Chapter 03

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Revision No.

Quality Manual of
Your Logo Issue No. 1
CSI Testing Laboratory Date 01–11–2007

3.0 Control and distribution Page 1 of 3

3.0 Controls And Distribution

3.1 Structure Of Quality Manual
This manual is prepared according to the table of contents. Each chapter begins with page
1 and the numbering continues within the chapter and not throughout the manual. This
has been done to facilitate future addition / deletion of pages.
The manual is supported by documented management system covering Quality
procedures (QP), SOPs, test methods and calibration methods. The procedure is referred
in the relevant chapters of this manual. In addition, a separate list of the chapter-wise
procedures referred in this manual is given in Annexure–1 and a glossary of terms is given
in Annexure–2.
The manual is issued in hard copy / electronic media (read only) and is accessible to the
staff and customers.
The implementation of this manual and related quality procedure is mandatory for all
sections of laboratory. The changes made in this manual are effected through the
document control procedures and must be approved by the Top Management.
3.2 Responsibility
Top Management approves all the pages of the Quality Manual. The control and
maintenance of this manual is the responsibility of Quality Leader, who is maintaining
master list of documents for quality manual.
3.3 Reference
ISO/IEC 17025 : General requirements for the competence of Testing and
2005 Calibration Laboratories
Quality Procedure QP01 to QP18

3.4 Distribution
Quality Manuals are distributed to the various departments on a “controlled" basis.
Controlled copies are the one, which are subject to incorporation of "revisions".

CSI Testing Laboratory by
P O BOX 301050 Designation Technical Leader
Copy status Name
d by
CONTROLLED/ UNCONTROLLED Designation Top Management
This manual is the property of CSI Testing Laboratory. No corrections / amendments are to be
made except by the person authorized. The holder to return the manual when he leaves the
organization or when he has no further use for it.

Copy # 81 copyright @ CSigroup; E-mail:

Revision No. 0
Quality Manual of
Your Logo Issue No. 1
CSI Testing Laboratory Date 01–11–2007

3.0 Control and distribution Page 2 of 3

"Controlled" hard copies of the quality manual are stamped “Controlled When in Red” on
all pages and given a unique copy number for maintenance purpose. For soft copy clear
identification for copy status is done for controlled/uncontrolled copy.
Quality Leader maintains the distribution list for issue of quality manual and accordingly
copies are distributed with copy number to Copy Holders.
Quality Leader, through a “change note” issues amendments and revised pages of quality
manual to holders of controlled copies of the manual.
The Quality leader issue "Uncontrolled" copies to the accreditation body, prospective
customers and others on the request of the Supervisor or Functional Heads and all
Quality Leader is responsible to fill up amendment sheet in line with any amendment and
put “Controlled When in Red” Stamp on the hard copy amendment sheet as well as
table of contents. All the information regarding revisions is distributed to Copy Holders. If
any amendment due to change in page number is done then the table of contents is
amended accordingly.
3.5 Numbering and document control for Quality Manual
(1.) The number for quality manual is given as QM 01/*, where * indicates Revision No. of quality
manual for ex. QM 01/1 indicates Revision No. 0 of quality manual.
(2.) Quality manual is divided into two sections – section 1 and 2. Section 1 deals with general
information and has chapters numbered 1 to 3. Section 2 addresses the management
system elements of ISO/IEC 17025 from 4.0 to 5.0. Thus chapter on Management
Requirements identity is numbered 4, which is also element 4.0 of ISO/IEC 17025 and so
(3.) A running number identifies each page of chapter (page 1 of 2 on chapter 3 indicates page 1 of
chapter 3, which has 2 pages in all). When any amendment becomes necessary, it is the
affected page that is replaced and not the whole chapter. The amended page is given new
issue no. with the same revision no. and the same is recorded on the amendment record
sheet given in Chapter –1.
(4.) Revised pages of the Quality Manual are subject to the same approvals and controls as per the
original one. In case of amendments to the particular page the next issue no. is given by
keeping same revision no. Say Issue No. 2 and Revision No. 0. After more than nine issue

CSI Testing Laboratory by
P O BOX 301050 Designation Technical Leader
Copy status Name
d by
CONTROLLED/ UNCONTROLLED Designation Top Management
This manual is the property of CSI Testing Laboratory. No corrections / amendments are to be
made except by the person authorized. The holder to return the manual when he leaves the
organization or when he has no further use for it.

Copy # 81 copyright @ CSigroup; E-mail:

Revision No. 0
Quality Manual of
Your Logo Issue No. 1
CSI Testing Laboratory Date 01–11–2007

3.0 Control and distribution Page 3 of 3

no. in the single page the whole revision of Quality Manual is revised to next revision no.
with Issue No. Say Revision No. 1 and Issue No. 1.
3.6 Reference to related documents
(1.) Amendment record sheet - Chapter – 1.

Intentionally left blank

CSI Testing Laboratory by
P O BOX 301050 Designation Technical Leader
Copy status Name
d by
CONTROLLED/ UNCONTROLLED Designation Top Management
This manual is the property of CSI Testing Laboratory. No corrections / amendments are to be
made except by the person authorized. The holder to return the manual when he leaves the
organization or when he has no further use for it.

Copy # 81 copyright @ CSigroup; E-mail:

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