaikh Rizwan
14. Sajid Sayyed
15. Samad Shaikh
16. Arif Khan
17. Saad Khan
18. Najreen Ansari
19. Rida Khan
20. Ahmed Shaikh


STD : VI SUBJECT : ENGLISH DATE : ____________

Name ______________________________________________________

Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions [ 5 Marks]

1. Which punctuation mark is used to separate items in a list?

a) Comma (,)
b) Exclamation mark (!)
c) Question mark (?)
d) Full stop (.)
2. In which sentence would you use a question mark?
a) "It's raining heavily outside."
b) "Hurry up!"
c) "What is your name?"
d) "I won first prize."
3. Identify the sentence that requires a full stop.
a) "Wow, that's amazing!"
b) "Please pass the salt."
c) "Stop!"
d) "He ran as fast as he could"

4. Which punctuation mark is used to show strong emotion or emphasis?

a) Comma (,)
b) Exclamation mark (!)
c) Question mark (?)
d) Full stop (.)
5. What punctuation mark is used to separate independent clauses in a compound sentence?
a) Comma (,)
b) Exclamation mark (!)
c) Question mark (?)
d) Full stop (.)

Q.2 True or False [ 5 Marks]

1. A comma is used to separate the parts of a compound sentence.

2. An exclamation mark is used to express surprise, excitement, or strong emotion.
3. A question mark is used to end declarative sentences.
4. A full stop is used after an abbreviation.
5. A comma is used before coordinating conjunctions in compound sentences.

Q.3 Fill in the Blanks [ 5 Marks]

1. My favorite color is blue __

2. "I can't believe it __
3. Have you seen my book ___
4. The cat meowed loudly ___
5. "Let's go to the park ___ suggested Mom.
Q.4 Rewrite the Sentences [5 Marks]

1) "What are you doing?" she asked.

She asked, "________________________"

2) "Stop!" shouted the lifeguard.

The lifeguard shouted, "_____________________"

3) "I am so happy," said Emily.

Emily said, "_____________________"

4) "How was your day?" inquired Dad.

Dad inquired, "________________________"

5) "Congratulations on your achievement!" exclaimed Grandma.

Grandma exclaimed, "________________________________________"


STD : VI SUBJECT : ENGLISH DATE : ____________

Name ______________________________________________________

Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions [ 5 Marks]

1. Which punctuation mark is used to show strong emotion or emphasis?

a) Comma (,)
b) Exclamation mark (!)
c) Question mark (?)
d) Full stop (.)
2. In which sentence would you use a question mark?
a) "It's raining heavily outside."
b) "Hurry up!"
c) "What is your name?"
d) "I won first prize."
3. Which punctuation mark is used to separate items in a list?
a) Comma (,)
b) Exclamation mark (!)
c) Question mark (?)
d) Full stop (.)

4. What punctuation mark is used to separate independent clauses in a compound

a) Comma (,)
b) Exclamation mark (!)
c) Question mark (?)
d) Full stop (.)
5. Identify the sentence that requires a full stop.
a) "Wow, that's amazing!"
b) "Please pass the salt."
c) "Stop!"
d) "He ran as fast as he could"

Q.2 True or False [ 5 Marks]

1) An exclamation mark is used to express surprise, excitement, or strong emotion.

2) A full stop is used after an abbreviation.
3) A comma is used to separate the parts of a compound sentence.
4) A comma is used before coordinating conjunctions in compound sentences.
5) A question mark is used to end declarative sentences.
Q.3 Fill in the Blanks [ 5 Marks]

1) "Let's go to the park ___ suggested Mom.

2) My favorite color is blue __
3) The cat meowed loudly ___
4) Have you seen my book ___
5) "I can't believe it __
Q.4 Rewrite the Sentences [5 Marks]

1) "Stop!" shouted the lifeguard.

The lifeguard shouted, "_____________________"

2) "What are you doing?" she asked.

She asked, "________________________"

3) "Congratulations on your achievement!" exclaimed Grandma.

Grandma exclaimed, "________________________________________"

4) "How was your day?" inquired Dad.

Dad inquired, "________________________"

5) "I am so happy," said Emily.

Emily said, "_____________________"

List of Activities
List of activities was decided by the researcher to conduct.
1. Digital Story Telling Technique.

Implementation of treatment


Name of activity: Digital Story Telling Videos


1. To enable the students to understand the concept clearly.

2. To give drill and practice.

Teaching aids:

In the classroom on A.V. board a session was conducted with various programs of
YouTube and many story telling videos are shown to clear their doubts. Interactive
sessions and drill and practice given on the CBM boards are used to give
demonstration and clearing the doubt in learning primary and secondary sources.

Activity:-2 Teach with Context
As so many learners omit commas after introductory words and phrases, it is worth presenting
these vocabulary items with punctuation intact. By writing these words and phrases with a capital
letter and comma on the board, you are highlighting for students both punctuation and common
sentence position. Listed below are the words and phrases that learners often fail to follow with
a comma:

 However,
 For example,
 Of course,
 In my opinion,
 Finally,
 Also,
 To sum up,
 In fact,
 Unfortunately,
 Moreover,
 Firstly,
 Secondly,
 Nowadays,
 In addition,

In developing understanding of these words and phrases, the teacher might have learners put
some of these sentence starters into the following categories: words that mean and, words that
mean but and ordering words.


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