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Add blue notes:

b3 in major: 1 2 b3 3 5 6
+4 in minor: 1 b3 4 +4 5 b7.

Play over play-a-longs.

Add syncopated rhythmic patterns and articulations.

3. The most common keys played in jazz standards are F and Bb,
G and C for tenor and soprano saxophone and D and G for alto and
baritone saxophone.

Tenor and soprano:

Play G as indicated above in 1 and 2. Memorize.

Alto and baritone:

Play D and G as indicated above in 1 and 2. Memorize.

4. Play the dominant keys that we haven t played yet:

D mixolydian (dominant of G)
A mixolydian (dominant of D)

5. Play the keys needed in each new standard:

Eg: Summertime in D-
Tenor and soprano saxophone: play E dorian
Alto and baritone saxophone: play B dorian


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