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English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Structure Competences
Skill 1 Sentence with subject and verb 2
Skill 2 Object of preposition 7
Skill 3 Be careful of appositive 11
Skill 4 Present/ Past participle 13
Skill 5 Past participle 16
Skill 6 Coordinating conjunctions 18
Skill 7 Adverb Connectors (time and cause) 21
Skill 8 Noun Clause Connectors 25
Skill 9 Adjective Clause Connectors 28
Skill 10 Invert the subject and verb with questions words 31
Skill 11 Invert the subject and verb with place expressions 35
Skill 12 Invert the subject and verb with negative 38
Skill 13 Invert the subject and verb with conditionals (if clauses) 42
Skill 14 Invert the subject and verb with comparisons 45

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Structure Competences
Skills 1-14

Skill 1: Sentence with subject and verb

 You know that a sentence in English should have a subject and a verb.

 The Most common types of problems that will encounter in the

Structure section of the TOEFL test have to do with subjects and
 Subject is missing
 Verb is missing
 Subject and Verb are missing
 Extra Subject and Verb

 Example
1. ............ was backed up for miles on the freeway.
(A) Yesterday
(B) In the morning
(C) Traffic
(D) Cars

2. Engineers............... for work on the new space program.

(A) necessary
(B) are needed
(C) hopefully
(D) next month

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

3. The boy ............. going to the movies with a friend.

(A) he is
(B) he always was
(C) is relaxing
(D) will be

4. With his friend ………… found the movie theater.

(a) has
(b) he
(c) letter
(d) when

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Identify the subject and verb

1. He ran around the block.
2. I like my friend.
3. They seem friendly.
4. He was walking down Royal Street in a three-piece suit!
5. The box can be opened only with a special screwdriver.
6. My aunt and my uncle are arriving by train today.
7. The bus schedule has changed since last week.

 Identify the subject and verb (Answers)

1. He ran around the block.

2. I like my friend.
3. They seem friendly.
4. He was walking down Royal Street in a three-piece suit!
5. The box can be opened only with a special screwdriver.
6. My aunt and my uncle are arriving by train today.
7. The bus schedule has changed since last week.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Underline the Subjects once and Verb twice in each of the

following sentences.
 Then indicate if the sentences are Correct (C), or Incorrect (I).
1. Last week went fishing for trout at the nearby mountain lake.……..
2. A job on the day shift or the night at the plant available. ……….
3. The new computer program has provided a variety of helpful
4. The assigned text for history class it contains more than twenty
chapters. ………….

 Underline the Subjects once and Verb twice in each of the

following sentences.
 Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C), or incorrect (I).
1. Last week went fishing for trout at the nearby mountain lake.……..
2. A job on the day shift or the night at the plant available.……….
3. The new computer program has provided a variety of helpful
4. The assigned text for history class it contains more than twenty
chapters. …………

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

- Go to website by copying the following link:

Write your name and hit Start

- Answer the Quiz items

By the end of this lecture, you will be able to:

• Be familiar with prepositions

• Identify object of a preposition
• Recognize appositives

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 2: Object of preposition

 An object of a preposition is a noun or a pronoun that comes after

a preposition such as in, at, of, to, by, behind, and on, to form a
prepositional phrase.

 At school / in the morning / on the bus

 The trip to the island on Saturday will last for three hours.

Prepositions in English

about beside from through
above between in to
across beyond inside toward
after by into towards
against considering like under
along down near underneath
amid during of unlike
among except off until
anti for on up
around onto upon
as opposite versus
at outside via
before over with
behind within
below without

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 To Mike _ was a big surprise.

(A) really
(B) the party
(C) funny
(D) when

 An object of a preposition can cause confusion in the Structure

section of the TOEFL test because it can be mistaken for the
subject of a sentence.

 Example:
1. By the next meeting of the class …… need to turn in the papers.
A. will
B. you
C. now
D. when

 Correct (C) or Incorrect (I)

1. The directions to the exercise on page 20 unclear. ….

2. During the week eat lunch in the school cafeteria. …….
3. With her purse in her hand ran through the door. …….
4. The name of the baby in the crib is Jack.…….
5. By the next meeting of the class need to turn in the papers. …….
6. In the morning after the concert was tired. …….
7. In a box on the top shelf of the cabinet in the hallway of the house.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 3: Be careful of appositive

 An appositive is a noun, a noun phrase or a noun clause which sits

next to another noun to rename it or describe it in another way.
 Appositives are usually offset with commas, brackets or dashes.
 My best friend, Lee, caught a whelk when he was fishing for bass.
 Sally, the best student in the class, got an A on the exam.
 Last semester, a friend, graduated cum laude from the university.
 Tom, a really good mechanic, is fixing the car.
 The high-powered computer, the most powerful machine of its type,
was finally readied for use.
 Tonight’s supper, leftovers from last night, did not taste any better
tonight than last night.

 ………. George, is attending the lecture.

(a) Right now
(b) Happily
(c) Because of the time
(d) My friend,

 …………. Sarah rarely misses her basketball shots.

(a) An excellent basketball player
(b) An excellent basketball player is
(c) Sarah is an excellent basketball player
(d) Her excellent basketball play

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Lecture Three: Skills 4-6

 By the end of this lecture, you will be able to:

• Demonstrate understanding of present and past participles

• Identify present and past participles

• Use coordinating conjunctions correctly

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 4: Present/ Past participle

 The verb be in any of its forms (am, is, are, was, were, be,
been, being) can be followed by another verb.
 This verb should be in either the present participle or the past
participle form.

 Present participle:
 A present participle is the - ing form of the verb.
 It is part of the verb when it is preceded by some form of the verb

 A present participle is an adjective when it is not accompanied by

some form of the verb be.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Verb or Adjective?

1. The train is arriving at the station now.

2. The train arriving at the station now is an hour late.
3. The crying baby needs to be picked up.
4. The teacher is preparing a difficult exam for the students.
5. The children are swimming in the backyard pool.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 5: Past participle

 Past participle can be either an adjective or a part of the verb.

 The past participle is the form of the verb that appears with have
or be. It often ends in -ed, but there are also many irregular past
participles in English.

1. The mailman has left a letter in the mailbox.

(Left is VERB)
2. The classes were taught by Professor Smith.
(Taught is VERB)
3. The letter left in the mailbox was for me.
4. The classes taught by Professor Smith were very interesting.
(Taught is ADJECTIVE)

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 The bread _____ baked this morning smelled delicious.

(A) has
(B) was
(C) it
(D) just

1. The plane landed on the deserted runway.

2. The unexpected guests arrived just at dinnertime.
3. The teacher found the lost exam.
4. The locked drawer contained the unworn jewels.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 6: Coordinating conjunctions

Coordinating Conjunctions Connect Words, phrases, and clauses.

and but or yet so nor for

1. The sun was shining and the sky was blue.

2. The sky was blue, but it was very cold.
3. It may rain tonight, or it may be clear.
4. It was raining outside, so I took my umbrella.
5. I am allergic to cats, yet I have three of them.
6. Bill refuses to eat peas, nor will he touch carrots.

Underline the coordinating conjunctions:

1. You can eat your cake with a spoon or fork.
2. My dog enjoys being bathed but hates getting his nails trimmed.
3. Thomas will be late to work, for he has a dental appointment
4. I am a vegetarian, so I don’t eat any meat.
5. I wanted to go to the beach, but Mary refused.
6. I hate to waste a drop of gas, for it is very expensive these days.
7. Would you rather have cheese or bologna on your sandwich?

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Test Item Examples:

1.Jackson wanted to eat another piece of cake,……he was on a diet.

A. for
B. but
C. yet
D. so

2. Jennifer does not like to swim, ……… does she enjoy cycling.
A. and
B. or
C. but
D. nor

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Read the following sentences and then decide whether each

sentence is Correct (C) or Incorrect (I)

1. The book was not long, it difficult to read.

2. It was raining, so decided not to go camping.
3. The patient took all the medicine; he did not feel much better.
4. The dress did not cost too much, but the quality it seemed excellent.
5. The mail carrier has already delivered the mail, so the letter is not
going to arrive today, it probably will arrive tomorrow.

 Example:

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 7: Adverb Connectors (time and cause)

 Sentences with adverb clauses have two basic patterns in


1. I will sign the check before you leave. S V connector S V

2. Before you leave, I will sign the check.

…………………. before……………………
Before ……………….………………….

 Test item example:

……………… I was late, I missed the lecture.

(A) I
(B) The train
(C) Since I
(D) Because

 Underline the adverb connector:

1. He is tired because he has been working so hard.

2. Because he has been working so hard, he is tired.
3. I will sign the check before you leave.
4. Before you leave, I will sign the check.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Adverb Connectors: Time and Cause

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause.

 Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice.
 Circle the connectors.
 Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1.After the plane circled the airport, it landed on the main runway. (C)

2.The waves were amazingly high when the storm hit the coastal town. (C)

3.Everyone has spent time unpacking boxes since the family moved into
the new house. (C)

4. Since the bank closes in less than an hour, the deposits need to be
tallied immediately. (C)

5. We can start the conference now that all the participants have
arrived. (C)

6. The mother is going to be quite upset with her son as long as he

misbehaves so much. (C)

7. The citizens are becoming more and more incensed about traffic
accidents whenever the accidents occur at that intersection. (C)

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 What is wrong?
1. The registration process took many hours since the lines so long.

2. This type of medicine can be helpful; it can also have some bad side

3. We need to get a new car whether is on sale or not.

4. Just as the bread came out of the oven, while a wonderful aroma
filled the kitchen.

5. Once the address label for the package is typed, can be sent to the
mail room.

6. The building quite vulnerable to damage until the storm windows are

7. The ground had been prepared; the seedlings were carefully


8. Their backgrounds are thoroughly investigated (before) are

admitted to the organization.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 8: Noun Clause Connectors

 A noun clause is a clause that functions as a noun; because the noun

clause functions as a noun, it can be used in a sentence as:
 an object of a verb (if it follows a verb)
 an object of a preposition (if it follows a preposition).
 subject of the sentence

 Examples:

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Test Item Example:

Noun Clause Connectors

Noun clause: it starts with one of the following connectors

What when where why how Whatever

whoever whenever Whether if that

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Examples:
1. I know what happened yesterday

2. We are thinking about what happened yesterday.


3. Whoever comes to the party must bring a gift

Noun clause as subject

 Read the following sentences carefully.

 Underline the noun connector then decide its type.
1. The game show contestant was able to respond
to whatever was asked. (object of preposition)
2. The teacher heard who answered the question.
3. Who is working in the bank is my friend.
4. Of the three movies, I can’t decide which is the best.
5. What was on the television made me feel happy.
6. We found out which was her favorite type of
7. Do you know what caused the plants to die?
8. Whatever is the most important course in the program,…………(S)
9. The employee was unhappy about what was added to his job

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 9: Adjective Clause Connectors

 An adjective clause is a clause that describes a noun. Because the

clause is an adjective, it is positioned directly after the noun that it

 Examples:

Adjective clause connectors

Who(m) Which that

(For people) (For things) (For people and things)
Sally has an This is the house The dress that you are
appointment with that/which I want to buy wearing is beautiful
the hairdresser
whom you

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Underline the adjective clause connectors

1. I did not believe the story that he told me.

2. Ms. Brown, whom you recommended for the job, will start work
3. the lecture notes which I lent were not clearly written.
4. The phone number that you gave me is wrong.
5. She is able to solve all the problems which she caused.
6. The day that she spent on the beach left her sunburned.
7. Next week I am going to visit my cousins, whom I have not seen in
several years.
8. The teacher whom the students like the most is their history
9. Did you forget the promise that you made?

 Test Item Example 1:

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Test Item Example 2:

 Previous lecture:
1. Use adverb clause connectors correctly.
2. Use noun clause connectors correctly.
3. Use adjective clause connectors correctly.

 End of the Lecture 4

 By the end of this lecture, you will be able to:

1. Recognize subject-verb inversion in interrogation correctly,

2. Recognize subject-verb inversion with place expressions correctly,

3. Recognize subject-verb inversion in negative sentences correctly.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 10: Invert the subject and verb with

questions words

 Inversion means putting the (auxiliary) verb before the subject.

1. With question
2. With place expression
3. With negative
4. With conditionals
5. With comparison

 Skill 10: Invert the subject and verb with questions words

1. He can swim.
2. You would tell me the truth.
3. She was sick yesterday.
4. He goes to the movie.
5. You told me the truth. Tell told

1. Can he swim?
2. Would you tell me the truth?
3. Was she sick yesterday?
4. Does he go to the movie?
5. Did you tell me the truth?

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Skill 10: Invert the subject and verb with questions words

1. Sacramento is the capital of California.

- Is Sacramento the capital of California?
- What is the capital of California?

2. He can speak French.

- Can he speak French?

 question word + verb + subject

 When the question word (what, when, where, why, who, and how)
introduces a question, the subject and verb are inverted.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Wh word+ aux.verb+ sub+ main verb?

1. Where can I find Amy?

2. When did you go to Thailand?
3. What are you going to do tonight?
4. How much would you like to earn?
5. What is the homework?
6. Where have you been all this time?

 When the question word is used to join two clauses, the subject
and verb that follow are NOT inverted.

 Test Item Example:

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 11: Invert the subject and verb with place


 After ideas expressing place, the subject and the verb sometimes
invert in English.
1. The subject and verb are inverted after single words expressing
place, such as here, there or nowhere.

 Examples:
• Here is the book that you lent me.
• There are the keys that I thought I lost.
• Nowhere have I seen such beautiful weather.

2. The subject and verb can also be inverted after prepositional

phrases expressing place. Prepositional phrase = prep + object of

 Examples:
- In the closet are your clothes.
- Around the corner is the post office.
- On the doorstep was a bunch of flowers.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

✓ The subject and verb will invert after place expressions at the
beginning of a sentence only when the place expression is necessary
to complete the sentence.

1. In the forest are many exotic birds. (NECESSARY)

2. In the forest I walked for many hours. (OPTIONAL)

 Test Item Example:

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 12: Invert the subject and verb with negative

 The subject and verb are inverted when negative expressions (no, not,
never) come at the beginning of a sentence.

1. Not once did Freddy make a problem.

2. Never has Mrs. Allen made a problem.
3. At no time can the kid talk on the phone.

 There are some words that act like negatives in English like hardly,
barely, scarcely, and only. If one of these words comes at the
beginning of a sentence, the subject and verb are also inverted.

• Hardly ever does he take time off.

• Only once did Jones issue overtime paychecks.
• Scarcely had I stepped out when the telephone rang.

 When the negative expression appears in front of a subject and verb

in the middle of a sentence, the subject and verb are also inverted.
This happens often with the negative words neither and nor.

- I do not want to go, and neither does Tom.

- The secretary is not attending the meeting, nor is her boss.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Test Item Example:

 To recap:

 Negative expressions:
No not never neither nor
Barely hardly only rarely scarcely seldom

 When a negative expression appears in front of a subject and verb

(at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle of a sentence) the
subject and verb are inverted.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

✓ Quiz:

1. Go to website using the following link

2. Write your name and hit START, and

3. Answer the quiz question items.

 By the end of this lecture, you will be able to:

1. Recognize subject-verb inversion with conditionals

correctly, and

2. Recognize subject-verb inversion with comparisons


English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 13: Invert the subject and verb with

conditionals (if clauses)

 In certain conditional structures, the subject and verb may also be

 This can occur when the helping verb in the conditional clause is
had, should, or were, and the conditional connector if is omitted.

If ………s………v……………, ……s………v…………….
………s………v……………. If ……s…………v…………

 If I were you, I would say nothing

 I will buy the red car if I have money.

 Examples:

1. Had he taken more time; the results would have been better.

2. I would help you, were I in a position to help.

3. Should you arrive before 6:00, just (you) give me a call.

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Examples:

If he had taken more time, the results would have been better. Had he
taken more time; the results would have been better.

A. I would help you If were in a position to help.
B. I would help you were I in a position to help.

A. If you should arrive before 6:00, just give me a call.
B. Should you arrive before 6:00, just give me a call.

 Test Item Example

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

Skill 14: Invert the subject and verb with


 The inversion of a subject and verb after a comparison is optional

rather than required, and it is rather formal structure.

 My sister spends more hours in the office than John.

 My sister spends more hours in the office than John does.
 My sister spends more hours in the office than does John.

taller longer smarter THAN

 MORE expensive interesting beautiful THAN

 Test Item Example:

 The results of the current experiment appear to be more
consistent than ………… the results of any previous tests.

(A) Them
(B) Were
(C) They were
(D) Were they

English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

 Exercise:

1. Fred spends more hours in the school than ……… Jack.

(A) does
(B) he
(C) he does
(D) him

2. We were more prepared than ……… the other performers.

(A) they
(B) them
(C) they were
(D) were

3. We were much more impressed with the performance than

……… the other members of the audience.
(A) did they
(B) did
(C) them
(D) they
English TOFEL - Structure Competences Zain Khader

End of Structure Competences


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