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DIABL® I A rg cece) ieee acd Dene a gt Mente c) Se a en es ee eee Tins eed eer tn Cea een eck sed EEE kero) Typography: Victoria L. Ausland, Erin Dorries Peep ae es rtrd POR att Special Thanks: Jason Carl, Ryan Dancey, Sam i ree tT aad orem eee ier ee eed Eke orca yr ET Bree ek BY eee asta) fo remem eee ay fe eee ect ad Chapter Three: Spells Chapter Four: Magic Items Chapter Five: Monsters elec rea nea cory eee ec eee certs ered Householder, Neal Hubbard, Gwendolyn FM Kestrel, Mons Johnson, Jim Lin, Chris Metzen, Un OMe eke tg eur a eae aC cee eure sma Pew Dea sant Reis ey Nera Carer (eee eter ae ey r4é cad 62 or feos en eg ge eee oa caterer created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. and the new DUNGEGNS & DRAtons game designed by Ae UR eae cat ecete a ca a enc nen eee teeny ee en bd cs eer reragy reo rer a INTR@DUCTION Got your harids on the new editio of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONSE game? Ready to do battle wit he minions of Hell? Weleame to Diario ie, your ticket to adventure Our story is based c selling DiaB.o Il computer game. ses The archfiend Diablo is again J ing to take over your home aura land, Khanduras—and he's got Sa rid-class help this time. As a player, you can try to put an end to his plotting or, as DM, see if your players are up to the task! thebes. Gig This book gives guideline ping the DiAaio Il chara for creating and equip- fs, from lithe amazons with hunter's hows to enigmatic necromancer armed with dev astating seythes Cand enough monsters and treasures to start adventuring now) You'll also find a few new twists on some traditional char= acter classes: the Diao Il bar- boarian and paladin aren't exactly what. you remember from the DED Player's Hondbook—and the sorceress class isn’t just & female version of the sorcerer These are new, built specially for the DED version of Dias Il though they'll also fit pretty well into any DED campaign setting. WHAT'S THE STORY? ‘While the Diao setting contains a continent of fan tasy kingdoms, barbarians and rogues, sorcerers and ‘amancers, and enchanted sreatuces hath wonder- ful and terrible, the heart of the story is the secret rise of Hells princes in the Mortal Realm, If they can take control here, they'll get the upper hand against the Forces of Light and Order. Already many strongholds Tong secure against them have fallen, and areas once sacred to the Light have been corrupted ‘Areas that have fallen under demonic influence must be freed! Fhe Dungeon Master can use this hook to set up general adventures of exploration and demon erad- ication. The companion volume, To Hell and Back, presents adventure and world details based directly on the computer game: Demons and the Prime Evils Since Time hegan, the forces of Order and Chaos have fought to decide the fate of Creation. Now, after cen- tures of battles and defeats, the demon princes think the Mortal Realm is the key to victory. However, lo wage alltout war on humanity would dangerously weaken Hell’ forces and would probably lead! to direct intervention by divine forces. Thus, the demon prnees Baal, Mephisto, ard Disblo—a trie known as the Prime Evils hatches 3 devious plot. They had themselves cast onto the Prime Plane as i? exiled from the Infemal regions as the result of a demonic power struggle, and quietly bean a long and subtle campaign of corruption, Baal tricked Tal-Rasha, a supremely powerful wiz~ ad, into imprisoning him in the wizard’s own body for many years. In tine, Baal utterly corrupted the wizerd and gained access to the magle lore oF che Horad humanity's oreatest sorcerous cabal. Mephisto hes been imprisoned fr many years ina soul store under the main temple of the Zakarur faith in the capital of the Eastern Empire, the city of Kurast. Over time, Mephisto has gained control of the stone andl cor rupted she priesthood, includiny Que-Heyar Sankekur the highest mortal authority of the Zakarum faith Diabio caused a war between the two nations of Khanduras and Westmarch, resulting ic the first DiaBic story fsee Woe of the Hero below) Woe of the Hero: The Diablo Story Diablo wok control of the small wesiern kingdom of Kharduras, working deep in ancient catacombs beneath the town of Tristram. He snared good King Leonie and many other persons of power At last, a lone hero plumbed the hellish depths of she labyrinth and confronted firs Koowing that the demon pence’: sprit could not be destrayed, the hero made a nable sacrifice —casting his soul and sanity aside, he tock the spirit of Diablo into himself, hoping that his own strength of will could contain the demon, Unknown co all, this selfless act not only ensured Diablo's victory, but also damned che unnamed hero's seul. With his tragic failure, the story begins anew: Using This Book This book has two goals. The first is to let players create their own amazon, barbar- ian, necromancer, paladin, and sorceress jaracters, then provide them with quipment, spells, special abilities and a desire for fame and fortune! The second goal S$ to give the Dungeon Master enough informa: tion to start the characters on the path from fresh-faced ssbseuricy to the pinnacles af power, wealth, Look for the superadvencure Te Hell and Back Yor a major epic adventure and even more campaign details. ia player can’t find every- hing she needs to create the character she wants chances are the informa- sion she's lacking is the DED Ployer’ Harulbook. Some one in the gaming group should have a copy—the | Dur geon Master. at the very least That book defines alotof the words and rule concepts we assume you know here—consider it highly useful, but you don't absokstely have to have it as long as someone in your group does. Ifthe DM needs more information on climate, terrain, ighling. smoke, and soon, its almost certainly in one of three places: the D&-D Dunceon MasrER’ Guide, the Monster Manual, or 014810 Il: Te Hell and Back, the companion to this volume: What About All That Other Stuff? ‘You may notice the equipment section has no listing for food. Is that a problem? After all, the game designers at Blizzard Ent ‘ent wisely realized that part of the great pastime of escapism is not worry ing about such commonplace trifles as eating, drinking, and paying bills he beauty of the DIAULO Il setting is that it does nat focus as much on investigation and interaction as it does on good old-fashioned door-bashing, skull- cracking, hearchlooting action. But hey, you paid for it, it's your game naw, $0 if you want toadd mere lev- els of complexity, theyre our there for you, in those other books The point wee trying to make is that you dant need them ta enjoy the flavor of the DIABLO Il setting. IF you've purchased this book, youre probably more inter- ested in kicking demon butt than keeping track of your tions, anyway. Right? £EN@UGH TALK! What youte still reading the introduction? Get out your dive, turn the page, and start carving your path to glory in the world of Diss.o I! CHAPTER I: CHARACTER CLASSES The next several pages detail each DIABLO Il character class. feet} Players unfamiliar with DUNGeOnS o/h & Dracons class descriptions ear should refer to the Players Hand book for information. Important Note: When choosing a magic ability, you can ake oF cup. For example, you can take a Croup ability instead ofa Group 2 ability if you want, AMAZ@N This powerfisl woman warrior belongs to one of" the nomadic bands that. roam the plains near the South Sea. Their wandering often brings the bands into conflict with ther peoples, so the amazon s accustomed to fighting in order to defend her own. This lifestyle has made her fercely independent andable to weather severe hardship and travel. While her skill with the baw rivals the rogue's, the amazon is also adept in the use of spears and other throwing weapons, as well as in melee combat. ‘The amazon is much sought after as amerce- nary, in which service she is loyal as fang, as her own ends are also served. Adventures: An amazon wiews adventuring as a series of skirmishes with the forces of evil—something to prepare her for her part n the final bat- Ue to come, The minions of darkness she vanguishes now, the amazon rea- educe the number she must eventually face—and coincidentally allow her to improve her combat skils, Characteristics: The amazon excels at ranged combat. The spear, jav and of course, bow and arrows are her favorite weapons, and the magica effects she can produce with them far surpasses what other classes can do with the same weapons. She fares less well in melee combat than a barbari or a paladin, and i than a necromancer or sorceress. Background: Amazons see the destruction of the Prime Evilsas their des- tiny in the world—part of a step Loward ess for mortals. a new era of gre Dee em et tro emery orn) crue et eae ad Their oracles long ago predicted the events of these times, and the er amazons have been preparing for i years to battle the evils that now plague the land. Though thee teus ongins lie in the Islands of the These Sisters wn the Twin Seas they have ventured into the world te do ther part ve ela): Game Rule Information Amarons have the following game statistics Abilities: Dexterity is vital ta the amazon's combat shill, since it modifies her chance to strike with a ranged weapon, Wisdom allows the amazon tw be the eyes and ears of any adventunng narty. Charisma enhances her special class snagical abil ities, and Intelligence gives her a good selection of skills Hit Die: dl Class Skills The amazon’ class skills (and the key abilicy for each skill) are Craft, Craft (howyer) (Int), Craft (fletcher) (Int}, Disable Device (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge {religion} (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Inti, Spot (Wis), and Wilderness Lore (Wis), Skill Points at Ist Level: (2 4 lat modifies) x4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int Class Features The following are all class features of the amazon. The amazon acquires them at specific umes dunng her vvarger, as shown on the Amazon table, Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Amazons are skilled with all weapons and armoy, including shields. Note: Each armor skill has a minimum Strength score. IF your character doesn't meet this seore, don't write the saill down yet-—her Strength needs to improve hefore she can use armor of that type. Amazon Starting Package Armor Leather +2 AG, armor check penalty 0, speed 30 fi., weight (5 lb Weapons: Sharthow (Id6, crit x3, range 60 fe, 2 Ib, Medium-size, Piercing), javelin (Id6, crit »2, range 30 fe, 2b, Medium-size, Piercing). Table I~ Attack Fort Ref Level Bonus Save Save 1 ut +2 40 2 2 13 0 3 3 a “ 4 4 4 ul 5 as Py “l é ~t/-1 +3 +2 7 11-2 +3 42 8 8-3 +6 42 3 49/44 +6 3 10 HONS a 3 u Hif6L #1 43 a 12/47/42 43 a4 3 HSA +8 “ 4 Hai49t44 3 +4 5 5/10/45 +4 + 16 M/F 61 10 5 7 MTD +10 45 ie NBL Bn8/a8 “i 48 we AID sL4t Dd atl 46 2 4204-415 410/45 +12 +6 a QU see nNeru 2 a7 2 DBT VLBA TAD 3 7 B »23/118/n13A 8/43, 413 47 EI ~PH/ 1941449 46 +14 +8 a 2514201415 /+10/+5 +14 8 Quick Skills: Choose a number of skills equal ro 2 + la modifier: Armor Skill Ranks Ability Penalty Craft (bowmaking) 4 Ine s Disable Device 4 Dex or Heal + Wis ad Knowledge (religion) 4 Int = Listen 4 Wis ren Move Silently 4 Dee 0 Search 4 Int - Spat 4 Wis — Wilderness Lore 4 Wis ad Feat: Point Blank Shot Magic Ability: Fire Arrow. Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day's rations. blanket, bedroll, flint & steel, | light healing potion, 2 quivers of 20 arrows each Gold: 10 go. Amazon Abilities Amazons have a deep understanding of sertain mysti- cal processes, such as those that enchant nonmagical arrows, javelins, and other missiles, Because the warld Amazon ‘will Ability Magic Save Feats increas Ability 0 lee = Group} “0 = cs Group “ 2rd - Group WL = Ist " Grou 2 +2 3rd = Group 2 42 a = Linc +2 cs re = 43 ath as Group 3 13 x Group 3 ry oa na Group 3 4 5th 3rd 4 = = Group 4 +4 = = Group 4 6 eh = Group ¢ 5 = 4th = 33 Group § +6 Fen Group “6 = = Group 5 cae les Sih = #7. eh a Group 6 47 a Ea Group 6 ne Be at Grows 6 +8 tn och +8 = a i of Khanduras is rich in magic, the amazon tribes make it 2 point to train their members to harness it A Ist-level amazon starts to learn this knowledge, taking one ability from the Group | Ability list below. Another is gained at 2nd level, and one at 3rd, AcSth through 7th level, the amazon can-choose abil- ines from the Group 2 list. At 9th through Ith level Group 3 abilities can be taken. Group 4 abilities can be taken at 13th through I5th, Group 5 abilities at 17th throuigh I9th, and Group 6 abiives at ist through 23¢¢ level. (These ehoieas are listed on the Amazon table.) Some of these choices have prerequisites, abilities that must be taken first. Note: Abilities marked with an asterisk (*) are spe- ial. After using the ability, the amazon must make a Charisma check (DC 15 + ability-group number). Fail- ure means the ability cannot be used for the rest of the day. Mana potions-can restore an ability, counting its group number as its spell level. A restored ability can be Used freely until che amazon fails another cheek while using it Group | Aswimies Critical Strike: You gain the feat Improved Critical. [more the prerequisites of the feat—you need not hawe chem, Fire Arrow’s You can take a full-round action 10 enchant and shoot normal arrows as fire arrows. A hit deals normal arrow damage plus 1d6 points of nonmag- ical fire damage. You can turn one normal arrow into a fire arrow for each ranged attack your level allows. Arrows used in this way cant be recovered, Inner Sight: You gana ‘2 circumstance bonus to Spot checks against creatures in darkened areas, You also have a +2 circumstance bonus to your attacks against such creatures if you are within 30 feet of them. You can't be caught flat-footed or sneak attacked by crea tures you spat using this ability. You don't take any penalties for darkness that would be negated by low- light vision’ Jab: If you are using a piercing weapon (type P on the Weapon table), you can take a full-round action te make your primary melee attack and two more melee attacks, yourdo not apply attack or damage bonuses for Strength. Each attack’s chance to hit suffers a cumula- ive =2 penalty, and all damage rolls have a -1 penalty (minimum damage | per attack), Magic Arrow’: You can take « full-round action to create and fire magic arrows. These arrows always hit, and have a | enhancement bonus to damage, You can turn one nonmagical arrow into a magic arrow for each ranged attack your level allows. The magic arrows di appear after they hit. Grour 2 Asiuimies Cold Arrow’: You can take a fullround action to enchant and fire normal arrows as cold arrows. A hit deals normal arrow damage plus id6 points of cold damage. A target subject to cold effects must make 3 Fortitude save or be slawed for Id3 rounds (see Chapter 3). You can turn one nonmagic arrow into a cold arrow for each ranged attack your level allows. Arrows used in this way can't be recowered, Dodge Attacks: You can take a full-round action to become more difficult to hit in melee. IF you de not attack or move more than 5 feet in yeur turn, you gein a 14 dodge bonus to your AC against melee attacks. ‘Alo, of you make a successful Reflex save against an attack that allows a Reflex save for half damage, you take no damage instead! Multiple Shot’: You can take a fulleround action to enchant and fire normal arrows 3s multiple-arnows. The arrow splits into three arrows in flight, allowing three attack rails against different foes, You ean athacs each foe only once this round, and each arrow's chance te hit suffers @ curnslative ~2 attack penalty, You can turn one nonmagic arrow into a multiple shot arrow for each ranged altack your level allows. Arrows used in this way aan’t be recovered. Prerequisite: Mayie Arrow, Poison Javelin’: You can cake a full-round action to enchant and hurl a normal javelin as a poison javelin. The javelin streaks toward its target, leaving a trail of green vapor. IVit hits, the javelin deals half damage and the target creature may be poisoned, ‘The target muss make a Fortitude save (DC 14+ one-third your level + your Charisma bonus) or suffer iitial damage of | point of temporary Constitution, and secondary damage of Id2 points of senporary Constatution Breathing ereaturas within 5 fect of the pati of the javelin are exposed to its gas tral. They must make 2 Fortitude save at DC 15 or take | point of wemperary Constitution damage. Lost Constisution is regained at the rate of | point per day (2 per day if the character only rests). The javelin cant be recovered Power Strike: You can take a full-round action to attack once with a melee weapon. If you hit, you also discharge an electrical bolt into the foe. The bole deals Ld8. points of electrical damage for every 5 levels you have achieved (maximum 5d8). Prerequisite: Jab Group 3 Asuities Awoid: You gain the feat Deflect Arcows, regardless of whether you meet the prerequisites. (Reflex save against DC 20+ any magical attack bonus). Prerequi- site: Dodge Attacks. Bolt of Lightning’: You car take a fil-round action to enchant and hurl a normal javelin as a bale of ligheaing. In mid fight, the javelin transforms into a bolt of lightning, dealing 2410 points of electrical damage to whatever it strikes, with a Reflex save (BC 13 + one third your level your Charisma bonus) allowed for half damage. The javelin can't be recovered. Prerequisite: Poison Javelin. Exploding Arrow’: You can use a ful-round aetiors tes enchant and fire one norrnal arrow as an exploding arrow. The arrow is charged with lethal energy that deals dam- age to all creatures within 15 feet of the creature hit. The biast deals 1d6 points of damage for every two of your levels (maximurr 10d6). A creature net hit but in the area. is allowed a Reflex save (DC 13 + one-third your level 4 your Charisma bonus) for half damage. Misses have no effect, The arrow cant be recovered, Prerequisite: Fire Arrow, Multiple Shot. Impale: You can deal more damage with a melee weapon at the cost of its Durability. Declare this ability: before rolling the attack. If you hit, the weapon deals +2d6 points of damage. Your weapon takes an automatic 2 points of, Durability damage. plus the normal effect for the damage you deal as well, Note’ If you are not using the Durabil ly rules, Use weapon breaks ifit fails a special [d20 check (DCs hal the damage dealt). Add your weapon's mag callattack bonus, #Pany, lo your ral. Prerequisite: Jab. Slow Missiles’: You can use a full-round action to make all projectile or thrown missiles coming within 30 feet of you until your next turn-—to literally stow in flight. Those targeted by such missiles gain a +4 docige bonus to ther AC. Any enchanted missile (including the anssile spell) must make a successful saving throw (DC 7 + your level + your Charisma bonus) or barmiessly destroyed, Prerequiit: Inner Sight. Group 4 ABILITIES Charged Strike’: You can take @ full-sound action to attack once with a melee weapon and discharge an electrical bolt inte the foe if you hit. In addition te deat ing normal damage, the weapon is electrically charged, dealing 2d8 points of electrical damage and releasing a single charged folt spell (see Chapter Three} trat tar- gets foes not struck nearest the point of impact. Pre- Power Strike, Bole of Lightning, fou can use a full-round action to enchant and fire a normal arrow that hits the nearest foe within eange, even turning corners or flying through an open door. IF twa or more fbes are al equal range the target is determined randomly. Prerequisite: Cold Arrow, Multiple Shot. Ice Arrow": You can use a full-round action to enchant and fire a normal arrow as an ice arrow, [n addition to its normal damage, the arrow deals 2d6 points of culd da age. Further, the foe struck by the arrow must make a Fortitude seve (DC 14 + one third your level + your Charisma bonus). Failure leaves the foe frozen in place andhelpless fer 1d3 rounds. Prerequisite: Cold Arron Penetrate’: You learn to see the weak points af your Largets. When using a ranged weapon, you ignore | point of your tanget's Armor Class for every five lev. els you have achieved (shields and natural armor are counted as armor for this purpose), Prerequisi Critical Strike. Plague Javelin’: You can enchant and hurl a normal javelin in the same round. The javelin streaks towaed its target. leaving a trail of green vapor [Fit hits, the javelin deals half damage and the target creature may be poi soned. The creature must make a Fortitude save (DC Id = one-third your level = your Charisma bonus) or suffer mitial damage of | point of temporary Constitue tion and secondary damage of Id4 points of temporary Constitution. A cloud of noxious gas expands outward 15 Feet from its paint of impact and remains until your net tur. Creatresin hiserea are expored 9 the po- son as i struck Breathing creatures within 5 feet of the path of the javekn are exposed to its gas trail. They must make a Fortitude save at DC 15 or take | point of temporary Constitution damage. Lost Constitution is regained at the rate of | point per day (2 per day if the character only rests). The javelin cant be recovered. Prerequisite: Bolt of Lightning, Gnour 5 Asmities Decoy’: You canuse a full-round action to shape magical energy intoa semisubstantial copy oF yourself The decay bbehaves like you, but deals no damage with its attacks. Opponents that fella Wall save (DCIS | one-third your level + your Charisma bonus) attack or pursue the decoy in preference to you. The decoy lasts | round per three levels you have achieved. Prerequisites: Slaw Missile. Evade: You can become more difficult to hit. IF you do not attack, you gain a_14dedge honus to your AC: until yournent turn, Also, if youmakea soccessfit Reflex save irist an attack that allows a Reflex save for half damage, you rake no damage instead. Prerequi- Fend: You gan the feat Creat regardless of whether yo meet the prerequisites. Each time sou slay a foe, take a free melee attack against another fee in range. If y have the feat Great Cleave, this has no effect, Prerequisite: Impale. Immolation Arrow’: You can use 4 4 full-round action to enchant and fire a normal arrow as an immola- wr. When the arrow hits, it ates a fiery explosion. In adel lion to normal damage, the arrow deals 4d6 points of fire damage. At the point of impact, an explosion deals Id6 points of damage for each two of your levels to all crea tures in a Q-foot radius mum 1046). Nonstruck creatures are allaweda Reflex save (DC 15 + one-third your level + your Charisma bonus) for half damage. The area.con- tinues to burn for Id4+1 rounds, dealing 2d6 fire dam age te anyone in the area. The arrow can't be site: Exploding Aerow. recovered. Prerequ Strafe: You can fire a single arrow at each foe at close range, all in the same round, The first attack is made normally and each following attack takes a cumulative =2 penalty to hit. This ability can be used only with ranged weapons that do not require move-equivalent actions 10 reload or ready (such as arrows, daggers, shuriken, and so on). Crossbows cannot be used— though a repeating crossbow can be employed antl it needs to be reloaded. Prerequisite: Guided Arrow: Grour 6 AsiLiTies Freezing Arrow’: You can use & full-round action to enchant and fire a normal arrow as a freezing arrow. The arrow deals normal damage to whatever it strikes, plus an additional 4u6 cold damage. Further, any crea ture within 15 feet of the point of impact must make a Fortitude save (DC 16 + one-third your level = your Charisma bonus). A creature failing the save is frozenin place and helpless for Id3 rounds. Each round a frozen creature must make another Fortitude save or be dealt an additional 2d6 points of cald damage. Prerequeste: lee Arrow. Lightning Fury’: You can use a partial action to enchantand hurl a normal javelin. In miceflight, the javelin transforms into a bolt of lightning that deals a half-strength F chain lightning effect. You deal Id points of electrical damage for each two of your levels (maximum lOd6). The bolt ares to other foes within 30 feet of your foe, up to one creature for each of your [ev- els. A secondary are deals half as many dice damage as the primary bolt, rounded dewn. Alll foes are allowed a Reflex save (DC 16 + one-third your level + yo: Charisma bonus) for half damave. Prerequisite: Plague Javelin Lightning Strike’: You can take a full-round action to atrack in melee once with a javelin, hit, you deal normal damage and discharge a half-strength ch nirig effec into your foe. You deal Ld points of eleetrical dam age for each two of your levels (maximum 10d6), The bolt arcs to other foes within 30 feet of your foe, up to cone creature for each of your levels. A secondary arc Seals half as many dice damage as the primary bolt rounded down, alll foes are allowed a Reflex save (DC 16 + one-third your level + your Charisma bonus) for hralf damage. Prerequisite: Charged Strike. ome 30 sill that y the bodies oF oppo Pierce: Your ranged attacks can actually drive missiles through nents, and into opponents behind them, Whenever you make a ranged attack and there are foes within 24 feet of a straight line behind the isitial target, you can roll anoth- er atiack as a free action against the next foe The attack bonus of the later attacks is equal ts half the attack bonus ofthe previous attack: thus, itis possble to attack muluple foes in this fashion, The attacks do not end until the attack bonus is necuiced below +1, the missile reaches its mum range, or it strikes solid, nani: a stone wall-—though it can pass througha or an obstacle of simular strength). Prerequ Peretrate. Valkyrie: Once per day, you can summon a valkyrie, a oowerful magical being renowned for its battle prowess. The valiyrie appears in the location of your chotce with- in 60 fees, It attacks your enemies until ordered to cease, the duration expires, ox itis slain. The valkyrie is immune to fear andl mind-affecting effects it never flees combat, IP there are ne immediate foes, you can give the valkyrie simple commands, meluding “Guard,” “Follow,” “Carry,” or Scour,” The valkyrie serves for one round per level of the amazon, then disappears. Prerequisite: Decoy, Evade. BARBARIAN The berbarian is a member of any of several tribes on the Fringes of civilization. Ceaseless clan warfare and the constant struggle to survive in the hostile wilder ness give him a sturdy and powerful frame. Though perhaps lacking the polish of eity folk, the barbarian is acutely aware of his surroundings. Because of his shamanistic beefs in the animal powers with which he identifies, others sometimes associate the barbarian with stories of lyeanthrony. In fact. he believes he can zall-upon totemie animal spirits to infuse him with supernormal strength and abilities, but these only serve c improve his already superb battle skills Adventures: The barbarian is keenly aware that evil is spreading throughout the land, and that he is extraor- dinarily qualified to combat it. His best chance to tr. mph, he knows, iste-loeate the relies of bygone battles against eviland use Une against the enemy. Toco that, he must wander the land, seeking out items of power wherever they may be. Characteristics: The barbarian is a savage—an animal on wo legs. But where animals use fangs and claws, the barbarian takes up a sword or axe ta rend and tear the flesh of his foes. His fighting style 1s brutal but effective: hit fast, hard, and often, and keep deing &t until the enemy stops getting up. Background: Barbarians consider their home lane especially their holy mountain, of which they have been the custodians since the beginning of time. They believe that the Prime Evils wish co ultimately corrupt the mauntain, plunging the entire world into Hell. Consequently, as befits their savage warrior cunning, they leave their lands in the north to carry the battle to the enemy: Game Rule Information Barbarians have the following game statistics Abilities: Strength is the best of the barbarian’s weapons, and those without high Suength scores tend to perish quickly. Sirilarty, Constiaution ensures chat the barbarian is the last one standing in fight. Dexterity is usefial for improving the barbarian’s chance to avoid dam- and Wisdom allows the barbariart to remain alerc to his surroundings. Hit Die: dl2. Class Skills The barbarians class skills (and the key ability for each skill} ace Craft (Int), Climb (Stx}, Heal (Wis), Int Direction (Wis), Knowledge (nature) (Int). Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), and Wilderness Lore (Wis) it Skill Points at Ist Level: (4 ~ Int modifier) 4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + loc modifier Class Features The following are all class features of the barbarian. jarbarian acquires them at specific times during his zer, as shown on the barbarian elass table below. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Barbarians are proficient with all weapons and armor, including shields. Note that each armor includes prerequisites for Strength scores, If you character doesn't meet the prerequisite, don't write the armor down yet; your character's Strength score needs to improve before he can use armer of that type. Barbarian Starting Package Armor: Leather armor 12 AC, armor check penalty 0, speed 30 Fe., 15 Ib, Weapons: 2 hand anes (Idd, ovit «2, 4 ib, Medium, Slashing) Quick Skills: Choose a number of skills equal to 3+ Int modifier: Skill Ranks Ability Armor Heal 4 Wis = Incuit Direction 4 Wis _ Knowledge (nature) 4 lat = Listen 4 Wis Move Silently 4 Dex o Search 4 Int 2 Spot 4 Wis = Wilderness Lore 4 Wis es Feat: Tiwo-Weapon Fighting. Magic Ability: Howl Gear: Backpack with waterskin, I day's rations, bedroll Barbarian Magic ‘As part of their lifelong training, barbarians learn something about how nature works—ineluding how it interacts with the unnatural, Ths knowledge trans lates ta a sort of shamanistic magic, which the bar- barian puts Lo good use im combat situatiens. Some choices have prerequisites, abilities chet must be taken first Group I AsitiTies ‘Axe Mastery: You gain the feat Weapon Focus with all Khanduran axes Bash: You can strike a foe in-such a way as to knock it away, When you choase co use this ability. roll normal attack with a~2 penalty. Ifthe attack is suc~ cessful, deal your normal damage and make an opposed Strenach check, with your oppanent adding a +4 bonus for each size category above Medium- size or a —4 penalty for each size category below Medium-size. IF you roll higher, the foe is knocked backward § feet {Wnot possible, the foe is stunned for one round unless immune}. If the foe beats you, then the bash fails Table 1-2: Barbarian fint and sueel, | fight heating powon, Gold: 10 0. Actnck Fort. Ref Level Bonus Save Save 1 Bf 2 a 2 ‘eB ” it 3 3 * 1 4 4 + 1 a a ot i 6 16/4 5 +2 7 ’ er a é + 9 “6 a3 ° a1 3 u at my 2 a “ 1B 43 “4 6 S) a4 5 9 18 le 0 13 7 idygalzeetiee 0 8 6 Bilan 81d Hu 6 s 19/14 i a6 20 2013; 2 +6 a S21/41SPIN/26F1 #12 ‘# Da VDOF Tel DET? +13 7 Hasler, a aw 2H +19FH1 449/14 414 +8. 25/20) 915/=10=5 io +a wit! Abitity Masi Save Feats Increase Ability 0 aa Group | +0 - Group | 1} aa # Grou | “1 — — Hh — oS Gaius 2 aed = Group? “a = Group? “ Bs 2nd ae an ~ Se aiersig’ 3 — = Grou “3 - = Group Sth ao 4 = x Group 4 = Group 4 oh : Grog 4 5 — ah a9 s S = Graus5 ~ Th a Geoun 5 aa Grou 16 = ae an = Groans v7 - = Siro 6 ea - = Groups +8 th sh 2 aR = a " 10 Find Potion: Whenever you search a freshly vai quished foe, you are allowed a Search check (DC 20) to discover the ingredients of a sort of erude healing potion, which youhave trained your bady to use, Other characters cannot benefit from these raw ingredients, Roll ldB: 4 Minor, 5-8 Light, 9-0 Standard. See Chapter Two for potion effects, Howl: You can cut loose with a bone-chilling howl as a full-round action, Opponents that hear this ory must attempt. Will save (DC: 10 + half your level + Charis- ma bonus),"Thase that fail flee from you fer 166 rounds, plus | round for every five full levels you have. Mace Mastery: You gain the feat Weapon Focus with all Khanduran maces and clubs. Pole Arm Mastery: You gain the feat Weapon Focus with all Khanciuran two-handed melee weapons excluding axes and spears Spear Mastery: You gain the feat Weapon Focus with all types of Khanduren spears Sword Mastery: You gain the feat Weapon Focus with all Khanduran swords, Throwing Mastery: You gain the feat Weapon Focus with all Khanduran thrown weapons, such as. daggers, throwing axes, or javelins, You gel the bonus only when making ranged attacks wilh them, Group 2 ABILITIES Double Swing: Asa full-round action, you can strike & fae simultaneously with a weapon in each hand. Make ane attack rollaca-2 pennlty. IFyou hit, call damage for each weapon and add your Strength adjustment once. Prerequisite: Bash. Leap: You can perform a bull rush attack (see the Play- ef Handbook, Chapter 8: Combat) against several foes by jumping into che midst of them. You must precede the attack with a jump (2 move equivalent action). Each foe adjavent to your landing point must make an opposed Strength check against you or be knocked backward 5 feet A foe gets a +4 bonus for each size category it is above Mediumesize or a ~4 penalty for each size category below Mediumesize. You get a +2 onus for each feet youjumped. A foe rolling equal to or beiter than you does not move at all Shout: As apa tial action, you roar with fury, dso ing foes, All foes within 60 feet mest make a successful Will check (DC 12 ~ half your level + your Charisma) or un take a -2 penalty to their attack rolls for the next 2d4 rounds, A creature cannot be affected by this ability only onee in an encounter: Prerequisite: Howl. Taunt: By 2 combination of crude gibes ard! gestures, you can goad single foe into fighting you exclusive ly. Asa partial action, you force the fe to attemst a Will saving throw (DC 20). A foe chat toward you and attacks for the next 2d4 rounds, The foe must be able to perceive you to be affected by this abihly—foes with no Intelligence rating are aot affected. Prerequisite: Howl fails moves Group 3 AsitiTies Double Throw: As a standard action, you can attack a foe with a thrown weapon in each hand, Make: one attack roll at a -2 penalty. If you hit, roll damage for each weapon and add your Strength adjustment once. You must have two separate missiles (one far each hand). Prerequisite: Double Swing. Find Item: Whenever you search a freshly vanquished fos, you are allowed a Search check (DC 20). IF sue- cessful, you will find either a base item (see Chapter Four) or its value'in gold pieces (DM's choice). This abil- ity and Find Potion can't be used successfully on the same body. Prerequisite: Find Potion. Increased Stamina: You gain the Endurance: feat, a 14 bonus to checks for performing a physical action that extends aver a peried of time. Stun: Declare your se of this ability before making your atcack roll. You strike with enough force: ti tariparariy daze your foe. If your attack is successf, the foe must atcerpt a Fortitude saving thw (DC 10 + half yourlevel 1 your Strength modifier), besides taking normal damage, IPthe save fails, the foe is stunned for | round (uctil your next action). A stunned ereature cant act, and loses any positive Dexterity bonus to AC. Attackers gain a +2 bonus to attack rls agamst a stunned opponent. Some creatures canbe stunned. Prerequisite: Bash, GROUP 4 ABILITIES Battlecry: You let loose with a bloodcurdling yell. Qppo- nents within 30 feet who hear you must make a Will sav- ing throw (DC 10 + half your level + your Charisma bonus). Those that fail suffer a-2 AC penalty and a —1 penalty to damage rolls for 24 rouncls. Prerequae’ Taunt. Concentrate Attack: If you use no other special abil ites this round, choose a single creature to attack in melee. You gain a +2 competence bonus to all melee attacks against this creature, Also, until your next Lorn, you gain a 42 dodge honus against any other creature Uhat inakes a melee attack against you and take a ~2 dodge penalty against melee attacks by the creature you are concentrating on. Prerequisite: Stun Iron Skin: ‘Your fesh literally becomes more dense, through exercise, diet, and conditioning (excessive battle scarring). You gaina +2 natural armer bonus wo your AC. Leap Attack: You jump to an enemy and attack as a full-round action. This move-and-attack does not draw fan attack of opportunity, You also gain a +2 charge bonus for this attack. Prerequisite: Leap. Grovr 5 Asiuities Battle Orders: /s a partial action. you can bark out commands to your allies in combat, advising them on how to overcome their foes. This gives a +2 attack bbonus to each melee or ranged attack made by any of, your allies within 30 feet of you until your next turn. Prerequisite: Shout. Prenzy: [P'you hit in melee, you can attack again against the same foe. The extra attack is made with the sate weapon, at half the attack bonus of the previous attack. As long as you hit, you can continue with free attach as long as your attack honus is +1 or mere. Frenzy can be triggered only unee per round. Prerequisite: Double Swing. Grim Ward: You can assemble the bones and viscera of defeated foes into a macabre warning sign, which you place in a specific location. Evil creatures can't approach within 30 feet af the ward unless they make a success- ful Wal save (DC: 10+ half your level + your Charisma, bonus}. The ward lasts for | round per barbarian level. Prerequisite: Find Item Increased Speed: Your standard speed increases by 10 feet when you are wearing no armor, light armer, of medium armor. When you are weaning heavier armor, your sturidard speed increases by 5 feet, Prerequisite Increased Starnina. Grour 6 AsiLiTiEs Battle Command: Asa paral acuon, you can call out instructions to your allies in combat. advising them on how Lo overcome their foes. This gives a +4 attack bonus to every melee or ranged attack made by you or any of your allies within 30 feet of you until your next turn. This ability supercedes Battle Orders, Preregui- sire: Bartle Orders Berserk: This is like the [5th-level barbarians rage abil- ity trom page 25 of the Player's Handbook, except the ability score and save adjustments are increased (Strength and Constitution =8, Will save +4). You cant rage only once per encounter, and only six umes per ay (sever at 24th level). Entering a rage takses na time, but you can do it only dunng your action. Prerequisite: Concentrate Attack, Natural Resistance: Subtract 5 points of damage from each attack that hits you of the following types: fire, cold, and electricity, Prerequisite: Iron Skin Warery: You below forth an ear-shattering yell that damages and disarients foes within 30 feet of you. The intensity and volume of the Warery is physically painful to them. Fach creature in the area of effect takes 206 points of damage. In addition, each mustattempt a For. titude saving throw (DC 10 + half your level + your Charisma modifier), or be stunned for | round (unui your next action), A stunned creature can't act and loses any positive Dexterity bonus to AC. Attackers gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls against a stunned oppo nent, Using this ability requires 2 fullround action. Pre requisite: Battlecry, Battle Orders. Whirlwind Attack: You can call on your tatem spirit in order to make multiple attacks. This feat is defined sn Chapter Five of the Players Handbook. Prerequisite: Concentrate Attack, Leap Attack. NECR@MANCER From the steamy revesses of the southern swamps comes a figure cloaked in mystery. The necromancer, as his name implies, is a wizard who deals with the dead and with the summoning of various creatures for his purposes. Though his goals are often aligned with thase Of the forces of Light, some do not think that these ends justify his foul means. Long hours of study an dank mau- soleums have left his skin pale and eorpselike, his figure skeletal. Mest shun him for his peculiar looks and ways, but none daubt the power of the necromancer, for it is the stuff of nightmares. Adventures: A necromancer finds it somewhat irort- ie that the forces of darkness favor erypts and tombs singe thavis where he is at his best, Theueh he res the meddling of the Prime Evils in the Mortal Worl finds their choice oPbattlegrounds to his liking. ‘Characteristics: The enigmatic necromancer has either a peculiar obsession with death, ora morbid serise of ublity, depending on whem one asks. He uses the dead as @ craftsman uses wood or metal. Caclavers are Faw material for his projects and the weapons he wrelds: his magic and weapons alike dnp with pain, poison, and suffering. This facility with dark energy is reflected in his spells. Those unfortunate enough to fall in battle with firs quickly enter his arsenal Background: Despite being shunned as evil by many cultures, necromancers are themselves remarkably free of corruption. Te them, death is part of the cycle of ie and the presence of demons—ar any other nan-mortal agency—interferes with mortal life. They seek to right that balance, with the best weapons they have. Game Rule Information Necromancers have the fallawing game statistics Abilities: \ necromancer’s Intelligence is his most dangerous weapon, because it strengthens his spells and provides the expertise he needs to concoct his foul potions, Constitute is almost as important—without full health, the necromancer would eventually suceumb to the dark energy he wields. Wisdom and Charisma should not be overlooked, though—the necromancer uses his wits to understand his environment, and his presence to command it Hit Die: Class Skills ‘The necromancer’ class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Concenteation (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (Int), Krowledge {arcana} (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). Skill Points at Ist Level: (2 + Int modifier) x4. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier. Class Features The following are all class features of the necro- mancer. The necromancer acquires them at specifie times, as shown on the Necromancer table. Some of these choices have prerequisites, abilities that must be taken first. Armor and Weapon Proficiency: At |st level. the Recromancer is proficient with simple weapons and Table 1-3: Necromancer Ateack Fort, Ret, Level Bonus Save Save 1 a 42 10 2 4 43 +0 3 2 43 al 4 B 4 a 5 8 4 6 + +5 "2 a + 7 +2 a a +4 2 5 “4h +8 8 e W a i 4F 3 12 48 “4 1B 4978 48 pe 4 10/45 5 +4 15 HILAGr a s 5 HATZ +10 5 iz uzATA2 10 5 18 shysg/+3 +l 16 S14 i +5 15/10 +2 +s 5/10) 5/01 He a Ho) Is 6F4 3 “7 Ir/sDi Ts 13 WT RE 83 14 a HIB e Bad +4 +8 wilt Ability Save Feats Tnerease Special 2 lt a Skeletor Mastery a a nd +4 = Ise 44 Se 23 2 + Sed = = 5 Sey st +6 es +6 4h Goiem Mastery 7 a a gu i 5th 3rd Be 1B 9 = = ” oth +10 e ath +10 ee = Sienmon Resi 1 th +12 Sth #12 Buh a m5 a8 = = ez Ha th seh = 44 Necromancer Spells per Day 5 Spells per Bay— level 1 2 3 @ 1 ge = 3 a ne 4 3 - 5 ae ee 8 rae] ? eo neye te is 8 Ses ar 2 1 6 Seas 1 ence 3 We A 3 ae ees 5 7 SES Ea 4 6 6 6 8 rc {ROS 20 6 6 6 5 2 Pee oa 2 7 7 6 6 Ri [Race é 2 7 7 7 s EST 7 3 Z: 3 4 4 also with special “bone armor” he can create with the proper spell, Norm: or interferes with his arcane yes ures, and may cause his spells to fail (see Chapter 7: Equipment in the Play er Handbook) Golem Mastery: Golems the necro- manver summons gain +10 feet to their weed, and gain +1 hp per Hit Die. Pre requisite: The clay golem spell Skeleton Mastery: The necromancer increases his ability te contral creatures he has summoned. With this mastery, the necromanger can control twice as many skeletons as he sormally would be able to. Using the vaise skeleton spall for example, the necromancer raises two skeletons for every five levels the necro manver has, not one as given in the spell Summon Resist: A creature summoned by the necromancer (a golem or skeleton} Necromancer Spells Known —Spells per Day— 2-5 ae ge a - 550i, ER 2 {223 4 5 oe ee Sd al 5 A 2 meio a RM 6 Aaa 3 ee See 9 5 eae Mi aR ge ergs 4 See eee ge deed RRS ea ane an takes 5 fewer points of damage from fire, cold, and elec- Wical attacks and effects. Praraquisiter Galem Mastery. Necromancer Starting Package Armor: Robe =| AC, armor check penalny FL, 2 Ib. Weapons: Shi 0, speed 30 aff of Teeth (Id6, erit x2, 4 Ib Large, Bludgeoring, cast teeth at will, | charge per use, 30 charges). Quick Skills: Choose a number of shils equal to 3 4 nt modifier, Ska Ranks Ability Armor Alchemy 4 Int xa Coneeriraties 4 Con ces Knowledge (arcana) 4 Int Spellcraft 4 Int Heal 2 Wis = Listen 2 Wis — Move Silendy 2 Dex 0 Search 2 Int Spoe 2 Wis 5 Feat: Light Armor Proficiency. Magic Ability: Skeleton Mastery. Spells: amplify damage, reanir Gear: Backpack with waterskin, | day’s rations, blan- ket, flint & steel, Pouch with flensing knife, bone saw, boiling pot, | ight mana potion. Gold: 10 gp PALADIN The Knights of Westmarch who felled the armies of moghty Leorie are pure at heart and flew closely the teachings of Zakarum, the Religion of the Light. battle ready warrior for whom faith is a shield, he fights &r ‘what he believes to be right. Furthermore, his steadast- ‘ness gives him powers to bring blessings to his friends, and wreak cruel justics upon his foes, There are those who call the paladin an overwrought zealnt, bust others recognize in him the strength and goodness of the Light, Adventures: A paladia is on arightoous quest k the world of evil. But he knows that previous paladins ‘on the same quest have met insurmountable odds, and so he seeks to improve his chances however he can. [a most cases, this means recovering the arms and armor of his vanquished brathers. All toa often, these lie in forgotten crypts, an the very lairs of Evil Characteristics: The paladin Ives for his beliefs, and he believes that might serves right. He trains fram childhood to master the weapons of battle and the weapons of his faith. His magic is granted by divine grace, and the paladin carries this sacred burden prou In battle, the paladin is w methodical and orderly than most ether warriors, but every bit as efficient. As a testament to his faith, the paladin believes that every damned soul he hacks from its prison of carrupted flesh is then free to go to its fina comveniently, to stop threatening the innocent. ly and with honer Religion: When the Viziere: maze- clan's corruption was discovered an excised, the messengers of Heaven gave mortals directions for the future. This included a set of guiding principles and a spiritual famework, hath aimed at attaining true righteousness. This new religion became known as the Church of Zakacum. The Order of Paladins began as the martial branch of the Zakarum Inquisition, formed to weed out and destroy remaining, of corruption in the empire. But over the centuries, the Prime Evils have worked their dark ways to cum the Church against itself, especially in the Inquisition. Now the Church has degener- ated into little more than a bloodthirsty death cult-uncer the control of Mephisto. Seeing the dissolution of the only true spiritual force in the land, many palacins Sangluded that the use of sowistanes to bind evil was an utter failure as a tactic, These right eaus warniors have opted instead to destroy the Evils outright, taking the direct and brutal approach where subtlety and mercy had failed Background: Paladins pursue avery simple and direct goal: Hunt down Evil and destroy it. Once supported in this quest by the Church, they have abandoned their homeland because the Church that once supported them is gone forever. True tacticians, they prefer not to engage in endless skiemishes with the fool soldiers of Hell, but to take the battle directly to the Prime Evil, and destroy them anee and forall Game Rule Information Paladins have the following game statistics. Abilities: A paladin relies greatly cn his Strength, as a high score makes the paladin a more effective fighter, Constinstion keeps the palacin alive that much longer pethaps long enough to strike a decisive blow, But many of the paladin’s class skils derive from Wisdom, and a paladin with a high Charisena seore is that much better at inspiring others. Hit Die: cid Class Skills The paladins class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Wis), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profes- sion (Wis). Ride (Dex). Skill Points at Ist Leve Skill Points at Each Adc modifier, (2 = Int modifier) x4. jonal Level: 2 ~ Int Class Features The following are all class features of the paladin. The ladin acquires them at specific times during his career, as shown on the paladin table, ‘Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Paladins are profi- cient with all weapons and armer, including shields, Note that each armor proficiency inciudes prerequi- site for Strength scores. If you character doesn't rneet the prerequisite, don't write the armor down yet; your character's Strength score needs to improve before he can use armor of that type. Paladin Starting Package Armor: | eather armor +2 AC, armor check penalty 0, speed 30 fe., 15 Ib Weapons: Short sword (Id6, crit 19-20/x2, 3 Ib., Small, Piercing) Quick Skills Chess Ine modifier umber of skills equal to. 3 + 16 Skill Ranks Ability Armor Heal 4 Wis ate Knowledge (religion) 4 Int _ Listen 2 Wis Search 2 tnt a Spat 2 Wis koh Feat: Improved Initiative Magic Ability: Pray Gear: Backpack with watershin, blanke rations, flint & steel, holy symbol, | light h Gold: 10 gp. Paladin Magic Paladins operate on faith, and this grants them certain ‘mystical abilities. Because they are warriors, many of these “miracles” manifest as combat-ariented pow The Knights of Westmarch encourage the develop ment of the paladins’ abilities, knowing that each pal- adin’s faith can mean the difference between life and death, salvation and damnation, Paladins begin studying scriptures immediately to betier comprehend the divine plan for their ives, At Ist level, by understanding the partof righteousness in per- forming miracles, the paladin can choose one ability from the Group | list. He does so again at 2nd level and at 3edl level ‘At Sth through Tus levels, he can choose from the Grou 2 kst. At th to Lith level, Ae gains access to Group 3 abilities, Group 4 abilities can be chosen al [3th level, Group 5 abilities at I7th level, and Group 6 abilities 21st level. (These choices are listed on the Paladin table.) Some of these choices have prereauisices, abilities chat must be taken first Note: Abilities marked with an asterisk (4) are spe- ial, After using the ability, the palashn must make a Charisma check (DC 12 + group number), Failure means the ability cannot be used for Ue rest of the day. Mana potions can restore an ability, counting its group number as its spell level. A restored ability can be used Freely until the paladin fails another check while using it. Group I ABILITIES Might’: You spend a partial action to concentrate. Urtil your next turn, yau (and all your alles within 10 feet) eas add |2 enbancement bonus to Strength. Prayer’: You spend a full-round action to coneentrate. and cure 2 points of damage to yourself and each ally within 5 feet, Resist Fire’: You spend a parcial action to concenteaws, Until your next surn, you {and all your allies withia 10 feet) each take 5 fewer points af damage per round from fire based attacks and effects Sacrifice: You can expend some of your own life energy to deal greater damage to your opponents (make your choice before the attac# roll). You expend 2 Int points to add Id6 points of damage to your next melee attack. The additional darnage is included if you score a critical Int. Smite: You can use your shield or buckler asa weapon At your shield as though it were an off hand weapon. A successtul attack deals 1d6 points of darn age (22 enlical). You lose the armor bonus of the shield CF buckle ital your ext turn Also, make an opposed Strength check against your foe, whe adds a +4 circumstance bonus for each size category above Medium-size, or a -4 circumstance penaley for each size category below Medium size If yeu win, you knock the foe backward 5 feet {space permitung). If you don't, the foe does not move at all Grour 2 Asiities Defiance’: You spend a partial action to concentrate, Untl your next turn, you fand all your allies within 10 Feet) each gama 12 deflection borus to AC Table I-4: Fort. Ree, Level Save Save 1 wz 0 2 3 +0 = 3 it 4 4 HL 5 + 6 #2 i #2 8 42 . 3 10 7 3 n T 3 i +4 +4 ia “ 4 Ig ? “4 15 S15 /H10/5 wv 8 6 lef lage +10 5 7 HIRE TAD #10 5 8 HIRI INRI+3 +l +6 9 HIRE BE +i 46 20 420/415-4105 12 6 ai +226) HiPOs4l 12 “ 22. HORE READE FIZ 13 7 2 123 118(418/98/43) +3 aT 24 $24) 719) -14/-9/74 +4 “8 2 $25/220/+15 (410/45 4a oa ‘You spend a standard action to shaot fox a spelllike belt of divine energy up to 30 feet as a ranged attack, An undead creature struck by the boll is dealt ldB points of damage, plus | more point per pal adi 1d8--5). You can use also use & holy bolt to heal a living ally. You can fire only one holy bolt per round: Holy Bol Holy Fire’: You spend a partial action to concentrate, and a burst of divine flame leaps from your body. The burst automatically ststkes the nearest opp 15 Feet, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage. You can do this only once per cound. Prerequisite: Might, Resist Cold’: ‘You spend a partial action to concen trate. Until your next turn, you (and all your allies withe in (0 feet) each take 5 fewer points of damage per round from cold-based attacks and effects. Thorns’: You spend a partial action to concentrate. Until your next turn, any fae making a successfial melee attack against you (or ary of your allies wathin 10 feet) takes 2 points of damage for every point of melee dam age il deals. This abiity does not function against Paladin will Magic Save Feats Increase Ability 0 Ist Group t ° Group a 2nd Crap + a = Gia 42 Bd = Creu 2 aa i = Greup2 42 = 2nd 3 th Gourd 3 - - Grup a = = Groups “4 Suh Sed 4 a ei ‘Greed 4 Sroupd 5 ch Senn 5 Ash — 45 Ss ae Grays 8 uh = Gia 5 46 = = Group 16 5c 17 ath Grund 17 Groupe 47 = a Gre 3 uh ey 7 ES = ee ranged attacks or special damage (including fire, ice, electricity, and poison) Gnour 3 Asiriss Blessed Aim’: You spend a partial action to concen rate. Until yournext turn, you (and all your allies with- in 10 feet} each gain a +2 divine attack bonus. Might Prarequi Cleansing’: You spend a partial action to concentrate. Until your next turn, you (and all your allies within 10 feet) each gaina-+2 bonus to saving throws against poi son. Also, any pending secondary poison effects are negated. Prerequisite: Prayer. Resist Lightning: You spend a partial action to con- centrate, Until your next turn, you (and all your allies within 10 feet) each take 5 fewer points of damage per round from eleciricity-based altacks and effects. Righteous Charge: This ability combines the Smite ability wath a charge. You gain a +2 attack bonus, but ‘you lose the benefit of any shield and take an addition- al -2 AC penalty until your next turn, Unlike an ordi- ary Srmite, the damage dealt is 246 (<2 critical), and ‘you gain un additional 12 circumstance Lenus to your opposed Strength check to determine if the foe is knacked back. Prenequisite: Smite. Zeal: You take a full attack action to attack each foe within 5 feet in whatever order you choose. Each atiack ws at a cumulative -2 penalty. Successful attacks have # cumulative -1 durnage modifier (-1 to the first -2 to the second, and so on}. All successful attacks deal at least | point of damage. /reneguesita: Sacrifice. Group 4 AsitiTies Blessed Hammer’: You can take a full attack action to surimon a spiritual weapon and send it smashing thraugh your foes in a spiral pattern. Every opponent within 30 feet takes 1d8 points of damage, plus | point per five levels you have. Undead creatures take +108 points of damage. Prerequisite: [oly Bolt. Concentrate Attack: If you use no other special abilities this round, choose a single creature to attack in melee, You gain a +2 competence bonus 10 all melee attacks against this creature, Also, until your next turn, you gain a 42 dodge bonus against any ther creature that makes a melee attack against you and lal a -2 dodge penalty against melee attacks by the creature you are concentrating on. Prerequisite: Blessed Aim, 16 Holy Freeze’: You spend a partial action 10 concen trate, and all your enemies within 30 feet move at only half speed until your next action. Resistance or immu rity to cold does not protect against this effect. I'rereq~ uisite: Holy Fire. Vengeance’: You can take a full attack action to focus many disparate energies and make a single attack, In addition to your normal damage, deal 2d6 points each of cold, fire, and eleesrical damage. Prerequisite: Zeal Vigor’: You spend a partial action to- concentrate. Your and all allies within 20 feet have your base speed increased by 10 feet for 10 munutes, You cannot use this ability if you are already under its effects. Prerequisite. Defiance, Cleansing, 2 You take a fullround action te choose ‘one demonic or undead entity within 30 feet, and call down the glory and beauty of the Light upon it The chosen foe must make Will save (DC 15 + on third your level 1 your Charisma bonus), or become of lawfisl good alignment. Demons and undead so converted swear allegiance to Heaven, forswearing Hell. The converted deman or undead will join and fight for the you for a maximum of | hour, If still alive at the end of this ume, the converted creature leaves, seeking surcease from conflict in order 10 come to grips with sts new frame of mind. Prerequi site: Vengeat Holy Shield": Your shield becomes doubly effective, gaining a bonus equal co its normal armor bonus {inchiding any magic enhancements). Also, the shield deals an additional die of damage when used as a ‘weapon in combat (suchas with the Smite or Righteous Charge abilities). Prerequisite: Blessed Hammer, Charge, Holy Shook": You spend a partial action to cancen- trate, and a bolt of civine lightning leaps from your body, The burst automatically strikes the nearest oppo within 16 feet, dealing 446 points of electrical damage. You can do this once per round. Prerequisite: Holy Freeze. Meditation: You spend a full-round action to concen trate. You (and all your alles within 5 feet) each can make a Charisma check (DC 15) to recover exther one exhausted ability or a single spell of 4th lewel ar less as chosen by the affected individual, You san use this abit- ity only a few times per day (3 - your Charisma bons) Prerequisites Cleansing, Sanctuary’: You spend a partial action to cor trate, surrounding yourself with an aura of holy Tight that repels undead creatures. Undead within 15 feet of” you must make a Will save (DC 15 | one-third your level | your Charisma bonus}. Those whe fail imme isuely flee the affected area, Affected creatures cant voluntarily re-enter the [5-foot area. If forced to by 1 outside effect (such as you moving claser ta them), they are allowed another Will save. | sitet Holy Freeze, Thorns. Grour 6 ABILITIES Conviction’: Spend a partial action to concentrate, All foes within 30 feet take a penalty of -2 to AC and saving throws, and have all their resistances reduced by 20% for 1d4+1 rounds. Peereguisite: Sanctuary. Fanaticism’: Spend partial action Lo concentrate Until your next turn, you (and all your allies within 5 feet at the instant you trigger this ability) can take all your melee attacks a 4 penalty, Each time a foe is slain, the victor ic can take a 5-foot step as a free action. Prerequisite Concentrate Actack. primary attacks with Fist of the Heavens’: Spend a standard a down a ii foie (se¢ Chapter Three). In addition, it releases one holy halt for every three levels you have ¢ undead (or heal allies) within fh creature in the bolt [deter- are lo area can receive a maximum of one he mine which randomly). Any unused bol Blessed Hammer, Conversion. Redemption”: The remains of one vanquished undead ‘foe within 5 feet is Redeemed. For every ice the foe had, the paladin receives: 1d8 points of magical curing and ane sp {as if Mana jon had been drunk). Any excess curing or spell restoration over the paladin’s normal maximum is lost, This ability does net function if used on unique or spe- ial creatures, Prerequisite: Vigor Salvation’: Spend a partial action to concentrate, Until your next tur, you (and all your allies within 5 feet) rake 5 fewer pots of damage from fire-. cold ..and electricity based attacks and effects. Prerequisite: Stamina S@RCERESS One af the rebellious women who have wrested the secreis of magic use Frorn Lhe male-dominated Mage Clans of the East, the sorceress is an expert invaker of mystical ene-gy. Though somewhar lacking in the skils of hand-to-hand combat, she compensates for this with fierce comba jc far both offense and defense. Solitary and reclusive, the sorceress acts from motives and ethics inscrutable Lo most. sometimes seeming capricious and even spiteful, In reality, she under stends the struggle between Order and Chacs all r00 clearly, 2s well as her role a5 a warrior if this battle. Adventures: The sorceress know too well that were the strength of an enure mage-clan turned to evil, the whole world would suffer. So each sor ceress sper ime after her apprene ticeship to the clan traveling in the world, being apart from the influence of er clan while she builds her own per- she can be called jeld it against her awn, should isa upon te her clan be corrupted Characteristies: Sorcery is longer striedy in the hands of men. and sorceresses acquit themselves admirably in its use. Masterit mental magic, a sorceress wields fire ice, and lightning as ably as a warrior wields a sword and a shveld, Though her motives are known only 60 the sorceress herself. she does not hesitate to bend her mystical abilities to the service of the weak and heloless—as though in a display of maternal instinct Physical prowess is nat her strong point, but sorce esses oflen feel that’ magic fails them, that death is an easier fate Lo bess. Background: Like neccomancers, sorceresses come from the lands of the East, But they are part of the trax dition of the mage clans, regaining prominence now that the Prime Evils threaten re nd the com mon people turn more and more Lo the old ways. They have sewed aneint secrets from the pri dominated clans, and ventured into the to end the conflict as soon as possible. rind, icted lands Game Rule Information Sorceresses have the following yame statistics Abilities; Much of the ssrength behind « sorceress's spells deraves from her Charisma—her ability to impose her will. But Intelligence is equally importanc, hecause it heips her impcave the skills she neeris to control the wields. Dexterity and Consulutior: enable mage the sorceress to evade or survive attacks, and to some- times ignore them long enough to complete the spell that ends the battle Hit Die: 6. Class Skills The soreeress’s class skills (andi the: key ability for each skill) are. Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con). C: (Ine), Heal (Wis), (Int), Knowledge {arcana} (Int), Profession {Wiis}, and Spelleratt (ln). Knowledge Skill Points at Ist Level: (2 — Int modifier) 24 nal Level: 2 + [st Class Features following ate all class Features of the The sorceress acquires them ar specific umes during hown an the Sorceress table, Armor and Weapon Proficiency: Sorceresses are proficient. wath all simple weapons. They are not profi- cient with any type of armor or shield except those cre- ated by thei ows magic (see the spell bane armor) Table |-5: Sorceress Actack Fort. Ree, Level Bonus Save Save 1 0 +0 +0 2 + " +0 4 4 1 1 4 “4 Il 3 2 +1 si 6 3 fe +2 7 3 2 # 5 ‘ w 1 5 “4 13 3 0 B 3 Hi 3 3 2 a) 4 a a 4 Mi 4 +4 8 3 +8 a 1S 3 IF 6 m8 8 Ms + 19 46 +6 20 6 6 2 at a a " 23 Ssers 4 7 24 Brin 2 8 +8 25 BIT? +8 Be wilt Ability Save Feats Increase Ability 2 Ist Marte Vln 3 en a 2a Es E a 4 a 4 = om ee # Bed ea > + as +6 ane Ist Mastery Chicice 16 ah = = 7 = x 97 2g = 8 2 ae = + z : ga 0 eh - 2nd Mastery Choice 10 = 4 M0 Bs a a I Tu os AL i = Sue 2 Sth BS ue ath = Sn Mastery Choice 3 = — +3 = = = +H ah eth a4 i me 20 Armor tends to interfere with a sorceress’ arcane ges- lures, possibly causing her spells to fail, (See the Flay- er’s Handbook for details on spell failure.) Cold Mastery: The sorceress can magnify the effect ¥y spell that deals cold damage. This ability allows a second damage roll, and the sorceress takes the best roll of the two. For example, if 6d6 points of damage are called for, a sorceress calls 6d6 twice and takes the highest tatal Special: The sorceress must be stationary the round of casting to exert mastery, e Mastery: The sorceress can magnify the effect of 2 sorcery spell thal deals fire damage. This ability allows 2 second damage roll, and the sorceress takes the best roll, as detailed above under Cold Mastery: pecial: The sorceress must be stationary the round of casting to exert mastery. Lightning Mastery: The sorceress can magnify the effect of a sorcery spell that deals electrical damage. This ability allows a second damage rall, and the sor- seress take the best roll, as noted above. Sorceress Spells per Day —Spells per Day— Lee 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' Poe = SR 2 2 Soa cast ne SSL 3 cS 4 a ry 5 Aa Te 5 4 2 4 z So sesame es BS ER ea 8 5 3 2 P= 2 Te ries Wo 5 4 3 2 a ul seociaaaae Naa 12 5 5 4 3 2 1 13 aes nana asia Ma 5 5S 5 HSS 4 eran iii La LE le 6 6 5 2A REA a meee 5 SBE E cy 6 6 & 5 zt 5 9 Combs 6 5 5 a 6 6 6 6 4 5 2 Faia 6 sete z 7 O78 6 6 5 Po ee to o7 fT Pee" 6 7 conpnaciy ? Pee a1 Special: The sorceress must be stationary the round ‘of casting to exert mastery. Mental Warmth: By mentally tracing the secret runes ‘of conception, the sorceress can try to replenish her mag: scal energy (0 continue casting spells beyond her normal daily total. On the same day a spell has been cast, she car spend a full-raund action to try to replenish her energy Doing so requires an Intelligence check with a DC equal +o 15 plus the spells level. If the check is successful, the sorceress regains the ability to cast a spell of the chosen level. (Example: Cela is a Sth-level sorceress, and can t four Ist-level and three 2nd-level spells each day. After casting her first 2nd-level spell, she uses Mental Warmth to try to recover her magical energy. The DCs IT, and if Celia makes the roll, she can east three more neLevel spells that dy: IP she fails, she ean only cast two more) A sorceress cannot take 10 or 20 an this check Special: The sorceress can attempt this ability once per day per two levels (round down) Sorceress Starting Package ‘Armor: Cape +1 AC, armar check penalty 0, speed 30 weight 2 Ib. Sorceress Spells Known —Spalla per Day— Leeelcc! 1 ea tesa pede 1 raat 2 2a 3 3 Bein 4 3 SAL me ee 5 4S sak 6 aria tah eS Soe z EA Hie, 8 Seth Bis ead 1 = 2 Sidi BRL = 0 Bonide ne FSB Ton es i 530 UR Ye aa 2a 2 Scala oboe 8 2 1 8 5 a maa Ses ePaeaRy 4 ae Se ee 3. 28 5 Oe nRRR RI ooe: Mi, ls 82 SPER 4 4 3 i" i | a EELS 18 RGR ae aaa este 9 Pe wee | 4s Bain, 20 Fos eg 403 a Shine aa: Ae 2 Biase Be to 4 44 23 Bike aia i bese 4 5 5 4 4 44 25 Saneyaytiss es. 4 4 Weapons: Short Staff af Fire Bolt (Id6, crit x2, 4 tb. Large, Bludgeoning, cast fire Bolt ax will, 1 charge per use, 50 charges). Quick Skills: Choose a number of skills equal to 3 + Ine modifier Skill Ranks Ability Armor Alchemy 4 Int = Concentration 4 Con — Heal 4 Wis Knowled| 4 Int —_ Speileraft. 4 Int i Listen 2 Wis al Search 2 Int oe Spot 2 Int Feat: Combat Casting (+4 bonus to Concentration checks) Magic Ability: Mental Warmsh Spells: churged bol Gear: Backpack with watersh ig Gol ations, bed-oil mane potion, 10 gp. Classes and Level Levels: This wanslation of the Di4pLo Il game allows for classes to advance five levels highec than the core D&D game. This reflects the structure of the Diapvo I skill trees. While the upper levels are intended to work ina Diaale context, they may not be consistant with future DE-D game developments, DM's using these levels and mixing the rules into a DED campaiga should relyon them own judgment to resolve conflicts, Spells per Day: These tables have been set up to accommodate a 6lh- level spell maximum. If you run a ‘variant that allows Tth or higher-level spells, then use the Sorcerer's Spells per Day table from the Player’ ‘Handbook (ar the Wizards chart you are running the more difficult option) Quick Skilla: We deliberately shortened the quick skill tables to focus on the mast common adventuring sills Any of the skills listed in the Class Skills paragraph can bbe Laken at Ist level. Skills in the Quick Skill lists with 2 ranks are crossclass skils, which take 2 skill po:nts Lo advance | rank. Special Abilities: The magical class ablities are innate supernatural pawers—the use af one does not by ieself trigger an attack of opportunity. SKILLS Skills work like they do in the Duncans & DRacous rules: Roll 1d20, add your character's ranks in the skill, add any modifier for your ability score, and see if you beat the Difficulty Class (DC) assigned to the action by the Dungeon Master. If yau need more information, see Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Hendbook: This tells you just about every- thing you need to know about skills to play in the Disko workd—excent for important points such as "wdluch stalls are lass skills for Diastd I characters?” and "can my sorceress really make alchemist’s fire?” All that stuff is explained below: SKILL DESCRIPTIONS section details how certain D&D skills work in IL There's only a few of them, so if youre familiar with the skills in the Player's Handbook, these are easy. Diawi Alchemy (Int; Trained Only) Alchemists mix strange ingredients in secret ways to make magic substances. Check: You can identity and make alchemical Craft (Int) Craft covers a number of separate skills. You are trained in one craft, trade, or art such as armor: smithing, bowyer (bowmaking), blacksmithing, car- pentry, fletching, gemeutting, leatherworking, locksmithing, trapmaking, weaponsmithing, and 50 forth. For instance, you cauld have the skill Craft (trapmaking). Your ranks in that skill won't alfect any checks you make for blacksmithing or leatherwarking, You can have several Craft skills, each with its own rank, each purchased as a separate skill. Repairing Items: In Khanduras, only nan-adventuring artisans have had the time necessary to learn the skills required to make items from raw materials. For adventurers, the Crafl skull is specifically focused on repairing damaged equipment. Most Crafts require tools (cost 5 gp) Cheek: Repairing an item costs an adventurer nothing, and takes little time. The DC is the nurstser of Durability points the item has lost from its current maximum (see Damaging Ikems in Chapter Two: Equipment). On a successful check, the item is restored to one point less than its former maximum Durability. On an unsuccessful check, the item is restored to Id4+1 * Mobily and royalty (lineages, heraldry, customs, family trees, mottoes, personalities, laws), * Religion (gods and goddesses, mythic history. ecclesiastic tendition, holy symbols) Cheek: Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 {for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions) Retry Restrictions: No. The roll represents what you know, and thinking about a tapic a second time doesn't let you know something that you never learned inthe first place. Special: An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Isteliggence check, Without actual training, a charac! aly knows common knowledge. Profession (Wis; Trained Only; See Special) You are Lramed in a livelihood or profes- sional role, such as apothecary, boater, bookkeeper, brewer, cook, driver, farmer, fisher, guide, herbalist, herdsman, innkeeper, umberjack, miller, miner, porter, rancher, sullor, scribe, stable~ hand, Like Craft, Profession is actu- ally a number of separate skills. For example, you could have the skill Profession (ook). Your ranks in that skill dor’t affect any checks you happen to make for milling or iumng. [a feet, you could have several Profession shills, each with its own ranks, each pu chased as a separate shi While a Craft shill represents shill in creating or making an em, a Profession skill repre sents aptitude in a vocation requiring a broader range of Jess spacitic knowledge. To draw a modern analony, if ra teaenster -upation is a service industry, it's probably a Pro: Fession shill. IFit's in Lhe enanufacturing seetor, it prob ably a Craft stall Cheek: You can practice your trade and make a decent living, earning about half your chech result in gold nieces per week of dedicated work, You know how Louse the tools of your trade, how to perfarmn the profession's daily tasks, how to supervise untrained helpers, and haw bo handle cor mon problems. For example, a sailor knows how to te several basic knots, how to tend ancl repair sails, and how to scand a deck watch at sea, The BM sets DCs for specialized tasks. Retry Restrictions: An atieraps to use a Profession skill to earn an inceme cannot be rewied. You are stuck wich whatever weellhy wage your check result brought you. (Another check canbe made after a week to deter- mune @ neve income for the next period of time.) An attempt 10 ‘accomplish some specific task can usually be retried. Special: Untrained labar- ers and assistants earn an average of | gold piece er day. FEATS A feat is a special feature that grves a character anew power ar improves one he or she already has ‘The Feats table lists feats available in the world of Khanduras. This table replaces Table 5-1 fram the Players Handbook for Diaatc Il characters. Feat descriptions are found in Chapter Five of the Player Handbook: 24 Skills st Amazon Barbarian | Necromancer Paladin Sareerest_ Untrained Alchemy * * e x . No Arumal Expat * ® * x x Apo ‘ . . . Yee cs Bhat . . - . . ies Cha Chi . . : + : Yes Se Conemiraion . : . . . Yes Cen . . . = . hs * x x x * ku Z ‘i # a . Che Disaale Device . . x * . Ine Dinsise . * . ’ . Cha Escape rest . . : . . Dex! Horgery ¥ . . + . nt Cather lafoemacion . . : : . Cha Handie Animal . . . . . Cha Hes . . . * . wis fie . . . * . Des’ Irwende . . . : . Wes iirc . : * 7 x chs Irae Dues + . : . Wis duce < : . : . Sie roses (area) x * * . Ne le nosledae (eligont e : . * . Na le Knevedge (rature . . . x . No Ine Knowledge (any? . ° . . . No Ine Lies . . . . . ve Wis Move Silently . . . . . Yes Dev pers Leask . . . . . Na Dex Pare . . . . . Ye Cha Price Pocket . . . + : N Dow Pression . e . « . No Ws eae Lins « x « x No i Ride * . s . : Yes Dex Serv « x : * : Ye nt Seat . . . . . New Int Sense Moti : . : : . Yes Ws Speak Language : # : : . No a Spellrats « * . * . No nt . . . . . Yer Wis . * : ‘ . Yes . . . ‘ . No . . . . Yes Dex Walk Fishbone . . " 2 a a seat iideorsse Lane . . * : . Yes Wis Ines gall Crore ski a You cactt buy this si lente Lb exclusive Untrained: iia: Vive shall ranks in this el ew ca sae sil checks neo~ an be used untried. That is, a character can have 2e-0 nvaly, Nee You eect use che all urless yo have az east I ranks “Your armor cheek peaatey, ary ala apples. Feats Feat Prerequisite Asertness = Arnbisatrity Dex 15s ‘Arrnar Proficient (gh) Str 10) Armor Profesioncy (medium) Str 131. Armoc Prefieioney (lithe) sll ‘frmor Proficiency heavy) Sur 1G, Acmar Proficiency (light, medisn) ski, blind-Fict - ‘Cambax Casting a Combat Reflexes = Dex ise ae Dax 13+, Dodge Spring Attack Dex 13, Dovige, Mobility ase attacks 4 Endurance — Exotic Weapon Praficiey™ Raaseatiack +1 Expertise Int 13 Wield Attack Int 13+, Fasartie, Die 13+ Dose, Mati bse attack #4. Spry Artack ‘Gren Forte Ireprewed Cricical! iejmovedl Iiative General Ipred Unsere Strike General a a Deflsst Arras General Dax 34, Impeoved Unarmec Striar Stunning Fist ex 134. Impeoves Unaimes Stoke ber iN — Lightning Reflenes Mactal Weapon Profconey” Proficient with weapon, base attack ~B Pose Blank Shoe Be senate Far Shot Paint Blank Shot Precise Sho: Fost Blank Shot anit Shot Point Blank Shot, Dex [3+ ‘Shot he a Power Attach Pont Blank Shot, Dex I+, Dodge, Mobelcy Si I= Clave Str 1, Power Attack linprowed Bull Rush Str 13>, Power Attack Sureler Sir 13, Power Attack Great Cleave General Ser 13+, Power Attack, Cleave, ave aitack +4 ‘Quick Draw General Base attack (1 ee Ree General 25 Shick! Proficiency General 3 Sill Focus General = Spell Focus! Generst me ee Toughness” Gesreral = Twe-Weagon Fighting General = Cae Impeaved lwe-Weapen Fighting Gervra Two Weapon Fighting, Ambidexcenty, base attack +9 ‘Weapon Fineswe” General Proficient with weapon, bese attack 1 ar igher ‘Weapon Fors" General Proficient with sweabun ase aitach || or higher Bee Poson leer Creation Spellnster rel level + Scribe Serall Itern Creation Spellsster [at level + Silent Spell Metamase = Soil Spel Mecamage = Spell Mastery? Specal Wirord ‘Weagon Spacinizaton Special Fin dth vel + "You can zaia this feat multiple times Each time you take the Font. it anplies anew weapon, sehaol of mags, or selection of spel “You can gaan this feat multnle hones ls effets stack 26 CHAPTER TW: EQUIPMENT Without equipeent—especially weapons and armor— adventurers in Khanduras aren't going to get very far. This chapter is all about the items that your charac~ carries, and how long these items can be expect ed to last Most equipment of Dist.c Il is identical to the equip- mint in the DUNGEONS & DRaGens Player’ Handbook, In some cases, the name of a weapon or a piece of armor means something different. Use Chapter 7 Equipment of the Player's Hlandhook for buyinig com mon goods and services. For everything else, keep this book handy! Starting Package or Starting Money? The starting packages in Chapter One do most of the work for you, including telling you roughly how much gold youhave left after buying your starting equipment. Ifyou want ta chonse equipenent, you'll need to know how much money your character has. If you don't use your character's Starting Package, assume you have Id4x10 gp ta buy equipment from the Players Handbook and the lists below. DAMAGE T@ EQUIPMENT Players of the DIABLO computer games may be a bit pleased so see that DE-D weapons rarely wear out or hreak—at least, nowhere near as much as they do in Khanduras. For DiatiO fans who miss that aspect of lhe game, each of the items on the Weapons table and Armor table has been assigned a Durability score (Dur). The first aummbee is the item’s hardness—how much damage ic ignores when subjected to potential destruction. The second number is ts Durability points. When an item takes mare damage than it has points, it's destroyed. or at least useless Note: To give the proper weight to DIABLO Il Dura- bility, multiply D&D item hit points by 3, De not adjust che hardness ratings. Weapons: A weapon that deals more damage than irs own hareness rating is pushed to the limits of its strength. For every 2 points of damage the weapon Ueals Over ils hardness, iL loses | point of Durability (Remember that damage modifiers from Strength apply toward a weapon's damage ) ‘Example: A maul that deals [| points of damage in one attack has exceeded its hardness rating by 6 points. It loses: 3 paints from its Durability rating. Armor: When a weapon deals damage to an armored character, randomly determine which piece of armor took the damage (armor, shield, helmet, bel gloves, boots). For every 2 points of damage the weapon deals over the armor’s hardness, the armor loses | paint of Durability: Example: The same maul, dealing |! points ofdamage, serikes a character wielding only a kite shield as armor The damage has exceeded the shield’s hardness of 5 by 6 points, so the shield lases 3 points of Durability. Effects of Damage: When an item has sustained more than half its Durability in damage, it begins to be less effective. At one-quarter Durability, Lhe item is nearly ineffective, Use the unadjusted damage numbe: for figuring Durability effects. Item U2Dur 1/4 Dur, 0 Dur. Weapon =I Dg. 3 Dmg. Destroyed Armor’ TAC 3 AC Destroyed “Armor AC rating does not adjust mt 0 Repairing Damaged Items: A damaged item can ‘be repaired by, anyone with the appropriate Craft skill. See the Craft skill in Chapter One for mere information. Random Item Damage You can use this table to pick an item to be damaged (for example, by an acid beast attack). If you roll an item the character doesn't have, use the item with the next higher number that the character does have. If none, no iter is damaged. Optionally, the DM can decide that a eritical hit dam- ages an item in addition to dealing damage (use the DIABLO durability rules) 1d20 Roll Item Affected 2 Boots 3 Primary weapon in hand 45 Sash, Belt, or Girdle 6 Buckler or Shield (or second melee ‘weapon in hand) 78 Gloves, Gauntlets, or Bracers 3 Rags, Cape, Cloak, Robe, Armor, Breast Plate, Mail, or Plate 10-1 (Cap, Mask, Helmet, or Crown 12-14 Primary weapon in hand 1517 Buckler or Shield (or second melee ‘weapon in hand) 18-20 Rags, Cape, Cloak, Robe, Armor, Breast Plate, Mail, ar Plate: a7

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