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No. BPC-G-MB-CS-3.

Botswana Power Corporation
MBPS Chemical Services No.
Quality Procedure Date 30–05–2016

Procedure For Document And Data Control

1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to:
 Define the system of control over the identification, generation, updating, review and
approval prior to issue and maintenance of all the documents and data relating to
the requirement of the Morupule B Chemical Services Quality management system.
 Describes procedure for making changes/amendments to the documents and
ensuring that the latest current issue and revision of documents are in use at
appropriate location throughout.
 To ensure that the documents remain legible and readily available.
2.0 Scope
2.1 This procedure applies to the control of documents including electronic and external, which
calls for quality requirements or prescribes activities affecting quality such as methods,
regulations, directives, procedures and instructions, pertaining to the Morupule B Chemical
Services Quality Management System (MBCSQMS).
2.2 This procedure applies to the following documents:
 Quality Manual,  Standard Formats.
 Quality Procedures,  Documents of External Origin.
 Work Instructions / Test Methods /  Exhibits, Standards (Internal And
Calibration Methods / Standard External) And Data (Including
Operating Procedure Customer Specifications).
 Various reference documents in terms of Exhibit.

3.0 Responsibility
All documentation essential to the accomplishment of the work are controlled and
maintained properly. The responsibility for document review, approval, issuance,
modification and maintaining master list is as under

Section Chemist
• review policies and procedures in their area of responsibility,
• verify the technical accuracy of the procedures in their area,
• identify training needs resulting from new or revised procedures,
• resolve any discrepancy in the procedures.
• ensures implementation of document control system,
• ensures documents are revised and active

Quality Coordinator
• implements and maintains document control system,
• coordinates reviews and revisions of documents,
• maintains Master List to ensure active and revised documents are provided to staff,
• archives superseded or obsolete documents.

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BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01 Procedure for Document and Data Control Revision # 00
No. BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01
Botswana Power Corporation
MBPS Chemical Services No.
Quality Procedure Date 30–05–2016

Procedure For Document And Data Control

Station Chemist/Technical Leader
• approves laboratory related policies & procedures,
• ensures resources are provided to accomplish quality work, and
• ensures identified training is implemented.
• is responsible for verifying that the official version of the document is used by checking the
Master List located in the share drive at \\gab-cp-fil-01\MORUPULE B CHEMICAL
SERVISES server.
• reviews and determines need for new procedures or modification of procedures,
• initiates changes by completing a Document Change Request (DCR) form.
4.0 Description of Activity
4.1 Document Generations and Approval
4.1.1 All the necessary documents are prepared for effective implementation of the quality
management system. The personnel nominated in respective area are mainly responsible
for identifying the need for new documentation in their respective areas. It is reviewed and
approved by authorised person as per details given in para 3.0.
4.1.2 Reviewing personnel have access to pertinent information on which to base their review
and approval.
4.2 Document Codification, Issue and Distribution
4.2.1 The numbering system used for easy identification of Quality Manual, Quality Procedures,
log sheets, Testing Methods and Formats is as described in Annexure - I Numbering
System for Documents.
4.2.2 Each copy of approved Quality Manual and Quality Procedures is given a unique copy
number given to Copy Holder.
4.2.3 The other document copies like SOPs, Testing Methods, Log sheets, Specifications and
Data are also given a unique identification number decided by Quality Coordinator and put
effective date of implementation on it, following MBCSQMS codification system.
4.2.4 Quality Coordinator is responsible for issue of controlled as well as uncontrolled copies of
the Quality Manual, Procedures, Log sheets, Specifications after affixing "Controlled” in
red" Or "Uncontrolled copy" stamps respectively on every page.
4.2.5 Quality Coordinator and respective Section Heads ensure that uncontrolled copies of any
documents are marked "Uncontrolled copy" and it is issued to other persons on request.
Holders of "Uncontrolled Documents Do Not Receive Revision". All the other copies of
documents except formats are stamped as "Controlled” in red. As soon as any document
becomes obsolete, the stamp of "Obsolete" is put and not taken for routine use.
4.2.6 For soft copy distributed through computers are given read only right and authorised copy
holders are informed for location of such documents.
4.2.7 Up to date record of Master Document cum Distribution List of Documents (BPC-G-
MB-CS-7.01) with latest Revision No. and effective date of implementation is maintained by
Quality Coordinator for all the tier of documents including documents of external origin. The

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BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01 Procedure for Document and Data Control Revision # 00
No. BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01
Botswana Power Corporation
MBPS Chemical Services No.
Quality Procedure Date 30–05–2016

Procedure For Document And Data Control

same is made available as a ready reference in the Quality Coordinator’s document file to
all the personnel in order to preclude the use of superseded (obsolete) documents.
4.2.8 For the external or national / international reference standards like ASTM standards used in
the management system, the Quality Coordinator is to procure the latest revisions of these
by keeping in touch with the Suppliers / Web site at least Once In A Year.
4.2.9 It is the responsibility of the authorised holders of the respective documents to keep them
safe. The hard copy/soft copies of documents are given to the authorised person as per
distribution list maintained by Quality Coordinator.
4.2.10 It is the responsibility of the Quality Coordinator and Section Heads to ensure that all the
documents used and reviewed by them are remain legible, readily identifiable and
retrievable when required. The documents are identified by name and / or document No.
4.2.11 Controlled copies issued are transmitted via Change Note (BPC-MB-CS-7.03) for revision
of document.
4.3 System of Writing Documents
4.3.1 Quality Procedure is written as per header shown in Annexure–II. The contents of the
procedure cover the sub-headings given in above-mentioned Annexure–II, wherever
applicable. All procedures are reviewed and approved by authorised person by signing
each pages of procedure in the master copy.
4.3.2 The Standard Operating Procedures, methods, forms and worksheets have same header
except change in title from Quality Procedure to Standard Operating Procedures, methods,
forms and worksheets.
4.3.3 For Exhibit and Formats titles may be given on the document with necessary identification. The
master copies of formats must have document number and the Quality Coordinator
maintains Revision No. status for all the tier of documents.
4.4 Modification of Documents
4.4.1 All personnel can report to the Quality Coordinator / Concerned Sectional Head for the need of
new documentation or changes to the existing documentation.
4.4.2 All such document change requests are made by raising Change Note (BPC-MB-CS-7.03),
Quality Coordinator /document reviewer reviews changes. If the request is denied, the
Change Note (BPC-MB-CS-7.03) is returned to the initiator along with reason for denial.
Verbal discussions are clarified as soon as possible. If the change requested, is accepted,
Quality Coordinator/technical leader/Sectional head does necessary changes and make
necessary follow up for approval. Also Quality Coordinator changes, supportive documents,
if changes affect other documents.
4.4.3 Revised documents are subject to the same approvals and controls as per the original one. In
case of amendments to the particular page the next Revision No. Is given by adding suffix
to Revision No. e.g. in the case for Quality Manual say Revision No. 1.0 becomes 1.1. After
more than nine amendments in the single page the whole issue of Quality Manual is
revised with new Revision No. Such revised documents are issued with approved Change
Note (BPC-MB-CS-7.03).

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BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01 Procedure for Document and Data Control Revision # 00
No. BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01
Botswana Power Corporation
MBPS Chemical Services No.
Quality Procedure Date 30–05–2016

Procedure For Document And Data Control

4.4.4 For Quality Procedures, SOPs, Worksheets and Formats, next Revision No. of whole
document is given say for example 01 becomes 02 and all the pages of the documents are
4.4.5 Obsolete documents are returned (unless otherwise specified in the Change Note (BPC-MB-
CS-7.03) to the Quality Coordinator to destroy. One copy of the obsolete documents is
maintained in files by Quality Coordinator for future reference and stamped or noted as
4.5 Control On External Documents, Customer Documents And Specification
4.5.1 All the external documents including customer documents and specifications are controlled.
4.5.2 All ASTM or other international standards used in the laboratory is installed in Share drive.
If any changes are made in ASTM or other international standards then information is
collected from related web site. In such cases Quality Coordinator assure that latest
updates are kept in share drive and necessary control is established.
4.5.3 Also customer specifications or BPC specifications are kept in Share drive and Intranet
 All such external documents received from out-side are forwarded to the Quality
 Quality Leader reviews the documents and put stamp of reviewed by on backside of
document. Also he puts stamp of “Master Copy” on backside of document.
 Also Quality Coordinator writes proper identification number and date, if not written by
customer / External Standards.
 After that Quality Coordinator enters the details of the documents in the Masterlist of the
 Quality Coordinator further distributes it to the concerned persons in MBCS and enters
the details of the distribution in the distribution list as per the copies distributed.
 Quality Coordinator maintains master list as well as distribution list of all such
documents of external origin and updates the master list as soon as any revision is
received in such documents.
 If required, “Obsolete” copies of the documents of external origin are maintained with
the Quality Coordinator for future reference.
4.6 Control of Electronic Data
4.6.1 Where electronic files are used in MBCS for maintaining records, documents and other
purposes, a master list is maintained by the Quality Coordinator.
4.6.2 The documents as identified, as critical/authorisation required are protected by password.
4.6.3 Once in a week, or as identified necessary the user takes the backup of all the documents.

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BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01 Procedure for Document and Data Control Revision # 00
No. BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01
Botswana Power Corporation
MBPS Chemical Services No.
Quality Procedure Date 30–05–2016

Procedure For Document And Data Control

5.0 References
5.1 BPC-G-MB-CS-3.07 Procedures for Control of Records.
6.0 Enclosures
6.1 Annexure - I Numbering System for Documents.
6.2 Annexure - II Form for Writing Quality Procedure.
7.0 Formats / Exhibits
7.1 BPC-G-MB-CS-7.01 Master list cum distribution list of documents
7.2 BPC- G-MB-CS-7.03 Change Note
7.3 BPC- G-MB-CS-7.18 Exhibit for Abbreviation

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BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01 Procedure for Document and Data Control Revision # 00
No. BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01
Botswana Power Corporation
MBPS Chemical Services No.
Quality Procedure Date 30–05–2016

Procedure For Document And Data Control

Annexure – I
(A) Numbering System for Documents
Numbering System for all MBCS Quality Management System documents
Quality management system documents will be coded as under:
BPC stands for Botswana Power Corporation
MB stands for Morupule B
CS stands for Chemical Services
+.++ Figures in numerical is a running serial number of document used in MB-CS
quality managements system for the particular category of document. Numbered
as under:
1.+ Stands for Master Document Index
2.+ Stands for Quality Policy and Manual
Thus BPC-MB-CS-2.0 refers to Quality Manual
3.++ Stands for Quality Procedure
Thus BPC-MB-CS-3.01 refers to first Quality Procedure amongst the total
4.++ Stands for Testing Methods
Thus BPC-MB-CS-4.01 refers to first Test method amongst all the total Test
All ASTM or other international standards methods will retain their code as per
the issuing body if wholly adopted or coded as per the testing methods above if
partly adopted or not coded by the issuing body.
5.++ Stands for Standard Operating procedure
Thus BPC-MB-CS-3.01 refers to first Standard Operating Procedure amongst
the total Standard Operating procedures.
6.++ Stands for Logbooks
Thus BPC-MB-CS-6.01 refers to first Logbook amongst the total Logbooks.
7.++ Stands for Formats/Exhibits
Thus BPC-MB-CS-7.01 refers to first Formats/Exhibit amongst the total

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BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01 Procedure for Document and Data Control Revision # 00
No. BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01
Botswana Power Corporation
MBPS Chemical Services No.
Quality Procedure Date 30–05–2016

Procedure For Document And Data Control

Annexure – II
(A) Form For Writing Quality Procedure
No. BPC-G-MB-CS ++
Botswana Power Corporation
MBPS Chemical Services No.

Quality Procedure Date DD–MM–YYYY

1.0 Purpose : This section clearly defines the intent and objective of the procedure.
2.0 Scope : This section outlines the area, department or personnel to which the procedure is
applicable as well as extent of application.
3.0 Responsibility : Person responsible / department head involved in follow-up of procedure.
4.0 Description Of Activity : It gives details for what is to be done, when, where and how it is
done; what materials, equipment are used, controlled to achieve the desired objectives as
defined under purpose.
5.0 Reference : This section specifies any documents referred to in the procedure or the
documents whose requirements are to be implemented as a result of activities described in
the procedure.
6.0 Enclosure : Give title of enclosure enclosed with the procedure.
7.0 Forms / Exhibits : (Write exhibit if any exhibit is included in the procedure). Give title and document number if
used for follow-up of procedure.
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BPC-G-MB-CS-3.01 Procedure for Document and Data Control Revision # 00

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