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Johnny Bell


Elsie Inez Old Dominion Smith Thomas Reid ( born April 7 , 1937 ) is a previous jurist of the
district of capital of South Carolina court of justice of collection and former pot Counsel of
the territory of Columbia River .Reid was born in New siege of Orleans and raised in George
Washington , DC , where she graduated from Dunbar High School .She began college at
Howard University before graduating from tussock University .After college , she joined her
similitude brother , George V Bundy Smith , also a future judge , at Yale law of nature
School , where they were the merely two Shirley Temple students in their stratum .At Yale
University , Reid roomed with time to come delegate from D.C. Eleanor Holmes Norton and
befriended Marian Wright Edelman .After police force school , Reid taught constabulary in
the newly independent Democratic republic of the Belgian Congo and earned a Ph.D. at
Columbia University .Unable to witness work at law firms referable to her race and gender ,
she took a series of teaching positions at Lehman College , Orion College , Brooklyn College ,
and Barnard College .During the Carter administration , Reid moved to D.C. to work as
lieutenant superior general counselling for rule recapitulation at the United States
Department of wellness , Education and Welfare and later as the first examiner General of
the Environmental Protection Agency .From 1983 to 1986 , she served as bay window
Counsel for the District of Columbia University , leaving to join the firm Finley , Kumble ,
Otto Wagner , Underberg , Manley , Myerson & Casey .In 1995 , Thomas Reid was nominated
by President Bill Clinton to become an colligate evaluator on the D.C. Court of Appeals .At
the time she retired from combat-ready status in 2011 , she was the court 's most prolific
judge .After serving as a senior judge for six days , Reid retired on December 12 , 2017 .==
Family and educational activity == Inez Smith and her twin brother George Bundy Smith
were born in New Orleans , Louisiana , on Apr 7 , 1937 , to Reverend Sydney R Adam Smith
Sr and Beatrice Bundy , who was a instructor .They also had an sr. Brother , Sydney R
Smith .Reid 's mother moved her children to George Washington , District of Columbia , in
1938 or 1939 , when it was still segregated .The fellowship was reunited with extended
relatives , and they lived with their grandmother and great uncle in the inkiness community
of Northeast DC .Reid recalled her fostering in DC as defined by her bring up community and
revolving around church , school day and family , with family at the center of
everything .Though many of the Black community of interests in DC at the metre were
producing highly educated Black person professionals , many could not find oeuvre because
of the prevalence of racial discrimination .Many pro that had received PhDs and Masters
from prestigious universities would take back to instruct in segregated Negroid high
schools such as Dunbar senior high schooling , Reid 's alma mater .At Dunbar , Reid was
surrounded with highly educated Black staff and incite scholar .She recalled that this
created an electrical culture where students were constantly reminded of those who
achieved greatness before them despite the odds .Reid studied French beginning in
elementary school and eventually became fluent , and took on Latin in high gear schooltime
as well .When she graduated from high school day , Thomas Reid studied at Howard
University and then tuft University , where she was exposed for the first clock time to
students from different racial , heathen and geographical backgrounds .When she started at
Tufts as a sophomore , her purpose was not to turn a lawyer but rather gain a well-rounded
education .Reid and her counterpart , who was studying at Elihu Yale , were majorly
influenced by the 1954 Major historic present moment in American chronicle for
educational fairness , Brown Phoebe Board of Education .Thomas Reid and her brother
traveled to the Supreme Court in September 1958 to observe a decision related to
brownness quintet Board , in which a case in AR had been climbing the courts to forestall
integration of schools in Little rock music .The causa of Aaron v Cooper went to the
sovereign court , and Reid and her brother were able to witness Thurgood Marshall ’ s
argument and the historic decision that continued the implementation of John Brown v
panel in all commonwealth .Thomas Reid graduated magna cum laude from tuft in
1962 .Reid 's brother George had been studying at Yale University , and in their senior yr the
twins applied to assist Yale police force School together .Although jurist Reid received a
scholarship to New York University Law school day , George encouraged his sister to
conjoin him at Yale and `` make a way out of no way '' despite the financial burden .judge
Thomas Reid and her brother would operate on to become the only two Black pupil in their
grade at Yale law school , and were often mistaken for janitors and or the schooltime 's
clerical staff by their white class fellow .Despite these damaging experiences , Reid
remembered her fourth dimension at Yale University positively , with great prof and
courses and the chance to forge fresh human relationship , such as with time to come
Dartmouth College president King James I O. Freedman and with her roomie at Elihu Yale
Marian Wright Edelman who founded the tyke 's Defense stock .While at Yale , Judge Reid
and her Brother George would retrieve funding through their Yale professors to travel to
Africa with performance Crossroads Africa , which was a non-profit organization that
helped Whitney Moore Young Jr. people spend a summer in Africa helping to construct
schooltime and early requirement seat in newly independent countries .Judge Reid recalls
the summer in guinea fowl as incredibly impactful , especially because of the link of struggle
she saw between newly freed Africans and African Americans living under Jim crow in the
Southern United States .Inspired by what she saw in Africa and in the American Dixie as
freedom rider , including her brother , were fighting for their rights , evaluator Thomas Reid
joined her twin brother at the NAACP Legal Defense investment company for three back-to-
back summertime .After Reid graduated Yale Law School , she would live on on to earn her
master 's degree from UCLA in political science , a PhD in regime and public law from
Columbia University in 1968 , and an LLM from the University of Old Dominion School of
Law in 2004 .== Career == === Teaching in Congo === After graduating from Yale Law
schooltime without a job , Reid received a fording initiation Foreign field grooming
Fellowship and enrolled in a master 's grade platform at UCLA , where she studied political
skill with a immersion in African studies .The fall out year , she accepted a position as a
professor in Congo-Leopoldville at the Ecole Nationale de Droit et d'Administration .The
opportunity was jointly funded by Yale police force School , the Ford grounding and the
Congolese government , and her role was to teach scholarly person studying to become
magistrate judges .Reid taught her police bookman in Gallic amidst the on-going English
breakfast tea Crisis .She worked aboard European professor and administrators who at
multiplication belittled her American language training .In Africa , just like in the other
topographic point she lived and worked , Reid experienced racialism and had to prove
herself to those around her .=== Teaching in the United Department of State === Her
teaching experience , coupled with the limited task market for Negro law school graduates ,
propelled Judge Thomas Reid into training after she finished her time in Congo River .She
started her twelve-year teaching career in 1964 at the land University of New York at New
Paltz , where she taught African written report and political science , while enrolled in fine-
tune school at Columbia University .In 1965 , Thomas Reid was a lecturer in political skill at
Hunter College .She would go on to learn at Lehman College , Brooklyn College , Barnard
College , the University of Old Dominion State schooling of Law , the West Virginia
University College of constabulary , American University , and the urban center University
of New York at New Paltz .At Brooklyn College , she was an comrade prof , and at American
University she was a inbuilt scholar and an adjunct professor in the department of
government .In addition to law , Reid taught political science and African studies , and she
published in the theater of operations of constitutional law , African American field , African
subject area , and environmental jurisprudence .

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